What's the most painful thing you've been told? (Strangers Answer)

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It's interesting to see the side of strangers you wouldn't otherwise see. Very touching video, thank you for posting OP!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YER_RS_ACCOUNT 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
- I don't think there's anything we can do about it because he was your boyfriend. - Shut the eff up you effin' N-word. - You only have three months to live. (somber music) When I went to the doctor and he said I only had three more months to live. And it was five months ago so, I'm waiting. I have a rare type of tumor, it's a type of lymphoma. It's blood tumor, blood cancer. The life expectancy, it's very low. - I was at a party and I had been given a lot of alcohol and I had ended up in the hospital and they decided to perform a rape kit on me and the police officer told me, "I don't think "there's anything we can do about this "because he was your boyfriend and juries don't usually "go for convictions when it's someone you trust." Growing up, you look back and you reflect and you think, there's things that happen to you but they make you stronger as person, so you kinda have to take it as a learning tool and just move on and know that you're stronger because of it. - I think I was in fourth grade, I was on the school bus. I was talking to my friend and he was just like, "Shut the eff up you effin' N word." - A while back my father and I got into a pretty intense argument and he told me that he was ashamed to have me as his son, and that really hit me hard and to this day I still think about that and use that to kinda motivate me to be better and try to build a relationship with him again. - Why aren't you smart enough? - [Thoraya] And who said that? - My mother. I was working on math homework and I was probably in fourth grade and I couldn't figure out a question, and she straight up asked me that, and now that I have him I would never say that to my kid, ever. (somber music) - I was in Mississippi in 1996, a place called Moss Point, a little Caucasian boy with his father called me the N-word inside a McDonald's. The most painful thing anyone has ever said to me. Dad didn't say anything, matter of fact, it was kinda crazy 'cause I was more mad at the dad than I was at the little Boy. - The most painful thing anyone has ever said to me is, "It's okay, you're gay but you have time to change that." - Bein' away from you has been so good for me and my mental health. - I can't spend time with you Skye, how bad your mental health is makes you just a tiring person to be around. - I don't love you. - I'm no longer in love with you. - Let's just be friends. - I love you but you're not what I want. - I'm not sure if I'm in love with you. - It wasn't real. - No one could ever love you, you're too broken. It was kind of a way for him to make me feel trapped in the relationship because if he could convince me that nobody could ever love me, I would accept what he was giving me, which wasn't love. - It's over. Yeah, like breakin' up with me, that's it, it's over. A few tears fell down and that's it. I didn't know how to act. I'ma just leave it at that. I don't wanna start cryin' out here again. - You should be grateful that I'm even giving you attention because you're fat and no one will love you anyway. A guy that I was dating tried to go too far on the second date. - "You were an accident." My dad act like he was playing, but that make a mark in my life, so. - [Thoraya] What's the most painful thing someone has said to you? - That I was going to lose my left leg. - "You're too loud." Made me feel scared to be myself and I needed to hide who I am as a person. - I was in third grade and there was this girl who, I think it was the end of the year, this girl who I liked, I overheard her talking with one of her friends and was like, "Oh, do you like Dan?" And she like, "Ugh, no he's fat." And she didn't know I was there and she didn't know that I saw it, but it just stayed with me. I remember just being totally crushed. - One of my students asked me why I was even a teacher because I was failing at my job. I think that might be it, one of my own kids just, yeah, "Why are you even here?" - I didn't know anyone at my new school, I was in third grade, and this boy, his name was Scott, if you're watching. He walked by my desk and he tapped my desk to get my attention and he pointed at me and he said, "You're stupid." And that hurt. I think I cried, and I didn't wanna go to school for a while. And the teacher didn't notice and, I always swore I would. - Just growing up my dad told me that I could never do anything and that I would never be able to do anything and I could never leave the house that I grew up in and I left, obviously, and now I'm doing great things and I'm helping other people so I proved him wrong. - Probably something my dad has said to me, 'cause he said some really not nice things to me before. - [Thoraya] Was that your sister the one before you? - That's my sister, yeah. We're actually all sisters, we're triplets, so she was saying, "I'm curious to see "what your answer would be," 'cause she might've had a similar answer to me and my other sister might have a similar answer to us. Actually no, I think I might change my answer because okay, so my mom and I have always been really close, but I went through a hard time when I was in high school, and she was kind of the person I leaned on to help me through it, and at one point she was like, I was complaining to her about the thing I was going through, I was sick, I was in the hospital so that's why I was complaining. It wasn't like