Heroic Ramparts Guide - Burning Crusade Classic

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the hellfire ramparts is the unofficial first dungeon of the burning crusade for killing mobs here you get honor hold reputation of your alliance thrallmar if you're horde up to honor to normal mode and up to exalted on heroic mode to zone into the heroic mode you'll need the flame rod key which you get at the revered level with those factions this is a guide for heroic mode but you can of course adapt it to normal you can find it in the hellfire citadel the ramparts is the bottom most door of the three the one without the gate if you don't have flying there are paths to the north and south that you can walk on ramparts is one of the easier dungeons on both normal and heroic you should start off the dungeon with a totally funny joke that no one will laugh at because they simply don't understand your unique way most every mob in here are humanoids which means that they're susceptible to polymorph sap seduce mind control and depression and magic dust if it doesn't get nerfed and for all of these heroics i do want to round up what is mind controllable and what isn't mind control is an incredibly useful tool in these rocks as they reduce the size of these packs by one so make sure you make use of it if you have a priest and lastly there are also some non-elite dogs that you can hibernate should you see the need to do so in these heroics you'll find out pretty quickly that the bosses aren't the real problem there's more the trash packs really so if you find yourself wiping a little crowd control goes a long way in these videos i won't be going over the entire run pulled by pull more just focusing on pointing out the more tricky enemies bosses common wipe spots and trash skips hungers are your tank mobs who exist mainly to absorb damage so pretty low kill priority here they do have a disarm though which is pretty annoying and raveners are your rogues they deal decent damage as they are dual wielders and they also have a kidney shot so be aware of that and give the tank extra heals if he does get stunned the destroyers are going to be one of the more dangerous mobs as they have mortal strike which reduces healing on your tank sweeping strikes which will cleave your melee dps and a knockback that'll drop threats so your tank needs to tone it back so you either want to kill them fast or cc them in general these are bad mobs to leave up because they'll just make everything more difficult archer's aimed shot in multi-shot so stun them and also spread out a bit dark casters by their name may lead you to believe that they fear but they in fact do not just a rain of fire and a scorch so they're pretty easy to deal with a common thing that wipes groups is that they underestimate the walls you'll have these in ramparts and shattered halls and because they're not elite you wouldn't really think that they're a big deal well they are they hit very hard at least as of the beta so just don't underestimate them and ideally stun and kill them first since they have low health your first big pull and this is a spot where a lot of pugs wipe is a ripper surrounded by four scryers the scryers unlike the dark casters do have a fear so i really recommend you to see what you can or pull them all the way back around the corner in line of sight so they a gather nicely around the tank and b if someone does get feared you won't pull the next pack if you have a shaman with tremor totem you can effectively ignore the latter point and trust me this is a line you'll hear many times throughout this video series because nearly every dungeon nbc has really punishing fear mechanics the next poll of note is the beastmaster he'll be chilling with a couple of destroyers and the best way to handle this is to cc the destroyers if you can and just burn down the beastmaster if you leave him alive for too long he'll actually play the baja men's 1999 hit single who let the dogs out which is bad enough but he'll also summon some so the best way to handle it is to just not fall into that hole to begin with if your group is lacking cc be mindful that the tank is going to be tanking three mobs and taking mortal strike andrew mele should be extra careful because two sets of sweeping strikes will instigabum and there's also a wandering patrol behind all of this so all around a tricky pole that i wanted to mention and shortly after you will come across the boss patrolling around the area the watch keeper gargle mar you can pull him without the surrounding trash just wait until he pants away then pull the trash back kill him and then pull the boss he does have two watchers on his side who will heal him when he calls out for it you can see these as you can see we cc'd one until we killed the other if all else fails though they can be interrupted stunned and are susceptible to cast slowing effects like mind numbing poison or the curse of tongues once they're dead you just have the big boy to deal with and he's pretty straightforward he will occasionally charge the person furthest away make sure that's not your healer he'll use retaliation which will instantly counter attack melee attacks except from behind which is where your melee should be anyway and a stacking healing debuff but really unless your group is afk you should die long before