Girls Who Wear Low Cut Shirts, What's Your Awkward Staring Story?

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women of radiator wear very low cut and revealing tops what is the hardest you've ever seen anyone try to maintain eye contact mail here i have a relatable story on the first date with this girl she asked me after a couple of hours of chatting and boozing whether i prefer boobs or butts well obviously both but i prefer boobs over asses so i told her that note that i didn't have the chance during the date to check her out because we sat right in front of each other and very closely if my eyes peeked down for 0.5 seconds she would have noticed it undoubtedly however immediately after i told her i had to check out her boobs of course after a couple of seconds i said to her you know i have to look real quick now luckily she gave me permission and it was great she is now my gf i had a presentation in a class and figured the nicer i looked the better grade i'll get because that's how the world works so i doled myself up i already have big boobs but no cleavage because of their mass so i wore a push-up bra to bring them together that plus the stretch of the cute summer top i wore made my bust very shapely from every angle let me tell you it wasn't even men boys who were looking it was the other girls in my class it was insane they would get caught looking when i looked back at them like eight plus times during a conversation and it was the same with all four or five girls i talked to for a decent amount of time and i have trouble getting a guy who i actually like and want to look at them to look i've only caught him once i can only imagine his strength well i used to have very tiny breasts so it was no issue now though they decided it was time to have a presence it's hard to find things to wear that don't show off serious cleavage and yeah both men and women straight and gay keep drifting their eyes down i wish i had a hilarious story but it's mostly just that everyone stares almost like they don't even realize they are doing it if anything it's hilarious that my mentor always looks at me directly in the eyes almost aggressively so mail server here it's hard taking an order when i'm standing over your tits hanging out actually quite recently i was talking to a guy friend of mine and i'm very hyper rig and i just bounce around when i talk and he was trying his hardest not to look and i'll admit even i would have looked so i respect him a little more now i'm pretty short so it kinda easy to look down my shirt but i remember one time i had to lean forward in front of a guy and i could see the panic in his eyes i don't wear low cut tops but my observation and other women have told me this they've had this issue when wearing tops that were just really tight not necessarily low-cut some people are just wired to lock their eyes on a visual distraction men in particular apparently and saw documentary on con artists and there was this interesting couple who had a team scheme that went like this the female partner would create a distraction by wearing a revealing top and she dropped something in front of the male mark she'd be leaning over fiddling with whatever she dropped and for a few seconds most marks would react according to plan by getting dear course in headlights syndrome while they were distracted by the female partner the male partner would either pick the mark's pocket or steal whatever else the mark had with them they had quite a successful racket going before they were caught hey i've got to count a question how obvious is it when guys stare i'm a guy and teenage hormones are rich and sometimes i can't help it my wife and were walking on the beach many years ago and she caught me looking at some very beautiful ladies she said you perv quit looking at those half naked girls i said i'm still a gentleman hun i'm only looking at the parts that are covered up i can't say i've ever noticed if guys look at me at all but i have a tendency to get embarrassed and yank my top up when i realize i'm showing more than i meant to my husband has given up on trying to keep eye contact unless we're in public and you can see the internal struggle with the shaking eye boggles i've worn collar high tops and dudes still stare at my tits i've worn loose blouses with a sports bra and dude still stare at my tits it ain't about the shirt cut dude kept looking up down up down while talking to me made me see sick would have rather him just stare out right at that point i usually like to wear blouses and leave the top buttons open so that you might say it leaves a cleavage anyhow i was recently visiting my doctor and i've probably never seen a man trying so hard to focus on my face like he did that day eventually he gave up in the last three minutes or so of my visit he spoke to my while he simply starred at my chest i still feel awkward wearing my blouses unbuttoned like i did that day not a woman but i feel this story fits fairly well here i went to visit my then gf she and i had been dating for five years at this point so we were very well acquainted with each other i walk in and she's just gotten out of the shower and is completely naked i couldn't help but stare and she says hey my eyes are up here and my smart ass replies with i know what i'm looking at the slap hurt but was totally worth it the other day i was on the second floor on the bus wearing a boob tube and i was sat at the front but i was turned to the side as i put my legs up on the seat next to me a guy who was at the top of the stairs put on his sunglasses and kept trying to look to see through the front window funny is it i don't wear revealing tops but i have huge boobs i dress pretty modestly so i guess it comes as kind of a shock when i'm getting frisky with a dude it's actually hilarious to me because dudes who have seen my boobs have no idea what to do with them they ask me to give them a boob job or can i duck your tits and i'm like okay mostly because i