Students Share The Most Hilariously Incorrect Thing A Teacher Has Ever Told Them

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what is the most hilariously incorrect thing a teacher told your class if a bug was in an airplane it would not be able to fly forward because it could not fly faster than the plane was moving if a human is on an airplane they cannot warp to the front of the plane as a human cannot walk faster than a plane computer teacher told us if you use cuss on an image on a website that it will be removed from the website and will upset the website maker so be sure to use copy my grade 6 teacher told me that fatigue was in fact not a word when I used it in a short story and insisted that I looked in the dictionary found it in the dictionary in about two minutes and proved her wrong in front of the whole class when I was first getting started in it at a school district I had a teacher put in a work order because spell check was not working I showed up and she explained that she had many kids with spelling errors and I needed to fix it after 20 minutes with the computers I came back up and took a look at the papers she had half the class line up and show me their spelling errors now I'm in no way good at spelling never happy but when I started looking at these I had to stifle my laughter the first one was epically and the student meant especially the next one was faceting fitting and cutting gems for jewelry the teacher looks me dead in the face and goes see that's not a word there were eight others all the same thing while teaching Japanese history my teacher was entirely convinced that the suicide of a Japanese samurai was called pseudo coup instead of seppuku the teacher put materials from plants and materials from animals on a board we could not convince her that wool was not a plant when I was in kindergarten our homework assignment was to ask our parents what country they were from so the teacher could show us on the globe where it was younger me was so excited I went home I ask my mom where she was born and she told me her family was from Malaysia all day I practiced and practiced I couldn't wait to share this info with my teacher when I went to school the next day I told my teacher that my mom is from Malaysia with a look of utter disappointment my teacher informed me that Malaysia was not a country and I needed to ask my mom again I was crushed that my mom would lie to me like that or that she was wrong by the way little me tried to her and told her that my teacher said Malaysia is not a country so mama was not happy that I was told this and came with me to school the next day to give the teacher a piece of her mind to this day I've never seen my mother get so red in the face while yelling at my teacher after she was through I quickly got an apology and a geography lesson on where Malaysia was when transferring schools teacher so you're from Mexico me no I'm from New Mexico teacher got it so your Mexican was the student visa program difficult me no visa needed I'm from New Mexico it's between Texas and Arizona teacher did you live near cartels this was an American history class in high school that a Big Mac from McDonald's overwhelms your stomach with so much of everything that it doesn't register you've eaten anything and that's why you get hungry against so quickly after I'll start a teacher of mine told us that the left side of your body your feminine side the right side is your masculine side that's why your skin is better on your left your right is stronger etc god what the hell she showed us the flag of the United Kingdom and said this is the flag of America I grew up in England but did part of my high school in the u.s. one of the teachers there organized a thing where we were volunteered to read stories to elementary school kids after reading my story I guess the teacher felt the need to make note of my accent to the class she asked me to tell the kids where I was from I said I'm from England and she did that thing teachers to where she repeats the info to the kids but she says did you hear that kids she's from England that's in London I tried a little bit of a correction actually I'm from England and she just repeats to the kids yes kids England that's in London I was too shy that age to call her out on it but it still makes me cringe to this day that caffeine isn't a drunk apparently because according to her you couldn't get addicted to it their dogs evolved longer faces so they could smell things around corners that Serena was the first name of the wife of Sir nicholas ii of russia and not her title she understood that SAR was Nicholas's title and not his name that could not apply the same logic to Alexandra she insisted that Serena was her given name and no amount of arguing would change her mind I'm still annoyed about this 20 years later English is my second language and during English class one of the students asked her what did lion cub mean she says it means line cube no it doesn't make any more sense in my native language past tense of drinkies drags this is what can happen in English class when the teachers first language is not English sodomize instead of cauterize the wound all lights are outfitted with cameras for the government so we shouldn't use them you don't need to know about periods yet because you aren't 16 I was 12 and had had them for a year we were playing a game where you had to name a thing beginning with each letter of the alphabet I said aw Rangoon for Rouen my cookery teacher stopped and shouted no no or a glutton is wrong it starts with and they have you ever been to a zoo and seen one she wouldn't let me prove it and I lost the game because of it it's been seven years and I still can't forget it we got taught in science that our tongues have different areas of taste had to do an experiment where we put a sugar cube / lemon on different parts of the tongue etc supposedly we had a sour area a sweet area and so on so putting lemon on the sweet part of your tongue would mean it wouldn't taste sour / bitter well I spent that whole experiment thinking it didn't matter where I put it it all tasted the same I said that and the teacher looked at me like I was being purposefully disruptive the rest of the class said it worked I figured something was wrong with my tongue years later I heard they debunked that theory sound moves really fast so distance doesn't matter you can hear something just as well from across the room as if you were sitting next to the noisy thing because it takes less than a second for the sound to reach you you don't know if that counts but we had the police come to our class and warned us of the dangers of drugs they told us some people inject cannabis with a syringe doesn't matter how good the rest of the presentation was they've lost all credibility with us and probably did more harm than good with that talk and a history teacher who said he could easily shoot a longbow a mile I told he she was wrong and to prove a point she phoned my dad a longbow instructor then she straight up lead to the class and said he'd agreed with her assuming I wouldn't find out I guess deoxygenated blood is blue oxygenated blood is red that's why your veins look blue but if you draw blood it is red I don't know how many people thought this was true but I swear I heard it multiple times from several teachers during elementary school mrs. Stanford in my eighth grade history class told us that people invented sleep because they were bored it was a test question - I told my mother about it and my mother actually called the principal's office to talk to him about it the lady was actually teaching kids that crab there's a big difference between us falling asleep when we are bored and us inventing sleep because we were bored my economics teacher said that simple interest and compound interest were the same thing I spoke up about it in class and she took me into the hallway and told me not to disagree with her again my college sociology teacher said that criminality is genetic and that if one or both of your parents are criminals so will you be regardless of environmental factors was really pleased with himself because he thought nobody could prove him wrong informed him that I was adopted at birth we see my biological father was in prison and my mother couldn't support me and I had never commit any crime I wouldn't even drink underage he got flustered and angry and said you haven't yet but you will joke's on him I'm a good boy first I thought about how a nun that was teaching religion in my first grade said that if you put your hands to prayer facing downward you will go to hell and if upwards you will go to heaven but then I thought Who am I to say she was wrong one of my secondary school teachers announced to his class that you couldn't see the Southern Cross star pattern from the southern hemisphere as students questioned his statement he made each one stand in the corridor outside the classroom with most of the class standing in the corridor the principal walked past and asked why we were all there after a short explanation the principal asked the teacher to come to his office and gave the class free time if I recall correctly we didn't see the teacher for a few days and then he returned to admit his mistake one of my first teachers told the class that the sea is blue because it's a reflection of the sky that same teacher later in the year told the same class that the sky was blue because it was a reflection of the sea we lived on land the sky should be green or brown the sea being only a reflection reflection should be copying that green or brown I pointed this out began to present the correct answer and was promptly sent out of the room for being disruptive [Music]
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 796,757
Rating: 4.8806415 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, teacher, students, teachers, incorrect thing, student, school, high school, r/, askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, brainy memes, funny reddit, fails, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts
Id: 60m8upqOzT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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