What Are Your High School Reunion Stories?

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teachers who regularly get invited to high school reunions what are the most amazing transformations common patterns epic stories status declines etc you've seen through the years one kid grew up to be that guy treading the line between jolly neck but and somewhat scary in cell i saw him after a full 12 years had passed the worst part is he was one of the most popular and socially adjusted kids in school always invited to parties girls always trying to spend time with him he'd always get away with absurd things in school because even the teachers liked him he was just really funny and naturally charismatic not to mention fit and handsome however he was strictly religious so he never had sex with any girls a few years after graduation he became an atheist or just a nostalgic but by this time he had a dead end job at a supermarket had gained weight and was obsessed with dragon ball z because he related to unleashing his true power so he spent like five years desperately messaging girls from hs trying to say hey i can have a six now but he was just not that attractive anymore and his social skills had deteriorated tremendously he was rejected by every single girl that was pining over him just a few years ago in high school he ended up publicly coming out as a proud intel two years before the reunion in a post where he declared war on women and socially adjusted men he often posted about being a virgin and how christianity basically made him an intel because he missed out every chance for six he ever had so at the reunion he came wearing a white t-shirt with the words duck you he'd walk up to now married women that he had previously solicited and just smirked silently waiting for them to read the shirt he was thrown out by the venue after about 40 minutes since so many people complained of his creepy behavior not a teacher but i went to my 10-year reunion back in high school we had a kid who has asperger's and was a little weird he was however amazing at the yo-yo having picked one up during middle school when we had that yo-yo trick assembly after everyone else had stopped walking the dog in eighth grade this guy was doing more and more elaborate tricks every day during lunch he was bullied and teased but he continued doing what he loved so at our 10-year reunion people from every strata of high school popularity was there including this guy he was his same old self but more confident i asked him if he still yo-yos and he busted out his custom-made titanium yo-yo that he said he made on a cnc lathe he then starts to do some tricks and a large crowd gathered around it was quite the show he had gotten very good and he finished people clapped and cheered and even the jockeys dudes from back in the day fist bumped him and told him how badass he was the most amazing transformation was everyone else nobody teased him for being who he was anymore they now admired him for being so passionate about something the dumb ducks that graduated my year of 2001 tried to organize our 10-year reunion in 2010. a former student of mine grew up in an ultra-conservative christian home he and his siblings were never allowed to socialize with other students during lunch and recess whenever they had free time at school they had to read their bibles in science class they were forbidden to learn about evolution every essay short story personal narrative and poem he wrote for me involved some kind of christian theme when he graduated he immediately enrolled in a big seminary in our area and that was the last i heard of him until his class invited me to their 10-year reunion this same kid showed up with sleeve tattoos piercings everywhere slamming beer after beer after beer and smoking like a locomotive when i asked what he was doing now he responded he currently was a bouncer at a strip club not a teacher but i went to my 20th about five years ago the woman organizing the event was in my class since third grade and was always bright intelligent charming and pretty she was very active in high school and by all accounts had a very bright future speaking to her at the reunion it seemed that had happened for her we talked about her self-help life coaching company and how they are growing and doing great i asked her to send me more information when i got home which is on the other side of the country i got an email from her introducing me to her west coast partner whose email was from the aeroless los angeles dot com which i thought sounded very contrary to what i was expecting a quick look at their website had me immediately worried and a short google later i saw that they are an offshoot of the nxivm cult that has been all over the news the woman i was talking to that i knew since age 8 was lauren saltsman who just this week plead guilty to holding 26 slaves locked in a room for two years she was trying to recruit me and basically everyone at the reunion into nxivm i knocked right out of that email conversation and have been watching everything unfold for the last five years they are all looking at some serious jail time now edit holy smokes thanks for the plunder and the karma my biggest comment yet yay cake in high school i was pretty good friends with a guy that was a bit overweight about six feet four really smart and a bit nerdy lost track of him after high school but saw him at our 10-year reunion he was the talk of the reunion still tall lost all the weight and was in great shape had long hair like fabio and was a doctor he showed up with a beautiful wife he gave us his contact