Taylor Swift's Fangirls DIE at Secret Listening Parties - The Graham Norton Show

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didn't you invite a load of people to your house fans to your house I heard that on the radio yesterday or the day before but I didn't know whether it was fiction or not you no that's true that's true but how do you select them how do you get people to come around your Guff well basically um I got this idea before I finished the album and I wanted to call it um the 1989 secret sessions because I knew before I finish the album that I was most proud of this album more than anything I'd done before and so I wanted to give fans a chance to hear it before it came out like a month before it came out and I'd never done this before but I wanted it to be all fans who uh had never met me before and had been like I've been to seven shows I've never met you I camped out on the street I waited out I never saw you whatever like I wanted it to be these people who have been so dedicated but I've never gotten to thank them in person we we we didn't get an invite joh no maybe next next time but I just but I just think Taylor you know not to sound like worst case scenario Andrea but it sounds like a terrible idea the worst the worst idea and was it all right well so the way never doing it again prodct you're looking for is no actually no you you had fun you liked it I found them on the Internet for the Tinder which is Tinder what you're talking about K I would go online I would look at at their Instagram Pages or their Tumblr or their Twitter or whatever and um and just kind of watch them for months and months and then go back just sort of and then I invited them over and they came and they came and theyve been like there have been we've had them at every one of my houses and um when did you first start having these I have say this is sweet right so the fans cuz the fans who go to do it they then of course want to blog about it because they've had this amazing experience but when they blog about it it's borderline confusing on whether they had a good time or not so here are some of the blog things so we were asked to go to the living room sit down not know how much I was sweating during that moment I was like the is going to happen my poor heart could not keep up then all of a sudden she just popped up out of nowhere she appeared on th I like David Copperfield and we all died like for real wait there's more this one this one so she says she would be playing her album for us let me tell you the noise that came out of my mouth was not human I legit I legit almost told Mama Swift to call me an ambulance cuz I wasn't going to make [Applause] it I love them so much cuz they always talk about dying ding yes I die like rest in peace me rip me I died dead we took a little break we took a little break as she was passing around D crispy treats and cookies and I was talking to her mom for a little and then I walked back in and she was like hey babe thanks for coming do you want a treat and I was like I would but I think I'm [Applause] dead these are amazing this one oh this is brilliant mident she stopped talking it pointed to Amanda and said Amanda I'm so glad you're here Amanda died right there and finally finally uh guys just wait for the one she did with image and Heap cuz damn that one slayed everyone to heaven and back while listening to the song I literally had to plan my funeral arrangements cuz I wasn't going to make it the very good love them oh my God those were so funny I think I'm going to die I'm going to die right here just dead [Music] how did it have the accident what what accident is that a is that a proper cat or is it no we I love learning you you do your chess match and then you test match chest match
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,391,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behind the scenes, Celebrities supporting fans, Celebrity fandom, Celebrity gossip, Celebrity surprises, Chat show, Engaging with fans, Fan loyalty, Fans, Interviews, Taylor Swift album, Taylor Swift interview, Taylor Swift's allure, Taylor Swift's fanbase, Taylor Swift's house, Taylor Swift's impact on fans, Taylor Swift's music, Taylor Swift's personal life, The Graham Norton Show, TheGNShow exclusive content, TheGrahamNortonShow
Id: 7jLWyenqY5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 10 2014
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