Teacher, Who Was The MOST Annoying Student In Your CLASS? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit teachers have read it what was the most annoying thing you ever had to deal with in class I'm not a teacher and would never want to be one from the outside looking in this is what I see teachers are overworked and underpaid for what they do they have been given twice as much work to do and no extra time to do it they spend their own money on some supplies because the schools are trying to get their costs down no matter what their child the spawn of Satan does in class it's the teacher's fault kids here people bully them throw things at others kids and it's teachers fault for not watching them parents act like the teacher has nothing else to do but watch and teach their innocent child teachers are teaching the future leaders of the country yet get very few compliments thanks or appreciation for what they do and don't get paid anything close to what they should be getting paid teachers usually say it's a calling to do this kind of work or they just knew it was something they wanted to do but the way they are treated I wonder how many people will want to be teaching twenty to thirty years from now they are also responsible for meeting all test requirements that seem to be forever changing more than anything teachers need respect from the superintendent's on down to the parents of these kids like everyone else they screw up sometimes but it doesn't mean you can treat them like trash because not only do they do without each and every day from parents and administration people now they are also putting their lives on the line every day they go to work from some kid doing something that wasn't even thought about when people my age 58 were in school carrying guns and shooting people it's a hard job that I would never want to do but god bless them for doing it thank you all I had a first grade student last year that would scream bloody murder any time he was told to do something he didn't like or when he didn't know how to do something most of the time his meltdowns were during writing and math I remember one time I had these nice fancy writing goals that I wanted to start with the class where they put their name next to the goal they are working on I once suggested that he changed his goal since he mastered the one he had and instant meltdown I threw out those goals because his screams traumatized me he would have a screaming meltdown that involved throwing backpacks trying to throw down tables and pulling on his face and ears his screams were so loud you could hear him from the other side of the school I used to just wait until he got tired and stopped but he would go on screaming and moaning for hours I'm not kidding I was told that sometimes I would need to carry him out of the room with help from another teacher of course because he was probably 80 to 100 pounds I hurt my back because of him after that I would just take the other 24 students I had and walk out into the hallway with them while another teacher handled him in the classroom this happened at least three times a week his nan tried taking to the therapist but the therapist wouldn't believe all the documentation I had she said he's fine when she talks to him that was annoying I felt really alone last year there were social workers that would help but for half a year every time I called for help nobody would come towards the end I would have someone come within ten minutes though and if he never calmed down the principal said mom would have to take him home we tried to figure out what it was he was so very smart so we thought he could have been autistic but it was ruled out I honestly thought he was emotionally impaired and another social worker did too he moved out of our district after last year so I guess I'll never know I also had another student that was ADHD and odd and he would run out of the room whenever the other one screamed I'd have to write another post just for that one but I think I got a little bit of PTSD from all the screaming I was stressed out all year because of it now that I look back I don't know how I got through it I want to cry just thinking about it this year thank God I have the most amazing class all year they've been great I just hope I never have a year like that again my coworker and her total yet inadvertent sabotage of my classroom for 14 different classes across two years let me explain I teach in South Korea where native English teachers are legally considered assistant teachers to career Korean teachers who are the real English teachers whether or not they've had any training in English education or can even speak basic levels of English I just happened to end up with a woman who spent five years in the u.s. adamantly refusing to learn English as my superior and in class cooperative teacher already a massive conflict of interest she spent a lot of the first year interrupting me to discipline students very loudly and in a largely ineffective manner for example if five or six students were talking loudly I would pause to tell them to be quiet and immediately returned to teaching then a moment later if one student asked someone next to him for a pencil she would cut me off to scream at that student across the room when I asked students a question to get them engaged she would answer the question she never stopped doing this no matter how many times I reminded her that these questions are not a her to answer she would also demand I teach phonics because my accent is better but then chant more loudly than me so that students couldn't focus on my mouth or pronunciation the second year I worked with her she largely