info and invited us to atlanta to stay with him in his huge house after the reunion i tried to get in touch contact info didn't work and through some sleuthing i found out he was neither married nor a doctor he was still in good shape can't fake that but faked everything else used to have this one kid in my art class in senior high who treated it like one of those easy to pass classes he was a big guy much bigger than the other students and he'd use his size and strength to bully other kids the smaller ones he was a little itch underneath it all he would draw guns and crosses in his art book with pseudogangster sayings like live by da gun die by da gun and akdar police you get the idea come reunion time which was some five years later he's found a girl who really reigned him in and kind of like a hunter taming a wolf really turned him into a good man they had a baby boy and he is a responsible father and does yoga on the rocks by the beach complete 180 i do think he was a good guy underneath it all he just needed direction from someone who could break down his walls edit spelling so not a school reunion story but i thought i didn't put a happy story since a lot of these are a bit depressing my mom used to be a teacher for children with severe learning disabilities by severe i mean the majority of students she taught could barely do anything for themselves now she's retired but one day we were in the supermarket when a lady comes up to my mom and hugs her she seems a bit surprised at first and asks if they know each other and it turns out she used to be in her class we get in the car and mom instantly breaks down in tears after a few minutes she explains to me that 20 years ago that lady had been unable to speak walk or even go to the bathroom by herself and yet there she was out on her own talking to us and doing her own grocery shopping what probably made my mom cry was that after so long and accomplishing so much this girl actually remembered her old teacher poland3 i have a few one guy was this star pupil smart handsome athletic everything dating the head cheerleader some hallmark movie it they leave go off to college and nobody thinks it'll go wrong come 10 years later she divorced him was given the house his late grandfather built in the divorce and lived there with her new lover while he was in a hotel 10-year reunion happens he's deathly skinny and depressed sees the school remembers the memories he had goes home after reunion and kills himself leaving behind two little girls his ex got chased out of the community last year death threats against her and her lover she's trying to get in contact with people now because the lover took her money and fled back to the philippines and she's homeless now again i am not a teacher but a 35 year old i went to high school in venezuela i left the country when i was 17 and never saw any of them until what you might call a virtual reunion on facebook a few years back the reason i got to even know they had a group the guy everyone knew bullied me was shot and killed by his best friend at the time apparently he kept being a bastard after graduating and thus that was the end result besides that most of my classmates moved from the country due to the crisis those who stayed are having a bad time like everyone else in the country it is weird seeing them in facebook and random countries and doing things which i would never expect from them as a teen one in a cook in sweden other is an mma fighter in california one is an accountant in australia plenty of middle class lives in other south american countries simply interesting edit thank you for the gold fine stranger not a teacher but there was a guy who was the stereotypical jock in high school very unemotional stoic etc then he went into the military and got ptsd now he is a hippie and psychotherapist do teachers get to go to high school reunions that seems like a recipe for finding out if the english teacher really did have a dolphin [ __ ] stamp edit apparently teachers are invited neat eight of my 438 student graduating class 2009 have passed from opioid overdose the reunion is this july not a teacher and not the full school reunion either i'm not sure if those even still happen since facebook is a thing but a group i hung out with of nerds like me in high school wanted to get back together and play death match quake lang party style like we did as kids i'm effectively a loser with no social life and i'm scared of people but this i thought i could handle so i went they asked me to pick up joe on the way to the party and i do joe was out of shape when we were kids like a pudgy kid that was all that was really wrong with him he was smart well kept and rich as duck like dad owned a restaurant franchise rich not like one of the locations like the entire company we always had the parties at his house we didn't bring our own computers cause he just had basically a lab we all played at so i was a bit curious why we weren't repeating something like that not that i cared i have my own lab not rich though so we could have all had a computer but we went to another dude's house and who cares everyone brings a laptop now in a how anyways pick up joe from a really sketchy looking house really surprised dude comes out of the place really really big and really really dirty looking clothes were dirty and tatted looked like he had dirt in his greasy hair and he had to be 300 or 350 pounds he was big hardly fit in my car almost immediately he tells me his dad died then he ran the company into the ground gambled away most of the money invested it in stupid things etc and basically