ChatGPT Consistent Character GPT - The Ultimate Character Consistency Hacks

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Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent characters into a single, harmonious environment? In today's video, I'm going reveal my ultimate hack of achieving character consistency. We're going to use the new character consistency GPT from the GPT stores and you'll learn how to unite all the characters cohesive scene. stores and you'll learn how to unite all the characters you generated there into one cohesive theme. and you won't need advanced graphic design skills or for this. in your settings for the best results, and you won't need events, graphic design skills or techniques for this. So let's jump right in. To create consistent characters we’re using the consistent character GPT from the GPT store. With this GPT you can get fairly consistent results of your characters because you can use the same seed number to maintain consistency throughout the session. While in the regular GPT, you cannot use the seed number to generate consistent images. For those who don't know, seed number is the number that determines the random element of the image creation process in DALL-E, which helps to create images in a consistent way. First, let's go to ChatGPT. Click Explore GPTs. type in consistent character GPT in the search bar and you will find that GPT by AI Lemon Academy. Click and start creating character design. Answer to the questions about gender, name and details about your characters. Then it would generate the initial image and ask you to specify variation from the following images. the GPT then would take the prompt of the first image and vary only things like expression, action or pose of your characters as per your instruction, and with the same seed number to maintain consistency. The unfortunate reality is that although with such a refined control of input is still doesn't always give perfect, consistent images. But in one of the sessions I tried, I copied a prompt and edited it myself in a consistent character GPT. and managed to get pretty good, consistent characters. I think even with this GPT, sometimes it still takes luck and trials and errors to get consistent results. With the latest update, the GPT can now generate backgrounds with the characters, while before it can only generate a plain background. As you can see in these images, the characters with the background images do not look as consistent, although they are created using the same seed number according to the GPT. The variation is because when more details are included in the prompts, they tend to confuse DALL-E. during the image creation process, there's a tradeoff between details and consistency that's worth considering in your creative process. So in this tutorial, I would use the characters with a plain background only as the goal of this video is to achieve the most consistent result. my main character alone seems to be too lonely here. So I created a white cat and a grey rabbit in the same session using the character consistency GPT. After you download the images you prefer, we will put these characters within the single environment next. To ensure the highest level of consistency, the best way I find is to take the characters and build the environment around them. I will show you two of my favorite methods of putting them all together. One of the quickest and easiest methods to achieve our goal is by using the AI functions in Canva plus. Go to Canva and create a design. Choose your preferred frame size. I selected video for this example. upload your character image. Select an image. Then click Edit Photo Under Magic Studio, use the BG remover to remove unwanted backgrounds. Adjust the image cropping as needed and use the magic eraser to remove any parts you don't want in the final image. Repeat steps for each character. Now let's generate the background. Go to apps. Find Magic media and under the text to image tab, enter your desired background prompt. For example, I simply enter Pixar style magic forest. Choose this style if desired, and then scroll down and select the aspect ratio. I selected landscape for this one and you will get four options at a time. Regenerate if needed or select one to add to your canvas. then we adjust the size Click position and drag the background layer to the bottom. reposition your characters and add shadows to create depth. you want to make sure that the light source direction is consistent for all characters. For example, if the main lights come from the upper right, the characters should have a brighter side on the upper right side. Shadows should then fall on the opposite side. If you want to edit something on the background first, select the background image, click edit photo and click magic edit and then brush over the area you want to edit. Here I want to turn this orange butterfly into a blue one so I brush over this area and hit Continue. Here you will describe what you want to see in this selected area. and here I type, make it blue and then click generate. It turns the original butterfly to blue without changing its shape. How cool is that? Click on that generation to preview the result. Once you see what you like, click done. if you want to change the look of the butterfly, simply change the prompt to a blue butterfly. So here we have put all the characters into the same canvas. Do you like what you see? For some of you with eagle eyes, you might still sense that the characters don't quite fit the environment. So for that, I will share with you my secret hack in the next step to help further refine the result. We're going to use this tool to relight the environment, All of the links mentioned will be in the notes of this video in the description. Upload your image by dragging it in or using the upload option. you can start with the preset lighting options