The Worship Experience - September 5. 2021

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace prepare to receive today's word with a recap from the prophet's recent messages sin again the greek word for sin harmatya in theology the study of sin is called hermetology harmony is the greek word for sin it literally means to miss the mark again it's an archery term like shooting an arrow at a bull's-eye if you miss the bullseye altogether you have sinned it's not a religious term it was a term adopted by religion from sports meaning to miss the mark it is an archery term are you there okay now the the the word death biblically speaking spiritually speaking means separation from god it does not mean the cessation of anatomy or physical existence or or animation rather the word death in scripture means separation of god and you have to apply spiritual understanding every time you read it or else you'll be thinking something that god wasn't thinking when he wrote it now you say bishop are you there now you say bishop good and how can you say such a thing you know the answer because i can read look look let me give you two examples number one is in the book of genesis where god says to adam on the day [Music] on the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely he did not cease to exist he did not drop dead what happened is he was separated from the union he had previously with his father so he is separated from the goodness from the favor from the resource and the ability of his father he does not physically die he has children after that [Music] so then when god says death he doesn't mean what man means when man says death because man has not accepted god's definition [Music] he has come up with his own the threat or the reality of separation from god has been handled go to hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 through 16. watch this in as much then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood he himself that is jesus likewise shared in the same that through death through death that through being separated from god see he was separated from god for me to see we sing this but we don't believe it jesus paid at all you still think he paid most of it and you have to pay the rest you think it because you because of the way you act it is messy as the children have partaken of flesh and but he likewise shared in the same that through being separated from god see he was separated from god when he says on that my god my god why have you forsaken me he is experiencing on the cross what adam experienced when he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he has to fulfill it he has to take everything adam did [Applause] and for the first time in his physical existence he knows and feels what it is like to be separated from god and for the previous 33 years of his life he never felt that and every individual who is born into the earth feels it from birth because you are born into separation you are not separated because of what you did you were born into a state of separation because adam made the choice for you [Applause] see that's why the bible says for in adam all are separated and in christ shall all be made alive meaning join so all of humanity is in one of those two men because they are the only two representatives of man before god adam is the first jesus is the second which is why he is called the last adam and the second man [Applause] are you there i've said this to you before and the reason he's called the second man is because between adam and jesus there were no men there were people born in a sub species [Music] do you understand what i mean [Applause] god intended man in the earth to function on adam's level no man from adam between adam and jesus fully functioned on the level god intended because everybody after adam was born separated from the power from the knowledge from the influence from the ability to download from the ability to access the reason that adam is scared when he eats of the garden is because the lights went off in his soul because this helps you to understand first john 3 9 he that is born of god whoever's born of god sins not it doesn't mean as i've said before that the new creation of the believer in christ jesus doesn't do things that are wrong but when the new creation does a thing that is wrong i've said this i've said this to you it is not marked down as sin because the word sin implies being measured against the law not being measured against the man christ jesus see in the old covenant the performers the under that law are being measured against the law the law is the mark the law is the bull's-eye so if you miss the bullseye you have sinned because you are being measured against the mark not the man but in the new covenant the mark the law has been taken out of the way so even if you do miss it it's not called sin because over here you're being measured against the man not against the mark and the man is merciful and faithful to what the father has said to him and the father has called you righteous so jesus will never call you anything else no you missed it the father has called you holy so jesus will never call you anything else because he is a faithful high priest as well as a merciful one see he's not being let me say this properly he is being faithful to you because he's faithful to his father's words [Applause] see he's really not faithful to you he's faithful to his father's words and his father's words mean he can't help but be faithful to you do you see that now stay with me stay with me uh watch this now this will help you understand look at verse number 12 of romans 5 therefore just as through one man and i'm going to read this as missing the mark and separation from god it'll help watch therefore just as through one man missing the mark entered the world and separation from god through missing the mark and thus separation from god spread to all men because all missed the mark now watch this for until the law missing the mark was in the world but missing the mark is not credited where there is no law do you see it he said it was there but it wasn't being credited to the accounts of men until the law came because god being a just god counted until he until he disclosed this is my standard so once he disclosed this is my standard then he starts marking the people who don't need it [Applause] but jesus comes and fulfills the standard and takes it out of the way now get it before the law missing the mark was in the world but it's not accounted to men if there is no law so over here in the new creation you can still fall short of the glory of god because falling short of the glory of god is still possible in the new creation but it's never credited because there's no law because there's no mark so it's never credited to your account this is what he that is born of god sins not means it doesn't mean you never fall short it means it is never credited to your account do you understand the salvation that we have been given do you understand what jesus did for us no not now now what are we dealing with notice knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous person then it lists all the people the law is made for and he said i'm telling you this according to the glorious gospel of the blessed god which was committed to my trust now look at what this same man writes in first corinthians 6 and verse 9 through 11. he says do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covenants nor drunkards no revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god and such were and such were some of you so he's saying i am not writing to unrighteous people i'm writing to righteous people you were this [Applause] you are no longer this now notice why he says you are no longer this not because by your works you stop doing it oh here we go but you but you are not no longer this why and such were some of you but you were washed so the thing that changed you from being this was not that you stopped doing this it's that you were washed watch it but you were sanctified so the thing that kept you from being this from not stopped you from being this not was that you stopped doing this it's that you were sanctified but you were justified so the thing that changed your category was not that you stopped the behavior it's that you were justified now what you are to do if any of this stuff is still hanging on you you new creation you you are to take the word of god and say i have been washed i have been sanctified i have been justified i am no longer this i am a new creation and what will happen is that stuff will start falling off of you because you are now saying what your father has [Applause] and that is the sound doctrine of the glorious gospel that has been committed to my trust [Applause] hallelujah and if you are a preacher or teacher in this dispensation paul tells you you are a minister of the new covenant not of the old one [Applause] [Music] the fear of being separated from god keeps you bound now do you see what a diabolical lie satan has been perpetrating on humanity and especially christians because the fear of being separated from god will keep you doing what you're trying to stop doing [Applause] the bondage the fear that you're doing it has separated you from god is the power that empowers the enemy to keep you doing it no you didn't get what i'm saying the fear that what you did separated you from god is the very power that empowers the enemy to keep you doing it and keep you in bondage because without knowing that you are accepted by god he still has an entree into your life but the moment that fear is broken and settled my god now you begin to walk in newness of life knowing that nothing shall separate me from the love of god so if i blew it it's not in my heart to blow it my heart is right before god if i blew it i said god i you know i blew it i fell short but you have remitted my sins and you and i are never separated and i'm gonna get up and keep on moving and you will empower me you will perfect that which concerns you the severity of the times has unleashed a plethora of perplexities worldwide including the hotly debated issue of racially internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers historic lie and not biblical truth race is not in the mind of god race is not distinguished in the bible race is not remotely a christian concept so my question is why does the church continue to engage in the divisive narrative of race in this unapologetic and confrontational series bishop mclendon lays an axe to the root of hatred and bigotry using biblical evidence to prove god divided men first on the basis of their language and ultimately on the basis of their covenant relationship with him and not their skin color order this resource today when you visit our website or call 310-323-2600 [Music] the academy of healing and wellness convention returns with fresh revelation about the grace and power of jesus christ an essential resource for every believer especially in these challenging times in these extensive sessions bishop mclendon teaches how the word of god is the new creation's medication how the power to heal is always present using god's kingdom principles and how god doesn't punish us with sickness because we did something wrong the ministry of jesus is a teaching preaching healing ministry he heals all kinds of disease and he heals everyone which means no matter what kind they come up with he heals it if you desire to walk in divine health make the academy of healing and wellness your center for disease control and turn on the flow of god's healing power today now available on the bishop attendant digital download store someone with arthritis is being healed in the lower extremities in the legs and the knees if you'll just begin to pick up your legs this is everett blake's you called out by the spirit of grace that god was ministering to someone with arthritis in their legs what did you feel it was just like the pain just lifted because i wanted to dance today when they were dancing in service and i couldn't i want you to hear me when i tell you i i've prayed for the sick since i was 21 years old when this anointing came out of my life i have seen miracles of all kinds i've seen dead people raised god i feel like the prophet clarency mclennan and clarency mclennan ministries are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 fall session of the academy of healing and wellness convention is now open [Music] join the prophet on wednesday october 27th thursday october 28th and friday october 29th at 7 30 p.m and sunday october 31st at 10 a.m at the place of grace 2543 west manchester boulevard inglewood california 90305 all services will also be streamed live on facebook youtube and the bishop mclennan website the academy of healing and wellness convention is for you one if you desire to be credentialized as a healing minister with the clarence e mclennan ministries global healing ministry team authorized to minister at clarence e mcclendon ministries sponsored conferences and crusades two if you want to be assured that during these sessions the prophet bishop clarence mclendon prays for your specific healing three if you want to be in an atmosphere of supernatural signs wonders and miracles and see how the healing grace of jesus christ of nazareth is manifested in the 21st century church for more information visit or call 310-323-2600 [Music] hello from wherever you're watching you welcome to the place of grace it's a place where whoever can be healed of whatever this is the worship experience somebody go ahead and bless the name of the lord you can bless him with your hands you can bless him with the foot of your lips you can run around the house however you want to do it just go ahead and bless the name of the lord the psalmist says great is the lord and greatly to be praised so can i get a praise in the house this morning can i get a praise in your living room this morning the psalmist said i was glad when they said let us go into the house of the lord can i see glad people i will be glad and rejoice somebody rejoice this morning this is the house of the lord this is the house of the lord so might go ahead and bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord worthy to be praised worthy to be exalted with joanna 20 and the four elders this morning casting down our crowns and crying holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth is filled with his goodness the whole earth is filled with his kindness the whole earth is filled with his mercy the whole earth is filled with his favor the whole earth is filled with his anointing the whole earth is filled with his power somebody go ahead and bless the name of your god he is good and his mercies enjoy us forever i said he is good and his mercies enjoys forever he is good and his mercy is endures forever greatness our god and greatly to be praised i will say of the lord for he is good and his mercy is endures forever i will say of the lord for he is good and his mercies endures forever blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord glory to the name of the lord he is great and worthy to be praised at the blessed of his nostrids and what's he parted he is the god of all gods creator of the cosmos moana cup the universe king of kings lord of lords he is our father at the same time he is omega he is the beginning and he says the end from the beginning she calls him conquerors he calls him the blessed one he is the messiah there was no other god beside our god there was no other god beside our god there was no other god beside our god somebody give him praise hallelujah somebody give him praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah god is so good god is so good i'm not here because i'm faithful i'm here because of his mercies bible