How to Create Consistent Storybook Characters w: Chat GPT #canvatutorial #chatgpt #canva

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[Music] my hey welcome back to my YouTube channel today we'll be taking you step by step on our journey to create consistent storybook characters in chat GTP first off just a little disclaimer you will have to have the paid version of chat GTP in order to utilize this function but luckily it's only about $20 per month for the paid version so it's really not that bad and I believe it's worth it for all the many different features that you get with chat gbt plus version including things like AI research assistant this consistent image generator dally coloring book page generators and that's just the name of f so if you want to create quality consistent storebook characters with chat gtps plus version then you're in the right place so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to sign into our chat GTP J dashboard and we're going to go to the explore Tab and and we're going to search for consistent character GPT so I'm going to go over to my dashboard and this is what it looks like and we're going to search for the consistent character GPT I already have it up here so um if you want to find it you would click uh explore gpts and you would um search for it so I'm just going to click on it really quickly and this is what the icon looks like it's like four different pictures of the same person and it's called consistent character GPT fast and high quality and this one is the one that I used to generate those three um images that you just saw on the last screen okay so we're ready to start creating our consistent character so what we're going to do here is we're going to Define our character's core attributes so personality physical appearance um background so we're going to establish key personality traits is your character Brave is your character shy is your character witty or serious serous consistency and personality is crucial crucial for believability and it helps the system to generate consistent characters within this um platform um physical appearance your the details that their physical attributes are like height hair color um style you want to keep these consistent unless changes are part of the story and then their background we're going to Define their background story where do they come from what is their family like this helps in understanding their motivation so the key here is to put in as much detail as possible um but remember you can twe later if you don't like the initial character make sure that you give your character eye color skin color clothes you like them to wear hairy hairstyle and other features like uh freckles glasses you know um earrings stuff like that so we're going to establish their characters motivations and goals as well understanding what drives your character what their dreams fears desires and this helps in creating consist a consistent narrative as well then we want to also think about the dialogue and the voice consistency so each character should have a unique way of speaking this can be influenced by their background their education and their personality you want to keep their dialogue style consistent unless A change is part of their development so let's start with our first prompt so can you create for me a 15year old girl who is South American from Chile with light brown freckles and glasses who has long hair long br brown hair that is wavy dress her in a leather jacket with combat boots and ripped jeans and a white [Music] T-shirt so start there [Music] so the character is going to be I forgot to write that she was female this character will be female D I can't spell okay so the name of this character is going to be Olivia so as you can see they're prompting you to answer all the questions that they need to create a consistent character for you so it says what style or theme would you like for the image here are some options to choose from and I'm going to choose Pixar Animation you can choose whichever one you want but I I'm I'm using I'm going to be using this for a story book so I just want to um do the Pixar Animation option so now as you can see it's creating the image for us and it takes a couple seconds because you know they do generate some pretty cool images um and so this is the image that they have created for us and she is pretty fair skinned I kind of wanted her a little um darker skin because she's from South America um but I do like the jeans I don't like the leather jacket that much um but they're asking what would you like to what would you like to vary in each image so I'm just going to keep her for now actually no I'm going to I'm going to change her so let's can you make her leather jacket black and more of a bomber jacket and can you also make her skin complexion more caramel and her hair darker brown okay and let's see what they create for us because you know I was kind of hoping for a South American little girl so I've had to go back and forth with the consistent character GPT because they are not creating what I need so I did go back and forth with them a little bit up here and then I created a different scene for Olivia so this is her in the back of the car um on her way to school and then I also created um her in a crowd of friends at school um near some lockers and holding books um so you can give chat GTP or the consistent character GPT as many prompts as you would like um it [Music] is it is limited to a certain amount of prompts per like I think hour or 2 hours or something like that um but once you've create once you've generated a few different poses for your character then you can begin bringing your images over to canva to begin creating your story book so keep in mind that if you don't like the first version of an image that this um program creates for you you can always redirect it or you can just start from from scratch and you can refine the image and wait until you get um the images as consistent as possible but from the from these images the character looks pretty much the same except in the the first images she looks a little bit younger so for the story book for the story book images that were created she looks pretty much the same so keep in mind that you could always revise like this this one I wouldn't have all of the back characters in the same outfit as um the the main character Olivia so I would probably PR chat GTP to give me um something different for the background characters so I'm just going to go in and show you my story book that I created with um canva um the consistent car character GPT in canva this is called Michaela's magic and um the power being me so this is the first um page this was all generated by um the consistent character GPT and in chat GTP chat GPT um so this is the first image and as you can see it varies a little bit slightly from the second image um but I also used chat GTP to help me with a storybook idea um the the the entire outline so everything in here as you can see the background is created generated by um consistent character GPT as well as the image uh of Kayla so that's page one this is page two and I've had to refine and refine because I did get a different picture um of Michaela on the playground for this one so I had to ask them again can you make it this way can you change the hair can you do this um and they have have given me um better given it to me better so the more details the better and then this is her in school raising her hand this is her in school um just near some lockers with a couple people in the background then we have her in her grandfather's attic looking into a magic mirror and as you can see she stayed pretty consistent throughout the book her eyes and her face facial features look pretty much the same um and then the backgrounds I just you know prompted them this is what I want and then they were able to deliver [Music] so I haven't uploaded this to M KDP yet but I will be this is the back cover um so yeah that is what I created with the consistent character GPT and if you have any questions about how to use it or different prompts that you you want to use with it um just shoot me a comment and I will respond to the [Music] comment
Channel: TheVisionPreneur
Views: 6,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt consistent character, consistent character, consistent character dall e 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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