did nothing mostly sleeping or walking out of the room or letting her cell phone go off or cleaning around me she sabotaged me even when I wasn't around I worked hard to develop discipline systems and trained students to respond to English questions in English to engage with the material to pay attention to respect me and not talk while I'm talking when I was out of the room she put the kids on a short leash and forced them to expect hand-holding and constant translation so heavy that they had no chance to even listen to English words anymore if they talked she talked louder even though no one was listening to her 20 minute Korean lectures about the complicated nuances of adding it to a verb one time I had students who kept making offensive jokes and laughing both at me and at other students I knew I couldn't dress or tear seats without there being a problem so I told them to sit in the same seats as in their homeroom class I did so after telling my co-worker to seat them this way after she agreed to do so and then did not do so they moaned of course she quickly told them in Korean don't worry this is just for dumb boy Gus classes you can pick your seat when I'm teaching you English as a final [ __ ] you to me on my very last contract day the day after I had called in sick to work she rushed into the office at 8 a.m. after I had already cleaned out my desk to insist I clean out my desk she threw out pencils and erasers that I was leaving for my successor then she barked at me to halt 20 or so books downstairs to the dump the kicker is that many of the books were there before I arrived and she was the one who put them there there were two student copies of every grades English books which I never used because I had teachers manuals and CDs for all of my books she insisted that I had used them and thus was responsible for throwing them away naturally I protested so she gossiped about what a stubborn person I was in Korean to the other teachers right in front of my face causing those teachers to shout at me and treat me like a [ __ ] animal despite how polite I had been to them the entire two years I've been cheated out of pay raises and had bosses try to force me into illegal contracts I've had a boss who screamed out and hit autistic kindergarten students before while illegally cutting my hours yet no one makes even a close second to the most toxic co-worker or superior ride had in my entire life may she quickly come down with a disease just debilitating enough to force her into retirement forever so that no other teachers or students ever suffer from her aggressive ineptitude ever again I teach middle school math I once taught a group of 8th graders that partially consisted of multiple kids that seemed to just really enjoy being defiant it constantly felt like they really felt it was them against me the most difficult for me to deal with was a girl who consistently tried to eat things in class like pieces of paper more specifically paper she was supposed to be writing or working on pencils erasers highlighters etc the more attention I gave the behavior though the more prevalent it became that being said I had to try really hard to not give in and act so surprised by the behavior to try to take away the reward aspect of it for her she also constantly got out of her seat laughed loudly and nearly maniacally shouted hi insert name here if anyone had walked by the classroom that she saw through a window when I wouldn't give her the attention she wanted for behavior like this she would get mad at me and threatened to report me so I would get fired and not teach anymore once she even stormed out of class without permission to try to do this thankfully administration was well aware of her struggles and on my side in these scenarios the hardest part of all of this though and what will forever haunt me is knowing that she suffered from severe depression the behaviors listed above were manifesting that it broke my heart every day I tried really hard to be there for her check in with her daily and just be kind to her no matter how disruptive or out-of-control that felt she was being in class the heartache I will forever feel it having not been able to get through to her and help her understand that I was there for her will forever be the one of most difficult things I will ever deal with as a teacher I'm a computer science teacher which many of the other teachers confuse with tech support I'll be in the middle of a lesson and a teacher will walk in with their district issued laptop and want me to figure out why they can't connect to the whiffy I'm not in control of the whiffy do not have the super-secret with the password and am NOT an internet wizard other times teachers will send their laptop in the hands of a student and the student is even more clueless about what's wrong the kid will show up mid lesson and shove the laptop into my arms and same his wife's her face says this isn't working can you fix it the worst one however was when a teacher knocked on my door in the middle of class one of my tall grita students answered and the teacher stormed into the room past the kid got into my face and yelled at me for a good 30 seconds because in her mind I had blocked the YouTube video she had planned on showing to her students ruining her lesson for the day all of my students are speechless and when she finally stops I just calmly say I don't have the authority to block you out of videos or any other website I'm just the computer teacher she continued to argue with me for a brief moment and eventually I gleaned from her ramblings that you guessed it the [ __ ] video wasn't even blocked she just wasn't connected to the