Pizza Deliverers Share Their Most Awkward Delivery Experiences

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Pizza deliveries of ridet what's the most awkward situation you've ever been in at someone's doorstep not so much awkward as scary but whatever I'm a girl and when I was delivering pizzas I was around 18 to 19 pretty scrawny looking thing anyways I had a big delivery to a guy's party in his apartment the apartment was on the top floor so after holding about 10 pizzas up three flights of stairs I looked considerably frazzled the guy opens the door and there's about 15 men in the apartment and he says I should come in and put them down on the table now I know better than to just enter people's houses but this table was right near the door and there was no way I was going to be able to take the cash with 3-peat subbox draped over my arms so I take one step towards the table and hear the door slam shut behind me he locks the door and says we got one and all these guys start snickering and although it turned out to be a joke albeit not a funny one it was one of the most terrifying moments in my life I've delivered pizzas for eight years I've seen it all people they find people doing drugs naked people people arguing you name it I've seen it but to this day by far the most awkward thing for me is when the little kid answers the door and just stares at you just stares with those beady little kid eyes like they are just looking deep into your soul and then the parents finally realize that you have their dinner and then they have to look around for money for five minutes while this tiny little child is just giving you the stare down to end all stare downs their eyes never wandering the finally find the damn money and come to the door and they are all like Oh Johnny did you say hi to the nice man and the stare continues BDI child knows my wrongdoings many moons ago dissolve I delivered to one house just as a massive storm was ending rain was still pouring off of this woman's roof her small child was staring at me through a screen door the way you've described here and she was running around looking for money as you've also described here I met the child stare with my own neither of us blinked we were locked in a deadly struggle for dominance she stared I stared deadlock I reached out my hand and copped it beside me just under the roof water filled my path her gaze only wavered slightly I brought my hand back into view I raised it aiming right for her she cracked a smile I tossed the water at her showering her with what little hadn't already run down my arm she burst out laughing just then her mom came into view and was none the wiser I miss stuff like that at work just the moment sharing that spontaneous moment with another human being tiny and unfinished though they may be I miss those little unexpected moments in my current office job girl answers the door and yells to her sister you'll boyfriend's here she comes running down in her bra and underwear gets to the door sees a confused looking Pete's and guy so she screams and runs away while yelling profanities at her sister the sister loses it laughing and gives me a ray dollar tip solid deliver ten tenths would deliver again my first day first delivery ever it was to a motel 6 the guy answered wearing red pumps a purple and black kitty cat thong and a pink felt blouse told him I liked his purse and walked out with a $20 tip I showed up to deliver a pizza on a hot summer night and the guy who ordered it was passed out flat on his back in the living room just inside the screen door the TV was blasting so loud he would have had a hard time hearing me knocking and shouting even if he hasn't been unconscious after about a minute he stirred got himself up and paid I think he intended to give me two tens and a 1 for the $18 pizza but he was so out of it he gave me two twenties and a five $27 tip I work for Domino's in Glasgow and we deliver to this especially shite block of high-rise flats known as Kenna said the average inhabitant of this area is adorned with a district trainers and a cap with the label still on we are not allowed to go up the lifts in the buildings anyone because so many drivers have been robbed at least if we stay in the lobby we get the chance to make a run for it anyway I'd called the customer down from the intercom outside the flat stepped into the lobby the lifts usually take 5 to 10 minutes to make it down because some [ __ ] has always gone and dragged their knuckles up and down the buttons for every floor this provided ample time for a questionable week guy and his even younger-looking girlfriend to approach me I doubt either of them watch past 16 and the girl seemed pretty Boozer the awkwardness began upon the generous request oh I chose some pizza she might GE a blow it was difficult to maintain composure at this point and it must have been evident on my face the girl reassured me it's airight I'll eat the pizza after doing my best not to offend knife crime is pretty wife in such areas I politely declined the following five minutes of waiting seemed to last a lifetime I mean it really was hideously awkward they just stared at me finally I hear the ping of the elevator and a middle-aged woman steps out to my surprise the woman called the kids over and they started chatting pretty sure it was their mum I hurriedly parted with the pizzas and got the eff out of there this one lady ordered a sandwich which was just at the six dollar minimum for delivery total was five point nine nine plus tax of course I come to the door and it's an old lady I tell her the price is six point three four and she goes off on a tangent