A house/school meant to be "safe" for boys

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be talking about another harrowing story because really why else are you here a couple who ran a religious conversion therapy program have been charged with trafficking underage boys now no part of that sentence to me wasn't a roller coaster you think that the conversion therapy is bad but then it's like you know what hold my beer let's just bring this to trafficking as well because we can't just be terrible in one way we need to be in multiple ways apparently they were told to call him brother Gary you guys know I have nothing against religion I was raised in a religious household - believe it or not I have to say calling any one brother immediately sends off alarm bells in my head and I'm sure there are plenty of people who asked others to call them brother who are fine but I feel like a lot of the time when people say call me this immediately it's like an imposition of hey we barely know each other but call me this term that really means that we're closed calling someone brother is obviously you wouldn't call some random dude on the street brother unless you're like hey bro in which case you know what I'm just working against my own point let's just move on I just don't like being asked to call people brother because it's like I don't know you like that I'm gonna call you [ __ ] Gary I'm not gonna call you brother but anyway Gary Wiggins 49 and his wife Megan 34 ran a religious home that was supposed to be a safe haven for troubled boys but a multi-state investigation alleges that the couple who ran the home were actually trafficking the boys and forcing them into labor and this is why I would never trust someone who immediately asks me to call them brother and again it has nothing to do with the religion I'm just saying in this context it's creepy earlier this month grand jury from Texas charged Gary Wiggins 49 and his wife Megan 34 owners of the Joshua home with trafficking more than after a year of allegations of abuse first arose from their nonprofit operation the charges came after an extensive multi-agency probe into of abuse neglect labor violations fraud licensing violations and human trafficking now listen I'm glad that they took care of this I'm not gonna say quickly but relatively quickly knowing how the law works right now pretty much everything is quick if it doesn't take a million years I just don't understand how there can be so many allegations especially of you know heavier things like Licensing violations yeah that's a problem but if we compare that to abuse neglect maybe you know hurry up maybe you look into this earlier rather than later we're not talking about getting your car fined or something we're talking about abuse of other humans accusations against Gary Wiggins for abusive behavior arose when the couple first live in Alabama where he operated a boy's home the Blessed hope boy's Academy Law Enforcement rated the Alabama home in 2016 after several boys who resided in the home had escaped and told the authorities they were punished with forced exercise solitary confinement and withholding of food is horrendous and I mean honestly this story alone to me seems incriminating enough to where you should probably do a deep dive immediately because someone who has no problems starving boys forcing them to do exercise and solitary confinement essentially acting like his own [ __ ] jail house that's pretty much what Wiggins was doing he was acting like he had his own jail if he has no problem doing that I'm not saying that that means that he's raped them or he sexually abused them but I'm just saying it seems like his idea of what's appropriate to do is beyond to the confines of what I would call regular or normal or decent so just based on that I'd want to look deeper into see okay well what else does he think is appropriate to do Lucas Greenfield who identifies as gay told the police that he was beaten by Wiggins at Blessed hope Green okay I can't with journalists today first it says Greenfield and then the second spelling is Greenfeld so pick one why do people not have spellcheck I genuinely okay Greenfield was featured in an investigation on gay conversion therapy by 2020 and said Wiggins told him I'm going to get the demon out of and make you straight okay you guys know I never make fun of the victim but I do make fun of the criminal because most the time they're idiots and what kind of line I'm going to get the demon out of you and make you straight first of all that sounds like it comes from a b-list porno if that even exists but aside from that what kind of delusions are you living under that in 2019 you still think that being gay is a problem and B that can be changed to be a conversion therapy I know there are plenty of places that still view being gay or part of the LGBT in you know not only a negative light but in a criminal light but I genuinely am mystified when I see this happening in 2019 anywhere but especially when it's in the United States where I'm just like have you not heard of California and all the LGBTQ people here like do you think we're all figments of your imagination who don't exist except for like in storybooks that tell you that we're the devil I just don't know how in 2019 you can convince yourself Rodney Pinkston a former camp counselor at Blessed hope told 2020 he witnessed Wiggins taunting the boys during his preaching sometimes brother Gary would say to the boys that's just queer are you queer you a F word son and that's actually an interesting