godom were free this garbage file should have been extinguished a few years ago when our school hired a teacher trainer who exclusively deals with educational technology our school has a one-to-one iPad program every kid has a school issued iPad and it's good to have her around thus when a teacher barges into my room I can usually direct them to her she has no students teaches no classes and is basically available to help all day every day still teachers bring me their computers pretty frequently some even bring me their personal cell phone usually asking you know how to fix phones right why the [ __ ] would I know how to fix phones one even brought her personally owned expensive DSLR camera and wanted to know if I could fix it why the [ __ ] would I know how to fix a camera edit oh I do know how to fix most minor issues with these things but I'm not the free electronics wrap Alan don't bring me your electronics hoping I'll fix them for free yah-tchi PPP halis other teachers this was far more than annoying I have had to mentally ill students in a regular edition class I call the mentally ill because after all the thousands of children I have met as a substitute teacher these two were on the extreme edge of any behavior I've ever seen their meltdowns were worse than anything I've ever seen happen in a special-edition classroom let alone a regular class and there's a good chance their meltdowns were worse because I was the only adult there to help them I had no aid and certainly didn't have any specially trained aid for them the way so many social edition kids do I've never been trained in Carmen techniques for the mentally ill but this is the norm for most teachers they don't get training in that think mental illness in his isn't real here's a quote from Nami approximately one in five youth aged thirteen to eighteen 21.4% experience is a severe mental disorder at some point during their life for children aged 8 to 15 the estimate is 13% both of these children were at schools that were not prepared to deal with children with such special needs one was a rural school simply short on child psychologists the other was a city school with totally incompetent administrators and no counselor so since there were no counselors or mental-health pros at these schools there was no expert to call when the kids melted down I was on my own I did call for help at the rural school and they sent someone to take the melting down child to someone she was familiar with I am sure the stranger danger of me being a sub was one of her triggers the foot teacher warned me that might happen but at the other school there was no one I asked for advice on dealing with the melting down child and all my peers and supervisors suggested was prison like discipline I guess this is a strange thing to think but when you see a child going crazy like this you understand why in ancient times people thought the mentally ill were possessed by demons the extreme overreactions of tears crying screaming and throwing things when it's just a normal day they're in the same old classroom doing the same old tasks and you're trying to talk to them in a calm voice with oceans of patience so the other kids get their work done - and not deal with 30 minutes of Tantrums coming from a 6 to 11 year old - say it was baffling as an understatement I hope I never have to deal with such problems alone ever again and yup I wish times like these were on YouTube with all the kids faces blurred out of course but all the sounds still there so that parents could see that this is what some teachers deal with teachers are the first responders to mental illness in children but no one gives them credit or extra pay for that students who think they've discovered a massive cheat code - not doing work in class examples say you can't get to Google Docs because whiffy isn't working when you've actually just switched the whiffy button into the off position this is just one example manufacturing fake technical issues as a whole topic bonus points for the fact that you now get to tell parents that your computer doesn't work and I wouldn't help you fix it constantly tell your parents that you've turned in all your work but the teacher just isn't grading it insist that this is true even as I'm talking to your parents in front of you just lie about me right to my face say you're about to get started every time I come over to see how much you've gotten done hope I get distracted by the other 25 students in the room enough that this will carry you through the period just cheat blatantly cheating seems to have been completely normalized among students now say you feel uncomfortable when I come over to check your work go to the school counselor and say you think I'm staring at you tell your parents s wait until I'm busy helping the special needs student to raise your hand because you know I'll say wait and won't immediately drop everything to come over to you cry tearfully to your parents that you asked for help but that I refuse to come over just pretend like you can't understand basic directions asked me to work an example problem to get you started try to repeat until all the problems on the worksheet have been worked when I refused to do all of your work for you tell your parents I refuse to explain how to do the problems even though I've done countless examples there's a requirement in New York of how much seat time you have to have to pass certain classes like you need tenth number of labs to take the science Regents or whatever some dumb bus parents and students use all their sick days let's say they get 14 before true and slash failing when they don't feel like coming to school by February