Feral Druid tanking Mana Tombs N commentary (TBC classic)

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all right hello i am rano and we're currently doing the mana tubes i am a level 64 druid and i will be tanking this um this will be my fourth run and i'm interested to sort of just see how we go that said let's continue so the wonderful thing about being afraid of the road is that you've got a lot of hp and a lot of your damage is uh well a lot of your threat comes from damage so as long as you're doing a decent amount of damage you're pretty good so we just mark do a little bit of an attack on one of the other ones and we should be good the scavengers don't really do anything as far as i'm concerned yeah i don't think that the scavengers actually do anything but for the air but they're pretty easy to kill now the [ __ ] raiders as far as i'm concerned they do have a model strike effect uh and a charge which is a bit annoying the only thing that i really have to keep an eye on is the shaman's mouth as long as we do that we should be completely fine so uh oh yeah i'm also playing with a couple of guildies i i joined this casual guild and i'm not really impressed with the uh quality this is like actually [ __ ] annoying and if he if he pills if he calls for me again i'm going to assume it was an accident i'm hoping he says he's sorry because it's really annoying and this is a instance where actually you can very very easily die from this type of stuff so i don't really want pure stamina but enough hp as it is then give the lock a nice heel i'm just going to kill the sorcerer i don't think we need too much crowd control for this dungeon but i would definitely be ensuring that the uh rogue zap a couple of the other maps anyway it's kind of nice i haven't seen a rogue um in a very long time uh well i haven't played with i've done like 30 burning crusade dungeons and this is the first time i've actually grouped with one so it's pretty nice so it's all good though like none of these enemies actually do too much scavengers don't do anything noteworthy the sorcerers don't do anything nerd worthy they cast like arcane missiles and it doesn't hit super hard it's sort of like 1.5 k in a in a kind of five second channel so it's never actually too bad all you've got to do is just make sure that you keep aggro and pretty much you're good a few i think that the uh crypt raiders are first because they do have a model strike effect and as long as that's good just making sure that my sorcerer can remain on me throughout the duration of the kill and yeah looks like we should be good well i will i will need to inform them on this boss and just say because the rogue could easily die so so justin fyi on this boss [Music] he gains a shield and if you attack it you die except for hunter attacks hunter attacks they good that is the fight that is the entire fight which is watch out or the scary shield that will kill everyone so we do have a nax geared uh warlock and i was a bit worried about losing aggro and it looks like i lost aggro so that's all good we just did a lot of damage there um you can definitely see that karl marx's pet got destroyed i've never seen a hunter actually kind of pull his ped away every single contour i've groomed i've gripped with has just died like their pets just died there's just no pet control management whatsoever and anyway that's it shield off the void i don't have any real i don't really have anything that i wanted off that boss so that's all good i think there there is an idol but it's kind of a piece of [ __ ] oh i didn't have a clarity anyway just have to kill them one by one and we've got our first four pack oh we just received some advice in heroic you would los around the pillar while shield exactly to avoid the bolts i guess that kind of works because yeah those bolts do hit pretty hard um i am going to ask our oh he already knows exactly what we got to do okay sure a bit too hard to uh to set the one i wanted but you know that's fine if it's combat then i'd rather than be safe as yeah it's always a bit of a scare scary one hunter had no idea how to swap targets for my friendly guilty bar marks like i don't think i'm gonna be in this guild for too long because these people are [ __ ] it kind of you know you're not in a great guild when you would prefer to have pugs over your own guild mates so i'm not entirely sure i'll just get them sap one just zap one i'm happy the one that is easiest for you you can now i can los back and we're good to go that is a bit of damage and i still need more expertise because it's just dodge dodge dodge i'm gonna i'm just gonna be pulling the entire room because i need the rep and if i do my math correctly i really only need to do uh nine of these and but here's the thing right if i don't do more if i don't do all the mobs i have to do 10. so i'm doing all of them and i would rather just clear them get the sap whatever you want but wait for sap and you pull i guess one of the things that i like about sap is that it doesn't immediately put us in combat which means i can actually pull and still get the initial aggro go out of form moon fire os around the pillar so we can actually kill the mana leeches without too much of an issue brilliant