tells us in spite of my unfaithfulness he stays faithful because he cannot deny himself he is the faithful god he is the faithful god his faithfulness is not dependent on how good i am he is faithful all by himself his faithfulness is independent of my actions he is faithful all by himself his goodness it's independent of my actions he is good all by himself he's not just a father he's a good good father it's not just a god he's a good god it's not just a savior he's a good savior somebody blessed the name of the lord for he is good and his mercy is endures forever hallelujah hallelujah many didn't wake up to see this day but so i'm so glad that i'm here i'm so glad that i'm here so let the living praise the lord let believe and praise the lord let the living praise the lord if you have breath in your nostrils praise the lord it's your breath in our lungs so we pray out of praise to you it's your breath in our lungs so we give you all the praise it's your breath in our lungs so we bow down and worship you with wayne all the angels crying holy holy holy hosanna in the highest hosanna in the highest who is he that said the thing and it comes to pass when the lord god has not commanded it he is the great god but johnny anders but when the angels crying hosanna is our god oh yes oh yes we come boldly this morning we come boldly this morning our confidence is in the faithfulness of christ so we come boldly by the blood of jesus we come boldly before the throne room and we offer the sweet sacrifice of praise we come boldly bible tells us by him we can now offer the sacrifice of praise because of what he has thought we can now offer the sacrifice of praise so we focus on what jesus has done and we offer the sacrifice of praise does anybody have a sacrifice or praise does anybody have a sacrifice of praise hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god forever glory to god forever oh just give him praise go ahead and give him praise go ahead and give him praise go ahead and give him praise go ahead and give him praise come on somebody go ahead and give him praise come on somebody oh we'll bless your name jesus your presence is here right now your presence is here right now your presence is here to deliver your presence is healed just to heal the seek to to give hope to the hopeless glory to god glory to god oh it's so good to be in the presence of god it's not the building it is i am the building it's so good to be in the presence of god hallelujah tell somebody god is good all the time and all the time god is good put those hands together hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you turning to on open the eyes of the blight there's no one like you there's none like you [Music] into the darkness you shine out of the ashes we rise there's no one like [Music] is you were higher than any other i got his healer awesome in power god oh god i've got this way to say our god is greater i got a stronger god you are higher than any other i gotta our god is great i say our god is greater our god is stronger god you are higher than any other our god is healer awesome in power god oh god somebody giving praise [Music] sing why don't you tell [Music] you not like you [Music] into the darkness you shine into the darkness you shine out of the ashes out of the ashes will rise the snow i know i like it [Music] that's not just not like you oh all god is great to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is and if my god is for us then who could ever stop us and if god is a witness then what can stand against and if our god is worse then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us [Music] god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh i can stand [Music] is go ahead and give him praise [Music] oh you're the greatest [Music] stronger god you are higher is oh [Music] [Music] if if is [Music] oh [Music] nothing can stand against you our god is greater [Music] is [Music] my god is greater [Music] my god is greater yeah do you believe that my god said my god is greater yay my god is also in greater say awesome in power awesome in power awesome and power [Music] got you you're greater than the say god you are greater you're greater than that sickness god you're greater god you are greater you're greater than the pain i feel god you were [Music] i do a great say our god is greater stronger [Music] you're higher [Music] is [Music] [Music] it personal leave my goddess for me and if my god is full if my goddess and if my god is [Music] [Music] and if my god is [Music] nobody [Music] and it could ever stop me our god is greater our god is stronger god you're higher than it [Music] is is [Music] is the providers [Music] [Applause] defenders [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] keep me uh go ahead defending defender every time that i need you to pay me you're this [Music] [Music] [Music] to fed somebody needs to know that is your defender our god is greater our god is [Music] our god is greater our god is stronger god you're higher than any other cancer is a name diabetes is a name but i'm so glad we have a name that is stronger than any other name how the mention of the devil yeah the knee has got to lie sickness is a name [Music] it has to go sickness isn't there it has to vow when i say jesus when i say jesus when i said jesus when i said jesus when i said jesus when i said jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus say jesus we will use the name of jesus in this atmosphere we will use the name of jesus we will use the name of jesus right now into your homes we release the name of jesus [Music] we release the name of jesus he's been given a name above every other name [Music] we will is the name of jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus my deliverance jesus is my savior who can't deliver you jesus it's jesus jesus his jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] no no no [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh we bless you god [Music] so [Music] hallelujah [Music] i've got god race [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah our goddess hallelujah forever all my sing days hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah reigns hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah foreign hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yay [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah forever forever forever forever all my days in season that is season forever all my days his race shall continue i will be in my lord forever all my days as long as i still have breath in my lungs forever all my days forever all my days are forever all my days our laser hallelujah always a hallelujah in the midst of my trouble i'll raise a hallelujah in the midst of my pain always a hallelujah no money in my pocket i'll raise a hallelujah no food in the home always a hallelujah i feel pain in my body but i still raise the hallelujah so rather hold my danger forever on my taste no stone will cry out in my place forever on his praises shall continue to only be in my mouth everybody got a praise anybody when i'm in the hospital forever on my taste when i'm seeking forever on my jesus is worthy to be patient jesus is worthy to be patient jesus is worthy to be placed through every organization forever all right i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continue holy be my mouth i will say of the lord for he is good and his mercies and just forever i will bless the lord on my soul that all that he is within me bless his holy name i will bless the lord on my soul let all that is within me my mind will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my beliefs will bless the lord my hands will bless the lord my feet will bless the lord let all that is within me let all that is within me let all that is within you that all that is within you that's the praise on the inside that i can't give to myself there's a praise on the inside that i can't keep to myself that's the praise on the inside that i can't give to myself i've got to praise him i've got to praise him i've got to praise him i've got to praise him let believe in praise the lord let believe and praise the lord let believe in the praise of the lord it's your breath in my lungs i praise you the name of the lord we worship you we glorify you lord we lift our hands to you and we say hands praise the lord lord we lift our forces to you now we say boy for you are strength you are confident in all these things we trust in you you are god and god alone we declare no one no flesh would glow in your sight the lord you'll receive the praise father you receive the glory strength we speak peace now peace peace to this nation peace your neighborhood peace to our families peace peace nothing missing peace nothing broken and peace nothing lacking in the strong and mighty name of jesus jehovah's genre who is our provider and our provisions jehovah nisi you are our victory banner in our victory you are a victor you fought the battle already you gave us the victory and we take hold of it now over all things and anything that would stand against us lord god you have done it already thank you lord jehovah's your my ever present you are a god that wouldn't [Music] yes hallelujah [Music] hallelujah yes to your will lord father yes to your ways yes to whatever it is that you would have us do this day holy spirit we recognize your presence in this place [Music] and we submit to you and we bow down we say have your place at the forefront do what it is that you would do but we ask let no person leave here the same as they came but lord we ask you change rearrange break every chain loose every bomb thank you lord soften hearts lord give us ears to hear give us eyes to see and above all a will to do your will these things we ask and we believe we receive them as touching it manifested here today in jesus name somebody give a good hallelujah shot right there hallelujah bless the name of the lord oh it's good in here today welcome i love it love it love it welcome welcome welcome here today it's such a sad thing we got to break it up we want to welcome you you know you are as welcome as rain in the desert after a 10-year drought whoever you are wherever you are it's not an incident or an accident that you are here today that you touched on that button that you clicked and joined in but god has something that's going to change your life this day stay tuned don't disconnect don't turn it off take the time and invest in the rest of your life you won't be mad about it or sad about it you will be absolutely pleased with it if you stay here today amen and to the pec the prophetic e community you know who you are welcome you are those that have determined to connect with this man of god with the assignment and the anointing on this man of god's life and not only connect with him and want to just watch him but you have connected financially you've connected physically put your hands to the plow to help get this word into this earth that mankind might be edified by it so thank god for you and welcome again to you as well hallelujah amen here at the cosmopolitan center we know you are all around the world this ministry reaches every continent but we know our partners are all around the world too believing with us praying with us and we thank god for you and for those of you we encourage you who if you have not become a partner a part of the pc we encourage you to do so go online at click on the menu button and scroll down to where it says pec prophetic ecommunity fill out the short information it's just a way for the prophet to stay connected with you you give instructions prayer instructions and other things that that's he's been pulling out of the spirit realm what god speaks to him about and wants his people to know this is the way that he gets that information to you so go online at and become a part of the prophetic e-community you can also stay connected for everyone else you're not sure you want to become a partner yet but at least stay connected on all the social media outlets facebook twitter instagram youtube all of which you can stay connected to the anointing to the man of god and to the assignment that's on his life so facebook twitter instagram and also on youtube and if you have not liked that youtube page go on and like the youtube page get the notifications you don't want to miss anything that comes out of this man of god's mouth but trust me it is directly from heaven if there's anyone on this earth that was like jesus yes and said i only do what i see my father do and i only say what i hear my father say this man is one of those so when he speaks when he stands before you he's not telling you what he thinks is best or what was good for him he's telling you what the father has said and directed us to do so do that if you will connect on all these sites facebook twitter instagram and youtube so like that youtube page another way you can stay connected is to download the bishop mclendon app in your play store your app store just punch in bishop mcclendon it'll come up the blue logo uh world logo like that one you see there and click on that amen and download that app again subscribe to the youtube channel as well hallelujah there's a wanted poster out for your prayer request according to the man of god he has determined that we be a house of prayer and i tell you that's what we are we're gonna we want to pray with you we want to believe god with you for whatever it is that you are believing god for whatever it is sickness in your body healing in your mind or your family finances whatever it is you're in need for whatever request or petition you have before god we want to agree with you according to the bible where any two of us shall agree as touching concerning anything we ask it shall be done for us by the father in heaven so you're there agreeing with we will be here agreeing with you and we will see a manifestation of that thing swiftly in your life and situation so let us pray with you can call 310-323-2600 the prayer warriors ready to take that prayer request there um as well or you can go online at actually it is contact us at for your prayer requests so contact us at put in your prayer request there or call 310-323-2600 there's an operator there ready to take that prayer request and pray with you immediately so we can get it started right now and i know that all prayer requests are prayed over for 30 days and they're put inside this national prayer altar behind us here but man i'm telling you within those 30 days it may not take 30 days i believe god that it won't take 30 days but they're prayed over for 30 days but we will see a manifestation of whatever it is you're believing for because we're gonna come in agreement with you and believe for it as well hallelujah glory be to his mighty name we want you to join us in our food distribution outreach hallelujah [Applause] yes yes yes [Music] [Applause] we're looking for volunteers to come down and help with we have a food outreach distribution every friday shall we say at 11 a.m from 11 a.m to 3 p.m here at the place of grace here in inglewood 25 2543 west manchester boulevard here in the city of englewood 2543 west manchester boulevard free food giveaway from all of those that are in need look if you're anywhere near there's no shame in being in need we've all been there at one point or another in some way or another we've been there some we've been there so there's no shame in it the only shame is not getting the help when it's offered to you or it's available for you so come on down then this stuff trust me they're not just giving you seconds or crumbs from the table this is the same stuff that you're going to you're near your high-end supermarket i can't even say just the cheap store this is a high-end product for