The Smallest Bypass Ever!

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okay folks so you may confuse this with uh Hideout and we have already done the smallest Hideout ever but this is the smallest bypass ever and bypass was a hideout inspired map which I've made for hidden cup and will be used in the main event of hidden cup which is February 25th through March 3rd which means if you're watching this on YouTube that's actually coming soon it'll be live on Twitch and on YouTube and there'll be more info on that basically the difference here between hideouts and between uh bypass is you have Palisade walls on the outside well Matador did have Palisade walls on the outside and he deleted them um and then you also have an opening through the middle and well now ozone deleted that cuz he wants to make houses there listen there's limited space guys there's not a lot of space to move around and I think that's part of it but yeah technically this could be an area where you're aggressive through the middle now you cannot build on the Sandy turret the ostrich are trying to escape no way no oh ozone almost sniped the ostrich ozone noticed the ostrich run through and tried to rewall it so he could steal it um man I'm trying to get my intro in here this is very complicated but you cannot build on that Sandy terrain so a tower Rush is not a huge possibility here but yeah when Matador deleted his walls he also deleted a piece next to that gate which allowed the ostrich to escape Okay so we've got Goths for Matador where the hunt lasts longer they also get Loom instantly which is nice and then we have Mongol for ozone where the Hunt is 40% faster and there's also tons of hunt now in normal bypass games you don't always see players use the stuff on the sides because it is so far away but because everything is so close cuz this is the tiniest bypass ever it actually makes sense to be aggressive for that especially if you're these two who are very aggressive players uh I'm also noticing that there's only a few gaps between the berries so it could actually be possible to use the berries as part of a wall so Palisade Palisade Palisade and suddenly that is blocked off and that's that's kind of a possibility over here as well so I think forward walls would make a lot of sense here now remember that any ranged building is nerfed so it has half the normal range why is capture AG lagging for me it was really weird did that happen for you guys too sorry if it did so the town centers Towers castles everything it has uh half the normal range so it will not be as effective and wow we actually see a mill here from matador so he's using the mill as part of a wall that's kind of smart shout out to any mil wall FC guys out there if this is a mil wall fast Castle mil wall FC popular Club I actually don't really know too much about mil wall FC I just have said mil wall FC before and then people thought it was funny so that's just me making a reference but uh what division are they in does anyone can anyone tell me I don't even know they in like division four three maybe it depends on the year they're in League one oh okay okay they're in the championship didn't know that well I mean relatively peaceful game so far I would say and matador is going to take this side so he actually walked forward and got a very forward wall down he's now going to back away as well so Matador has all this hunt all this Stone all this gold and he's trying to now wall this side but he didn't know that ozone was already over here and ozone is not about to let this villager escape and ozone goes bam and ozone goes boom and then Matador goes bam and matador is now trapped it would have to be a crazy quick wall for Matador to save this villager now because ozone has nothing else to do and we'll know he just needs to block so double mil wall I think Matador is considering a fast Castle um ozone is definitely not like ozone is definitely going to be aggressive here in some capacity in feudal I could see Towers making sense but then again towers are nerfed and ooh ozone ran through the middle and actually built a wall piece there yeah I mean technically he could delete that later and run through I just don't know how smart that is what ELO are these players uh if they're going to rewatch all of this and hear me later I'm going to call ozone a 2200 rated player because I think he's in a bit of a slump right now and he's going to be really annoyed by the fact I brought that up in front of thousands of people but realistically um these guys are like 2K4 2K5 players so they theyve really high elal players top 30 they've been in the top 30 range usually like top 40 top 50 range they did both play in the hidden cup qualifier ozone lost 3-1 to ganji who actually qualified for hidden cup and that series could have gone to to five games to give you an idea of his quality Matador lost to the max 21 yeah I know saying only 2200 is it seems a little rude maybe to people who could maybe never like you know dream of getting to like 2K let's say um but yeah ozone has reached higher Heights than that so realistically that's where he's at so ozone goes fast feudal he's going to add archers and he's also dropping a tower here um and these villagers are going to be able to break through now again the tower lacks range so if this was a normal Tower these villagers would be getting hit but they're not because we have a custom version here now Matador he's dropping a tower on this side which protects this side and also denies the berries which I think is very nice so so far I think I prefer matador's position but then again Matador doesn't have archers and matador doesn't have the stone to make another Tower so maybe this could make some progress here for ozone um and then maybe yeah maybe ozen will deny these berries and then these guys will have to decide to just take their berries at home still do wonder if The Middle's going to going to mean anything here guys I think we might get castle age from this it is so rare to see even Castle Ag and some of these games especially with the hyper aggressive players but there's there's still lots of food available they have access to resources now this is where this is hilarious the towers don't range each other this Tower cannot range this Tower because of the half range but in previous games ozone went for uh look at Matador be a nerd