Taylor Swift’s Full Interview with Ellen

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[Applause] we have had a lot of fun with our first guest over the years take a look our next guest has had the number one album on the country charts for a record 10 weeks in a row please welcome taylor swift [Music] [Applause] your musical crush somebody in the business oh justin timberlake justin timberlake is your favorite justin that's the best surprise ever this is the best day ever finish this statement i am taylor blank i think just like birth certificate wise it's swift like i am ellen blank i am ellen degeneres i am ellen degeneres and i am married to portia dorothy i am taylor swift i am dating blank nobody [Applause] that's that's true though i am taylor swift and my publicist told me to say blank my publicist told me not to answer any personal questions that now we're getting somewhere [Applause] kitty corner is a show for people who love cats and we'll answer your questions about cap yeah you can call us with your questions and we can call it cat calls or look what the cat called in [Applause] [Music] eight times [Music] hiding in the bathroom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up in the air being on ellen's show is one of the best monotone like that being on the ellen show is one of the best experiences you can have now laugh in a monotone way that was an yep montage i know and that's that's no no one's in there okay we're not going to do it to you today and it's not amateur hour no no i'm not gonna you're because i can't top how i did it the first time you were the best scare well i don't know sarah paulson was pretty good too but that was a near-death experience it kind of was you went down yeah were there several ways i could have died well now you're being dramatic yeah yeah no that's extreme yeah no it's it i really just was watching that backstage and i was just thinking like thank you so much for going so above and beyond to make people happy and yeah well that's not a good example of no no but no you could have hit your head on the it was funny afterward you did this laugh afterward that i have found myself i i loved the sound so much that i found myself doing it sometimes when i laugh hard enough you went you went like you couldn't breathe that's how happy i was that's how happy you were to see me fall down like yes yes and now you do it too you said it's it's caught on yeah that's a great sound if you if you go back and watch it on youtube listen for her laugh and then who will be the one that's embarrassed not the one on the ground keep in mind that we you haven't been here in four no how long has it been yeah four years i was recovering from the fall no no no but but look at all the content we had and you haven't been here in four years you'd think you'd want to come back because you had so much fun i know and now i have okay and now you've come back yeah i have come back i mean i had an album out called reputation i know and i really you guys are friendly um yeah with the album i just basically wanted to just make music and not explain it yeah um but i mean it worked so much it was really you still sold a bunch of albums without even talking i mean usually people go to promote their music because it helps sell albums you don't have to do that well that's nice of you to say i mean i i am having fun being back here it's been really great to be back here and like i definitely do i think as a songwriter i enjoy communicating about what i've made like i really do like that part of the process but i also just feel like with my career i want to do what feels right at the time you know like so it just at that time i i coined this phrase there will be no explanation there will just be reputation because i am dramatic yeah that's a very dramatic thing but it rhymed it was kind of catchy and yeah and so i stuck with it right is that in uh one of your songs because if it isn't should be thank you no and i think it's a little late for that because now we're on to like another different album i know but you still could have that for the for an album that's not reputation yeah so it's a little off-brand no but i will think about it no just like clothing comes back in style you can come right back around to that topic again if you'd like it could be like a vintage you can do anything you want taylor swift thank you for saying that you know you i mean i really people people thought oh god she's been away for so long how is this album going to do and they put so much now i don't think pressure on you because i don't think yeah there's pressure really yeah for sure oh okay but because it seemed like people were like expecting this not to be as as good or that album not to be as and and you just came back and proved them all wrong oh you know it's true because you didn't you didn't worry about how certain people do things you do things your own way and and it all works out for you thank you so much you're welcome now let's talk about me um no not talking about me but so these uh these here let's talk about you're on the cover of entertainment weekly you have all these easter eggs on here right yeah yeah and i feel like explain what the eggs are to people who don't understand yeah because i think it's i think that is necessary so it's like when we say easter eggs we're not only talking about like easter eggs that you would go on an easter egg hunt for on easter it's like it's kind of a like a it's kind of like a clue like a foreshadowing kind of thing i like to plant easter eggs in a video like that will be like a lyric from unreleased music or like a little