they are usually cutting it close and come every day the annoying part they come sick all the damn time I've had kids go to the here with the fluid night show up to school with a mask and 103 fever the next morning or they have some vomiting bug and jump up take the trash can and bolt in the middle of my class or they can't see with pinkeye in both eyes or they blow their nose sniffle every 30 seconds the worst part is the disruption then infecting everyone else if you try to send them out they freak out and parents call saying the school is out to get their kid and threatens to pull them out so they count as a dropout schools get flagged by the state for dropout rates other than that it's just when kids decide to act all tough and try to tell you off about once every four to five years I get one who decides they are going to try to be cool and put me in my place edit if you have an actual doctor's note you get free private tutoring as a certain point from teachers at your house so chronic conditions are totally fine and not an absence problem edit - I'd also like to point out schools and teachers are graded on how effective they are based on state tests that's likely a reason why missing too many days is automatically a fail / issue I used to teach high school freshmen ninth grade one day during passing time two of my well-behaved students came into the class sort of nervously talking and looking at me as erode in on this and asked what was going on kid there's something inappropriately shaped in the hallway I of course think this means someone drew a dick on a locker or something awesome go out into the hall and there is a hot pink dodo sitting in the middle of a walkway I asked the kids where it came from we opened a locker and it just fell out sure that seems believable you just happened to open that one locker and the laws of gravity just happened to fail at that moment got it the bell rings I send the kids to class and tell them to work on their warmup I grabbed the largest wad of paper towels I could wrap the thing up and took it down to the administrator's office there was a kid there talking to the secretary so I sort of stepped over to the side she eventually comes over secretary looking kind of worried is everything okay me is administrator here I found this in the hall secretary blinking in astonishment that is a dildo me yes it is secretary hang on I'll grab him I go into admins office he cracks up laughing empties out a plastic bag and takes the thing awesome not my problem anymore I head to the bathroom wash my hands thoroughly and go back to class me okay did everyone get their warm-up done students no we've pretty much been talking about it since you left okay no problem I get everyone working collect their warm-ups and start going over the problems and that's when I lost it started laughing hysterically and trying to hide it behind a piece of paper the students are all giggling and saying she's laughing she thinks it's funny except of course for the one oblivious kid in the back of the room who kept asking me to explain yeah KITT that's not gonna happen get a classmate to share I think I washed my hands about 20 times that day last year I was in a classroom that did not have windows or air-conditioning it was built to be a counselor's office but they forced 23 students at a time and they're 23 as an amazing class size in most circumstances but when you are shoving them into the room so closely together that they literally have to climb over each other to exit it gets fairly hazardous I teach middle school the smell was eye-watering I would bring in electric fans but all they would do is waft the scent through the room especially if they had just come from Faiz addition that day I did not have a teacher desk because I moved it out of the room to make space for the bodies I did not have a chair because again I didn't want to take up more space than necessary that was almost fine because I rarely said to teach but it was so hard to maneuver up and down the rows of desks that were crammed together the administration was constantly touting the importance of letting the students get up and move around in stations yet they never took into consideration that I could never really have more than two kids up at once without creating a hazard but for all of that annoyance the kids were amazing they swept through every analysis they never once complained about not being able to change the format of the room they were constantly engaged they reminded each other to put on deodorant before they entered the room and they were always polite when they had to climb over their peers to go use the restroom or go to the trashcan to throw something out it was a bitter year of 90-minute blocks of the kids rooted in their seats and they still looked happy and enthusiastic to be there I'm no longer in that room but I'm now floating teacher I go from one classroom to another a nomad essentially this is because we have more classes than classrooms in our school and teachers exchange rooms when they go on planning how's that for annoying I guess I have some crazy parent and student stories but really this situation has been the thing that has annoyed me the most I studied to be a high school teacher but had to settle for a job in middle school hell eighth grade more specifically one of my students this year is a type who has to say outrageous [ __ ] out loud constantly to get reactions from everyone she is also sexually confused and tries to be flirtatious with everyone including me being a young male teacher this has caused me enormous amounts of anxiety here are some of the things she has said / done so far this year