Seeing Beyond the Moment MasterClass

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well good evening everybody and welcome to the apostles master class and of course the apostle is here on the set with me on tonight i am so excited about the master class on tonight so why don't you like share like share share with all your followers and you know i couldn't figure out how to share it on youtube but i figured it out what you do is you hit that share button and you copy you copy the link and then send it to all the people in your contact and tell them to watch the apostles master class right now it's awesome it's going to be amazing so uh we have the apostle here on the set and he's already liked and shared on his right i think so oh well they normally do it themselves and i haven't checked with them so you know technical people normally take care of that but on your personal page do they do that as well they're supposed to so i'm good i believe i'm good so i'm excited about tonight excited about uh who we have on the set tonight who we have on the set tonight is the senior pastor of the house dr eye well hello everybody i trust you're excited about tonight's master class seem beyond the moment it's going to be amazing and you want to make sure if you're on facebook or youtube and you didn't register you want to make sure that you register for tonight and it's really simple because there's a worksheet that's going to be available tonight as well so make sure that you do that and go to mcsbm but thank you for having me text mc sbm 2714 so many short codes there's so many shortcuts but why should you register though that's why you need to know if you're just watching like somebody may have shared it with you and you're just watching it you need to register because you get a worksheet to go along with the lesson tonight so you want to make sure you text mcsbm to mcsbm to 71441 and then apostle has another guest on the set with us tonight so i'm gonna let him introduce well you know we had a uh we had a uh apostles conversation yes and uh it was it was off to change i mean it was it was awesome and so i decided i would ask my guests who was on my conversation to join us on the set and it's david imoniti you got it yeah how's everybody doing tonight super super excited to be on set here with just the incredible the master himself uh apostle hilliard and his beautiful wife pastor pastor bridget and uh the first first lady of the house uh and uh head pastor of uh lighthouse christian center new light yeah new light christian center definitely excited to be here tonight well you know i i normally just have uh pastors and ministers on the set i know you're a minister of the gospel but really your business man yeah and uh so i thought i would add another flavor in this i have a very successful pastor on the staff i mean on the set with me as well as a very successful business person on the set with me to show these principles will work in any arena right and that's the whole thing because you know most of the time when i just have pastors up here our business people look and they go you know yeah okay i wish i was a pastor maybe that would work for me but it will work the principles and tonight's principle is going to be amazing i just i'm just i'm all excited about teaching it yeah and you know apostles what can i what can a person expect after tonight i just want to tell you you can expect your life to go to a whole another level how to see beyond the moment is going to be incredible you know i don't know of one lesson that the apostle has ever taught that wasn't just the absolute best and so uh i'm probably one of his biggest cheerleaders i think he's the greatest teacher of the message of faith in the body of christ and then after i heard the apostles conversation with uh david i'm not going to even try his last name because i'm not trying to mess it up but when i heard the conversation with him i said he may be apostle's second biggest cheerleader i don't know because he really i mean i just was amazed at how he has taken the principles that apostle has taught him and he didn't just take him and shoplift he came back to say thank you and he of course you know when you were talking to apostle brother david the other night on the conversation i cracked up laughing about apostle cause you said when you came and asked him to be your mentor he said i ain't got time i didn't say it like that yeah i ain't got the time he looked up he liked that he was more like i got to talk not instead of instead of like i ain't got time oh boy so yeah y'all pray for me y'all see how they doing me okay go on so so yeah that was that was amazing so um you know um pastor ypj asked you that night how did you feel when he said that and i just want you to repeat that you know because that's the apostles personality so when you said that i was laughing so hard i said oh my god that is so apostle i ain't got time so how did you feel when he said this you know i didn't i did not have any offense with tour i didn't take any offense to it i completely understood and for me it was just it was shooting my shot like the young folks say i was just going to shoot my shot and see what was going to happen and uh i just knew that i was going to continue to listen to him anyway right so if i could get a close relationship great if i couldn't i was still going to be listening to him every single day anyway so i was still going to get the relationship i was still going to get the information that was needed to take my life to the next level so people that you know ask for mentorship if they don't get it doesn't mean that you stop listening to that person right you keep studying them and and the time will come when when they invite you to come in uh and say they'll be on the set i love you it was only uh ten years ten years later ten years but i've learned a lot in those ten years hey listen i'm good 10 years later okay you know um that was so funny because today uh i got an email from uh a message on messenger from one of our spiritual daughters and she lives in um bahama in the bahamas and so she said hey mom how are you doing today and she said i know you're not going to respond with one word i laugh so hard because anybody that knows bishop and if you text him or if you call him or if you if you email him and you say you know bishop i had a great day things are going great you could you could give him a full paragraph and he's going to answer with one word outstanding outstanding that's a good word outstanding so somewhere so when she said that today i just sent back to her i said i trust you having a great day and all of that but it was just so funny you should have you should have responded outstanding i normally put three exclamation points you should have put four no three exclamation points three exclamation points one for the father oh that is not that spiritual no but it's my normal is three if it's really outstanding you'll give people online know what what your response is everybody is saying the same thing there's power in the outstanding oh my god we are grateful that your messages are more than one word tonight you have more than one word for the people right i want you to brace yourself i want you to get yourself ready you need to invite some people tell some young people tell your business friends your entrepreneurs uh those of you who are in ministry it's time for your life to go to the next level and we are grateful that when he does minister he gives us more than one word more than one word i think we have a video well uh no i don't think i think we still got a little time on this set for y'all y'all uh oh i'm looking at the wrong sketch yeah for you to uh toast the bishop yeah i i need a schedule like yours well you want my doesn't it my skin is a pretty schedule isn't it yeah she always has highlights and everything yeah this one is like yes yeah we're gonna pass that one off now for those of you who are watching this live and uh the schedule that they gave me look at y'all look at this print i have on contacts and i can barely read it but the bishop schedule is in 14 point so i can read it hey no problem yeah problem hey listen listen my question is who do you think ought to be viewing tonight because that's the key in sharing this and and you know because of what god taught me years ago and when he taught me this my life was a wreck finance is a wreck marriage erect emotions erect and the principle that i'm going to teach tonight is the principle that caused everything to come together so no matter what state a person is in emotional financial no matter what state they're in this principle will revolutionize your life yeah yeah so i think anybody who wants to take their life to the next level needs to be watching yeah and then i also think anybody who has become complacent in life should be watching and i think anybody who wants to tap into the grace on your life should be watching well yeah i mean i think you know that's that you know i'm really reaching now you know the success part is is great getting money is great and all that but if you're not happy right right and if you're troubled in heart and spirit what's good right that's good so if you're an emotional wreck and you got you know a couple of million in the bank i mean you've got to get your money right you're following me right so you know i teach it and a lot of people will get the the the financial part right because the principal worked there but it will also work in this emotional area absolutely and i'm a witness of that yeah most people you know and when i think ypm put together a little clip uh that went viral about i was suicidal yeah what yeah i mean that's how wrecked my life was but this principle that i'm teaching tonight how does how to look from where you are it revolutionized my life yeah i think it's what you say about even as your soul prospers right and i think that's where the emotions come into play so these principles not only work for the financial world uh they also work from a solar standpoint i think that's what you're gonna cover tonight oh yes hey you know um my staff you know my young my my young uh marketing staff said okay you're gonna come out the box come out the box right i said now what does that mean they said well we see you up close and we see the proof of what you've been teaching but everybody else hasn't seen it and you know my generation is ain't your business [Laughter] and they go no if you want to reach the generation you're saying you want to reach you got to be a little more open yeah and i'm going okay okay okay okay i'm i'm i'm i'm i'll consider it but i'm not trying to come on like a rapper right you're throwing money and all that stuff [Applause] you understand so they came up with a classy way to do it and uh i think i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna introduce this video this little classic where they wanted to do it and then i'm gonna let y'all discuss it i'm gonna go get ready to teach because i see my numbers are going up and that's good and i'm ready to get involved now i got three sessions wow three sessions because you know you can't take all of this in one sec sitting and he said setting is going to be about 30-35 minutes bite-sized pieces but you got to stay for all three all right if you don't stay for all three you're gonna miss the the the application is in the third one okay we got it you know first i'm gonna introduce it and then you know i'm having time to recover okay and then i'll come back and show you why it works right got it got it then after i show you why it works now i'm gonna show you how you put it to work all right you follow me that's all that's gonna be all three sessions tonight and when we do this lives are gonna be changed amen that's the whole that's the whole point of it lives are gonna be changed i'm going to have more more class a students like dr eye amen well that's what we're believable more classy students like david david yes amen and amen i want to just remind you again to like and share like and share and make sure you share it because i just remembered somebody i promised to share with and i had to stop in the middle of the thing and share it so share with somebody especially somebody that you know needs the principles that apostle is going to be teaching tonight so make sure you like and share like and share hey let's run that video now and i'm going to get in the place and i'm going to leave the discussion of it to y'all oh my god let's go ladies and gentlemen the story you're about to see is true the names have been changed to protect the innocent [Music] so i met my grandmother when she was saved she was on fire for the lord but they say before i was born my grandmother was wild she was a gangster they said she shot at people she ran the nightclub all of that a lot of people only know you rich they only know you wealthy they only know you successful they only know you as the guy with the big churches they don't believe it when you talk about you as poor that you only made a few dollars and i i think sometimes when you talk about it they're like yeah he can't relate he don't know what i'm going through he's never been discouraged before what do you say to that to the people like how do you really get them to understand you know what they're going through well i tell my story because when i tell my story they understand and when they see my story god told me to take the little raggedy picture that little building where i was and he told me to show it to people i remember the first time i showed that picture to some pastors it was amazing it was just a hush in the room because as you say people see me successful and they somehow think that i've always been this way but not the case and so uh i was very discouraged suicidal too i was i was i mean yeah man i was i mean i was i had been publicly embarrassed i had gone through a church fight i'm publicly embarrassed um you know i don't know anybody who has ever recovered and a young preacher wants to be successful and here i am a total failure okay and so people who i thought would help me wouldn't help me i'm talking they're talking about me it's it's bad it's bad i can't provide for my family like i want to and so yeah the thought the thought to end it all came to my mind that's why i don't throw rocks at people when they talk about you know they were suicidal they were thinking i was there so i was there i was discouraged and then that's when god taught me how to climb out of it and that's why i'm committed to teaching everybody else how did you get the revelation of the purpose of your success because everybody wants the car what do you say the cars the cash the cribs and clothes what's the purpose of it because a lot of people just don't they think that's just all about being flashed well i think they don't read the whole scripture the whole scripture that talks about uh in second corinthians chapter nine and verse 8 if you read the whole scripture you can't help but get the purpose it says that you may abound every good work he says and god is able to make all grace that's favor god raising up people help you so that you will always have all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so that means the whole purpose of my god blessing me is so that i can be a blessing the purpose of kingdom prosperity is so you can be a blessing you know wouldn't everybody want to be able to send their children to school and then send somebody else child to school wouldn't everybody want that it's okay and that's my assignment my assignment is to tell people it's okay to want to have god's best praise god that was amazing and of course i'm amazed that the apostles let these people in our house because we've been living in this house for 22 years and he would never even let anybody take photos so i say kudos to pastor ypj and pastor john moore because y'all got him to do something and pastor p i think was on that call too y'all got him to do something that he's never done before and so when he asked me about it i said apostle what's wrong with it and so he said well my generation don't do that i said you old school so i'm glad that y'all got through to him and he was able to let y'all do it because the younger generation like you guys which i feel like are kind of old the oldest one on the set up here um like you all y'all want to see stuff and you want to see somebody do it right yeah yeah absolutely i think results matter yes right people didn't start following jesus until they saw that miracle that took place at the wedding right once that happened the word got out said hey this is somebody we need to follow so i think it's important but what i would say about bishop is not just about the financial uh blessing that he's been able to to have it's every area of his life right his marriage parenting ministry that is that's the the whole man that that we're all looking to get to right and doctor i you grew up in it so uh what your perspective on um the the apostle and him sharing his business right now you know i had to get that image that of him saying i'm not like a rapper i can't just be you know because i had an image in my head the apostles make it rain like that and i was like no get out get out but you know i think it's so great for people to see because like david said we want to see results and you know in this world now where you can become insta-famous you can become an influencer and not have all you