my boyfriend broke up with me or whatever. And she was like, "God, stop complaining, "I'm so sick of you." And I didn't expect her to say that, and it made me so upset and we didn't have the same relationship for years after that, but I think it hurt me the most 'cause I didn't expect it to come from her, you know? So even though, I expect my dad to say some mean to me, you know what I mean? He's just that way so it doesn't hurt as much, but when it came from her I was like, "Mm, that hurt." So that's probably the worst I would say. "I'm sick of you." - I used to have really bad acne and so I had a lot of scarring and I remember one day I went into work without makeup and my boss told me, "Oh you look like you do drugs, "like you've been picking at your face," and it was so painful for me and beyond on that point that's when I became obsessed with makeup and for a long time I couldn't go out of the house without makeup and even now I still struggle going out of the house with makeup, but I feel slowly I'm gonna heal from that, and slowly the words will just become meaningless, but they were very impactful to me and still continue to be impactful to me. - I was in kindergarten and I was in love with my kindergarten teacher, I thought she was just the coolest thing, but one of the hall monitors came in to give her a message and I saw her 'cause I knew the hall monitor, and I said, "Hi, so and so!" And then I heard the teacher look at her and say, "Oh, you know that little black thing?" Changed me forever, didn't like her anymore. It hurt my feelings, but it didn't stop me from loving people. - So I think the most painful thing someone has said to me is that my face is fat because I have really big cheeks and I smile a lot. But yeah, they didn't like that so they were like "You're face is fat," so that was kinda hurtful to me 'cause I felt like that was my trademark, my cheeks are my trademark, so. - Somebody called me the B-word in front of a lot of people on social media and she didn't cover the name or anything. It caused a lot of people to have a different look on me, so yeah. - When I was little in third grade there was these kids, 'cause I used to only hang out with boys, I played basketball and things like that, and then this one kid used to say that I was a boy and said that I only hangout with boys because I'm a boy, and it was just really annoying and yeah. - I haven't spoken to my dad in about eight months so I called him and he said, he was at work, he works abroad, and he said, "I'm at work right now, "I'm gonna call you later." And that was about seven months ago and I never got a call back, so I'd say in retrospect that is a hard pill to swallow so, that would be my answer. - This kid named Devin, he called me a pig and told me that he didn't like me. - [Thoraya] How'd it make you feel? - It made me feel really sad, like really sad. - So my dad had passed away in 2009, and I was being really mean to this girl, and I was nine years old, and then she's like, "That's why you're dad died." Because I was being mean to her, so that's the meanest thing someone has said to me. - We don't want you around anymore. I was 13 and I had really cool neighbors that I loved very much, and I couldn't be at home because at home was hard, and they were like my home for me, but then it was just too much for them, they already had a family and it was too much to take on somebody else who even just hung around, so that was probably the most painful thing I've ever experienced. But it did teach me a lot, it teach me a lot about how makin' home in myself is good. - My ex husband was a drug addict, alcoholic, and he was extremely emotionally and mentally and verbally abusive as well as physically abusive, and he used to tell me all the time that I'm stupid, and that's 100% the most painful thing anyone can say to me because I pride myself on my intellect and my intelligence and it's the thing that I think I'm best at, so he knew that was the thing that would get me, so he would say it almost daily, "You're stupid, you're stupid, you're stupid." - The most painful thing that anyone has ever said to me, I was 12, I had an accident. My grandfather was driving a boat, my leg got hit by the propellor. My grandmother said, yelled it when they were bringin' me up to the back of the house after the accident and she said, "Who in the brought her here?" Thank you. - Yeah, thank you as well. - I think I do feel better. (somber music) - Hey guys, thanks for watching another episode. If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet and you want to subscribe to my channel, please make sure to hit the subscribe button and the little bell next to it so you'll get notified every time I put up a new episode. And if you really, really like my episodes and you have some friends that you think might also like them, so it would mean a lot if you shared my episodes with them as well. If you want. I think that's pretty much it. Thank you guys again and I'll see you next week. (somber music)
Channel: Thoraya
Views: 16,116,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PEOPLE CRYING, PEOPLE CRY OVER EX, MAKE YOU CRY, PEOPLE APOLOGIZE, PEOPLE FORGIVE, STRANGERS FORGIVE, STRANGERS APOLOGIZE, people share, 30 people 1 question, social experiment, cut, jubilee, the skin deep, ellen degeneres, interactive projects, yes theory, oprah, the scene, documentary, humans of new york, hony, fifty people 1 question, 100 people share, HOW TO APOLOGIZE, FILMS THAT MAKE YOU CRY, STRANGERS SHARE, THE POWER OF APOLOGY, PEOPLE DESCRIBE HEART BREAK, HEART BREAK
Id: Dr10kEq-eu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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