Team Building and You | Darkest Dungeon 2 Guide

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double Shuffle and in this video we're going to talk about how to build teams in darkest dungeon too this is something I like to always Theory craft and people have been asking for it so hopefully you enjoy it and so we're gonna go through the thought process at least that I have and team building talk about some misconceptions and then finally give you some examples of the just the concepts that are floating around in this one so like I said I hope you enjoy it and starting off we got notes off screen misconceptions about team building so something I I see in chats like twitch chats and Reddit and Discord and stuff like that is people say oh you need this role like you need a Healer oh you don't have a tank LOL even a stress healer the only role you actually need in this game is damage the reason damage is so important is because not only does it end the fight faster so you take less damage from the enemy but there are so many just penalties like mathematically it's not good to focus solely on recovery because your recovery moves have cooldowns they have thresholds and the enemies just do way too much damage it can ramp up and it's just not feasible to run this super heavy controlled Turtle team I wish it was but sadly right now it's not and there are a lot of enemies in the game just in any region that gets stronger or more dangerous the longer they're alive this includes bosses so you have to end fights quickly which is why I would say damage is the only thing you actually need thankfully it's also the thing most common in the game so it's not usually in short supply the other thing to cover as a misconception is dance teams so people talk about dance teams like oh it's really hard you know and it's scary I don't know what to do how do I make one and stuff like that and it's it's fine that it's intimidating because it's it's the thing you have to put the most thought into in the game you can't just throw four characters together with a bunch of movement skills and hope it works the other thing too is with dance teams you don't have to have a team where all four people are just floating around seamlessly doing whatever they want and looking cool and all that you don't need that for a dance team a dance team can be something as simple as Jester going from three to four and back to three and it doesn't mess anyone up so as long as one character's moving and the team doesn't fall apart when that person moves from A to B or B to a congratulations you have a dance team so we'll show some examples later when I set out to make a team I ask myself some questions these go pretty fast in my head at this point because I play the game so much but the first thing I ask is what am I doing with the Run do I want to progress do I want to play for fun do I want to unlock stuff like shrines don't Candles there are reasons to consider all of those things for most people especially newer players I I wouldn't Focus so much on progressing I'd focus more on getting a lot of candles and unlocking shrines and stuff like that just to keep the game fresh and it gives you more fulfillment I think than beating bosses but you know some people disagree with that the next thing to consider is what mountain boss are you fighting unfortunately this is something you have to consider in most cases if you want to win because some comps are not good for some bosses and yeah I know uh British brat friend of the show likes to talk about how um you play a team for fun you know or whatever not for fun but you play the team without the mountain boss for you know three and a half hours and then it's one fight that you're building for and that that is largely correct but if you are trying to progress and stuff like that then it should be a consideration but I also will say that a lot of teams can take a mountain boss even if they don't seem like they can at first glance if you're creative enough so the next thing to consider is what skills and paths do you want to use so you can say I want to build a finale team Sophie like look at Jester we see finale so what is what does finale do it does a bunch of damage and if they're Comet it does more damage and you know setting combo himself can be difficult because you have to like solo and then next turn you get to do finale but what if I want to do it turn one right so we take a look I want to do finale turn one because it's a bunch of damage and if I upgrade it it's even more damage well we have soloist which gives bonus damage and minus speed so how would this work if Jester is slow enough maybe someone can set combo before him so you can pick a soloist gesture and put them on your team and then the next thing to consider is how do we get combo there are a couple sources of combo there's stuff like weakening curse with a cultist there's also tracking shot and so we can do something like sharp shot in-app tracking shot which we can use from anywhere thankfully and then we just plop dismas somewhere and now we have sharpshot to tracking Sean turn one this helps a lot more because sharpshot is faster than normal and then solos is also slower so this really means that it's almost impossible for Highwayman to go before or after Jester in the setup and so we can open with tracking shot pick something get rid of the Dodge combo it and then we slam finale and Justin moves all the way back and this pushes Highwayman up and sharp shots not completely neutralized I guess because you know you don't get to lose half your range skills by going up in the right one so that's just an example the next thing to ask yourself is what quirks do My Heroes Have this is always a really important thing to look at and it's also worth considering that even if they seem really bad you can get rid of them you know you can go to a hospital you can use the totem you can drink wild tea and stuff there are ways to get around bad quirks so it's not a reason to completely disregard the character if they have them but you should still look at them so we always consider the homie look you know okay we get debuff resist for this but head in the Sands really bad how do I get around blind and then we look at something like grave robber she's got feder Explorer am I going to the Fetter I don't know you know just go down the list with that is robust good for you know my damage dealer maybe not blight not that common get some stuff like scouting you just keep going down the list and once you start putting together what you want to do with your