Taylor Swift DIED In Eddie Redmayne’s Arms! | Best of Season 30 Part One | The Graham Norton Show

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Pedro Pascal sort of jobbing actor and now suddenly king of Television two of the biggest shows on TV the Mandalorian and the last of us so yeah and are you I mean because you know because like I say you've been in the business for a long time are you enjoying all this sudden attention yeah Ariana back to your Oscar getting lots of it like for instance what are you Daddy me [Applause] at uh internet Daddy yeah I'm still trying to figure it out no people are like this daddy there's daddy um okay with a z i mean that sounds that's very like silver foxy it's like never been here about you like that I'll take it all kind enough I guess that's the thing is Daddy no there's memes and stuff but even on Twitter they're all going crazy for it uh like I I need to stop calling Pedro Pascal Daddy it's becoming a problem uh is my cool Daddy yes I love this one down here Pedro Pascal is a biblically gorgeous man I want to feed him grapes I want to Fan him with the front of a date palm Forest Lebanon I want to find the alabaster vial of perfume oil that one woman broke for Jesus and comb it through his hair yeah I'm gonna DM that person and the last sentence is like he's stressing me out you're gorgeous you don't credit yourself as Lewis capality I don't put my name on them just in case they're absolute Duds returning um yes I use pseudonyms oh yeah pseudonyms which means fake name that's what something I only learned this year so yeah I used two as two synonyms usually one in Scotland if you go for a show you go for a Joby that's what that's what it means some one of them I use is Anita Joby oh and the other one is uh Suka fat one I think I meant to keep them Secrets but I think when you look at me you you think suck a fat one these are these are actual credits on songs now yeah there's one by kygo and Dean Lewis it came out that one actually did well so actually I've just called them all done to know them did very well and an easy job he wrote that one yeah yeah I took a fat one's yet to have any cut spot I'm feeling I'm holding it and so any what the guy said there that want to shook a fat one give me a call you like the UK you're kind of learning to speak our language a little bit what you're saying yeah you wanna you wanna do crack no I don't that's no come on crack you know you crack we can have some crack but I'm not gonna offer you crack we're having crack yeah I think maybe if you look good in front of it's better good crack yeah yeah baby steps exactly what other phrases do you like well um what's the uh I watch Love Island so there's a lot of those um mug off I feel like I'm like what are some mug like we a mug is what you drink coffee out of you know or like there's like a meme mug like why are you mugging me but what does Mug mean here I don't think it's the same thing a mug is a face isn't it is it well they'll be like I feel like a mug and I'm like what how can you feel like a ceramic cup I don't understand me I like that one a lot I've forgotten this I'm now looking at that are you okay Anna Maxwell Martin I did flag this Graham no and I'd forgotten you did say and I'd forgot I don't believe you forgot no but now so you have a phobia of something on the set and it's not Graham and it's not Bruce Springsteen and it's not sofas what have you got a phobia of this is okay because actually I can see now it's made of plastic but I do have a favor of fruit bowls yeah not the bowl not the bowl the fruit the fruit is it that they're all touching each other I'm sorry when did that start I just don't know I've got a few phobias they just crop up okay so is it the fruit or the bowl no it's not the bowl but it's the fruit it's the do you eat fruit so what'd you do for your five a day now I don't think we're going to upset you Anya but you have a phobia yes but I think yours is a legitimate fear thank you very much yeah um I am really scared of revolving doors oh yeah I get terrified of being cut in half or being stuck in one um and to be fair my first ever seen on peaky blinders I was supposed to it was a wanna now supposed to run in through revolving doors grab someone take them through the revolving doors First Take I get stuck in there so legitimate I think so yes and also could you have to you have to match your speed to the speed of the door oh God and if you're at the airport everyone with their luggage I'm just like I'm gonna die the story is as you say it's kind of that classic thing it's a sort of closed room except it's an idea it's a closed room I suppose a chamber piece don't you was that what they're called yeah and a lot of people uh I've talked about the Benoit blanc's accent there and that was he always going to sound like that was that in the original script It Was Written um it said it was a very sort of small piece of stage Direction which said uh Benoit Blanc with a subtle lilting southern accent which I got on with that so and it's a big like it's one of those things in your head did you think yeah I'll do that and then you get to presumably a read through and you're going oh I mean I said to Ryan the director I just said are you sure and