your family amen so if you are in need come down get that every friday 11 a.m to 3 p.m but we also need volunteers volunteers to help out if you want to volunteer time if it's an hour come down and sew an hour call the number 323-310-2600 let the operator there know that you are willing to donate time to come down and help us we is about 250 to 300 families fed every week every week [Applause] this is not just you know every now and then 250 to 300 every single week but it takes time to fill those bags it takes time to pick that food up separate it get it together and prepare for those families they are our true families in need so we need your help to help provide for those families so come down volunteer your time call the number 310-323-2600 let the operator there know that you are willing to donate your time an hour two hours whatever the case may be they'll direct you as to what you can do at that point hallelujah hallelujah we thank god for you and somebody somebody just say hey man hey man amen simply means i agree and where any two of us shall agree hey it's already done all of this this food distribution would be remiss not to mention that the food distributions are partners mayor butts councilman dotson the city of uh excuse me inglewood unified school district and benny hen ministries these are our partners amen yes give them a hand mayor butts thank you so much councilman dodson we love you englewood school district hey i know you very well i graduated here from junior high and element excuse me junior high in high school there here in the city of englewood as well and benny here in ministries man of god we love you thank you for all your support we're going to put you back into the hands of our worshipers st [Music] give pastor black a hand oh he plays guitar no i don't come on man hey put your hands together [Music] we want the glory of the lord to rise in this place rise amongst us every heart hey [Music] you do realize that while you're here praising and worshiping our god that god is capable enough to work things out in your situations while you're here praising do you know that do you actually know that you don't have to have your hands involved in everything for it to be worked out that sometimes the best thing that we can do in a situation is just to praise god take our hands off of it give it over to him and don't wear that care hallelujah hey listen let the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of our king rise among us let it rise [Music] love the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of our king rise among us let it rise and we cry let it rise and we cry let the praises of let we cry let it rise [Music] come on say let the songs of the lord let the songs let it rise let the strength of the lord let it rise let the joy of our king let it rise [Music] let it rise up let it rise up we cry [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] let it rise see the light and rise [Applause] oh let it rise up [Applause] let it rise up [Music] come on [Music] rise up [Music] yourself glory glory see glory glory we need your glory we need your glory we need your plural that's it hey [Music] repeat after me i came to give god glory i came to give god all the i say glory honor glory [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus you deserve a praise you are worthy you are learning you are worthy [Music] [Music] hey come on see what i do come on come on come on [Music] everybody move move side to side [Music] give him price slide this out come up [Music] [Music] let it ride [Applause] [Applause] oh we cry let your glory be rise up let your glory rise up let your glory feel this temple let your glory permeate every heart let me run let it ride let it rise let it run let it rise glory glory glory glory ah [Music] [Music] [Music] and one day i said one day i said one day i said one day he's coming back glorious day hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me hey do i have any witnesses see this i'll never forget on yourself be free [Applause] jesus i'll never forget how you brought there's another one says how can i forget what you've done for me oh how can i forget how you saved healed delivered made me free how can i forget how you broke me out oh how can i forget no net jesus i'll say what you're doing jesus i'll never are you jesus i'm never how you [Applause] jesus shall never jesus i'll never oh jesus i'll never come on look at somebody say how can i forget what he's done how can i forget how can i put your head how can i vocate [Applause] pick it up just a little bit jesus out never forget come on jesus shall never jesus i never jesus i'll never [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey here we go sopranos [Music] cinderella come in never never forgot put your hand together never she never should never never [Applause] never forget never never [Music] never [Applause] here we go one more time say jesus i never forget me jesus i'll never forget what you've done jesus shall never [Applause] [Music] i won't forget [Music] never hallelujah [Music] see you have a testimony that nobody else knows about you may have a testimony that you've shared with people but everybody has a piece of the testimony that they've held onto themselves that only them and god knows about hallelujah am i in the right church am i in the right church am i in the right church so because of that testimony because of what god did for you for what he brought you out of for what he healed you of what he delivered you from how he prospered you how he made your soul prosperous hallelujah we're going to take time and give god praise and thanks is that all right the word says in all things give thanks for this is the will of god hallelujah so we're going to take time the band is going to play and if you want to dance you can dance if you want to sit in your seat and patch your feet you can do that if you want to clap your hands you can do that but look at look at here just do something come on look at your neighbor and say neighbor just do something find somebody else say neighbor just do something if he healed you if he delivered you if he made you well and whole if he's prospered you if he's kept you through this coronavirus season then surely he's able i mean he's worthy of our praise so neighbor just do something hey one two three come on come on do something hey come on do something do something he's worthy of just something okay we got about 30 more seconds come on [Music] [Music] do something listen to god be the glory [Applause] [Music] he's done everything he's done for the day he's there for that please please done say to god to god y'all got one more in your he's done everything even the unspoken things he's done even the hidden thing he's done everything everything is everything everything yeah everything he's done he stopped he's done for everything [Music] for everything everything is done everything is done every victory is one every battle he has one of everything he's done hallelujah there's another part to the song it says with his blood he has saved me and with his power he has raised me [Music] to god be the glory [Music] for everything [Music] forever [Music] for everything everything [Applause] he has done [Music] come on this is your time this is your time this is your time to worship and to thank him for everything he's done for you we can't tell you what to say i can't give you the words only you know what god has brought you out of what he's delivered you from what he's healed you from how he's made away only you know that so right now in this atmosphere worship your god and thank him for who he is in your life who he has been in your life who he's shown himself to be to you come on and worship him let's saturate this atmosphere with worship to our father worship to the lord and king the savior jesus christ come on [Music] use your words and your praise [Music] nobody can worship him for me nobody can worship him for me nobody can worship him for me nobody can worship him for me nobody can worship him for me nobody can nobody can worship for me [Applause] nobody can wear some [Music] me [Applause] nobody can work shopping for the boat for me hallelujah [Music] let the foreign of god worship him let the sense of god worse worship the lord worship the lord of god [Applause] [Music] lift your hands in the presence of the lord god every heart in worship every hand raised in this room and those of you watching live streaming come on let's bless the lord father to you and you alone praise belongs jesus to you honor is due thank you for your goodness for your mercies that you remind us are new every morning for your faithfulness to us that is great thank you for your people for they are your inheritance in the earth and thank you for the integrity of your word spirit of the lord divine you are welcome in this place have your way in the midst of the people touch every life speak to the circumstances that concern us remind us of the victory that we have perfumed the saints we pray with the spirit of victory and we shall go up from here bettered empowered illuminated invigorated strengthened for having been with you in the name of jesus we thank you in advance for everything that shall be said and done in your name and all the people who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen clap holy hands and give jesus [Music] hallelujah a praise in the house and here you may be seated watching me live streaming we greet you once again in the strong name of jesus we remind you as we always do that he is lord and there is none other beside him somebody said bishop mcclendon why do you say that every time you get in the pulpit because it never changes amen he is lord over every situation and circumstance over every devil demon yoke and bondage he is lord over sickness and disease he's lord and we give him praise and glory because he is faithful amen once again we thank god for each and every one of you person by person individual by individual we know you have been greeted and saluted but we want to add our greeting and salutation to that and thank you for being present here live and thank you for being there once again if you are a part of the pec the prophetic e community those tens of thousands that connect with us every week here we thank the lord for you but i'm encouraging you again if you're in the southern california area you need to get into the house of god and assemble yourself together some of you some of you have taken an 18-month break come on now you've been watching on screen yeah you've been fed the word but the bible says now it says do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together he says especially as you see the day approaching and so i encourage you you know even if you don't come every week you put your mask on or whatever you want to do and show up with the saints let us know you're still alive and breathing out there i promise you i promise you you won't catch nothing here amen except for a good shot of holy ghost and if you come in with something else it'll have to get off of you before you leave this is how we believe here at the place of grace a place where whoever can be healed of whatever and we're seeing the lord jesus do exactly that and so we thank god for each and every one of you uh let me uh just say thanks to all of those of you so many of our intercessors so many uh of our team was with us in san diego uh california last night for the morris cyrillo world evangelism new beginning school of ministry conference of course the man of god the prophet of god dr cyrillo yeah let's let's give the general an ovation he's worthy of it and he yet lives he's on the other side of the light line but he yet lives amen and so we were there with uh uh uh david cirillo his son who's now the president he was not there couldn't be there because he was on the east coast and of course mama teresa we love her so much and greg morrow what a gentleman and a prince he is overseeing the aspects of that ministry but man what a time we had last night what a glorious time of ministry there in san diego and so we preached and uh got back about 2 a.m this morning we they drove me down uh i don't know why i did that i should have flown but we we went down got back about 2 am and uh got to bed about 3 am got up about 7 got in the presence of god got the s on my chest and my cape is flapping in the wind amen we'll get some rest later today but god is good and we thank the lord for his strength amen to us and thank you for your prayers we had a glorious time of ministry there last night in honor of the man of god and that ministry continues uh to prosper and keep going i encourage you to pray for the moral of world evangelism ministries they're doing well but they're going to be doing even better i believe when god deposits something in the earth like that it's up to that next generation to take it and move it forward and so please continue to remember them in your prayers and we thank god for them and also don't forget of course uh wednesday night our global communion service and this coming wednesday wednesday and thursday of course is rosh hashanah [Music] the celebration of the jewish civil new year rosh hashanah means the head of the year in the jewish calendar there is both a civil and an ecclesiastical new year but as the spirit of god has shared with us and spoken to us and revealed to us in the years past that those appointments those three days of appointment passover uh the feast of tabernacles the feast of pentecost these are not jewish holidays they are god's days they are days of divine appointment some of the rabbis and some of the prophets of old taught and came to understand that there were assemblies in the heavenlies during this time i really do believe that during this season especially of rosh hashanah and going into the feast of tabernacles i really believe there is an assembly in the heavenlies and certain directives and certain uh edicts are pronounced from the throne of god for the earth the jewish rabbis and sages believe that rosh hashanah is literally a commemoration of the day that the earth was actually created that's what the jews believe and that's why they have that new year as well as the ecclesiastical new year which is passover whatever the case it is a divine appointment and i encourage you to be with us as we share some things on this wednesday night in our global communion service it is a blessing and i mean a tremendous blessing to see mama clara in the house wow now now now now listen listen if you don't know mama clara uh then i i feel sorry for you if you if you do know her you know she is one of the very very faithful special and unique she has been uh she's another one of those who's not just a supporter of this ministry she's a supporter of this man of god and i love her and appreciate her so much she's been with us for years she had a little about she wrote me a magnificent card you know mama writes me mother claire writes me from time to time and every time she writes me i read it her cards or letters are always informative but they are also lengthy so i'm not going to read the whole thing today but i am going to share some of the things she said with you uh in in the coming days because it's a dear and magnificent letter i had to read it uh and you know mother's got great penmanship too she doesn't write in tongues so i appreciate that but i want to make sure that i share with you uh that she appreciates your prayers and your uh your encouragement all the pastors and leaders who were speaking and encouraging her as we ought to do so mother clara it's good to see you back in the household of faith i love you like my own mama i love you and we appreciate you so much somebody say praise the lord i want you