TBC Hellfire Ramps Normal Prot Paladin Guide/Commentary

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welcome to the tank hub guide for normal health fire ramparts in this video i'm going to take you through the normal version of hellfire ramparts which is the first dungeon that you will encounter in outlands the footage was recorded on the karazhan server hosted by atlantis i initially tanked this as a level 60 dwarf protection paladin wearing some outland greens which i purchased off the age the footage you will see here has to be tagging it as a level 61 wearing those greens and a couple of drops which i got in the dungeon namely the iron sole cloppers and the light touch press plate as you can expect this dungeon is very easy in my opinion there is only one pull that can wipe you which will be shown after i go over the gear [Music] now let's go over that gear this dungeon can drop three pieces of plate if you are a protection warrior two of the three items are pretty good depending on whether or not you like defense as a stat for tanking pre-heroics prop paladins will like all three pieces first we will discuss the more pali specific piece of plate dropped by watch keeper golgimer namely the light touch breastplate this item will give you strength stamina and intellect in addition to three sockets with a spell damage modifier if you gem correctly i definitely did not mind the intellect on this chest because in my greens my mana pool was pretty small next we have the tenacious defender which omar the unstarred can drop despite its name it offers zero defensive stats instead it will give you strength agility and stamina as well as two red sockets this is a great piece of dps plate lastly we have the iron side clompers which drop off as rooted they will give you strength stamina and defense as well as both the red and blue socket this dungeon does offer some decent two-handers for your offspec but we won't be covering those in this guide all right we're going to do this commentary style as far as going over what's going on so this first pull here nothing's dangerous um you can carry all three if you have a decent group you have no problem um you are going to want to get that ravener you want to do him first um although nothing here is ultimately that damaging one of the nice things about when you record yourself you can actually see all the things you do wrong and as um as someone who uh who's new to powell and tanking i do a lot wrong anyway so we're just gonna clean up this three pack and then we're gonna continue across the bridge yeah my main goal as a beginner pal in here is trying to keep that uh trying to keep my shield up as much as possible when i'm taking damage and then i'm really working on carrying mana over from fight to fight right now all right um next pull you want to fight these guys um on the bridge um i've had issues where i end up pulling the other group if i get too uh too close to the end of the bridge and i think i end up getting another pat anyway somehow i'm not sure that's this pull but anyway just grab one mark one um i have a mouse over macro that i use to assign skull makes my life easy if you guys want leave a comment i'll try and share it probably won't work on classic by the way this is a tbc server that you're seeing here this is atlantis i'm sorry atlantis is kyra's in the server now it's funny the um the threat that a shadow priest does is crazy and they never take the threat reducing talents and you can see it in my head i'm struggling i really want to give him salve but i'll give him another pull or two um here we have our first dangerous mob the destroyers are going to put a mortal strike on you so you really want to take them out first you can see i'm going to mark him with a skull the other thing here that you want to do is you want to tank the rest of the guys away from your um from your from your raid now you can see because of where i put these guys either my um my mobs or my rogue just pulled this other patch that's not good obviously what i should have done now at this point probably mark the dogs to be killed after um the destroyer we got the destroyer down that's the main portion the main problem with this uh or um problem mob but as you can see here i'm in full panic mode oh my god i got extra bombs so i'm just trying like i'm tab targeting like i'm a freaking warrior but everyone does their job we're able to recover um again you technically want to keep the archers um faced away from your raid because they do do a multi-shot as well as a um like an aim shot next mob these next couple packs you're gonna see we have a lot of destroyers you want to again take those destroyers out first because they um perform that mortal strike ability and you're going to see me here i'm going to consecrate because i got the patience early and then i'm waiting for them to come to me but they're not coming to me because the warlock pet charged because i'm a bad paladin so now i'm i'm freaking out again but we're gonna recover this we'll use our taunt there you go and hopefully we'll be able to kill this uh this destroyer again my gear is horrible and i am too also a horrible paladin so you're not doing this to learn how to play powell and you're just getting looking at this to get an idea get a feel for um how fire ramparts so once again taking the archers i've got no mana because i've got horrible gear hopefully i won't lose him on threat because they're nothing to get them back with all right yeah the one thing i found um being new to paladin as i've tanked as a warrior and other expansions is on the one hand you want to go balls to the wall and generate as much threat as possible but it's almost like it's not like pooling rage because it your rage kind of decays but with the paladin man you've really got to figure out all right do i have enough to get to the end of the fight you're gonna see here again we got a destroyer and he's gonna be our first target and i think this poll goes a little better i think we'll get a better consecrate down nope too early