How Not To Name Your Kids

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what horrible ridiculous names have you heard parents choose to call their children had a little boy in my program named rowdy a kind of rednecky but whatever then i found out his older brother is named howdy wtf found out later that the older boys legal name is howard that's less ridiculous at least i work at a college and often go through the new applications to process them i've seen all kinds most ridiculous name i've seen thus far though starscream anakin has his first and middle names he has a normal last name when i first saw it i was certain that it was a kid freaking with our application system then i met him in person and he showed me his id his name is legally starscream anakin i get the anakin part bit of all the transformers to name your kid after why on earth make it starscream he was just awful i work with a couple that named their son anakin sky i've worked with them for months and just put it together that their last name is walker anakin skywalker their 16-year daughter is named isis pretty name but did not age well in the u.s i went to high school with a guy named john john john yes his first name middle name and last name were all john update thanks for the silver this was not in texas bc or ohio so there are at least several parents who inflicted the same name on their kids he was a nice enough guy and owned it he did sometimes sign his name john three maj major major major some friends of mine in high school knew a girl named cash money met her once and she said her name was some made-up accent one recently i ran into was k danes that wasn't very cash money of her parents my dad wanted to name my little brother my kid with his middle name as rules so his full name would be my my kid rules our last name my mom stopped him though lol oh that's just part of a dad teasing his wife doubt he was serious we named my kid jack but kept teasing her i wanted it to be spelled jack when i was pregnant my now ex mill wanted me to name our son rock which is stupid as it is but the last name is bowler so my son's name would be rock bowler and i couldn't do that to the poor kid my ex thought it would be funny to name him rocky with the middle name bal so his name would be rocky balboa okay arthur doke we called him okay he was the youngest of five kids fancy named after the reba song and her sister truly named after truly scrumptious from chitty chitty bang bang secret love she was a kid my mom met when my mom worked at a pediatrician's office secret love's mom laid out the whole story to my mom about the name go on had a boy in our school named avante pronounced haven't mother insisted the accent made the e silent she would come completely and glued when anyone said his name wrong lady that's avanti update ikr i have no idea why she didn't just leave off the e altogether the sad thing is she really really thought it would make it silent she was really angry about it if she were a nicer person i would have felt sorry for her as i'm sure no one really challenged it until he got to school and people saw it written versus just hearing it it got to be where after pre-k we'd warn each teacher about how to pronounce it so spare them the wrath and the incorrect grammar lesson from mom but no one could help it in italian spanish it even signifies that the syllable should be stressed oven 10 nevi it's heaven backwards anyone that tells you their daughter is named nevi will also tell you that it's heaven spelled backwards every time my niece is named nevi and you are absolutely right that her parents tell everyone that it is heaven spelled backwards it is like that have the compulsion to justify naming their child nevi on a side note no one calls on evie we call her squish not sure which is worse my mother is a genealogist and discovered that my great great great something grandparents were named lettuce and nimrod a power couple update i spoke with my mom and she said that her name was letters with an eye so y'all were right and it probably wasn't pronounced lettuce like i imagined but rather latisha or something they were married around the 1840s the joys of genealogy another update thanks for silver my first award nimrod used to be a respected name nimrod was a mighty hunter in the bible then bugs bunny called elma fatnimrod sarcastically and so the meaning completely changed this was a nickname but my aunt called my cousin my little dingleberry for 10 years without knowing what it actually meant until my mother told her my dad called me dingleberry every day and he told me what it meant the neighbor of my dad's ex had a son and daughter called blaze blaze and angel angel i don't understand the strange spelling a person who went to high school with legally changed her name to blaze i went to high school with a guy named zip dorb his middle name was adido they named that mother zipper did a dorb my oh my what a wonderful name the kid's name was william unfortunately for the kid he had a nickname that was spelled liam that doesn't sound so bad until you hear the pronunciation yum like will yum they called their child yum and spell that liam no teacher in my classes with him could ever say his name correctly so he eventually gave up and we all called him the normal sounding liam i'm a firm believer that you don't get to take a common spelling and change the pronunciation if your name is spelled the same as a common pronunciation i am going to use that pronunciation if you want to be called yum then change your freaking name to yum saw a mother at the grocery store with two annoying rowdy kids named dilliger and maverick they drove away in the lifted pickup truck i imagine the father is a total dick nose if they were all wearing matching camo i think i've seen them i thought the same thing she had a superior look on her face in the frozen food depth as they tried to kill each other by the milk case i was reminded how much i dislike opk well let's just say that the state i live in doesn't have a significant english-speaking population especially in the rural regions despite the official language of the country india being english and most of the urban population being educated however i have friends whose parents gave them names like benadryl goodbye very helpful and the absolute worst dishwasher this however is because people from the rural regions especially in the northeast come to the cities and see words in ads and billboards that they find pretty and innocently name their children after a variety of brands i don't always blame them i had a family friend who came off as very posh and educated spoke perfect english but named his daughter darth vader some of them are just trolling do not underestimate people of the hills they don't take your bulls educated or otherwise a family friend named his son sir and it's pretty cringe honorable mention goes to the former co-worker who named his daughter khaleesi i knew a girl named lady graduated with a girl named bodacious most native american names are pretty badass my favorite i saw while working as a