Clem's SUPERSONIC Speed vs Solar! (StarCraft 2)

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this Taran vers Zer is absolutely amazing it was played during I am COV vitza between two of the very best players in the entire game we find ourselves on the map equilibrium which is a very good map especially for the zerk and spawning right here in the top right corner playing with the red tan pieces we have CM his opponent in the top left certainly his map choice we're looking at none other than solar's main Hatchery all righty this is one of the games that I do know the result of already because I was there at the tournament but I didn't quite pay super close attention to this match and from what I understand this is an absolute Banger of a game so we're going to find out together exactly what ended up going down I find myself always zoning out whenever I'm not casting the game at a Starcraft 2 tournament I find myself zoning out a lot even when I'm looking at the TV screen or I'm looking at the monitor I still my eyes just sort of glaze over when I'm not casting the games and it's been a pretty long week generally speaking I think for the first day of the tournament uh so this was played during the playoffs but for the first day of the tournament I think we were there at the venue for like 14 hours which gets a little bit crazy also I usually consume a little bit too much caffeine so I'm going through these spikes where I have a ton of energy and then my body is like okay let's chill for a little bit and almost fall asleep anyways let's see so far nothing go too crazy obviously um yeah this map is really good for Zerg so what exactly makes the map good for Zer well overall it is just absolutely massive right so the rush distance from Base to Base is very very long it's an easy way to expend for the zerk as well cuz worst case scenario the only time you really have to like physically expend in the direction of the Teran is when you take the golden base with the rich vesian geyser like this is a a double Rich base right like this is as good as it's going to as it's going to be so all the other expansions are pretty easy as well it's just not that complex a map to play for the Zer and every single timing attack the tan wants to go for well it just simply hits a little bit later all righty so how exactly do you approach this here if you're Clen well obviously you can rely on your phenomenal control CLM is very good when it comes to just simply microing his units and I feel like over the last year he's also worked a lot on his defensive play I have seen a bunch of Teran win the late game on this map so if you can create a full split map scenario that does make the game a lot more playable but obviously that well takes a long time and especially with the double Rich base Zur can go for all sorts of attacks that are very difficult to stop solar of course also an absolute Legend when it comes to playing this matchup I feel like the man just never really takes a lot of damage so I mean he loses a zering sorry buddy but you're not considered to be a lot of damage the problem is that solar usually is like he's like a spunch you know like he will absorb every attack over and over and over again and then ultimately he will try to strike back and it's difficult for the tan to yeah uh get any sort of damage under their belt right Clen in particular is very much so a Tempo based player so he loves getting some damage done and then he will pile on the pressure with multiun harassment a little bit later and solar seems to be very good at absorbing every single one of those blows anyways so far triple Command Center opener here for CLM this is the gold standard we're going to go for a tech laap over here do the big Switcheroo get some heli and Beni to roam the map with a quick third Command Center on the back of this any damage is good damage with this opener she can already match the xerx economy relatively easily getting those mules and SUVs to mine here early on second gas taken in the natural expansion just to keep the Zer player guessing even if a ling would scouted right now you never really know exactly if this is the the second gas or the third gas guys are taking if you knew for example that it was a quick third gas then well maybe battle cruiser play would even be an option but Terren always trying to mitigate as much of that scouting information as possible none of that though really the case here in this game zerling is going to try and check but it also gets roasted just like its friend a little bit ago okay this is where solar is comfortable though solar loves being the passive player in this game he likes getting punched yeah I'll just come out and say it he likes it and we don't judge him for it he just likes to defend get his banelings rolling go into the one- One upgrades every once in a while he will mix in some aggression but usually it'll not be too early on into the game so we're going to go into the double Evolution chamber here one One upgrades before the baning speed upgrade so that is going to make the def defense a little bit trickier gets a ziring into the base right now though and what he sees is going to please him quite a bit he sees the the green light right over there inside of that Tech Lab and that indicates that stimp is going to come up it's too late for the Teran to really fake any of those upgrades at this point so this has to be a biobased army especially since he also saw the additional barracks right there in production now SAR knows he's going up against a quintessential standard Teran mid game that's always nice Good Feeling Just a single drone but still slowing down that hatchery in whatever way possible is really really nice Liberator in the main trying to harass this there's the one- One upgrades the only downside right here for solar is that his bailing speed will be very late so his bailing speed will certainly not be done before Taran can really go for a timing attack lir