T.D. Jakes Sermons: Radical Faith

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I prayed you didn't fix it here it is I release it turn it over I'm through with it I release it you must understand that release is important for radical faith because as long as you are holding on to the problem God is on going to touch it this is the posture greetings brothers and sisters I thank God for you and for the opportunity that he has given you and how to have this exchange this cross pollenization of ideas and concept that causes us to become more fruitful set aside some time to get into the word and allow the word to get in you you know I've been taking teeth you know I've been teaching on faith food and I hope that you will ingest digest and appropriate those things that I'm going to share with you today your faith activates the unseen if you want your hopes and dreams to come true you got to feed your faith it starve your doubts to death I'll take a look at this I want you to understand that everything that you're dealing with right now the issues that you're confronting right now have everything in the world to do with where you are in your faith walk with God that doesn't mean that if you're going through trouble it's a sign you don't have faith from before you faint and collapse and fall out on the floor give me just a minute here to work through this I am saying that it might not be the lack of your faith that got you into it but it is the strength of your faith that's going to get you out of it are you hearing what I'm saying to you now when we begin to look at this particular text there are several things that I want to pull out of this text without taking up a lot of time to completely exegete the text because I'm not as interested in the story of Mary and Martha and Lazarus as I am pointing to the exit strategy that brought them out of their crisis was brought about by their faith so I'm just going to use their story as a backdrop to strengthen your understanding about faith and I'm going to give you about five points or so relative to faith itself so that you can begin to understand what is necessary for you to be able to come out more than a conqueror through him that have loved of amen so the very fact that we have so much detail about Mary Martha and Lazarus is indicative of the fact that there are certain things that God wants us to know he does not start the story with Lazarus sickness he starts with Lazarus relationship Lazarus had a relationship with Jesus before things went wrong not only did they have a relationship with Jesus he had a relationship with Mary and Martha they related to each other prior to the crisis so point number one I want to talk to you about relationship I see too many people who are trying to exercise in faith who do not have a relationship with God the only time they come to God is when they are in dire need and perilous circumstances and they may look to him to get him get them out of the crisis but they have not built the infrastructure of relationship up under their faith they are just using God because they're in trouble always working with people who do business and they'll ask me questions and in the process of Q&A there's always somebody who's got something you know an automatic pencil erasers or something that they want me to get behind and I got this automatic pencil eraser I thought there is you and I got together we can do business we can market this and go all around the world I said oh wait a minute wait a minute my problem is not the races you I don't even know you and it scares me that you got this old and the only person you can look to to help you get this going that somebody you just met where are all them people who knew you all your life who trust your character and understand what you're about people invest in things they can trust oh you can understand this you got to understand this I'm headed somewhere because some of you are trying to get God to do things for you you're trying to get a God to move for you that you don't speak to you don't talk to you don't worship you don't serve you don't live for him you don't seek Him and then in the time of trouble you sure I'm talking about do something for me and if he doesn't do it you got the nerve to have an attitude but miracles begin with relationship and they sent for Jesus but he didn't come and Lazarus bad sometimes why are you waiting on God stuff dies what do you do when you've done everything you knew how to do and you sent for God to come and he doesn't seem to know that the eviction notices for the seventh and all of a sudden bad has gotten worse you go into a stage of release release release it's a stage where you simply let it go okay I've done all I know how to do it didn't work I prayed you didn't fix it here it is I release it turn it over I'm through with it I release it you must understand that release is important for radical faith because as long as you are holding on to the problem God is not going to touch it as long as you think you can handle it you are not eligible to receive the radical miracle-working power of God you find yourself in a position where you just release it turn it over to God say I've done all that I can do I've run out of money I've run out of resources I just release it over to you and that's what they did with Lazarus it said we can't healing we can't fix it we prayed about it he's gotten worse we release it and when they released him over into the hands of God they did it I'm burying him they buried him so we can't fix him we burn we got a problem whenever you got a problem and you can't fix it you go into step three you roll the sole in front of it yeah you have to roll the stone in front of it that's how you manage messes you can't fix you roll the stone in front of it you cover it up