Is This Crazy Trail Too Much For Your Jeep?

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all right it's been a week since we broke the knuckle on the more of air we've been to SEMA just ignoring it and now we've got a job so I've got to hurry up and get this done so that we can do that and then we got to go on that job this is where it's broke right here we ordered some new Reed Knuckles but they're not going to be here for like I don't know another week so we're just gonna weld This Together get us through till then [Music] yeah you can see where that just popped right off of there you ever seen one of them do that before no this one's been weakened a little bit because these are sleeves that go in there because they've been drilled out too big [Music] claw hammer just took that right off of there so the name of the game here is gonna be to put this together and then reinforce it on the outside [Music] I think that'll work we have a great God yeah a cat though can't wear that oh yeah I I don't want their cast recordings they do Wells really nice it's only temporary man that popped that thing but you can see this had a huge hole in it I don't know why I don't remember so they build these tapered inserts to go in there and that made the wall of this pretty thin so it was definitely weakened [Music] all right we're just going to run this around the outside of it Ed [Music] all right let's see that knuckle way too hot to okay that's gonna be fine all right let's start putting this together then stop okay that's close enough so we got a call for a jeep that is swapped down here on the Rattlesnake Trail sounds like the engine ingested some water it's been down there for a day or two we're gonna head down there and see if we can get it out got TomTom here with the weather it is like 60 degrees and really calm beautiful day here we've got Jamie and Rhett and Carter behind us in the more bear and then behind them we've got Jefe and Justin in Justin's Jeep it was Justin you might ask that is Jamie's brother and he is actually the one that found the customer and turned them on to us ah I made a bad decision I didn't check how deep it is and I fell there and I was stuck so we're bringing him along today because it might take three Jeeps to pull this up the last Hill to get out of here we're always happy to have a extra support vehicles the customer is riding in with a friend I think they're in a Toyota Tacoma Toyota pickup truck of some kind so we've got quite the Caravan coming in here we've also got a full load of dogs with us today we got Max back here today and peanut and Lady hey girl this is Tom Tom's first official job as a resident of Southern Utah kind of I'm still homeless but later this week I'll have a home but everything I own is in southern Utah so I guess I'm a resident we'll get you in on a technicality [Music] all right it's time for the dogs to run they're pretty excited so we get a lot of questions people like how do the dogs know where to go they're going ahead of you so it is true they're ahead of us but they know how to follow a road and they keep getting cues from us if we turn off this road they'll quickly course correct and get back in front of us if you've been around dogs that are free to run you've seen this type of action it's not not really hard for them to gauge what we're doing and then correct for it oh [Music] foreign [Music] that's good I'm not going super sketchy and I told Matt there's no way he should be running that we bought some new ones and he's like no this thing's fine so we got to change that out we got him sitting on the shelf no Max has matched Max knows the first time a couple times ago oh that's a good dog hey let me get it there you go okay be careful everybody else okay all right let's keep going so we do get questions I've seen them where people are like do the dogs ever step in Cactus yes yes they do they're kind of made for it though they just they just deal with it if I wasn't there to get that out she would have got it all out it would have took her probably a long time we got him right out of there she's back on the road [Music] up to now we've been in two-wheel drive the whole time so we're knocking in the hubs because we were having trouble on this hill oh have they joined us can I get a radio check so big surprise for all of you naysayers but we do have radios now these are the rugged radios you got to learn how to use them because I've gone 40 7 40 almost 47 years without them just another thing for me to lose starter so something that that happens a lot we've got these two recovery rigs the suspension's set up very soft and smooth and driving did you hear that somebody hit something driving through these trails at what we consider to be a leisurely Pace leaves almost every other rig we ever ride with in the dust so we're not hurrying through here by any stretch but about every 10 minutes we've got to stop for five minutes and let them catch up no shade no shade I'm just telling you what's happening what was that terrible banging noise [Music] [Music] um up now all right so we spotted the Jeep up here it's a spot we know well it's the same spot where George drowned Curious George 1.0 gonna get it out of here this had water clear like there's water in the cup holders man completely soaked yeah so we're actually gonna turn this around and pull it right through there hey rat you want to jump in so you can see how deep it is how deep is this [Music] threw a dog in it oh she's like oh we're gonna have to get a flagpole no I'm just trying to think I think I think we can pivot this right here and then pull it through across right there this puddle is so deceiving if you pivot it you're gonna You're Gonna Roll It In The Deep no all right it's already been in I'm not worried about it okay so what we've got going on here is a really deep hole right there this this has had water up into the cup holders they're all full of water so this thing got got submarines pretty bad I think it's going to be easiest to Pivot this around and just pull it right back through there um and we're going to try to do that without that sunk in under them gotta this tire looks like we're off the beater we're totally fly