Q&A With Nancy Dufresne | My Daily Spiritual Habits & More

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[Music] [Music] welcome to today's episode of de frame faith journal we're glad you could join us we still have some more questions we want to ask you so I will just jump right in what are some daily spiritual habits that you practice that you have kept that have kept you certa in state and course years ago God said something to me when he said start every day in the spirit and then keep your heart turned toward me all day long what that means I mean to start in the spirit means take time to get your spirit to get yourself more mindful of him connecting yourself to get connected to your spirit not just your mind you can do that several ways praying in other tongues reading the word worshiping God there's you know there are several ways however you seem to be led but if you take time to get in the spirit and this is where a lot of people miss it they'll spend devotional time in the morning possibly with God before they go to work or something then they walk out that place and forget what they just treat it like okay I'm going to go do something separate now but what he said to me start every day in the spirit and then keep your heart turned toward me all day long so keep your attention that direction all day long on him and so that that's the number one thing that he told me then he said this to me years ago he said when somebody sees a person that maybe their life got off course they succumbed to sin he said others would look at that and say well the sin took them out he said it's not sin that takes people out he said it's their failure to start their day with me if they would have started with me they would have been fortified to take their stand against that temptation and so I would say for people that doesn't mean that you had to spend two hours in the morning it means take whatever time to get your spirit and get your spirit and get connected to your spirit because it's really only in the spirit that things reach their success level what what does your what are your mornings look like when you get up what do you have something next to your bed do you have do you do it do you pray in the shower like what is your preference what's your wrist well you know my thing is normally when I wake up I'll start worshipping God a little bit and then I start making my confessions you know there are things I call it my saying list because jesus said he shall have whatsoever he saith then one day God spoke to me and said the more you say it the more you have it the less you say it unless you have it so there are things and you know our staff does this we have a same list of things that we're believing God for so I have that memorized in the sense of I don't need a piece of paper to read that from I know what that is and so I go through my list saying father I think I'm living off the top of the barrel today Todd the barrel means I'm debt-free the church is debt-free the frame ministries debt-free I'm debt-free I think that our building is paid off in full and I just start saying the things that you know that I'm releasing my faith for but like I said before I start I start worshipping God and then sometimes you know different days are different in the sense of sometimes you just have a real desire to feed on the word sometimes it's more based on what you're facing sometimes you know you just want to spend time worshipping God sometimes there's a lot of pressure that's trying to sit on you and you need to at those times that's not the time I'm trying to read the word that's the time I'm worshiping God to get my focus off the pressure it's trying to come and redirect my attention on him what's some advice you would give somebody that's that's in a hard place or they're pressured maybe they're there believing God that they don't lose their home maybe they're believing God for it's something that's just been all sitting on them yeah what kind of advice would you give somebody that wakes up in the morning and that pressures there yeah it's like sitting on their chest Stern Adam some creature yeah praising God worshipping God worship is because you know the thing is there have been times when thoughts have been Tron that bombard and I pick up my try to read the Bible and you're reading the words but you're not processing it because this thing is just hammering on you or praying in other tongues now the Bible says that when you speak in other tongues it says the mind isn't edified meaning this it's bypassing the mind so the mind can still be thinking about what's opposing it while you're speaking in tongues what I have found for me is worshiping God taking time because worship will help you get in your spirit it'll help bring your attention to God and get it off of your situation to focus on him get focused on him and I mean I'm talking about not just saying I worship you lord I love you know I'm talking about your heart has to be engaged your heart hooked in sometimes it can take a while to get your heart connected you just have to get louder than you have to get louder and in worshiping God brother Copeland made a statement that I absolutely loved he said in prayer you ask things but in praise you win battles and that's a that's a phenomenal statement and loaded with Revelation because a lot of people are facing difficulties battles so to speak and they're trying to pray their way through when they need to be praising their way through and I would say for those who go are going through difficulty every time I have gone through difficulty the Spirit of God has led me into long seasons of praise and I'm talking about maybe there were several days I didn't read my Bible because I'm praising I'm just spending that time worshiping God praising God because that is not only holding my spirit that's holding my mind in the right place we have one last question okay and then we're in this episode if you could go back in time would there be something that you would do differently or in addition to it well that's a loaded question for me because welted for those who don't know - we're filming on the day of my birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me 56 years old you thought it was 52 earlier that's good I like loco you're yeah I wish you could have gone like 42 but I'm 56 and so you realize all of life is not in front of you some of it's behind you but the best is in front of you that's the good thing the best is in front of you and if I look back and I think what would I do different I would have I would have worked to gain more skill on walking in the spirit at a younger at a younger age I would have spent more time praying in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost getting out of the natural getting more skillful you know III don't care who you are you never arrive to where you're a hundred percent of this that you look and you say I should be further along I should be further along and I think that's the thing is that any any honest sincere believer is gonna say I should be further along we should all say we could all say that and if you say oh no I'm right on course you know you're probably got issues you don't even you're not even aware of cuz we all got a we were all yeah we could all be further along and I would say it's giving myself to walking more in the spirit then being in the natural and spending more time doing what God said to me years ago start every day in the spirit and keep your heart turned all day long I mean even when you're on the job you can't be reading your Bible they don't pay you to read your Bible you shouldn't be doing that on another man's pay but you can steal in your you can still have your spirit fellowshipping with him turn toward him and I think making you know and I believe in God to make up that time but I could have done that when I didn't I think to what I would have changed is the wasting of time you know you can waste time on suck that's just not important and it's not going to help you in your race so thankfully one thing I can say it 56 I'm more consecrated my my vision is clear my direction is clearer as you get older your vision gains clarity your direction grains clarity and your less it's weight about the unimportant if you've been to if you're working to develop yourself and so I would I would say giving myself more to walking in the spirit because really you cannot accomplish the fullness of God's plan outside of the Spirit you have to you can't do it the natural you have to do it in the spirit we're all working on ourselves were all and hopefully that you know the verse where it said it is he that's working in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and so I daily say that he's working in me to will and to do because you know you can had the heart believers say I love God I want to serve God I want to I want to be pleasing to him but they're not doing that and so it's the flesh that gets in the way the natural the carnal side that gets in the way so I just say I've learned to say this day that he's working in me both to will and to do what he's what's pleasing to him yeah we're glad you could join us on her birthday remember I hope so we'll see you on the next episode god bless I guess so I guess so thank you for watching today's show be sure to check out all the latest episodes on our YouTube page for more information follow us on Facebook or visit our website at Dufresne ministries org [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 4,829
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Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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