he tells me inside of a car ride how he blew something ridiculous like 100 million bucks whole thing made me sick and sad a frustrating thing as a teacher is not being able to remember all the kids you've taught i've taught roughly 150 kids a year for 15 years so it becomes hard to remember specific things about every student i feel like a d bag when a kid who really enjoyed my class comes up and asks me questions about life for the classy she was in and i can't remember much about it i've found that i usually remember high achieving creative students or kids who were badly behaved as i have a soft spot for these kids since i usually remember the badly behaved kids i have noticed that most of them figured it out by the time they reach 30. most have great jobs and are well adjusted conversely many of the high achieving students end up dropping out of college and are working low wage jobs i don't believe that high school is much of an indicator of future success as long as you graduate high school and attempt college how you performed in high school will not be that important currently a student in this situation had all the former graduates from the year prior come home one kid who used to drive me to school started his own company out of his dorm and hit it big household name within a year guy ended up dropping out soon after one of the nicest guys i know shout out to you nick in my high school they used some of the class reps as volunteers in order to organize this 10-year meeting my ad that time class master told me that a super good looking woman she was 29 back then i was 17 and damn she was top three woman i've ever seen in my life was one of the dirtiest students she ever had she would not shower for days and at some point she was out of school for a week or so because she got a really bad infection from her period and lack of showers also one of the smartest guys from that generation who went to veterinary school was convicted for selling some sort of animals drugs to people and used some on himself he seemed super normal but when he spoke you could tell that there were some clicks in his brains that were not connecting at all losing the idea in the middle of the sentence couldn't keep the voice at the same tone for more than 10 seconds going from whispering to shouting and stuff former student who was a decent kid who tried just not the brightest graduated got a job a whataburger got fired because he kept showing up late his manager was his mom not a teacher but just wanted to give a shout out to the girl that's gonna win our high school reunion next year nhs she was super quiet and well she was a bigger girl she was tall too so it all compounded together she tried to shy away from any limelight but that was hard when she was like eight inches taller than the rest of us anyway she's lost like 80 pounds in the last couple of years found a hairstyle that suits her so well she would wear it long and has just really hit her stride i want to say something but i'm trying to maintain my total itch status from hs so i'm not going to kidding i just don't want to be that person that comments on weight even though i know she worked hard for it and probably wants people to say something not a teacher but a girl i used to be interested in since elementary school we were really close friends i'd even work for her dad when i was a kid stuffing envelopes for him to send out to his clients just basic stuff that he offered us 10 cents per envelope to be a nice guy in high school we drifted a little bit apart and she started dating another friend of mine who shortly after noped out of that relationship because she wanted him to make her pregnant fast forward a couple years after graduation she did have children who she then suffocated when they were three years old and 22 months old sentenced to over 40 years in jail she was smart pretty and charming and now she might never see the outside world again needless to say she didn't make it to the 10-year reunion i went to an all-girls boarding school this one particular hostel supervisor had been working there since she was 22 and has been there for nearly 40 years so she has definitely seen a lot our school's foundation day each year is attended by over 500 alumni some friends and i were chatting with her when this group of incredibly smart and intelligent women come up to her after they greeted her she told us that she never thought they would get anywhere in life these girls were the most notorious of all the kids that she had to deal with they chopped off a teacher's waist-length hair and stole teachers cell phones only to bury them put on the janitor's uniform to sneak out of school got fake blood and put up hand prints outside the rooms of 9 and 10 year olds decided to summon spirits in a hostile building right after a visiting academic died of a heart attack the rest of the girls in the hostel building were so scared that the school decided to lock down the building for nearly five years they also took turns to stand on top of one of the buildings with a white sheet and showed it to kids in the farthest building that's how we got our infamous resident school ghost they all are in their late 20s now great jobs abroad but looking at them you would never think they could pull something off like that in their teens not a teacher but we just had our reunion there was this one dude who was just not even geeky but just odd always trying to fit in and never quite managing it he had a couple popular friends though so most times he could use that as a way in i remember at graduation he was just approaching random