Teachers Share The Wildest Excuses Students Ever Gave For Being Late To Class

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teachers have read it what was the best lateness excuse you ever heard when I was in college a kid showed up nearly an hour late to our final exam his excuse I was in jail until about 25 minutes ago this sort of happened to me got released from house arrest and the parole board was king with me and made me wait an hour and a half for a piss test while letting people who signed in 45 minutes later than me and for their meetings prior to me I went to class now later the teacher demanded my reason I showed him all of my parole board paperwork and he immediately apologized and told me not to worry about it and now I'm not a dangerous fellow got pinched for blowing up soda bottles just heard this one last week I'm sorry I was late I have diarrhea truth or lie you have to respect bathroom problems not a teacher but a kid in class warped and late to my English class in eighth grade my teacher was really weird and would go on these rants about how space doesn't exist morality is a figment of our imagination and one person at Google is taking over the world by deciding what the results Google gives you are this kid walks in and says I'm not late because time doesn't exist he wasn't marked late a freshman girl with a junior brother was late he said her brother was taking forever in the shower in the morning I can't figure out why it takes him so long he has short hair what is he doing in there he does this all the time office staff was cracking up when she left and the teacher this year I have a student who comes in halfway through first period literally every single day I finally got on his case about why I try not to pry but my god and he finally admitted that he didn't like waking up to an alarm so he doesn't he just eventually wakes up and comes to school primary teacher teaching 11 year olds kid comes in 30 minutes late because he was waiting for his lead shoes to finish charging turns out he was not like and proceeded to moonwalk over to his chair with his shoes flashing couldn't even be mad it was too cool slash stupid at the same time at a classmate bringing her fender once the professor just nodded and continued class without comment one of my teachers told that a girl came in late and claimed there had been a bomb attack next door to her home and that the road was blocked we live in Finland so the story was an obvious lie except it wasn't there had been a bomb at the police station next to her home the only of its kind in decades I was at our running twice-weekly lab sessions in the evening being more than 10 minutes late to a lab usually and a zero grade for the day so you usually needed a medical note or police report to get out of it at the end of class one student who was 20 minutes late came up to me and apologized profusely he was the quiet unassuming Chinese guy with glasses and a below-average grasp on the english language he told me that while he was walking to class a guy in front of him was shot multiple times by a man in a nearby parked car which then sped off he claimed that he rushed over to the man and attempted to attend to his wounds along with another bystander but that he died before the ambulance is arrived my first thought was that's ridiculous but then I noticed his shirt jeans and forearms covered in blood before I had a chance to really say anything he beelines it to the exit and leaves a couple hours later out of curiosity I googled Toronto shooting death and sure enough there's a 14 minute older describing a fatal shooting that occurred earlier in the day not terribly far from campus the next day I get an email from the course instructor informing me that the student had submitted a police report to confirm his involvement in the incident Martha held a man in his arms as he died and still made the effort to come to class I can't even imagine what that guy was going through as he quietly sat at the back of that room I would give a fellow student a ride to school every day in high school and he was never awake when I pulled up to his house to pick him up I felt bad that I was writing his name as my excuse for being late every day and didn't want to embarrass him I eventually resorted to absurd excuses that the office and principal seemed to understand his code for it being this kids fault most of my excuses were something along the lines of UFO attack grandma got ran over by a reindeer Bigfoot sighting car was taken and had to wait for Lyme Nissen to bring it back whatever I thought was funny each morning kid had a tough home life and principal agreed if I could get him to school every day it was okay if I was late not me but a teacher I knew and a high school freshman that was late because he forgot he had high school and went to his middle school kid actually sat in a class before realizing he was at the wrong school he had the visitor's pass his middle school gave him as proof teacher kept the middle school visitor's pass as proof of that lateness story I was the student my boyfriend now husband and his dad had a collection of classic cars Mustangs comets fall camps we drove a different one pretty much every day they were in various stages of rebuild and had some kinks to work out I came in half an hour late covered in grease and sweat and had to explain the car caught on fire don't ask me how you can talk to him because he was completely unfazed as flames shot out of the top of the freakin motor we pushed it from the Riddler it's about that time another student came in a pic fig what classes boyfriend in his car is on fire in the parking lot I work in South Korea and had a fifth grader say he was late because he caught a whale which is a local