How to Practice Your English LIVE with ChatGPT

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can have a live conversation with chat GPT to improve your spoken English anytime imagine if you could have a conversation with a native English speaker anytime how much would your English improve probably a lot but you have to know how and that's what we're going to focus on in this video my name is Luke I hope you're ready to improve your English let's get started all right so here we are in chat GPT now I'm using GPT 4 in my browser but the weird thing is right now as I'm saying this you can only do the voice chat in the app I know that's a little bit strange some features are available to some people and not others some things are available to plus users and others not it's always changing so you know make sure you know what's available to you so the challenge is if I just start a voice chat with Chachi PT in the app it's not going to be very good because I'm not telling Chachi PT what I want this is something I cover in a lot of depth in my course on achieving English fluency with chat GPT it's a whole course on the topic the prompts that you use are everything how you structure them because that's what allows you to get what you want if you just start a conversation and say hi well okay you know maybe but often what you get is these long explanations from chat GPT ju just talking and talking and talking right so I want to be very clear I'm trying to practice my English what I want is a conversation partner who's not going to talk too much who's going to push me and ask me questions and ask me follow-up questions right and keep the conversation moving now there are other ways to use this to then get feedback but we're just focusing on the conversation practice partner right now okay so this is what we want this is very simple and again we're looking at this in the browser right so I've put in this prompt roll chat practice partner for Luke I put my name in there because I want it to be you know personalized topic work life balance and put in whatever topic you like there this is where you choose the topic so you have to you know change the prompts each time to make it specific for what you want and this is great by the way for practicing IELTS or for other spoken exams English exams casual respectful not too enthusiastic or flowery this is just the flavor of the conversation that I want to have I don't like too much enthusiasm I want it to be real right steps initiate with a topic specific question wait for Luke's answer one question at a time encourage Luke to share thoughts and opinions supportively maintain a balance conversation and then I give an example and I'll put this prompt in the description as well so this is an important thing to keep in mind this is the kind of key thing here as I said just starting you don't know where it's going to go and you don't know what you're going to get out of it to get the most out of chat GPT you need to State clearly what you want using prompts the difficulty then is that if you just start having a conversation you're not really using a prompt so you put the prompt in here right in a new chat like this and then you get okay right respond with okay and wait for me to say let's get started so let's get started is my kind of key phrase to then begin the voice chat telling chat GPT oh okay I'm going to follow those instructions you gave me it's telling chat GPT to follow the prompt and this is where it gets really interesting because then you're in charge again right chaty PT is no longer in charge it's now doing what you want it to do and that is essential to get the most out of it essential especially for English practice okay so now we have our prompt and chat tpd has said I understand okay so now now what we want to do is go over to the app and I know we're going kind of back and forth you could do it you could do it all in the app but I want to just show you that you can do it this way because the chats are all in your history right okay so now we pop over to the phone here I am this is my app on my phone so I'm going to be looking down when you see me look down it's because I'm looking at my phone okay so notice that what you see here is the same thing you see the same conversation because that's what I put in right okay okay so all I have to do is hit the headphones here and that starts the conversation and we should start talking about work life balance and chat GPT should not talk too much and we should have a nice conversation which will all be in the history that I can review later very cool here we go let's get started how do you currently manage your your work life balance so that's a good question I try to keep things balanced by having clear time cut offs for activities I tend to do too much for example work and so if I have a clear time where I must stop working I will stop at that time and then can pick up work later those kinds of guidelines allow me to maintain balance spend the right am amount of time exercising the right amount of time working and the right amount of time with family the right amount of time doing Hobbies it's tough for me especially because I'm kind of a workaholic but that has been a great way for me to um for me to find a nice work life balance setting clear boundaries seems like a smart way to handle it especially if you're naturally drawn to work more do you ever find it challenging to stick to those cut off times I I do sometimes find it difficult to stick to the cut off times particularly when I'm really excited about something particularly when I'm working on a video and I'm in the middle of a script it is so so difficult to stop sometimes and in those cases I must admit I will go over my time limits once in a while but just having the time limits in mind in general does help me keep that balance pretty well it's definitely understandable to get caught up in the flow of a project you're passionate about how do you recalibrate when you do go over those limits do you have a strategy to get back on track yeah sometimes just taking a full day off to reset can be really effective I also find it really useful to just hang out hang out with family or just go outside and go for a walk and it helps to reset when you're doing nothing and then when you come back to life it's a little easier to see where to spend your time in a balanced way taking a day off and spending time Outdoors sounds like a great way to recharge it's impressive that You' found strategies that work for you do you think your approach to work life balance has evolved over time I would say it's definitely evolved because I used to be much more of a workaholic and it actually sometimes caused problems but I actually need to run so could we wrap up this conversation and maybe continue later uh absolutely it sounds like you've made some positive changes over time feel free to reach out when you want to continue our conversation take care thanks you're welcome all right and now you can see that the whole conversation is in my history and let's see what happens if I go back to my browser There You Go the whole conversation that I just had is there and I can review it and I could if I want copy it and ask for feedback on that if I'm struggling with my English it's a really powerful thing you have a record of everything you can talk about any topic and it really all comes down to using the right prompts that is absolutely essential so try this out for yourself let me know how it goes if you want to get into this stuff more deeply the prompts to use to not just practice your English not just have conversations but deeply learn vocabulary how to use specific idioms in context maybe picking out things from reading or mastering grammar practicing for things like the IELTS or other exams or job interviews improving your writing and many many more check out that course it's all about how to improve your English with AI particularly chat GPT if you have any questions about this let me know in the comments if you try this out for yourself again let me know how it goes if you haven't done so already and you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a like And subscribe also get a free course in the links in the description and I will see you in the next one [Music] oh
Channel: Cloud English
Views: 294,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American English, English pronunciation, Spoken English, Travel English, English language, Cloud English, Luke Priddy, Free English Lesson, American culture, ESL, Learn American English, American English Pronunciation, American English Teacher, English words, English learning best practices, Master English, Intermediate English lessons, Free English lessons, How to do things in English, English, English literacy, English learning lifestyle, English learning podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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