current runs going smooth this hunter really needs to be a bit more careful on how he pulls models because these guys suck and they've got a mana burn now mana burn in this instance is very interesting and it's interesting because it does an absolute [ __ ] ton of damage it does like it drains like 4.5 k mana and does half of that in damage so you can see people's mana bars going from pretty much something to nothing very very quickly i'm just going to help out with the healing just get your mana back gob smack i just like having any excuse to use tranquility because it's such a cool ability it's so cool all right we've now got our nexus tara now the nexus terrors do a couple of things they've got a dot that hurts a lot decreases the damage as well as a fear so we're just gonna wait bring them back and yep that fear right there that i somehow resisted is the reason why i'm still alive they also do shadow damage so they hit a bit harder they've also got this curse ah curse of impotence increases magical damage magical damage dealt is reduced by 316. i will decurse it on the warlock all right the road completely failed the set and we are going to i'm just going to mark that as a skull and they can kill it but that's all good we're still in pretty much the easy part of the instance where none of the mobs are too scary the only thing noteworthy is the priest because they heal um i'm just gonna pull it back mark the priestess skull [Music] give that a mangle and if the hunter continues to dps the sorcerer that's on there but at the very least be easy to kill the two packs of boys go pretty nicely i'll let them do a sneaky sap [Music] i can kind of like the like the split second but the rogue is not having a very good time with the saps i must admit not the uh because you didn't really do it in vanilla because it just break you out of stealth just such a stupid so stupid so i'm just going to pull these around the corner and we're going to dps it normally because i contain three tap three packs i can absolutely take oh those are legitimately good i want them like they've got all the stats it's a it's an absolute druid piece of gear um a rogue is not going to want it it's got like everything and uh that's really really good and also we should probably um do this so i don't know why a level 68 uh dropped that but you know oh it's an atomize one but that's pretty good i can now place this in my to be equipped items congrats thanks um you will 100 need a sap here uh you are sapping this one we're absolutely sapping the dark caster yeah dark cast is a bloody scary that man of burn is nuts but the priests don't do much the scavengers don't really do anything and the sorcerer's uh kind of cares arcane missiles not really a big deal i'm just going to moon fire to break it out of sap get it away from the external horror on the nexus horror it is external though i'm going to help out on healing a bit because this dot hurts a [ __ ] ton and yep so they've got the sacrifice i'm just gonna help out on healing this i do not know why that healed for so much i guess i don't know that he'll fall a lot all right gonna pull this back because the fear can absolutely wipe us if we get multiple packs here this is the other one the shadow is embraced to silence 50 damage reduction in addition a uh 3 000 dot over six seconds so pretty powerful all right once again just going to be careful just going to make sure that this safely without any issues you need to kill the skull my fellow dps's the shaman's really good by the way so no complaints again against him he is doing a bloody good job keeping me healed good mana he's also resto spec which probably helps a lot um but yeah you need to no god yeah i'm just gonna i have to say something because this is ridiculous like because and by the way you can see like what happened um with the one uh with the one pull um oh you're gonna you're gonna have to you're gonna have to have to not target them if you keep accidentally auto shoot pulling oh [ __ ] that was not a good sap there i stunned that one so hopefully that's good all right spanish didn't work there so we've managed to avoid the shadow burn but that is all of carl's man of gone the reason he didn't take nearly as much damage is pretty much because uh he doesn't have too much mana but hopefully he gets the uh hopefully he gets the memo that i'm not very happy with the pulling definitely with tanking you do get a bit more uh upset at small mistakes anything that makes your uh time tanky just tiny bit worse it's just like the most unacceptable behavior ever very fire is fine very fire is absolutely fine you just sap what you want but we will absolutely just kill all right he's just doing the please just sap one i just want to make sure that we don't have a free dark caster because yeah it was mentioned that the uh that the mana burn is open the priest all good doing a hole over and should be pretty easy i really like having a rope the interrupts are actually just so nice to have i'm going to get the nexus terrace in a good location get the mangle it crits which means i've got pretty good threat the rest of this fight and stun lock from the uh or just the opener that's fine though i will probably be curse shaman because i don't