don't y'all look at me like that cuz I know y'all have covered up some stuff in your life mmm-hmm roll the song in front of it it's if we can't fix it so we cover it up and there's many many things in life that you've done all you know how to do believed as far as you know how to believe and it's still stinking and when something starts stinking for survivals sake you have to roll a stone in front of it just so you can go for survival say can't leave Landers on the couch mm-hmm cuz Lazarus is stinking I get so tickle at them whenever they got some kind of problem with somebody the news media you know they're always talking about who's a hypocrite ah and he wasn't I hit them quick and I think so everybody in here is a hypocrite about something I want to look to you a knife when I said everybody I'm talking about you to everybody in here is a hypocrite about something you got some kind of contradiction in your life something in your life you don't want anybody to know about your teaching on health and fitness and every now and then you eat ice cream card I know you do I know you do I know you do every now and then you slip up yeah you know how you slip I don't do it to like late at night I can be holy all day eating lettuce and ball chicken and stuff all down they did good all day about midnight I'm telling the facts baby one day Sarita told me she said baby we got nice I said nice in this house she said yeah I woke up it was crawl devinwatson it was y'all better set of trappers up in here still to come on The Potter's touch Jesus could have literally thought Lazarus out of the graves cousin he said father I know that you hear me but for the benefit of all of these Dallas and all of these hate us that don't believe that I can do it I'm gonna call my mind may be distraught my body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God still believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all 5 unbeaten messages on DVD as well I Know Who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty-five dollars a war will also add the book Tree of Life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time it is on Mary's an idiot a man here my brother wouldn't ha ha ha well Jesus was used to getting good treatment you know but when people are up under crisis and they're up under stress and and the strongness rolled in front of they have a personality disorder Martha was hot too don't they mother went on to mother yeah that's right girls had him read it that's basically what she said if you would have been here my brother would not have died but point for Martha got a revelation even now even now you got the power to range them up again see that's what I'm talking about his radical faith that says yeah he's bad and he's stinking and he's in trouble and it's a mess body even Oh somebody in here God wants to give you an even now miracle you've done everything that you know how to do you've tried everything and everything's fair but it's not too late for God even touch me people tell them I still believe God I still believe I still believe you gonna do some with my daughter I still believe God will deliver my son I still believe God's gonna save my family I still believe hallelujah well the radical people in here radical radical radical I still believe that even now you have the power to raise them up again I still believe that the second half of my life is gonna be better then the first half America I still believe that the best is yet to come I still believe that my children are going to become everything God said they were going live in town I still believe that I'm gonna be the head and not the tail above and not beneath I still still media is you're not gonna believe God why come the traps if all your God can do is stuff than you can conceive why serve him I have a God who's able to do exceedingly abundantly the challenge of the believer is to take the faith that you got in here and take it to the place out there can see I'm not going out there but the word I'm giving you you want to take it to the place where you gave up now let me tell you that's the hardest thing in the world to do because there is there is a watch this now think think think think think there is a piece in quitting there's a piece in quitting and just release and just got quit I'm through unto you and you'll never be mine your daddy went under your granddad wasn't under you'll never be not behind expecting them out of you you ain't now why do I say that cuz I don't want the pain of expectation sometimes it feels good to quit then you don't want it no more so you start saying stuff it's just how many years no don't wanna say nothin to your mama cause you know how she and you have resolved in your mind things are not going to get any better that's just how it is then you come to church and get one of these good hot messages and even though you shouted the message kind of bother you a little bit cuz you don't want to really put the message on that thing that you got buried cuz you don't want to stir that up again cuz you don't want to go through those feelings again and Jesus and said show me where you laid him down the stone that you rolled over to close it you gotta roll it back for point number five restoration God can't restore it if you're not willing to roll it back and dare to believe again they roll the stone back on the stinky stuff it takes some radical faith to roll the stone away on your issue but you will never get restoration until you are willing to confront the stinky stuff in your life so here they are out here to confront the stinky stuff and they roll the stone away and by now he stinks and here comes Jesus this is what you want this is a real challenge of radical faith is to bring the word that you got in here and take it to the place over there