TD Jakes Sermons: Work Your Faith Part 2

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so what the problem is the word every action requires an equal and opposite reaction every action requires an equal and opposite reaction every action requires an equal equal and opposite reaction so when God sends his word out if you don't send your faith out to catch what God sent out then the word does not profit you not because the word isn't good but because you didn't have the faith to mix wit the word do you hear the words that are coming out of this is the box greetings I'm excited to have an opportunity to get back to you to share the Word of God with you I know that you're enjoying this message work your faith is part of a series because I'm trying to bring you in to the very promises of the very essence of God and the lifestyle that God wants you to live I know you've been through some things I have to I know you feel like you've been through the wringer may feel like you've been in a mixer let me tell you something in the middle of all of that craziness and that mayhem and everything spinning out of control all things work together for the good of them they love the Lord who are the called according to his purpose I'm gonna show you how to work your frame you ready for this take a look if you got anything left if you got anything left I'm gonna say it again if you got anything left you ought to stop right where you are and you've got some praise slap somebody tell him I got something left I've been through hell but I got something that I made some mistakes but I got suddenly left I almost died but I got something to have lost the car better got something left been to a divorce when I got somethin left had to send the children back home that I got some earlier move back here when my mama better got some left the word did not profit them I'm afraid of having a transaction that cost me everything my daddy died I spent something to survive it my mama died has been something to survivors been to fire I spent something to survive it lost everything we had I spent something to survive it repossessed my car I spent something to survive it all my utilities cut off I survived it but I spent some to survive raise my kids I did it but I spent something to survive it been operated on over and over again I survived it came out of it but I do you understand what I'm talking about I spent something I spent something every fight took so I made it out I look good they rang the bell they held my hand up I've got the trophy but I spin something to survive and here all stands here is what remains this is what's left of me the Bible said some had nothing left because the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith that means it doesn't matter how clearly God says it if you don't mix it with faith the way the profit is not just to hear the word because the word is like sower sowing seed it depends on the ground it hits the harvest you get you understand what I'm saying see I learned a long time ago when I I'd have people leave the church city we're going where they could get the word I learned not to let that discourage me because if I got seven kids and I'm feeding them all the same food and five of them is growing and two I'm saying they not getting fed I know they my problem with the food and honor so so what the problem is the word every action requires an equal and opposite reaction every action requires an equal and opposite reaction every action requires an equal equal and opposite reaction so when God sends his word out if you don't send your faith out to catch what God sent out then the word does not profit you not because the word isn't good but because you didn't have the faith to mix wit the word do you hear the words that are coming out of my ayah ayah I given up this morning getting ready to come to church my wife said did you drink your shake I got a little shake a drink early in the morning you know she said get your shake and she she took it it's a little shake you know the low carton and anything says shake will says see the reason everything you need is in it everything you need yeah its protein booster feed your muscles give you a strength of energy everything you need is in it but if you don't mix it up you'll drink off the top of the blessing and then you say this ain't working it is nothing wrong with the contents and there's nothing wrong with the vessel but if you don't learn how to mix it up your your drink off the top of it and you won't get all that they put in the carton for you because you didn't so the word did not profit them not being mm-hmm not being mixed with faith now faith is not mixing not being mixed with faith faith is not mixing but it is an ingredient that the word must mix with the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard like light life like you're baking the cake you put in a pound of butter you put in two cups of sugar and then you take eight eggs and you mix it you mix it the mixing is not the eggs is not the butter and it's not the sugar but it is the process whereby you get the eggs and the butter and the milk to turn into something else oh God can I have about ten minutes is give it to me so what God is saying I'm gonna bring the word you bring the faith and if you bring faith to correspond with my word I'll make sure that it's mix subdued or shut about that guy by now I'm a gold school I'm gonna use I'm a loser young people but I'm old enough to remember when microwaves came out and all folks was scared of them you remember when old folks are they if you use the microwave we'd do something to you and they wouldn't let it in out you remember before we got glanced up cooking stoves I'm not even talking about just the electric where you could see the burner but I'm talking about they're not just talking about the gas but I'm really going to but but the wood I got about a thirty you who know what a wood stove isn't and I know what a coal stove he is and that not know I lost you bet you don't even worry about it but I remember my mama making cakes and we didn't handle it sir mama would put a bowl mama would put a bowl in her arm and she put the sugar in it and the butter and I can still see a tickle a spoon a big old spoon and you take the flat end of it and you start beating it and I can see I can see our arms shaking because she put the butter in the mix and in order to mix you had to work with it a little bit oh go ahead hit it and the Lord said if I sin a word to you you cannot reap a harvest off the word because the word doesn't make the promise until you put the faith in the bowl with the word and then God said if you take faith and word and put it all in the bowl together then i'ma put you in the mix where my believers ass slap somebody and say I believe the word I don't come the church they call this fashionable I don't come the church to look good I don't come to church to impress it about it I come the church so that my faith will have something to lay hold for faith is the substance of things hoped for and it is he a Belleza of what I can't see somebody that believe him you've got a praise right now so until you stop being cute and start responding to the word you don't have to dance you don't have to shout you don't have to leap but you gotta believe with the enemy come their lack of flood you gotta believe when the test comes back positive you gotta believe when you're going from doctor the doctor you gotta believe when the accountant says you gonna lose everything you gotta believe somebody that said of faith fight put your hand on your hip and say I believe I believe there's a struggle in my life but I believe I'm backed up against the wall but I believe I'm a lot older but I believe please don't look good but I believe I'm about to call a praise break I don't want nobody to pray them but believe us I don't want nobody to shout but believe us I don't want nobody to run but believe us I don't want nobody to stand up but believe us this is the believers moment give you