Taylor Swift on "Lover" and haters

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[Music] it's Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Tracy Smith shake it off was a number one hit for Taylor Swift back in 2014 but she's hardly resting on her laurels her hot new album is just one of the things we talked about when we visited her home in Nashville for our Sunday profile you might say this is Taylor Swift's happy place at the piano in her Nashville home there have been so many songs I've written at this piano fans leaving so long and 20 and and it's off in the middle of the night it's usually in the middle of the night or if I'm trying to get to sleep when I can't and then I get an idea and I'm like well I'm not tired anyway and then kind of wander over here this is kind of a rare sight not just because we were there haven't serenaded someone in a while don't you know that but because for the moment she was actually sitting still you'll never find another like and there never really has been another like Taylor Swift [Music] after only 13 years in the business she's become a musical force of nature with an armload of number-one hits more Grammy Awards than the Rolling Stones and according to Forbes the distinction of being the highest-paid celebrity on the planet by any measure she's an amazing young woman but there were times she says that being young and a woman worked against her you're always gonna have people going did she write all her own songs talking about your personal life talking about your dating life there's a different vocabulary for men and women in the music industry right give me an example okay a man does something it's strategic a woman does the same thing it's calculated a man is allowed to react a woman can only overreact and it seems her usual reaction is to get to work Taylor Swift writes Orko writes all of her songs what's more her music videos are all her vision from the pastel Wonderland in me to the giant dollhouse in her latest video lover we believe the Christmas lights a lover is also the title track of her critically acclaimed new studio album her seventh [Music] big she wrote the song on her piano at home and polished it up in the studio this is her video taken on her cell phone [Music] and once she recorded the music Taylor and her cats went to Hollywood to make the music video and she invited us along to watch okay so when I come onto one of these sets I my heart is racing I'm so excited it is so cool definitely absolutely there's a love story here and like a lot of Taylor's work it's an echo of her real life born in Reading Pennsylvania Taylor Swift discovered her love for music as a toddler she set her sights on a career in country music and eventually her parents and younger brother moved to Nashville to help her do it my brother is a real bro for doing that yeah they all up ended their lives for sure it worked out well yeah I buy on lots of presents the rest reads like a fantasy Taylor Swift became a country music phenomenon and in the last few years a pop icon [Music] but the superstar is by her own admission as emotionally fragile as any other twenty-something I'm still someone who is the first to apologize when I'm wrong and I think but I think I'm better at standing up for myself when I've been wronged so that's something that I think also comes with growing up which brings us to Scooter Braun earlier this summer Scooter Braun a talent agent with whom Swift says she has a contentious relationship acquired the rights to her previous recordings her master's when his company bought Scott Borchetta 's Big Machine Label Group four reported three hundred million dollars Borchetta who worked with Swift for years says she and those close to her including her dad who was an investor knew about the deal in advance and that Swift had previously been offered the chance to buy her own masters she remembers it differently and so you you didn't see it coming so how did you find out I found out when it was online like when it hit the news nobody in your inner circle know do you know and you didn't smell it no I knew he would sell my music I knew he would do that I couldn't believe who he sold it to because we've had endless conversations about Scooter Braun and he has 300 million reasons to conveniently forget those conversations now could you rerecord oh yeah might you do that oh yeah that's a plan yeah absolutely Scooter Braun may not agree with her side of the story but he did reach out to Swift in a tweet last week calling her new album brilliant oh my god okay I'm gonna do it I guess it's clear that she wants to control her music if anybody is watching this thank you so much in fact when it's time to release one of her new songs she does it personally talking to her fans live on Instagram but I'm really excited about sharing this with you because you've really they're for me and you've made my life what it is this personal connection has earned her a loyal following but her openness comes at a price she's followed just about everywhere she goes these days by people who are crazy about her or just plain crazy where is home for you now it's a very good question I try not to ever really say where I am the most because since all my addresses are on the internet people tend to show up uninvited like you know dudes that think we have an imaginary marriage you mentioned that you keep wound dressing with you yeah I've had a lot of stalkers show up to the house armed so we have to think that way and she's come under attack in other ways you need only glance at the tabloids to see some very well publicized feuds and she often hits back at her haters through her music but for instance in you need to calm down she calls out anti-gay protestors and online trolls mr. taken all night I'm curious because I feel like almost every album you have a song where you address the haters at least one song sometimes probably do have that habit I imagine that I might have that habit yeah why is that why sing to the haters well when they stopped coming for me I will stop singing to them you know people go on and on about like you have to forgive and forget to move past something no you don't you don't have to forgive and you don't have to forget to move on you can move on without any of those things happening you just become indifferent and then you move on do you believe in forgiveness yes absolutely like for people that are important in your life who have added you know who have enriched your life and made it better and also there's been some struggle and some bad stuff too but I think that you know if something's toxic and it's only ever really been that what are you gonna do if save on just move on it's fine in doctors office lighting I didn't tell you I was Taylor Swift's music is always personal sometimes intensely so there's one song on the album called soon you'll get better that it's I can't even really hear I can't even listen to it [Music] she won't talk specifically about her inspiration but it comes at a time when her mother Andrea who was battling cancer suffered a relapse it's really interesting so I don't think I have written us on quite like that before and it's just sort of like it's just a tough one I can't imagine but I can also tell you having listened to it that it's universal it's just not something that we deal with until we until we have to until we see it until we experience it until someone close to us is going through something like that and so writing about it was really emotional and I feel the temperature it's warm it's fine she's a lot more comfortable here where she can plunge into her work this glass tank will become a symbolic fishbowl in the music video I very often times remark that my life is like a fishbowl somebody's choosing to be in that fishbowl with me to jump into the official jump into the fishbowl with me and live in that world just with me and you know it's not as depressing as it sounds I promise it's just a figure it's just symbolic talk about fish balls she's been dating British actor Joe Alwin for three years seems he's up for a swim couldn't she just computer generate this and not jump in couldn't we have done this well yeah we'll never know all right pick your little friends crush [Music] at the moment taylor swift's is well fully immersed in today beyond that she says she doesn't know and doesn't want to do you think about you know what am I gonna do in 20 30 years no cuz that puts me into what I call like a panic spiral like I cannot do that I can't I've never been able to do that why it just freaks me out when i zoom out too far i freak out do I know where I'm gonna be or even wanna be in 20 years absolutely not like not taking a single day for granted so how far ahead do you look six months because just cuz I have to plan shows and stuff [Music] but I don't know what I'll do after this album and I think that's great it's actually I tell myself like it's actually really ungrateful to just assume that you have 20 years like be stoked that you have today [Music]
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 5,890,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, taylor swift, lover, album, interview, nashville, tennessee, tn, release, country, pop, crossover, star, popstar, music, musical, grammy, feminist, young women
Id: nDzhoofkRJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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