9 Scary School Lockdown Experiences (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] attention staff please listen closely please lock your classroom doors immediately lock windows move students away from windows this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill from a terrifying encounter with the school intruder to a situation that had many students on edge here are nine scary incidents of school lock downs enjoy back in middle school we were put on a level three lock down the highest level gunmen immediate danger we scooted our little seventh-grade APS's to the corner of the class with the lights off and it's at that moment we realize our teacher forgot her room keys in the teachers lounge so here's a bunch of seventh graders soiling their pants in an unlocked classroom with a teacher holding a metal ruler ready to strike anyone who comes to that door after 10 minutes of hearing my own heartbeat an announcement says we can resume class there were no police on campus or anything turns out two kids got into a fistfight in the gym and the burly vice-principal was not there to break it up leaving the secretaries to lock down the entire school a level 3 lockdown over a middle school fight I've posted before but it's appropriate here in the 8th grade we had a Code Red lockdown because someone reported that a kid on school grounds had a gun we turned off all the lights and locked the door in our classroom slowly our teacher had her class make her way to the side of the room that couldn't be seen through the rectangular window on the door some kids were whimpering and scared so she promptly yelled / whisper dados that there was nothing to be afraid of probably just a drill until the doorknob started to jiggle she was a large woman so I was quite surprised at how quickly she moved she ran into the supply closet behind her desk and the door clique locked when the door opened it was a police officer who'd been assigned to check all the rooms he looked around in confusion and asked uh where is your teacher I remember it clear as day I'm sitting in my ninth period class mr. Pease geography class with my best friend we're watching a video on trade throughout the world when we hear some loud noises we figured it could be a senior prank they had decked the halls the day before a couple of screams we see kids running down our hallway mr. P gets up looks out the door and shuts it quickly turns the lights off and tells us to get down as he's sending us to the corner and trying to hide us the lockdown comes down over our school it's weird we heard these loud noises but they didn't register as gunshots we heard screaming but we just didn't process it and through all this noise its silent at the same time you can hear the person next to you breathing you can see your friends crying trying to contact your friends and family that's when I get text from my best friend at a different school Jay are you okay I was confused by the text yeah we're hearing loud noises I don't know what's happening screaming outside the classroom I texted back it's hooked forever to send I got another text stay down but there's an active shooter at your school my heart dropped I just remember grabbing my best friend and holding her so tight and telling each other we loved each other and texting my parents and my uncle and anyone who means anything to me goodbye if I don't make it out of the shooting alive I love you and then putting my phone down and just sitting in darkness as we listen don't shoot put the gun down one went this way we would quickly learn there were two shooters about an hour after the shooting started the cops busted into our rooms rifles aimed at us yelling freeze put your hands in the air and stand up slowly and I just remember walking out of the classroom surrounded by police crying my eyes out seeing blood on the floor some police were telling us you're okay you're safe you're doing so well but I just couldn't hear them I just couldn't I was crying and my friends were crying even the teachers we made it out of the school and it was pouring rain typical Colorado it was cold so us high schoolers gave our sweatshirts to the younger kids to shield them from the rain in the wind to this day it haunts me and it always will always I will never forget the events that happened on that horrible horrible day in May this is according to my friend's mother she is a survivor of the Columbine massacre it was terrifying the feeling of sitting in a hot room next to all your friends as you look out the door and watch someone dropped dead right outside the pounding on the door of someone wants you to get in only to be hit in the side the loud shots and screams but the one thing that tops it off is the running when you bust out the door adrenaline rushes through your body you don't know what it's like to hear shots and mere feet behind you as you burst of the doors of the school hands raids crying being held in the arms of your parents as you sit trembling in the car and endure nightmares for years to come my high school was put on lockdown I remember sitting in English class and someone came onto the PA system and said something along the lines of attention staff John Smith has entered the building except it wasn't John Smith I just cannot recall the name it sounded very suspicious and it was actually a code for teachers our teacher could not find her reference book but she knew it was serious so she locked the door turn off the lights and put us all in the corner of the room we kept hearing commotion in the hallways lots of people going by after being locked in the room for probably ten minutes we realized everyone else was evacuating the school and we probably shouldn't be locking ourselves in the room so we also evacuated and when we got outside there were police everywhere and the full-out bomb squad entering the school with sniffer dogs so clearly locking ourselves in the classroom wasn't the smartest choice ended up that someone wrote a bomb threat on a bathroom stall and it was actually put there two weeks prior but the main janitor was on vacation and the sub in one wasn't doing the best job and never saw it main janitor came back and took notice of the threat on my eighth birthday we had a lockdown at school I was a couple minutes late because I was bringing cupcakes and goody bags for everybody a teacher spotted me alone on the playground some time after class had started and she dragged me inside we hid under our desks for a couple hours with the lights turned off and doors locked turns out there was a gunman on her school grounds who was our neighboring classes boys dad nobody got hurt except the gunman himself who shot himself just outside the school yes it was the day before Thanksgiving break and I was a freshman in high school all of a sudden we heard screaming down the hall and these kids started running to our classroom it was only seconds later there was an announcement we were in lockdown our teachers soon locked us in and ran toward the disturbance we were locked in the room for a while it was until the end of the day we found out that one of the kids in the Spanish class down the hall from our room had brought two machetes to school and was trying to slice as many people as possible my teacher had been one of many who tackled him down a few people were injured but no one was killed when I was in the third grade a car crashed through the playground fence during morning recess and hit another kid after that happened we were all rushed inside and weren't allowed to have recess for the rest of the day I remember that a helicopter was flown to the playground to bring the girl to a hospital we were all waiting for updates the whole day it was pretty traumatic I don't remember all the details but I know she ended up being okay in the end [Music] once in high school somebody found a hit list in one of the ladies restrooms they did a full sweep of the building with bomb dogs gathered all the kids on the list and sent them home it was mostly the popular crowd from the junior and sophomore classes know I was an on set list we sat in second period for well over two hours after the first 20 minutes of serious business lockdown stuff our teacher got bored one group of us played cards the other was chatting away on phones to kids in other classrooms to all the people asking this was in central Pennsylvania in the suburbs outside of Harrisburg if you've had any terrifying experiences with school lock downs let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching and until next time
Channel: BizarreBub
Views: 1,739,391
Rating: 4.9422569 out of 5
Keywords: reddit stories, reddit ask, reddit askreddit, reddit best, reddit posts, r reddit stories, reddit users, reddit scary stories, scary stories by reddit, reddit scary creepy, reddit scary creepy stories, reddit scary experiences, scary stories from reddit, scary school lockdown, school lockdowns, scary school drill, askreddit, scary askreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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