characters and you're looking at their quirks you can start building the team and considering what you want to do because once you start seeing what you are capable of what you have a bad match up against you can kind of play in your your journey ahead of time which is nice I did say earlier that you don't need any specific role besides damage and that is still true however there are things you should ask yourself when you are team building because the the less rolls and type coverage you have the harder it is to pull off a win it requires more creativity game knowledge and some luck sometimes and so it's always good to ask yourself how does my team deal with stress for instance you put on gesture Jester has a really good stress heal that's good enough I have one skill that can deal with it Jester is now the stress healer or bolster for instance the other is to say how do I deal with HP damage you don't need a Healer for this but the other thing too is that a lot of characters have a way to heal themselves we only have a couple characters that can heal other people like plague doctor occultis flagellant vessels that's about a third of the cast but there are a lot of characters that have self-heal capabilities gray robber man at Arms Hellion runaway not Jester leper and the people who can heal each other could also heal themselves so healing isn't exactly in short supply the other thing too is when you're driving the wagon you heal naturally this really takes the pressure off needing a Healer in the party you just have to not die during the fight and there are a lot of ways to not do that there's taunts such as retribution and blocking and guard and weakening enemies like with intimidate there are a lot of ways to not take damage which is why you don't necessarily have to recover damage mid fight it is a good idea to understand how you're gonna do that though am I going to weaken everything am I going to spam block am I going to spam Dodge once you have that figured out then you can understand how your team's going to survive another point to consider is can this team handle being moved around you may not want to build a dance team but the enemy is going to try and move you at some point during the run and when you get out of position it can be really bad a lot of fights can actually be won by the enemy just because you have to spend turn uh turns fixing their position so this is uh an action economy type of situation so that's why it's always important to have moves at least they can move one person while also doing something else you don't want to press move and then just go up two spaces or back two spaces or whatever if you don't have to so for instance a team I always talk about using is this one I think it's the best team in the game currently and it solves a lot of issues in team building that we've talked about and the other reason it's you know really good is because we have someone like Jester who can just jump around through the party we also have some like man in arms who has hold the line and you can go all the way back to the front even if the rest of your team is entirely static as in they don't move if we have something like something like this right not saying this team's good or bad but if we had something like this this team may have some trouble moving however something that's really nice is the fact that even if we get this random horribly awful Shuffle we have something like hold the line that you know sends man arms straight up to the front and these two characters are faster than lepers so if you really need to you can move them back and move them around stuff like that and fix it not ideal but one person having a movement skill drastically changes the impact of being shuffled so it's not a bad thing to at least have one or two people that can do this and have those moves equipped even if you don't press this move and this is something a lot of people disagree with historically in like my videos and stuff like that is if you have a move that you don't press it's still good to have as a contingency and like I said people disagree with that but what I would say is what you always have to consider what move would you run instead that's more high impact you have access to five skills you're not going to need all five every single battle so it's always good to have something in case the unforeseen happens the next things to consider are how you deal damage does my team have reach and does my team have a damage variety so you could stack up all blight on a team and it can still win it's a bit harder than normal because all of your damage is one type you can just run a direct damage team but block is becoming more common as they patch the game and stuff so direct damage might be a bit harder to do if everyone just does that and so you need a balance it's nice to have a little bit of damage over time a little bit of direct damage and most importantly reach so we talk about reach as how far can your team hit into the enemy party not everyone has to be able to hit everything for instance leper doesn't really excel at hitting the backline enemies he has intimidate but that's about it and we have characters that aren't great at hitting the front lines such as if we run a runaway in position four for Firefly she can't hit rank one so it's always important to make sure that your team can kind of cover each other so yeah at least two maybe decent options to hit most ranks and you don't want to make sure that only one person can hit Rank 4 or rank one or something like that just because in the events that that person gets stunned or blinded or whatever or they miss you know that could be very dangerous so at least have a plan for that so once we've decided what skills and paths and stuff that we want to use we have to decide where people are going in the party even the most subtle choices such as does leper go in two or one can have a big impact so leper for instance usually better in one because he gets access to everything that he has instead of having to give up Purge and intimidate and stuff which you may not want to so that's always a consideration and then can the rest of the team function with what I want to do if I'm putting them in these ranks so flabbergasted on one is man arms going into sure can he do what he needs to ensue yes he can plague doctor she's going into three would she be better in four she might be depends on the path for instance Alchemist probably wants to be in four surgeon wants to be in three position doesn't care so whatever path you're running it's always worth considering