it was it wasn't no get off the beat it's completely flat and start rolling now it is it burped the air in your rig you got a pose oh you know what I think yeah [Music] yeah get it on the far side cut the front end's about to drop back ends coming up okay foreign that tire was totally getting pulled off the rim I think it popped off the bead but we're gonna try and reseed it they've got air so we'll see how that goes for it look at that thing those things are scary it's uh sign up Tuck's in there nice too that Tire's flat too it wasn't a minute ago are you kidding me are you sure I'm pretty sure when it was rolling off it didn't look flat he's got a lot of weight on it because he's pitching the Jeep over it might just be low [Applause] yeah I'm saying it's all wet too right [Applause] foreign to get the job done big thanks to John an RC this RC's rig yes yeah big thanks to RC and his Toyota for having air all right you ready to rock and roll yeah be comfortable following a rookie out of here Justin yeah you think he'll be able to guide us out of here to safety sure I don't know why are you grilling all right let's do this this reminds me of George's Jeep waterlogs not running yep yeah they had the water clear in here oh man all right so we've got Justin in the banana remember that's Jamie's little brother we've got Rhett in the more there pulling me then behind us we've got Jamie and Justin's Jeep and then behind John mercy so if we get into any sort of trouble Justin don't hold the button down matt do you have your radio that's a big 10-4 okay making sure Brett was wondering what you said [Music] responsive take it back right now so right now Rhett's kind of driving like he has a trailer which is important on the uphill but not important at all in the downhill because he's not having to really drag me anywhere yeah you're coming anyway yeah he's he's pulling me with minimal minimal horsepower man these brakes are awful I wonder why that is they're full of sand and dirt and no assist yeah water this rig definitely outweighs the more Bearer they're full of gear and it's so water 6 000 pounds yeah it's at least we've got a bit to get out of here this is not a light duty Trail I know a lot of you that have done this Trail be like yeah it's not that bad of a truck and it's really not it's not like the most technical most dangerous most difficult Trail but it's a trail that you have to pay attention the whole time it's very similar to the Rubicon like if you've been on the Rubicon Trail in the Boulder Field areas like you're not gonna get in trouble you're just gonna keep smashing your death and that's the way this Trail is so this is Rhett's first time doing a recovery in Rattlesnake how's it going right yeah like been on them but I'm never in the break pulling uh [Music] what your dad wants you to do is he wants you to hit it and then maintain that momentum [Music] ah that was a tough time how was that you gotten to roast some tires dude that's awesome nice head page that it's rougher in the vehicle pulling pulling this foreign [Music] strategy on this okay we need to keep momentum but it needs to be useful momentum so that means the speed that it takes you to go up an obstacle you have to do the same thing when I get to it so no more stopping on the face of obstacles for no reason what about when I by the time by the time I get to this obstacle you're going to be free and clear on top so you're just going to drive it at a moderate pace and not stop otherwise because if I if I get a wheel caught on a rock and you stop instead of keep going then we might have to back all the way to the bottom and do it again which is okay if we have it's like okay so this is the obstacle match referring to it's pretty gnarly let's watch the banana go up it foreign makes it look really easy but pulling another vehicle is where it gets complicated all right there you go a little driver [Music] keep going you're doing good [Music] [Music] there you go oh don't stop you got that okay go ahead catching right there just a little bit they're digging in pretty good here so he's gonna winch it out okay Justin take this down hook it to the back that dug some holes all right barely not hit the more of air on the big rock barely touch more grounds [Music] I call this the hippopotamus all right so we're kind of laying our ears back see if we can get out of here before it gets dark when we get to the big hill I'm gonna put Justin in here and I'm gonna go in the banana we're gonna rig up I just that big hill if something goes wrong I would like to be in charge of it I would like it to be my fault all right Rhett just make sure that this rope does I'm going to be driving friskier than you are so you're gonna know if you see me driving like a little crazy that means you just tone it down Justin you ready the Sun is setting they're getting reconfigured to pull it up this hill I think they're going to hook up two vehicles to it good timing it's getting dark on us we'll get out of here [Music] [Music] how was that good tell me about the parking brake you just drag it just for some extra resistance coming down the hills yeah it's actually a break that doesn't get used when you step on the brake on disc brake Vehicles so it's one one more one more break yeah it's one more break in Your Arsenal all right Rhett this is the last big hill and four last big hill okay Rhett I'm gonna cut you loose all right we've just got another mile or two of pretty uh basic road for the rest of the way out of here so uh we'll see you when that's done so there you go thank you thank you Matt awesome thank you so much it was a good experience oh my gosh this gun is on right now such an honor that went really good yeah man thank you guys it was like a double double for us you know it was a rescue mission and a you know trail run right that was a long day long day and I'm hungry and I'm tired [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,581,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, off road build, dodge ram, snow rescue, snow recovery, snow off road, snow off roading
Id: EJ5u0nx3zKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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