hint or a little link to what's coming in the future right um so yeah like that was kind of the theme of what we did the entertainment weekly thing on and it's just been really fun to kind of expand the musical experience past just listening to a song like i also want people to be like watching the music video and what's that thing in the background and what's that song playing underneath there and what's what's is there a reason she said that in french so right because people and usually your fans are pretty good at figuring it out right they're excellent at figuring what is the worst what how far off have they been what's the worst they've been oh man um well there were some fans that thought i had something to do with avengers end game oh really which i would which i would have loved to have been asked but i wasn't no you asked to be in it at all because we had the single coming out the same day and i have a song that was called end game and so they were like oh my god she's going to defeat thanos and i let everyone down yeah yeah again that's well that was confusing on your jacket you have a lot of things on here but you don't have something that um next time you wear a jacket um that's thank you you're welcome it's you as a kitty yeah and that's two things you love those are the two things i love the most together work together yeah all right we have to take a break and let you cry about that we'll be back we're back with taylor swift who was just telling me about washing her legs in the shower i couldn't hear you did you say you do wash them or you don't i do because when you shave your legs isn't the shaving cream is like soap right yeah it is that is that i think that's the reason that most women wash their legs because we have to because we shave our legs yeah yep so that counts oh for sure it's it's the right side of history though unless unless you're not shaving and then you're then you're not washing so whenever you're not shaving you don't wash you're saying no i don't i don't think i would say that well it seems like it seems like you did just but i kind of always shave my legs every day i mean yeah every day yeah god you must be harry all right so [Laughter] let's talk about so sweet i think well i don't know why you don't come here more often yeah um all right let's talk about me we were just playing it during the commercial break which i love that song i love that video so much thank you that must have been so fun to shoot it was it was so fun that's actually um is that your new kitten that's when you get benjamin wait did first of all let's finish talking about the video because it's so good brendan uh yuri right is that brendoneri is i love that y'all were together in that oh yeah i mean he does this little dance coming up or he already did it but all his little dances are like that he's he's just like he would raise the energy in any situation like i love him he was he was just amazing all right we're gonna get to the kitten in a minute but um did the speaking french in the beginning of it does that mean something yeah definitely okay did you know french already or did you learn it for that i've tried to learn french several times in my life because i think it's a really beautiful life it's beautiful and i definitely made sure that i had native french speakers on set because i didn't want to butcher the language of life like that's not what i came here say something in french right now um you're putting me on the spot but i mean jessie come ah thank you i don't know what does that mean it means i am calm oh uh oh that's good that's a good one thanks i don't know what that means but that sounded real french um all right because i love cats so was it okay let's talk about cats so was that kitten it doesn't know so was that kitten um just there to be in the video or did you and then you took it home or did you put it in the video and it was yours already he was he was a little cat actor he was there apparently there was i didn't know this at the time all i know is there's we had to have a kitten in the scene because i wanted to have this scene where it's like you know he gives me a ring i'm like no he gives me flowers i'm like no and then he gives me a kitten and i'm like yes absolutely you know me clearly um and so you know they show up with this little kitten and the his handler was like do you want to hold him first i was like absolutely i do and so they hand me this tiny cat and i've never really experienced a cat that the second i held this little kitten he started purring like a motor and i was like okay whose cat is this you're really lucky whoever owns this cat and then the girl was like actually he doesn't have a home and then i just my eyes turned into hearts yeah i just immediately was like i i i can't think about anything else and and so how did the other two get along you can't just bring a cat home cats don't they're not like that they're like little puff balls getting into fights like marshmallows throwing each other like that's good then and his name is benjamin benjamin button that's right because it's an incredible movie yes it is it's an incredible film he ages backwards yeah all right so you're back with the only person who loves cats possibly as as much as i do or more or but i think no we i don't want to get in a fight about it no but no we both love cats let's just leave it at that all right taylor swift is who i was talking about um okay so uh there's video of your other two cats uh on on the plane i think is that what we have i think it's just a picture but it's a good demonstration of like just what my personal life looks like yeah