have too much rage and i need to buff myself with phones again it's right as long as we've killed the dark caster first and foremost and we managed to let it not go off like i would rather a full heal than a mana burn go off and the shaman is taking the ancient like which is fine you take it how you want i'm just going to give the uh oh it's fell armor that's why i'm healing for so much i'm not letting you pickpocket slow down our run or miss rogue but it is a human female which means it's probably a man almost certainly i've never known a guild that's ever played a rogue all right cool and this boss is pretty easy um it's more of a healer thing he just does damage to random people and that is the fight doesn't even hit that hard like come on give me enough rage so i can actually you know mangle unfortunately though the warlock is managing to not pull threat which is awesome anyway i'm about to lose spread 91 so we'll see it looks like though i may be able to keep this no my mangle just got completely dismissed and all right we killed it without many issues i didn't get the boots that i kind of want but not really that's fine you get the scimitar of the nexus stock which is a nice offhand for our rogue going to quickly stare out of the way get the mana leeches because they suck that is done and we're good to uh swipe tank because these mana leeches they have the mana burn which really sucks oh god i just met a burn the healer but managed to mostly be okay because we're kind of good got a lot of hp here anyway now i've got a new enemy type called the nexus stalker and they pretty much do a gouge which causes me to lose all my aggro it's just it's it's just kind of an annoyance and a bit of a scare some of the dps [Applause] but otherwise it's not really high uh it's not really what i would call high priority they're more of an annoyance than anything though they can make other enemies way worse anyway we are going to wait for the patrol go back oh unless actually we'll just get the double stalker pack right there they're not really that bad to be honest you just gotta be aware of the gouge with the gouge being really annoying one of the things i found is that i really do like having warts in my group because i can heal the warlock to gain threat from that [Music] a text message asking me if i want to be over for dinner i certainly do my dad my dad so we've got a pretty similar pack here just the dark caster gotta make sure that they don't do anything too spooky anyway this dot really sucks by the way it does like 1 000 damage a tip but you can partially resist it though there's a partial resist there there's a full tick with the 1042 you can just see how much damage that does so i'm just going to heal myself because i would rather not spend all that time uh waiting for the healer to get mana on stuff that i can heal myself that's one of the nice things about being a druid you can actually heal yourself and not be too big of an issue so anyway oh this was not great positioning we're good but there is a tremor so we're all good we're all friends here the i think that the fugus um the the august i don't know how to say that word it's a bit of a scary guy so i'm gonna get everyone to kill them first so what they do is they do a blast wave at a sheep and as long as you can avoid both of them you're good we've got a lot of people doing manner tombs the first time and i must say this group is so much nicer than my previous group with like uh next scared people and it's sort of like just really annoying uh they would do mana like they'd run out of mana really really quickly and they would out damage all my spells this rogue is just on top of it so i really like this rogue i'm gonna do a big healing touch myself some pots and just continue the nice things about holding yourself is that once again it's fret you can say oh i'm not trying to replace your job mr healer what i'm trying to do is generate fret because i barely have enough uh because unfortunately mole got nerfed so it doesn't have the big fret modifier anymore um all right i'm gonna get people to kill the stalker because i think that the stalker is more annoying than the spellbinders the spellbinders don't really do anything except they summon like tiny ads they also cast immolation but that's not a really big deal so i'm gonna let dps take the gouge because hey i want to keep my aggro and now we should be good it's not that hard to keep aggro on most of these things except and they're like ads and you kill them because they do a a uh volley really annoying so you're gonna do the same thing probably gonna lose aggro really quickly and uh let a dps take the gouge just gonna do a charge into taunt mangle and all right let it die all the rapes and they're pretty much good now we can get the terror and just continue we've got our we do have a full pool next so i'm gonna make sure that uh cool the lock needs a heel block needs to heal managed to survive it fairly i'll probably give the heel afterwards as well just to save a bit of mana also because it's just fun healing the lock boom 4 000 and we absolutely would appreciate it if you could sap the target i'll mark the priests there but fortunately the like really dangerous casters are not in the