TBC Hellfire Ramparts Guide - Tanking Masterclass!

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Really enjoyed the format, as someone who will be brand new to tanking (paladin) when TBC comes out.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bro_salad 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really good content but I feel a lot of people are going to be so geared at lvl 60 that mechanics are trivialized in normal mode. It would help to see damage values for heroic mobs too, though pointing out which mobs to focus helps for sure.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Geemb 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you're doing the guides on a per dungeon basis, I'd suggest doing heroic as well so the guides have much larger audience :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rashlyn1284 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

You forgot to include shaman.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DualKoo 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys dev here and welcome to my hellfire ramparts masterclass this video is aimed at tanks but dps and healers can also probably find a lot of value in it too i'm not going to do a big intro here so if you like the video at any point hit that subscribe button guys helps me out heaps and let's jump straight into it okay so the first mob you're going to come across is the bone sure hungerer he has three abilities the first is disarm disarms an enemy forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for five seconds strike which is just a increased melee attack and demo shot which reduces your physical damage done the strategy for these um they're a low priority mob you're gonna dps these ones last and if you're a warrior i suggest disarm protection and perhaps paladin too so i mark one skull one cross charging on skull generating a little threat on cross as well and i want to pull these when the ravana is at the far end of the bridge and just walk them back slightly and kill them when they're dead okay so the next mob you're going to come across is a lone burntura ravenna this mob has a an ability called kidney shot so it's a finishing move that stuns the target so these are going to be a medium priority mob when they stun you you retain threat on them so just make sure you have enough of a threat lead so you don't lose aggro during the stun so i get my group nut to dps so we can uh we can just see how the kidney shot works on this a lot of guides were saying that they dropped threat when they kidney and i hadn't seen that so there it is they do stay on you um join the kidney shot okay so after you've dispatched the ravana you'll have another two hungerers to kill i suggest bringing these about halfway back onto the bridge as right after the bridge there's a a patrol with a couple dogs in it and raveners do walk away from you when they're at low health so it just gives you a little room to play with okay so we're gonna let the dog patrol walk away uh generally when i pull out it chains and we're gonna pull the pack on the right this is always gonna have a bone to a destroyer in it so the bone tour destroyer has mortal strike which inflicts 300 weapon damage and leaves the target wounded reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50 for 5 seconds it also has a knock away ability this does normal damage and it knocks you back and sweeping strikes causes it to hit a nearby target with its melee swing so you want to not stack this on top of your healer or your ranged dps this is a high priority kill target the mortal strike decreases the healing and it's going to make your healer's life really hard a really good candidate for a stun as well so the dark casters and the archers share spawns so you're going to get some combination of those the dark casters have rain of fire which is just an aoe rainify like we're used to in classic they can also catch scorch at you um these are a medium high priority so i tend to do these before the arches interrupt drain a fire or if you can't interrupt just move out of it and drag your melee with you mages and shaman can kick these if they do if they're sitting at the back um just casting um at you and not positioning correctly the other mob um that can spawn is a bleeding hollow archer and these have two abilities but right now they're only usable when you mind controlled them all they're doing is meleeing on the beta not sure if it's supposed to be that way but that's what's happening right now low priority kill these off last um if blizzard does add these aim shot and multi shots back to these mobs or to these mobs if they are supposed to be able to use it i'll update this in an annotation but right now kill them off last so i marked the destroyer skull and the dark cast across and dps ends up killing the unmarked one before the cross but that's fine because that's what dps do in this game and we kill them pretty easily okay so the next pack you're gonna come across is one with two shattered hand warhams in it you want to kill these off quickly their ability is kind carnivorous bite and inflicts physical damage on an enemy every three seconds for 15 seconds and it stacks um so if you have two of these you can easily get up to four stacks which does quite a bit of dps i always use these as my first kill targets and you've just got the ravener in this pack as well which