banker was subway club alaris supreme middle name last name his parents named him this and he wanted a loan to open a weed store in a state where it is illegal to clarify his middle name is middle name i forgot the last name but it was just a normal last name middle name as a middle name is such a power move it's the name equivalent of putting bottom text at the bottom of a meme truly an inspiration lil joshi not just a nickname his actual birth name he's 10 now i would hate my mom for calling me that not really ridiculous but i think the spelling is idiotic allison just spell it normally idk why the people have to be so unique i read somewhere that some french people wanted to name their daughter phrase french for strawberry and they got denied by the freaking government lol a girl i went to high school with was named martini and her last name was pitts she also had a brother named harold guess what they called him i went to school with the harry butts his parents were exactly what you'd expect of someone who named their kid that one of my co-workers last name is rising please welcome to the world his baby daughter valkyrie rising i'll admit it's freaking cool i don't recall the middle name but it was normal like renee or something knew a boy in america called satchel he changed it as soon as he could because his mother refused to believe that a satchel was a type of bag she thought it was a fantasy name like aragorn or something i worked with a girl named cinnamon her father named her after the song cinnamon girl my uncle had a kid at his middle school named mother people are weird i had a girlfriend in college named cena her dad wanted a boy named ernest they compromised when it turned out she was a girl this was before the advent of ultrasound did data entry at an amusement park one pass holder was named asthma that was her first name asthma as in the breathing condition a neighbor i had used to call her daughter t she'd just yell out t come here or t here drama club is doing whatever play etc felt so bad for the girl she was like 14 and her own mother had reduced her to tea my mom's class had a five-year-old girl named trinket what kind of crappy parent do you have to be to name your child after a small item of little to no value someone on my swim team is named huckleberry huck for short i also had someone in my sixth grade class name buckshot sullivan buckshot sullivan is an awesome name if you were writing a pulp comic and not giving it to an actual human i went to high school with abduct princess sweetheart destiny styles crescent moon and ryan and not all the same time with the great shifts in high schools yeah i also know a kid named rocket but i think that's kinda cool and hired someone named candy bar this will probably get lost in the comments but one time i saw the post that was making fun of the name brinely for being a white name that a karen would give their child and that's my name can't believe i had to scroll this far to find this i had to babysit a karen kid a couple years ago his name was skyden and he was a little my sister met some kids in an international airport named yellow flash and no exit my sister asked no exit why his mom picked that name he said when she couldn't think of anything else she saw no exit sign from her maternity bed and settled on that went to school with a guy named dude he was named after his grandad there was a college football quarterback in missouri whose first name was cocaine named after his grandad i worked with a lady named crystal wineglass way back in high school in the 90s i had a friend that shared my birthday poor guy's parents named him dong at the school they always wrote your last name first name as a result on all school papers his name was harry dong i was probably friends with him because he was the only kid more bullied than i was pretty mild by the standards of this crazy butt thread but talk and rebar brothers obviously parents are hippie welders is that a thing something like that i still remember this episode of mori where the mom introduced the baby and his name was kevin bitter was spelled with a q u at the start instead of a k a bunch of silent consonants and ice where i saw the seven in there it was a nightmare i know a girl named random while at an easter egg hunt years ago eggs were labeled for each kid i took the eggs labelled random thinking they were up for grabs random's parents were unamused to say the least went to grad school with a bunch of chinese international students one was a guy named jason wang no big deal on that name but his girlfriend's name was wanting guo i was ready to pay for their wedding if she took his last name i can only imagine the look on someone's face getting a resume with the applicant's name wanting wang i had a customer call me at work that was named long wang i confirmed her name about three times there's this girl in my high school that everyone knows about she wears cat ears furry tails and pores pastel and anime clothing items fake fangs and refers to herself as a pastel monster with her body pillow her legal name is honeybunny i heard many in my time as a sub but my favorites are still dar baby duh lady and dar prince on da prince's last day of school he gave everyone the finger so i can't imagine he is doing much better i went to school with a guy named jock he had a half brother about 12 years younger named jake's pronounced jacquez idiot parents for first coming up with a stupid name than naming their kid a french name without knowing how it is pronounced i met a woman called formica dinette johnson her mother had seen a billboard for a cheap tablet the aforementioned formica dinette thought it sounded beautiful and named her daughter after it an acquaintance growing up was named tommy lee he married a girl named jasmine lee had a baby which they named wait for it heavenly probably should have just gone with yuga reminds me of a joke in a spider robinson book about an irishman and a chinese woman who wed and their combined last name spells lee hee who they were star wars fans who named their son yoda he learned to fight dirty at a young age docus it's a biblical name and i come from a very christian part of the world but i still think that this is a horrible name to give to a girl she was also ginger so she didn't have much chance going through school not my child but a guy that works for us has been given the nickname as hearing people nonchalantly say hey as run to the van and grab another box of cable without blinking an eye is really something else candida which if you're not up on your medical terminology is the name of a fungus specifically yeast as in a yeast infection if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 71,965
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Keywords: stupid names, stupid names compilation, stupid name spellings, worst names, worst names ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: xcb3ZpvstiQ
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Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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