have is a bunch of followers but no proof it's good to see the proof but not just to prove the long lasting because a lot of times people have temporary success they have instant and it's like they're they hit it one day and then then it's gone right one thing we know from the apostle is that he's been able to sustain this he's been able to exceed every time it seems like okay he's hit a point he goes to the next level and so it was great to see it you know i think growing up around it it kind of becomes common but to take a step back and look you want not just i want the stuff i think people have to want to do the work that produces the stuff absolutely and that's one thing that you've got to stay to the end because you need the application you know you can go to seminars all the time and people hype you up and it's like i could do it i could do it i could i could kill the bear but how do i kill the bear and that's what one thing that i think dad is really good about so make sure you share this with others so that you all can slay some giants together yes and don't forget or i hate saying don't forget but remember to text to 71441 mcsbm that's mcsbm so you can get the worksheet from tonight because you want to get the worksheet one of the things that i appreciate about david is that there are a lot of people that listen to apostle i mean a lot of people listen to him but they don't always take it and apply it so what gave you the motivation to take the word that you heard from him and actually apply it in your in your life well it was it was really because everything he was teaching was backed up by the bible yeah it wasn't it wasn't just coming off of the cuff he was able to show scripture with everything he was teaching he was able to back it up and show me in scripture that what he was teaching was actually real that's that was the big thing for me yeah and you know as far as you know taking it and applying it once you know that it's worked for someone else right god has no respect to a person if he's operated that way with him then he's going to operate that same way with me as well yeah you know one of the things that i i say all the time and i think you should listen to it is that if you don't have somebody that you can follow their example then you'll never get to the place where you want to be because the bible says in hebrews 6 12 that we follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promise so me and apostle when we got married of course uh 46 years ago can you believe it we got married 46 years ago and uh we had no example of how to have a good life how to have a good marriage how to have how to have your children work in ministry but then in 1983 god brought apostle price into our lives and so when we saw apostle price and i didn't actually get to meet the price family until i was till for sure was six weeks old but apostle had already met apostle price and so when we met him the first thing that apostle asked him was how do you get your family life together and so we promised god that if you would show us how to get it together then we would show everybody else and so that's why we teach the way we teach that's why we are the way we are is because we saw an example in dr price and we said we're going to learn from him and so i was talking to dr betty the other day and i told her i said we learn faith from dr price we learn how to have fun from dr price we learn family from dr price and so we could never forget those principles that he taught us in our lives and so it's our responsibility now that dr price has gone to be with the lord to carry that message on you know and we never stop teaching faith we continue to teach faith and continue to teach faith and so i just want you to buckle your seatbelts tonight get ready and don't just listen decide that you're going to apply it to your life and i think they've given me the thumbs up that the apostle is ready so let's go into the main auditorium and listen to the apostles well praise the lord this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it we're going to be teaching from this subject of seeing beyond the moment seeing beyond the moment and uh the text scripture we're going to use is from genesis chapter 13. in genesis chapter 13 there uh in verse 14 and the lord said to abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from i want you to hold on to that look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which thou see it to thee will i give it and that i see forever and i will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbered arise this is how we're gonna we're gonna be dealing with this arise walk through the land in the length of it and the breath of it for i will give it unto thee and then abram removed his tent came and dwelt in the plane of memory which is in hebrew and built there and altered unto the lord now god gave me a revelation of this years ago and i know when we we give the subject of seeing beyond at the moment many times people can understand where where am i going well this was at a very low point in my life but this principle is a principle that has carried me all really all of my life from that point even until now so um i was in a very very dark place at that time at that time i had gone through a church fight and uh man i had landed in this little raggedy run down building now y'all know i keep putting my building up why god told me to put it up so i'm in this little rundown raggedy building uh i had been publicly shamed and embarrassed in the church fight i'm ready to give up ministry and go back to work in industry i'm you know by training and trade i'm a system analyst uh and god says no i'm going to teach you how to live by faith i'm going to teach you how to trust me i told god i want to learn i want to learn relaxing let me go back to work and uh it was during that time i mean i'm in this little raggedy building y'all can see what it looks like it's so bad um inside is is terrible i mean inside is terrible i got 50 borrowed chairs but even on a sunday morning i can't get 50 people to come here me preach after being the pastor of a very prestigious uh church in the community the outside of the church let's look at that i want you to get a perspective on this so you can see now there are two cars side by side but the church is not wider than two automobiles i want you to think about that and this is my church i'm a full-time pastor i am angry with god for letting me go through this and not only am i angry with god but uh i'm angry with everybody else my life is in turmoil i'm not able to take care of my family like i want to take care of them and so here i am in this terrible place and then god comes to me talks to me and tells me that he has great plans for my life but he cannot use me in the state that i am in and so god taught me how to forgive then god taught me how to eradicate the pain and then god began to let me know that in order to get where he wanted me to go that i had to use my faith i had been raised up in a church culture that said god would do anything he wanted to do so i'm waiting on god but god let me know no his will does not automatically come to pass now i'm talking to somebody because you got dreams you got plans you see things in the word of god and you're waiting for them to happen but the truth of god's word is god will only partner with you as you use your faith and so we get saved by faith we get healed by faith we get delivered by faith the promises of god are received by faith even if that promise is a promise in the word or it is a rhema promise something that god speaks to you directly so here i am in this state i am sometimes suicidal i am depressed what that's right i'm suicidal i'm depressed it was a bad time for me so god began to teach me first by regiment now those of you who have your notes uh your your outline there i'll be moving through the outline when we look at the text the recap of the text is that abraham now is in a place he and lot have separated but abram's doing pretty good you understand and then god tells abraham now abraham look from the place where you are look from this place and then he tells him to walk around in the place where he looked and so what does all of this mean well god let me know that if i was going to get anywhere i had to know how to look from where i was now most people are stuck in their situation because they only know how to look at where they are and they look at where they are and it's so overwhelming at that situation you can see i have no members i have no money marriage is on the rocks i'm telling you all i could do was see where i was but then god showed me he began to show me how to look from where i was and when i would it would jumpstart the the plan of god it would jumpstart the success mechanism on the inside of me that god had placed there that would cause me to climb out of where i was now this can happen for you whether it's an emotional pit whether it's a financial pit whether it's a worry pit the principle that i'm going to teach tonight as we work through this if you'll learn how to do what abraham did to look from where you are you're going to be amazed at what you see god do in your life now let me start with the sovereign instructions that god gave me god gave me the sovereign instruction and it was what i'm having on the notes it was a revolutionary regiment and he gave this to me before i had revelation now i just gave you part of the revelation but now before i had the revelation this is what god told me to do god told me to go and to sit in this church building that time it was the first baptist church he told me to go sit in there as many times as i could and sit in the back and imagine myself preaching to thousands and then see the altar call and see people come into the altar when i made the altar call and then praise him and thank him before i left that was the craziest thing i ever heard in my life until i never what but god told me to do that as many times during the week as i could so i would go to first baptist church i think it's on 6 10 there i would go over there and i'd gone so much they knew what i wanted they just thought i was in there praying you understand but i'm in there using my imagination seeing myself preach to thousands and seeing her hundreds come to the altar to get saved and then before i'm leaving now i'm praising god that it was done now i couldn't tell anybody what i was doing because i couldn't explain what i was doing but i did it because god gave me regiment before he gave me revelation and then i start changing i wasn't depressed anymore i still couldn't have nobody was still coming to church you changed before your circumstance change somebody need to document that somebody need to write that down somebody need to say amen to that i began to change i was no longer depressed i was no longer suicidal i changed on the inside i became happy in the state that i was in and i couldn't figure it out i did not know how i did not know so i couldn't share with anybody but i knew i had changed on the inside and that is when the lord began to give me revelation and i could see it's a recurring revelation in the bible now when i want to see the order of god i go to the word of god when i want to understand the order of god i don't listen at what you know some some celebrity says i don't listen at a talk show host when i want to know what the will of god is i go to the word of god so i began to go to the word of god and i could see really how this situation uh was being lived out many times in the bible and was second on the second time god talks to uh abraham in genesis chapter 15. in genesis chapter 15 it says and the lord said uh uh and abram said lord god what will thou give me seeing watch this i go childish in the steward of my house is this eleazar of damascus and abram said behold to me thou has given no seed and lo one born in my house is my air and behold the word of the lord watch this came unto him saying this shall not be thine air but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be down there god made a promise to abraham that he would have a child of his own between him and sarah right time has gone on abraham don't understand when the promise i'm talking to somebody right now because you don't understand how come it hasn't come to pass watch this and then he brings him forth he brought him forth abroad and said look now toward heaven and tell the stars count the stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be now this is god telling abraham watch this remember in chapter 13 he's telling him to use another set of eyes to look from where he is now he's telling him to use this set of eyes this this he says imagine a child on every star so shall thy seed be and when he does this watch verse six and he believed after this process that god took abram through now god's teaching him how to live by faith he believed and the lord counted unto him for righteousness i want you to hold on to that there was after god shows him and after god walks him through this process of him being able to use his imagination and see oh my god he's believing for a child god wants to give him multitudes he wants to give him a nation all right watch this now in genesis and in joshua chapter six in joshua chapter six i see the same thing now jericho was strictly shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in and the lord said unto joshua watch this see i have given unto thine hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor wow he's telling joshua to see it before it comes to pass wow i'm looking at this i am totally amazed because now i'm seeing god has given me revelation because he wanted me to be able to explain to others how to see beyond their moment i don't care what your moment is your moment may be a time of depression your moment may be a time where there's lack in your life your moment may be a time where you're suicidal i'm to show you from god's word this principle will work for you amen and amen so throughout the bible i see this principle and i see it that god has engineered us in a way because we are created in the image and likeness of god and the scripture tells us in isaiah 46 it tells us how god sees the end from the beginning and since we are created in the image and likeness of god we're able to see our in from where we are amen now what amazed me was i saw this principle jesus used it what yes jesus then is in the garden in luke chapter 22 and the bible says he's looking at the cup and he says let this cup pass from me because he's looking at the pain of calvary he's looking at the pain of the crucifixion and the pain of being whipped and all of that he says let this cup pass and then he says nevertheless not my will but thine be done watch this verse 42 saying father if i'll be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done and the holy spirit told me look at this point because something happened between this um this between this let this cup pass and the nevertheless and what happened was he saw from where he was and he saw resurrection well how can you say that hebrews chapter 12 says looking unto jesus the authentic finish of our faith who for the joy set before him see he's looking now for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne so we i see jesus even using this principle so this principle that i'm teaching you tonight is in essence the principle of scriptural meditation scriptural meditation amen i'm about to open your eyes to something here because it is the success ignitor it's this what i'm going to ignite the success in you see listen the re the real thing about about being successful it's not so much about process as it is passion see i can show a person what to do but if they have no passion to do it then they're not going to do it so this is about how to wake up the creativity that god placed in you how to wake up that success the success mechanics that god has placed on the inside of you you're saying me yes how to wake that up so that now you will be able to take advantage of how god created you oh my god the bible teaches us that god created us in genesis chapter one it says and god blessed them and god said unto them now remember that whatever god says there's enough power and whatever god says to make it come to pass and watch this when he's speaking now he is not solely speaking to adam and eve because they have not been created and they were not formed until chapter 2. so he's talking to all of mankind everybody who would ever walk the planet this is the will of god and when god speaks it whatever he says there's enough power in it to make it come to pass so what is it that god wants to come bring to pass through every creature he want every creature to be fruitful every creature to multiply every creature to replenish every creature to subdue and every creature to have dominion that's the original plan of god what i'm trying to tell you child of god is that you have been engineered by god somebody ought to write that down i've been engineered by god to succeed in life amen now what i want to show you now i want to show you now this principle of meditation now you've heard about it i mean you've heard it but you've never linked it with the imagination and that's what i'm going to show you scripturally now because that's what god did for me when god told me to go and sit there in first baptist church and imagine that i'm preaching to thousands and imagine people getting saved