about how it was supposed to be five point nine nine I had to sit there and explain sales tax to her she shut the door and came back with a calculator and I had to explain to her how to multiply by the tax rate and showed her why it was not five point nine nine like her coupon said makes you wonder what she does at stores somewhat awkward but pretty hilarious from when I worked as a delivery driver for a sushi restaurant I went to take an order to this one apartment and as I got to the door I heard a guy yell are you effing kidding me why did you get the caffeine free coke you know I hate it immediately afterwards I heard a woman loudly say they were on sale just like them on ribbed condoms you got yesterday that you know I hate I had to keep myself from bursting into laughter so I ran down the hall to try and get it together and finish the delivery I had to fight a guy off after delivering a pizza he was very drunk and thought I was a taxi so he kept on trying to get in my car I literally kicked him out of the passenger side and sped off into the night passenger door open until the next hard right as a delivery driver in Ashe area I've seen plenty of there's one night that's always going to stick with me though I was dropping off a small pizza and a sandwich to a room in the nearby motel this motel is that place in your neighborhood the kind of place that you pass by and think to yourself down if I ever need to buy crystal meth I know where to go I enter the building down the hole to find the customers room it's very late on a weeknight so the motel is understandably silent then bang the sound of something very heavy hitting the inside of a door I hear faint crying and another bang against the door I stop in my tracks and wait to hear something else before I do anything this isn't the first time I've heard domestic violence occurring sometimes it's just what I'm hearing a push or a slap and usually two people screaming at each other couples fighting friends in an argument I witness lots of things but something was different this time I hear a deep voice yelling at someone can't quite make out what he said then a much louder scream from a woman's voice and another bang against the wall I can make out the sentence stay away from us being yelled by the woman the us part was like a cold chill through my spine I called the police I didn't even consider finding the customers door first just put my bag down and pulled out my phone I waited right next to the door nervously waiting for help as I continued to listen to the yelling and crying on the other side officers arrived a few minutes later the guy that opened the door looked completely normal and pretended to be surprised as the police pushed the door in they pulled a woman out of the room she was bloody and in a shock induced rage towards the man I found the customers room and uneventful II dropped off the order on my way out I saw the police carrying a baby out of the room sometimes when I look back at this night I get an overwhelming feeling of disgust thinking about what that man was doing in that motel room what's worse is thinking about what the man would have been doing and I not stopped and done something stopped some very bad domestic violence in a terrible motel maybe even stop child abuse as well once had a delivery to a house that was in one of the rich neighborhoods I pull up to the house drive down a long s driveway and when I finally get to the door I see an envelope taped to it there is nothing written on it except dominoes on one side and levon doorstep on the other inside is enough money to cover the pizza and a ten dollar tick I look around kind of awkwardly before setting the pizzas on the doormat and putting the money in my pocket while I'm walking back to my car I turn back around to look at the house and lo and behold the pizzas are no longer on the doormat I didn't hear a door and it hadn't be but four or five seconds since I had turned around I also noticed as I was getting back in my car that there were cameras all around the perimeter of the house on the walls painted the same color as the house to blend in I drove away and not a single death was given not exactly awkward but this happened about a month or so ago it's about 3:30 a.m. we are open later Zef on a Friday night Saturday morning whatever a few and I'm on my last delivery of the night to lodgers with a total of about 31 dollars after knocking for about two minutes this guy shirtless armed with some dry puke on his shoulder stumbles to the door and opens it immediately he starts tilting forward like he's gonna blow chunks all over me he turns it into a loogey turns around and spits it off the front porch and starts reaching for the pizzas 31 bucks man I say oh Sh right I gotta pay you he says so he disappears into the house for a good five minutes I check with it he comes back with a twenty he hands it to me reaches for the pizza boxes again and I say thirty one box man he says can I just get one for the twenty bucks and I explained that I'll have to call a store and ask them what they want me to do he disappears into the house for yet another five minutes only for him to stumble back to and yell just take it and slam the door so I made 20 bucks and got two free pizzas [Music]
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 642,897
Rating: 4.9263053 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, pizza, delivery, awkward moments, awkward, experiences, r/, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, brainy memes, funny reddit, fails, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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