euphemism for getting circumcised not sure if this applies but a teacher was telling us about how important it was to hand in our essays until the end of the week we had to hand two essays per week while she was talking about how she wouldn't accept hardness there was this only one exception when she accepted it on the following week turns out a student was mugged on his way to school he ended up losing his backpack with everything inside including the essays firm wallet socks and shoes the student ended up going to talk to the teacher barefoot and crying telling her how he tried even to persuade the assailant to let him get the essays out of his backpack but to no avail in high school two girls asked to go to the bathroom at the beginning of drama class which is a 45-minute class the teacher let them go they came back with 5 minutes left in class holding McDonald's bags the teacher copped an eyebrow and asked what took them so long one girl sighed and said there was just a really long line for the bathroom call ins but still forgot to turn off my effing heater somebody stole my tires and put my truck on blocks and gotta find my damn dentures those things are expensive on my favorites Edit the second guy didn't even have a truck obligatory not a teacher but I friend who was late to first period Spanish class every day of senior year one day the teacher had enough and told him he was going to be marked as absent if he was late again lo and behold he's abnormally late the next day that almost Kicks down the door with how excited he is about his excuse he was rear-ended just outside of the school by the math teacher who only hid my friend's car because he himself was rear-ended by another student of the same school and if that situation wasn't enough while the three drivers were exchanging info someone walked up to the cars hopped in the back most one and took off with it down the street needless to say my friend wasn't marked apps bad day my school starts as early as 7:30 for some students by public transit 70% of my school qualifies for free / reduced lunch it can be upwards of two hours to get to school those students have pretty legitimate reasons for lateness I had one student a few years ago come late because his father had been murdered a few days earlier I didn't expect him to show up at all but his mom wanted him to go back to school he just didn't get there on time I had another late because her family had been evicted her parents had to work so she was figuring out where to store their stuff not a teacher but my senior year of high school I drove home on my lunch period because I left my homework on my desk as home pathway home the elderly man in front of me veered off the road and drove into a telephone pole I stopped to make sure he was okay and for police to show up he wanted me to help push his car off to the side of the road but couldn't understand that his axle was snapped into and buried about 4 inches into the pavement I overheard the conversation with the police and he was definitely on some medication and should not have been driving my teacher was cool about it and actually let me grab lunch from the cafeteria and eat in class too since I was going to grab lunch on the way back but couldn't years ago I had a student come in who had missed the test the previous week he said a while back he had been shot in the head and they were unable to remove the bullet in the previous week it had started shifting and he was in the hospital showed me the scans of his head and everything also right now another student's friend let me know that he is in jail for a few weeks and asked me if I could please not drop him as he wants to stay in the class I had a small regular close-knit study group for my Latin classes one of the members stopped showing up to study group to class to tests to anything nobody could get ahold of her for about two weeks one day she shows up to class a bit flustered just after we'd finished a major exam and everybody's wondering if this professor is just going to [ __ ] destroy her no he says hey where have you been we've been so worried about you are you okay she's so worried about not having done homework or weekly Exum's or this midterm and he doesn't give around he just wants to know if she's fine and is trying to figure out where she disappeared to everybody else has left and it's just her the professor and a handful of the study group members she blushes and explains that about two weeks ago she started dating a new guy and she'd be ah unable to get much rest at all in that period the professor claps his hands together and says that's wonderful and starts laughing happily and the study group starts dying of laughter and she goes bright red he simply told her that she could make up any of the work when she was ready but don't feel rushed so that was that she was two weeks late because she'd been [ __ ] sidenote the professor was an amazing guy one of the few American educators I've met her was truly focused on students as people and they're learning less so than grades or their authority it's worth noting that many many decades back as a young man he was training to become a priest well he went into town and met this wonderful girl so beautiful so funny and he discovered with her that he really liked X and well you can't be a priest and bang so he peaced out married her and bang forever and ever cool guy [Music]
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 2,870,716
Rating: 4.909544 out of 5
Keywords: teachers, wildest, students, being late, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, top posts of all time, brainy memes, r/, reddit top posts, reddit cringe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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