BEST ITEMS TO UNLOCK | Darkest Dungeon 2 Guide

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so I'll be on shuffle and this video is going over the altar of Hope slot machine the gotcha and the unlocks and the tears because everything is separated by the tears of the candle amounts and I didn't actually know if these were so super huge like I cannot thank Ranger enough for making this this is a really good Community tool because for one it's just incredibly well put together it looks nice that's a very good presentation but also it's a great resource for unlocking stuff because you know people like me will make guides until you get this and that from Heroes and whatever but with this specifically you can really know what you're after in the random outcome of the altar the slot machine the working fields and this will just be helpful because you'll know when you should push to the next tier or when you should you know invest those candles elsewhere so thank you Ranger the community will definitely appreciate this and I'll link it below because I got permission so thanks and starting off and he said he's also going to update this um as needed so that's nice so we're going to start with the tier one of trinkets so as you see here these are your one candle trinket unlocks and a lot of you aren't gonna know what these are just at a glance but I can tell you by looking at this not a lot of these are actually great so we have these ones up here like the the urn the Ring The Gauntlet The Sword and stuff and the sword one of these is a dagger they are those trinkets where you get like a turn in or turn start on hit on Miss it's these ones these distant trinkets like adrenalizing ash you get speed if you miss you get days so these are really easy straightforward examples of good upside and then possible downside if something goes wrong but they're also easy to understand and a lot of these are okay but they're not like amazing stuff like strong shackles could be better but you know this isn't a trinket review video and just looking at this there's a lot of those in this early pool and those are okay a couple of them are pretty nice like this one gives you block The Gauntlet here the ring I think this is the Dodge ring yeah it is okay but otherwise this mirror for instance this is a low torch trinket so if you're not running low torch then say yeah something like this right you apply to the enemy if they hit you uh combo token but if you're D if your torch is high then you have less death flow resist so that's really bad so a lot of these aren't super good because you have things like Tinderbox which is really good for runaway specifically but the combination of having to unlock heroes and who these trinkets are most beneficial beneficial for may not line up so it's actually not really recommended to at least in my opinion to go for the trinkets early because a lot of these are decent but not amazing and you can unlock your hero-specific trinkets instead as well as some of them aren't helpful for the bass cast like the the first tier of stuff is going to be super important for the starter team and the some of these are decent enough but like I said stuff such as The Tinderbox isn't that useful if you don't have run away we have things like this this is an ants Aquarian trinket so this is a drop from her and it's dependent on currency and stuff but the thing too with the anti-trinket right here cleansing class it's actually a pretty decent trinket the problem is an Aquarian doesn't show up in the first chapter so you can unlock this and you'll get it for that one run but then you may not see it until you get further into the game because anti's not there and then we have things like cruel intent this is the cultist trinket where it'll blind you every turn but you also get an extra 33 crit while blinded it's really good for leopard you may not have leper unlocked so really can't recommend the early trinkets surprisingly I mean you're gonna have to get through these eventually but yeah at least they're one candle could be worse Stagecoach items however for tier one I was very surprised at how like how clean this list is this is a really good one so we have the almanac for the sprawl and the uh the tangle and these are the first two regions you get access to in denial so these are both immediately helpful you get the wagon upgrades for an extra wheel I think it's two wheels actually and extra armor plating both of these are great because the early wagon has two tokens of each so you're gonna do a lot of repair fights this really helps you get past that and this looks like the shrine map if I'm not mistaken and so having access to the the shrine map can also be helpful for your future endeavors see where's it's a scouting thing there we go yeah it is a shrine map so guaranteed to find hero shrines also helpful The Collector chandelier helps with gaining candles helpful to have early the pot and still this gives you whiskey whiskey is really good for building Affinity you get it early it's also food gear and then this the limbic retort makes I think restorative items the surgeon stable helps cure disease while you're traveling very helpful for new players and Veterans alike and then this final one makes traps I believe it's contraptions no traps okay so I'm not entirely sure what actually I do have the list here so out of these These are what you start with so there's no cell and there's no