Teachers, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Parent (r/AskReddit)

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teachers what is the worst experience you have had with a student's parent please postpone today's test my son left his backpack at school yesterday so he couldn't study do not ever write down my son's name as Chris M just because another student has his same first name he is receiving unequal treatment because you are addressing him by his first name and first letter of last name this is deeply unfair and I will be talking to your principal I taught first grade at a small private school my first year I had the ultimate helicopter parent he looked at everything and got on his child's case about everything from his test scores to the quality of his homework he always had questions about the curriculum my teaching methods etc etc the child was a bit of a precocious boy very smart but already rebelling from being under his dad's thumb all the time the dad would want to come in and observe the student's behavior dad would volunteer in the classroom but would spend most of his time critiquing his son he then want to have long conferences about his son's behavior I told him I thought his son acted out more when he was there and that I didn't think he should be in the classroom anymore and the dad solution was to install a camera in the classroom so he could observe him without actually being there obviously that didn't happen I learned a lot about setting boundaries that year it's my first year and I have a helicopter mother who is in my room more than d'administration she's the same exact way and complained to me about her first great experience not being the same as kindergarten it basically all boiled down to the fact that her child has become more independent and she can't handle the thought of him not needing her I've learned a lot about boundaries as well at a parent-teacher conference I had a mother say that her daughter was worthless unless she learned English better because her daughter wasn't pretty enough to amount to anything in life the daughter was there and needed to translate for her mother several times in recent memory I have a deaf student and her parents don't know sign language well her mom knows a little and dad knows none at back-to-school night dad kept talking about how she needs to set her sights lower for her career plans most of the time I never hear from Pere it's 170 kids per year and 15 show up for back-to-school night type stuff that's the worst I seriously cannot imagine not being willing to spend the time to communicate with my child if they had hearing impairment parent and child had a complaint about grading on a minor assignment parent emailed me the principal Board of Education and Barack Obama no reply from anyone except the principal I once had a student hit me I reported the student and they were suspended mum was adamant that I had made the whole thing up even though it was witnessed and there was photographic documentation of the market left the next year that student sibling was in my class mom had them removed after she found out because this teacher has a clear vendetta against my children the sibling was really upset and tried to say that I was always nice and helpful but mom wouldn't listen she thought I was just loving the sibling into a false sense of security before striking I've been screamed at by parents but for some reason this experience was far far worse for me I had this complete nightmare other student never did her homework and she never studied and she did terribly on tests one day after class I had a meeting scheduled with her parents to talk about her current F in the class and the possibility of her repeating the course when the parents got here they proceeded to yell at me and make threats to what they would do if their daughter didn't pass the class they told me I obviously was singling their daughter out and she was doing badly because of me my god parents have gotten ridiculous I got caught off guard during a conference with the parents of two students I didn't expect it to go south because both students were doing fairly well but it did one parent was absolutely furious that a daughter wasn't doing as well as her son furious with Emmy that says I was obviously giving him more support than her daughter I couldn't get her to give me any specifics about what it was she wanted me to do differently of course she just wanted to lay into me about my ability to do my job probably the most frustrating part of being a teacher as being blamed for things that you have no control over student gets a B instead of an A you obviously taught the material poli-sci we have had twins and parents always compare them it is kind of sad when one kid is clearly gifted and the other isn't and the mom is making the slower one feel stupid right there in front of him had a fun class and there was one joke a kid who was asking questions about stuff that was coming up in the next chapter I answered his question telling him to keep it in mind for the next chapter a week or two later we get to that chapter he mentions that he knows it so I think it would be funny if he taught it using my slides while I sat in his chair and pretended to be a student the kids thought it was great he did a pretty good two when he made a mistake I'd pretend to ask a question with the correction built in everyone had a great time and seemed to learn a lot next week the kids parent come in and accused me of picking on him and trying to embarrass him at no point did they think to ask him if he had been embarrassed they had tried to make an appointment with my principal to throw me under the bus without even talking to me luckily he was awesome and just told them to go talk to me just goes to show you don't know what your students are telling their parents and even if it's the truth how parents are interpreting it I feel bad for the kid cause he and I got along so great before that incident but I wouldn't think of kidding around with him after that that sounds like such an awesome way to handle that in my limited experience he is the best way to learn is to teach I bet that kid knows that chapter really well shaking things up for the class probably did a ton to wake people up and get attention as well this isn't the scariest of the most