Mom Wants Proof Of Son's Paternity (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. This is the case of<i> Rainey v. Matthews.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Ms. Rainey, you are here, today, requesting two paternity tests and suing the man, you say, is the father of your children. You admit that you slept with one other man during the time of conception. But you argue, that was only because Mr. Matthews refused to accept his responsibilities. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: To that end, you are also suing Mr. Matthews for $4,663.50, his half of the expenses for the children in question, Salih and Renaya. RAINEY: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Mr. Matthews, in your statement, you claim you have every reason to doubt you are the father of Ms. Rainey's children. You say she is known to be promiscuous, and even named her son after another man. Yes, Your Honor. You say you are confident the children are not yours and that will be proven when today's DNA results are revealed. Yes, Your Honor. Okay, so Ms. Rainey, why did you name your son after another man? He told me to. Yes. He told you to? Yes, and the reason is... Okay, the situation is, when I thought I was pregnant, I told him and the other person that it was between both of them. No, no. 'Cause you weren't sleeping with anybody else during the time of conception? I slept with him and Rondale. Right. Mr. Matthews, what do you have to say? I have to say that it's not possible that this can only be between me and one other person. She is known to have family trees in her. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Boy! When I say this, I mean it's like... Mr. Matthews, were you having sex with her all the way up until the birth of the child? No, just a few times... RAINEY: We had sex June 23rd. Just a few times. RAINEY: The day I went into labor. When my child was born, we sent him a picture on the phone of my child. His words was that it must not... Why did you text it to me? He don't look like me... What did you text me for? You might as well name him Salih, and be with Salih, so guess what I did? I named him Salih. Right. No, you tried to give me... You tried to give me an ultimatum like... So, what you're saying is... If you don't marry me, then I'm gonna marry him. I'm like, you need to hurry up and marry him. 'Cause I'm not going to. I asked him several times to marry me, but you always chose not to because you were worried about what other people said. No, I was worried about... (RAINEY SPEAKING OVER MATTHEWS) Wait, wait. I want to get this. I want to get this down because Ms. Rainey, you are explaining a lot of things. You're saying that you all were together. Of course. Yes, I dealt with him for eight and a half years. Yes, I did. I was in love with this man. Yes, I was. And so, he basically was not going to do what you needed him to do, and to step up and do, so when he said, "Name him after the other guy," you called his bluff and said, "And I will." It wasn't a bluff. Guess what? Why not? MATTHEWS: She tried to say, like, "Oh, it was before you, and it was, like, before then, "and this was still while you was gone and I was messing with this other person. "Yeah, I might have did, but we used a condom." You know, all type of stuff like that. Like, she really... So, I did have sex with the man and I told you it was way before your time. So you admit, Ms. Rainey, that there was another guy, but you're saying not in the time frame. I kept it real. But it's only between them two. JUDGE LAKE: In terms of the time frame of conception? Correct. So, Mr. Matthews, you are admitting that you continually sleep with her and have, at least, a sexual relationship with her. Sex is sex. It ain't nothing important like... Ugh. Well, it's important when it produces people. Who's gonna have sex with somebody for 8 1/2 years and don't have no feelings, period. Point blank. Let's be real. Me? RAINEY: Let's be real. Me? Let's be real. MATTHEWS: I would. Let's be real, you ain't gonna deal with me for eight and a half years off and on and don't have no type of feelings. I've been dealing with females since I was 13 years old. And I don't got no feelings for her. Please stop fronting. So what will make you think... (RAINEY SPEAKING OVER MATTHEW) JUDGE LAKE: (BANGS GAVEL) I need you both to talk one at a time. I can't understand your level of doubt, Mr. Matthews. Why you have such a negative opinion of Ms. Rainey, a person. And she's making this point and I have to agree that you have had a relationship with... Some type of relationship for over eight years. I mean, we're not talking about eight months, eight weeks. Eight years! MATTHEWS: That's nothing, though. There's females that I've been having sex with since I was 13 years old. And they don't mean nothing. She don't... She don't stand a chance. RAINEY: But you done live with me off and on... Like for real. In my apartment. You? Right. That your baby's daddy was paying for. My baby's daddy didn't pay for nothing. Anything I ever had, I pay for. Lonniesha worked hard for what I pay for. Yeah, look at my face, too. This is my face when I'm serious. JUDGE LAKE: (BANGS GAVEL) All right, let's... Let's address the court. Ms. Rainey, so you had your own place? Always had my own place, until now. JUDGE LAKE: So you made your own money? Own money. Doing what? RAINEY: Surviving, getting it, whether it was working on a pole, working at a restaurant, working in a