Thunder or Thunderclap in this but I don't think anything else here is a trap I think the smoke bombs a contraption so if you unlock the Trap makers kit I don't know if it can actually give you anything because it's outside of the pool but maybe you can so that that takes some more testing otherwise that's pretty much the the only missing here except maybe the Olympic too but the rest of the stuff is really good actually so Stagecoach worth your investment especially early combat items some pretty good ones in here healing Salve is the best one you can honestly roll the working fields for combat items until you get the Salve and then just stop you don't need anything else in here to give you a huge win rate because everything in here is really nice it helps but the things that give you the highest win percentage is straight up just going to be the healing self and that's gonna be that way for the rest of the game and since it's early to unlock then you can pick it up and then you can save your candles you might get unlucky and have to spend all 10 but it is nice that it's in the earliest here because it is the most helpful and then finally end items the best ones here are the bread because that way you don't have to eat slime mold and then leeches to cure disease that's really helpful and then maybe Whiskey Bottle to build Affinity but everything in here is pretty solid the mop bucket got buffed the book of insults is kind of mediocre but everything else in here is pretty solid like speed pulses and speed bag not as good but not terrible okay that was in items we're going to tier two now so let's see what the early or the mid-tier unlocks are for uh because everything has three tiers and you can tell you're in the next tier when the candle cost goes up so that's a really easy way to to stay up on it and for the dark impulses since they all use the same symbol Ranger was kind enough to show us which dark impulse you unlock with these these icons that's really nice and for the tier two tier 2 training and seas get a lot better so yeah things like what is it Knuckles and reach these two was it like Raven's reach or something like that we get basically just bonus damage these are really helpful for most damage dealers we get golden gargoyle to deal with blind tokens get some more fun and interesting cultist string it's like lockjaw this gives you more dot chance like burn blade and stuff then we have signing silence which is kind of hard to utilize but actually really good when you can get it we get things like thrilling tablet which is good if things go wrong because this Buffs whoever's surviving and holding it and then as far as those upside turn start or on hit or turn in or whatever and then negative on Miss stuff we get access to the snuff which is plus strength I think it's weakened if you miss by the way sickening silence too since I'm actually here is a trinket where if you are diseased every time you get hit by something you apply a six by three blade to it so every time you get hit you have a chance to retaliate with 18 damage very strong you just have to get a disease that doesn't destroy your character so there are a few out there like rabies that don't you know just end the run so if you can get one of those and silence then it pops off but otherwise we were talking about the St I think it's stirring snuff so let me find it actually want to see this it is Raven's reach I knew it where it's in here somewhere right there it is so turn start you get strength gain on miss you know weekends so there's a few of these in here get access to Snappy Swig one of the best ones in the game clenching Claw is really good for your tanks because it has a chance to throw negative tokens at enemies then we have stuff like Cuppa for blight characters Brew for blight characters and you know if you ever do want to see these I know I'm talking over some of them but I'll link the wiki and stuff too because otherwise I'll be making an hour long video just diving into stats and that's not the whole point of this is just to show you what is good and then you can look at the stats if you want so we got some more low torch stuff like covert cloak this is you get stealth at low torch uh peculiar pods gives you debuff penetration as well as a chance to secure disease when you hit enemies which is nice I think I talked about Swig is one of the best just in the game really good on Highwayman and gray robber because I can get high enough speed to uh Prock it so that's cool but otherwise trinkets trinkets get much better in tier two they have a pretty bad tier one but they have a really solid tier too so if you get up to this point then it's probably worth starting to put a lot of candles into it Stagecoach items so these are interesting here so we get more production items like the compress kit and the actually I don't know the compress kit produces it increases stack size let me see yeah okay the lean big is what makes stuff so it has Synergy there but it increases stacking and poultices can be really good because the poultices you know they stack indefinitely and if you find a bunch you can nullify certain boss mechanics is you just resist them we have the hospital scouting map which is all right tea service really good for positive affinity and then this is what is a scouting it's not the hoarder thing let me see I'm gonna find more scouting stuff I don't recognize that off the top it is the hoarder