we just kill second okay so pulling the dog pack at the end of its path once this pack goes down we have two more packs that have a destroyer and some combination of dark caster and archer so make sure you're always marking the destroyer's skull that's the first thing you want to bring down because of that mortal strike here you see i have marked the archer cross that was a mistake but it's uh not the end of the world as long as that destroyer is dead first um so this is where a uh like a mage kind of spell would be really nice on that cross to bring it into because you don't want to head too far down the corridor because of the next pack which has two um two dogs in it so the dogs get mark skull and x here and uh you want to get them dead as quick as possible because you'll see the the bleed that starts to stack on me once they're dead the raven is in which ever order and after that we have a new pack with new mobs so let's take a look at these really quickly we're gonna have some bleeding hollow squires doing some fel magic on the ripper who's the solo awk in the middle so these guys have a few abilities the first of which is fear which just uh fears an enemy causing you to flee for two seconds they're also going to throw shadow bolts so great targets for stuns that interrupts and the third and most key ability is called felon fusion and they're going to use fel infusion on the ripper in the middle of the circle and that's going to increase his damage and his size by 25 percent now because there's only one of him and four of these bleeding hollow scryers the best way to handle these is to nuke down the ripper as fast as possible so we put the bleeding hollow squires as low a priority okay so the bone chewer ripper is the guy in the middle he will cast in rage when he enters combat which increases his damage delta and speed um by five seconds the these are the high priority mobs here and these are the ones that the scribes are going to cast on so there's only one of these and you just want to nuke him down as fast as possible if you don't burn him down quickly and you're working your way through the scribes they will add more and more buffs to him until you're left with just him and he can be quite uh quite lethal especially if he re-enrages so when we charge in um i mark the the ripper's skull it can be quite tricky to hold on to everything here especially if your group is cleaving airwing wing but we get that scroll down relatively quickly and the pack is extremely simple okay so in this next poll we're going to see a new mob type again this is the bone sure beastmaster so we'll quickly go over what he can do so the bone tour beastmaster has three abilities the first of which is battle shout which just increases the attack power of nearby friendly targets that's his friends not your friends he can uppercut which is 50 weapon damage um with a knockback and then his third and most important ability is warg whistle he blows this um a little bit into combat when he does so he'll summon three and four uh shattered hand warhounds you have two ways of dealing with this so if your group is under geared you're playing on like boosted characters i would suggest just nuking him down as fast as possible the other option you can do is actually kill the destroyers in the pack and leave him and let him summon those warhounds if your group is in the next gear or even you just know what you're doing because you're gonna get an extra three to four mobs worth of xp per run doing that and if you are hitting the the dungeon lockout every hour it's something you can do to get some more xp okay so as soon as you've killed those extra warhands or just the pack if you've done it the easy way you're going to be straight into the next pool which is a ravener and two dogs so we've already gone over how to kill these off okay so that covers all the different mobs that we're going to see in the dungeon so now it's just a case of going from pack to pack and clearing these out so remember the priority system marking dogs and the destroyers as your first kill targets and working down from there group will kind of get the the feeling of how you mark as well if you're very consistent with your markings as a dps player it is so nice to have a tank that marks because you know if he's marked a skull generally you can go pretty hard on that without risk of pulling one of my least favorite things is dpsing in a group within an experienced tank and the tank just refusing to or not marking because you just always end up pulling um threat and that makes you do less damage and you don't have such an enjoyable time so as you saw i pulled that ravana there that was to show the size of the aggro radius the ravenous have for some reason i'm not sure if it's all other avenues but at least the one on this floor has a huge aggro radius so if you are gonna pull it between two packs you're probably gonna get both of the packs so you see the boss there walking with these two healers just patrolling on the on the ramps so we're gonna go over the boss mechanics in a moment but before you get to him you just need to get as much of this trash out of the way as possible so right now the boss is at the far end so i'm going to pull the next pack here which is perfectly safe to do so long as you pull it back you don't want to fight it where it's at so i'm just going to max range bow it and then i'm going to run