restaurant, group home... Anything, I got it. MATTHEWS: Right. And you had half of it, so what are you complaining for? (AUDIENCE CHEERS FOR RAINEY) I wasn't complaining. I wasn't complaining about it. When I was getting half of it. Mr. Matthews, what do you say to that? She's saying that... Oh, yeah, she was giving me her money now. RAINEY: I was taking care of you. She was giving me her money. JUDGE LAKE: That's my point. So, you're criticizing her and yet you openly admit you were living off of her and letting her take care of you? Listen, I don't care if she was at the store panhandling, for money all day, if she came back and gave it to me, I'm a take it. RAINEY: That's because he's nothing. He's nowhere. (AUDIENCE BOOING MATTHEWS) That's 'cause he's nowhere, he's a loser. I got to drop a little knowledge on you, Mr. Matthews. If these kids are yours today, you're going to be paying for 'em. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) Oh, he already gonna be paying for one 'cause he signed the birth certificate, so I ain't worried about it. MATTHEWS: Right. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so did you, in fact, sign the birth certificate? MATTHEWS: For the girl, for Renaya. Not for Salih. Do you believe, in fact, she's yours? Like I said, she got family trees and there ain't no telling. So cute. How can you treat her mother and talk about her mother and address her mother this way? When you have signed this child's birth certificate, and have pretty much owned up and said, "I am her father." How do you disrespect her mother on this level, and think that it's okay? RAINEY: He don't respect himself. You give respect where respect's due. 'Cause he don't respect himself. MATTHEWS: You'd know because she don't respect herself. Any time you can take time out your day, talking about somebody who you've got a child by, you disrespecting yourself. MATTHEWS: she be proud of it. Like you proud that you had sex with the whole family. Oh, yeah, I did. And, so? How many people you gonna have sex with? How many people? I'm a dude. It doesn't matter if a dude... So what? Because you a dude, it makes you any different from me? Yeah. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Ms. Rainey, I need to understand from you. You stand here, you're very strong, you're opinionated, I can do this, I got my own life, I'm equal, I can sleep with who I want, I can do what I want, and yet your actions, in staying with a man that treats you this way for over eight years, that don't add up to me. That's not what a strong woman does. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And I want to understand that. What is it? RAINEY: I had a rough life. When you don't have nobody and that's all you have is somebody does really nothing, to lean on. When you can't lean on, that's what you gotta do. Like I say, yes, I did love him, I wanted to marry him. I still love him but I don't want to be with him, because he can't respect me, as not only the child, his kid's mother. But as his Muslim sister, as a friend, as a woman, period. I've been dealing with him off and on, and it's my fault because I allowed him to do the things that he did. And as long as I allowed him to keep playing me the way he keep playing me, he gonna keep playing me that way. But at this point in time, I'm done. I'm tired and I'm fed up. Period. JUDGE LAKE: When you say, "I had a rough life," explain to me what you're saying, because it sounds like in between the lines, I hear you saying, "I don't want my children to go through what I went through. "I don't want them to feel alone." RAINEY: Yes. I had a... My rough life, in and out of foster care. Being homeless. Fourteen years old, on my own. Period. I'm 26 now, I gotta live with my cousin, because I don't have no help. And if I need help, a dollar, I can't even get $2 from him to get on a bus to take his kids to the doctor. Enough is enough. I'm tired of taking care of these kids on my own. As a mother, you're understanding that the love and support of a father is valuable. Yes, 'cause my daddy wasn't there. And where I'm staying now, my daddy is around the corner. Do my daddy come around the corner to see me? No, he don't. He right around the corner. You come around the corner to see them kids? No. You live right around the corner from your father? Yes. Right now? Right now. And you say he never comes around to see how you are? Mmm-mmm. And then you also live right around the corner from Mr. Matthews? Yes. And he doesn't come around to see the children, even the one whose birth certificate he signed? So you feel like this cycle is repeating itself? Yeah, but it's not going to repeat. It's going to get broken today. JUDGE LAKE: And I can tell... I can tell it hurts. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) It hurts. It hurts. It hurt a lot. It do. It hurt a lot when you love somebody and they don't be there for you, and all they do is just doubting you. That do hurt. It hurt a lot because I went through a lot in my life. You are gonna have to deal with me while I'm here, and that's how I feel. Period. So you feel like you have loved him unconditionally? I loved him and never got loved back. All I ever got was being mistreated, talked about to his other "females", "baby mamas", or whatever he wants to call them. I'm done. Period. No, he ain't nothing. So, today's DNA results are going to see whether he's responsible for these children. You are suing him for half of the childcare expenses, in the amount of $4,663.50. Now, have you brought the court any evidence of the moneys you've spent thus far? Mmm-hmm. Jerome, can you hand me the folder, please? So, tell me, has he helped you at all? Well, he bought a pack of diapers and a can of milk. My daughter's eleven months. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Matthews, is that true? Yeah. (AUDIENCE BOOING) Are these your only possible children, Mr. Matthews? No, I have six kids. You have six... Six children? Besides these two? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Do you take care of those children? RAINEY: No. MATTHEWS: I do what I can. I talk to them, I tell them stuff. I teach them, like... How to not be like me, how not to... You know, like, for real. And that's just real. But... I can't literally come out of my pocket and give something I don't have. JUDGE LAKE: But, Mr. Matthews, let me be clear. Six kids, maybe eight. You need to be figuring out how to make some money. MATTHEWS: You're making sense. JUDGE LAKE: Because you gotta take care of these kids. Right. JUDGE LAKE: Financially, as well. Now, Ms. Rainey, I've got receipts here for... RAINEY: Diapers. Diapers. Formula. Formula. Money that you spent on the children. Correct. Since their birth? Yes. Half of that amount comes to $4,663.50. Stop. Yes. And that's in two years. For real, stop it. 'Cause my son is two years old. MATTHEWS: Stop playing it. RAINEY: All the way till now. JUDGE LAKE: Two children? RAINEY: Correct. You mean to tell me, in two years, it added up to four thousand, some dollars. The receipt don't lie. She's not buying clothes. MATTHEWS: I seen those numbers. And these are receipts for baby-related expenses. Her kids have never got clothes on. RAINEY: They do have clothes on. They never got clean clothes on. (RAINEY AND MATTHEWS SPEAKING OVER EACH OTHER) Mr. Matthews. Mr. Matthews! What I'm telling you is that, these aren't receipts where she's just out at the mall, whiling out and shopping and buying things she doesn't need. These are receipts for diapers and formula and food and things that your children need. RAINEY: I'm not including body wash, not including lotion, not including diaper wipes, not including none of that. That is just diapers, food and formula. MATTHEWS: Stop. JUDGE LAKE: I see that. I have enough. I need to get to the results because your responsibility and her suit is conditioned on whether or not you are in fact the father. So, Jerome, if you could please hand me the envelope, I'm ready for the results. JEROME: Here, Your Honor. Thank you. JEROME: You're welcome. These results, as prepared by DNA Diagnostics reads as follows. In the case of<i> Rainey v. Matthews.</i> When it comes to... Renaya Matthews, Mr. Matthews, you are indeed her father. All right, let's go to the next one. Jerome. And this is the child where you feel like you have the most doubt. Right. In the case of<i> Rainey v. Matthews,</i> as it pertains to... Salih Sanders, named after another man, per your insistence. And this is the child where you feel like you have the most doubt. Right. In the case of<i> Rainey v. Matthews,</i> as it pertains to... Salih Sanders, named after another man per your insistence. Mr. Matthews, you... ...are the father. All right, so, the results are in now. Mr. Matthews, it was hard to sit here and witness a man disrespect a woman, that's the mother of his children, in this way. That's overrated, though. JUDGE LAKE: I have to tell you (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I don't care what she's maybe done in the past, the fact remains is that she's the mother of your children. You got to do better on that level. That's overrated. JUDGE LAKE: For your children's sake. If not, you're gonna raise a son that treats women the same way you do. And that's not cool. Ms. Rainey, as you allow them to see you be disrespected by him in this way, you are teaching them that level of disrespect is okay. And it's not. RAINEY: That's right. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I can see the look in your eyes and if somebody treated your children the way he treated you, I wouldn't want to see you on that day. Ain't nobody gonna ever treat my kids the way he treated me. Thank you. And therefore, you must require more for yourself and you must require more of him. I'm not so certain yet that he gonna get his act together. RAINEY: He not. But he gonna take care of those kids. Oh, yeah. Now, Mr. Matthews, since you've been found to be the father today, I am awarding Ms. Rainey the amount of $4,663.50, which is half of the money she has spent raising those children without your help. Judgment for the plaintiff. Court is adjourned. Thank you. I do got to take care of those kids, I'm having them. But I don't feel like I got to respect nobody that don't respect theyself. Point blank, period. I want him in their life, I want... Material things, they don't matter. Material things don't matter. All I ask for, is the time. Teach my son how to tie his shoes, teach my son how to play basketball, teach my daughter to not want to have a man like you. Teach them. All the other stuff, material things, 'cause they're good, they don't need it, they got me and they got God. So, they good. All I ask for is, just be there.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,901,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: bgADvnaLKk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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