know it's not gonna feel like much boobs won't put a lot of pressure on a d even if squished together i've heard they are just so big every time i can tell they're trying so hard to do math my d plus a tits equals profit not me but a friend of mine in eighth grade she tended to wear revealing clothes as a sort of rebellion towards her parents i don't know her logic behind it but to each their own there was this one teacher who was notorious for looking at female students assets he would drop pens and ask girls to pick them up so he could ogle over them for a few moments and was fired after he was caught watching porn on school property anyway my friend was talking to him and he could not keep eye contact with her i was sitting next to her and called him out he got offensive denied it yet kept doing it throughout the whole conversation my friend also peaked physically in eighth grade so she was the most mature looking of all the girls and a prime target for the dropped pen gag i cringe when i think about this every ducking time edit typo also what's it like to have such power over people on the first real date with the man i'm still currently dating i'm a knee cup so it doesn't matter what i wear there's cleavage he only stared me straight in the face the entire time he was talking to me and making us dinner in a way that was so obvious he was trying to be a gentleman we had a previous fling years ago he's no gentleman in the best way the fact that he was trying so hard to keep eye contact was very endearing i let him off the hook and told him it's fine to look after enjoying the struggle for a while colin i'm totally out of my tree here but i'm an old fart 81 and it's warm enough now that i've started wearing my shorts and showing off my white legs i told the ladies at one store don't you be looking at my legs now my eyes are up here good for a giggle hey i'm really unobservant so i don't really notice where guys eyes go to especially since i find eye contact awkward but one time i was walking with some friends and in the background i heard this teenager shout to his mates her tits are bigger than your mums and i just laugh whenever i think about it there's gonna be a lot of new tabs opened from this thread lol i was at a pub with a mate once we were desperate for some food and wandered in it was a bit rough i was the only female there some blokes were playing snooker and kept wandering their gaze over to me chatting loudly with lots of bravado occasionally they dropped their voices to say something while they were looking at me i just ignore them until one of them launches the white ball over the edge to land near our table return to my friend and say watch this and stand up to my full six height and bend over to pick up the ball and hand it back to this guy him and all his mates instantly stopped talking i had five deers in headlights i said nothing burning my eyes into his as i placed the ball in his hand i gave him a quick eating grin and turned away minimal effort would do again i worked at an office job with mostly women and one very religious and modest male four of us including him were all standing having a conversation and i kind of forgot he was there because he never said much the ladies were talking about something boob oriented and i chimed in complete with a snap of my bra strap at the snap he dropped everything he was holding in his hands which seemed to wake him from his booby trance it was innocence at its most priceless moment i came here to read about these stories but now i'm just daydreaming about boobies not disappointed when i was dead as a size a and pretty young i had a conversation with a guy over 18 who literally stared at my chest our entire conversation i started covering my chest even though what i was wearing wasn't revealing some college guys are trash well i'm female and not even gay but i tend to look at everyone's chests regardless of their gender because i'm so short and that's our level for me gets really awkward around women i can't look at their stomachs either because then it looks like i'm looking at something else and making eye contact is not only really hard for me but just bloody painful for my neck also sometimes women just have very satisfyingly smooth and round breasts and i'm not gay but i'd be lying if i said i didn't take a quick look from a distance but it's the same with muscular men i just can't help it and i'm not even straight either i'm quite a busty girl so it is funny watching these guys the hardest someone was trying to maintain eye contact would have to be when i dropped the money for my lunch bent down to pick it up and the shirt slipped down a little bit the guy behind the counter started stuttering and kept looking up and down it was quite funny actually he tried so hard you could see his eyes start to drift it was eye contact then his eyes would just float down a little before snapping back up he had to take his glasses off and put his sunglasses on g cups in a tank top see i'm on the flip side i'm a 6ft 2 dude and most people in my area are 5 ft8 or below it's difficult because if i'm looking down to see their face the angle makes it really easy to glance at their junk i just look them directly in the eyes or stare straight down xd doesn't even have to be low cut usually happens in job interviews i'm used to it i don't intentionally wear very revealing tops but part of being 36 hh means pretty much anything is revealing about five years ago i was into buying men's size medium shirts cutting the neck and tying up the bottom with a hair tie for a cute summer look i also like to buy the nerdy vintage shirts because they never have cute nerdy shirts in the women's section so one day i'm wearing a red batman shirt oh so it says batman across the boob part but on me mostly says anna oh sir and can't get my card to work at the gas pump i have to go inside and apologize for struggling the young guy behind the counter is chill about it and swipes my card for