Taylor Swift interview on the Graham Norton show

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] witness a fringe fest thank you so much for Taylor Swift thank you very much that is me which is out now exclamation point he really had to add back this promises a new album yeah yeah it's all we know when it's on the way we we do okay we don't know but I'm really flattered that you would be curious what people are curious like they don't know what the album is called and that's annoying them yeah with the new teaser fans mm-hmm some fans figure it out what the album's called oh definitely definitely and that's because when I was making the first music video I was just like putting all kinds of references to unreleased music in the music video so I'm sort of it's definitely my fault that there are a lot of theories about it because I put a lot of clues in the video and so some fans have definitely guessed it because they're very smart so this song me and you know the bright colors and all that is that a kind of is that a foreshadowing of what the album is gonna be like mm-hmm yeah we're not gonna shadow me cheese that you used it like it was about like this is a bright happy album yeah it definitely is it's um yeah I'm in a much better mood and also so you're you're in a good but you're back to doing informative interview in this country for ages I haven't done an interview really before a couple like two weeks ago for three years I was doing a thing what was it a nice thing not to do it to you I mean I shouldn't talk myself out of a job yeah everyone's like they're like we haven't slept in 36 hours I mean you know I I was doing a thing I came up with a rhyme for it like the album was called reputation so I came up with a rhyme which was there will be no explanation there will just be reputation that was like ah it rhymes got a stick to it so I did yeah I'm really happy to see you again I know we're so happy to see you yeah and also the thing is you seem like one of the people who's good at this bit like you you like chatting you're you know so yeah it's kind of mind you having said that he's not no well tell us about the interview with the Rolling Stone magazine so that was it was a credible weird can all day interview yeah so when Rolling Stone does a cover story it's like they say hang out you know you hang out with this journalist for a couple days and they just you just hang out if you drive around they're sitting there you go to lunch we hang it's like a thing and it was a huge deal for me to have a cover of Rolling Stone it still is like for me that's like oh like it's a big angel singing moment and so of course like I was just like be your best self today like be like if you're gonna drive you drive the best you've driven like also you're like how do I be real and not like pretty pretending to be real like when I'm clearly like I know this is a journalist like look but do all that I was just like okay so I'm gonna take him on a day that I is this journalist named Brian Hyatt who's the coolest and like take him on a day I'm going to rehearsals it's normal and I'm just gonna drive him cuz that's what I normally do be you're bad self at driving and I got in to car accident one was my fault one was not one wasn't I'm sorry the second one was a year welcome I saved your life but I was like I was fully panicking and when we got side so I think he screamed out something like I have a new baby at home good cover story for me like this is gonna be good for people reading it but not for me it really killed me and the Mustang ones and I was thinking the same thing I've got a baby it's I think it might be your first thought I I'm like I have three cats actually choking off cats you will be in cats the movie the full cats movie it's my dream no really there's nothing like your dream job so you which cat are you giving us I'm a cat named BOM ballerina which is a very common name oh yes BOM Larina she's the she's a quite a friendly cat she's like a manipulative sociopath cat so if that's your version of friendly if that's like what you find you look like okay I'm hearing that yes okay I mean it's an amazing cast its interest Alaba yourself Judi Dench Ian McKellen lots of stars and yeah yeah Bob Wilson yeah sir rebel Wilson yes Jason Derulo's in it and he's phenomenal dude his English accent better than mine yeah can you do something no we read about this thing so cats cool was cat school a real thing okay so I'm sure you guys are we got drama school people here I'm sure yeah you know the animal behavior class yeah yeah yeah we did that where you crawl around as a cat it's what we called it cat school cuz I think they thought that's cuter but like basically you I'd go in every day and crawl around on the floor and learn about cats and watch videos of cats and so basically like my normal day yeah like they're like you you study their bodies you study their instincts and I was only supposed to come in for like three days of cat school and I was there for four months [Laughter] I have more fun than than anyone else that's guaranteed Oh obviously you have cats so it's a little bit Benson who is she's I mean she must be jealous that that you're in the movie about cats not her she seems she likes to pose for the camera yeah so my second cat my middle cat detective Olivia Benson is photogenic cat no she is I mean check this out like a yoga she was just doing that was amazing yeah anytime you want to see it I'm like oh I've just got to remind people because I think this is an amazing statistic you know you've got this new album coming out Taylor Swift has done something only the Beatles have done so no other kind of single performer has done this no no other woman exactly that you've had an album at number one for six weeks for four consecutive albums wow that's an amazing thing so I'll repeat that's a fast we can't wait for it to come out and thank you so much for that performance [Applause]
Channel: Marvin Tran
Views: 1,613,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taylor Swift, Graham Norton, ME!, Ts7, Brendon Urie, Panic at the Disco
Id: aQJwFsdK22w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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