groups of four but you know you do you just use your cc and pretty much interrupt that with my feral charge and we're doing pretty well oh we're starting an event [Applause] i haven't actually done this because i'm saving this for when i uh because well what i'm actually doing is just saving this for when i get the reputation because you know i would very much like it if i didn't waste my i'm getting reputation from the consortium because you gain about like i need to do five more runs after this to be reputation for my reputation to be fine i'll just ask um can we continue or do we need to do something here not entirely sure not entirely sure a squad quest oh wonderful um okay let's do that oh we just started all right well we're going to have to yeah this car marks guys are not great i've not been very impressed with them so this is going to take a bit longer than i expected so i haven't i don't remember what's involved in doing this quest which especially sucks because we are expecting people to just to do it i think also part of the reason is that i would do this during my final run because i should technically be [Music] at reputation cap when i do my final run i think but we're gonna have to do this again and this is all very very boring i'm sure we'll get some enemies soon there we go so i'm going to give this a skull just so people know what to [ __ ] attack and he should be good charge taunt and just pray my three credibilities that i'll be fine but the shaman is like actually so good but i'm not really threatened give away over that said i should probably give myself thorns again and also just rebuff everyone with black and wild i don't have uh any of the seeds because i'm a cheapskate so i can't get people um wild stuff all right cool and you get a regrowth i'm hoping that this doesn't take too long i should be able to get to my dinner by seven oh they've changed it to 7 30. now i'm not too worried about time i can't even see the guy now because we've got this big ass giant dude top of us not allowing us to see anything i am hoping that eventually i will be able to get this ring which is actually quite nice but i do believe that the one time i give myself some actual loot competition is the one time it will it tends to be how these things work without said though it's not like the ring is like massively better compared to everything else okay we've got some sorcerers nothing too scary gonna mark this one i'm just gonna let the hunter get hit because yeah exactly there should be a vain death you should use your credible police and we're good there is i'm gonna have to do this escort for myself at some point it's not going to be too fun so after this i guess i do the arcanine crips and that gives me lower city rep and what's kind of lame about arcanine [ __ ] is that it's a two boss dungeon i think it's the dungeon with the least amount of bosses in the game i mean technically you could say rage fire chasm as well but there are bosses well there's technically i guess there's four name dudes there's just like that there's four name dudes but only two of them drop loot i do really wish that we did this at the very end oh oh do the nexus terrors respawn that's the case then i'm gonna have to pull it bit earlier because i want to get this out of the way are you hold up a second did that did i somehow pull both of them well we can stun that guy and be for the most part fine so we only have to deal with one terror at a time i think i mean i guess it's a little bit more red when you do this type of stuff as well so i should have a decent surplus when i do this escort mission myself not too bad everyone's always pretty healthy big healing touch for the warlock rejuvenation and back into their fall so it doesn't look like they actually respawn it's just part of the escort mission i think this dude was meant to say i think that was meant to be the two uh nexus terrors but we killed them so all good i'm hoping that we haven't bugged out hopefully he can do everything he needs to and then i can just continue on with the rest of this dungeon and we're out of here i guess he blows this place all up now karl marx is doing some banter with the shashim shaheen i really don't want to do this okay i guess we are ready to go a casual walk out i'm gonna guess that we've got one more pull oh i haven't even given myself mark required everyone else hasn't though i'm not giving everyone because it's kind of pointless yeah this is uh this is not worth this isn't worth it i'm going to be doing definitely going to be advertising this as a rep group next time because i don't want to do this escort multiple times it's it's really boring and he walks so slowly and there's no i feel like the reason why escort quests are so bad it's just that you can never properly sort of pace them it's always going to be too fast or too slow it's never going to be sort of the right level all right we've got this shadow lord exeris i don't think he drops any loot it'd be really nice if it would drop loot all right so cool now we're attacking shadow board [Music] i don't know what the name is currently it's not doing anything i don't actually know i haven't done this before i've done mana tunes multiple times now but we've always skipped