me while the transaction is processing he goes i like your bootman shirt batman i laughed and said thanks but we had to awkwardly stand there while my card finished processing and i could leave men who squeeze themselves into two small gray sweats and jogger what the hardest you've ever seen someone try to keep from laughing i went on a date last month and the guy held entire conversations with my cleavage i have larger breasts but it was not a very low cup top i didn't get pissed or go psycho like several people have insinuated in the comments but he definitely did not get a third date after dealing with it for two separate encounters not a lady with a low cut top but i find it easier to just look somewhere else than try to maintain contact opposite perspective here my co-workers are pretty six-positive women who have no issue discussing just about anything two of them were talking about how their boobs were too big the shirts weren't necessarily revealing but they were t-shirts and neither was wearing a bra there was a lot of grabbing and jiggling going on and one of them kept looking over at me i stared holes in that chick's optic nerve and imagined myself as a matador dodging the ball known as hr probably could have gotten away with tasteful peaks as that was literally the subject of discussion but i ain't risking it i'm oblivious as hell and never notice people looking at my chest my friends tell me about it after the fact which amuses me i've had male friends tell me my tits are phenomenal that i'd have cleavage and a turtleneck that laying your head on them is like a waterbed pillow my favorite struggles to watch our buzz drunk men making a valiant effort the most impressive was the man who i watched notice them and then dedicate the next 20 minutes to maintaining eye contact like aggressive eye contact i finally left him off the hook and said i saw his effort and appreciated it but he could roll if he wanted he smirked and took a good minute long look and then attempted to pick up the conversation again he had trouble recalling the topic i was flirting with dating him at the time and he was quite far gone that night it's a fond memory for me always makes me chuckle as a woman with large tits every v-neck i wear is obscene honestly this happened to me at work as a teenager i worked in a store that required me to wear a denim button up well button-ups just don't stay buttoned on me believe me i try one day my button up came unbuttoned unbeknownst to me there was a dad in my store i noticed he was staring at me i thought he needed help so i asked him if he was doing okay or needed assistance finding something he's looking everywhere but at me it's awkward i turned to leave and catch a glimpse of my unbuttoned shirt only two buttons had come undone but i was giving a show i was mortified i want a breast reduction it wasn't even low-cut it was just revealing like it was skin-tight but everything was covered i'm 20 but i look 16. for easter i had to dress up to host and my married 50-year boss could not stop looking at me anytime i turned in his direction his eyes were on my head like snapped he's a super weird and rude man so i was kind of shocked he even cared i don't usually notice tbh i don't really pay that much attention to men if anything i have to try and maintain eye contact with other women doing the same thing as a larger chest and women i very much enjoy my assets they are my favorite physical feature about me and personally if i didn't want you to look i'd cover them up almost to the point where if i am wearing something particularly boob flattering and i don't get at least a glance i feel sort of disappointed don't stare that can be creepy but by all means take a glance and move on boob guys and gals are the best though where you watch the internal struggle the whole time i often find excuses to lean or bend down in their eye line i'm just reaching right over this desk to pick up this printout yes i am a horrible person but meetings are boring and sometimes just need a little fun simon and garfunkel oh cecilia i'm begging you hard dude here the hardest time i've had maintaining contact x's friend got one of those dermal piercings right in the cleavage of her already distractingly large chest i've trained myself from an early age not to stare or even glance when women wear revealing tops but she added something shiny there and it almost threw my years of training out the window i've got a story of the only time i've noticed that when i was about 14 i was on an outdoor education trip see kayaking oh circumflex y with diary cis copyright a ring anyway i wasn't wearing a bra at the time and my shirt was body conforming and i have quite perky boobies and my nips kinda come out to play when the sun goes away here lol when it's cold and after a day of sea kayaking we had a fire and we were all gathered around but it was quite cold out i was very naive at the time and didn't really think anyone looked at boobs especially mine but needless to say i was immediately made self-conscious of it when a group of girls came up to me and yelled at me to put a bra on i didn't have one and my swimmers were wet hence why i wasn't wearing them on this cold night years later my close male friend said i was quite the talk of the young lads that trip and that the girls were trying to get the attention of said lads but they were occupied and the girls got jealous whole thing is hilarious to me because i never thought people thought of me that way oh circumflex why with diary sis copyright earring sorry for my itty formatting wearing a low-cut dress out to eat once and the waiter intentionally kept his eyes on my so the entire time he was kind of bashful and nerdy had a badass batman shirt peeking through his button up and i think he was scared of offending either of us really nice guy though pity tipped him down near 50 for his efforts i wore a black mesh shirt with black pasties to cover my nips after the bar we went to in