away from it to bring those casters in and that's a little trick you should learn as a tank is doing max range pulls so they did stun the skull off me though and i did drop thread on it because it wasn't following me around that's fine most dps they have they have abilities they have ways to stay alive if they have a mob on them um especially normals they're not gonna get get killed instantly all right so let's go over the boss really quickly watch keeper gagamar he's got four abilities so he can mortal wound you which is 150 weapon damage and reduce your healing taken by 5 for 20 seconds and this stacks up to 10 times so for a total of 50 he can overpower which only happens after you dodge and you can't mitigate this um it can't be blocked dodged or buried so he's just gonna do slightly more damage than a normal um enemy would do with that so he has retaliation which instantly counteracts any enemy that strikes him and mali for 15 seconds and melea attacks made from behind cannot be counter-attacked and he uses this at 30 health so you may just need to hit him from behind otherwise they're going to take damage too and his final ability is surge so he's going to charge an enemy inflicting damage and knocking back them and any allies that are standing close so he also has two ads standing next to him and these adds their job is to heal him so they can either cast the direct heal which heals him for 20 of his health they can cast renew on him which can be purged and they're also going to throw out shadow word pains onto enemy targets that can be dispelled so as this is the first boss you come across in bc it is very simple so you want to mark one ad with a skull and the other with a cross just burn down skull so when the boss does charge when he does his search he doesn't drop threat so you don't need to chase after him he will just return to you just continue damaging the adds so just have the healer dispel shadow away pain off friendly targets and purge the renew on the boss if you have access to an offensive dispel once the ads are dead dps the boss before your mortal wound stacks get too high and just take into consideration at 30 as well he is going to pop retaliation and that's going to make you take a little bit more damage as well okay so shooting the ad to pull the boss back just generating a little bit of thread on every target as it comes back i've got the adds mark skull and x so we nuke the ads down as quick as possible and then it's just burning the boss so the boss charges away but he turns around and comes back and you do see in pop retaliation there now this group is extremely geared in comparison to what uh fresh characters are gonna be doing so obviously it's going to take a considerable amount longer if you're you're not aq and next geared once you're done with the boss uh your job is going to be to clean up all the rest of the ads on the floor so again just marking them up i start on the outside here with the two destroyers and there's one more decent sized pack with a good amount of variety in it before you head upstairs which is where the final bosses are located so we're just clearing everything up here i use um i use blue sometimes to mark a third target so there are two dogs plus a destroyer in that one blue just being that the third marker as you work your way down the list so two hunger is here just picking those up and dpsing them down as quick as possible once these two are dead you're gonna head inside and head up the the staircase here and around this corner you'll find a pack similar to what we did earlier with the scryers and the ripper which if you remember we're dpsing the ripper down first the difference is this one has an extra scryer in it so holding a threat on five targets as a warrior is definitely interesting and probably more so interesting for a druid but so long as you nuke down that uh that ripper early on it's obviously not a not too much of a threat so doing two destroyers before we uh before we head back outside um once you're in this last courtyard here there's there's a lot of packs around um that dog pack with the ravener and the the two warhands can very easily chain multiple packs if you're not careful about how you pull that so i normally head for the pack on the left and bring it back inside unless the dog pack is right in front of the door and then i would pull that first so still just following the priority system from earlier and as long as you respect that every pack will be relatively smooth um so the dogs have just left again so i'm going to pull the pack on the right bringing it back inside um and positioning is positioning is so important when you're thinking about where you're putting these these packs so i want this to basically be dying as the dogs come back around and they're right in front of my face so i grab them and those dog packs are extremely extremely nice when your group just nukes down the dogs the dogs are actually non-elite too which is uh which is interesting so from here i'm just clearing up the rest of the trash um there's not too much to say uh really like you've learned everything you need to know to be successful in these packs um do just watch your proximity to the two roaming packs that walk the the corridors or the final bosses and you actually have a choice here you can go to either the final boss or the second last boss i always finish with the dragon it's kind of