the hoarder decoding signal this actually isn't super good early because you don't have enough trinkets most likely to make use of it or enough just unlocks in general hoarder is really really good when you have a lot of unlocks and this this is really good wagon gear when you have a lot of trinkets available because he has a huge selection and you can get some really good stuff just by going there like I I have won runs just finding him with this and having a bunch of bobbles like that the run I did yesterday that I streamed where I did act two I had a really cheap trinket prices and then I found them in the third region and just bought like six things it was really cool but other than that I mean some more um stuff for the wagon this is blueprint stuff I think you can find more Stagecoach upgrades that way which is all right food box this increases food that you find like the amount of it and it gives you disease resist then we get the other two almanacs so we get the Shroud and the Fetter these are appropriately tiered Because by the time you get out of act one then you get access to the other two regions so these become more relevant and then we have loathing resist as a Lancer and which is pretty good for combat items not not too strong in this tier there are a lot of damage ones and then we have shred of decency which removes worship from enemies this can be helpful but otherwise the best ones out of this are probably shimmering powder for the stealth shred of decency to deal with cultists to get worship and noise maker for your tanks otherwise the rest of it's damaged fishnet's good for a boss specifically and a couple other things but not high priority so combat items actually not as good in tier two really good tier one not as good tier two and items some really good ones in here so we get some good food here apples and cheese this gives you debuffers this and 20 hp boxing gloves dartboard pretty good for Affinity building uh there's a book of body tails and this lower stress I believe so it's pretty good if you're struggling with that but the winners here are the whiskey barrel this is really good for affinity Wet Stone sometimes can be good for your damage dealers Nightshade concoction gives you deep uh death blow resist which is really really helpful for the mountain and then we have the songbook of touching dirges which gives you affinity for your whole team at a pretty good rate so these are really good I think the only two I didn't talk about were my time in the desert gives you a chance of giving you Stealth at the start of your turn and then knotted rope has two people potentially get strength at the start of their turn in the next region but also this can give you some negative quirks like I think sprained ankle something like that maybe sprained wrist okay now we're wow we're already blitzing through this so tier three trinkets let's see what we get we get some some powerhouses out of the tier three understandably so with the tier 3 trinkets in mind we get access to enlightening element which is pretty good for a fast damage dealer because you get Dodge and you have a chance to burn stuff which is nice Compass just one of the best strings in the game it's something where it's about 20 chance to get either block Dodge strength or crit or the other 20 is one stress easy enough downside to mitigate but huge upside really good trinket the other win the other winners in this tier are probably I would say sparkle Bowl this is another thing where you hit the enemy I believe and you hit him with a bunch of uh yeah debuffs you have a chance to hit these so you can Daze on blind weaken phone or immobilize the immobilize is kind of the weakest one out of this but the rest of these are really good and out of the cultist trinkets these two aren't that good snap judgment got buffed and it's really nice on your Speedy characters temptation is one of the best trinkets in the game even though it is terrifying do you have a chance of either getting an extra action or taking one damage but you also have no more deathlore resist or it drops it to whatever the the current lowest is it's either like five percent or zero or 33 I forgot what freaking patches on live at this point yeah so extra action temptation is incredibly powerful the appalling apron this converts any damage over time effect into regeneration which is really nice Spike skull cap is okay uh pick sticker and the Mallet these are low torch trinkets not really worth it just because really hard to get to low torch and stay there these days because we don't have infernal capping us at one otherwise yeah so the winners and lightning element compass snap judgment Temptation apron those are the best ones out of this so honestly if you get all those I just mentioned probably stop rolling you don't need the rest of these Stagecoach gear kind of a Miss at the end maybe not quite there there are some good things here so a say gear I'm amazed this hasn't been nerfed yet this gives you an extra four gold every time you get gold so you can go through a region and get no joke like a hundred from this thing it you get so much money and the earlier you get it the better because you will never need money again once you have this thing unless you get it to the mountain and then it does nothing triggered organizer this helps you find extra trinkets which is nice Merchant Guild seal reduces the cost of everything that can be helpful stupot