God asana that's you believe wait a minute I learned something cooking details matter you can put yeast in bread but if the climate is not right the bread will rise you can whip egg whites and make meringue but if you get a little yolk in it it won't whip up and I want you to tell you something this morning you can have all the faith you want to but if you don't have some works to go along with your faith it'll never stand up to the test so slap your neighbor and say neighbor I don't just believe it but I'm gonna act on what I believe praise him for action praise him for movement praise him for strategy praise him for stepping out flap your neighbors how dare you to move you still to come on The Potter's touch if you act on what you believe God will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you know I have room enough to receive the blessing is already prepared the blessing is already ready it's time for you to snatch back what my mind may be distraught our body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God still believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all 5 unbeaten messages on DVD as well I Know Who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty-five dollars a war will also add the book Tree of Life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time the fight is on the devil don't care how much you believe as long as you believe and sit down but when you start acting in the realm of your faith hell gets nervous demons get upset witches start to tremble hexes get broken curses get destroyed up look at your neighbor and say I'm about to work this thing I'm about to work it I'm about to work it about the workers with what I got left I came work with what I used to be I cannot work with her what I lost but I will work with her when I got left I want every worker to give God a praise right now you touch three people tell them this time to work at this time to work it time to work you can't just believe it it's time to work it you can't just shout about it it's time to work it you can just holler about it it's time to work it you can't just shout about it it's time to work it how to be able to see what you believe about what you are going right now if you don't believe you sick don't act like you sick if you don't believe you're broke go right like you're broke if you don't believe you defeated huh pick your head up put your shoulders back pull your head up well when the Lord gave me this message it wasn't just to talk about faith and what just to talk about word but it was to teach a principle and the principle is this I gave Beverly before I came downstairs three hundred dollars three 100 dollar bills and I said Beverly make me three notes that say I left something for you on the podium she did put three envelopes a hundred dollars in each envelope that I pull out of my pocket and I left it on the stage and I passed out three cards while I was preaching that said to three different people I left something for you in the podium each one read it but no one moved now the word did not profit you hmm there's one they said one pride but they held them up and you believe the promise then you got act on what you believe I know all of them believe what they read but only one of them acted all what do you believe and if you act on what you believe God will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive the blessing is already prepared the blessing is already ready it's time for you to snatch back what the Lord gave me that illustration to tell you the next time God tells you to do something don't just look at it but go after what never close I'm close see I came fully prepared to lose that money I came fully prepared to lose the money it was for them it wasn't for me I gave them the message told him I left something for you in the podium I didn't tell him to go get it now no that's instinct instinct doesn't give you details it has to come out of your gut now there were a lot of reasons not to do it nobody else is doing it is how to place in the service what will security think but the instinct to get it had to override the obstacles and let me tell you what's better than the hundred dollars is 100 dollars in important it's developing the instinct that when the word is preached and you believe what's being said that still won't get it done until you act on what you believe I'll be right back with you after this my mind may be distraught my body may be right with pain my enemies may surround me but God still believe you if I can have my little prayer time with him in the morning I don't care what happens that day I walk out the door armed and dangerous for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive radical faith from the unbeaten series on CD just write us visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 and when your gift is $70 or more we'll give you all 5 unbeaten messages on DVD as well I know who I am I know where I am I know who's I am and I know when it's all over I'm going to get the victory however when your gift is a hundred and twenty five dollars or more we'll also add the book Tree of Life songs offering hope and healing in the Hebrew Scriptures along with a beautiful faith candle this time is not going to be like last time as on when will I sleep good at night when life gets hard and tough and you feel like you're at the breaking point there's something about being at that point that instead of going hunger you go over window my merits have the love bang your baby is coming the question is do you have the strength when well I have real peace trusted in times past I winked at it but I'm not winking at it right now you got you gotta get right about that because where I'm getting ready to take you this year you gotta trim your wig so you'll be lit up and ready to go back cut it out it's over in the bus mile be real these are the questions that plague the souls of men in silence and the answers to those questions they're in this message the message is it's all good it is all good even when it don't feel good I was in the hotel the other day watching the TV fast our hotel watching the TV and that you know how to give you the little things about in case of a fire and in case you need this there in the fine hotels they normally just say that in the cheaper hotels they have a sign on the door I stated both but whether you have a sign on the door or whether you have a commercial on the screen both of them said you are here it doesn't matter where the door is if you don't know where you are in relationship to the door so the you are here with the red button is a location device so you'll know where you are because if you know where everything else even you don't know where you are you can't get out so the Lord sent this message as a location mechanism for you to understand where you are say this and I'll be done you think that the enemy is attacking you you think you're going through spiritual warfare but this is not the enemy and this is not spiritual warfare this is God taking what you heard and what you believe and he's mixing it together the Lord told me to tell you one thing you're not lost you're not in trouble the enemy is not winning let me tell you where you are you're in the mix we're out of time we've got to stop there it's been a real joy it's been a real blessing to show you how to turn a profit a profit through all the things that you have been through in your life a profit off of the Word of God that dwells in your heart to share with you that even though things might look crazy they're really not crazy God give up to something in your life so don't you be discouraged get that and back up work your faith I'll see you next time right here this is the bomb
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 215,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, Work Your Faith, sermons, work your faith, how to work for enjoyment
Id: eFnH71QEB8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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