he went yes and they went okay um and I just then I you know then it's just work I I have I really struggle with accents I can't I just can't turn it on um or mimic things so I have to kind of learn it like by rote like musically and then get it into my head and then once it's in it's in and then I can't get rid of it do you want to know something really embarrassing about that period of my life okay I was at a I was in New York boreline that time probably a couple years before 2006 let's say and a friend of mine who's a movie producer had this uh her kids birthday party and her kid was turning 13 and they were they had like you know the like Upper East Side like well to do whatever James organized it yeah and they said she said Taylor would love it if you just popped in whatever it's it's fancy dress but do not feel the need I was like yeah pop in a little 13 year olds I went by myself at least 13 year old kids all in really elaborate fancy dress I got talking these two young kids one was just like Dracula and was just something else and I was talking to her a bit and they went I was wearing it was my hot face so I was wearing like a thrillby or something and the guy went to me I'll kill Justin Timberlake cool and I was like I'm I'm not I'm not I'm not actually dressed like that I'm actually gonna meet in the mids and I that was genuinely the last time I ever apart from that time Hugh Jackman before I think we did oh we didn't oh we did she did once once you only remember once oh is that all I remember yeah there's many more times it was at least a fortnight imagine a corridor we did mention a corridor a gentle strangers and he we had a great kiss people are very very envious we've had another one just now so I've had two and the night is young keep drinking see you guys see but Hugh Jackman you you nearly worked with Dame Judy oh yes well no I wish I had worked with Dame Judy on in anything and everything but there was a point where my agent rang me and said are you interested in playing Bond not that it was an offer for Bond uh of course I didn't know that you were playing m at the time um but it was one of those things where I have since found out when I was being asked if I was interested about eight other actors were being asked at the same time okay including Daniel Craig so there we go we're the tailoring Eddie you have worked together we have oh wow yeah it was a decade ago I once died in his arms in a screen test for Les Mis I did not know this I did not know this yeah that there's a lot that people don't know about this story um basically I was I was auditioning for two roles in Les Mis and I'd done a few auditions and gone to New York and whatever and I think it had been established that I I had more of a look of cozette but I had the range vocally of eponine so it was established that like I was there for a time not a long time but they were like you know do you want to come to London for one last screen test and you'll get to screen test with Eddie Redman I'm like this seems like an experience I want to have in my life you're like one of my favorite actors you're so ridiculously talented I was like so yeah I'll go to London um I get there and they're like okay so we really want to like make you look like eponine we're gonna try to do it's the you know she she did she wasn't like loaded she had Brown teeth you know like she didn't have a lot of money so a 19th century Street yeah it didn't floss exactly they were like we're actually gonna paint your teeth Brown for this and I'm like so you're gonna do that after I meet Eddie Redmayne right that's that's not something you do before I get to meet people and then you do the brown teeth I'm like oh no it's um this is just everybody's gonna meet you with the brown teeth we're gonna we're gonna like do like big circles under your eyes like like you're near death and I was like this this has immediately become a nightmare for me and so then I had you know we you were so nice but I think when I met you I was like it was hilarious I you know as you walked in as a 19th century French street urchin and and and I was not expecting that but my overwhelming memory of it Taylor was I had um I'd just been to Pizza Express beforehand and I'd had some some garlic dough balls I thought we were going to be singing off with each other you know that but they they had us also it was so weird because Taylor was dressed fully as ethanine and I was like in my tracksuit and they had us on the floor like singing Sweet Nothings into each other and all I knew is I just had garlic bread I had Brown teeth it was one of these it was like trying to show emotions you were weeping and I just thought it was because of how I looked like I have to be close to her right now this is yeah this was not the method no no you're both struggling in that moment it was a beautiful audition [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 666,907
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Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, pedro pascal, taylor swift, lizzo, graham norton s30, graham norton new episode, star wars, the last of us, pedro pascal interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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