TBC Beta - Heroic Hellfire Ramparts - Protection Paladin

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hey guys dev here and welcome to another video so today i'm hitting hellfire run parts um this is the first time i've attempted a heroic on the beta and i'll show you this run in its in it's full uh including all the little mishaps so i chose ramps um as my first heroic as it's the one i know the best the one we've done the most research in i already made my ramps video so if you haven't seen it go check that one out but um yeah straight away the the sheep mob pulling the pat and then the the healing getting clapped so we lost our soul stone from that pool um uh before we get into the video as well i do want to say thanks to all the new subs um that i've subbed recently um i don't know if you guys know but i did lose my job with covered um and you're about 110 subs away from youtube partner now so if you haven't done already please hit that sub getting that first thousand is going to be a huge milestone for me so thank you so much to everyone that's subbed so far i'm really happy with uh how the channel is going and i hope you guys are enjoying all the videos um so just pulling this pack back to be safe um i'm walking out of the rain of fire heroic so far are really fun um they feel a lot better than doing the normal dungeons um you guys as you guys saw from the speed clear coming through here um in normal was just like an absolute cakewalk um this is part this is played back at double speed um so already three minutes into the actual front and packs are taking a little bit to kill um i would say that ramps is probably one of the easiest heroics i have done blood furnace since this and blood furnace slapped us like we we got uh we had a good butt kicking to be honest um it's really good but i'll show you that video too um i think it ended up being like a two hour and something um but yeah so just working through each pack um as we go honestly like i've been taking on the warrior a lot recently and probably so much more enjoyable prop valley is just it is a dream like the warrior is fun like there's a lot more buttons to push but just the tool kit that you do have on the on the prop pallet and it's just is it it's a good time i'm really looking forward to um when tbc goes live as well maintaining off specs because i do like to do a little bit of healing i do like to dabble in red i have played a little bit of red on the beta 2 and it just feels so much better than classic so this run as well it'll look very similar to um normal ramps in terms of how marking if you want a a big in-depth discussion on how i actually set up these polls and what i kill first and why do go check out my ramps masterclass um it's about 21 minutes of just explaining mechanics in here this video is just more so you guys can see um i like how heroics look so um i was also very curious because like when i was younger playing tvc i do have really vivid memories oh okay this pool here just goes all sorts of pear shaped um if i remember correctly let's watch it out pretty sure somebody gets feared into yeah that fear goes off he pulls as the dog pack is is arriving do we get them no we don't okay so it's not as bad as i thought it was um i'm doing my best just to kite to keep repositioning back keep getting topped up uh bopping the healer there and i believe we win this but it was one hell of a fight to survive oh yeah the dogs come the extra dogs every person in this group was using everything they had in their toolkit to live um and this also this uh this knowles dude if you ever if you ever watch this you're a mad lad it's your control was so good okay cool getting pretty pogged over over winning through that pool but yeah you can see like that nearly wiped us then and in the normal run that that was just a routine pull we'd do that for the fun of it so with a couple more packs you know like um but yeah heroics especially early on i oh and about the gear that i'm currently wearing as well um i do have the epic shield and i do have the epic sword on um because they maxed out reps out this is on the instant 70 server um so i would say some pieces of gear that i have on right now are probably better than what you will be doing heroics in when uh tbc goes live now this i wanted to try no cc pool and like uh-uh not happening like you're going to need some cc um if you're planning on doing heroics when we did um blood furnace we literally like cc two mobs out of every every four um where we could i think we had like a warlock we had a mage so i think we already always had a sheep going and then if there was a demon we would banish the demon a lot of the time but i'll put that right up at some point over the next couple days as well so i'm just gonna skip until when we finish when we run back okay so just got back to our bodies just eating drinking and rebuffing so there's an example of what happens if you don't cc i tested it so you don't need to um i highly suggest um cc and interestingly like i know a lot of people are saying like oh you only need one mage per age you only need one one rogue per made a parade or you need zero rogues those kind of classes are going to be really handy when you're running um heroics so i wouldn't completely write them off especially when you get into the harder ones because ramps was so much easier than blood furnace to be honest like you you could probably get through here you know it just stuns or something um it'll be interesting to see uh what the meta for heroics is like if it's you know is it big aoe is it is it cleave groups um are people gonna want warrior dps um because they don't really like out of everything warriors have the the least amount of cc um they have big cleave damage sure um especially if they're fury but i can see rogues being i don't know i know personally i'm going to be looking for a rogue or a mage in all my groups at least one of them especially early on um so right now we're just clearing the floor getting ready for the boss and i was really excited to see how the first boss is gonna feel because i couldn't even explain this boss in my my master class video before it was dead so i have to admit there's uh there's nulls again with an awesome sheep um they just stay consistent i think um his control if you are playing fire in if you have a mage friend and he's playing fire and raid probably have a chat to him but if he wants to play frost for heroics because it brings a lot a lot of useful things especially when they've got the pet out and they can they're gonna double nova okay so this is something i wanted to test as well which was uh sheeping the destroyer to see if they're cc-able because that's something that i hadn't tested turns out they are so that was really good um so another option for cc that you have which differs from the normal way of doing this so normally we just kill off the mortal strike mob would be to actually cc that mob um because it does live for considerably amount like a lot longer what am i even trying to say for a lot longer on um heroic so ceasing that might be a valuable strategy so not quite sure why i wanted to clean these before the boss but i think i just wanted to be extra safe and make sure we had room to move knockbacks and whatnot and yeah even that mage just just choosing to shoot the x there