where you gave up and you are the only person who can do that you must direct this word to the place where you quit I can't do that for you I can come to the house but in order to get to the place you have to take this word by the hand and put it on the spot where you quit and that ain't easy you got to uncover that scam and confront that issue and say I need that word of God I'm 40 years old but I need to put that word on something that happened when I was 12 and they brought Jesus down to the spot and Jesus comes down to the spot and he walks right over to restoration because he what God wants to do is restore to you the years that the cankerworm the Palmer worm and the locust ADA God wants to give you back what life took from you I came to tell you it's not over yet God is going to restore what you lost if you can get the courage to confront the stinky stuff God is going to give it back to you again here comes Jesus down to the tomb they roll the stone away and Jesus says come here first row he got all these people with him Jesus could have literally thought Lazarus out of the graves cuz I said father I know that you hear me but for the benefit of all of these Dallas and all of these great US don't believe that I can do it I'm gonna call and they roll the song the way and Jesus started calling Lazarus and there's nothing in the tune but silence no noise in the tomb Jesus doesn't go in the tomb he doesn't throw all in the tomb he don't throw the Torah in the tomb he just stands outside the mess and calls and listen they listen see there is a part of faith that when you start moving in faith you have to have the kind of loud radical faith that stands up in the face of screaming silence see silence screams when you're waiting to hear something and you don't hear any good news at all and you're out there on a limb and everybody's looking at your nerves and nervous energy in the room another to Macedon everybody's about to laugh nobody say none all of a sudden her Mary looked at mazels hey Tracy say must've been a rock fail sadducees from their Nazi congressman how listen they heard something see I haven't seen anything but I heard something but I'm not walking by sight I've looked at my faith I'm come to tell the devil I haven't seen it yet but I say yeah here the Masters altitude why are you walking like that Bishop his hands was tied his feet was tied but he heard a noise calling him and he said I'm coming out I'm tied up but I'm coming out that's why don't stop nobody from coming the church does something when they come to Jesus they may be tied up but they're coming out our the devil oh I hear a noise well start working his way out of the tool I don't know who I'm preaching to but something that you thought you lost something that you roll the stone in front of something that you thought was gone the Lord sent me here to preach this message to you about radical faith when you leave here you go to work and ask you what did your pastor preach tell them Bishop Reese none of it me I have not seen ears have not hey the God God's got a blessing coming your way yeah hey I've got more for you in just a moment my mind may be distraught my body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God still believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all 5 unbeaten messages on DVD as well I Know Who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty-five dollars or more we'll also add the book tree of life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time the fight is on when will I sleep good at night when life gets hard and tough and you feel like you're at the breaking point there's something about being at that point that instead of going hunger you go over window my merits have the love bang your baby is coming the question is do you have the strap and win well I have real peace trusted in times past I winked at it but I'm not winking at it right now you got you gotta get right about that because where I'm getting ready to take you this year you gotta trim your wig so you'll be lit up as ready to go cut it out it's over in the bust smile be real these are the questions that plague the souls of men in silence and the answers to those questions there in this message the message is it's all good it is all good even when it don't feel good radical faith I used the rationale I tried to exercise faith it didn't work I buried it now here comes God trying to get me to believe again what hurt last time this is what separates the men from the boys all over this nation all over this world there are people going to church today and they say they are believers but until you can take what you've been taught and bring it to the place where you gave up you will never be the radical believer that you need to be for the times in which we live I'm out of time but I am on a roll I want you to get this material I want you to get this information I want you to get this level of faith activated and moving in your life so that you can step flat foot it into your destiny I believe God for change I stand on his promise for you and I want you to stand on the word and set yourself an agreement and watch God move supernaturally and you know if I'd feed him do it not just for me but feel all around me standing on power what isn't about you that God wouldn't bless you I rebuke that spirit of intimidation and insecurity stand on the promise of God and what God worked in your life I'm praying for you I'll preach to y'all take care about
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 494,121
Rating: 4.8367043 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, Radical Faith, radical faith, how to strengthen your faith
Id: cf-rD7JsTkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2013
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