and thanking him for it he was teaching me scriptural meditation that i had not learned oh my god now watch this there is a there is a link between meditation and success now you know this because joshua 1 and 8 says this book of the lord shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shalt meditate therein how often day and night thou shalt meditate thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe uh to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make that oh my god then after meditation you'll make your way prosperous and you will have good success or there's a responsibility that you and i have if we're going to be successful watch this we see it in psalms in the book of psalms blessed are the man that walking not in you know that but and morgan not in the counsel of the ungodly did not stand the way of sinners nor sinned in the seat of the scarf but his delight is in the lord the lord and in his love does he meditate how often day and night he'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit and his season his lethal shall not wither also shall not wither whatsoever he do with shall prosper can you see that there is a link between scriptural meditation and success wow now let me let me take you to another level now because see the question would be okay i understand meditation but where do you get this used in the imagination from i'm glad you asked i'm so glad you asked because in psalms 2 and verse 1 psalms 2 and verse 1. it says why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing now this same the same hebrew word that is translated some places meditate is also translated imagine are you listening to me that same hebrew word that that that that is translated those of you who you know deal with the hero i'm not a hebrew scholar i just study it you know and i'm not going to try to pronounce the word understand uh the word is h-a-g-a-h i mean i don't know how to pronounce it but it's that same word so the scripture shows us that these words are interchangeable so let's go back to to joshua chapter one and read it now now those of you who had you had a if you had a um um you had a bible with marginal references you'll see that by by that scripture you know it had a little number or letter and you go down to the margin uh to the footnotes and you would see that it says imagine. it says meditate right and he in in in psalms two and one so because those words are interchangeable watch this so this book of lost are not part of now that i should thou shall imagine what yeah thou shalt imagine day and night that thou must observe to do according to all that's written therein imagine what imagine you doing it all right let's go to psalms 1. psalms 1 psalms 1 blessed man walking out of the counseling god no stand with sinners how not sin the sea of scarfo but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his lord that he imagine day and night imagine what imagine the finished product imagine the finished results and when you do this child of god something is triggered on the inside of you and i heard god taught me that the imagination is so powerful it is so powerful i never knew it i thought meditation was just sitting around you know muttering and just reading the bible but it's not it's much more than that it's you seeing the end result of what god promised you got to see yourself happy you got to see yourself wealthy you got to see yourself successful you got to see that on the canvas of your imagination day and night day and night day and night day and night i'm gonna explain to you why it works and it's futuristic thinking that's what it's all about and when you do that it triggers something on the inside of you now back then god taught me and he told me that it was my life navigational system what yeah and i didn't learn this in school y'all i didn't get this from augment dingo or tony robbins i mean god gave this to me that my life navigation system would be triggered now there are many components of that and i got a whole nother book about that but i almost talked to you about a few of them number one my personal awareness system would be triggered now what's that i'm glad you asked have you ever thought about a certain car and you kept that on your mind and then all of a sudden you started spotting that car everywhere you looked right now i've talked this in many places i asked people to raise their hands and hands and go up all over this because it's not coincidental it's divine engineering all right because truth be told everything you need to succeed is already in your environment you just haven't recognized it and once you start meditating and once you start using your imagination seeing the end result of god's word god's plan your dreams on the campus of your imagination watch this then it triggers something it tells your belief system this is important and then your belief system begins to spot everything in your environment resources and relationships that you will need in order to chart the path for your success oh my god it also triggers watch this the comfort zone coordinates what now what i'm teaching now is what the revelation god gave me your comfort zone coordinates see we all have been created with comfort zone coordinates where i'm comfortable i will work to stay at my comfort level if i get below my comfort level i don't want to get out of the lights and i'm the deep dark chocolate variety i have to have a lot of light if i get below my comfort level watch this and i go to work i'm triggered something that causes me to work harder do what i need to do to get out of danger and get back to my place of comfort amen all right now watch this same thing occurs if i'm comfortable here and i get beyond my comfort level i've been engineered where i shut down i shut down i began to do those things that bring me back down to my comfort level you sing this you take a person out of the ghetto and you put them in the suburbs and just give them time they will make where they are where they what where they are they will make it where they came from why it has nothing to do with color but it's about comfort zone i'm going to do those things that that that keep me in a place of comfort you know here's here's what happens see if i got a comfort level with filth and you put me in a nice place it's going to get filthy you're seeing where people get they get you know their old car was all filthy they had hamburger wrappers in it or french fries on the floor and then they get a new car all right and then give them time give them time with that new car you'll get in one day it's gonna smell like hamburgers and french fries they're gonna look on the floor you're gonna because they have a comfort level with filth and you know it's with their houses they do the same thing you got it you put them in a real nice house but they got a level of comfort with subpar living so the window pane breaks and instead of fixing the window pane guess what they do they don't think he's running go get some cardboard and some tape and they tape it you know instead of fixing it and then all right then after time even when the you know elasticity on the tape you know goes out instead of going and uh getting the window pane fixed you know they just get some more tape why they have a comfort level with that i'm telling you that's how we have been engineered to stay at my level of comfort and so you'll see it i've got so many examples i could give you on this where i've seen this at work and i would uh work in the lives of people and it's this these comfort corners now here's the key now in meditation i can set scriptural meditation using my imagination seeing myself at this level before i get there i reset the coordinates of my comfort zone to cause where i am to be uncomfortable so i began it triggers the things on the inside of me so that i began to do the things eyes to this new place of comfort amen so now here was i'm in the little raggedy building but i'm dreaming i'm seeing on the canvas of my imagination a better day i'm seeing a better place i'm seeing myself happy with the with the harvest i'm seeing myself happy in ministry i'm changing the coordinates of my comfort zone i am no longer comfortable here i still don't have 50 members but i understand this is not where i'm supposed to be i understood i'm supposed to be at another level and god will do the same thing for you amen and amen and amen it'll work with your emotional state i'm telling you you personally fly off the hell all the time you gotta start seeing yourself handling those situations with excellence handling those situations with with skill having those situations uh peacefully you gotta see yourself you begin to do that and then when you're in that life situation you are going to follow what you have been seeing amen and amen so i've got to understand i got to understand that this is how i have been engineered to function and when i understand this how i've been engineered to function i'm going to be amazed at how i will develop a passion for the next level amen because it's not always instructions and many of you listening to me now you've been instructed you know what to do they told you what to do they told you how to do the sales they told you everything what to do but you don't see yourself doing it you are trapped in your where you are because all you have experienced is a negative response but what you got to do you got to look from where you are and you got to see yourself in a better place see yourself in a better day and when you do you are going to see a tremendous change amen and amen now watch this because when god would come to somebody to talk to them to give them a vision of their future he was asking them to see from where they were moses you're going to be an emancipator but moses was not an emancipator at that time he was just a shepherd on the backside of the heels of midian but god had him to look from where he was it happened forget him god had gideon get in was hiding from the midianites threshing wheat in a cave and god says thou mighty man of valor what is god doing god is asking him to see from where he was it happened for paul paul god's going to raise up paul to be a mighty missionary for him but he has to get him to look from where he was amen and amen it happened for the widow the winner was down to her last first king 17. she's down to her last but the prophet ministers to her all she could see was her death and seeing the death of her son because that was coming out of her mouth but the prophet talked to her and got her to see from that moment to a place where all of her needs were met amen and amen and that's what i'm trying to get you to see tonight and that is why i'm going to explain to you why and how this works so you'll be totally convinced that it is important and you will understand why the devil resists meditation like this and why you have been taught against imagination now we're going to deal with that because the bible tells me my imagination is so powerful that if i don't manage it properly it can cause me harm over genesis chapter 11. watch this verse 6 it says genesis chapter 11 and verse 6. it says and the lord said behold the people are one and they all have one language that they began to do now nothing will be restrained which they have imagined to do you can even use the word meditate there because when i'm scripturally meditate i use my i heard you my imagination but look how powerful it is god comes down he does not change their imagination he changes their language but he's saying here the imagination is so powerful that it will even go far and accomplish that which is not the will of god and so paul teaches us that we have to manage our imagination amen he doesn't tell us not to imagine but he says we have to manage it and there it is in second corinthians chapter 10. for though we walk in the flesh we do not go off the flesh for the weapons of our warfare not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down with strongholds casting up casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god i'm not casting down all imagination but those that exalt themselves against the will of god bringing into captivity every thought so once i understand this and once i know this now i am ready for the pursuit of kingdom prosperity whether i'm in business whoever i'm trying to correct you know uh uh some misfunction in my emotions i gotta understand meditation i'm gonna i'm getting ready to close this session because the next session i'm going to show you how meditation is going to going to lift the way you believe what that's right because if i can believe it it becomes possible once it becomes possible and i follow the prayer the faith process i will have manifestation passion is more important than process because if i don't have passion i will not pursue the process so the devil wants to keep you from it he blinds you to the pain and it prohibits you the pain of self-pity he blinds you with the pain blindfold of pleasure what do you mean see this is not just for folk who are in trouble but this is for those who have stopped short of where god wants them what do you mean has stopped short i'm going to talk to you about that this is about see because i was in this little building over on jensen road years ago and man i thought i had made it man because now things were going well for me there's a little building there i thought i had made it and then god said no son i have much more but the i was in a place of pleasure and i didn't understand that if i don't stick with this process and keep looking from and keep looking from and keep looking from and keep then you know god told abram walk around in it get as close to the next level as you possibly can i'll tell you how to do that in our next session if i don't do that pleasure will prohibit me prejudice what other folks say you can't have it will prohibit you yeah because if i say you can't be a preacher and have nice things you can't be a preacher and and be rich though the bible says i could i mean that prejudice oh i think all preachers ought to take about poverty well i was in poverty that i never took about i'm telling you the problems that you're presently facing will prohibit you from dreaming prohibit you from from looking from where you are and the poverty that you're faced with will stop you from looking from where you are but you must have the resolve to cultivate the conviction child of god that's what i'm talking to tonight you got to cultivate the conviction to say this is what's for me and it'll wake up on the inside of you like it did this result goes beyond compromising excuses make no excuse i'm going somewhere oh glory to god this is beyond camaraderie encouragement i don't care if nobody encouraged you nobody encouraged me but that's okay oh my god i understood that if i just worked the process i would have what god would it be it's beyond circumstantial evidence i had no evidence i'm still going back to the little raggedy building after i visit the big sprawling uh auditorium but something is changing on the inside of me it's beyond critics embellishment what do you mean folk will talk about you but i understand this road the bible says it's filled with persecution persecution is only devastating to the effect you need acceptance by others but if your acceptance only is from the lord you can let them talk and you will see your meditation will be your vindication i want to take you on a journey tonight i want to take you on a journey tonight i'm going to take you behind the scenes tonight but i got to i gotta i gotta know that you're saying yes god offers help along the way amen and he waits for yes he offered the crippled man at the pool of siloam a chance to walk and he said yes he offered the woman at the well a second chance at respectability and she said yes he offered the group of fishermen a chance to change the world and they said yes he offered coward a coward gideon a chance to be a champion for and champion the cause and deliver his people and get him sad yes and then one day he offered a boy and a girl from the ghettos of houston a chance to build roads for others to follow in their generation and my wife and i we said yes so tonight as we close this session i'm gonna throw it back i'm gonna throw it back uh to the desk i hope you're willing to say yes amen and amen hallelujah praise god that was incredible oh my god i love i love apostle y'all know that i think he's the absolute best teacher of the message of faith in the body of christ and of course i'm on the set with these two young people oh i'm glad you're you're putting me in the young category you are young you know we try to keep me young and fly but i think you know apostle was so amazing and as as we were getting ready to come back to the set you know apostle gives you so many notes and i'm sure you all were writing fast i was in here trying to write but that's why you need to register so that you can get the worksheet because the worksheet has that information so you can go back and start taking a little bit and apply it and listen to it over and over and as we were getting ready because david is on the set well we need to tell them how to get the worksheet okay text mcsbm to 71441. i love it when they put it on the screen because it helps me yeah because right down there you got to look down in order to get it over there so when they put it up there you can just look up but for me i just looked that way so mcsbm to 71441 