Mind-maps and Flowcharts in ChatGPT! (Insane Results)

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in this chat GPT tutorial I'm going to show you how to create mind maps and flowcharts and diagrams within chat GPT now this can all be done in a matter of about 15 seconds and this is super powerful stuff because it's not only going to help you learn things better it's going to help you see how systems are running it's going to help give you ideas and it's going to help with brainstorming and so much more now I don't want to waste any more of your time so let's dive into how to create mind maps within chat GPT real quick if you like chat GPT and you want to get the most out of it I recommend joining my chat GPT Mastery course which you are seeing right here this is the community aspect but we can also go over to the classroom and view the course within the course I have modules on all the up-to-date features such as chat gbt vision and you know I even go in person on chat GPT Vision as you can see right here I'm outside with my phone I also have a wonderful section on creating gpts the ethics and any new update that comes out I'm always in there making updated modules so if you want to stay on top of that you can access the chat gbt Mastery course using the link in the description or the top pinned comment now let's get back into the video there are a couple ways you can create mind maps in chat GPT and I want to show you the way that I use mostly because this is the easiest and most efficient way to do it you are going to need access to the plugins feature of chat GPT and this plugin that I'm using is so powerful watch this I'm going to select plugins up in the upper leand corner and then I'm going to activate the AI diagrams plugin and this is going to help you create flowcharts mind maps and sequence diagrams all from a prompt in chat GPT and it's going to give you a link and you can go and you can edit the Mind map you can save it to your computer or your phone whatever you want now if you don't see this AI diagrams plugin what you may need to do is go down to the plugin store at the bottom of this plugin box and select that then you can just type in AI diagrams and it will come up it's this purple one right here AI diagrams and it's using Whimsical so if they change the logo just know that this is the Whimsical flowchart plugin you can select install then it will install it to your chat GPT plugins and you can enable it by selecting that checkbox right there now as you can see it's enabled in the upper lefthand corner which is perfect I'm just going to run through my workflow very quickly on how I would go about this now my workflow is very custom it's very specialized you don't have to use all aspects of it to generate good flowcharts or to generate good diagrams but I found that the workflow I use is what generates very successful results and thousands of others have used this workflow as well and kind of use the systems that I've put in place in order to generate amazing results with chat GPT so that's what I'm going to be showing you with this workflow so first what I would want to do is I want to think about what do I need a flowchart a mind map or a sequence diagram for let's say I am generating YouTube video ideas in the artificial intelligence Niche because I do have an AI foundations YouTube channel which kind of dives into artificial intelligence so let's say I'm struggling to have content ideation within my day I'm struggling to think of ideas maybe I would actually go to this plugin because this plugin is amazing and it generates a huge tree diagram of different content ideas or different ideas in general so what I would do first is I would open up my sidebar go down to my name and I would select custom instructions and when you select custom instructions this box will pop up what would you like chat gbt to know about you to provide better responses and also how would you like chat gbt to respond now you can formulate chat gbt into an expert in any profession if you give some custom instructions and I've made this process effortless with my 300 custom personas that I've built for chat GPT now I offer this product for sale on my website you can access it using the link in the description or the top pin comment thousands have bought this thousands have loved it and what this basically does is it has 10 categories for all different use cases and whatever thing you're dealing with you can change chat gbt to act like that profession it can get in the shoes of that profession so if I wanted to make YouTube videos maybe I would select the content strategist Persona and then I make it as simple as copying and pasting in these roles so if I copy what would you like chat GPT to know about you to my clipboard and I paste it in now chat gbt is taking on that profession or role of a Content strategist right there's all sorts of different criteria in here that make chat gbt this content strategist and then we can go to how would you like chat gbt to respond and we can copy this section and paste it over in that box for chat GPT so now chat GPT isn't only thinking like a Content strategist but it's also responding like one and its thought process and going through content is going to be that of a Content strategist so what I'm going to do now is in order to activate this and make chat gbt a professional content strategist is I'm going to hit save and now chat gbt is going to be thinking and responding like a professional content strategist so that's something you don't have to do but I found it in enhances the answers and also adds specialization to your workflow so chat gbt isn't generating responses uh like it is for everyone else okay this is going to put you in a unique scenario with custom responses that are tailored to whatever you're dealing with through these 300 different personas that I allow chat gbt to transform into with that being said let's actually create this diagram though let's create some content for my YouTube channel so you could develop a prompt like this as you can see I'm using a prompt sequence here the GCA prompt sequence that I've designed and what that basically says is I need a goal I need context and I also need an action so there's three different parts to having a successful prompt and this is really going to help your chat gbt prompts if you're trying to prompt different than the average chat gbt user and you're trying to get those 1% output results right so what I have here is I need help thinking of video ideas for my YouTube channel that's my goal so this is the g in the GCA prompt sequence I I need a goal my goal is to develop video ideas for my YouTube channel then I need to give some context so I tell chat gbt I am in the artificial intelligence Niche there's my first part of context my second part of context is my best videos are on applications like chat GPT and mid Journey so now chat GPT knows what to create video ideas around if I didn't put that it would be so Broad in the artificial intelligence Niche but now we're kind of singling it down to what I actually need so then I give my action help me create a 30 video idea tree diagram that dives into different categories and unique video ideas that are poised for growth and audience retention now you might be asking me Drake why wouldn't you just generate 30 video ideas in a list why do you need to use this fancy plugin well for this example in specific in my opinion it helps with three things rather than getting your video ideas in