this becomes a problem if you got the weak in the ramparts quest make sure to loot his hand which turns out to be a blade which intrigues me enough to wonder about his self-pleasure habits but not enough to actually investigate maybe that'll be in a follow-up video i do also want to note that you can get away with leaving most of this trash on the far wall up if you hug the inside track as much as possible just wanted to mention that for those looking for a speed clear like i said for all of these guides i will mention trash skips when appropriate i might be dead past him you'll ascend a tower and at the top you'll have another ripper and scryer pack same strategy applies so you see what you can don't let the scryers fear you into the next room a lot of groups just pull these around the corner and aoe am down which i do recommend if you have strong enough aoe aka you have a chat warlock in your group but really they don't have a lot of health so a less cool mage will also suffice this next room is another wipe spot as it's quite crowded you have four packs with a patrol walking around and the best way to handle it is to pull everything back don't fight in the open pull everything around the corner try to see it in this hallway if you can my group as you can see just aoe didn't if you do aoen again just watch the damage on your tank because there are destroyers here who will use mortal strike and we do have another trash skip here this pack to the immediate left as you're entering the room you can just walk by head to the right to find the second boss omar the unscarred he'll occasionally summon philhounds which need to be addressed they are demons so if you have a warlock banish is a good idea otherwise you'll need to kill or cc them because they will cast mana burn on your healer and just wreak havoc in general ninety percent of the wipes on this guy is due to the group ignoring the fel hounds he'll cast this debuff which causes you to deal damage to all nearby party members the best way to handle it is to spread out and if you're in an all melee comp and your healer can't keep up have the person with the curse run out when they get it and if the tank gets it the melee would have to run out he'll also knock people up in the air so make sure that you stay in the middle of the platform it also drops threats so the tank will have to taunt it back and he'll also cast shield wall at low health but that's pretty much it in summary kill the dogs don't aoe each other keep your bars full and try to make his empty one last tip is that this fight is mainly shadow damage so if you have a priest or valley make sure that they're using their shadow resistance and lastly the zan the third and final boss you'll find by exiting omar's platform and hanging a ride he'll engage as soon as you kill these sentries below him so make sure you man up before that pull and for phase one he'll buck off his orc friend vesruden who just needs to be tanked nothing really to worry about with him he's just a simple orc the real threat is in disguise nazan will occasionally drop fire on your party just like onyxia and unlike onyxia a fire patch will be left behind so don't stand in it in general there's a lot of fire damage in this fight so if you have pally use fire resistance aura or if you have the shaman use their totem and keep in mind your arranged can hit the dragon in this phase when the orc hits 45 health or the dragon 25 percent the dragon will come down and join the fight and your tank needs to pick him up asap and when he lands he'll act just like any dragon he has a fire breath so the tank needs to face him away and this will also drop a fire patch on the ground so you'll also need to move him and he will occasionally fierce so try not to even be near a fire if you can unless you get feared into it and drop tremor if you have a shaman and he'll continuously shoot fire at your ranged same as when he was in the sky so overall again lots of fire damage and if you're dying to it consider fire protection potions or resistance auras the loot for this fight can be found from a chest that spawns right here at the edge of the room and that's the hellfire ramparts in a nutshell in my opinion a good dungeon to start off if you're new to heroics if you want to ease yourself into it this is the first of many heroic guides i have planned trust me they get way harder than this if you enjoyed this one though i will have a playlist to the rest in the description that you may find handy as well as general tips and tricks that you can use in all of these heroics in the game like the video if you liked it and i'll see in the next one [Music] peace farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon you
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 97,798
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Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, wow bc, wow tbc classic, hellfire ramparts, ramparts heroic guide, wow bc heroics, burning crusade classic ramparts guide, ramparts heroic, ramparts normal, watchkeeper gargolmar, omor the unscarred, vazruden the herald, vazruden, nazan, boss strategy, trash skip, ramparts trash skip, ramparts heroic loot, ramparts guide wow bc
Id: bu5arJTTG7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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