and to think that apostle has three two more not three two more sessions filled with information like this is absolutely amazing but i i heard as we were getting ready to come back to set an apostle was closing out david made a great point about how many times people look at apostle and they think oh that's just for pastors and how apostle would go and sit in the church but david was saying that how he used those same principles when it related to business so i'm gonna let him tell that let him tell his story tell your story you know i think um what i what i did was i said okay well i'm not a pastor so i'm not gonna go sit in a church but i got what he was saying about experiencing your future while you're in your present situation right uh because what most people do is they only look at their present situation and then they talk about their present situation and i love the fact that he goes back to the very beginning and says hey we're created like god and and god engineered us like him right so when god saw darkness yes he spoke light right yeah right so when you see lack or you see sickness or you see an emotional problem or a relationship problem instead of speaking about it right what god does he speaks to it right right right speaks exactly what it is that he wants so seeing from the moment really you got to speak from the moment for what it is you want to see right and that was big and my favorite part of when he teaches is about comfort zone yeah i just i love that because what happened was i was driving a malibu you know i call it the blue booboo but i would i would go and i would go and sit in the bentley yeah so when i got back in the malibu i was very uncomfortable right in the malleable and i said no i i need to drive a bentley right and a couple years later i was able to go in and buy one and you know the bishop teaches a point all the time he says you don't get what you deserve you get what you desire and so desire comes as a result of you looking from where you are and so you know i remember years ago when we used to go and sit in rolls royces you know we had a chevrolet mazda and so you said you had a malibu so we had a chevrolet mazda it was great and it was a stick shift and so we got to the point where we were so broke that we couldn't get the brakes on the mazda fix so we would drive he would he would downshift and i would pull up the emergency brake but we would still go to the rose board's place and look at the rolls royces because we were like one day we're gonna drive a rolls royce and so we would go there and we didn't get mad when the people wouldn't let us sit and you know take a test drive we just would go and they wouldn't even come out and talk to us you know they saw what we drove up there and people weren't gonna come talk to us but we were looking from where we were at the moment and so it that like you said it got uncomfortable driving uh a mazda because we were outside of our comfort zone and so we used to go and look at model homes and i would say one day my house is gonna look like a model home and so i would just we were on sundays that was our that was our evening adventure we would go out we would look at model homes and i would go into the model homes and i look around and i would say okay i see how they do this i see how they do this and so today when people walk in my house the first thing they say it doesn't look like anybody lives here it looks like a model home well that's because i saw it before i got there and so that's how you apply it even though you're not a pastor you can apply the principles in natural situations in your life absolutely you know that apostle said it best changing the coordinates of your comfort zone yes and the way you change the coordinates of your comfort zone is you have to be exposed to faith teaching like this this seminar this master class is great but what happens after the master class you have to saturate yourself with the word of god and one of the things apostle has done is he has made his up initiative uh it's a platform it's really an app he's made that now free to everybody so that you can listen to the word on a continuous basis and keep saturating yourself so that you can change the coordinates of your comfort zone because what you hear what you see it goes down into your spirit and that's what's going to produce in your life so you have to start hearing the word on a regular basis so i want to encourage you to go to upup initiative up and here's the great thing there are two awesome things about this it's going to give you access to this free platform that he's making available of faith teaching but it again free free absolutely free f-r-e-e you know you don't have to pay anything you don't have to pay anything and then keep the slide up there put the slate back there were people who paid like a hundred dollars yeah i paid for it but now it's absolutely free but here's the thing because there's power in agreement and one of the things that he's also doing tonight is that we want to agree with you in prayer yes it's a master class yes it's a teaching platform but we want to agree with you in prayer for the projects and those vision assignments and vision goals that you have in your life so when you go to up you can put in your project that you want us to agree with and i'm gonna we're gonna be able to see them in real time and we're going to set our faith in agreement with yours i've heard david say this once before that when you know at first it was he asked the apostle to mentor him he told him no but then he came back and asked apostle to pray pray for him and pray over him that the same grace to teach faith would be on his life there is power and agreement and that grace accessing that grace and so you can do that as well and we'll be able to see your prayer requests in real time and you can get access to free materials because apostle is so amazing and and and that's his personality and that's who we are and like i said earlier we're we want to do what for you what someone did for us we because we told god we made a promise to god god if you teach us we'll teach everybody else and that's what we do we just teach everybody else and so when apostle told me he was going to offer the upi free i said well apostle i paid for the classes i paid my hundred dollars i was a member and now you now it's gonna be free so you know i asked myself possibly you're gonna give me a refund no refunds no no exposing people to it's a new platform you know you got your money's worth oh yeah i got my money's worth today yeah but this one is free but i really as we get ready because i want to you know they say apostle's ready so you know when he gets in the flow he's ready to get back in it um you know one of the exciting things that's happening and coming up we've got this free you want to get the worksheet because there's the notes that are there right um but take advantage of this free moment and i want to say this because you know sometimes i heard y'all talk apostles you were telling david a story about driving a mazda and all of that i thank god that wasn't my testimony you know although i did have a blue buick century because oh but that was that wasn't because she couldn't afford better and we couldn't but i was saying for that person where you may not be struggling but you need to take this information and apply it to your life so that you can go to the next level of faith because everybody's not struggling but there's another level that you want to attain there's another level you want to hit after so you want to do that i'm looking forward to the next segment we're going to share this uh spot with you because april 21st through the 23rd is women who win conference women who women women in their circle inner circle conference yeah and you want to be in the house for that so check this out and uh i don't know if we're gonna go straight back to apostle but check out this spot and uh we'll be going back to the teaching of our apostles 2020 was a traumatizing year that fractured the lives of many women with economic woes and emotional woes with the loss of friends loved ones and security it's time to pull your life back together and refresh yourself for your best life my daughter and i are joining forces to host this 2021 women's conference like no other april 21st through the 23rd here in houston texas at new life church that's right you are about to experience the best of both conferences thank god life is getting back to normal and we will have women of all ages coming to houston to experience this in-person conference as well as those who will experience it virtually three days of impactful ministry as women who win meets the inner circle conference it's time to be hold and free every speaker every panelist and every psalmist has been selected to make this an experience you and your girlfriends will cherish for a lifetime you owe it to yourself to preserve one of the limited seats for the in-person conference experience with workshops discussions and electrifying in-person worship the hotels are safe the worship service will respect the proper protocols and you will leave here refreshed and ready to live your best life here is how you register for the in-person or virtual audience of this dynamic conference visit god it's going to be an exciting conference and you want to be a part of it i love the fact that we're going to do it hybrid that means that we'll have so many people in the auditorium and then the rest of you all will be watching virtual so if you're in houston or if you can get to houston you feel comfortable flying feel comfortable going out then we want you to register and the good news is that tonight there's a discount discount a 10 discount on tonight for everybody that registers and it is on the screen you're going to use the discount code master class 10 master class 10 for a 10 discount on registration don't wait to the last minute i'm i'm telling you any kind of discount is a good discount i don't care if you are rich you still like discounts so go and get your discount register at the women who for the master class i mean for the discount master class 10 is your code master class 10 and it's only four tonight while the master class is on masterclass 10 at the women who register today well they tell me that the apostles is ready so we're gonna go back into the auditorium and hear the apostle praise the lord all right amen we're ready uh to get started with our session i want you to clearly know uh that of this um you know she asked you to register for the uh unlimited potential initiative uh uh limit unlimited unlimited oh my god the up initiative uh and it's free but i'm telling you it ain't cheap by any means what i plan to do on it is going to amaze you with ongoing motivation i'll be interviewing um what i behoove people i believe will be good mentors who are good mentors both in the ministry arena and in the marketing place so it's going to be great it's going to take everything to another level now i need you to share this again i need to get my numbers back up my numbers you know when they we went out if the numbers kind of dropped i don't like i don't like that y'all know i don't like that let's get the numbers up as we go into the second session now the second session is going to be um about the power of meditation now god made me a certain way and the way god made me is that i have to fully understand something before i'm ready comfortably to teach it and so god began to explain to me meditation so i'm getting ready to take you on a journey and i saw many of you were saying yes yes you were ready yes you were ready all right well i need everybody to share this with somebody right now because what i'm getting ready to teach you is how to i'm gonna stretch you how to expand your capacity to believe this is what god taught me god taught it to me and people look at me now my wife and i and they wonder how in the world do you do what you do well i'm trying to tell you i'm not special i just understand the word of god i've taught it to others i've seen others do it and i want to show you how to do it how to expand your capacity to believe as a dr i was saying a few moments ago she was saying that listen you don't have to be you don't have to be at a place of devastation to profit from this no uh but there's a whole another level yeah yeah that god has for you now my club my last closing session i talked about the little building the little red brick building now you see that little red brick building and uh i'll give them time to put it on the screen and of course you look at the building you think oh my god i thought i was i'm gonna tell you i thought i made it back then cause you know that's a great improvement over the little raggedy rundown building i got stained glass i got pews on the inside i'm telling you i mean i thought i had made it i really did and god i was ready to stop right there and god said no i've got much more i'm saying to you right now god has much more you cannot afford to stop short of where god wants to take you and many of you because you're in a place of comfort a place of ease you saying this is it no god has much more i want you to receive that as a prophetic word i'm going to stretch you tonight and when a person is stretched here's the thing about being stretched once i am stretched i can never return back to my original place my brother had an older brother and he would uh uh put on my t-shirts you know and when he would i would always know it because he would stretch it and then when i got it it was all stretched it never went back to its originals place and that's what i'm going to do for you tonight as we understand meditation now i showed you there in genesis chapter 15 where when god is talking to abraham and he tells abraham to go out and count the stars and he said to him so shall thy seed be and verse 6 there says and he believed after the process that god took him through walked him through after this process of meditation using his imagination he reached another level of believing and if god did that for abram he can do it for you it's about looking from where you are abraham saw himself childless so he was looking at where he was when god said i want you to look now and count the stars so what does that say to you what does that say to me what it says to us is that before we get there we must see ourselves there on the canvas of our imagination there is a divine motive in meditation that god has put it in his word we've seen it in psalms we've seen it in joshua and of course there it is as paul is talking to timothy meditate on these things give thyself holy to them why that thy profiting may appear to all so the key thing is that if i will work the process then there will be some manifestation now let's establish that the major component uh this in in meditation is believing that it let the established major importance of believing in mark chapter 11 when jesus begins to teach about faith and here he is teaching what i call systematic faith the system of faith and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass you shall have whatsoever he said therefore i say unto you what things ever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and ye shall have them all right watch this it says when you stand praying forgive if you have all against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses because he's saying what can shut down my faith is my unforgiveness harboring offense but now in this whole thing of of of jesus teaching faith we can see the purpose and power of believing because he says i must believe and i must believe in my heart i must believe and that's important jesus on another occasion teaches about belief jesus said unto him if thou can't believe all things are possible to him that believe it i want you to get that child of god possibility for you is not defined by what others have done possibility for you is defined solely by your capacity to believe if you can believe it it becomes possible for you and so what god taught me he taught me how to believe he taught me how i was designed to function so that i could maximize that and began to believe at a whole nother level and once i did that and with how god the mechanics that god has placed on inside of me climbing to the next level was never a problem and i'm trying to tell you right now if you will learn the fundamental of what i'm teaching you tonight you can go from one level to the next level to the next level to the next level in jesus name now third john 2 says beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers thy soul prosper well we are made tripartite beings body soul and spirit we are spirit beings who live on the inside of physical bodies and we possess a soul my soul has five components my mind my will my imagination my emotions and my intellect my mind my will my imagination my imagination my emotion and my intellect so the scripture says i will prosper and be in health relative to the development of my soul relative to the development of my mind my will my imagination my emotions and my intellect so what we're talking about now is how do i develop my mind my will my imagination my emotions and my intellect i know he's ain't never heard anything like this i know that's why god's got me teaching you this amen because what has worked for me and my wife will work for you whether you're in business whether you're in ministry it's time to go to the next level it's time for