serious example but this one dad peed me off pretty badly one time he came to drop off his two daughters and then asks me to speak to one of my fellow instructors who we shall call Sarah we have a pretty standard policy of not offering up staff to irate parents until that staff member is given a heads up and agrees to speak with them I gave him the standard Sarah isn't here right now but can I help you with something and dad proceeds to explain how his six-year-old was forced to go outside during a thunderstorm the day before to look for a ring maze if Sarah had lost he said all the other girls in his daughter's class with to spend a long time outside while it was raining looking for the teachers ring and his daughter had come home covered in mud I thought this was strange and didn't seem like something Sara would do if anything I imagined she would have just looked for her ring herself I told him we would discuss it as a staff and take the appropriate action when I talked to Sara about the incident she was incredulous it hadn't been raining very heavily the day before and Sara and another staff had had all the little kids after lunchtime normally when they would go outside and play Sara found a plastic pool toy shaped like a ring went outside to our playground and hid it and then told the girls that they could choose between staying inside and playing board games or joining her outside on a quest to find the magical ring that had been tragically lost most kids opted for the epic quest and while it had been kinda muddy the kids had a ball but they still bring it up every one in a while I guess this particular girl either didn't really get what was going on or she got in trouble for being muddy and threw maize Sara under the bus my guess is the latter it might not have even necessarily be neither she could have been happily telling her dad about what they were doing or explained why she was muddy and her dad could have interpreted it differently and gotten angry sometimes parents just look for reasons to be upset my mom is a teacher and her worst was at an open house conference type thing the two parents of a kid were getting a divorce and apparently it was pretty rough both decided to go to the event that night well they got into a fight about something and it heated up to the point where the wife started getting physical my mom couldn't stop them so they had to call the police our elementary schools don't really have conferences because there's typically no need to so they just have a night where all the parents can show up and the teacher tries to talk to all of them so 25 plus eight year olds were watching two parents get into a physical fight not a teacher if I've been coaching for two years and I had a parent asked me to come early day to talk about their kid I thought there was a health issue or something so I agreed turned out the parent was furious that that kid wasn't allowed to compete at real meets even though they had only been diving for a few and it takes about two years to really get everything down to be able to compete she wanted me to let her kid go to regionals the next week a meet you have to qualify for when her child only knew how to do two dives and you need eleven to go suffice to say at the end of the session she pulled her kid out of diving to find a sport with a more immediate payoff I had this bottle of a kid when I taught eighth grade no matter what I called home about his mom would make excuses and yell at me kid is talking I need better classroom management kid is picking on others well they probably bullied him first because of his weight and what was I going to do to punish them one day he calls me over and tells me he needs to go change his pants because his dong is so big it was like a man's his quote and his pants were too tight and painful he then grabs it through his pants to show me the outline I had to report him for sexual harassment and there was an investigation he got removed from my class his mom told the school that I was never allowed to speak to her son again and that the whole situation was my fault because I looked too young to be teaching eighth graders don't talk to me or my son or my son's man like dong ever again kids Hmong students whose parents work in the building teachers custodians assistants cafeteria workers etc are the worst if the kid isn't butthole and you tell their parent you have to continue to work with that parent long after the kid is gone I had a student Middle School who was late to my class every day with a pass from his mom I ended up having to go to the principal and have him take care of it there's been a weird shift parents now see schools as a service like they would a hotel or restaurant I work at an international school for the most part the students are fairly well behaved like anywhere else however there are exceptions there was one student let's call him Bob Bob was a very difficult student in numerous ways he was disruptive lazy and rude I had him in three different courses the same year near the end of the last one I was helping him after school with an assignment thing was Bob actually had some ability in math and had managed to write enough correct answers when I woke him up during tests so he still had a chance to pass this particular course the assignment in question was long overdue it was more than an hour after class had ended on a Friday I believe and I was just generally tired of Bob's antics and lack of effort the whole year while I'm helping him with a problem he turns to me and says do you ever just feel like a total failure because your teacher like a huge failure me I want to aim so much higher than that I took a few seconds to collect myself bear in mind that this student was over 20 years old and was failing a grade 10 applied math class when I was his age I was wrapping up an honours degree the tuition his parents were paying to keep him in school was more than my university tuition it took all of my patience himself controlled to calmly explain that I didn't feel like a failure that I enjoyed my job and that if he wanted to a much higher he might have to put in a little more effort then he currently was at some point that is my worst so far Bob has since dropped out that almost seems like he was projecting his own feelings of being a failure onto you one of my friends who