WoW TBC Prot Paladin: A Quick Meta Guide

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hello hello it's not and welcome to my quick meta guide on the protection paladin the first tbc tank spec to be covered in this series and actually my first ever raiding spec yeah that's right a young enthusiastic knot was seduced by the journey from meme spec to chatted in way back but very quickly i'm making these videos as i couldn't find information the way i wanted it on youtube as a consumer and so good guy not has taken on the heavy burden to break down each class or spec into what i wanted and that is essentially first the pve basics and what 10 seconds or so may look like in a raid encounter following this a brief overview of the race choices available then i'll move on to what the specs strengths are and what limitations it has finally i'll cover briefly professions in pvp but if you want any additional information beyond the broad strokes you may want a specific guide on these topics so with that out of the way what's our spec looking like for our prop paddling well the standard build is 0 49 12 but don't worry if you're coming from classic consecration is baseline so we don't have to worry about all those points not spent in holy to get our aoe going the short end of the stick is that there's a few variable points but largely we're going to stick to prot as the main source of our points for everything that makes us chunkier which is a technical term by the way in addition to our key captain america spells holy shield and avengers shield you'll notice right away that we have passed over some solid talents in this tree and that's simply because there's so many other slightly better or a lot better talents to pick up and without going into too much depth essentially we just need to get chunkier and then allow for as much threat as possible and before someone scrolls down to the comments after eyeballing zero out of five in reckoning oh bro where's my extra tax hold up lad our threat is all spell damage and those extra texts are pretty wimpy when we're armed with a mages hand-me-down toy uh moving on rapidly once we're in the retreat we can take either of our row one talents but typically we're going to take the mana reduction because mana is threat and the other paladin or two will probably have improved mic covered for five mans you're a hot commodity and when you won't have to stoop to the levels inviting melee so honestly improve might really doesn't matter outside of reigns he he xd of course you can choose to take them but honestly it's charity on your part we then take the juicy five percent avoidance from deflection and get more judgments per fight with the shorter cooldown so we're suited and booted with or without melee charity included what stats are we looking for well that's a question when it comes to prop palin let me explain prop balance have a gear conundrum there'll be times where you're evaluating your given role for a fight and entering the gear matrix of your bank and bags trying to calculate what makes the most sense whilst many options will work if you're min maxing there's just a lot to consider first avoidance and defense if you're tanking something nasty or dare i say main tanking raid bosses you need to be uncrushable to make your damage intake stay stable before you consider your threat without rambling on too much you need 102.4 total avoidance which is our mischance from defense parry block and dodge added together to be uncrushable against a tbc raid boss which is a lot given that we don't have something as op's shield block to cheat up quite as high as warriors do this means to tick this box we are slacking on our threat stats initially these threat stats are first and foremost spell damage is our bread and butter then this is followed by spell hits normal hit and expertise but before i get into that before we've considered avoidance and threat there is a baseline that you need to have even if you're not main tanking raid bosses and this is 490 defense and this is essentially to prevent crits so once again if your main tanking especially prop palins are distracted quite heavily from these threat stats which we are typically quite interested in for blasting through pve content as chat like as possible if this is starting to sound a little bit like spinning plates it honestly can be especially early on you can slack on avoidance if you're doing something like tanking a lot of small ads but typically this remains a goal and ultimately becomes easier to mesh with our threat stats as the tears progress so with those defense aspects covered spell damage is the bread and butter of the speck if you hate being arranged dps but enjoy the idea of yoinking their weapons look no further you're all about that spell damage once you can take a beating the other stats mentioned are nice to have and you might be able to pick them up on your weapon or some jewellery but that's very rare to get on tankidine items especially before the very very end game so realistically for much of the expansions life cycle you will probably have very little hit expertise spell hit however this is not really a problem because of how well our threat scales would just spell damage so we can afford to have some misses and resists because our threat is just benefited so much by raw spell damage that it's not as big a deal would say if you're dpsing as a warlock or a mage now we've established our career as a professional plate spinner both in terms of stats and our spells what does our play time inside raids look like first let me clear the air on seals i had written a long explanation that was ultimately just too long about how the seals work and what circumstances and what patches will mean use different seals but essentially this will vary depending on the patch used as the base for tpc classic and potentially your weapon speed so i'm not going to refer to any specific seal just know that when i say threat seal i'm referring to either seal of righteousness vengeance or blood depending on whatever turns out to be the optimal choice on live servers and on what faction you are potentially as well fortunately however the seal used doesn't make a huge impact on what our general globals look like in a raid so let's get into that first you're going to make sure that righteous fury is up at all times my first 25 man raiding experience was trying to off tank on high king morgan after forgetting that righteous fury wasn't up and to cut the story short it really wasn't pretty so we start there whilst there are some particular openers the general priority is to maintain holy shield uptime for periods of high damage if damage is low you can slack with this considered however the next focus is to keep exorcism on cooldown a lot of the bosses are going to be demons this also applies to avengers shield we want that on cooldown as well but this will depend on manner and your damage intake because it has a cast time whilst also ensuring alongside this we've got judgment of the crusader applied to buff our holy damage this can be applied by a different paddling though and hopefully you've got someone in your razor's retribution who can do it for you once these things are on cooldown or applied to the boss you're focusing on keeping judgment of your threat seal kept on cool down and maintaining your threat seal up time once you've judged so essentially you go judge into seal typically finally ensure consecration is up as often as the previous priority allows it is a great threat spell but it's generally going to be less optimal to miss a judgment for example as it is to delay