Create Flawless Consistent Characters - Part 1 #gpt #dalle3 #aianimation

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have you ever tried creating characters that maintain their unique look across different image Generations like in mid Journey or other platforms if you have you have probably hit a frustrating truth because it's impossible to get that perfect level of consistency but what if I told you that there's a better solution out there hi I'm Sachin Kut and I have been right where you are struggling with inconsistent character designs and dreaming of a better we and that's why I took mattress in my own hands and designed a GPT tool specifically to T Le this challenge we are not just talking making some tweaks over here we are talking achieving Flawless character consistency and you will be able to generate characters in different poses Expressions Styles and scenes and today I'm going to share this process with you you can use this for your comic book with the storytelling or for an animation for marketing campaigns or just to design characters for any of your fun projects so stick with me and by the end of this video you will unlock the power to create Flawless con consistent characters like never before so hit the like button subscribe for more Innovative solution and let's dive into this revolutionary journey together all right so for this first we are going to open the GPT store and you'll find this link in the description below and then we are going to click on DOL because it uses do to generate these images here right next to topics you'll find do and here you will see it's trending on top five right now consistent character gbt so so we are going to click on this all right so we are going to start by clicking here here right over here it says click here to start creating character designs you don't have to use any prompt as such it asks you a set of questions and you just need to respond to it all right so it's going to ask me over here let's start creating some amazing character designs first should the character be male or female all right so I'm going to type female so now it's asking me to provide a name for this character so so in this case you can just provide any hypothetical name let's say I'm going to type Maria all right so now it's asking me to describe Maria's character details such as age country of origin hairstyle and color outfit and any other specific features that you want to include now at this point it's very important to include all of this as a description in your next prompt right if you include all of this you're able to get very high quality results if you don't include them you might get very generic results this is the description I have for my character so Maria is a 30-year-old Swedish curly blonde hair blue eyes she's wearing a white sweater blue jeans and she's beautiful so I usually tend to put some kind of characteristics like cute or beautiful or handsome for a guy at the end of it because this this creates very high quality and very goodlooking results so let me just hit enter now all right so now it's asking me which style do I need for my final image do I need Pixar Animation photography 2D flat illustration or anime pestel I'm going to choose Pixar Animation so I'm just going to type one and hit enter all right so now it has all the information that it needs and it's creating me the first image of the character which is usually I think a front view image when the character is looking right at the camera or at the screen yeah there you go so it has created me a wonderful image where it's following my prompt and features and characteristics of Maria very very closely right so she has blue eyes she has curly blonde hair she's wearing a white sweater and she's also wearing blue jeans so perfect it has done a great job at this point now it's asking me what do I really want to vary in my image right so let me say first I want to just vary the expression so I'm going to just type one because the first one is expression you can also change actions or pose and we will take a look at this later on but let's first start changing the expression of Maria so I'm going to type one and hit enter and now it's asking me what expression would I like Maria to have in the first variation let me say she's having a subtle smile and that's all I got a type the first expression I want is uh subtle smile all right I tap that and I hit enter again and now it's creating me the first variation of Maria with Maria having a subtle smile all right so I have the first variation of Maria with a subtle smile and it looks perfect you see so it is the exact same character right kept the character consistency very very well and follow followed it very closely all right so now we can do the second variation so it's going to ask me what's the next different variation or variable you would like to see in the image so I want to see Maria laughing in this image so there you go I have my second variation where Maria is laughing wonderful right so let's compare that with the first one perfect it's uh it's Maria herself it's the same character same consistency so it has maintained the consistency of Maria very well across the second generation now it's asking me what would you like for the final variation of Maria's character the next variation that I want to do is let's say Maria she has a thinking expression with hands on her chin something like this let's say thinking with her hands on her chin so let's try that and I'm going to hit enter I did a type over there it should be her so let's see if it still works great with this particular variation all right so there we have it and she's thinking with her hands on her chin and it's it looks amazing I'm super surprised I mean I have done this more than 100 times now and I still get super surprised when I see see the results of my own creation would you like more variations of Maria yes yes I would like to see more variations now it's going to ask me what would you like to vary in the next set of images now I would still select one and see if I can create more variations of her expression let's say she is sad in this particular scene sad and we have her looking sad and again it's following my character consistency very very well across Generations right and all you got to do is uh follow the instructions and write the expression or the pose or the action that you want to change this is a wonderful way to get consistent characters you will not find this absolutely anywhere else it's super super tricky in mid journey and it's uh sometimes impossible now you can do a whole lot more from here you can create full body poses you can create different actions and I will also show you how to create photo realistic uh variations of this plus turning it into uh an animation with another tool so stay tuned um and this is just the tip of the asbook
Channel: AI Lemon Academy
Views: 12,915
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Id: CdvXOY665WE
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Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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