works at a university in the geology department was contacted by a very angry parent that their son was being flunked or something and had made some kind of challenge of you have so many students in your class that you don't even know who any of them are so he went to go search for the student and found there was absolutely no record of the student having taken any of his classes he started to worry because it was approaching the end of the year and he could find absolutely no record of the student whatsoever but the student hadn't it in everything so he did exist at the University later it was found that the parent was yelling at the wrong Department the student was flunking geography and the parent did not know the difference between the two but most professors at the university level have a wonderful protection where unless the student is actually given permission the professors are not allowed to speak to the parents at all on the students behalf and the majority of those children who have - parents do not give any permission whatsoever for their parents to see how they are doing I am sure they tell their parents I have been telling them you're allowed to have access to records I don't know what is going wrong during my one year as a teacher I called a parent because he was kicking other students during class her response not my little angel I was then notified I'd be attending a conference with this parent in the principal she called me a racist and demanded I be fired the principal had my back but only in private after the parent left the mom must have told her son what she said because I was greeted the next day by my almost entirely black Orchestra defending my honor my middle school French teacher told us the story of a kid who tried to do his whole assignment by putting it through Google Translate - the teacher even asked him if he used Google Translate he denied it even the parents came in and vouched for their son the whole thing was in freaking Spanish we had a parent who liked to call and come in constantly she found a way to mention in every sentence as you know my husband is a doctor to a set authority she hadn't done anything significant in life I've had a parent deliberately make me think her child had been abducted as a test because she hated the school's child protection officer she arranged for her daughter to be collected by a friend got her daughter to tell me the friend was her mum this was in the first week of school so I was still getting to know the parents then stormed the school office demanding to know where her daughter was she kept it up for half an hour then admitted it had been a test and she knew exactly where she was I'd been having visions of reading about her murder on the news and it all being my fault I cried I had one five-year-old who was a pain in everyone's butt he would get a little goofy rampage full still and get tired he never remembered all the crap he would pull each rampage so we couldn't really help him correct his behavior this happened 7 - 10 times every day and then one of the teca's put two and two together he was having seizures his rampages were his body preparing his brain for the impending episode we approach this with his mom minna this is what we noticed we think it's important that he gets checked way if she insisted it was evil spirits and pulled her son out of school she taught fourth grader at the local elementary kid got moved to a different school still lacking appropriate help because education nowadays is about respect and not facts I once had a girl in my elective class who was struggling with her mathematics she wasn't going to college for anything math related and wasn't performing very well worst in the class I first told her that she may want to consider taking a different class during her junior year while she's still good that way she could return to this class as a senior if she still felt inclined to do so as the brain matures ability to understand mathematics increases her parents went notes basically taking it like I was saying her daughter was too stupid to take the class I had emails saying how they were going to get me fired they called and emailed the principal to try to make it happen I had a 99% approval rating from all students the highest in the school they were the 1% these were helicopter parents their kids got away with everything the daughter didn't take advantage of it much she was a sweetheart but their son Shaw did he knew he could do whatever he wanted and if the school tried to stop him he'd just cry foul and his parents would support him he died driving too fast around a corner I blame the parents that took a turn for the worst I used to teach in a third world country two years ago and I had an autistic child in my class he was extremely brilliant and kind but was always alone I decided one day to give his parents a call and tell them what a wonderful student he wasn't wanted to meet with the parents to work on improving his social skills the mother was shocked and told me that this was the first time any teacher would ever call for this purpose usually teachers called during his outbursts to complain I found out later on by the mother that whenever the student was misbehaving or not acting normal his father would beat him I then scheduled an emergency meeting with both parents and the principal to confront the father long story short the father thought this method was the best method to get his son to act appropriately buts after thoroughly talking to him about how he is making his child worse he started to worry it took many meetings and hard work but by the end of the year the father improved tremendously my student and his mother still keep in contact with me when I traveled back I usually go to the school to see him and he is the first one of my students to run and give me a hug thank God for that ending I really wish I got to hear more of this improvement stuff more often you have been visited by the holy fruit boy if you comment tiny turtle he will bless you with unlimited holy fruits if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, teachers share, teacher, student, students react, school stories, high school, detention, middle school, parents
Id: XUE0qT0gDC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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