of his own accord breaking it as the other one was dying just really really good so just checking some stuff there see if anything differed on their abilities and uh let's see what this feels like on heroic so marking up skull and x there expecting to kill them off but the mage did sheep one of the watches so that's really good to know that you can actually see see a mob we kill off the watch here really good and you can see like the bosses no it's not just melting now like the fight is actually taking him a bit um i've got one stack on me boss is still at 50 about to take a second stack there it is um and this group was you know they had all the the epic weapons and stuff from the vendors you know they were decently geared it will be a longer fight the first time you come through here so we get the awesome shadow priest boots 37 shadow damage it's not for me and then almost forgot my badge so that's something we're gonna have to get used to everybody looting bosses so calling for a sheep on star letting the group know my feelings about uh how it feels on heroic um also another thing you can do if you are a dwarf paladin is this bleed is um stone formable it's uh it's really nice to knock that off if you uh accidentally like chain pull dogs or whatever and your stacks end up getting too high so just clearing up this pack now and then we're gonna be heading upstairs and have a look at the uh the last two bosses okay so this was an interesting pack that i was curious how it was gonna turn out so we've got the the four scries and the ripper oh it's so interesting to see how how his stacks ended up so very little cc here it's uh quite a few targets and the damage felt good we we ignored the skull so we ended up with a pretty uh a buffed ripper which is interesting and we only ignored him a little bit so i think if your group completely switched off to that he could even see four stacks which would be interesting okay so getting these two destroyers out of the way and then i'm pretty sure here we wipe trying to remember how this happened i recorded this a few days ago so have a little look and see what goes wrong okay so pull that grip back ah the the mage stays out to sheep that's right so the mage waits the sheep and then it accidentally pulls the second pack all right so that was that why we went down here um i'll just jump into wall back one second all right so we're back in our bodies now just re-buffing once again topping up that manner and uh we'll be a little safer in how we pull this time so just fixing up the marks and pulling back again and you see that i like i kind of keep back pedaling because like the sheep hasn't come back and i know i want to drop cons but i don't want to drop it on top of the the destroyer and ruin the cc so it's like you're gonna need to be really careful of is how you do position your cons around the around the cc's and also once mobs start to die like that and they're walking off they're on five percent generally your best bet is to leave dps to to kill them off and get into position to pick up the next mob so just marking everything up as it should be just really you know just pride yourself as a tank you want to pride yourself on nice clean runs like we weren't in comms or anything for this but the group knows exactly what i want killed uh first on every single pull and it just makes their life nicer your life nicer the healer's life nicer just everyone's having a good time when when the run is clean um and also first time doing this this on heroic like it will get better um you know we know what to look for now when we when wiping if you're doing it with a bunch of friends you guys are going to get really good at doing heroics because you're going to want to do that that badge farm um as many as many as you can my goal will be as soon as possible to try and do all the heroics and if possible um in a day so i imagine ramps would probably get down to like a maybe like a 30 minute run relatively quickly so it'll be interesting to see how much time i have to actually make it through all the all the heroics and as your gear gets better as well you know you can think about dropping some cc or possibly even doing some bigger pulls or see seeing the annoying mobs that's done and doing a double pack that way you know there's gonna be a lot of freedom really interesting as well it's gonna be is to see how the meta works because things that we never foresaw in classical personally i didn't see it but like i guess the private server uh crowd knew like you know warriors being super op etc um but my memories of classic were not or my expectations of classic i should say we're we're not 20 men you know warriors in one raid um i i really enjoy raids where there's one of every class or one of every spec i think that creates a really unique balance and seeing all the little tricks and unique bonuses that come to the table okay so i'm gonna shut up for a second and talk about this boss rather than what i like about it um so i was curious to see how we're gonna do this boss i thought that would be killing off the ads but the dps decided that nope we're burning the boss so the boss had a little over 80 000 health and the defense the hounds coming up with 10k or 9k i have no idea what killed the healer though i'm gonna go back and watch that because i didn't know what killed the healer in the run either okay and then we just have to clean up the the hounds okay i'm just gonna go back and have a little look what happened to the healer okay so i know what killed the healer um it was stacking too close to the mage and it looks like that treacherous aura absolutely slaps on heroic because he got two shot i think that's that's what killed him i'm gonna have a look into the abilities on heroic and and see what differs alright so standing in front of the last boss now we know we've got to kill the the two guys and then straight into the boss fight so pulling into skull so you don't want to burn all your mana here as well i think i get double wisdom to get some regen in so i can go into the boss fight with us as much manner as possible and there's vazridin dropping them fireballs just trying to cut him out of it range doing a good job in the back of moving out of the fire and nazan comes down and the boss is uh well the humans still at 20 so we've got both of them are hitting us here and i repositioned the boss here so i can just strafe out of it and keep the boss still that was the other strat that i was talking to about in the heroic guide in the sorry the normal guide and strafing just strafing and positioning him so he's not breathing and so long as you do the mechanics easy peasy as the uh the warlock said there let's see what we got we've got the shaman dps hands and a rhett helm or warrior helm which reuses the might okay guys so that was um heroic ramps for my first time i hope you enjoyed the video hope you enjoyed uh hearing what i had to say about it and no doubt i'll have a lot more heroic videos coming soon if you haven't don't forget to sub and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DevTanks
Views: 12,822
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Id: XNpwCHcqW2U
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Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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