Teachers Share The Funniest Things Students Attached To An Email By Accident

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teachers have read it what have your students accidentally sent to you when they meant to submit an assignment serious I once sent my English professor a rough draft instead of the final draft of my paper like a very very rough draft which I had saved as in 201 F face underscore Milton point doc so as to not mistake it for the final he titled his M air about it F face Milton three reasons not to submit your paper at two o'clock in the morning and was real cool about it a student sent me an entire folder full of rhaggy memes instead of her assignment my name is Reginald a Keurig a I was convinced it was on purpose thought she hadn't done the assignment so she decided to mess with me but when I mentioned it to her before class I just saw her face shrivel up in a mixture of horror / embarrassment / who knows what else she had done the assignment just fine we printed it out later but this whole situation was so absurd I saved the folder osc one of my college teachers tried to send her colleague an email but accidentally sent it to one of my classmates it was a picture of toothless hogging not exactly turning in an assignment but I once had a kid that was working on some research for a project come to me and tell me he couldn't find the website he was on the day before and needed to get back to it figured I'd just check Chrome's history and make quick work of it while looking like a computer genius 8th graders a pretty damn computer illiterate for having grown up with them in their hands 24 / 7 well this kid had apparently logged into his Google account on my classroom laptop and turned on SiC to load his extensions from home it's a common way students manage to download certain extensions that allow them to get around the school's web filter he also learned that day that it syncs your web history because as soon as are scrolled down to the yesterday part of the history I was met with a barrage of sub entries - a bunch of an in Pond and thus I now knew exactly when this young man was polishing the dolphin the night before college student here accidentally sent my smutty fanfic to my communications lecturer he was a legend though marked it up and called it horrifyingly fascinating and creative gave me 98 percent par it was the opposite way around for me was at our in university marking assignments girl I see Cuse me and basically asks me out which pretty much never happened things I was completely not interested and since I was usually the one on the other side of the rejection I think I took like two hours to write her a reply to try to let her down easy anywhere's stupid rookie mistake I was almost passing out when I got back to marking and at some point I see TRL vet whatever I had been writing to the girl to break up with her into the comments one on other questions I was marking and didn't notice usually I copy and pasted cookie-cutter mistakes from a notepad to make fast in a how thankfully it wasn't anything crazy the dude I broke up with made some smartass remark about how I shouldn't reject him just cause he was bad at matrix manipulation but I thought it was funny another reverse but an undergrad I accidentally submitted my final paper with the notes on it from previous drafts my drafting process like most of my life involves a lot of profanity my professor was understanding but asked for clarification on whether I was calling the reader or the paper or FS little B one of mine in middle school sent me what looked like a copy pastor about how if you arrived at the train station at 10 o'clock tomorrow you will get a free puppy and a balloon my first thought was that she was getting catfished and she wanted to tell me about it I immediately confronted her in the hall and she laughed and said were you thinking of going to the train station she had typed it out and thought it would be a hilarious prank if she could get a teacher to wait at a train station to get a free puppy means just so many memes like an overwhelming number they attached a zip file full of memes instead of a file folder with a couple of Doc's and a PPC for a project the memes were pretty good though one time I had a professor send out an email to the whole class addressed to another professor with an attachment called tests who owns a guide it was a rib roll pretty regularly I get stream-of-consciousness fretting in Essex the society of ancient Rome was much like ours except that f chef I'm not going to finish this etc always worth a laugh wasn't an accident but a student of mine sent a paper she wrote to one of her other teachers about why she should be allowed to wear jeans to her final presentation a full three-page written paper to convince her teacher it was epic I still have a copy ex college professor here I got slash fanfiction in place of an essay once prior to Turnitin it wasn't my ship but it was really good when the student realized the next day I lied and told her I hadn't opened the document yet I didn't want to make her feel self-conscious or regretful about her writing I had a student accidentally send me the screenshot of a snapchat with me in it they had made me into a jazz banged me Laura might some etc except I'm pretty sure it was on purpose as when she submitted the correct version it was mostly plagiarized think the Laura might some submission was just a cover for the fact