point simply because if you guys have been following me for long enough you know that when I was in grad school I took a class called queer theory which shocked a lot of people because a lot of people think the term queer has a negative connotation whereas at least at my university and for the people that I know it doesn't have a negative connotation anymore so it's interesting here that in the article the F word is beeped out because of course that still has a negative connotation but the word queer doesn't though it's still highly controversial but that's just a side note the allegations against Williams were not enough for authorities to press charges at the time however after closing Blessed hope the couple open Joshua home in Pineville Missouri child care programs in Missouri that are operated by religious organizations don't need a license of inspections or regulation aren't required unless the state received reports of child abuse investigations into the Joshua house began your local sheriff alerted Texas authorities last year that the couple planned on relocating to Texas what the [ __ ] like why why does it matter if it's religiously operated like who gives a [ __ ] if it's a place that is supposedly taking care of children child care programs how are you not going to investigate like I don't care if they're religious it doesn't matter why would you not check that I'm so confused as to why you wouldn't need a license for that that is so disheartening because that's just an easy way imagine if you're a predator and you want to have easy access to a child this is such an easy [ __ ] loophole you say that it's a whatever religion child care service and then as long as there are no reports of abuse you get no inspections or regulations so you can just do whatever the [ __ ] you want honestly I do think criminals tend to find a ways around the law but sometimes the law just really makes it easy for criminals to try and get away with this [ __ ] kxan reported that the trafficking in Joshua Homme reportedly occurred between March 17 2018 and July 25th 2018 according to the indictment authorities removed eight boys aged 10 to 17 from the Bertram Texas home in late July but the couple relocated back to Alabama before the investigation began authorities tracked down the Wiggins in Alabama earlier this month a year after the Bertram raid and brought them into custody in Burnet County Texas the Wiggins remain in custody at the Burnett County Jail they're both being held on a $100,000 bond so here I found another article that was either published or updated four hours ago as of today August 27th and it says that the couple are accused of forcing four underage boys to work for a lawn care company they owned as well as what I previously mentioned so then it says that before the arrest the Wiggins were also well known to Alabama and Missouri authorities for the schools they operated in those states three years ago the Wiggins ran blessed hope boys Academy in a rural community and blessed hope was billed as a private boarding school where parents could send troubled teens for hard work and a Christian education so this is a little bit more information than we got from the other side and the like that it's a boarding school because before it was unclear whether it was like you know a camp or an after-school program or whatever but the fact that it's a boarding school makes it all the more alarming to me because obviously that indicates that parents aren't around to really monitor how their kids are doing on a day to day basis and also the fact that they're being sent there considering that these people believe in conversion therapy also makes me wonder whether the parents either knew or had an inkling that their children were part of the LGBTQ and wanted to get that removed from them forcibly since they relocated a lot they did it on purpose to find states where there was the loophole word you didn't need licensing or regulation so you really were just pretty much under the table in a certain way in a loophole II way so anyway when it got out that there were certain people that they were claiming that there was abuse and stuff like that parents started calling and when the parents started calling when the cops did a wellness check that's when the Wiggins moved again and you know like I said moved to Texas in June so even just they're suspicious behavior like someone who has nothing to hide won't just pack up and leave like someone who actually takes pride in their job and is doing a good job will do everything to demonstrate that what they're doing is not only legal but not morally bankrupt but here the fact that they just keep on picking up and leaving that in and of itself should make the cops want to look extra hard because they're essentially running why are they running this story has me frustrated because this loophole is so just idiotic I don't know how you dismiss looking over childcare organizations because they're religious like I don't care if it counts as part of a ministry or whatever you know like the administrative [ __ ] doesn't matter the fact of the matter is if a place is looking after children whether they're religious or not they need to be regulated and monitored end of story and dove anyways guys let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 257,100
Rating: 4.9623756 out of 5
Keywords: school, schooling, child care, childcare, boarding school
Id: iLnEh54DOGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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