to turn with me very quickly in your bible to psalm 112 astounding isn't it that we are already in the first sunday of the ninth month of this year goodness the year is moving fast you know someone told me as you grow older the years seem to get shorter you know obviously they're the same in uh in you know in days but they do seem to go a little quicker don't they amen and so we thank god that he has been faithful to us and he has been good to us these nine months of this year how many of you can lift your hands and say god has been faithful thank god amen and so as we come to this first sunday of the month of september the ninth month of the year of course this is the sunday where uh we worship god not only with our tithe and our senior offering if you're a psalm 112 covenant partner if you are one of those this is the sunday where i pray specifically over all of my psalm 112 covenant partners here and there as the prophet of god some years ago dr mike murdoch came and shared with us the blessing of the psalm 112 covenant and when he shared that i continued to say the spirit of the lord as he was sharing gave me a responsibility said i want you to steward that word he said because i have ordained and purposed to raise up in and through this ministry men and women of business men and women of finance men and women who have dreams and visions who are not just to do their thing in church amen but are to prosper in the world system and be examples out there of leadership and god is doing just that i'm telling you there are men and women in this ministry i'm getting reports and then i was just dealing with one who's a film producer god's doing such great things faithful member here and just doing tremendous things and so your dream your vision the thing that god has committed to your care those of you that are psalm 112 covenant partners we pray over you that god continue to prosper and this is the sunday that we pray we sow our seed in that regard if you are a psalm 112 covenant partner you know who you are if you're not a psalm 112 covenant partner uh it's those that have uh agreed above and beyond their tithe once a month or so a 112 dollar seed from psalm 112 the word of the lord came to us through the prophet and we've honored it and we've seen what god has done look at psalm 112 once again verse number one i want you to see this and pay very close attention the lord continues to deal with me about this specific truth he continues to minister it to me and to give me an unction if you will a passion to make sure that his people understand it i want you all to look right up here at me if you're here and if you're watching me last name i want you to hear me it is the plan of god it is the will of god for you not to just survive in this hour but to thrive it is the plan of god it is the will of god for you not to just get through these times but to overcome with the victory that jesus christ purchased and paid for in every area of your life see i don't know about you but i'm not looking for a barely get along existence when i am promised victory and triumph in all things in the word of god somebody say amen to this and so it is important that we as the children of god not only know what god says but put into practice and put into operation the principles everybody say the principles see the word of god has principles in the old covenant the bible says that moses saw the form of the lord and i'll never forget i was reading this one day and i said god the bible says that moses saw your form but your spirit you have no form or shape in that regard what does this mean and he said son what moses saw when he says he's on my form he saw my patterns he saw my principles he saw how i'd do things he saw how the spirit of god accomplishes things in the earth are you listening to the man of god so now watch this psalm 112 verse number one it says this praise the lord blessed empowered to prosper is what that means is the man who fears the lord who delights greatly in his commandments and again the word fear there means to reverence god and you cannot reverence god you cannot honor god if you do not honor his word because god and his word are one if the word says it and you say well that's not from me i don't think well then that's a place where you're not honoring the lord and psalm 112 talks about this man or woman who has determined not only with their lips but with their substance and with their actions to honor and reverence the lord look at this praise the lord blessed is the man who fears the lord who delights greatly in his commandments so watch this his descendants will be mighty on the earth the generation once again which doesn't just mean the offspring but it means whatever the righteous generate whatever comes out of your spirit that god has told you to do he's telling you it comes out blessed see when god tells you to do something when you get a dream or vision from god you don't have to ask god to bless it it's blessed when it's generated oh i wish somebody would hear me it's blessed when it comes out now all you and i have to do is walk according to his principles and the blessing will just stay on it are you there it'll increase watch this the descendants of the mighty his sins will be writing on the earth the generation of the upright will be blessed now watch this look at verse 3 wealth and riches somebody say wealth and riches come on don't be scared come on say say wealth and riches watch this wealth and riches will be in his house whose house this man or woman who honors the lord who fears him who reverences him who does his commandments he says wealth and riches will be in his house watch this and his or her righteousness will endure forever what does that mean it means wealth and riches will come to them and they won't have to compromise their righteousness to get it god i wish i had somebody who would say man to that that they they won't have to backstab and sleep with the boss come on say amen or or or do this or do that in order to get a promotion in order to get an advance nobody's saying amen to the preacher watch this it's just wealth and riches and i was reading this just in the past week and the spirit of the lord said he said son pay attention there you've been reading past this i said wealth and riches so wealth is not riches oh my god and riches is not wealth so you can be rich and not wealthy nobody's saying nothing to me but if you get the wealth you'll get the riches now now what does this mean go real quickly go real quickly to proverbs chapter eight whoa man somebody's about to get paid [Music] i'm telling you there's some stuff that has your name on it that is about to come to you supernaturally because you're going to step into another dimension of understanding watch this look at verse 3 it says wealth and riches not love this uh i told you to go to proverbs 8 so go i'm going to read beginning at verse 1 but watch this when it says wealth the that word wealth there in hebrew means substance by implication it means watch this enough material in other words whatever you need materially god says when you honor me it'll be in your house ah no you didn't hear you didn't hear what i said he didn't say you'll have to go get it it'll come to you [Music] it'll be in your house somebody will bring it i don't know who i'm talking to watch this and then this word riches the hebrew word there is oh share it it means far richer in other words you'll have enough substance and you'll keep getting far richer [Music] [Applause] look up the words for yourself don't take my word for it look it up now watch this here is a principle lay your hands upon yourself and say i receive this now you said bishop why did you tell me to do that before you told me because it's in the word of god okay so so it's true look at proverbs chapter 8. i'll never forget when god showed this to me and this is the thing he keeps telling me to remind his people in proverbs chapter 8 are you with me in proverbs chapter eight and verse number one remember the bible says wealth and riches will be in the house of this man or woman who honors god now look at proverbs chapter eight it says does not wisdom cry out and understanding lift up her voice she takes her stand on the top of the hill beside the way where the paths meet everybody say where the paths meet see where whenever you're at an intersection of decision making many times what you need is not money you need wisdom [Music] are you still here look at verse number three she cries out by the gates at the entry of the city at the entry at the entrance of the doors to watch this to you oh men i call and my voice is to the sons of men now let me ask the question real quickly who's talking here who's talking wisdom is talking see i i've shared this with you before wisdom is one of the attributes of god it's one of the spirits of god according to the book of revelation there are seven spirits of god before the throne wisdom is one of those now wisdom is not god god is wisdom [Music] wisdom is speaking here god's not speaking wisdom is wisdom is one of his attributes do you understand do you understand do you really understand so so so wisdom however and if you read the eighth proverb it's magnificent wisdom talks about how she was with god when he created the earth [Music] read the whole thing she says before anything was brought forth i was right there beside him are you still here go down to verse 12. wisdom is talking wisdom says i wisdom dwell with prunes see i just said some things uh and and and you didn't hear what i said go down to verse 22. who's talking wisdom going on verse 22. uh i didn't give you this uh it says the lord possessed me at the beginning of his way in other words wisdom is telling you i was one of the architects of everything you're living in i was there with god when when he when he spoke stuff into existence are you still here so now get this if god had to use wisdom don't think you'll get by without it say stay with me the lord possessed me at the beginning of his way before his works of old i have been established from everlasting from the beginning before there was ever an earth when there were no depths i was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills i was brought forth well as he wisdom talking about the about elohim are you there while as yet he had not made the earth or the fields or the primal dust of the world when he prepared the heavens i was there when he drew a circle on the face of the deep you get the picture now go back up to verse whoa go back up to verse number 12. he says wisdom i wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge and discretion look at verse 18 riches and honor are with me did you hear that uh let me try riches and honor he says are with me now notice riches and honor do not dwell with work riches and honor dwell with wisdom [Music] it's not the hardest working person who prospers now don't get me wrong you're supposed to work and you're supposed to be diligent the bible says the diligent man or woman will stand before kings they will not stand before wicked people are you still there so you need to be diligent but you have to understand your work is not where your wealth is [Music] your job is not where your increase is your job is not where your prosperity is wisdom tells you riches hang out with me wealth hangs out with me now the word of god is the wisdom of god you cannot disregard the word of god and walk in the wisdom of god so when god says bring all the time when god says give and it shall be given he's not trying to get something from you he's trying to get something to you he's saying i want you to put my wisdom into operation cause your next increase your supernatural breakthrough the resources you need that your job can't provide you [Music] they come from me lay your hands upon as you and i prepare to tithe as we prepare to worship as we prepare to sow our psalm 112 as we prepare to sow our prophet seed or first fruit however god is leading you to worship him in giving i want you to hear this and hear it clearly the wisdom of god when you put god's wisdom to work wealth and riches increase and honor flow with it i've said it many times before that's why you will never find anywhere in your bible the words job gyra your job was never designed to meet your need your job was designed to give you seed [Music] to sow into the kingdom so god can multiply it and wealth and riches and purpose and destiny can flow to you i'm talking to somebody who this month has an appointment with wealth i'm talking to somebody who this month has an appointment with increase and remember wealth is not just money it is resource it is connection wealth can be an open door at the right time somebody talking to me is one introduction away from a favor that'll bring a house a car that'll pay off a debt they're one introduction away from someone who god will use to change the course and trajectory of your life oh god lay your hands upon yourself as we prepare to worship god i want you to get ready to receive the bible says he that comes to god must believe that he is watch this but must also believe that he's a rewarder see the god i serve is a rewarder [Music] the god i serve is a pay master [Music] whoa the god i serve is an accounting genius the bible says the hairs on our heads are numbered david said he remembers every offering you give him are you there i'm going to pray father in jesus name i pray over your people i pray over every tithe or every sower every psalm 112 covenant partner every individual who has determined to worship you in their giving and father i decree this month appointments with wealth and increase and connections and open doors occur in the lives of your people in their dreams in their visions in the things you have shown them in their areas of responsibility and discipline i pray for them now and i decree it done in the name of jesus is anybody agreeing with the man of god just lift your hands and say i receive it now let's get ready just so if you're watching me live streaming i want you to make sure you get in on this and get in on it now so many of you do and i'm so thankful for what god is doing in your lives right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button there's a way for you to sew i want you to click it and so as god has directed if you're a tither you know what to do a tenth of everything that comes into my hands and yours belongs to the lord i am a tither you understand i so and i'm telling you uh i i i people can't wait to get money into my hands everywhere i go that movie and where i go somebody's chasing me why because i'm a sower i'm a giver and like i said when you're a giver men can determine your paycheck but they cannot determine your income because you'll always have more coming in than any man will pay you why it's harvest man i'm talking good are you there i want you to sew you're watching me live streaming right there on your computer screen your smartphone there's a way to do it or you can text me of c e m m two four one four four four once again c e m m two four one four four four follow the problems and give us god directs you there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 i want you to call that number there are trained prayer ministers waiting to agree with you in prayer as you sow your seed we want to agree with you take your prayer request and put it in the national prayer altar behind me where we pray over it for 30 days so in faith believing god amen if you've got the bishop of goodness that's an easy way to sew you can do it download it from google or download it from itunes or you can bring that gift here every single week tuesday through thursday i've got men and women here ready to agree ready to receive ready to pray with you believe god