by clicking on these options. Ambiance lights provides diffused lighting across the entire scene. you can customize this by adjusting the lights color using the color picker and modifying the light's power intensity here. You can add additional light sources and reposition them by dragging them around. Each light can be fine tuned in terms of color power, distance and radius. The power controls the intensity of the light affecting how strongly it affects, and distance determines how far the light reaches, influencing the spread of illumination. radius adjusts the size of the light source, which affects the softness and spread of the light. To learn more about the details, you can see the link in my notes. For example, I want a blue light source coming out from this fish like creature on a tree. So I simply drag one of the light sources to the spot and then you can adjust the light to the desired effect. Play around with it to find an ideal setup for your image. And if you need, you can remove any light source by clicking the delete button And you can use the preview button to view your image without the light source indicators, both on the entire canvas and under individual light. once you're satisfied with the result, download your final image and here's the final image. So for some of you super picky people, you may think that this is not good enough. So let's take it to the next level with Photoshop tools. the difference we are doing here is that Photoshop allows us to generate the environment with our characters in mind, making sure that the lighting and shadows harmonize with them for a more integrated look. It's also a powerful tool for refining the finer details of our characters, a task that can be challenging with other tools. and I apologize that this will not be a step by step Photoshop tutorial for beginners, But I just want to give you an idea of how to use a generative tool for character consistency. First, let's give the character a haircut in Photoshop. Open Photoshop. Know that you will need the 2024 version of Photoshop to use AI generated tools load the image and zoom in for a better view of the area. You want to edit. First, I want to edit the weird blue reflection on her face. Select the Lasso tool from the toolbar and circled the parts you want to edit with the area selected, click generative fill. This option appears below when a selection is active here. I just want to see more balanced colors so I will leave the prompt area empty for the AI to reimagine how those areas should look like. Click generate. The generative fill tool creates a new layer over your original image, offering three variations to choose from. click the arrow on the generated toolbar to see different options. Or you can also select from the property panel of the generated player. Then using the same method, we can adjust the hair length by selecting the hair area. We want to remove. Here I type in blue background as the prompt because I want to replace the current hair area with just a blue background so the hair becomes shorter. it may take a few tries. And once you get a closer result of what you are looking for, you may want to create another generative layer on top of the previous layers simply by selecting the area you want to remove. Again, by looking at the visible results on your screen. bit by bit, you can get the desired hairstyle. Next, let's put the characters together on the same canvas. open the right canvas size of your choice. Put in the characters and remove their backgrounds. For a character sheet with multiple objects like this, you can use object selection tool to select the one that you want. Control + C to copy the selection and Control+ J to create another layer with just that selection. Then you can hide or delete the original layer below. Adjust the size and position of each character, keeping the light directions in mind. Right click on any of the layer in the layer panel and then select Flatten image. Change the background layer to a normal layer by clicking on it. Now we want to select the characters. Click on the Object selection tool and make sure you're set to “add to” selection. Now click on each character or roughly select the characters. The AI will smartly fine tune your selection capturing the precise areas as needed. Once all characters are selected, head over to select > modify > contract. Adjust the contract setting by about 3 to 5 pixels. This step is crucial as it helps eliminate any residual background elements that might peek through finer details like hair or fur by contracting the selection slightly. We ensure that only the solid areas of the characters are included, Preventing any stray background colors from affecting the result of the generation. Zoom in to make sure you are selecting the area you want and add or subtract unwanted areas. And then we want to reverse the selection to select the background only Right click anywhere and click “Select Inverse”. Now we have the proper background selected. We can use a generative tool to generate the background. Here I type in magical forest with butterflies, Pixar style and click generate. I actually don't know if the Photoshop generative tool would recognize Pixar style, but anyways. you can see that the backgrounds better complement our characters and also incorporate appropriate shadows and lighting on the finer details. and you get to achieve a more harmonized result with Photoshop because the background is generated with your characters in mind. If you don't like your first attempt, just generate again to find the one you like. for the finishing touches, zoom in and meticulously refine the details using generative fill tools. This helps to ensure that the characters and background meld together more seamlessly. And done. So what do you think of these results? Is this process faster or slower than the traditional way of doing the same thing? I'm curious, especially if you're an illustrator or animator. Let me know your thoughts! If you're interested about how to create your own custom for your multiple consistent characters, watch THIS video and I will see you there. Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment? In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hacks of achieving character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies. We're going to use a new character consistency. GPT from the GPT stores and you'll learn how to unite all the characters you generated there into one cohesive scene I'll share with you the secret to harmonizing your characters in your settings for the best results. And you will need advanced graphic design skills or techniques for this. So let's jump right in. So what do you think of these results? Is this process faster or slower than the traditional way of doing the same thing? I'm curious, especially Do you want to learn how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent character into one into one cohesive environment? Do you want to know how to stamp that? Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment? Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple classes and characters into one cohesive, harmonious environment, one single harmonious environment? Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment? Do you want to Do you want to? Do you want to? Do you want to know how to blend? Do you want to do. Do you want to say no? Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent character into one single harmonious environment? Do you want to know how to? Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent characters? Do you. Do you. Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple countries? Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment? Do you. Do you want to know how to seamlessly blend multiple consistent characters into one single Come on this environment? Do you. Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent character into one single harmonious environment? Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent characters into one harmonious environment? Hey, do you want to know how to blend multiple coasts? Do you want to? Do you want to? Do you want to know how to blend multiple consistent characters into one single harmonious environment? In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hacks of achieving the utmost character consistency for your story, books or movie. Today. Today, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving the most character consistency for your story, books or movies. Today, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack today. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving the utmost character consistency for a story books or your movie. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my Ultimate Hacks. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my Ultimate hacks of achieving the utmost character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my utmost. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies. For your storybooks or for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving a most character consistency for your storybook or from your movies in 2D. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my utmost in two days video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hacks of achieving character consistency. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving character consistency in today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving character consistency for your storybook and for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my utmost character consistency, hacks for your storybooks or for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my utmost character consistency, Hacks for your storybooks or for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hacks of achieving character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving. In today's video, I'm going to. In today's video, I'm going to reveal. In today's video, I'm going to reveal my ultimate hack of achieving character consistency for your storybooks or for your movies. We're going to use the new character consistency GPT from the GPT store and your learn how to unite the character gender created there into one cohesive theme. We're going to use a new character consistency GPT from the GPT store and your learn how to unite the characters generated there into one cohesive scene. And I'll share with you the secret to harmonizing your characters in your settings for the best results. We're going to use a new character consistency GPT from the GPT store and will learn how to unite. We're going to use, we're going to use. where we're going to use the character consistency GPT from the GPT store and you will learn how to and your learn how to and your learn how to unite all the characters you generated there into one cohesive scene and you'll learn how to do it and your learn how to you and your learn how to unite other characters you generated there into one cohesive theme. And I'll share with you how to harmonizing your characters. And And I'll share with you the secret to harmonizing your characters in your setting for the best results. You don't have to be an designer. You don't have to have designer skill or you don't have to have any skills in design or you don't have to have events, design skills for the best for you. You don't have to have the design skill of you don't have to have graphic design skill or events techniques for the best results, So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So let's jump right in. So. So let's jump right in. So what do you think? So what do you think of these results? I'm curious, especially if you're a designer or animators. I want to know if this is faster or