groups of people trying to start conversations and was just super unsuccessful at it and i was a huge geek myself so if this dude appeared socially inept to any of all people he was super socially inept because i was too inept myself to notice stuff like this unless it was bad anyways he is on all the bus benches around me now because he's the mla for an area close to me now the first time i saw it i was like wtf like there's no way this kid could have gotten people to vote for him i guess even the most socially inept can grow up and thrive but here i am still as socially inept as i was in high school lol not a teacher but still a story of how my good friend capital j transformed into a better human i met jay in high school he was 15 strokes 16 i was 18 stroke 19. whilst he was a lot younger then he behaved a lot older than he was so it never bothered me he was a mess of a human though by 15 he was kicked out of three schools smoked weed all day every day i believe he had run-ins with the police but i'm not 100 sure this went on until after i left our hometown for university he had this gift though the gift of a gab for those who don't understand he's a fantastic conversationalist he was incredibly outgoing handsome think tall danish blonde dude and could connect with just about anyone if we went to a party i would send him in first for 10 minutes and join and meet the people he met i can't recall how much education he actually completed i think he just finished his high school but dropped out of college despite this he managed to land a job as a business rep or something business makes little sense to me by literally walking into his interview telling the interviewer his education didn't matter because he knew exactly how to sell it he got the job and now he travels around the world for work selling his company's product he still is a mess of a human to my own definition but at least he seems to have found a purpose and i am so proud of him it never occurred to me that teachers could also go to a high school reunion i've skipped my reunions because i still talk to the people i cared about from there so i didn't see a point however there are definitely teachers i would love to catch up with now that i'm older but then again they might not teach there any more so it might not even be worth it it'll be weird to reach out to them on facebook or linkedin not a teacher but interesting nonetheless the valedictorian of my graduating class lost his full ride to state college after two quarters because of drinking and drugs he grew up in a protected and very strict household once he left and got exposed to the temptations of life he didn't know how to handle it last i heard he's working odd jobs and is bumming around our hometown i sat beside this girl joanie in grade eight she was so smart and really pretty she would always finish the year with like 95 averages even as high as 98 in some subjects i was a hooligan that's why i was seated next to her she would help me with stuff always let me copy her homework peak at tests there's no way i would have passed without her the teacher would always say you'll never get anywhere if you just copy joni all the time she works the drive through at arndwa now has a herd of children with some skeezy looking dude who's in and out of jail breaks my heart when i see her so much potential to end up flipping burgers i always wonder where it went wrong for her i'm really hoping for a kevin update one of these days i knew this sudanese guy named bravo when i was a senior he punched one of the school dean square in the jaw got expelled tried to steal 50 worth of weed and got shot in the ass all in the course of a week he's definitely in prison now colin edit caught myself being racist not a teacher but was at school with one girl very geeky very exuberant she was in all the school drama productions and she would tell everyone that she was going to be a famous actress someday we were like yeah whatever no one from little old new zealand ever cracks that level of fame these days she's been the female lead in a number of movies now alongside people like woody harrelson ewan mcgregor courtney b vance mark rylance to name a few i actually got to be on stage with her in a school production so she is my ticket into six degrees of kevin bacon i'm late to the party and will get buried but here goes nothing not a teacher well technically i am but this is a story from my reunion but at my school reunion everyone from my class was doing as well as or better than could be expected except for one guy let's call him john at school john was a smart kid all mannered pretty quiet and taller than anyone else we were actually pretty good friends at the time but lost touch after a while this was before social networks i know he went to university to study computer science and the last thing i heard about him was that he had gotten married and had two kids anyways i was looking forward to seeing him and finding out what he was up to for the past 15 years but he didn't show up later the teacher told us that she tried to contact him but no one knows where he is he left one day to go to work and never came back no bodies have been found he hasn't contacted his wife or sister he simply vanished into thin air i tried finding him online numerous times but to no avail i still try from time to time i just hope he is safe and well [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: rJoG-OQXzVg
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Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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