What Innocent Film Is Actually Messed Up? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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what films that appear really innocent on the surface are actually dr. The Parent Trap what kind of duct up divorce settlement was that we are breaking rap I guess we'll just each take a twin and never tell them about each other great parenting folks it does sound like something that would have happened in the 1800s though it happened to my grandfather not a twin but a brother close to him in age and that was about 1915 in ghostbusters Peter Venkman shows up to a date with a powerful sedative I always thought there was a huge missed opportunity in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe to address the fact that these ducking kids lived their lives like 25 years in long year at the end of the first book they lived as royalty in absolute opulence wanting for nothing and then after they'd live their youth and approach their middle-age they accidentally find themselves being unceremoniously dumped back into the goddamn Wardrobe back in England in a home where their unloved and unwanted again that kind of sheet should duck these kids off but nope it's time to go learn all about Prince Caspian whoever the sheet he is The Hunchback of Notre Dame the villain literally sings an entire song about how he is consumed with lust and wants to grade the girl what the dark Disney it's a book and is a lot more disturbing from hotels Esmeralda that she can live if she will be his six slave forever then he burns her at the stake for telling him now cars to the villains in that movie or lemon cars on the surface using black and white kit logic they are bad because they want to he'll lightning McQueen and the other race cars but at some point in the movie their motivations are revealed they have been made fun of and marginalized in society for their whole lives manufacturers have stopped or started to wind down making spare replacement parts for them but since they are cars they need those parts to live essentially the villains are trying to carry out a scheme to get rich so they can afford to live and finally be somewhat accepted in society planned or forced obsolescence in the cars universe is essentially equivalent to genocide of the perceived lower-class Bambi is the story of growing up sheltered and protected and then being slapped in the face by real life and when you are down and broken because you've never experienced any sort of hardship someone walks by in this case your dad and says suck it up buttercup it's like this till you die and well then there's another half a movie but that first half has always ducked me up Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory it's just so for kids a recluse if man who's been screwed over lures people into his maze and puts them in traps that held them in an ironic fashion based on their character flaws and when you are in the trap you get towards advice from a small creepy thing with a painted face the one who survives the trap and who passes the final test gets saved from their old life and then becomes the mad man's apprentice Snow White she dies and the midgets embalm and keep her in a trophy case until a necrophiliac comes around to have six with her in the original tale of Sleeping Beauty the Prince grapes Sleeping Beauty while she's in her endless sleep she becomes pregnant and gives birth while still asleep she only wakes up when the baby mistakes her finger for a nipple and sucks out the thorn that put her under the curse Stewart little can you imagine being a human child in an opera homogeneous nice family comes to adopt someone you think it's your lucky then BAM they pick a ducking mouse instead of a kid imagine being the kid oh he had every right to be resentful towards Stewart his parents had likely told him for months he was going to get a little brother and he was so excited he set up his room and everything only to end up with a ducking mouse not a film but avatar the last airbender surface a bunch of kids having fun and going on an adventure deeper little the sole survivor of mass genocide tries to end a war if it wasn't a kids cartoon it would be bloody as duck monsters incorporated interdimensional entities scaring the sheet out of children to harness their fear as energy is pretty dark a little too close to home not to mention Randall and mr. Wharton s plan on kidnapping children and forcibly extracting their scream energy which would presumably heal them or worse they'd live in constant agony I always found that plan so much more sinister than a lot of people did when I really thought about it the kids would have to be kept in a state of perpetual terror and anguish to generate enough power and what happens when they are adults they wouldn't just toss them back into the human world they'd dispose of them and simply kidnap more really Airy to think about it's just one scene but an elf buddy leaves behind a note for his family saying that he doesn't belong anywhere and then walks alone to the edge of a bridge he gets interrupted by Santa's sled before we see what he was gonna do once he got there the B movie appears as a kid movie and it's literally about a B into duck inhuman liking each other it also has very where adjure the scene where they are picking jobs is pretty dark up he dies every two seconds to open up a new job and they are just watching the board like vultures waiting to swoop it monster house at first it's just a quirky movie about an actual haunted house then spoiler the house turns out to be the spirit of the old man's wife who was varied alive under concrete in the basement that movie is messed up man The Incredibles if you look at it at the beginning of the movie the family is insanely dysfunctional and Helen thinks Bob is running around with another woman