slower than the traditional ways of making and making characters, making graphics. Let me know your thoughts. So what do you think of these results? Is the process faster than traditional animation techniques? I'm curious, especially if you're a designer or animator. Let me know your thoughts. So what do you think of these results? Is the process faster than traditional way of making the same result? I'm curious, especially if you're a designer or animators. Let me know your thoughts. So what do you think of these results? So what do you think of this? So what do you think of these results? So what do you think of these results? Is the is the new way? Is is this a faster or slower way of achieving the same results compared with the traditional way of doing things? Let me know your thought. I'm very curious. So. So what do you think of these results? So. So what do you think of these results? So what do you think of these results? Is this process is this process faster or slower than the traditional way of doing the same things? Is this process faster or slower than the traditional way of doing the same thing? I'm curious, especially if you a designer or animator. Let me know your thoughts. I'm curious, especially if you're a designer or illustrators. I'm curious, especially if you're an illustrator or animator. Let me know your thoughts. I'm curious, especially I'm curious, especially if you're an illustrator or animator. I'm curious, especially if you're an illustrator or animator. Let me know your thoughts. I'm curious. I'm curious. I'm curious. Especially if you're a designer or an illustrator. Let me know your thought. And thanks for watching. If you're interested, and thanks for watching. If you're interested in learning more about I. And thanks for watching if you're interested in learning more about. And thanks for watching. If you're interested in learning more about how to use A.I. for character consistency using a custom, watch this video. Thanks for watching. And if you're interested in learning more about how to use A.I. to create a consistent character using a custom watch this video and I will see you there. Thanks for watching. And if you're interested, and if you're interested about if you're interested about learning how to create consistent characters for you. If you're interested in learning more about how to create a custom gift for your consistent character using if. Thanks for watching if you're interested. Thanks for watching. If you're interested about learning how to create your own custom GPT for consistent character. Watch this video. Thanks for watching. If you're interested in learning about, create a custom jeep T for your consistent characters for multiple consistent characters, check out my check of this video. I was. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. If you're interested in learning more. Thanks for watching. If you're interested in learning about creating a custom GPT for multiple consistent characters, check out this video. I will see you there. Thanks for watching. If you're interested about learning how to create your custom GPT for multiple consistent characters, watch this video and I will see you there. This. Thanks for watching. If you're interesting about learning. Thanks for watching. If you are interested about learning how to create your own custom GPT for multiple courses in character, watch this video and I will see you there. Thanks for watching if you are. Thanks for watching. If you're interested about how to create your own custom GPT for multiple consistent characters, watch this video and I will see you there. Thanks for watching. If you are interested. Thanks for watching. If you're a think. Thanks for watching. If you are interested about learning how to create a multiple consistent character using your own custom. Watch this video and I will see you there. Thanks for watching. If you're interested about learning how to create. Okay. I think this is enough. And you don't need a you don't need advanced design skill or techniques to achieve this. And you don't eat and you don't eat events, design skill or techniques, too. And you don't need advanced graphic design skill or techniques to achieve the same results. And you don't. And you won't need events at graphic design, skill or techniques. And you won't need advanced graphic design skills or techniques. And you want the advanced graphic design skill or techniques for this, and you want the event's graphic design skill or techniques for this. And you will need events, graphic design skill or techniques for this. And you want the events, graphic design skill or techniques for this. And you won't need event's graphic design skill or techniques for this. And you won't need events and you won't need advanced graphic design, skill or technique for this. And you won't need events, graphic design skills or techniques for this, and you won't need events, graphic design skill or techniques for this. And you will need graphic design and and you won't need events, graphic design, skill or technique for this. And you won't need events, graphic design skills or techniques for this. And you want the event's graphic design skills or techniques for this.
Channel: Mia Meow
Views: 14,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, howtoai, make money online, ai marketing, consistent character, consistent characters, ai consistent characters, dall e 3 consistent characters, consistent characters ai, dalle3 consistent characters, create consistent characters, consistent characters in ai, consistent characters gpt, consistent characters with chat gpt, character consistency, chatgpt, consistent animal characters, canva magic studio, photoshop ai generative fill, photoshop ai, canva tutorial
Id: N5L7fNdZDJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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