Teachers Relay the Most Disturbing Item They Ever Confiscated from a Student

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teachers what's the most disturbing thing you've confiscated off a student one of my favorite stories app so a girl was getting searched for drugs I was the witness my male VP was going through her purse taking things out she had a dildo except at first he didn't realize he's holding it opening the back of it and looking into the battery compartment when suddenly he realizes what he is holding wish I had a camera we found $15,000 in cash in the book back of a 2nd grader when I was a teacher turns out he was a runner for the neighborhood gackt's he was 7 when I was in high school one of the percussionists in the lowest-level band class was suspended for a couple days after a dead squirrel was confiscated from his bookbag he evidently was planning on putting it in the band teacher's desk my band teacher thought it was funny but was otherwise generally unfazed by the news a cannonball it was in their locker I guess it's not really disturbing but it is old I once took a note two girls were passing back and forth they were talking about telling the principal I raped them because they didn't like being in study hall as I didn't allow them to talk in study hall my mom was a teacher and she had to take a lighter away from a student after he let his test on fire I remember there was a report of a student having a gun in his backpack and he reached for it but the teacher broke the kid's hand with one of the textbooks before he could get to it my two female classmates had a nice idea to bring matches and rubbing alcohol to school in eighth grade they had a plan to lure a bully girl to a secluded area outside the school pour bottles of rubbing alcohol on her from a tree and like they're on fire the only reason they got caught is because instead of leaving their backpacks in their classroom for an assembly they brought them to the assembly room and kid tried going through them to steal from them they didn't admit when caught but like two to three years later I'm not a teacher but I was in a class once and a teacher went to take a phone away from a student when he heard it vibrating when he walked over to her he said hand it over she was so embarrassed because she wasn't using her phone her vibrator just started going off a few kids laughed but the teacher was the most embarrassed alongside the girl two huge hunting knives from a first grader blades were six inches long and one was locked open he had taken them from his dad's hunting gear and was showing them off in the boys bathroom his mom had passed when he was four and his dad was doing the best he could to raise and provide for three kids I was with a VP as we searched a girl's bag and we found a burner phone $3,000 cash and her black book of clients she was 18 so not much we could do but mannered mates real when you consider she had a book with about 20 men's names in it and what they liked second weirdest was the kid who brought three fish he had caught that morning he just wanted to kill them like didn't catch them for food but just to kill them a student came running to me during her break once and wanted to drag me to a class to show me something I went along and once there he directed me to a student's desk there was an open note but lying on the desk detailing my full name birth date address license plate and other insane stuff we immediately took her to the office after she returned police was called they confiscated her phone she had her entire album titled teachers or professors don't remember and quite literally every single teacher she had had was in there I was in four pictures some of which she took secretly in class the others were all des Peaks from mild Facebook was a bit creeped out to be honest there was a horrid smell coming from an area known as the dungeon just rows of lockers so the principal and two teachers lucky me Locker inspection all the students had to open their lockers so we could check them we get a one Locker and the kid is sweating bullets he asks us not to inspect his butt of course we do he opens his locker looks normal and after the other teacher rummages through it a bit he pulls out a bag looks inside and starts gagging the student 16 years old had a shopping bag full of used condoms he told us that he kept them as proof to show people that he had an activex life student had brought a puzzle to school but the pieces didn't match turned out it was a single piece from all the puzzles we kept at school making every single one of them unsolvable obligatory not a teacher but I was in art class when my teacher told a student to throw a note she was passing around away the note was a super graphic love letter sent by this girl's boyfriend detailing how he left her shawl and a bunch of bondage types the weirdest part was this girl didn't have any friends in that class she just stood up and passed it around to the popular kids like she was proud of it this girl was pretty out there so our teacher didn't even have a reaction to it at that point account one of my students bought his cat to school zipped up in his sports bag poor little thing I worked as a percussion instructor think an assistant marching band director but just for the drummer's for several years there was one student who was a kind of tertiary friend he had a circle of friends but he was on the outer edge of that circle a bit of a loner quiet and sensitive really nice a bit of a clown intelligent and insightful but without directional Drive at the end of the marching season it came time to turn in all the music binders I was going through and making sure all the music that had been handed out had been turned back in and I found a handwritten suicide note that had left in the binder that was about six years ago and he's fine but it was the single biggest adversity I ever had to overcome in my time in the field of Education kindergarten teacher found a needle in a boy's lunch box turns out it was a used heroin needle that parents packed by accidents the boy now lives with his grandparents the mother came in after losing custody and