is it's regrettable that it's so late like it's a tier three unlock because you start with the griddle the flapjack griddle produces food and you don't need another food production item at that point I mean having access to two just increase your odds is nice but like you already have Flapjacks so you don't really have to push for this is what I'm trying to say these are production Stagecoach items so again that really depends on what other items you have unlocked to make them good and then we have a scouting telescope which is nice but scouting isn't as important as it was in the first game and then wagon Jack I'm surprised this isn't something you get early because if you get a repair fight this pretty much gives you your turn back if someone has to uh spend their time repairing the wagon and it the fact that it's so late is a bit weird because by this point you have access to armor plating the wheels and you've probably unlocked your Stagecoach stuff in the altar that gives you your third token for wheels and armor so you're not hitting as many repair fights so this gets worse I mean it's better than nothing but it does get worse at the end combat items a couple winners I mean all these are a couple of these are really good some of these are decent we have the AOE damage over time grenades so we have the Fire Grenade the Spore grenade and the scrap grenade so this bleed fire and blight those are decent some characters can or trinkets make really good use of them warhorn gives your whole party to strength this is a really good item triage kit is one heel for 75 which is good but healing Salve is just better and you get that way earlier holy water removes all negatives that can be cleansed and combo tokens so this is very powerful for some encounters that's really going to have dazzler has a chance to like Daze stun I think lower speed let me see pyrotechnic dazzler yeah oh and volume so two of these at random you can blind them Daze them stun them vulnum or give them minus four speed for three turns this is a really good one so that is pretty nice anyway Wilbur's flag which is good for anyone that likes combo and does direct damage the issue is these two right here the javelins and the flag you have to get them out of the sluice this loose isn't guaranteed to be there you're not guaranteed to see these so it's not that important that you get these and then finally for in items you get some of the best ones so you get Amorous ballads this is a an affinity building book which is really good it's like plus three minus one at 80 to 20 which is really helpful candles and chocolate it's either one two or three Affinity which is really nice meditative totem and wild tea these cleanse negative quirks which can be helpful the book of rousing ballads arousing Tunes or something like that this gives your whole team speed really important super good the Eldritch Idol I forget what it's exactly called this gives you like strength crater speed also good pig is huge for affinity and stress managements uh poetry can give you sanguine as a quirk which is really nice and it lowers a bunch of stress on two people and gives them affinity and then finally we have the defensive holy beads which gives you I think block and speed and maybe dodge so overall really interesting stuff and I would say Obviously by the time he hits a tier three you know you want all the N items you don't really need all the combat items don't really need all the stagecoach items need a couple of the trinkets so I think honestly the big winners are in items tier two and items tier three and items just good at every level aren't they uh tier three trinkets those are winners tier two combat items only a couple winners Stagecoach items that tier two aren't that good um string as a tier two are much better than tier one and items that tier one are really good combat items the tier one are good just for the South Stagecoach items that one are super good and trinkets of tier one are knots so there you go there's your quick and dirty list that was really interesting I'm gonna try and make use of this next time I use a fresh profile so that's it for the video thanks Ranger for doing it I will link the wiki and the uh the list down below for your viewing convenience but yeah so out of the other things I forgot the I didn't take enough pictures because I haven't done fresh profile in a minute but the starting combat items like I was saying before you don't get these two so you don't get Salve or grenade but you get the rest of this and then four in items you don't get the bread the whiskey or the poultice but you get cards which are not that good but you get sun pulses which is very important and whiskey flask which is good too so that's enough for the video thanks for watching I'll see you next time foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 19,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon 2 gameplay, darkest dungeon gameplay, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2 guide, hellion, plague doctor, highwayman, jester, darkest dungeon 2 release date, leper, man at arms, runaway, occultist, grave robber, darkest dungeon 2 trailer, darkest dungeon 2 review, darkest dungeon 2 changes, let's play darkest dungeon 2, lets play darkest dungeon 2023, darkest dungeon ii, darkest dungeon 2 tips
Id: O9Yjkk4mHdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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