you to know how to look from where you are amen and amen romans chapter 7 and verse 22. it says there it talks about the law of my mind the law of my mind in other words it says my mind functions in a consistent way and since my mind functions in a consistent way god works within the framework of how he has created me to develop me god works within the framework of how he has created us to develop us and so when it comes to believing we have been engineered by god to believe based on four elements number one uh the influence of my environment i believe the way i believe because of how i have been brought up number two the influence of credible authority i believe the way i believe based on the credible authority i have been conditioned to trust i believe the way i believe based on repetitious information i want you to hold on to this child of god because listen repetitions information will cause me to believe that is why politicians say the same thing over and over and over even though it knows a lie because they know if they say it over and over and over the way you've been engineered the way you've been wired you are prone to believing so i believe the way i believe based on the influence of environment credible authority repetitious information and get this now life experiences life experience and the experience makes the most potent impact on what i believe an experience makes the most potent impact on what i believe i want you to listen to me now because this is how god explained it to me how god explained it to me years ago how an experience makes the most potent impact on what you believe watch this now let's say a manufacturer of a chair came in the room and they had the chair they put the chair there and they also uh i had all of the engineers there and the engineer had all of his data so you got that and he says this chair will hold the weight of anybody in a seated position and you get you watch people sit in the chair person after person after person and the chair holds their weight and then you look at people who look like they weigh more than you and they sit in the chair and the chair sustains them and then you go sit in the chair and it collapse under your weight what are you prone to believe about the chair you could care less about the manufacturing you could care less about the engineering data you could care less about what you saw others do all you know is your experience trumps all of that you said in the chair and it did not sustain your weight because an experience makes the most potent impact on what you believe and experience does i want you to listen today to me because when i have experienced something i can't be talked about that's like giving i can't be talked out of giving why because i've experienced the manifestation of being a giver you follow me no matter what it is no matter who says it i know it works now listen to this now when it comes to experiences in life there are three types of experience stay with the child of god they stay with me now watch this number one there's the natural experience that which i actually live through then number two is the soulless experience that's like a dream have you ever had a dream that was so real oh my god somebody was chasing you and right before they caught you you woke up wow man let's examine your state now you're sweating but you've been laying down in the bed i mean your heart's beating fast but you you've been resting why because watch this your belief complex this is how god explained it to me does not easily distinguish between the various types of experience even though you were laying in the bed your belief complex thought you were actually going through the trauma that you were dreaming about so there's the natural experience there's the soulless experience and watch this there's a spiritual experience get this now the spiritual experience uh is is something that's very powerful uh and there are two types of spiritual experience one that god initiates and one that man initiates now let's see if we can't dissect an experience an experience is made up of three components words images and emotions stay with me now because i'm about to bring all of that back to meditation and using the imagination words images and emotions in a natural experience words images and emotions in the soulish experience that plays out on the uh in a dream words images and emotions and then the soulless experience which would be a vision a dream that god would give or an uh the spiritual experience that god would give which would be a a dream or a vision open vision or when a spiritual experience that man initiates i want to make that real clear but your belief system does not easily distinguish between these various experiences it actually makes an impact on on what you believe so now let's see how god used this when god got ready to uh change a man's belief system he would give him a dream or vision ezekiel was never in the valley of dry bones he saw it in a vision yeah that's right that's right and after he sees these bones coming together miraculously then god wakes him up and says now go and preach a message of unity and bringing my people together it all was because of the spiritual experience that he had now i want to show you now how this is so powerful because your belief system uh has been manipulated all along and you were not aware of it the effective meditation uh increases your believing now you said i just made a statement how your belief system has been manipulated what yes a tl a television commercial is nothing but the manipulation of your belief system you see i'm smiling because you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna be able to attest to this and then wait wait what is a commercial consists of words images and emotion and repetition words images emotions and repetition and what they do is they have words that talk about their product image of the product emotions and they do emotions by association that have the voice over from a person's voice that you like and person who is renowned or they are they have the emotion linked to a character a talent that you admire all right so you got words images and emotions and they play that commercial how often overnight every night day and night day and night day and night day and night repetition remember i'm prone to believe based on repetition i'm prone to believe based on experiences and they are manipulating your belief system to their advantage and that's how they get you to buy their product yes so you go to the grocery store and you see two products there the one you saw on television and the one that's a generic product you look at the label the labels are identical they're made in the same place but what do you feel comfortable about you feel comfortable about buying the one that you saw on television that's more expensive why because you believe that this one is the better product even though it costs more because they got to pay for that commercial see they know how you have been wired and they have used it to their advantage now when you meditate oh my god and you are using god's word you have the components watch this of oh my god an experience because you have words the word of god images seeing yourself on the canvas of your imagination with that word coming to pass emotions the bible says i set my affections with my praise that's what god had me do in the church in the 3000 3500 seat church first baptist back then i was setting my emotion god was showing me how to shape my very own spiritual commercial amen and i was doing it day and night i was doing it now why did you have to go there because watch this and we'll talk about visual boosters in just a moment and so god used a visual booster of the stars for abraham and on another time the sand because you know her visualization has to have a reference stay with me now and so that's why things change because you can shape your own holy ghost commercial seeing the end result of the plan of god coming to pass in your life and do it day and night day and night meditate in the word envision the word day and night day and night imagine the word day and night says it in joshua said it in said it in joshua said it also in psalms all right watch this and what happens is just like abraham believe you start believing at another level you change before your situation change and if thou can't i'm getting too excited y'all i said i wasn't gonna get excited tonight but if thou can't believe all things are possible to him that believeth amen amen and amen oh my god i'm telling you i began to do this and i began to watch god change things i began to watch god change me where i could believe things became possible because i couldn't believe them i couldn't believe it amen amen i couldn't believe i could believe i could come out of that little racket and build him i couldn't believe that the god could honor the dreams that i had i couldn't believe it and it became possible for me listen to me child of god i want you to understand that this requires discipline this is not magic so it's not something you're going to do one day and then the next day oh thank you no no no no he says day and night day and night discipline day and night so i had to go back over and over to that but i'm changing over and over to first baptist church i'm i'm envisioning i'm envisioning it and i'm changing i like abraham believe i begin to believe and that's so powerful now this requires discipline let's look at it because meditation involves verbalization verbalization my words the bible says is the pen of already writer so when i'm using my words i'm i'm i'm really painting images if i tell you uh if i say you know the statue of liberty you can see it on the canvas of your imagination not with these eyes that inner eye of your imagination if i say the white house you can see it you got it because uh when the words uh uh containers of images and so so i have words it involves visualization i have verbalization visualization remember i've shown you the connection between the word imagined in the bible imagination in the bible and the word meditate in the bible same hebrew word look it up for yourself i'm not making this up amen i don't know you've got to stay away from that imagination well that person hadn't read the bible that person had done the study so you don't listen to that person because they don't know what they're talking about i'm telling you that's the most powerful thing that god has given you and that is being able to look from being able to look from your a depressed state see yourself happy being able to look from your poverty state and see yourself with all your needs met being able to look from an empty church building and seeing it filled with thousands being able to look from riding in an old raggedy run down car lady vision was talking about and see yourself driving a nice car being able to look from or y'all listening to me tonight because i'm telling you child of god i'm challenging you that you've got to learn how to look from you got to spend some time in meditation and this ain't going to cut you a dime amen amen hallelujah so it's verbalization it's visualization and visualization requires a reference amen i know what i know because of what i have known amen what do you mean by that reading about him all right so god tells abraham he says count the stars he said reference the stars with multitude because he has no understanding of multitude he tells joshua as i was with moses so shall i be with you so what is he saying here see yourself like as you saw moses operate see yourself that same way he's giving him a reference i used that years ago i saw myself like my mentor dr price i saw myself like one of my other mentors c.l jackson i saw myself like that why because i am now meditating i got to change my state i had oh my god in those days i had a defeated attitude but i saw victorious men and i use them as my model are you listening to me and i begin to change all right so it involves verbalization it involves visualization visualizing it seeing it in advance oh my god i can see i can as we're going to go to this uh there's another story there's a story in the bible where god taught this principle to jacob and uh it caused jacob to be rich what do you mean i think i'll get to the next session but jacob goes to layman and says layman i need to change how you're paying me and he says what you have on your mind nephew he says listen i don't want to be on commission any i don't want to be on salary i want to be on commission so what i want to do is i want to uh take care of all of the solid cows and all the speckled spotted and speckled and ring straight calves they are born of this this is genesis chapter 30 then that will be my heart hey layman says that's crazy because normally when two solid cows mate they're gonna produce another a solid calf and so um he says yes nephew that's a good deal because he thought he was getting over on him okay and then the bible says god told the legato god told uh uh jacob angel visited and told him listen you take the tree limbs of a of the popular tree and you plant them in front put them in front of the watering troughs where the cows come to make peel back the bark on them so that they look like the hide of the spotted speckled ring straight calf that you want them to produce and when they drink and mate you meditate amen and you see the end result of every one of them producing spotted and speckled and ring straight cast and they did the miracle did not happen because of what the cows saw the miracle happened because abra because jacob couldn't believe or y'all listening to me it became possible for i'm telling you it's scripture so really let me tell you vision boards are nothing new the first vision board is in genesis chapter 30. really that's right now if he had a camera he would have taken a photo but since he didn't have a camera he could not take her but you got to stay with me for my next session my next session i'm going to walk you through how i have used this in various sessions how i used it um when i got my my my the helicopter how i used it when i got to jet how i used it when i built the building we're sitting where that we're in now how i used it when i built the homes and how i'm using it right now as i'm building love city i'm telling you it is a principle that will cause you to do things that will cause people to be amazed but you know it's god doing it amen amen because you understand the process listen to me now listen to me okay watch this you're going to activate this law through watch this it involves internalization whoo what do you mean internalizing the bible says i set my affections now when i internalize this i'm i'm using my emotions remember words images and emotions make up an experience so i got words the word of god all right i got image the end result of what the word of god paints whether it's god told me directly or what god or whether it's god in his word watch this and then i got emotions where's the emotional factor my praise that's why god told me praise me before you leave in that little building in that little building i mean god says go to the bigger building he's giving me a reference of multitudes he's giving me a reference of a big church understand hallelujah and he says now i've got my i've got my reference in i've got the word what he told me he's going to do i got the reference and now he says see yourself doing it look from where you are young man look where i'm taking you and i began to believe are you listening there but they said now before you leave i want you to praise me i thought it was crazy back then because i didn't have the revelation but i was setting my affections oh my god i got the emotional factor i got words i got images i got emotions and i'm changing i'm i'm giving myself a commercial that's affecting my belief system and i'm activated on law i did not know existed know what law is that the bible says god creates the fruit of my lips what is the fruit of my lips the sacrifice of praise i'm praising god for something has not even happened but even if i don't know what the law is if i practice the law if i act according to the law it's gonna work for me amen what do you mean by that well see you may not know that when you've uh that because of the law of gravity you will fall at a rate of 32 feet per second you may not know that that's how you fast you're falling but that's how fast you're going to fall because the lord's gonna work all right so i'm i'm practicing this thing i'm praising god and i'm telling you it's beginning to work so meditation involves verbalization visualization internalization and then there's what repetition there's repetition that's repetition day and night you got to do it day and night you got to have the resolve to do it day and night you got to have a resolve to do it day and night you kind of have to resolve and then there's demonstration the demonstration is powerful demonstration demonstration is what we see in genesis where god tells jericho tells abraham in chapter 13. he says now after you've looked from where you are walk in the land walk through it the breath and length of it huh you don't own it but walk through it like you're on it what this is bible y'all get as close to it as you can jesus and that's what you have to do that is that that you can't be intimidated by where you are you got to look from where you are and then get as close to the dream as possible they were saying