right now look at him he's like I might attack your scout he's defin he can't help himself Matador has to click his Scout but um in previous games ozone got Fletching and I think he might have labbed it out now where with Fletching he could actually shoot this Tower down ozen's villager is getting attacked there he just pulls that villager away and now with Fletching in he can range the tower that's really smart so Fletching actually has a much bigger effect in this than a normal game right cuz Fletching adds 25% more range or actually I think 20% more range cuz base range is four in this which we've changed I keep thinking it's three it might actually be a percentage but Capt range can't show a percentage so it might be 3.5 I think it's actually 3.5 and capture is rounding up um no Fletching yet for Matador as I say that he's getting it and they're both just maybe going to play this game where they send archers into Towers in which case I think I would prefer to be in ozone's position because ozone has more archers he already has five archers loaded up in this thing so feels like he's winning that war still buries um still hunts still goats and then over here we have the same thing where it's an Archer and four villagers so yeah we have just arrived to another Tower War um all the same even though we've nerfed the towers for these games trying to avoid them I mean towers are just so it's just a really strong thing to have out there regardless and this isn't being repaired Mator might need to notice repair and then hop back in which he's doing now I I think what's funny is I don't think this Tower can actually hit the repair vills so I think Matador could could be fine I think you should only make like eight archers I think if you go over that you're over making archers because archers that aren't in a tower are useless here and I would say you go four what you want to do in these situations guys is you go four archers in the tower and then one Vil that way you can always pull one guy out to repair I see too frequently where play players will go five archers like I guess this is fine for ozone but sometimes players won't have a villager around to repair Matador has collected a thousand more resources here it also get wheelbarrow though which I mean it doesn't hurt but it also doesn't help you that much when you don't have many farms again you cannot Tower you cannot build on that sand strain there so a tower there's not feel that useful right now Matador doesn't seem that interested in trying to deal with this Tower anymore but it might just be because he's distracted and they will continue to repair their towers and here comes ozone ozone sees the scal Matador notices this Matador is like you want to party let's party bro again TC range is affected as well otherwise he would never be here and Scout is a distraction Scout goes down Matador pulls the Villager back so does ozone wheelbarrow oh wheelbarrow being in actually helps a lot with the Villager speed in these situations Matador almost got trapped there and ooh there's a tower you need to counter Tower this right now if you're Matador Matador just lost a villager Matador just lost a tower Mator is getting surrounded right now by ozone I think I think you have the counter tower that one oh oh oh surprise The Archers went into the TC and out what a play oh that was epic that was epic for Matador that was his plan and just like that he's right underneath his Tower he's attacking it and the tower will go down and the villagers will have to escape and now the archers that were in this Tower need to come over from Ozone now we're not finished because ozone has a lot of archers and now Matador needs to run and as he runs he loses more and oh man man some pretty high level stuff there from both of them I mean hus scls could be insane here for the Goths if you could get a castle down I actually think there is a chance that ozone will run past this TC the t's have three range when he sees his opponent's in Castle and he can see his opponent's base right now you can see his opponent's on Stone I think he might be terrified I could definitely see him just running through well maybe he can't now I do love the double Tower here though that's a really nice position Siege would make sense for Matador he did that in the when he was playing as Kelts in another game in a similar position let's see what he does first thing I think he wants the castle more than anything and no Siege Workshop he want to place a castle here now if these towers were max range this would be a stronger position for ozone he's going to drop a castle there that castle will go up it cannot be denied now some villagers could go down but Castle will go up interesting very interesting your Towers also become stronger in Castle a so it's more likely that Matador can shoot this Tower down now let's see how much does this Castle really shoot down now this is the first castle we've seen with the adjusted range so that Tower will go down Castle just has uh five range so that means this Tower will stay which is really annoying ooh huscarl oh husar's going to run through mil wall mil wall gate husar's into your e could ruin the game for you here if you're ozone look how many villagers he brought to this nice job from Matador 2 to realize he could delete some walls to get through there he does not have any food income right now by the way none so he's not going to make many huscarls he got 16 on Stone is making Siege I don't even know if there's space for another Castle can you fit a castle over here without deleting all your buildings I don't think so I don't know why capture AG can't handle the smallest map ever but it does lag occasionally there's literally nothing going on compared to a normal game obviously not literally but ozone about to be in Castle ozone will be banking up stone for a castle as well it feels like a castle here is natural just to defend this area this is now the most vulnerable side for ozone oh my goodness a ton ton of exposed villagers now you probably don't want to build the castle here but you might feel like you have to okay I mean that is a risky castle that is really risky I don't think this goes up abort abort abort abort abort this Mission abort abort abort it ozone throwzone what do you yeah well okay that is bad that is really really bad because if you delete the castle