the stuff we talked about like what are your damage moves where do these characters Excel the best at thankfully the game also kind of helps you with this where if you pick your Loadout the intensity of these circles get a little bit brighter or dimmer so the more bright it is the more attacks they can use from that or skills I should say can use from that position and then for this it's how many of their skills can hit them it's not exact number but it's it's a nice visual cue if you need to use it so once we've decided what team we're using their skills what ranks they're sitting in we take one last check to think about the regions that we're going to the biomes if you want to call them that so am I taking a blight team to the Fetter I might not there are good blight trinkets there but also my team is going to be way less effective in the Fetter because everything has blight resist so am I taking them there it's a worthy consideration what areas am I avoiding same questions what trophy do I want again this is something that comes with game knowledge but if I'm going to use dismiss Highwayman for instance and he has taken which gives him crit might be a good idea to go to the sprawl because he'll get he might get the crit trophy from librarian which gives you burn damage on crits and then another thing too is if we run a team like this we also have runaway and the final question to consider is Bounty Hunter so if we are going to go somewhere that might be disadvantageous to a character such as runaway in the sprawl Bounty Hunter is gonna have to come in and swap her out which means if I want to get Bonnie some burn trinkets I have to wait to pick up Bounty Hunter until I see the sprawl and he has to be there if he's not unfortunate but that's just the risk you take but that is always a consideration let's finish up the video by going through some examples of team building so the questions the thought process all the stuff that we talked about before and just starting at the top you know whatever act I'm doing whatever confession and what characters do I want to use what skills sound fun well flagellants new I played a bunch of Early Access and he's the newest character so he might be the most fun so I want to play him and what do I want to do with him I want to do a ton of damage like a ton of blight damage how do I do a bunch of light damage to go through his skills and you pick something that looks good in terms of the blight damage so something like this we get a bunch of blights sepsis taunt and necrosis which means I need more blade damage on my team Here Comes grave robber and then we can give her you know a different path like Dead Eye actually did I give him a path here yeah so examine is the the blight path so I can give him this and then for instance we have grave robber more blight which means we're gonna run darts and to keep her near the back I have some like Shadow fade and other things that help give her healing stealth and extra token interaction and then finally I shouldn't say finally but third well here's another blight character plague doctor so I want blight damage so I'm probably going Alchemist I'm gonna pick her blight skills uh what buttons are not good for Alchemist incision so I can grab another heel do I want more defensive presence withouts that's something I want to give someone damage can run Vapors do I want utility I can run magnesium rain and that's the third character that we figured out and then going through the list again is how do we because we have ways to heal we have plenty of ways to heal we have plenty of ways to do damage how do we deal with stress there are a couple couple ways but we have rank one open and that gives us a couple decent options so we can run man at Arms with bolster that's obviously the first Contender we could do a stress sponge type of setup which we'll talk about in a bit and we can use leper he can take a lot of stress damage and heal it quickly we can also make flatulent the stress sponge by using endure if we wanted to move something around and then finally there's Hellion who also has a stress heel so for the sake of this and the ease of use I would pick something like man at Arms and we have Crush for a little bit of reach we have a movement skill so he's always up in rank one because the rest of the team wants to be close to this formation and so since I have this as a movement skill I'll take retribution and there you go now we have a blight team we have a bunch of reach we can hit rank three with a melee skill we can hit the back two ranks with a cleave we have some big damage attacks we have off tanking we have a huge fun cleave movement necrosis got the other stuff you're talking about more reach with darts more blight damage movements self-healing again a ton of reach with plague doctor and healing and then man at Arms just takes up everything else so I I'm sorry if that went a little quick but that's just again the thought process in action so the next team we can talk about is as I said before a stress sponge so you don't have to run a dedicated stress healer you just have to run someone that can take the majority of the stress damage so we could run something like leopard give him poet just because it'll give him some better self healing and then we can put them up here we could go super utility too and run intimidate and Bash so he's always locked in there we probably want chop and you see here we have reflection which is a one turn cooldown but it upgrades into zero cooldown we have a decent tawning move and with Stan we have another stress heal and then we have intimidate so we're constantly taunting this character so the majority of hits will go to him and hopefully the majority of stress and he can work it off himself without having to do anything different you don't have to like necessarily build for it other things to consider is supplemental stress healing we could run something like Highwayman so Highwayman with sharpshot does a lot of crits and critical hits help relieve stress crit grape shot is very good for this so now we have Highwayman not only keeping his own stress down but randomly throwing out extra one point stress heals to the rest of the team so now we have a bit of reach we have some tanking we have a way to deal with stress and HP leper covers both but just to give ourselves a little more reach and utility we could run something like Vestal so it doesn't matter really what path she gets here you can rent chaplain fresher tanking and stuff serif is the easiest so we'd run both consecrations for instance