with you and many people come every week during the week days to sow why because we're praying for you every day believing god for miracles in your life every day if you're worshiping with me live here if you're making out a check make it payable to see emm if you're giving cash the envelope is for it please use it if you want to do it this on a bank or credit card there's someone to my right my left ready to receive you ready to assist you you don't have to fill out uh anything or put all your numbers on anything visible we want to assist you in worshiping god with your giving now if you have given you've already got your seed prepared if you've given online or you've got it prepared here i want you to lift up your hands before the lord just lift them if you haven't given yet maybe you're still preparing it maybe you're still deciding maybe i wonder is that the lord telling me to give let me tell you it's certainly not the devil telling you amen i'll guarantee you that so so i if you're deciding just stop what you're doing lift up your hands with me i want to pray over you and i want you to declare these words out loud after me because as the word of god teaches and as i've taught you many times you haven't finished giving you haven't finished tithing until you have already until you have also spoken over your seed say these words out loud lord as i worship you with my seed i boldly confess wealth and riches come on don't be afraid to say it said wisdom strength wealth and riches somebody said bishop it's not there yet but you'll have what you say say it wealth and riches are in my house i declare i am increasing more and more and i boldly confess in favor in finance in things being added to me i am abundantly supplied just lay your hands upon yourself and say somebody is on their way to me with exactly what i need [Music] a harvest an open door an opportunity an instruction a piece of wisdom i'll know it when i see it and i will not miss it in the name of jesus man i feel the power of god in the name of jesus somebody shout about that that's happening for somebody amen usher serve the people here let's worship god as we give those of you watching live streaming finish as we get into the word [Music] you are my strength strength [Music] [Music] yeah you are my strength [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you lift me [Music] is coming up right now i'm coming up right now you leave me [Applause] and the power of your name you are my swag strength every day [Music] now if you declare it and believe it then thank god that he is your strength true and the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength rejoice [Music] and amen open with me in your bibles thank you singers thank you musicians can you clap your hands and thank the lord for them i want you to open with me in your bibles to the gospel as matthew records it chapter number nine the gospel as matthew records it chapter number 9 and i shall begin the reading of god's word at verse number 18. matthew chapter 9 and verse number 18. now i i started something on wednesday night and i thought as i often do that this was you know just something i needed to say and i would get through it and uh something the lord had directed of course for me to share significant everything that god gives us to share in his word is significant amen but i felt that it was simply something that the spirit of the lord wanted me to just refresh you about and remind you about and then when i began to teach it i realized as i often do that god had dropped me into something that was more in depth than i had originally anticipated and that he was giving me a responsibility uh to share in this area and yes to refresh us in some things and remind us about some things but to relate it to the things that are happening in our lives and in our world uh and once again it is so significant and important to me that the life that you and i live as new creations in christ jesus the life of faith that we live if this life does not affect if it does not uh address if it does not give us victory and triumph in the everyday affairs of life then what are we doing [Applause] you understand if if what you are getting on sunday does not relate to what you are dealing with on monday you are in the wrong place and it is the plan of god it is the will of god that his word that we receive address the not only address the issues of our lives and the issues that are transpiring but give us the victory not just as i said to survive stuff but to overcome it in the name of jesus and see the victory that the word of god has promised us i was thinking about this this morning you know i i i am constantly in pursuit of the victory i see i'm promised in this book and if i'm not winning something is wrong no no you didn't he said you didn't hear what i said if i'm not winning something is wrong it's either wrong with me or it's wrong with my understanding it's not wrong with god and the devil is supposed to be the devil so i ain't blaming him i i got victory over him [Applause] and and and sinners are going to be sinners so i'm not blaming them either amen if this thing works then it works over sickness sin devils demons yolks bondages and everything else amen so the spirit of god he said to me son i want you to address this because my people some of my people need to be reminded others of them need these things related and they need to put it into practice and put it into effect and with the things that are happening in our world again you know this the pandemic and every time there seems to be something uh coming in advance then the the news starts there's another strain coming another this now they're saying people are getting sicker more people are getting the virus and being knocked down and once again we do not refute the validity of the virus we're not negating the actuality of something that is roaming nor are we you know uh damning to hell doctors and and medicine officials and those types of things because thank god for anything and everything that helps are you there i said are you there but there is a life that you and i as new creations in christ jesus and children of god are called to and we are to be rising above whatever is coming amen i said amen we're not supposed to be afraid of it you know they're saying now and again i've consulted i've talked to physicians i've talked to medical doctors i'm talking about doctors of holy ghost filled doctors who are also physicians i've talked to some very fine doctors uh here in southern california who've said some things to me i will not use their names because i don't have permission to use their names so i wouldn't call their names out because i haven't asked them but they have shared something with me i was talking to one of our physicians see these are the things you need to understand it it is they're saying you know with this delta virus and all this stuff now that's another dimension of the coronavirus they're saying you know it's more contagious that people are getting it easier but it's also less deadly they're not telling you that [Music] now they're telling you get a vaccine now you need a booster shot already a booster shot you need a booster already now once again i'm not anti-vaxx i'm not pro vacs novak's i'm not any of that whatever whatever god whatever you feel you need to do whatever you feel compelled to do i know what god has said to me but i also warned you that this vaccination and this whole thing that they're pushing while it's not the mark of the beast it is a precursor there are some ulterior motives going on and the children of god need to be alert [Applause] and that i say by the spirit of god and i will not relent because i know i have the mind of god on this issue are you there but one of the physicians i consulted you said bishop what are you getting at i'll tell you in just a minute we're going there one of the visions i consulted he said he said uh uh dr mcclendon he said one of the things that we in the medical field know and understand that it is highly highly highly unlikely incredibly unusual for any derivative of an original virus to be stronger than the original that when a thing mutates it weakens it doesn't strengthen but if you listen to the prophets of doom on your news stations you will never understand that are you there so so so i submit to you again that as a new creation in christ jesus as a child of god there is another news station you need to be turning to there is other news you need to be sure that you are receiving and so the spirit of god has said to me said i want you to deal with this issue look at matthew chapter 9 verse number 18 and the word of god really reads while he spoke these things to them behold a ruler came and worshiped him saying my daughter has just died but come and lay your hand on her and she will live so jesus arose and followed him and so did his disciples and suddenly somebody say suddenly and suddenly a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years came from behind and touched the hem of his garment lord jesus helped me for she said to herself if only i may touch his garment i shall be made well but jesus turned around and when he saw her he said be of good cheer daughter your faith has made you well and the woman was made well from that very hour hear the words of jesus your faith has made you well everybody say my faith can make me well say it again my faith can [Applause] make me well now notice i'm saying can it it can it it is ordained to but it doesn't for every individual who has it because many people don't know number one what it is or how to use it let's get a couple of other things here so that we've got more than one witness and let me say this because we're going to be dealing with this for a minute sunday wednesday god told me to minister this this incident that is spoken of here in matthew chapter 9 is also spoken of the same incident is recorded in mark chapter 5 verses 25 through 34 and it is also recorded in luke chapter 8 verses 40 through 48 matthew mark and luke being what is called the synoptic gospels or the harmonic gospels because matthew mark and luke contain a majority of the same information in each one of those many of the same incidents that jesus performs are recorded so matthew mark and luke are historically and theologically called the synoptic gospels because they are s they are a synopsis of the same information generally john being a distinct gospel and then they are also called the harmonic gospels because in each one of those writers accounts even of the same incident many times you get another dimension of insight on the same incident from a different reporter you understand just like if you turn to cbs cnn and fox news and everybody's reporting on the same thing yet you'll get different nuances of information because many people are seeing different things matthew mark and luke are like that and the holy spirit is inspiring them as they write to give us different pieces of the same information wait if you understand what i just said now this is important oh this is important because when when this woman gets healed jesus the bible says says to her your faith has made you well he doesn't say my power makes you well now the implication is that his power is flowing and his power is available now in the account i just read to you in matthew matthew makes no mention of the power of god but real quickly turn to mark's account turn to mark's account hallelujah are you still here turn to mark's account i'm going at this a little differently uh today than i did when i taught on wednesday because there's glory to god there's another dimension uh of this that mark records look at mark chapter five i'm going to begin at verse 25 now a certain woman had a flow of blood for oh god help the people see this this is so beautiful it's so beautiful when you see it watch this now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse you see mark is giving us a bit more insight he says she's had it 12 years that means he did some investigative reporting you know matthew just recorded the incident mark wouldn't talk to her and say well how long this happened how long you had said he's had it 12 years are you still here i said are you still here 12 years mark knew that she had went to doctors see matthew didn't tell us that are you there so many things for many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse to watch this when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment the fact that mark includes she came behind him is important because that means jesus is not focused on her ah somebody stay with the preacher he's not looking at her he's not moving her direction as a matter of fact he's moving away from her if she is behind him so he has not focused his power his attention or his ability on her he's just moving through the crowd but the bible says she came in the press or in the crowd behind him and touched his garment for she said if only i may touch his clothes i shall be made well are you still with me look at verse 29 immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction watch this and jesus immediately knowing in himself that power do you see jesus immediately knowing himself that power had gone out of him so mark includes the fact that god's power or jesus's power is flowing here are you there i said are you there and jesus immediately knowing it himself that power had gone out of him turned o god it turned oh jesus turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes but his disciples said to him you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see who had done this thing so get it the the disciples said wait a minute jesus you see the crowd around you everybody's bumping up against you we in a crowd man a whole lot of people are touching you but i want you to notice that none of those touches drew power none of those touches caused power to flow from him to their situation why why he tells us here oh are you still here see and this is the same in church there are a lot of people coming to church but not everybody knows how to draw power [Music] from the jesus that they're worshiping there are a lot of people who love god a lot of people who say they appreciate god they're grateful for what jesus has done they like jesus he's a good guy and of all the assorted people to worship he seems to be the best one [Applause] but that does not mean power is flowing from you from him to your situation [Applause] [Music] and see this is what well why what what what so and so goes to church so and so read their bible so and so been in church 12 years that ain't what gets it baby it's not being in church 10 years 12 years or two years it's knowing how to draw power from the savior into your situation are you there watch it are you are you still tracking me so so watch this oh watch watch i got to get to it and he verse 32 and he looked around to see who had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and felt told him the whole truth and and told him the whole truth so she told him what she had been going through and what she did and when jesus what she had been going through and what she did he said to her daughter your face your faith so get it he is aware that his power is what caused the miracle to happen but he said it wasn't my power cause my power was available to everybody here [Music] [Applause] i wish i had somebody who would say with me it wasn't just my power because my power was available to everybody here you got healed you were made well because you knew how to mix my power and your faith [Applause] and see a miracle manifest where nobody else got one so just just just in your sanctified imagination just think with me that everybody else in the cloud had coronavirus and they're all touching