Foundation now you probably won't have the stone for another one and then it also opens this up this Foundation is now a wall for you H that's not good it is a very nice wall I'll give him that okay he's going for his own Siege Workshop now H his Stone Inc come was also over here I mean if he breaks through maybe something could happen now Matador is going to have another Castle soon mat door's done a great job with vill production like really good job I don't know how he has so many vills here come vill's ozone is going to continue to wall AKA build the castle now he has to delete this to get stone back he's he's trying he doesn't want to have to delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it okay so he has 400 no he's got 648 Stone and okay he buys more that's always one of the worst things to see right when you really need a castle seeing that ooh the defense has been amazing so far there's archers here which will defend from a huscarl cuz you can't see many more husars I think Matt ozone doesn't want a castle that defends him right now he wants a castle that can somehow do something against the enemy but that means he needs this position now ranged units like Siege and archers they are still normal stats it's just towers and castles and TCS ooh dude that is oh if we were doing this on the curent patch instead of the tournament patch we're using for hidden cup those archers would be dead CU of the regrouping you don't even need to ask what patch you if you know you know oh man let's see big shot one for one okay okay here we go now again you can't Castle the middle you can't castle that sand because uh it's unbuildable Terrain Big Moment In the game Big Shot archers actually oh man great shot there from ozone as well oh oh ozone loses his Siege and even though the hus girls will go down a great position here for Matador on the smallest bypass ever as a villager lead has the whole left side controlled and then has the whole right side wall and I think right now ozone is thinking I'm stuck what do I do cuz you don't want to you don't want to have to build this Castle because it it doesn't give you more control over the game but I do think it's the right POS the right Castle to build cuz at least then you can make mangad which are a really good unit against sieg so again TC and Castle range is nerfed so these archers are actually quite strong and ozone thinks about running through he does kill quite a few villagers and also has Matador distracted here and just a one for one in the end archers are really strong in this position El Matador has a lot of stone 1,300 Stone oh get the Relic that's funny ozone will get a relic exciting times uh doesn't really have the food Eco to do too much is denying that Tower though has The Siege though is really microing a lot right now this is where it helps to not have Eco because you don't have other things to focus on ozone ozone great recovery okay now has to be worried for wood inome soon oh my god did you see that shot that shot was insane okay so that that is what we call a crop shot okay because you can get a little bit of extra range on your siege if you click a farm because the shot will always hit the middle of the farm but you don't have to necessarily be in the normal range to to to click the farm it's it's kind of weird but look at the range on this bad boy look at this beautiful play from Matador oh God we're going the wrong way I capture just bugged with that anyways we're going to rewatch it and continue but but that dude that shot was disgusting from Matador that was a beautiful crop shot and meanwhile he's just going to get stomped over here and no crop shot for him again h i mean listen I think there's a shot for ozone here and obviously in a normal game it wouldn't be possible but it's small Maps another big shot there for o Zone and mangodi can shred everything with good micro so these three mang I mean you get a bonus against Siege with mangodi is Bod canero the opponent doesn't really have Eco to make many hus SCS I think mangad can hit and run and potentially bring this game back I really do there's so many different areas they could potentially go to like what is Mator supposed to make he's supposed to make husars but he has to find farming Eco there's no space for Farms if this were me people would be making fun of my Farms but you know this is just because there's no space and also a couple monks can always convert hus scars too I think Matador he needed a maybe to get a castle to secure one of these areas but he also didn't have space for that if you can't fit Farms you're not going to fit castles like a castle over here would have been great but it was always so risky this is a micro scenario now for for ozone who barely has access to Wood but does have access to some gold and again does have a relic but he did just lose a manganel again dude delete the farm don't let him crop shot you again or just don't roll over the farm that's the other thing this is a great game I I wonder if ozone actually believes I would guess not because of how bad this looks right now but I do think it's winnable for him matador's done a great job to stabilize here he'll drop a tower just any extra level of resistance is fine again though the towers could be out ranged by The Siege so the towers should actually offer very little and this Tower offers very little and this Tower will go down now ozone sees the manganel on the way and tries to micro but still gets sniped there by matador who's who's done a nice job with his Siege micro better than he was doing before and now we've got a castle that's a big one still will have half range there's mangad and Siege on the way oh Panic time this is where the hyperventilating begins mangad insane the micro from ozone is good enough the castle is at 60% Big Shot Madel from ozone gets more kills mangad still microing this getting more kills Castle's at 85% but the Castle will go up which means OZO needs to find wood Matador might be thinking about the Imperial age here and he's imping whoa okay so thank God so I said if we saw Imp in today's show match that I would give 20 Subs to the stream he makes it to imp I was thinking of saying hundreds because I was so certain that between these two we would never say imp I was going to be like have 500 sub just cuz I was so confident thank God there was some little voice