consecration by one global finally if damage is low you can move your holy shield priority down to the bottom here because essentially you're looking for threats where you're not taking huge damage you just want to blast threaten damage and as such holy shield moves to the bottom of this list and just fill it into an empty global that is spare from all the other spells unless of course you're getting your ass eaten and therefore you need to use it as a top priority with that said let's briefly cover races before we move on but sometimes it is very very subjective and in this case i believe it's super subjective but let's just go over it so it's pretty close if you ignore the steel stuff we touched on earlier there is a small benefit to having sealed vengeance as alliance overseal of righteousness for horde but it's not as big as say seal of blood is going to be for retribution humans get a small threat boost with five expertise on the two weapon types you're typically gonna equip as a prop paladin maces and swords whilst dwarf has a pretty solid cooldown in stone form that at least provides 10 additional armor for eight seconds for any sketch moments but also has some niche utility such as removing morris's bleed in karazhan which will actually be nice to have in the super early days where the bleed might actually be impactful draenei paladins also provide one percent hit via heroic presence however if you are not the only draenei paladin warrior or hunter in your group then it is actually just completely dead as such this is going to be highly dependent on your raid comp and if you know what your red comp is before you make your character for that reason i wouldn't recommend draenei however it is very strong in the right circumstances if we get no huge changes alliance paladins get seal of vengeance which as mentioned is the best deal for threat in 2.4.3 however we all know how good an aoe silence is if we've played retail for a prolonged period is very very impactful and because the seal thing is less important than it is for say retribution going hard is also strong especially if you plan to arena or play rhett as offspec because then you get seal of blood for sure if i absolutely had to choose regardless of faction i would probably go for dwarf in terms of purim and maxing but as an alt i'd actually pivot towards the blood elf because the aoe silence for five mans is going to be really nice and of course we cannot discount human entirely five free expertise might sound quite small but expertise that's such a premium on gear that it is a little bit of a nice boost to our threat but mind you our melee hits and the seals that proc from them are going to be a good chunk of our threat but not quite as impactful say something like spell damage or even spell hit typically with that said it's pretty hard to differentiate significantly between these options so that's the basics covered on the proc paladin but why would you want to play it well first and foremost it has exceptionally powerful niches beyond the capability of other tanks whilst you may not be the most optimal main tank and in some cases may not be a good choice to maintain at all the first niche is something you've probably already heard of and that is that the aoe threat is literally bonkers and cannot be replicated by any other tank this means you are literally hot in five mans for any encounter that has an annoying wave of adds to collect such as hydros and serpent trunk cavern or just mount hijao in its entirety as an annoying hellhole of many many mobs also due to being a tank that isn't using rage you can chase threat very well as you have full control of your abilities compared to a bear or prot warrior that may encounter a few low rage moments in early raiding content especially if they're off tanking whilst you may blow your load on mana potions to achieve this you will be very effective at maintaining second threat and or pushing to main threat without taunt if you put your mind to it for example on morrow is for the gouge on the main tank and especially in the case of gertog blood boil where threat control is a real big deal so this sounds good what's the catch bro well we kind of touched on one in terms of the limitations earlier gearing is tough for the prop paddling it takes more farming and more thinking to gear appropriately as a prop pallet for either threat mitigation or a mixture and then later on gets a little bit easier this will appeal to some of you some of you will love to look at different gear sets and min max your way through the content and that's great but for some it will be an annoyance and it isn't until those later tiers with the highest stat budgets that you're able to sort of condense your gear sets into one two potentially three gear sets typically but before then it may feel like you're spinning plates or fishing for that one perfect karazhan or heroic item that makes your gear set work ahead of the 25 man content even at the end game as mentioned you're going to have a few gear sets that lean one way or the other but to summarize gear is essential for the prop paddling one little tip before we leave this point is that if you're currently playing a paladin or have one as an alton classic in the earlier stages of tbc gearing you'll be very thankful to have stylene's impending scarab from blackwing lair if you managed to get one before we transition to tbc outside of this some people may find the play style a little slow at times as there are sometimes a couple empty or empty feeling globals in the threat cycle that don't feel very meaty or impactful this brings us to professions and here there is a slight change whilst not zweller state television service will always air the supreme leader in this designated segment of the broadcast you may be surprised to know that dual crafting actually has a clear lead for prop paddlings in that second profession slot not only does it provide the better gems that it does for other classes and specs but prop paladin is probably the only spec that genuinely puts these serpentine figurines to good use for context many tanks will use darkmoon card vengeance or the goblin rocket launcher to get chunkier but for the tankidin you will be happiest with a figurine and either of these also you get a cute snack pet to watch you tank for the duration of the cooldown but once again if you deceive big brother i mean your raid leader and do not take leather working your next best choice is typically enchanting for the 24 free spell power to your rings for more threat this will be especially useful in the early days when you're spinning plates between defensive stats and threat stats a notable mention of course as well is engineering the goggles are solid enough but unspectacular however being goblin engineering does net you an early trinket that's really quite chunky and has a little bit of threat in the on use and you can use both or rather you can use two it won't last you forever but the tank trinkets in the game aren't so great across the board and this is an easily accessible and strong trinket assuming you're okay on avoidance now we're on to pvp just kidding don't play protection paddle in arena if your sole objective is to push rating no really don't do that and as such this brings us to the end of this nozzle state television broadcast and i will see you next time hopefully in your notifications
Channel: Knot
Views: 75,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, TBC, TBC Classic, Protection, Paladin
Id: ifRCJHilnUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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