only starts up right now bailing speed usually the pivotal upgrade in this matchup as soon as you get the baning speed done that is when xerx will usually start taking a lot less damage so it's just going to be queens and Lings and maybe some slow banelings here for the time being but then again with this opener here for Taran even CLM going for the anti F2 Liberator here anyways yeah bailing speed is going to be a bit late but it should be manageable Armory coming up nice and early to go straight into the 2 two research when necessary and I'm expecting to see a there we go second Factory to come down and a fourth Command Center will probably well maybe a little bit later but it will probably be down in the not too distant future so both players just powering up as quickly as possible all righty one downside for this double gas or this double gold base over here is the fact that solar is going to have to deal with this High Ground area and Siege tanks up on that High Ground are very very scary luckily here though for the zerk this is not a stimpack based Army from clim which is kind of interesting inste he decides to go into a bunch of Widow mines for now usually on this map teren will look at this particular location and will well plant as many Siege tanks there as possible but apparently CLM is not going to take de baate Bane speed starts up Overlord speed starts up Hydro is then on the production tap tan bio maneuvering all the way up North okay plus two nice and early we should see the plus two infantry armor here as well momentarily okay and this High Ground will once again be used but the problem is Marines themselves yeah they're not quite going to be in a Range push over here with the leftover Helens oh banelings oh my God oo that could have been a disaster luckily right there for solar even though all of his banelings were clumped up the Widow mines did not quite get the connections certainly an opportunity right there for retargeting from Clen but maybe he retargeted a little bit too aggressively and that Widow mind shot was just a second too late either way drop continues in the main base but this one will be deflected Queens are going down here but ultimately I think this is a game where solar is pretty happy with how things are going he's gotten away with his greedy double upgrades he's got 91 drones already and now bailing speed ultimately is done and that is going to make life so much easier this is also the moment though where CLM is going to power up his aggression and his multitasking the Met drop from the bottom of the map still going to town still trying to hurt the Queens in the meantime Widow mines being set up right over here at the bottom of the map as well to deal as much damage as possible okay good split right over there H okay deflection once again successful here for solar I'll be it a bit more costly than he was probably hoping for hi coming up lurker then on the production tab too so lurker then is going to make this Tempo advantage that Clen has been trying to go for a lot diff or a lot more easy for the Zer player to shut down even when your creep has been pushed back all the way to your for base or even when the Teran is constantly on your front door just a bunch of lurkers burrowed in these tactical locations makes it very very difficult for the Teran to push in solar still sitting at 94 workers very different compared to for example a dark right dark will not really play this style at all but in my mind both dark and solar are well definitely the best zerks from Korea different approaches overall though in this matchup and in all the other match match ups too drop in the meantime in the main base did it kill any structures no not quite okay let's see both players have powered up a lot though here in the first 10 minutes of this game economies are stable fifth Command Center about halfway done plus three research should begin here for CLM but he's busy multitasking drilling Claw at this point is done oh okay great splits right there by solar once again kill over there at the bottom of the map as well lovely work right there CLM trying to use some of that speed right so APM and Starcraft 2 a little bit inflated especially for the Zerg 400 plus actions per minute though for Tan is really solid CLM is only going to get faster from here okay great splits though zerks have gotten so much better at dealing with those Widow mines a Queens feel like we've seen a dozen Queens go down in this game so far Target firing down to Bings okay now you're just showing off clip all right he didn't need to stay around for that long but yeah 10 Queens I was going to guess it doesn't but 10 Queens have gone down in this game all right now the light at the end of the tunnel is here seismic spines coming up naida's network is going to finish up very very soon as well already right though CLM is patrolling with a viking and look at the sensor Tower positioning sensor Tower in the main base to see a I don't know any unit here to go around right he going to be able to see an overseer that will try and get vision of the main base really really early another missile turret at the Gold base is going to reveal that the gold base has been taken but at the very least CLM is going to be able to get all right knowledge of Zer units that are trying to sneak around solar loves going for the KN as worm in combination with lurkers okay overseer still managed to get in but is it really going to be able to achieve much are we going to drop it nope okay yeah this is a classic solar game here so far he enjoys being the punching back and then suddenly he strikes back when he is done with everything that he needs to do like this is this is the way the man loves to play we've got ourselves the fusion core now coming up as well for the Liberator range to research changeling in the main base is going to provide vision at the same time workers are out and they're going to be running on over towards that worm KN is in the