didn't notice this till I watched it a few weeks ago edit a word to me it's that there's a ducking insane amount of death unlike 99% of Pixar and Disney where the threat of death is not real The Incredibles included a sheet and man didn't really even implied so much as show it you know those bad guys in your TV shows well these people aren't like those characters they won't hesitate because your children they will tell you if they get the chance pretty shocking to hear that in a Pixar film Finding Nemo if they weren't fish think about how ducked up a movie that would be it's basically taken but with clone fish Disney descendants if you think about it all of the Disney good guys banged all of the bad guys to the arm and blocked by magic from coming to the good side but the duct up part is that these villains have children children that have nothing to do with the crimes their parents committed but the children are now condemned to life for poverty like stealing cheating et Cie because of something they had no part in 50 first dates she never gets her memory back and has to wake up in an unfamiliar bed and learn that she can't remember any past memories of her kids presumably forever Dumbo the part where Dumbo's mom rocks him through the bars of her jail cell while singing about how much she loves him is ducting devastating inside out I did not expect that film to get so real someone was chopping onions for a significant portion of the time I spent watching it I think they did a decent job at representing an emotional shutdown during a major life change Jumanji kid gets sucked into a dangerous forest alone and is hunted for years the timeline resets but it's implied all four players remember the previous timeline servitor kids growing up have memories of dying and stuff the Little Mermaid won Ariel is underage - it says that it's okay to run away from your family if you really loved that guy you've never met three physical appearance is all that matters guys don't really care about having a conversation for if you collect enough stuff in your cave you'll eventually be happy finding dory maybe ducked up is the wrong turn of phrase but that movie is all about the experience of having a mentally handicapped family member right in the fields The Hunger Games you think it's innocent when you hear the plot but then they reveal the main character uses a bow and arrow instead of a trebuchet how can she not prefer the more superior siege weapon granted The Hunger Games is not exactly what one would call a siege situation but the usefulness of a weapon capable of launching a 90 kilogram projectile over a 300 meter distance is indisputable how Katniss ended up winning without the usage of a trebuchet is above and beyond me the only logical reason I can think of is that the book is fiction Star Wars imagine how many people died when the Death Star exploded super stardestroyer crashed probably like half a million lives lost sanitized violence is crazy Life of Pi I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this film the twist at the end makes the whole thing so dark it disturbs me to this day the Golden Compass holy gonads super it goes from a movie about kids and adults with familiars too I'm putting these kids mostly gypsies in camps and exterminating their familiars killing a part of them that messed me up man still does grease I saw it the first time when I was 12 and was like wait a minute did she just throw all her values morals and self-identity out the window for this [ __ ] my kids those thumb men watched on a flight recently and it's way more disturbing than I remember Rudolph's here are just a few examples everyone including Santa makes fun of Rudolph for being different run him out of town and only accept him when they need to use his deformity for their own game homie has run out of town for having aspirations beyond being an assembly line worker Santa is kind of a big dick to his wife and subordinates at the end the bird who can't fly is thrown from the sleigh without a parachute that bird is dead now I feel that it is the fault of autocorrect but I can't prove a thing also I knew I was forgetting a few things including six ISM and what they did to that poor bumble but I never claimed that this was a comprehensive list in frozen the trolls were supposed to be love experts for some reason they really wanted an ER and Kristoff to be together but when they learned that an ER is already engaged instead of letting it go they tried to get Anna to get rid of the fiance then they tried to blindside on her and Kristoff and get them to marry each other despite the fact that the two of them were telling them to stop and listen now imagine this being done in real life by your parents well I guess that's just trolls being trolls Titanic hear me out Rose survives as a full life with children and grandchildren and other experienced seasoned laughs dies in her extreme old age surrounded by photos of her life and goes to the afterlife to be with her husband just kidding she returns to the traumatic Titanic to me with a 119 age stand this is a good point maybe her idea of heaven is getting to live out the life she missed out on the one with Jack Back to the Future and the character Biff I'm assuming they were going for comic relief with the long haired jock but Biff was constantly physically harassing women on the street and tried to rape the main character's mother when she was a teenager does anyone else think that goof actually did Graper add the dance in the original timeline lorraine seems self-loathing medicating in the dad seems fearful of Biff and he knows that timid Walker the George McFly isn't going to speak up [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Id: SWX9nHEwsoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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