and maybe administrations so now we have some reach we have a lot of Buffs we have dot cleanse which leper is a huge dot Magnet or damage over time because his where's this it works yeah so those resists are just terrible even with withstand they're still horrible and bad but now we have a way to at least deal with it that's also not plague doctor who only gets three charges of Battlefield medicine team could probably use a bit of reach in a little more damage in the situation so we could run something like occultist so we put him in the back got a name team very cool and so how do we get the most out of his damage back here well he can't use any range or you can't use melee skills because he's in the back I don't really need the extra heal because I have vessel and a self-healer so we can run like the burning Stars package you can also swap to a different curse and how do we make our range damage better Warlock and so now we have a team that can reach pretty much anything with Highwayman and Warlock and then we have a lot of supports we can dump strength tokens on our damage over time units or not damage over time our direct damage units we do have one damage over time skill in judgment but that is something this team lacks right so you're gonna have to find a way to help get rid of block tokens consistently or Dodge and stuff like that so your team doesn't just you know run out of steam when it's hitting targets we'll wrap up the video by giving a quick dance team tutorial this is when I get the most questions on and we'll talk about it here so with Dan seems as I said before you can run something like the the team I talk about the most and with this for instance Jester having razer's wit and fade you can go back Alchemist doesn't lose any Effectiveness then he can go forward Alchemist stays just as effective he can go forward again and sharp shots the exact same congratulations you have a dance team it can only be Jester moving through the ranks but the team doesn't fall apart when he moves that's a dance team that's the most basic and simple example I can give you but if you want to do something more complex and deep or you might have more fun doing something like that then the way you would go through it is you consider what dance skill you want to use primarily so something I like to use a lot is grave robber with lunge because I'm a huge fan of that play style from darkest dungeon one and so for night sworn for instance we get stronger pirouette and lunge pure wet is a bit harder to pull off in this team just because pirouette dazes her and you don't want your damage dealer going last on turn two it's a bit awkward and so being able to start with lunge we may still run pirouette and then we have our choices of self-health we can run like absinthe and uh dead of nights we also run pick instead of some like absinthe so we can you know use stealth for the bonus damage and then you speak to the face for more damage but primarily we're gonna run lunge and probably shadow fade these or pirouette these are the three moves that the path is good for and these are the three moves that we're gonna consider when we're building stuff so with lunge it's pretty good now especially with the Buffs and we want to Lunge as much as possible because pirouette is good but pirouette like I said days is her and we don't really want to interact with that if we don't have to so we have to figure out how we're going to make use of lunge and get as many lunges as possible this is where a good dance team comes into play and so we know that grave robber is really fast she'll likely go first in the team so we're gonna put her all the way in the back we need a character that doesn't care about getting moved we can take vessel for example this could be any back row character but we're gonna take her as a Healer next we're going to take the unlikely occultist for aspirant or aspirin or whatever and for that's you know this is all melee damage we can run chaotic Sac stab animesis binding Shadows is a move skill and then some like bone hacks actually hex doesn't work too well with this one but uh let's see actually since you don't get the range penalty you can still run pull or artillery or whatever you run Stars honestly and so we're gonna put them in two and this team is still lacking a bit of rank for reach so we can take Hellion and we need as much Rank 4 damage as possible so we're gonna take ravager and then we make sure we have a good setup for for ravager so we can run Toe to Toe to get back up front or breakthrough either works and so now we have a team that ideally grave robber goes first she pushes all the way up into two and your team looks like this that's your first lunge and then for a cultist turn use binding shadows and this gives you the option to Lunge again and then this is your turn too and then you can pirouette and reset the whole thing that's a more complicated example of a dance team but this is how you get the most use out of something like lunge where the damage is balanced around using it once every other turn so either you lunge and then Shadow fade lunge and then pirouette and then lunge again this way you can do something like getting an extra lunge there are ways to go really hard into the team building and make it so every single turn is lunge but that requires a more you know dedicated team and maybe some Trinkets and quirks to go into that but you know that's that's the idea and so that's how we get the most out of lunge in an example like this so I think that's it for the video I hope you enjoyed it hope you learned something let me know if you have any other questions and we can go into more topics like this if you guys want just let me know and I'm still working on some other stuff like the hero guides the sprawl guide is coming along nicely it'll hopefully be up in a day or two and yeah as always thanks for watching check out the box for all the cool links and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 62,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon 2 gameplay, darkest dungeon gameplay, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2 guide, hellion, plague doctor, highwayman, jester, darkest dungeon 2 release date, leper, man at arms, runaway, occultist, grave robber, darkest dungeon 2 trailer, darkest dungeon 2 review, darkest dungeon 2 changes, let's play darkest dungeon 2, lets play darkest dungeon 2023, darkest dungeon ii, darkest dungeon 2 tips
Id: lnoswaHZ1MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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