him he's popular got a tv ministry has a reputation for praying for the sick i think i'll go hang out with him i hear he's passing by but now in one of them [Applause] you know not a one of them you down from south you know what i'm saying but none of them are made well but she is [Music] [Applause] condorable but she is don't do not measure your experience by the other people who are around jesus don't determine what you can have by the other people who go to church don't determine what is possible for you by other people who say they hang out with jesus [Applause] hallelujah because when you're operating in faith you can get stuff that other people don't get in the same service you can receive something that other people don't receive in the same situation [Applause] somebody lift their hands and say my faith can make me well my faith can get me out of this my faith can cause me to prosper when everybody else is going under my faith [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] glory to god jesus said to her your faith has made you well now there are a couple other situations here that i could read in mark chapter 10 and luke chapter uh in luke chapter 18 the same thing jesus says to a blind man by the name of bartimaeus when he gets healed he said your faith did this so understand now from the very outset from the very from the right outside when we are talking about your faith can do it we are not excluding the power of god because the power of god is what causes any good thing to happen in the life of the believer but the question is since god's power is available to everybody why is it everybody experiencing it [Applause] [Music] see so as i teach on how what your faith can do i want to make it very clear we are not eradicating the reality of the power of god he glory to god is the unmoved removal of all things he is the savior and the healer he is the source of all of our power but when you go in your bedroom and you turn on the light switch you don't say general electric turned on your lights [Applause] come on say well what southern california what's the power company here what is it i don't even know i don't pay bills i don't see bills i don't know nothing about bills if it were up to me all the lights would be off in the house everything would be they'd be repossessing everything if it was up to me i don't pay bills i don't see anything late he does all that i ain't seen a bill in decades i don't have time are you still here i said are you still here so so we got people who who handle that stuff but so who's the power company who is it what dwp so what do they what do they do water and power okay okay so so so when you sad that i love the boy but he is kind of one dimensional he don't know nothing but the word he don't know nothing but he can't do nothing but preach stay with me stay stay with me brother so so so we will so when you take a shower with your bad you turn on the water you don't say dwp clean me it is understood that they are the source of the power it is understood that's where it's coming from but it's what you did it's it's what you did with what they provide that caused you to get there was a wave at me if you understand i am here to tell you that your faith can not only make you well from whatever virus or disease your faith can keep it from coming on here [Applause] now once again no condemnation no judgment if you got a hit we all get hit with something sometimes we get blindsided we get off our game we're not paying attention that's why god told me to come to you and remind you you've got the stuff to stop whatever's coming around you [Applause] get a vac if you want wear a mask if you want but the vax nor the mask will keep you well [Applause] i'm a dance on that one [Applause] but lift your hands and say but my faith will be my faith my faith but now now if my faith if your faith can do this and if four times in the word of god the scripture tells us that the just shall live by faith now it is high time and past time it is high time and past time now if i am a new creation in christ jesus i feel the passion of god in my spirit if i'm a new creation in christ jesus if i'm a believer in the word of god it is past time and high time now that i know that i know that i know that i know what faith is i cannot afford to be uncertain about it now i cannot afford to not know that i'm working it now [Applause] it's too critical now i i have to know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that i know what it is and how to work it [Applause] i can no longer afford for somebody to tell me to hold the god's unchanging head i can't afford that now [Applause] especially if you can't tell me where his hand is and how to grab it come on same end to this [Applause] [Music] i cannot afford to say i'm believing god if i'm not sure that i am [Music] amen bishop i i i cannot afford i cannot afford to think that i'm in faith when i'm not the scripture says examine yourself to see whether you're in the faith and i've said this before in fact i wrote a book on this some years ago called beyond personal power that was born out of this very experience when the enemy came against my life all kinds of ways and i thought i was doing this and i was you know good and he just hit me and attacked me every way he could and and and i went to god i said god what is up what's going on i'm your boy no no i had this conversation well guys i'm your boy i have served you from my youth i have been preaching this gospel all my life i gave i turned everything over to you when you told me to give this i did that i left my house when i was a kid with 70 dollars in my pocket and i slept in a garage on a mattress with roaches and flies and here i am the enemies beating me up every which way but sunday i said god i'm your son [Applause] i said what is going on and the spirit of god said to me as clearly as i have ever heard him speak he said son there are some areas of your life where you think you are in faith and you are not and then he said these words to me i shall never forget them he said your gift and your talent can bring things to you but only your faith can keep them and he said and now i am going to take you through a faith exam and i'm going to teach you what faith actually is he said because most of my people think if they have faith they have faith for everything but just because you have faith doesn't mean you have faith for everything he said you can have it oh god he said you can have it but but but but he said faith is only possible where my will is known on an issue and if you don't know what i've said about a matter you don't have faith for that matter you didn't hear what i just said he said if you don't know what i have said about it you don't have faith for you may love me you may trust me but you don't have faith for that area of your life because you have not put my word on it you don't know what i've said about it write this down write this down faith is only possible write it down faith is only possible i'm talking about bible faith faith is only possible when the will of god is known when you know what god's will is on a matter when you know what god's word is on a matter then faith becomes possible until then you are hoping until then you believing but believe you may be believing you may not but you may be believing but believing is not faith and faith is not just believing you say bishop clarence e mclendon how can you say such a thing because i can read and the bible tells you the very same thing are you still here now my assignment my assignment now my assignment is to apply your faith to wellness and wholeness but on the way there we're going to learn something about faith so we know we're applying it everywhere because the same faith that can make you well can bring you out of debt the same faith that can make you well can bring your children to salvation the same faith that can make you well can cause your business to prosper when everybody else is is going under somebody say amen to this so so so my assignment my assignment is to apply it to wellness and wholeness and to keep you operating there but we got to get some basic things down go to romans 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17. are you with me has anybody been helped a little yet look at romans chapter 10 and verse number 17 oh this is good romans chapter 10 and verse number 17 most people know it but i want you to hear it says so then faith cometh i'm going to stop right there so then faith cometh it cometh so if it cometh that means i can't have it all that i need if it needs to come it come on say amen to this because if i have it all i need in every area then it wouldn't need to cometh to me at all [Applause] so then faith cometh by hearing again the construct of this sentence in english is interesting and it leaves something out that is inferred if you remember your english lessons in high school college but if you just read by this you'll miss the implication and the inference so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing [Music] cometh that's the end that's the influence because we're talking about stuff coming thing know that's not good english but but so so see we really so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and if you just read it that way you will think that when you hear the word of god you got fake but that's not true [Applause] because the bible says in in hebrews chapter 4 that when the word was preached to the children of israel it said and the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith y'all aren't hearing me let me read it to you in your bible [Applause] hebrews chapter 4. hebrews chapter 4 i didn't give this to you back there oh god this is why i can't get through nothing in time yes i can thank you thank you [Music] yeah look at verse hebrews 4 2. it says for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them he's talking about the children of israel meaning the word of god the word of faith for indeed the gospel is preached to us as well as to them but the word which they heard so they heard it [Applause] so they heard it but the word which they heard did not profit them why did it not profit them not being mixed with faith in those who heard it now go back to romans 10 17. so then faith cometh by hearing and then the inference is that hearing cometh [Music] by the word of god do you see how that changes that so then faith cometh by hearing so i can't have faith until i'm hearing and hearing cometh by the word of god so i ain't hearing nothing until i get god's word oh you didn't get it so i'm not getting anything till i first have god's word on the matter and when i first get god's word on the matter then other hearing no you didn't hear me then other hearing is going to come when i get a promise that's why you always get a promise first whatever you're believing for whatever you're asking god to do get a promise first because when you get one promise from him and you start meditating on that hearing's gonna come oh and when hearing comes instructions will come direction will come things that nobody will hear but you for you will come because it's nobody else's business but yours and gods [Applause] are you still here so faith cometh by hearing and the hearing begins when you get god's word i need you to get the hearing starts you won't get any faith until you're hearing and hearing won't start until you get a promise [Applause] man i wish somebody had told me this 20 years ago i would have defeated devils that whipped my behind and i had authority over them because i didn't know this so then faith cometh by hearing so you won't get any faith until you've hurt see it doesn't come by reading [Music] it doesn't come by reading a whole lot of people that read they have no faith at all they read the bible they have no faith at all they read the bible they have no faith at all they can quote scriptures and they are meaner than junkyard dogs because they have no faith at all they can they can they can quote you entire chapters but they have no faith at all why because they have read but not hurt [Applause] [Music] they read god's words but they never heard him [Applause] are they getting this is there any can i say it any clearer so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing cometh by the word of god now this is very important because everywhere that the bible talks about faith except for in one or two places one of them i will show you in this one every time the bible talks about faith remember we're talking about what your faith can do my faith can make me well i need to know what it is my faith can keep me i need to know what it is everywhere the bible talks about faith except for in one or two places it is talking about the faith of god or the or the faith that comes from god now this is very important to understand because faith is not a religious issue faith is actually a spiritual force it is a force of the spirit it is a force in the spirit it is as real in the spirit as a fist to your gut it is substance to substance it is real it in the spirit it has a thud when it hits stuff [Applause] it is that real in the spirit realm it is a voice this is what jesus was talking about when he said the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take what take the kingdom or take the things of the kingdom by that's what he was talking about he said there are forces in this kingdom there are spiritual forces that function in this invisible kingdom in that spirit dimension are you still here and when he says the kingdom we have itself with violence again that word violence there doesn't mean what we think it means the word violence there actually means extremity being extreme that's what it actually means so what would you say the kingdom of god allows you to be extreme oh god somebody's going to get this it allows you to be as much of a fanatic as you want to be in other words it allows you to press in as much as you want and see this is why certain things are happening for certain people in the kingdom and they're not happening for others because some people decided i want more of this i'm pressing into this i'm going gonna be extreme about it i'm not compromising about it i'm gonna say what god says no matter what anybody else says and if you don't like me put me out turn me off get away from me i will not stop jesus is saying the kingdom of heaven cambodia standa allows you to be as crazy about it as you want to as passionate about it as you want to and he says and the passionate the extreme keep taking stuff by force they keep using their spiritual forces to get stuff they don't fight they don't complain they don't beat up [Applause] they just they just use their forces remember remember when proverbs said guard your heart with all diligence why for out of it flow the issues or literally the forces of life keep god's and guard your heart because everything you're going to take by the kingdom is flowing out of there [Applause] [Music] oh and if you could see it if you could see it oh god i'm in the spirit now if you could see it if you could see it your faith has hands on it when it goes to something it grabs it [Applause] and it starts pulling it towards you ah it goes to whatever you point it at and it grabs it and starts pulling it in your direction and the more you speak the word the more angels get on assignment because the bible says the angels hearken unto the voice of the word of the lord and they excel in strength so my faith goes out and gets my health and it starts pulling it toward me and the moment your face starts working and uh the devil calls 9-1-1 [Applause] and he tries to get some situations or circumstances or people to convince you that your faith is not working because the only place he has to operate is