screamed at me for ruining her life and stealing her child I calmly called school security and she was escorted off campus very bright boys now in second grade and his grandparents are an absolute delight he is now in very loving hands not a teacher a class picture fell out of a girl's desk who was in our class this was when I was in grade eight so 2003 it said on the back of the picture people I want to kill all the popular people were circled on it and for some reason I was too I was shocked she thought I was popular felt pretty cool for the first time to be included with those kids all in all a good day oh we turned it in to the teacher they didn't do anything about it not a teacher but when I was in fifth grade our teacher tripped over a kids backpack she was like why they are having their bricks and he really did have bricks in there my crazy mom thought it would be cool to give me a coconut and a knife for lunch one day I got in trouble for having a knife second grade I was just hungry she thought it would be a cool thing to bring to school I remember when I was in middle school a fellow eighth graders dad was a tattoo artist somehow this kid had managed to bring his dad's tutu equipment to school and it was confiscated when he tried to tattoo another kid whilst his friends held this kid down Petie sure it was going to be a force tutu but a teacher was walking by and heard the screams and stopped it I accidentally brought my camping bag to school with me once it was the day after a one-week camping trip and my camping pack looked very similar to my school pack I had two Letterman's a pocketknife multiple fire status small game traps box of ammo I realized after I got to study hall first thing in the morning that bag was not opened or even left my back till I got her there was a girl in my English class who always drew big titty Anam girls in her notebook I'd be grading essays and then open up a notebook and bam some random wave would be popping out at me one day I noticed she was distinctly shielding her notebook from my eye sight as I walked around the class I figured she was drawing something dirty again and just decided to ignore it I deal with it at the end of class the bell rang and I told her over and was going to talk to her about how it was inappropriate and that I had saw everything she had been doodling except for this time it wasn't a doodle it was a suicide note it was written to a bunch of random kids on Instagram who were evidently her only friends she had never even met them well we had a long talk about how she mattered and it was unfair to take herself away from those who cared about her I pointed out that a boy in the class had an obvious crush on her and that people thought she was cool because she always dressed golf and kept to herself I referred her to the counselor she ended up dating the boy who had a crush on her and passing my class haven't seen her in years but I hope she's doing well we once had a middle school kids bring a turtle to school a teacher heard kids talking about it in the hallway she alerted me and sure enough in his locker we found a red ear slider in a gym bag I kept the turtle in my office and he took it home at the end of the day back in high school this girl brought a needle to school and was walking around the halls poking people with it it was confiscated obviously they were able to determine that it had not been used by her to inject herself or anyone else with anything they did have to go around and find everyone that had been poked through to make sure no one had any diseases in high school some guy wrote out a whole plan on how he was going to kill me and taped it to my locker he actually did try to enact his plan but I was practically a foot taller than him and overpowered him then I reported him to the principal who called the police the guy was expelled promptly my student but not something that I confiscated at the end of the year last year during finals week when class was over and it was just tests and grade finalization I was chatting with one of the art teachers we started talking about a mutual student that he had who I'll call Ryan he was a very quiet bright kid kind of weird in my classroom was always walking around the room and barely ever sat in his seat preferring to stand at the lab tables in the back sometimes I got on his case about it sometimes I let him do his work back there Ryan's art teacher asks if I had ever seen anything weird on his work and I said I hadn't she then explained to me that other teachers had noticed sketches on class Walker swastikas and other disturbing images Ryan apparently didn't want to hand in his art journal but the art teacher finally managed to get a hold of it and looked through it on top of the Nazi imagery he had drawn pictures of other kids getting killed guns bombs and so on his parents were called in there were meetings and so on and I had no idea apparently no one thought it was a good idea to tell Ron science teacher that all of this was going down and that I should be on the lookout for this kind of behavior school administration and the other teachers left me completely in the dark about the situation to the point where I didn't know until he wasn't my student anymore I would never have guessed that Ryan would be thinking about this kind of stuff what's interesting is that he always seemed to like me and would sometimes hang out after class to talk for a few minutes but I'm openly gay and the students know I'm Jewish so I don't know what his feelings really were that was last year so I don't know what's been doing on this year I'm in the district's other high school as a sub so I haven't seen him hopefully he gets help [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BrainyDude
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Keywords: reddit, teachers, student, r/, students, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, brainy memes, funny reddit, fails, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts
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Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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