she didn't have her work done not the teacher but the student attached my family Christmas card update letter instead of my personal statement for applying to uni to my guidance teacher he ignored it would not the most exciting was grading that homework and a student had accidentally submitted an image of another student Spanish homework I left a comment in Spanish saying that cheating was a no-no I accidentally operated a court document made up by my attire when I made a stupid mistake - telling some things about my case minor but incredibly embarrassing I asked her if she could delete it from the system I operated it - and she couldent that she promised she didn't read it she probably did she had done me a great kindness earlier that year so this was morbidly embarrassing drafts versions of their papers can be hilarious especially students who use square brackets to fill in their thoughts later I receive a lot of papers with things like consequently health care in Canada became a whatever Dumba's system she mentioned in class and wait times are due to a combination of factors including blah blah come back later a student once sent me three memes about lean instead of his history essay they were funny I still called his mom not that terrible but for an electronic assignments I've had several students accidentally sent me their classmates work allegedly their classmate had to use their computer interestingly the files were completely different except for the owner metadata which clearly marks who worked on what file word twenty years ago I was taking a course by video and we had to marys einman tin at the end all my course ilk was in one of those paper folders with the three-hole punch behind a strip inside I anxiously awaited its return so I could see my grade and all the feedback as I was flipping through the returned folder I came upon a line grass enlarged and copied on a copier and filled out by me by hand the only feedback on it was a small red question mark in a circle it was one of my ovulation charts complete with daily morning temps and little hearts where we had attempted baby-making it was from the box my basal thermometer came in and it was titled and absolutely crystal clear what it was I cannot even imagine the reaction of the person grading my staff no a fine clue how the f I managed to slip that in there our coming-out letter meant for her parents for context she was the first generation Chinese girl from a very traditional family who now live in North America this is a big deal very brave on her part she sent it in the morning and did not show up to school it was on the school email server so you could see if people had opened / read attachments the letter was honest and beautiful I was moved to tears in my office that morning naturally I was very concerned for her mental health because she likely put it together what happened because she did not send the required assignment by the deadline this was extremely in like her it was a complete mistake because the email title indicated it was the assignment I quickly called the secretary to check her attendance right after the day started determined she was not in school then I told the counselor and told her the issue I knew she had a relationship with the student I did as well through coaching the improv team we determined that it would be okay if I reached out to her I had her phone number from previous trips / improv events and such and I elected to call her from the counselor's office and check in she was hiding at the coffee shop a few blocks from the school in full panic mode I was able to tell her how brave she is how proud I was of her taking this step and how I'm here for her full support I was nervous cause I'm a guy but at the moment this kid needed some laughs I have simply accepted that sometimes as a teacher you need to be a friend or loving parent I believe in the modern-day educators need to be a lot more than just teachers and we should be trained as such I've done a bunch of extra training but it should be required for all teachers in the end I ended up going to pick her up gave her a big hug and we went for a pretty long walk I had told my admin what had happened they were in full support of me stepping out for an undisclosed amount of time we got her back to school after lunch she sat with the counselor Amy she met with us for a few weeks until she finally informed family about our orientation it didn't go great but it didn't go as bad as we thought she is now a young scientist with a new partner we connect for coffee from time to time she wrote me a letter on her grad day that I still keep when I need a reminder that I'm not a terrible person it helps me cry when I need it I'm so happy to be a teacher admin now not because I teach science I love being in education for human moments those moments are what life is about for all you struggling students out there you got more people in your corner than you think it does get better I've seen it myself students sense coming out letter to me instead of assignment all ends up okay you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 628,824
Rating: 4.9246535 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, teachers, share, funniest things, students, accident, r/, reddit top posts, best of reddit, ask, askreddit, r/askreddit, brainy memes
Id: 6zGL0XV69iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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