and out right before they closed they have some bright lights so you can clearly see through my mesh shirt and the teenage guy tried talking to my bf but my bf was drunk and i was the one ordering he was looking at my eyes for the whole interaction kind of i could tell he was low-key nervous too low but ehh it's not big deal here is the reverse of that too funny not to share it me 40ish m and a colleague 20ish m we touring a suppliers facility with their production manager 30ish f she was very attractive and personable and had a naturally occurring patch of white hair over her forehead where her hair parted she also had a very nice pair of breasts that filled out her shirt and showed some cleavage we both gave each other the look as in oh she is quite summer thing isn't she but trying to be professional we avoid the boobs while we talk to her but we kept looking up at her shock of white hair finally after a few minutes of conversation she smiles and says in exasperation for christ's sake i wish people would just look at my tits instead of my hair we then look at each other and say almost at the same time i think we have just been given permission so for the next two minutes we talked to her while staring at her tits and until we all just fell apart laughing at the whole situation please forgive me my balls never give up trying to make me do their bidding went out for drinks with my boyfriend and a friend this guy sat down across from me and pointed to my cross telling me he liked it i was wearing a low cut top at the time and it was pretty obvious where was looking i didn't really mind but when he tried egging me on by telling me he didn't like a certain type of dialect i don't like insert my dialect here it's couldn't hear the rest that's sad i said with my full-blown disliked dialect and hiding my laughter behind a glass of beer do you have this dialect he asked confused and unfounded yes he stood up and walked off never saw him the rest of the night or since he must really dislike my dialect why do you think us guys wear sunglasses all the time after getting implants in my titties every time i met my friends who knew about it they would glare at my face with vigor at one point i just said you can look you know and i remember my friend saying thank god i'm sorry in advance my ex was staring at my boobs for the majority of the time he was breaking up w milo mayor i've had co-workers straight stare down my shirt once i literally snapped my fingers and said yo up here another time somebody stood behind me while i was talking to them and i had no idea they were staring down my shirt that was fun when i got told afterwards it does not take a low cut top literally could be wearing anything and this can be an issue i'm always showing cleavage always i don't care you can look if you want you can comment if you want i've used the lean and the bounce to my advantage the only thing i notice is when my boss is around then i try to keep it covered so she doesn't have a stroke not a girl but i had a friend think i was super into her i was not because i sat right across from her and accidentally looked at her boobs a lot like a lot it was only because they were distractingly huge it was so hard trying to have a conversation with her because i had to really focus on not having my eyes directed to that area for your information ladies i'm sure most of you understand this but just in case we're genuinely trying to not look if we do it's not out of being pervy they just stand out i am a guy but i just want to say i hate my stupid eyes so much sometimes and i'm sorry one of my teachers once ignored me for the whole class because i was wearing a v-neck t-shirt i was in sixth grade and hit puberty early i have a serious question do women want men to look or would it hurt more that no one looks as with many men i try to never stare but as a few posts up mentioned if i got caught glancing and the woman adjusted her shirt right after i'd feel like a pervert i try my best to just keep solid eye contact or i'll make eye contact and glance to the side i've never had problems with people looking at my chest but here's a somewhat related story this happened a week ago while i was waiting in line for the maid cafe at phan i'm my friend who was cosplaying heather chandler wearing a silky red robe so most of her chest was exposed volunteered to do my makeup we were both on our knees on the floor and she was taller so if i looked straight forward it was straight into her cleavage i didn't know her too well and i had to look straight forward for her to do my makeup so it was an awkward first 15 minutes while i tried to not stare at her chest eventually i realized she didn't care so it went smoothly after that she was great at makeup so what i've gathered from this thread is everybody looks at likes tits all right let's pack it up boys we figure this mystery out not really the same but i went to the doctors the other day first time it said doctors and i mentioned that i needed to get my breasts checked out at the ultrasound joint and he just kept looking up and down eye contact between my boobs and my eyes i was wearing a hoodie but thought it was funny won't be going back though ladies can you tell the difference between if a guy genuinely wants to read what your t-shirt says or if he is trying to stare at your figure i have many times wanted to just read what a t-shirt says that a woman is wearing but i get self-conscious thinking she's going to think i'm just staring at her body made the mistake of wearing a low-cut top to college uk college like the senior year of high school i guess my guy friends were trying not to look at me it was awkward [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 50,524
Rating: 4.9171777 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: 0uvc-GKGsVg
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Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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