the x score just a tank in the space it looks like something you do need to do with a group but you know nothing special and dead oh we all good to continue now okay good he is using aspect of the beast very very happy we can now get back to what we were doing which is farming large amounts of reputation through a dungeon which i'm not even sure if i need to do do i even need to do this dungeon multiple time yep sorry for log you should be sorry you've wasted our time also i i didn't even get a chance to burn in the castle i need to see if i need to actually get the consortium reputation up to be able to do the heroic version because if that's not the case then i'm just gonna like quest for a bit and just do arcanine tombs since i think that's sort of a requirement anyway we are going to just continue with the quest and i hope i never have that again until i need to do it i can pray alright cool nexus terror because that was our intermission [Applause] all right i definitely want to de-curse the warlock since that's a lot of damage with that curse there you go that's like 300 less damage from it so we've got patrol gonna pull back and you better not attack it you better not attack it you better not attack it you may want to replace your totems because i don't have enough threat all right cool there we are the totem placement i guess these people haven't done mana teams before so easy mistake to make and plus it's only a tool pool it didn't get the extra free and we had almost killed the nexus horror so we're all good actually ended up being pretty smooth all things considered now i'm happy to do pools of three the only thing that i'm really scared of is those uh there's the mobs that do a mana burn and i don't believe there's any more of them so we've got these spell miners which aren't very scary we've got the the other caster dude which through sheep which can be scary but for the most part as long as we focus them down we should be good i will be encouraging a sap for the next pack oh and definitely marking that as a circle so what is this anything more than forgive me but i was as i am a gracious host i will tell you and it's very hard to time uh your lifebloods and now we just don't care we should be able to tank all of them and i mean not the light like the damage is actually really nice like it's lower fret and it's nice damage and this rogue is just on top of the interrupts i'm really impressed like your efforts are noticed mr rogue give myself a regrowth give the warlock a regrowth any any threat i can get is good oh outrange that uh bad idea not a great stun so i'm just gonna let karl marx go because i am very scared of the fear seem to work out pretty well we are going to do a hurricane pull with this aoe pack i oh no oh no just earned myself this could wipe this could ironically wipe us so uh sorry about that all right well why i really need an add-on for mana just to make sure that i know how much i have sorry sorry i owned myself with the pool sorry i own myself with tipple certainly did well i think we're good for the next one though pop my back backpack trinket and it should be good to uh get as much aggro as i can on everything else and the rogue's like yeah no this shit's [ __ ] don't need to do that all right we got our boss now the one thing we need to uh say is bob smack you just need to focus on getting your mana i need to as well because i just zoomed myself again i think i'll just wait for the passive though oh and i will just say kill ads please and gg let's see how well they do it because this gives me plenty of time to get aggro that's my main goal good amount of credit oh no matt well my percentage is starting to get lower as people do more and more damage but it's a good amount like i should be able to hold aggro for this entire fight especially if i crit and it looks like we're doing pretty well the interrupts don't work though and just need to make sure that the you get healed and that looks like it's good easy peasy and a pet thing mask of the howling storm enhancement shaman or elemental you want that type anyway that was the mana tubes a wood fun dungeon a bit of a step up since there's these mobs that hit really hard with the mana burns you didn't see too much because the rogue was absolutely on top of it and it's always good to complement your good uh players great interrupts great interrupts um there always good to tell people when they do a good job great hill great heels i'm keen to go again if you guys are and i will say i am happy with just one this time thanks for the grip yep gobsmack as said hit me up if you need a healer i am going to adam as a friend because i like being friends with good healers because man the mana was good now saiyu was uh absolutely brilliant rogue as well going to friend it's a human female so it's a hymn but good and from that that should be the mana tombs i need to do four more of these and i should ding and i'll be able to do the escort and i'll be able to do the rest of the uh dungeons and i'll be level 65 so should be good
Channel: BrannoGaming
Views: 10,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YUivMkJb7EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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