A Bad Day Just Kept Getting Worse

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foreign [Music] look at this Prime unit special delivery we just got dropped off this is the Isuzu Rodeo that we pulled through the trail for the record games and Matt was nice enough to bring it over for us I've already reminded my viewers but I want to remind Rory's viewers that I completed a tow that he couldn't he couldn't finish himself today notice how he had to complete the on-road towing job for me yeah I only do off-road I'm I'm pretty corny and lame that way yeah cliffing all the way up the top pass the cliffbranger obstacle got Matt in the heavy wrecker behind us he's following us up here and then we've got Sean and Mike and the Scrambler behind them we're gonna run in and swap the ball joint and get some things fixed on the front end of the Jeep and drive it out of there oh no trucks so down there is the Jeep Safari run which means that we're going to have to fight our way through the Jeep's worth traffic it's gonna be a challenge you might say [Music] yeah well there's nobody coming oh the Trail's closed yeah okay well okay [Applause] [Applause] thank you I guess we're going that way foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign it's an abusive relationship well we're gonna head back got an appointment at one all right Rory see you later oh after getting hung up in a little bit of a traffic jam down at the creek crossing uh people were nice enough to let us buy to get up here so we're making pretty good time now sure the next bottleneck is going to come with the z-turn so we got Sean back there of course he struggled a little bit on that wall because I told him to turn too soon so shame on me but all good we got everybody up and here we go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ER here because our vehicle that we're going to get right there so look at this quite quite a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go run back and grab the impact and all right the batteries foreign so this is this is the bigger round that's how that washer is that thing okay okay all right I'm digging that we had the extra bottom spacer which is that one so we said all right let's try putting that in there all right no this is this is slightly ideal I mean in the horribly screwed up situation that we find ourselves so I'm pretty sure that that bit freaking out repurposed elsewhere [Music] let me make a table [Music] hmm [Music] that shot [Applause] all right it's ruining every drill bit so really the only option we have is to set that in weld that and then I don't know try to drive some things in like some washers something around it to kind of Center it up or we just drive it out real slow just like that that doesn't let it hop up at all that'll hold it right in place I like that that's good [Music] foreign doing the hard work here on her back together getting her back on the road again off the road back on the off-road back on the off road sweet I think that's it if it sounds windy it's because it is hey there how are you good how are you good all right Dr scalpel I almost forgot how to use one of these but yeah if you want to go up and just let him know that we're gonna come up foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] okay so this day has gone horrible so we're doing this recovery up the cliffhanger and right away we're trying to get [Music] in front of traffic so we can get up here get it handled we jump in front [Music] I climb up the ledge I spot Sean a pledge it all goes south so then we're having a winch rig up switch the Scrambler up have issues all that there's just one issue after another forgot the part that we specifically took the Jeep apart to have [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] it's only a little Dusty hello yeah oh Jesus Christ yeah [Music] oh [Music] so as I'm talking about how horrible the day is going Scrambler just lost the front Driveline so in the grand scheme of things we're not doing great today it is not this is not our best recovery and it's not our Shining Moments but it's what happens when you do this in this kind of terrain we're driving it out there's nothing we can do like that that there there it is so [Music] so what do you do you keep on keeping on [Music] [Music] come on [Music] coming down [Applause] perfect turn this way right there right there easy [Applause] great this side's starting to drop yep [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know what's up [Music] yeah Mike that rock I'm gonna go up I'm gonna need Shawn 's Tire on it yeah his uh passenger front right on that right on that I'm gonna get positioned not exactly where Sean's going but that's right [Music] thank you I've gone a little driver or no passenger okay you're right on it a little more driver hold up hold up hold up crap came up what came loose uh the connection yeah it's gone now it's been removed all right we'll go right around the Stinger uh driver side please okay go [Music] that wasn't even really at all that welded on there like you could call it welding [Music] there it is beautiful good driving good driving [Music] some days the adventure never ends so the adapter has come loose on this set of tires so we are going to tighten it before it holds up okay [Applause] all right where's the key right here [Music] so on the other side we broke a bunch of lug studs so we're going to use blue whole Trail Mater off the trailer [Music] that's good [Music] so I got the shaft just about pulled out we got to pull the brakes off yeah we got to pull the whole thing off and then there's bolts in here because we'll never get those out you know we got to take the rotor off right right right a couple deep back at the shop putting ball joints in it you had the ball joint delete we got that out sheared off right there uh Robbie and hillbilly are doing all the work got it okay so we're popping the rotor off of the Hub so that we can get the lug studs out because we are stud less we are not studly speak for yourself then [Music] foreign what's weird is we put everything together we're here to get the tire on and all of a sudden it goes blue paint [Music] we're gaining on it speed sensor goes in after sorry pixel back in it the knuckle we got the factory ball joint today we're just putting this light bracket back on and we'll have them back on the road here in about 10 minutes an hour an hour 10 minutes tires going back on here meanwhile this over here the tire is also getting you back on it's the race to finish to go to dinner dinner's at six and it's 5 59. you can't keep a good truck down a good driver pretty easy because I was pretty down but truck no [Music] my therapist tells me that feelings are important yeah no except on Tuesdays at six there's a Petroglyph right there and it's really cool look at this he's got a bow and arrow [Applause] thank you you can't keep a good truck down
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 259,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zMtLesv0wb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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