again i don't have a seal up okay there we go we got our seal up at this point i'll be concentrating on cool down i think and just basically going through tab targeting trying to make sure i got everyone on me i probably thought that warlock's pet was a mob going for a healer but i probably could ideally want to do a better job where um they are not they're more facing you so they're not facing the rate as much but that's just my poor pull actually my poor use to consecrate all right i used too much mana so i definitely need a drink here um we have our first um pre-planned pull we saw these dogs earlier in that botched pole but now we're things are going to be calmed down so whenever you can you want to take these dogs out first they do a lot of damage they attack kind of fast so you always want to have them go down first so you just do a corner pull drop your consecration thankfully our dps let us get in place this time i gotta do a better job of just basically turning everything around but i was really nervous about seeing pats and i hate spinning my camera again we're worried about the the dogs the hungers not so much we'll be fine with them again you can see i don't have a steel up as that red hammer is in the middle of the screen gotta do a better job of keeping that up at this point i should not use any more um resources because i think i have a decent threat lead good i didn't perfect all right next pat we have a ripper and he's our primary kill target and then there's a whole bunch of casters three i think it's pain in the butt because i gave no interrupt on the casters that was and i should have gotten some help or i should have asked for help i guess but the casters aren't gonna do that much damage the ripper hits hard so you'll make sure he dies first again i don't have a seal up because i'm bad paladin that time i'm running around i was going to invest my my hodge and told him what i did and at this point i got decent threat on two of the three i believe now the um the poll i mentioned that um can wipe your group easily it's actually the only difficult poll in this instance is coming up and it's just timing all right so if you see at the top of your screen you see that pat walking in with the two dogs what you want to do is you want to start this next pull when they get past that crack by my sword because once i get past there or a little bit farther you'll see where i pull maybe it's that next crack yeah once they cry out so that next crack now you pull if you pull too early obviously you're gonna get them but if you wait too long um as you still have mobs up they're gonna be padding back again and they join in and as you can see here i almost die um i think i might have even bubbled and then canceled it just because i was getting destroyed by that the two destroyers i mean it's just rough um if you're quick on the draw you can bubble out of the mortal strike and then just cancel it and get back to where you gotta do but you can see here i'm just hey with the destroyers you want tanking with your back against the wall which i'm not doing and b you want them to die fast probably should have labeled one um to get focus fire down um i'm about i need to create macros to mouse over and mark everything else but i haven't done those yet but they're coming because i think if i was able to just get skull x probably an easier pull they're split they're sprit deep if they split dps um it's a lot of damage because nothing dies quickly another dog pack and again we went over these dogs die first just mock a dog and you should be good to go these are easy to tank there's no hard pulls um these are really hard pulls left in the dungeon at this point as you can see here uh again you want to keep your righteousness up or whatever seal you're using right now that's all i got really for tanking and here i am they cannot get all you know cocky and i'm like oh i got all the threat i want i'll go you know talk to the group no you're an idiot this guy just ran off you you that holding threat all right next poll there's going to be a destroyer hiding off in the side you want to take him out he's got to go first the destroyer is always first right so as you can see i went a little too far and i got the hunger um i wanted to get the shield on those casters just so that i'd have some threat as you can see again i'm just getting destroyed because i got that mortal strike on me um you know you want to make sure you get your shield up i'm going to get right this defender up me soon because i know less than 35 um but as you can see here i'm just running around down to a hunger at this point we're fine more strike is off us we're good to go good trying corral these casters a little bit that's a paladin don't really have that much um this isn't wrath where you can just use your shield to interrupt which is interesting um your paladin you basically only interrupt until you if you're blood elf you have your racial but as a dwarf um your hodge it's basically hammer justice is all you got so we're gonna clean up this pat and at this point in the dungeon you want to start being mindful of where the the um that your first boss is your fault your first boss is a pretty wide patrol range so what you're going to want to do i don't do it here i should have go ahead like mark them with like a green explain to the group i'm just keeping an eye on this guy um your next couple of pulls you're going to want to basically pull back a little bit from where everyone is right now you don't want to fight up by those dogs you can see me just walk through the left part of the screen you don't want to um be fighting i'd say up by that destroyer in the top right just because if you're fighting up there and the boss comes you are going to aggro him so what you're going to see here the next couple pulls i'm going to pull everything back towards me and you can see there took dog down this point i'm thinking i have enough aggro of course i don't bad paladins but we're still getting used to it and just there he goes again i'm uh still having an