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[Music] yeah boy like that up oh I feel stuck to this wall that'd be the chegorian Strand that Khan slid me but as I was saying it's not so much the battles it's the diplomacy for each planet we bring into compliance there are a dozen Petty despots or zealots who wish to prattle about their glorious secessions I wasn't made for politics politics is for chosen nerds that's kind of funny because you're definitely more patient than I am the politics of it all vexes the out of me too I joined the Crusade to liberate Humanity not to engage in parlor games with those who should be on our side you guys think politics was the worst thing 's Aid I've got one word for you both warp travel damn if I don't hate that fake ass Interstellar horseshit like just give me a good fight on Solid Ground and I'll be happier than a Squig and muck but I got a big question what are you guys going to do when the crusade's over that is a big question what about you perturabo the eye it sees me it sees me not this again speed it up dirty Purdy you're up the rotation sorry sorry I'm I'm sorry about that we we really need to get you out of the trenches more often pert in relation to the original topic the worst thing about the Crusade the worst thing I've found it frustrating how the Crusade often favors flashy victories rather than sound strategy it's tiresome always being the one to pick up the pieces to execute the unglamorous work well don't think we haven't noticed you dragging Through Blood and mud in the worst of the shows when it's over I'd like to dedicate myself fully to my studies and Creations perhaps build a perfect City one that balances Aesthetics and functionality a place where every citizen has a purpose a place in The Grand Design that's a pretty good plan I don't know what I'll do I had it all mapped out at first I was going to spend some time alone read ancient Terran books maybe even build a model Titan or two but now I have this itching aching need to just leave everything behind shed myself of my arm my arm my adornments my blades I rip away my garbs and run off into a never-ending Forest naked of everything that labels me as man in the never-ending Forest I am one with nature I am a beast just like any other that really hits me on a primordial level Lionel I think I'd love to go to chogoris there's a mountain peak jagatai showed me the view is just serene I could just perch up there feel the wind and be a true peace and I'd hold a feast on Fenris a celebration to last a hundred days and nights barrels of Ale enough to drown a warhound Titan may I ask oh what is this song it's Tech Noir by gunship why you like it yes I think I like it very much I think rogel likes them as well right I'm uh I'm getting hungry I think I'll go get us some sandwiches ooh can you bring me back some of those vintage cookie crisps sure what what I do [Music] uh this empty that's because it is jagatikan's refrigerator sweet Mary a on a cross oh it's just you simpismund hello Uncle how the did your banana colored ass sneak up on me I come to deliver a message from my father he wishes for you to join him on Minecraft after you've returned to your Flagship the iron blood what the is this a prank no it is not a prank are you pulling my dick it's pulling my leg and no Uncle I am not pulling anything how do I know you're not lying because I am sigismund look I know you and my father have your petty squabbles but he is extending an olive branch he truly wants you to spend time with him you two have more in common than either of you will ever admit but a brother is a brother no matter how different just think about it Uncle if you would do me that honor well I must return to savitar Abaddon and eidolon in our Vapor Lounge you're more than welcome to stop by eidolon made some of his special brownies and we plan on watching some one punch man well I'll be damned
Channel: Voxcast To Nowhere
Views: 13,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cm3qFEOpz_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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