in the realm of the scene and in the realm of your emotions [Music] your faith is operating in the spirit realm [Music] so your faith my god i'm in this now your faith goes out and grabs it [Applause] grabs your health grabs your money grabs your resources [Music] and starts pulling it towards you now the more you speak the word stand up you're you're the thing you you you're you're the thing i'm believing he's health wealth uh a prosperity he's your business he's the car he's the house the kingdom of heaven allows you to be violent to be passionate to use your faith and use it as much as you want as often as you want and use nothing else if you don't want to use anything else see if you want to use something else okay i'll let you but your faith can do it [Applause] the kingdom of heaven so my faith goes out and grabs it and starts pulling it toward me but then the enemy comes in with circumstances and situations and emotions and he tells you ain't nothing happening but your faith is working in the unseen realm pulling it towards you and what the enemy wants you to do is stop speaking the word he wants you to stop getting any more promises why because if you keep getting promises come here william come here jimmy uh uh come come here dc come here because y'all will be the angels get behind them get behind them get behind cause because because if your faith keeps working and you keep speaking the word an angel will get on the side and start pushing stop pushing you keep speaking the word another angel comes start pushing go faster you keep speaking the word another angel comes start pushing and before you know it [Music] somebody better shout or i'm gonna run hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody lift your hands out loud and say my faith can do it my faith i watch it watch it sit down i've got five minutes i'm gonna use them all [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i said hallelujah that's why the bible says hold fast to your confession of faith don't you turn that thing loose cause the more you talk the more angels go on assignments [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah god just told me somebody is one shout away from a breakthrough one hallelujah away from a manifestation one thank you jesus away hey hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah jesus christ [Music] [Applause] lay your hands on yourself [Applause] say it is working yes it is yes it is say my faith is working all day every day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lay your hands on yourself i i'll pick up here if i go into the next thing i'll be another 20 minutes because i won't be able to let you go [Music] having just opened a thing and not closing it for you and i don't want to leave you open i want you to go to work [Music] this week in the spirit [Music] oh and get what belongs to you healing is the children's bread jesus you're supposed to be eating it it's yours health and wellness and soundness it belongs to you lay your hands upon yourself [Music] i'm going to say this out loudly i'll support it with scripture when we get together next time but right now i just need you while your spirit is open to hear it and receive it faith bible faith faith according to the scriptures not according to religious tradition faith according to the scriptures is not faith until it can be seen or heard it's not faith as long as it's just inside of you something you say you're believing i believe this james 2 tells us demons believe but they don't get anything of the kingdom why because they know jesus is lord but they do not act in agreement with it i'll teach that next week [Music] the bible says when the woman that we were reading about got healed and told jesus what she had done jesus then said to her daughter your faith [Music] meaning from what you told me i know your faith did this because you told me what you did and that's why of the thousands of people touching me you got something when they didn't because it wasn't just what you did in church it's what you were doing all week [Music] that when my presence came your faith just pulled out glory to god [Music] in luke chapter 5 i believe it is in verse number 20 when those four friends of that lame man tear the roof off the building and let him down in the midst to get him healed the bible says and when jesus saw their faith so see the faith that the bible calls faith is something that can be seen or heard see the bible says the woman said and the scripture there in the greek it implies a continuous action she said and kept on saying [Music] see there is a date set for your miracle god has already made the appointment and he's going to be there the question is is your faith going to be at the appointment lay your hands upon yourself i gotta let you go i have to do it god has already set an appointment with what he's promised you my god i feel the holy ghost i literally feel the power of god flowing all over my arms right now lay your hands upon yourself god if his word said it if he promised it to you he is not slow concerning his promise the bible said he's not slack concerning what he said [Music] and it also says he's not a man that he should lie or the son of a man that he would change his mind no no no no if he said it he's got it handled if he spoke it he will bring it to pass in your life he is going to be at the appointment that he set the question is is your faith going to show up [Music] or when he gets there with that appointment gets there because he's already present but when that appointment comes is he going to hear you saying well i just don't know what i'm going to do i just i just i don't know how i'm going to make it or i just you know i better call my cousin them and see if i can borrow something is that what he's going to hear or in that appointment is he going to hear the echo of your last 30 days saying my need is met and i am abundantly supply is he going to hear the echo of what you've been saying for the last three months my god shall supply all my need is he gonna hear a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me lay your hands upon yourself i'ma leave you with this i'll prove it next week [Music] not only is every promise and every miracle in your life voice activated [Music] but every declaration of faith you make is stored in the presence of god [Music] you didn't hear what i just said [Music] the bible teaches that you're in my prayers of faith and prayer plosuka my means declarations we've made in line with god's word the bible says there's a bowl of incense that has the prayers of the saints [Applause] [Music] that's why child of god man of god woman of god [Music] when you say a thing and faith is released [Music] see sometimes we need to keep saying it until the faith comes alive but really when the faith is there in full force you only need to say it once and that one time you may have said it a hundred times but it was that hundredth time that released the force and once that's released it stays in the presence of god like an echo you didn't hear me it echoes it echoes it echoes god hears you saying [Music] it over and over again that's why he said to cornelius your prayers are a memorial i'm hearing them every day i'm no you're not listening to what i'm saying i am i am still hearing what you said six months ago now don't change your confession because i'm on my way to your appointment [Music] oh god don't don't don't don't change what you're saying cause i'm on my way with exactly what you need come on lay your hands up on yourself i gotta let you go you're watching me live streaming lay your hands upon yourself i am telling you in the name of jesus i'm telling you as a son of the most high god that god has given you as a new creation in christ jesus his level of faith you've got the god kind of faith you've got that faith that when you speak forces are released you've got the same faith that god has oh i got so much of this to teach and when you speak the word of god the enemy doesn't know whether it's coming out of god's mouth or your mouth because the word of god has the same frequency whenever it's released it has the same power are you listening to the preacher lay your hands upon yourself i declare to you in the name of jesus that god has placed in you you new creation you he is placed within you you son you daughter of god he has placed in you the faith [Music] to release everything that you need how you say bishop i'm going to i need to get god's word on it i'll never forget i was meditating and when god was teaching me and taking me through the faith exam he took me to the story of david david [Music] was running toward goliath when everybody else was running away from him [Music] the bible says before david ran toward goliath he went and got five smooth stones he ran at his obstacle at his problem at his situation with five smooth stones he only needed to use one but he got five and the spirit of the lord said this to me i will never forget it he said son whatever you're believing me for whatever you're targeting your faith at no matter how gigantic it is no matter if no one else believes it'll fall but you he said all you got to do you don't have to get every promise in the bible that covers it he says just go get five he said go get five promises that cover anything that you're believing me for he said and begin to meditate on them until you wear the edges off of them and they get smooth they get so smooth that you're in your spirit and keep meditating on them till you don't have to look at the paper anymore look at the paper and declare them but keep meditating till they get in your spirit and they're so smooth that when you open your mouth they just come out he said if you'll do that nothing will be withheld from you that i promised you no devil can stop it no obstacle can keep it from happening and i need to lift my hands and say i'm a witness i've been in stuff that i should not have come out of i have come i've had obstacles come against me that thought they were going to take me under but god [Music] i said but god i said but god taught me how to use my faith and he told me my faith can get it done is there anybody who believes god lift your hands father in the name of jesus i pray over every one of your sons and daughters now and god in the name of jesus i remind them of what jesus said he said your faith doesn't have to be as big as your obstacle he said if you've got faith as a grain of mustard seed you can speak to the mountain you can say to it be thou removed and cast into the sea and it will obey you and so i declare in the name of jesus you have enough faith to get started i'm gonna say it again you have enough faith right now to start your miracle you have enough faith to begin your healing you have enough faith to start your breakthrough you have thank you lord i'll do it you have enough faith [Music] now you can get your five smooth stones that's your assignment this week go get your five smooth stones [Applause] and write them down god said to me when he took me through my faith exam he said son it is more spiritual to get five promises write them down and read them before me with your eyes open than it is to get down on your knees fold your hands close your eyes and say things i can't move on and speak things i can't honor because i don't watch over your screams your cries your yells your tears to perform them i watch over my word to perform it it is more spiritual to get five promises and read them that are the word of god than to spend an hour asking god to come in a room he's already in and make a way he's already made somebody lift your hands and say my faith is getting it done now say it's working now [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus i agree with you for healing and soundness to manifest in your body i curse viral infections bacterial infections including coronavirus and any of its variations i come against every disease distress and disorder and in the name of jesus i release my faith now you release yours let's agree in the name of jesus i agree with you for breakthrough in your finances for the miracle that you need for the door to open for the way to be made clear for the door to shut that needs to be shut i agree with you that your children are born again i agree with you that a laborer goes across their path i agree with you that the spirit of god draws him i agree with you in the name of jesus somebody pray with me i agree with you in the name of jesus christ that favor is given to you from the landlord from the mortgage banker i agree with you oh somebody bless the lord i agree with you in the name of jesus my faith and your faith can get it done somebody who's believing god at home shout with me somebody who's believing god here shout with me god [Music] i have god [Music] to receive lay your hands upon yourself watching me lay your hands upon yourself in this room i preached harder and longer than i wanted to [Music] but i felt the faith of god rising in me [Applause] somebody there somebody here is going to see a turnaround in the next 24 hours in the next 48 hours the holy spirit just said to me said tell them i'm gonna do a speedy thing to confirm for them that it was their faith that god had done that their faith is working i heard the spirit of god say he said i'm going to do some very quick things some special miracles for this moment just to demonstrate to the people that are hearing your voice that their faith can get stuff done for he that has an ear to hear let him hear lay your hands upon yourself i want every person under the sound of my voice god bear me witness in the holy ghost just as i was preaching here just a moment ago some of you may have heard me say yes lord i'll do it because he spoke to me while i was preaching see many people don't understand that faith comes from the heart it's released out of the heart that's why the bible says if you will confess with your mouth the lordship of jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you shall say why because the faith comes out of the heart not the head jesus said mark 11. he that says if you have faith have the faith he that says to this about be removed and be i'll cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the things he says will come to pass he'll have whatever he says why because faith will work in your heart even with doubt in your head [Applause] i'm going to say it again faith will work in your heart even with doubt in your head because your head is not where your faith comes from comes from the heart i don't know how many times i've said what god said and my mind was telling me it'll never work and i just tell my mind shut up [Music] god said it [Music] this is what people think they think every man every woman of god who gets great things done they're just full of faith and cape flapping in the wind all the time and yelling charged with the sword no no no no no no god tells us to do some stuff that blows our minds and our minds are telling us ain't no way ain't no way but the word is in the heart and you just keep releasing it out of the heart and tell your head shut up you are not in charge here there are some people under the sound of my voice some of you are in this room some of you are watching me live streaming the word of god you know it you don't need anybody to tell you the word of god was for you it ignited something in your spirit it caused something to come alive in you while i was preaching you had thoughts and images running through your mind about this about that oh i need to do this oh i need to do that that is you hearing as the word of god is coming to you you start hearing i don't know how many times i've been in services where i've preached something and somebody has come to me after andrea and said