issue it's a paladin tank i'm wondering i gotta do a better job of seeing um when something has lost control so one that might have been a death coil and not me losing threat all right so that first pack is down i'm gonna pull the second one again there's a destroyer here we're gonna mark him first and you can see i'm starting to look for that other uh for that boss i didn't see him so i'm just gonna pull him back if you've got a good shaman who's going to interrupt casts um he's going to be handy in the next on the next amount of kills um because whenever whenever you have a shaman that can actually interrupt the cast and pull him back but i think he did there so it helps figure it out anyway so a standard aoe threat dropping my that's great um keeping up my uh my shield um you can't see it here but my consecrate macro has um a shift modifier the shift modifier is a full i think at this point like rank five for something consecrate whereas um without the shift modifiers by rank one by default i just spam rank one um because i go um easily and it's been working fine i haven't really need to i very rarely do the full consecrate maybe that's why i'm losing threat on some things but i'm trying to balance out maintaining threat with not having to stop and drink every pull which is annoying maybe i should taunt this guy there we go okay so i'm gonna pull this last pack i'm not sure if you have to get them um just to be safe i graham so i think it's a two more dogs up there i think i either i might get that one or another but that's one of the next pulls and as you can see i'm waiting i want to see this guy before i move out i'm going to grab this straggler in the middle and i think i pull the dogs next if i'm not mistaken i'm just going to face pull him which is dumb because he's a ravener and he stunned me it's been real easy to lose threat all right so now i'm going to get this other ravener and he comes by himself let's bring the group got the kidney shot and he comes back to me now i'm not sure if the kidney shot is a threat dump or if he just a momentary threat dump while you're incapacitated but i'll probably play around that some more i'm just curious um this next pat you got a destroyer and you can see now i'm looking at that that boss because i do not want if i pull now i'm going to bring the bar so that's going to be a wipe so be patient let him um walk by what i really should do is i should have marked him with like the green triangle or something of that nature just to keep a better eye on him but i'm afraid sometimes of marking in pugs that they're gonna pull or think that's part of the kill order even though you never see triangle unless like you've got you know five mobs it's always skull x and then usually um blue for cc anyway so i think i'm gonna go away for the dogs next no i'm gonna try and shield them so i got a good shield on there um sometimes it can be difficult to get your shield i usually have line of sight issues by those barrels which is pain in the ass and as you can see i'm running all the way back you really want to do whatever you can to get those casters um as far forward as possible they're in a good spot there but if they were about if they were about two cracks back on the ground there would have pulled the um would pull the boss on the pad now you can see with this kiln thing as quick as possible i've got no interrupts i'm just kind of slapping some people around hard hodges on cooldown i mean it's what you do as far as caspers go i can't you know i can't really interrupt interrupts are nice you miss them all right finish this guy out now i believe i'd do the dog pack next if i remember correctly yeah i wanted to go for it i'm not sure if you need that dog pack if i always do it just to be safe i'm pretty sure you do i probably would have pulled them but anyway here we have the um real simple pack before the boss a couple dogs we're gonna make sure we pull them again just mark the one dog he's got that quick you don't want them too many of them good drop consecrate fighting the consecrate should be good to go and the dogs go down quickly just said when you leave them up they do do a little bit of damage someone take them out first ravener they got kidneyed yet no shocking there you go there's a kidney yeah that's one of those things when you're fighting the raveners you usually just want to save your taunt for the kidney this makes you feel better when it comes right back to you at this point you got your first boss and what you want to do is you're going to want to mark his his healers they have to die first or they should die first he hits pretty hard um there's two little minions there don't do much so you're just gonna end up tanking the boss don't worry about losing threat on those two um i don't even know if they do anything damaging i think i just buff him so you can see there he comes that one crack in the ground throw your shield or do your range pull you're good to go now um he is oh wait gargamer gargomar is always going to charge random people you're not losing threat i mean if you look at my threat i've got a huge threat lead um it's just he randomly charges don't freak out he does hit hard though so make sure you keep your defenses up but at this point um if i was a good paladin tank i would start going into resource com um conservation mode let's see if i drop a uh consecration which would be wasted at this point no that mortal wound is stacked up to three i think it stacks up the 10. i can't imagine getting 10 of them might have happened back in the day when people were terrible at doing damage but usually around three or four okay at this point you've taken care of all the notable moms and now you can just um get yourself down to the next portion so you have one more pull left before you go through the door it's a really simple pull um two mobs and you don't have to kill the um the rest of the guys down here you can't ask a group i mean if they're farming rap there is nothing there's nothing too hard but at this point you can feel free to uh just go