earlier how how lady bridget was saying how we used to go to the rolls-royce dealership amen we used to go to the dealership they wouldn't even come out and talk to us they wouldn't come out and talk to us that's all right because we drove up in there they knew we didn't have any money but they couldn't stop us they couldn't stop us from just sitting in there and dreaming we didn't we didn't own it but was close to it i remember the first time uh dr price wrote me in his rolls royce i didn't own it but i'm close to it i'm telling you i began to do that because now i understood the principle is at work and soon very soon my god my god please some people got together and bought me one ah glory to god i'm telling you this thing really really works it worked back then my television ministry yeah people are amazed put the picture of the interior of the uh of the uh of the beer i want you to look closely at this picture because many people missed this it was way back then god told me i was going to go on television and so i began i couldn't i would go tell them you need to a television camera you need a lights uh and you need uh you need a recorder i didn't have any of them the easiest thing for me to go by then was lights so i went bought some uh some garden spotlights huh that's right that's all i could afford but i'm getting close i don't have real tv lights but i'm getting close and we put them so if you look close you'll see these bright lights in the ceiling why because if you're on television you have added lights and then on sunday morning glory to god on sunday morning before it was time for me to preach they turn on the lights and i walk out there like i'm on television i'm not there but i'm getting close are y'all listening to me why because watch this i'm working a principle now that is going to make everything possible and i'm telling you it works so i began to dress like a successful person i began my man back in those days my lord i had one suit and i went got me a mammogram on my on my sleeve because i i'm the success folk i knew had had church with money i didn't have a one shirt with a monogram on it but that's all right i'm getting close i'm y'all listening to me i began to work out this principle it's that it involves meditation meditation involves uh verbalization and visualization and internalization and repetition and demonstration and then finally through meditation there will be vindication vindication what do you mean vindication because when you begin to do this people will look at your art when i began to verbalize and tell people what god had showed me and where i was going they laughed at me oh hey glory to god they laughed at me see because when you understand this and faith comes by hearing but faith is released by the words of your mouth and you begin to declare to people what god told you and where god's taking you yeah there will be scoffers there will be those who will laugh at you that would be those who will mock you god told me don't worry about that jesus don't worry about it he told me in a very odd way you can't pack enough rocks to chunk at every dog that barks but he showed me in proverbs in psalms 23 he says i'll prepare i'm talking to somebody tonight that they have been criticizing you they have been telling you nothing but a dreamer i'm talking to somebody tonight i'm telling you watch this he says i'll prepare a table before you in the very presence of your haters amen in the very presence of your enemies god says son your vindication does not come in the harm that comes to those who who who try to hurt you those who try to hate on you those who try to dig ditches for you your vindication does not come by the harm that comes to them your vindication comes with the continuous manifested blessing that i will pour on your life i'm going to let your enemies live long enough for them to see me bless you i'm going to graze them up off of sick beds i'm not gonna let them die i'll stop car wrecks because i'm gonna vindicate you with results chloe the gun i'm about to shout at you all by myself amen i'm about to shout all by myself you know this is virtual ain't nobody in here but me and a couple of my technicians but i'm about to run around this place and shout all by myself because i watched god confirm his word he taught me how to escape how you escape the discomfort of my present situation by visiting my future on the canvas of my imagination and if he did it for me he will do it for you there's the deliberate manifestations through meditation i believe the way i believe when i pray that's why i'm saying you send me your prayer request because i can believe with you amen amen i believe these principles work the principle of planting works why because i watched the word work and i envisioned that when i sow god will cause others to use their power their ability and their influence to help me i see people going out of their way to help me amen amen i meditate uh yes the principle i see that's why i have success with the principle of proclamation i believe that when i speak the word people will hear and will respond amen amen but you can't give up you can't just ain't matches you can't give up that's why i've been talking about resolve hey man one person man you're overnight success i told them it's a long night because i had to work through things i had to stay with have you ever seen an ant yeah we used to we used to we used to um you know kind of entertain ourselves with nature and uh joyce and and i'm looking at joyce and michael and me yeah and julian i'm looking at you yeah i see you i i've seen it i've seen you i'll see you i've seen watch this how our end will grab something that's 10 15 times its size beetles or a grasshopper and he holds on no matter how the grasshopper shakes and wiggles and the beetle flips and all he hold on and he does not let go you understand why he doesn't let go because he knows that if he holds on long enough help is on the way y'all know i'm going there i'm telling you you need a vision that you can't pay for right now you need a dream that you can't pay for right now you need a vacation spot that you can't pay for right now amen amen amen and you got to grab it and you got to hold on to it no matter who tries to talk you out of it hold on to it no matter who says it's not possible it's possible for you but you got to hold on to it and i got to tell you keep holding on don't let go because help who is on the way it is no secret ah glory to god what god can i get amen in the house it is no secret what god can do what he's done for others he will do for you god we thank you for this word that it has fallen on good ground and god it produces fruit in the name of jesus lord we thank you and i thank you father they're calling in their prayer requests and i thank you father that they will practice these principles and see the impossible become possible and because of that father we will be always careful to give your name the praise in the name of jesus we call it done amen amen and amen all right child of god that's the end of this session but listen i don't want you to go anywhere because in this next session i'm going to show you how to apply this has been good teaching but i'm going to show you now how to apply it and get manifestation how to apply and get results listen now it's offering time you say what yeah y'all know it's offering time it's time for us to give an offering boy this has been an amazing teaching and i didn't charge you anything i didn't charge your registration fee or anything like that because i have confidence in you i believe that because you are being blessed by this and you will value this enough to make an investment in it now as i was praying about this god said that he was raising up in this day see god told me that we were entering a time of unprecedented prosperity that he's raising up kingdom pay masters what is a pay master pay master the person that god says i can put stuff in their hands i can bless them and they will bless the kingdom of god with it it's that luke's 6 38 thing that says uh given it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together running over shall men give into your bosom in order for increase to come to others that's got to come through somebody's hands why not yours why not yours and so uh tonight i'm going to ask you to do something i'm going to ask you i'm going to challenge you uh to uh uh to give tonight uh for a project that is powerful it's a our project that uh that i know that's going to really bless people in the days to come you know god raised up uh the widow as a pay master we're the first kings when the prophet was able to talk her into sewing what she had given the cake and as she gave the cake the bible says that she had for many days was able to take care of the prophet and others how many of you want to be kingdom paint masters want to be somebody god can trust at another level in giving amen because you're going to experience another another level in receiving and so i don't want you to be like a shoplifter tonight you've got this freaking boom no no no that's not the right attitude i want you to support this with an offering tonight and i'm god says he's raising up kingdom pay masters now the work that we're going to be supporting tonight is the love city project now see when i help someone else with their project god's gonna help me with mine i'm gonna need somebody to help them well i hope i have your ear that if you will obey god now this becomes a kingdom moment a moment when you obey god and then you as terrorist says you start watching god work and so tonight as we sow this particular scene it's going to mean something significant i got business people out here i've got pastors out here listen i got just regular people who just want better i got everybody out here god has your attention here and i want you to be sensitive and i want you to obey god years ago god gave me a project i call it my legacy project because it's a project that's going to affect the lives of teens it's my love city project and uh i love city project it's an amazing project we bought the old lakewood campus and we bought it for the purpose we bought it because god said so and god says i want you to repurpose it we were not trying to bring all of our all of our buildings all of our ministries together in one location no god says i i want you all to put that vision that i gave you of a christian camp i want you to put it there we've been working on it and it's about to come to fruition we had phase one uh where we've uh we built the lake and uh yeah the skating rink i had my pictures are y'all gonna put my pictures up here come on now y'all got to stay with me now yes we uh we had a skating we we took our main auto term and made a big skating rink out of it see i saw beyond where i was i looked from there i looked at all the chairs god said stay skating ring i could see that and then not only that but we looked at a spot of ground and we made a lake right there in the ghetto are you serious yes i'm serious there's a shot of the lake right there in the middle of ghetto people said couldn't be done but listen i'm not limited by what they believe listen if i could believe it it's possible you can see the end result and then the spiritual component there children gave their lives to christ i mean we had pastors who came and preached and we had altar calls people got young people got saved they got filled with the spirit it was an amazing experience and then of course uh we have we had dormitories we have 500 bed dumber what that's right we got domitoras it is probably well it is the very first uh black owned black operated christian camp in america those shots show you that i'm not just talking space i'm telling you what we've actually accomplished that was phase one it was a soft opening then phase two we're building we had we're building out the dormitories with uh showers and uh with restrooms uh in that phase one we rented them and they were outside now we're putting them inside it's cost us a lot of money but we are just about finished with that what that's right that's right partners y'all know and then we have said since the uh the pandemic we're gonna combine phase two and three paste space three is the excellent space where we put paint the walls and paint the building and put flooring and all of that and we believe in just a few months it'll be totally finished and we're gonna give you a virtual tour but i need you to help me tonight i need you to help me tonight and as i was praying you know god always tells me to ask for catalyst givers people who will be countless and who will jump start the spirit of giving tonight so here's what i need you to do i need you to become a catalyst giver in this project and uh what i need you to do i'm believing for watch this ten people who will give one thousand dollars ten people who will give a thousand dollars now lady b and i we're going to give three so i only need seven more that's right i only need seven more people who will say i'm gonna help this man of god with his project because god's gonna raise up somebody in 2021 to help me with my project amen one thousand dollars they're gonna tell you i'll tell you i'll do it in just a moment one thousand dollars and then i need 200 of you all who can be bold and give a 200 seed tonight 200 and the bible says and god is able to make all grace favor a bound toward you so that yeah so that yeah that's it some of y'all know it so you'll always have all sufficiency in all things favor is the willingness of others to use their power their ability and their influence i'm excited about my 200. will you be one of my 200 tonight and then i'm believing for 300 people who'll be bold enough i mean who a success mind that says i don't have a hundred i mean i don't have a thousand i don't have 200 but i got 100 i can sacrifice that i can sow because i believe if i help one person with their vision god's gonna help me with mine so i'm looking for 10 i'm i'm already i said 10 but i'm already one of them i'm giving three so that's only seven more to do one thousand dollars now and then i'm looking for and then i want you to do it like we normally do it on for on my monday nights meeting i mean i want you to sow it and get online and tell everybody so it get online and encourage others i need 200 of you all to do 200 tonight 200 to do 200 tonight 300 of you all to do 100 tonight and then i'm looking for this group that believes in that 52 seed i believe i got by 500 out there who will do a 52 seed tonight says that's right i that 52 seed is something amazing that god uses in my ministry and then you're looking for results in 52 days amen amen and amen i'm going to pray and i'm going to throw it back to the set and uh here's how you give put it on the screen on how they can give those are the various ways that they can give uh through giblify you can give by way of the new light uh new light slash new you know you can oh my god i have to look at the screen put it on screen yeah uh you can text it a new light to 71441 you can give uh through giblify new life church you can give through in fellowship you can give through paypal or you can give through zell uh and uh you'll you'll use the master you'll use uh the master uh class uh down uh point there all of the funds going through the master class tonight all right you can use zell come on and that's the other or you can mail it bring it by i need everybody to get on the line now and i need you to let me know boom boom boom i need you to give and then i need to let me know that you're one of my i need to see my i want to see my other seven tonight i want to see my seven tonight amen so i need you to do that and uh they're going to go to the set now and at the set they're going to be talking about it and then they're going to talk along but we i just want to i want to see you do it i want to see you encourage others that's right i want to see you encourage others and we're going to make it happen i see somebody's already said they have sent a hundred dollars amen that's good that's good i need to yeah amen i want to see it i see some somebody yes i need to see it amen come on i need you all to give and i need y'all to let me know that you are doing it amen praise the lord come on let's do it let's do it right now father in jesus name thank you for friends and partners and i thank you father i am in agreement with them that you will raise up others to use their power their ability and their influence to help them as you are raising them up to be scripted in their obedience tonight to help us in jesus name and you said what we make happen for others you will make happen for us i proved it it's been done and so father i thank you now for my those who my my catalyst will give that one thousand dollar seed tonight they'll be swift in obeying you i thank you father in jesus name for those who will be a part of that 200 group who will give the 200 and those who will give the 100 i thank you father in jesus name and then those who have said i'm going to give my best father and some will be given the 52 some will be given what they have but god i thank you you're going to honor it their seed and their obedience in jesus name in jesus name i thank you father as we call it done now in the name of jesus oh my god obedience is so vitally important years ago 1990 i'm in the lakewood church apostle price had a crusade his budget wasn't met god told me to meet his budget i did