math class during the first week of school she raises her hand to ask what I suppose will be a pertinent question instead she asks me if anyone has ever told me that my shoulders are really shaped they aren't at least I don't think so asks me what color my eyes are and when I proceed to answer Green she says no they aren't she then walks to the front of the class and puts her face inches from mine to learn that they are in fact green uncomfortable to say the least that same week she told me my jeans were too wrinkled and again walked up to the front of the class to show me where exactly the wrinkles were tried touching my pants had to shut that down very quickly pulled out an entire makeevka during a test and was nonchalantly powdering her face when I asked her what the hell she was doing answered calmly that she had a party to go to that night and didn't have time to get ready later constantly oscillates between being a lesbian with a girlfriend 100 percent done with boys and gushing over a new guy every second week once proclaimed to the class that she would not give head to a guy until the second date also showed up to class this week with a second Brar over her first one in an attempt to make her breasts look bigger spent the whole morning flaunting herself in front of the class every chance she got then complains about the unfair dress code in our school no one has ever been dressed coded as far as I can remember she has a laptop to help her write in class as an accommodation just yesterday I had to confiscate it because she was doing some online shopping and telling everybody within earshot that she just had to get these loafers these are just a few of the many stories I could recount about this girl sat because she is very intelligent but is constantly going for the edgy over-the-top personality to get the attention she so desperately craves parents who don't care I'm not a teacher but I work with the school district spend my day around kids of all kinds of age groups and grades and I see plenty you get the kids who are a pain in the butt but there are ways to deal with them or just get through to them with enough time and effort parents though that's a whole other beast majority of the time you can count on the parents to have your back want what is best for their kids to be involved provide you know the basic stuff but then you'll encounter some who just simply don't care about anything like seeing a kid come to school repeatedly in the same clothes unwashed and you know they have other clothes throughout the week you see their clothes get dirtier and dirtier with nothing being done about it you see the other kids start to notice make comments and worse you see how the kid tries to act like it doesn't bother them or they don't care cause it's their favorite shirt but you also see how it does get to them that they do care and it is a bother you try to talk to these types of parents about something good that happened to that kid and they won't even give you the time of day you try to talk to them about an issue which could drastically improve their school life and you get attitude like you're wasting their time it's annoying infuriating heartbreaking and more all at once this becomes doubly true for any of the special-needs kids I work with who have parents that feel their child's disability isn't their problem concerned or anything because they didn't ask for it and school gives them a break so it's my problem now had to spend three hours one night looking for one boy's mom who didn't show up to get him wouldn't answer her phone didn't go to work that day and wasn't until the cops went to knock on her door did she finally call us back after that she stopped talking to us completely unless it was a written note that she would hand to someone then immediately leave I'll deal with any [ __ ] the kids can throw at me all day so long as their parents give a damn about them and want to be in their lives but the parents who don't care and treat their children like burdens drive me up the wall with irritation oh my goodness the commentary me John wake up please bill yeah John wake up me bill I promise I don't need your help here I got it bill I'm just helping John wake up just backing you up John yeah bill shut up she's got it me but it was like seven of them in one class and they would all do it and I hated it so much it's just another way of showing disrespect mine were high schoolers so it's not like they didn't know better they can talk out of turn and then when I called them out for it they can refrain their talking as helping or not doing anything wrong which is obviously not true because they are distracting me and their classmates and butting into a situation that has nothing to do with them they did a lot of that kind of thing doing something clearly wrong then trying to act like they didn't do anything wrong and like I just hated them the gnats why I was calling them out that one good kid over there is talking to yes and I haven't called him out because he whispered one quiet comment to a friend that I literally couldn't hear while you've been having a salon normal voice conversation in the middle of my lecture for about ten minutes now not the same crime here I ended up quitting the job from being overworked unhappy and so ridiculously anxious and tense that my body ached constantly it wasn't a good situation thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Post
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms
Id: V4DU29zjFpc
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Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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