through that door now the pull at the top of the um the stairs that we're gonna see next is a little bit different a little bit more difficult and it's not difficult from a tanking standpoint although maybe i'm just not doing enough threat it just it seems like it's a lot of healing going out again hungers really don't do that much damage not worried but the next pull is the pain in the butt i really got to stop putting target of target in my party because i think the warlock didn't attack anything that was marked the whole the whole night at least for the whole beginning of the the uh of the run they kept having runners and i'm like why is this got so much threat all right okay we're gonna get to the top of the stairs here and i believe i'm gonna put on my fire aura just because every time i do this fight it just seems like there's so much damage i feel so helpless because i don't have any real interrupts i usually try and save hajj for it so there's gonna be a ripper up there and they do a lot of damage so i'm gonna go and mark him first at this point i probably should put kings back on because mata hasn't been too bad but right now i'm just trying to get decent threat on the ripper and then full full rank consecrates on the ground here and i've got decent threat right now i probably should have marked um a focus target or two that probably would help this out as you can see everyone starts getting low rogue almost dies i mean there's a lot of damage going out i'm trying to get off the shadow priest again i should have scared him salvation the whole match or the whole run they do so much threat all right next pull is really easy um i mentioned it before but when you're tanking these destroyers you really want to put your back against the wall because they do do a knockback now here i'm lucky and i do get knocked back i get knocked back towards the group but if i was too far and got knocked back in that pat it's a wipe so just keep butt up against the wall against some barrels it'll be fine um you can see i got pretty low there i would like i gotta make an ardent defender um power or i don't have any working weak orders working in tbc if anyone has working weak orders that don't fail when you reload the um the game leave them in the comments but right now i'm using powers i probably should create one for argent defender so i know i'm at 35 percent but as you can see it's easy pull um the remaining pulls trash wiser are easy here um i would say that i probably would tank them a little farther back not this patch or pack rather but the next two pulls probably should do a better job of taking them a little farther back anyway got some dogs and again take them out first i actually did had a good use of mana i pulled that pack without having a full um full mana bar i gauged it enough to to be able to uh to figure it out as you can see there put back my red aura should have done that as soon as i was done with that that fire or pull and i gotta work on that a little better okay we got a pack tour right here and a pack along the way um there is a destroyer so we're gonna mark him first i probably gotta be a little more careful pulling this one because i think you can get the guys walking on the um stairs and if you get them that might be a bad day just because destroyers with the mortal strike it's going to get on you eventually and it it's not um it makes healing you very difficult now somehow i avoided mortal strike with that go-around but and this is an easy pull the next one is difficult but the only reason why we're not difficult the next one's a pain only because it's casters in there and for the life of me i can never get far enough around bring all the casters back they always just stop i don't know if i'm just not getting enough threat on them um i might next time i run this make sure i put the shield on the caster because maybe that will give me enough threat whether they will come around the corner for me this is one of the ones where i should have done a better job and went back a little bit farther i thought i could hide here and then have the casters walk into los to hit me and they don't they just cast aoe on the uh on the um on the corner there so really they do what i wanted it to do but what you're going to see here is because i'm so far up i'm going to get a straggler and probably wouldn't have wiped us getting the other pack but it's a scary moment that guy just starts walking off no one else is trai thank god whoever that was took him out i think i judged him okay i'd have to rewind it but it was one of those things there's no reason why you want to keep your your seal up for a quick judge for some snap damage just in case i could i also probably should mess around with seal it justice but all right this is an easy pull um i go a little too early so i'm not going to get a clean shield off as much as i want you wait just a little bit longer you'll be able to get shield off before they get to you but just mark one attack the others now the um the pull after this is a joke um it's just two casters they don't do any damage so i'll talk a little bit about the boss um i found that if you're a new tank this could be a pain in the butt just because he will randomly the boss um at the end of this will randomly turn around and put a debuff on your uh on your party members so new tanks like me think you're losing threat you start freaking out trust your damage reader um expect him to turn around stay calm he's tauntable this isn't you know this isn't blackwing lair you're not you know there's an untauntable boss right that you're fine um one thing i like to do is i do like to put up a shadow resistor on this guy as well because it does do a little shadow damage and i will ask my dps on this boss um just to wait for me to get a good consecration down i don't think they wait for me by the way but they should um what i essentially have to do on bosses if i can is i want to get a crusader on him first judge crusader so that he takes extra holy damage and then go from there then do a consecrate