it's just well that's i mean that's just olivia stretching that's just that's my middle child yeah she's she's kind of like a seal like and she just lays on her back oh my god isn't she amazing and her tail just never grew up and then she stands up here's meerkat yeah get it she's a really special animal and that was when she was a baby meowing oh my god they're just so cute you so you would be and you're doing the movie cats yeah so you probably have a you know an advantage because you probably understand them yes yes more suddenly because james corden had had to learn they went to cat school we all went to cat school you have no idea it was like all my dreams came true on the set of this film it was like they literally um they're like you can come to set as much as you want and i ended up being there like every day for four months just like they're all like oh taylor's doing cat school again again she's still here she's still doing cats what did you learn well you crawl around on the floor and you pretend to be a cat right i bet you're really a good cat i mean i don't we'll see i really don't know i had the best i had the most fun yeah i've had the best time um all right so wait there's a new album coming out are you finished with the album yet yeah and unless i like write something else okay i'll just like probably put it on the album okay and then you have another video coming out soon ish yeah when is it coming out uh i don't know yet because we have to finish it first okay yeah and then uh i think you said you wanted me in it yeah i mean that would be a dream yeah would you want to do that um i don't know but i um i'll think about it okay for sure please do yeah okay great yeah i'll do it cool okay that's great all right um [Music] all right we have to take a break and then uh we're gonna come back and she's gonna talk all about her boyfriend we'll be back what i'll do is i'll read a question and then you will answer the question and then hit this for no apparent reason i love it it's fun right yeah yeah it's like a game show but yet you win nothing oh what's the title of your next single oh um i can't tell you that that's crazy no i was gonna try can you sing some of it uh no okay all right if you can't sleep in the middle of the night what do you do i go downstairs and rummage through the kitchen and eat whatever i can find and it's really less like a human being and more like a raccoon in a dumpster like the next morning we just we walked downstairs what it what happened here i don't remember does that help you sleep if you eat a whole lot and then it's not really voluntary oh do you sleep eat i think so i don't really remember it but i know it happens because it could have only been me or cat right well that wasn't the question we're learning something different i said if you can't sleep at night what do you do but it sounds like i'm still sleeping and doing it yes it sounds like you've got an issue yep okay currently what is your favorite tv show oh god um okay so killing eve game of thrones down abby um queer eye i'll just i gotta stop though getting too excited killing eve is yes what is the most rebellious rebellious thing you did as a teenager probably when i like put joe jonas on blast on your show that was too much yeah that was too much okay i was 18. yeah we laugh about it now oh that's good that was mouthy yeah yeah just all right teenage stuff there well that's held on to you because i don't remember that at all what is your favorite curse word okay you say yours and we'll say it together on one two three one two three it's just a good solid one because it can also mean like really good like who'd you share your first kiss with um i it was my high school boyfriend when i was 15. what was his name drew drew yeah did you leave an easter egg during our interview yes really yes it's i'm not supposed to do it every word no okay your friend invites you to dinner uh what do you bring white wine what kind sansai pinot grigio or samia on blanco good choices thank you i just found a really good one i'll tell you about oh thank you what's your favorite holiday i think it's christmas definitely christmas okay what's your favorite place to go on holiday like cold do you like snowing do you like island i'm sorting okay um sorry sorting i think um rhode island okay it's a great state uh yeah yeah um what's your favorite movie it's a tough one how do you narrow it down to one you can no but you can't you i'd have to go favorite movie i've seen in the last week okay um someone great on netflix oh yeah don't know that one it's a great movie oh well that's it okay uh name three words to describe yourself um oh curious cat lover make it one word sure um romantic yes huh i would say creative oh that's nice thank you yes okay um smart i'm going to add that too you're doing five of them yes because you deserve more than three okay that's oh it's out of time go to my spotify page to hear more of kayla's music we'll be back
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 14,391,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, ellen audience, taylor swift ellen, taylor swift interview, taylor swift full interview, taylor swift new album, taylor swift me, taylor swift burning questions, taylor swift behind the scenes, taylor swift extended cut, taylor swift cats, taylor swift boyfriend, taylor swift swearing, taylor swift panic at the disco, taylor swift music video, swifties, taylor swift scare, taylor swift joe jonas ellen, taylor swift shake it off
Id: on4bHNdUm-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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