main base couple units available but this is so annoying right and suddenly yeah tan is being attacked from the inside out suddenly that Tempo advantage that CLM has been working so hard for in the first 13 minutes of the game it's been mostly deflected creep spread is going to be respread once more he's doing a great job though holding on here at the front cuz normally the Ling Bane Hydra Army is going to be able to overwhelm banelings though oh still get some juicy detonations 15 scvs have gone down the lurkers actually did not Escape so they decided to stick around for a little bit longer than they probably should have would have loved to see them popping back into the Worm but good bit of counter damage right here by solar this is what he's been building up for the entire game long one Marine in the main base he heard about what the Marines down south were capable of against the Queens but he's going to get murdered new lurkers coming up Advanced ballistics starts up here as well for Taran plus three infantry weapons is already done infantry armor is going to finish up momentarily and the iron bank it is building we're aiming for about eight or so orbital commands minimum and once that's done life's really good another nus Network I was going to say CL that one is an easy one to shut down but it is Kore getting a massive distraction okay good movement here though by the tan getting a lot of zerlings here we've seen so much knus worm play knus worm play Lately from all the top zerks it's really nice using all of that Mobility to their advantage it's funny cuz like historically it's not actually that popular of a structure like historically we mostly saw nus worm play as a cheese right Zerg players would try to bring it as quickly as possible and then well the nus worm got nerfed or changed or whatever and the builds just fell out of favor but now they're being used a lot for late game maneuverability and I love to see it it's creating so much chaos CLM loses another 15 SCV solar has got all of the bases taken on his side of the map and he is not even remotely done yet he's got money for days here plus three is going to finish up momentarily for the Ling Bane as well adrenal glance is already done I mean magnificent game here so far by solar this is exactly the way he hadn't intended lurkers pop up here at the bottom of the map as well they're going to make it difficult creates a distraction boom hits with the Ling Bane Hydra at the front this is so incredibly difficult to defend right now for Clen who spin with his back against the wall trying his very best caducus reactor upgrade is done that's the latest and greatest Teran upgrade the good old metc heal Improvement sensor Tower missing right over here by the way now makes it a bit tricky luckily there is a widow mine to see that this uh kn this worm is coming up in that location to clarify by the way I saw somebody getting confused in the YouTube comments section recently uh you do not like we get a nice notification on the mini map right of where that nusw worm is going up this thing right over here that is not what CLM sees so CLM only has one little dot right there on his mini map and that is all the information he has to work with it's the same for tactical nukes and all that they're not easy to spot for the opponent planetary Fortress goes down a bit pricey of course but solar at this point is feeling Rich he's even going after one of the bases that would be considered to be his opponent okay hyra ban getting absolutely shut down nidus worm here in the back once more these constant nidus worms man like maybe they're not cost efficient but they're sure very very APM efficient cuz CLM even though he's the fastest Teran player in Starcraft 2 you can see that he's still struggling trying to keep up with everything right it's one of those moves where takes a few actions for the zerk to execute but it takes about 10 times as many for the Teran to defend and for 75 minerals 75 gas each solar is apparently happy to keep sprinkling them into the game lot the Rocks now gone yep that factory is now also destroyed all right lovely defense here though by Clen this is what I'm talking about right Clen has gotten a lot better at the defensive style this is not quite that Maru esque approach though that we see in a lot of games this is CLM now turning into the punching back after solar was the one that took most of the damage early on okay plus three missile going to finish up momentarily solar just trying to pile on the pressure left right and Center transferring drones down south as well right now it's not that many but that is one of the bases that Clem really would like to have this is such a fast game a easily the fastest game of tvz I've casted in quite a while at least night is worm being used used maybe a little bit defensively mostly just because solar has become next door neighbors with Clen not because Clen had any say in the matter though he doesn't like this at all moving forward honestly very impressive stuff here by clemo still with a good economy still with a solid amount of CCS still with a maxed out Army still on top of the upgrades and just handling everything brilliantly despite the fact that the man has been putting out fires left right and Center another Knight as worm over here will get denied cheeky little lurker he's so fast at cleaning all of this up aay okay well solar probably agrees that that was an ambitious base in the first place right he doesn't really need that one that was mostly just to rub a little bit of salt in the wound of Clen right there tactical nuke by the way on the production tab as well Ling ban Hydra moving forward 67 scvs were killed by solar in this game so far and this is basically solar trying to slowly smother Clen in aggression right he's trying to suffocate this Teran player here and it's starting to look like it is working out although the Teran Army right now coming in from the back coming around the side blinding