bishop you know when you said this it just changed my life and i look at them and i'm thinking i never said that i didn't say that that didn't come out of my mouth what happened you heard something while i was preaching because while i was preaching god spoke something oh it's happened to me many times are you still with me i gotta let you go i want every person under the side of my voice you know the word of god was for you the spirit of god just spoke to me there are about 30 to 40 people listening to me that god has made an appointment for your miracle [Music] he's going to be there will your faith be there and the spirit of god just said to me said tell them and they know who they are to get a 100 seed and sow it into this anointing into this moment now please hear me you don't buy a miracle you don't purchase a blessing this is not a game or a and if you're not one of those then you're not one of them god don't say it's only about 30 or 40 and there's thousands of people watching me listening to me now i want you to hear me if you are one of them see here's what people often don't understand that many times when god tells you to sow a seed it's because when you release the seed he's going to open your heart he's going to open your heart to hear something to receive something see the bible says where your treasure is there your heart will be also see god knows your heart follows your seed are you listening this is why people who don't understand the kingdom of god they don't understand spiritual forces they'll try to talk well you can't sow and god do say you get no no no it's not that it's not that your sowing gets the thing done the thing is already done what your sewing does is it opens your heart to a direction to a revelation to an inspiration or it causes another download of certainty to come into you and then you know that you know that you know that you know that you know god told me he said this to me this week he said there are too many of my sons and daughters too many of my children who know me and know my word who are being hit by this [Music] stuff they got through the first wave but this second wave they're getting hit by a little more he said because many of my children have let off their faith a little bit and they're listening more to all this news oh i wish i had time to explain it to you see your human spirit was designed to believe what it hears i'll get to this next week but faith in god comes from hearing god but whoever you're hearing that's who you're developing faith for [Music] if you are hearing more of the world health organization than you are the promises of god you will have faith for what the world world health organization tells you is going to happen and you can't help it you were designed to believe what you hear i'm going to show it to you next week [Music] if you keep looking at disaster and fear and bondage and destruction and the world is coming to an end and everything happening and stay in the house and don't come outside [Music] and we're laughing but it ain't funny when you're gripped by stuff and you don't know what's got hold of you and why and you can't sleep and now you won't let your kids go outside because no that is ah that is not the way you were to be living it's not the way we are to be living creator is he that is in us i gotta let you go i if i keep talking i'm gonna get stronger and i'll be preaching here at 4 pm we are leaving [Applause] i have had three and a half hours of sleep and i need to go lie down lay your hands upon yourself [Music] i want you my brother my sister i want to be your partner for your miracle i want god has given me faith to believe with you he did it it's not my doing as long as there's breath in my body and i got a body i can preach i'm going to tell you to believe god to believe his word and i'm going to be your partner to believe with you for whatever god says is yours you are to overcome you are to be the head and not the dale above and not beneath you to be well when everybody's dying around you you and your children are to be protected here to have your needs met you to be full of faith and strength you're to be helping people who can't make it because you've got an overflow of faith and strength and confidence this is your finest hour you new creation you this is your moment to shine i want every person under the sound of my voice who can sow if you're not one of the hundred dollar sowers then give the very best you can if it's a 70 seat if it's a 5 cd if it's a 7 cent seed if god is speaking to you to do it if you're in this building i want you to get something in your hand if the word of god spoke to you if the ministry of the spirit ministered to you i want you to sow something into this moment something supernatural is going to happen i'm telling you i'm not just talking and making stuff up i heard the spirit of god say tell them to do this and if god is speaking to you do it you're watching me live streaming god is speaking you to give it some other level there's somebody's listening to me god told you to sow a thousand dollar seed while the preaching was going on you need to do it it's a pastor talking to me facing oh my god thank you master there's a pastor [Music] watching me you're in a fellowship or a denomination of some kind and what god has been saying to you and speaking to you is going against your denomination and the clique the group you've been in and they've been threatening to do this and take that and do the other thing but god says if you will simply say what i'm saying if you will tell my people what i'm telling you he said i'll give you a whole new set of brothers [Music] a whole new set of sisters i will move you from where you are to where your purpose to be i hear the spirit of god saying you will lose nothing i'll give you houses and lands and brothers and sisters that you don't know of talking to you preacher god spoke to you to do something just do it i don't know what he told you to do but do it there's something connected to this move he's got an appointment with you he's going to be there [Music] if you're making out a check here make it payable to cm if you're giving cash use the envelope i saw people already moving to the aisle who want to sew on their credit card their bank card if you're watching me live streaming right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there is a donut a donate button i want you to push it and sew what god has directed you to sow or text give c e m m four one four four four follow the prompts i i sense this strongly these prayer partners of mine these prayer ministers of mine many of them were with me last night in san diego praying and interceding they they drove back here got here 12 30 1 o'clock they're on those phones full of faith i sense in my spirit there are several people that need to call there's a need there's something you need agreement with call them sow the sea that god is directing you so but call them let them pray with you let us agree with you see jesus said if any two of you shall agree as touching he's talking about that very same thing i demonstrated you where your faith goes out and grabs it he said if two of you can go out and grab the thing he didn't say touch and agree he said agree as touching meaning if any two of you will agree as putting your faith on the thing it'll be done call the number 310-323-2600 let my prayer ministers pray with you let them agree with you if you are sowing something sow it if you're but even if you're not sowing anything if you need agreement call the number let us agree with you amen if you want to bring the gift here anytime this week you can bring it god is speaking to you i want you to lift your hands if you're sowing here were you blessed by the word no no seriously did you receive something from god lift your hands before him lift your seat before i'm watching me live streaming if you're sewing lift your hands if you're not sewing lift your hands if you're not finished sewing lift your hands finish after we pray but let's agree father in jesus name lord i thank you for your word and i thank you for your people who have received and as they sow into this moment and this anointing god i agree with them for the miracles they need and i declare in jesus name that wholeness wellness soundness healing flows i think your people recover they get up out of beds they they they get up there walking tomorrow fevers are breaking now breathing is being restored to normal in the name of jesus and i agree with your people for this and everyone who agreed with the man of god said i receive it say i believe it and lord i thank you for it in jesus name come on clap your hands and give him praise right now if you're sowing if you're giving i shall serve the people if you're watching me live streaming go ahead and finish your giving your sewing get your communion elements we are going to take communion over this and then i'm going to let you go amen hallelujah something good [Music] is going to happen to you hi bye to you this very day something good is going to happen to you jesus of nazareth is passing your way if you know it sing it something's good [Music] if you're sitting next to somebody you don't mind breathing this very day something good something good going to happen jesus jesus [Music] is happened to you [Music] to you [Music] jesus is passing your way is jesus jesus of nazareth jesus [Music] we're going to record that song some of y'all who may know remember dr oral roberts his expect a miracle program that was i was six seven years old i would be sitting there he'd come on something good it's good they'd the world action singer something good [Music] we gonna update it a little but it needs to be heard amen i want you to get your communion elements we're going to minister communion to you [Music] i remind you the spirit of the lord directed us just a couple of weeks before the pandemic hit everything shut down i'll never forget it i was lying on my bed the word of the lord came to me just before i went to sleep i said i want you to begin to minister communion to my people every week until i tell you otherwise and every worship experience is it until i tell you otherwise i didn't know none of us do at the time the pandemic was gonna hit everything was gonna shut down [Music] but we've taught you that communion is not just an ordinance it's not just a sacrament it is the wisdom of god for the new creation it is a weapon of god in the hands of the new creation [Music] and like never before i i i do this is why the bible says as often as you do it it's not just something for first sundays [Music] amen as a matter of fact i got home this morning 2 a.m time i got after preaching and ministering i sat down and the spirit of the lord said take communion with me god bear me with he said take communion with me before you go to bed take communion with me i went and i did it [Music] so you don't know what you're fighting do you don't know what's coming against you you don't you don't know but when the spirit of god directs you and i believe that the wellness and the strength that you and i are to walk in remember the apostle paul said when he wrote the corinthian church he said when you all do this he said because you're not rightly discerning the lord's body because you're not doing it in the proper spirit and attitude he said many are weak and many are sick this is first corinthians 11 uh about 26. many are weak many are sick among you and many sleep which means that god by his spirit has absolutely ordained that when you and i take communion together that healing should flow that strength should come into lives and bodies and that where death is threatening death sentences would be canceled by the weapon of communion [Music] this we believe and it's happening lift the bread in your hand and say these words out loud say lord i receive the body given for me heaven has recorded that jesus and i were together through the whole process i received that body as my own that took my sin took my sickness took my lack in poverty paid in full and overpaid i receive it as my own and i declare heaven has recorded i've already passed from this to another dimension of life and so i declare my sins are remitted my body is healed my need is met in the name of jesus let's all eat together [Music] the scripture says then jesus took the cup and when he'd given thanks he said this cup is the new covenant it is the new agreement in my blood he did not say it was his blood he said it is the new agreement when you drink this you are taking in the agreement the covenant what is it god says i will be merciful to your unrighteousness [Music] your sins and lawless deeds i remember no more the blood of jesus has remitted deleted done away and so you can come boldly knowing that you are received knowing that god will not reject you and he that gave his own son he said how will he not with him [Music] freely give you all things if he gave you his best already [Music] anything else you could ask him for is second to what he's already given you do you understand so no good thing will he withhold from you [Music] say this out loud say lord i receive the full benefits of this new covenant every attribute every blessing every favor i am qualified to receive not of works which i have done but because jesus finished the work for me i receive it done and i receive the glorified life [Music] say that again i receive the glorified see the bible says those whom he justified them he also glorified you're not waiting to get to heaven to walk in glory [Music] see my holy ghost just said yes he was just going like this on the inside and [Music] say it again i receive the glorified life let's all drink together somebody shout its mind hallelujah if you have never accepted jesus christ as your savior and your lord i want you to understand the work is finished there is nothing that stands between you and god but your confession of believing that he finished the work for you if you're in this room or you're watching me live streaming i want you to repeat these words out loud after me say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the savior you are the one who has made me one with god i thank you you were selected to be the atoning victim and my sins are remitted in full and i declare that your resurrection is my evidence my receipt that your sacrifice was accepted in full and i am accepted i am a child of god in jesus name it is so now if you prayed that prayer with me online i want you to let me know at let me know i prayed the prayer if you've got any prayer requests send them if you're here you pray that prayer for the first time let us know on your way out but whatever you do keep walking in the faith of god i'll see you on wednesday father in the name of jesus i pray now a hedge of protection around your people in the north the south the east and the west around them their families their goods their household and all they have on every side i eject every virus and bacteria from the households of your redeem and in the name of jesus i declare everything their hands touch prosper i declare you continue to increase them in the land which you give them and we declare all week long the angels of the lord in camp round about us and they deliver us because we are those that fear the lord and the people said [Music] love you god bless you thank you we'll see you this week [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Applause] me you are the reason you you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,285
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Id: A_3ihTefIdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 243min 15sec (14595 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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