of reason so we'll see if he makes it to imp I mean right now he's losing all of his villagers that's the thing 1,000 food and 800 gold invested to imp all for treps so he needs 200 wood and 200 gold for one Tre he does not have that right now like this is really bad for him but the trebs are going to be insanely strong and oh ozone can see that Matador is desperate for trees right now this is so funny actually I think it'd be worth it building a lumber Camp over here okay crazy game I mean he'll probably use the market to get the trebs he's going to do it once he's closer D like when he gets to the point where he wants trebs he's going to probably force the issue and try and figure it out big attack rounds mangodi though mang back away Tower goes down matador's in big big trouble right now and I believed for a reason ozone has been able to realize these crazy settings and where he's limited but if he loses his castle to a treb I'll tell you what Matador needs right now guys he needs to send aille into this castle out the other side and wall here and wall here and that way his Tre can sit here he needs an area where his Tre can sit where mangad and Siege can't range it easily and like right here is a little risky if this is open Mator has one treb on the way from this Castle God The Siege micro has been really good from both of them a scarl I think it might have got deleted I'm not sure oh man more good micro good shot from Matador but he loses his manganel and there's the treap now this is precisely what we said right you have to wall this up so units can't run in now what does ozone do about that he's got a Megan L okay because the castle has half range I don't think this trep could be protected oh that's so bad oh that's so bad that like Matador followed the same Instinct I did but simply just didn't build into his plans the fact that the castle range isn't there now oh so you can't even like going fast him for trebs isn't near is strong here because the castles don't have that range and now he doesn't have another treb and now he doesn't have the vill count his opponent does he has two castles but he can't do anything with it and those Z's able to make more manga he's able to make more more V well not really make more villagers actually he has no food income but he's going to get Relic number two woo y trebs simply just don't do the biggest part of a fast imp treb push is the fact that your Castle is your weapon and if your Castle can't be your weapon you're kind of screwed very interesting Matador is still going to fight here but I I do not think he can win from here because the castles don't protect enough it's all the only range that's been changed in these games is ranged buildings trebuchet is a weapon right obviously mangodi is military Siege is a weapon but towers and castles things that have been so dominant even TCS things that have been so dominant and strong we changed for this and I think we've just just found out that fast diing is not so good a play but also an amazing play from mozzo to win this he's about to get Relic number four by the way treb is just back here right now where's that monk going okay there he goes why would you pick gos here when there's no food on the map because you didn't watch the start sorry to sorry to be so brutal because you weren't here to make the assessment gots were a great choice gods were a fantastic choice look even The Siege outranges the castle Matador is probably like this is stupid I actually really did not watch the start yeah I know it's that's why I said that because he would never make such a statement you never make such a statement let's go Tre let's go let's go treb you can do it the most important treb no don't m you nerd ozone let him kill something dude oh God ozone just killed five of his own mangad man ozone was really hoping I'd be like casting this like what an epic player what about this oh it just killed his own units game ends though what a fun game that was Matador says forgot about small Castle range GG yep yep that's that's a saluter right there we salute both of them for one that was a fight that was one of the best ones we've seen of these small Maps because we saw so many different aspects tried out throughout the game we saw different levels of aggression different levels of Defense um in the end Matador forgetting and I even forgot too that that that the castle range was still reduced is what hurt him cuz normally you use the trebs beneath the castles and that would be enough but it was not would have been tough for him I mean imp is so expensive so it would have been tough for him to be able to go imp and also make army we could see when he went imp and he stopped investing into military how bad it got he started to lose ground everywhere he started to get killed off but it felt like ozone was really far behind in that game and was able to bring it back and now well they're going to play a few more for us but just some lessons learned um I'm I'm a big fan of of how these two have been fighting and we'll obviously have more but if you'd like to see excellent fight and maps that are not so small you should definitely think about watching hidden C 5 Main Event guys uh hidden cup 5 main event is coming February 25th through March 3rd I hope people on YouTube enjoyed this it will be live on YouTube as well as on Twitch if you want to see the greatest hidden cup ever and Play Your Part um just summing up some of the stats here is there anything to really talk about that we didn't already talk about we could look at the KD to confirm it was for manga that went down when ozone killed himself I think that's about it econ economy looked really good for Matador there just never felt like the economy was good enough to make a lot of hus scars which was so so tricky
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 45,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, game, games, gaming, Age2, t90, official, t90official, the, smallest, ever, tiniest, tiny, small, very, map, tinyest, smaller, tinyer, tinier, 36, tiles, micro, elo, skill, high, pro, water, rush, show, match, showmatch, hc5, hcv, hidden, cup, el, matador, el_matador, o-zone, ozone, zone, ohzone, by, pass, bi, bypass, bipass, bypas, bipas, pas
Id: 7AD9KblCgKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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