just a more epic final boss in my opinion so just doing two more hungers here and then we've got one more pull before the second last boss which we'll go over in a good amount of detail so if you're enjoying the guide so far guys uh do feel free to subscribe i'm still trying to hit that thousand uh subs and uh put quite a bit of effort into this one so this is just two dark casters and as soon as they drop i'll go over the next boss omore the unscarred so here's a few abilities um the first ability is demonic shield this is a shield wall type ability reducing damage taken by 75 percent for 10 seconds he can also summon a bean dish hound these come in with 2k health and they cast life drain on a nearby target and that actually heals the boss so it's super important you stun these you kick them and you kill them off quickly he will throw shadow bolts at random party members and he will debuff somebody with an ability called treacherous aura the treacherous aura it's going to do 145 shadow damage every 1 seconds and that happens to the target and the nearby friends the last ability he can do is a combination of two different abilities called opel strike and shadow whip and what this does it tosses a enemy target up into the arrow and then slams them back down to the ground so the strategy for omar is to have the range dps and healer spreading around the doorway this will mitigate the effects of treacherous aura because they won't be aoeing onto each other in normal it is able to be decursed so i highly suggest doing that as a tank you want to maximize your threat per second early because you will have to switch off and pick up those fel hounds you can interrupt and you can stun the life drain these are your number one priority and something you can tell the group is make sure you're switching to them um if you don't they do a relatively high amount of damage and they're going to be healing the boss okay so running into the boss um you want to maximize your threat per second here so this is where you want to pump hard and pump early in a moment you'll see the the rogue get launched by the shadow whip uh ability so the orbital strike shadow whip so vogue's back now and the boss has his demonic shield up and he summons an ad which we just nuked down and this group just says so much dps it's uh it's not overly too not over overly difficult so from this point forward we're heading to the last boss so you want to head back to the little uh top of the ramps here and head down the other path so just a few mobs in the way now something to note as well is when you go into combat with the two at the bottom of the ramp you're gonna go straight into the boss fight afterwards so make sure um you give people a second to top up their resources top up their manner etc refresh any buffs that might need uh might be doing like battle chat which is missing here because i don't have a weak aura so killing off those uh those last two mobs as we go into the final boss fight so let's just take a second and see what he can do so vasrudan and nazan nazan is the dragon his abilities are fireball which deals fire damage to the target liquid fire which deals fire damage to enemies around the target that's what he leaves on the ground after a fireball and uh cone of fire which is where he's going to inflict fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of him and he also leaves liquid fire on the ground when he does this too vazru dan is the guy riding the dragon and his abilities are just revenge which is just um an ability when you block dodger parry he's going to do extra damage after it okay so the strategy for this encounter firstly you want to pick up razor down when you when you dismount and you get your group to quickly burst him down before the dragon lands once the dragon lands it's important that you pick up threat so position yourself um either way he's going to land or between yourself and your healer as the healer will be generating healing threat from phase one position nasan facing the outside of the room or you can pay some sight on to the group the reasoning for this is you want to make sure that he can't hit the group with cone of fire every time he puts liquid fire down on the ground you'll see it burning next to you or on top of you just make sure you quickly strafe out of it or you can strafe run backwards to move out of it use a paladin or a shaman's fire resistance totem or if you have one in your group and that will make the damage much easier to heal okay so as we engage i pick up pick up nazen and just dpsing him down a little bit there and then the dragon lands shortly after so i'm in position ready to pick him up i'm positioning him 90 degrees uh from the group and you see him throwing out the fireballs that people who need to move out of them and that's pretty much the entire fight so thanks for watching guys i hope you really enjoyed um my first master class guide i hope you learned a lot and i hopefully you'll feel comfortable to go into these new dungeons now and um be a really proficient tank so if you have a sec please hit that subscribe button give me a thumbs up if you made it this far thanks for watching to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DevTanks
Views: 41,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ICLv_JtCDw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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