clouds right there do help out solar to try and Retreat his army away once more but finally Clen yeah seems to discover a little bit of a foothold over here I'll be it one that came at the cost of an entire base worth moving down south once again this expansion is blocked because there's a lurker but that one will also be cleaned up very rapidly more Queens are falling immediately though when CLM is spotted down South solar moves through the center of the map okay this really does feel like the fastest paac game I've seen all year a either that or maybe I've played too much stormgate lately that game is a little bit slower that's for sure anyways great splits right there W these these engagements though are really good for clim microing is hard out dealing with the aggression here with those worms too and right now the amount of money that's been spent on niduses great splits oh beautiful splits against parab bombs the amount of money that's been spent on the the nidus worms it's it's starting to add up right like 75 minerals 75 gas each we've seen doesn't base is going to stay alive okay the wind has been taken out of solar seals though solar right now flat broke as far as gas goes I think he's going to have to give CLM a bit of time to breathe here but that's going to work out really nicely for the Frenchmen random Cyclone there he is what was his name again we have two random Cyclones I was giving them a name was it Terry no it wasn't Terry was the Swarm host the random swarm hose that Zer players like to go for in the late gamees sometimes all right was it Chuck no it wasn't Chuck anyways CLM managed to hold incredibly impressive but he is not he's not out of the woods yet he's been holding on to the bottom section of this map but as soon as he takes up shop at the bottom of the map solar takes one of the bases that would would ordinarily be considered the Terrance up north sensor Tower here does reveal it liberators are going to Siege up in that location I don't believe we have a Spire no we do not so we're not in a position here to make a load of corruptors fungal oh big fungal lovely fungal grows although The Liberation zones here are not to be underestimated solar decides to just push through it goes after to Chuck the cyclone ban Lings connecting wherever possible but these are all very expensive trades here another orbital command is burning at the very least but solar is trading like he is never going to run out of cash and I think he's already run out of cash yeah look at the cost efficiency here who a near 20,000 resource difference that adds up very very rapidly CLM trading is hard out but he needs to be careful he cannot fight the zerk army without being maxed out himself and obviously the creep is still at his front door the ghost numbers are being remade he lost quite a few of them in that previous engagement but then again against this Army you don't need a million ghosts either cuz this is just a mid game based army with some late game spellcasters for the Zerg no Ultras no lurkers in the main attacking Force no brute Lords none of that there's still a tactical nuke by the way sitting inside of the ghost economy only three mineral fields are accessible here I think technically four but the liberators are trying their best to just deny this as long as possible 13 confirmed kills as well on that bad boy solar is going after the lifeline of Clems economy that's this base over here at the bottom of the map and it is going to get shut down easy peasy barab bombs right over there on the metx trying to keep that economy low 14 drones though did go down I think it must just mostly be yeah these liberators liberators putting in a ton of work they're set up all over the map and since there are no corruptors and this is a big oversight for Solar without any corruptors he cannot properly deal with these range liberators like technically speaking you could abduct him right but that is incredibly inefficient use of actions plus his strategy is to try and keep the Teran player occupied so he can't really dedicate his vipers to doing that right now love that move right here by Clen recognizing what he's playing against and using that to his Advantage another command center is burning here another nine scvs end up falling can we scan over here Clen infestors are coming around the side Clen oh God okay well he does see some of them okay good splits over there get some of the emps those infestors are forced to back off Marines over here coming up north as well they're going to take care of that base in the meantime push over here down south fungal are deflected parab bombs are microed against as well this planetary Fortress is nowhere to be seen but a few scvs will try their very best to repair that one back up to full HP ghosts are standing their ground themselves right now few Marauders in the front Ling Bane Hydra moving forward one random drone in the mix of that unit com of the zerk as well fungal growth not really achieving that much CLM just trying to make his many units as he possibly can adding on more and more Marines at this stage as well scvs are falling though this base is in a little bit of trouble there is not enough energy here for a fungal growth and upon not killing That Base as quickly as he would like to solar realizes that he cannot continue this aggression for much longer CLM is going to secure the base down south he's going to secure the base up north and with that solar is no longer able to stay in the game what a fast-paced game incredible GG's
Channel: LowkoTV
Views: 43,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lowko, LowkoTV, Simon Heijnen, Tutorial, Guide, Commentary, How-to, StarCraft 2, SC2, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, Tournament, Strategy, StarCraft 2 cast, Zerg, Protoss, Terran, StarCraft 2 2024, SC2 2024, 2024, Esports
Id: dZl4YqSxVN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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