a list number one it helps with visual representation and cognitive processing so what do I mean by that well when you can see these video ideas connect you can develop a lot more more of a cohesive and strategic plan and that's pretty much the way it is with anything when you start to see different lines connecting with different ideas you can develop a much more cohesive and strategic plan that's just the way it is it's the way your mind works reason number two is that it facilitates creativity and idea generation you know by visually branching out your mind starts to think in different paths it starts to think in different areas rather than just a linear direction of what you want to do it starts branching out and connecting things so it definitely facilitates that idea generation and creativity in a way that you can start to see certain things connect you can start to take certain ideas for your own or you can start to create those ideas on your own as well and reason number three that I would choose to use a mind map over a traditional list is that it helps me prioritize certain tasks or content ideas traditional lists are very linear and mind maps allow you to prioritize or organize certain ideas in a more flexible manner so with that being said that's why this is so powerful when using a plugin like AI diagrams now I can finally send off this prompt and you can watch this plugin go to work it's quite amazing so I'm going to send off this message and as you can see it's using AI diagrams to create this mind map and connect all of these 30 video ideas in a nice tree diagram just as we had asked and the beautiful thing about using Whimsical in chat gbt is that you get to view and edit the diagram it doesn't just show you the diagram and that's what you're left with you can actually click a link to go to that diagram tree you can edit things you can save it you can change you can do whatever you want with it so this is very powerful and as you can see after about 30 seconds it says here's a mindmap diagram with the 30 video ideas for your AI YouTube channel now you can see this huge diagram and you can stop there or you can select this link that says viewer edit this diagram in Whimsical so I'm going to select that and this is what makes using chat gbt so powerful it generated this entire diagram and flowchart in a matter of 30 seconds you can scroll in here and now I have 30 different video ideas that I can then go into chat gbt and get scripts for get more in detailed for how to create a video around that and the video ideas aren't even that bad now you can really use mind maps in any way that you want it doesn't have to just be for content right if you need help visualizing a complex process mind maps can also be very useful let me show you a quick example of that maybe I want to know how does something like chat GPT actually work well chat GPT is an llm which an llm is a large language model so how do these large language models gather their information how do they run well let's make a diagram in order to visually represent how are these llms running now we can do this in about 15 seconds after we have our prompt chat gbt generates these flowcharts and mind maps very very quick so once again I'm going to open up my sidebar I'm going to head down to custom instructions and I'm going to delete this content strategist Persona and then I'm going to go over to the technology tab of my custom personas and I'm going to select the AI machine learning engineer so now it's going to be thinking like an AI machine learn learning engineer When developing this flowchart for us to understand how these machines like chat GPT and llms work I'm going to copy this Persona to my clipboard paste it in right there so now chat gbt is taking on that role and now I want it to respond as if it's like a professional machine learning engineer as well so I'm going to copy that second box and paste it right down here it's going to help our chat gbt responses immensely going to hit save and just like that chat GPT is thinking like a professional in that field now I can ask it create a detailed life cycle of an llm and an llm as I said is a large language model like chat GPT so what's the life cycle of this how do these things operate how are they tuned and yeah how is it running I'm going to send off that message and chat gbt is going to use this AI diagrams plugin in order to make a visual representation of the life cycle of an llm this is super powerful and it's amazing how it can do this in seconds you don't need to Google this anymore you can just go in here and create your own stuff as I'm talking it's already done here's a detailed life cycle of a large language model and now it's generating that link for us it's generating the image and look how powerful this is this is amazing going to hit viewer edit this diagram in whimsicle and just like that it has start research and conceptualization data collection and preparation model design training the model and it goes into the process of training and developing this model with the arrows directing us on how this is running this is amazing if you want you can change the diagram in here too you can say make this more indepth on each step maybe you aren't completely amused or happy with the first diagram that it generates well you can make revisions in here remember we're still in chat gbt you still need to apply your follow-up prompting and edit this diagram in chat gbt to how you want a base version of it to be of course you can go in here and you can edit it you can move things around you can change colors add descriptions whatever but if you want a different Foundation to start with just ask chat GPT and it will help generate that for you so now it's saying I've expanded the life cycle of a large language model to provide more depth and as you can see this provides much more depth it gives descriptions underneath each step and process of the large language model so this has been how to create mind maps and flowcharts within chat gbt in order to visually represent things much easier again if you want those 300 custom personas that I was showing throughout this video I will leave them in the description or the top pinned comment below also if you want to learn chat gbt a toz start to finish everything that you need to know in order to succeed in staying up toate on the new topics and updates of chat GPT then I recommend purchasing my chat GPT Mastery course which I will also be leaving in the description or the topend comment but with that being said I have tons of free content here on YouTube in order for you to learn chat gbt and help you out thank you so much for watching this video if you did enjoy it please drop a like And subscribe to stay updated with any new chat gbt content and I will see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 74,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, how to make flowchart with chatgpt, chatgpt, how to make a mind map in ChatGPT, chatgpt brainstorming, brainstorming in chatgpt, cool chatgpt tips, chatgpt tips, chatgpt tips and tricks, ai diagrams chatgpt, ai diagrams, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt plugins, how to use chatgpt plugins, chatgpt ai diagrams plugin, ai diagrams in chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, mind-maps in chatgpt, chatgpt mind maps, chatgpt flow charts, chatgpt flowchart
Id: wXsckodao7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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