and then you know keep your your seal of the righteous up um the other thing that's neat too is this guy is a demon so you are able to use exorcism on him and i probably should be testing that out to see which ones are actually demons as i go i haven't really um i thought but this one it was just you know obvious lastly he's going to have ads if your group sucks um tell one of the people they are on ad duty just kill the ends when they come out you don't want it all running around i try and keep consecrate down all times but i always notice that the um adds tend to get loose so oh and lastly he's going to put a debuff that damages people around you so hopefully if you know you have melee dps they know to move away from the tank but anyway here i am um again they didn't wait but i'm able to get a decent threat lead once once i was able to uh get some some strikes in got crusader up bombs we're gonna take extra damage and now i think i'm just trying to keep concentrate down how it's going down nice i want to pay attention see where my man is at the end of this fight because i think i'm starting to get decent enough mana where i can just do full level consecrates i wasn't doing that here i think i was doing just rank ones just to get a little bit of threat um that dog got out and it was probably a waste of consecrate there because the dog just left but as you can see really easy fight um damage isn't crazy um threat is fine i mean as long as you whenever you're able to exercise on cooldown you're gonna have a good a good amount of threat there so now i got all the dogs which is good ended with plenty of mana so i think next time i'm gonna make sure i do max rank consecrate just to make sure i try and keep all those dogs on me but the belt i wanted dropped nice um right now i have um shadow aura up so i'm gonna put back my red aura let's see if we do that or for dressing bad paladin who's just going gaga over his level 60 belt that he's going to replace in four levels but right now is the coolest thing ever all right all right so um next polls are easy but um be prepared the encounter with the final boss starts after you kill the last mom of the last pat you're gonna see me fight so it's a good idea to mana up here and maybe mana up again after um after you killed these two mobs and you're gonna see when i fight the last bunch of moms that i'm thinking about it i'm worried because i'm judging wisdom on these guys um but yeah so again this isn't hard we just want to make sure that you have enough mana for that uh for that boss fight so as you can see here the shaman hasn't drank anything and i offered him a drink coming in here because i know what's coming and we're gonna see if he drinks it all right so i go and i'm gonna drink yep all right so i'm drinking okay the healer is too i must just take a ton of damage on the boss because i think the hemorrhoid helium is going zoom so i'm gonna come up here again this is a trivial um two mobs to kill but you just wanna don't spend too much mana so i think i've got both taunt and hot up so i'm like i'll let them walk on me i don't mind having to taunt my back and then i still have hodge for the other one if if he gets out of hand i'm not going to spend a ton of um mana if i can help it that's right there i was hodgin probably yeah okay now the fight's gonna start as soon as this guy dies so now all sudden you're gonna see a big dragon come in he's gonna drop off his buddy and you gotta fight him so you wanna make sure that you can either taunt him or be smart like i did and actually just judge him to get some snap threat with righteousness at this point you want to be keeping an eye out for fire on the ground like that move him out and then also when this guy gets down to about 30 percent the dragon's gonna come down so right there that was a mistake i should not have taunted him because then i got no way of getting the dragon back so if you're a smart tank save your taunt for that dragon um i could've done a better job my threat rotation to keep his his little walking buddy um at bay but what can you do at this point you're gonna walk every time he sprays fire on the ground i'm doing a bad job i really should keep more put and not walk as much make it easier for my dps to keep doing their rotation but i'm antsy because i'm low health at this point i am almost dead okay there we go child is picking me up again but at this point just keep your defensives up i got i really don't have that creative threat lead but it is what it is i got taunt if if need be i'm just right now i'm kind of worried about dying um even with uh my fire resistor i feel like i'm taking a lot of damage but every time you see the fire move them just enough so your melee can do what they gotta do anyway that's the instance um not too difficult i hope you saw all the pulls um i think it's good to watch videos of me because i'm bad so you can see all the stuff that happens when you got a bad tank some of these guys are pros and you watch them do the instance everything goes perfect um if you have any more questions um check out serious gaming on youtube um coasting's got a ton of great content that's where i got most this ideas for this as far as um creating a guy i want to kind of create the anti-casting guide where he's good and i'm not so i can show new tanks what to expect when they get that lens if you have any questions um comments or questions below and if you want even if you have questions about the karazhan um server that atlantis has ask them below i'll answer them also um do play uh classic on the benediction server i'm horde on a classic benediction so you're looking for a guild or anything like that hit me up as well anyway i hope you enjoyed the um content hope you enjoyed the commentary style i suppose there's a straight up guide and we will try and get some more content out shortly
Channel: Tank Hub
Views: 16,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -2_QjIyV2s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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