it revolutionized my life i've never had a budget that would met simply because i was obedient that night in meeting his budget and god has helped me from that time to now to help meet my budget make something happen in your life by obeying god and watch god work okay let's go to the set and i'll be back praise god it is offering time it's an opportunity for you to sow an opportunity for you to give you know i was sitting here talking to brother david and uh he was asking me uh how do you continue to help people how you continue to trust people and then how can you make it out of a situation using the principles bishop's giving and of course as uh if you're working a regular job and so i told him i believe that our success is because we give me and bishop are where we are today because we give them because we obey god and so that's what i want you to do bishop is asking for at least uh seven more people to give a thousand so i have uh the homes are giving one thousand dollars and the sharps are giving one thousand dollars and dr eye you see anybody else on there yeah you have darren gulstan on facebook and gary kurt mcsween on facebook and so um as well as pastors will and sophia marshall uh with prevailed christian church so glad to have you all apart absolutely uh i don't know what is that five right there um i gave my dad gave three i gave you two names and then you gave two names okay three names oh that's five six seven eight so you're at eight now eight so you need yes it's two more and then how many people to give 200 uh he didn't give an amount of how many people to give two hundred but he did 252 as well as 100 remember on the lower part of the screen they have the different ways that you can give and remember the category is master class while apostle was up teaching and we're still looking all the david and nicole cole are selling 1 000 so that's just one more and um i know people are going to do their part you know i've i looked at the list of those of you who went to uh up initiative which stands for unlimited potential and i see many of you listing your faith projects those things that you're believing for and when you support the project of the kingdom project and what you make happen for others god makes happen for you yeah so i want you to do your part to obey god don't discount your seed but just as quick as you went to go put in what you're believing god for for us to touch and agree then target your seed for god to give you the favor the wisdom the insight that you need to bring that project to pass and yes i see a couple of people asking where their seat is supposed to go it's supposed to go in master class so if you give by gibla five you give by zell give black cash app if you um do slash give all of those have the drop down that says master class and the seeds that you're sewing tonight is for love city so you're impacting not only love city but you're impacting the next generation because the love city project is of course our legacy project and we are so close to finishing the girls dormitory and so the other day we showed some photos to some friends of ours of the girls dormitory and they said that's in a dormitory i'm telling you we got it looking like a ritz carlton over there the dormitories the showers and the dorms are absolutely amazing and so i want to encourage you to obey god whatever god puts in your heart to do that's what you need to do you need to obey god in your giving and you know um brother david um when i uh talking about him and he can share his own story but after bishop told him he didn't have time for him he began to listen to bishops tapes but listen to bish tapes that's that lets you know how long he'd been listening cds all of that and of course his life got impacted and he's the better for it but he didn't just take the information and steal it he invested back and so um a couple of months ago was it last october when you came yeah about that november november november november november he came by the office and uh he sat down with apostle and uh he gave apostle 58 000 not 5 thousand not eight thousand but fifty eight thousand dollars shocked us to the i mean like you know we were shocked we were beyond shocked so i'm gonna let you tell your own story right real quick before that because i think the testimony is going to generate that we are already in the overflow i've got philip gibbons for a thousand dollars apostle was believing pretend dexter kyle bishop davis darren palmer uh and eric shaw uh and so i think that's maybe is that now 14 14 i wasn't counting i think we're after somebody asked how to put the information back up for zell and it's it's at the very bottom of this screen so i'm not sure if you can see it but it's it's give it's at gift it's just give a new life give at make sure that you put new light in the comments so now make sure you put master class in the comments but new life church when you do zell you have to put a name so put new light church in the name and then put master class in your comments no you just would give a new life because i give on sale all the time you don't have to put new light by itself you have to okay you just put give and new lighting in the message part you put master class so yeah yeah so let david tell us his talents testimony uh well i i'm i'm excited that everybody's giving yes they're giving we're in the universe it always it seems like sometimes there's always a challenge for people when we we start talking about giving yeah and people don't really understand that it is a spiritual principle it's not a physical principle because when money seems like money leaves you you're like well how am i going to get it back right and i think if you're willing to give god is going to bless you but you have to have a heart of a giver right very very very important we were just talking about a scripture that says as long as the earth remains uh seed time and harvest summer and winter cold and heat all right day and night will not cease right and so most people we don't doubt that tomorrow is going to be day right i don't doubt that it's going to be cold we don't doubt that it's going to be hot later but we do doubt seedtime and harvest so i never really understood that and that's why we love giving so i know you know he said the goal was 10. yeah uh so i'll i'll give uh i'll give 10 000. wow towards it wow i'll give ten pounds well you know me and bishop can't let him sit on this set and give ten thousand and we only give three so we give it another seven so you know we can't we can't let him come up here and try to beat us giving so i got another thousand dollar seed from jj simmons prosper sold a thousand dollar seed and uh someone asked for the cash app the cash app is dollar sign new light church uh cash app is dollar sign new life church and then i see a demesha deplora another thousand dollar seed uh so we are in the overflow and then those of you who can't do the thousand of course bishop asks you to give 200 can do 200 give 100 can't give 100 you know that's power in that 52 seed so i encourage you to do the 52 seed and just once again give the five look for new life church one five three five greens mark drive if you do zell it's give if it's uh in member if it's paypal at member and i think i got them all and if you just are old school like me and you want to mail it in you can and you want to write a check you can write a check and mail it to po box 670167 houston texas 77267 and then if you want to drop it off at the office you can bring it by on monday or you can bring it to church on sunday 1535 brings mark drive and you can definitely sow your seed that way and so uh somebody say this is why i follow david he's the only one i've saw online who flows like that yeah but we can't let david come into the church and over i'll give me an apostle we got we got to do our part so uh so uh i think about whenever apostle's ready we can go back to him for this this next segment uh make sure that if you if you want to get the free information go to upi so that you can register if you guys can put that slate back up there again i want to say something real quick sure um this is something i learned a long time ago when you when you're sewing you're not sewing to the pastor you're not sowing it to the apostle when someone brings forth the word and you give what you're giving is you're giving to the word right so when you understand that if you're giving to the word what is that word going to give back to you right exactly what was preached and that's why every single time i would ever come in here i never came empty-handed because i knew i was going to sow into the word and the word was always going to produce a harvest amen always always going to produce a harvest so those of you who have not signed up for the free upi make sure that you do that you're going to go to up up put in your prayer requests as well and of course we're going to agree with you in prayer and it's coming out in real time in other words we can see you as you're putting your names in and seeing you what you're believing god for and we're definitely in agreement with you and then we're going to keep that and we're going to be praying over what it is you're believing god for so i want to encourage you to continue to go there up that's up and so your seed and they're telling me that the apostle is ready so we're going to go back to the apostle but part three that those lessons are going so fast it's like it's going so quickly and it's only nine o'clock so refresh yourself you know get some water get some coffee whatever you need to do so you can stay awake for this last segment and then you still have time to share with somebody else and then someone asked uh how long do they have the opportunity to sew because they don't have it right now they want to give again later or they want to give later well when god speaks to your heart you just give and all you need to do is going to stay out there forever as far as the drop down you just go and you go either go to you can go to giblify and just look for the drop down that says masterclass if you do zell cash app or paypal just put in the notes that is for the master class and we'll make sure it gets designated to the proper place so you can keep giving you don't have to stop giving just because you're not watching it so you can continue to give support um and the drop down just remember master class so let's go back to the master teacher himself the apostle and we'll be back at the very end praise the lord let me just thank so many of you for your generosity uh those of you who are giving at whatever level i want to thank you for you know you're sowing into good grounds and we're we're men and women here in new light of integrity and we're going to always do what we say we're going to do and so i do set myself in agreement with you for your 2021 project god said this would be a year of unprecedented increase that's why i'm unprecedented prosperity and so i believe that and so you got to dream bigger than you've ever dreamed before and watch god work you know we're going to do something because i know people say well man all of this information you know what can i do how can i get it uh david did something the other day when we were on the uh we did the conversation he said about this particular series that he had listened to that contains a lot of the information that i'm teaching tonight and that was the information on uh eliminating doubt and unbelief how to eliminate doubt and unbelief it was a series i've talked i think in 2011 that's right so it was 10 years ago when i taught it but he talked about how he listens to it all the time and back that night people were flooding us wanting to know how they could get their hands on it how could they get it ladybee went and listened to it and pulled it up and listened to it and she went oh my god oh my god this is powerful uh she said you know she don't call me apostle she calls me ira uh i regard you gotta you gotta put this out there you got to and so what we're doing tonight our product tonight is going to be that i think they have it on the screen how to eliminate doubt and unbelief and it's a product of course we have for uh i think it's twenty dollars twenty dollars but the information is powerful it's it's it's really i think it's really uh it's three lessons in that but as a bonus tonight i'm gonna put the series that i taught on taking responsibility for your success what that's fine lessons so the three on eliminating doubt and unbelief that contains a lot of the testimonies a lot of the proof texts the things that i'm teaching tonight and then on top of that five powerful lessons on how to take responsibility for your own success it's powerful nothing like it and for twenty dollars wear a mask because you're stealing it listen this next session is is it probably will not be as long uh unless y'all stirred me up but i'm going to take this sex this next session will be the practical application we talked about the revelation uh uh and then we began to talk and move from really uh the principle of revelation then we talk about the power of meditation and now i want to talk about uh the practical application of this how can you practically apply what i have been teaching uh so that you get results where you are i'm about results religion does not need results religion doesn't need results but when you have a relationship of faith with god you get results and that is what this is about and so god told me back then i was dreaming too small i was thinking too small for what he wanted me to do you know i gotta smile at that now because you know when i got to the junction project i thought i was doing pretty good but he said that he had much more so they'll put the jensen building back up there i want to show you a contrast now that's why i thought i had made it now put the collage of churches back up there but that is what god wanted to do and more all of the buildings we've all possessed we we were able to build or purchase that's not all of them i think those are the ones that uh uh some of the ones that we have left because i don't see the hangar on here and all of that sort of thing but this is something we in fact we were able to amass a million square feet what a million square feet of properties i was ready to stop i guess that little building was about five or six thousand square feet but god had a million square three feet of property but i was thinking too small amen and amen so i want to push you tonight because when i talk about big the establishment of scriptural concept of believing being it's in the bible that we ought to believe big big has to do with far beyond what is usual in magnitude and degree surpassing what is common or usually expected so when i'm talking about you dreaming big i'm saying far beyond maybe what anybody you've ever seen done far beyond what you have even imagined to do and so when you look at biblical believing for big things you see it all throughout the bible i love romans chapter 8 because many times you get criticized when you start talking about stuff as though god does not want you to have things the bible says he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him with jesus also freely give us all things so god doesn't mind us having things it's okay it's really okay now what god had me to know was that my faith had to be involved i had to believe big i had to operate the same principle of faith that i used to get from one level to the next i had to usually get that to the next level yes right it is the same process of faith that believes for a slice of bread that it takes to believe for the whole loaf of bread the same process all right now i had to learn how to believe bigger so i could possess more all right now the purpose of kingdom prosperity i've taught it to you time and time again it's right there in the scripture so i could be a bigger blessing think about it lady b just gave ten thousand dollars a word amen well i couldn't give the ten if i didn't have it and so a lot of people you know they want to throw rocks at you and i go no no no no match my my giving to the kingdom of god and then i will listen to your argument you won't be able to persuade me because you cannot use the word of god the bible which is our standard you cannot use this bible and show me that i'm not supposed to be prosperous and show me that it's against the plan of god for me to have wealth and riches you can't use it i've heard people talk but they've not been able to prove it from the word of god so then look at what god tells us in ephesians chapter three now unto him that is able to do watch this exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us so no matter how big my dream is god says i can do better and bigger than that jesus teaches in john chapter chapter 15. if ye abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done i was sitting once with him in the uh a bible class and his father god explained it he because he's this was a guy who was studying the greek and all of that and he said that this part means he says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and if it doesn't exist i'll make it for you that's how god says hey god says come on you can't bankrupt heaven come on and ask me jesus teaches on another occasion in john he says there in john chapter 15 in verse 16 he says you've not chosen me but i've chosen you and ordained you you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit shall remain that whatsoever you ask of whatsoever you ask the father in my name he'll give it you but see people will try to talk you out of that yes they will they will do everything they can to tell you that ain't your bible you're not supposed to do that look what god says to solomon one day if the bible says and give you the lord appeared to solomon in the dream by night and god said ask what i shall give you in other words ask what you want amen it's all in the bible i don't know why it's so hard for people to believe it and accept it for face value we serve an awesome god yeah an omnipotent god look at jeremiah 32 jeremiah 32 he says i then came the word of the lord unto jeremiah saying watch this behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me amen you talking about getting out the apartment that ain't hard for god you're talking about moving from a three-bedroom house you follow me to a five-bedroom that ain't too hard for god come on now child of god we're talking about the one who who uh who uh spoke to the darkness and light came we're talking about the one amen who spoke to chaos and order came one who pushed up the mountains and and scooped out the valleys and amen that's who we're we talking about that kind of god nothing's too hard for him so i want you to know god told me one day because i had never seen a preacher live like i was living like i wanted to live i couldn't believe it so i was ready to go back in industry because i believed that that was be the only way that i could make the kind of living that i wanted to make to to to to provide for my family like i wanted to be able to give like i wanted and then god told me he told me this i'm a little raggedy bill and he says son i can't afford your dream you work for me that's what god told me i can afford your dreams and i got to tell you that he has afforded my dreams now let's talk about this because there are so many examples in the bible i i went down the other day and started listening all of the people in the bible the patriarchs of faith who were rich who were abundantly blessed why not you why not you but you can't talk yourself out of it so they are barriers for big believing believing for big things what are these barriers the one berry is fabricated fabricated criteria what i mean by that thomas had this fabricated criteria when he said well let's look at it come on but thomas one of the 12 called digital was not with them when jesus came all right the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said except i shall see in his hands and print the nails and put my finger to the print of the nails and thrust my hand in his side i will not believe i will not see believing is a matter of your will you can will to believe you can will not to believe so that simply means now you control your believing well if you control your believing and whatever you believe becomes possible you control your possibilities yes somebody ought to document that i control my possibilities say glory to god now watch this watch this and after eight days again his disciples were at the end and thomas with them then came jesus those being shed stood missed them and said peace be unto you and then he says watch this he says watch this and he said and he said to thomas reach him thy finger and behold my hands reach into thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing thomas answered and said oh my lord my god watch this and then jesus said unto him thomas because thou has seen me because thou has seen me thou has believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed listen to me now thomas was saying that his criteria for believing was that he had to have tangible proof something he could verify with his senses so jesus comes on the scene and says okay verify me once he did that now thomas is shouting she said no no he called you faithless he caught him being faithless because he had to be able to see something before he believed biblical believing is to accept something as a fact without any sensorium evidence biblical believing is to accept it as a fact without sensory evidence you say i can't write all that down i'm telling you listen that's why the whole series i've done on doubt and unbelief you need to order that you need to get that in your hands so you can do like david listen david uh emoniti and listen to it over and over and over and over it's going to change it's going to elevate you in fact i'll make a oh jesus i'm going to make a commitment right here i'm it's a money back guarantee if that doesn't change your thinking and change your life i'm telling you i'll give you your money back whoa glory to god watch this so i've seen people do this they say that so jesus says look at blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed who can set their will and believe based on what i said and that only we see that's what a lot of people do they say well i can't be rich why i don't have a college degree the bible doesn't say that well i can't be rich because you know i don't i don't i don't i can't be rich because you know you know i got all these children i don't say that but see you set that as your criteria and that becomes a barrier to your faith so that's one barrier that you have to overcome and you can overcome that barrier by listening to the word repetitiously not only is that a barrier but then there's the barrier of what i call familiar commentary you've heard so many people talk so negative about prosperity so negative about about about being successful that you know you heard you came up hearing people in your family talk about it and i've got to tell you it has soured your heart and you've got to use repetition to overcome that and then there's what i call faulty comparison you start comparing yourself with others and when you do that the bible says you make them that you'll stop short because of what god wants to do in your life because you're comparing yourself with others i did that when i had the little red brick building i started comparing my i must be doing all right because i'm i'm i'm on the same level the rest of my peers praise the lord who i call it the little jack harness syndrome what do you mean look jack horner the bible said look that corner set in the corner eating his christmas pie stuck in his pawns thumb stuck in his thumb pull out a plum and then he celebrated himself what a good boy am i that's what a lot of people do they reach one level who am i talking to they reach a level of success and they stop right there so you finally got a house jesus says you can have houses huh yeah people gotta run from somebody why why not you huh yes yes i'm trying to tell you that there is more god wants to do much more and then there's the barrier foolish clutter you got your mind cluttered with so much other foolishness amen that you can't focus on what god wants to do the bigger and better let me talk about the examples of how i have seen this work first of all it worked in my own with my personal testimony is my success 10 per min my success temperament changed through my meditation i began to see myself like my mentors preaching like my mentors oh i had one guy talk about me oh yeah you think he he thank you fair price you know you know uh and uh you know because i used to walk you know i saw my mentor dr price walking with his bible i had another mentor c.l jackson he preached with his bible in his hands so i began to do the same thing yes again and they thought they talked about me and one guy said uh but he ain't got to spot a walk at doctor price well i didn't deposit price you know i had a little small area i walked my small area until it got bigger and bigger and bigger all right personal testimony amen i learned how to look from where i was i remember when i got ready to buy the helicopter now remember i told you that when you meditate when you meditate they got the pictures up there already but now when you meditate uh move the pictures down what picture is the way i'm gonna get to them i'm gonna call for them just when you meditate your personal awareness system as activated you begin to see things in your environment that were already there but you had not recognized them so when i began to believe for a helicopter i got pictures of helicopters put them everywhere put them everywhere and so i'm meditating i'm seeing myself in a helicopter and i'm making it important to me i'm thanking god for my helicopter i'm doing this in my meditation in my imagination i got pictures to help me because i didn't grow up seeing people with helicopters and so i'm driving down the street one day right right down my house maybe a mile up to a half mile or two from my house and i passed this place helicopter services it had been there all the while i was passionate all the while and never saw it until i started meditating and once i started meditating then wow i saw it i go in there and i began to talk to the man about helicopters and uh and i needed the helicopter then because of the multiple services that we had and we were using it you know we was driving 100 miles an hour on the expressway trying to get from one location to another in time and boy one day we almost had an accident with the with the police escort and i knew that was not god's best so we needed the helicopter so now i understand the process same process that brought me out of all the other places i'm using it now to meditate i got pictures of helicopters now i see helicopter service i go in there and talk to the man i got favor with him remember now our personal awareness that god's going to make me aware of relationships and resources that are already in my environment so i go there talk to him and he's in and then this guy uh as i began to talk to him robin simpson that was his name and he said would you like me to take you up i say yes now this guy just walks off the street i'm walking off the street and i'm talking to my helicopter and he's gonna give me a free ride so you all know what i did don't you now i've got a better meditation i've got another visual booster ah i can imagine a sunday far above all the traffic amen and then in my many days hence the manifestation came i had the helicopter y'all put the picture up there amen amen and amen it worked it worked same process amen now you know we built a lot of buildings here a lot of buildings we built them and i use the same process when i'm getting ready to build a building what i do is i had the architect make a model of it make a model of it and then we would look at i would look at that model and imagine it built imagine seeing it so there's the superstructure the building i'm sitting in now do you all have another picture do you have the frontal view of it yes that's the frontal view of it and that's it that's the building this action building that we're sitting in right now but before we were actually here i had that model built scale model built and uh i'm imagining it being built all we have now is weeds all we have now there's nothing there but we imagined it we imagined it and then we took the next step we drew a glory we drew the the uh we drew the footprint on the on the ground amen and had everybody out there with a shovel and we did our ceremonial groundbreaking what are we doing we're getting close to it we're getting close to it that's what we did and then we just stayed in faith it was nine years later that we built it cash walked into debt free glory to god i'm telling you that's how we did it we did it also of course with um our the minister's retreat center ministry y'all jumping ahead of me now y'all jumping ahead of me ministers retreat system so this is a place where um we have ministers come in it's more than just a home it's a place where ministers come in and we minister to we minister to them it's an incredible place uh show the whole grounds of it and uh we had that built lady bridget and i we would meditate we wanted a place not just where we could stay but a place that would be a blessing to others and we imagined it and we meditated on it and we thank god for it and then we began to believe it and the rest is history it now exists amen amen we're doing the same thing with love city same thing with love city name we love city that is the original layout of love city amen we believe that we had everything laid out what we wanted it and that sort of thing and when god began we began to believe now god's beginning to order our steps and so we thought we was going to put in one place god now he's directing us go to and do another place he when we told us to get the campus there at uh uh uh the uh east campus when we it from from uh the lakewood church and then god began to tell me now this is the place but it started with our meditation and so i told the architect this is the place i said and god says everything we was gonna do at the original place where we thought was gonna be we'll be able to do it here and do it faster and we are in jesus name amen and amen it works it works all right it also worked when we were ready to buy a jet parger never heard of that yeah that's our first little jet that we bought what that's it first little jet god told me to buy jet what i don't believe that i don't care if you don't believe it that's what god told me to block but i had to use my faith they had to believe for it well i'm using the same process i got to meditate i got pictures of jets put them all around me amen now god told me he was about to give me uh i may i'm uh uh no no y'all going ahead of me don't just just stay with my dad stay with that stay with me yeah so god says listen i'm about to give you a schedule where you're going to be traveling and uh for almost 20 years i traveled uh oh my god extensively and i needed a jet to keep up with the schedule i told god i didn't have that many appointments he said noah had waited until he saw rain it would have been too late it's a tool for ministry and so uh but i had to use the same process god had been dropping out the sky i had to use the plane process i had to meditate i had to thank god for it had to see myself flying that's all then i started going to airports and i began to get close to it that sort of thing then god began to lead me step by step and god says now is the time and when god says now was the time every door began to open i signed the project i signed on the first uh the the contract for the first jet i had no appointments the phone started ringing the next day and hadn't stopped didn't stop till coven amen amen and from that time we needed a bigger jet when we needed a bigger jet what got to go through the same process and we went through the same process and then we got a bigger jet you gotta put the second jacob jelly there now amen so we went through the same process bought ambassador we fly in right now and so uh that's that's it that's it that's it all right move on move on move on now it works in every situation why does that work for you because you're a preacher here's this next story i love this next story years ago when i taught this principle when god gave me the freedom to teach it i wrote a book called mental toughness and that book i wrote it in the little raggedy rundown build and god says don't publish it until you got the proof am i so i kept it for years and never never never published it until we had the proof and listen here's what happened uh when god gave me the ability to teach it i was teaching it one day and this young man he had joined our church and he had a dream of being a globetrotter if your dream been globetrotter had been turned down and i talked this one night about visual manifest about visualization and how it needed a reference so he would got a picture of a globetrotter and cut that guy's face out and he put his picture here his face there and of course the guy was looked darker a little brighter than he was he darkened it all up and that sort of thing and i taught it tonight he'd been turned down by the globetrotters and they told his agent told him you'll never be a globetrotter go get you a job so we got him a job at a jewelry store but that night when he heard me it's kind of like tonight tonight it's something has gone off on the inside of you something went off on the inside of him he came back that next night and said this is my booster my visual booster for my meditation i'll be a globetrotter i'm telling you that's what he did and so uh something as he began to use his faith meditate on that the globetrotter organization went through a change there it is that's his name there it is that's his picture his name is paul gaffney he's retired now but at one time he traveled the world because the organization changed and when the organization changed they um the new management came in and looked at the old rejected files put his took his file out of reject and re-interviewed him hired him gave him a team he traveled the world now he's pitched his picture is in that book that i have on uh on i think he's in the rematch reimagining matrix and also his picture is in the book uh mental toughness for success paul gavin he's retired now he's got another bigger vision uh there in tennessee that we're in agreement with him on a man amen but he worked for him and he's not a preacher then there's one other situation that i closed with and that was we had a member whose son was in icu and the doctors had given the little have given the boy up was preparing him for the boy to die he called me and i could tell in his voice that he was shaken and i told him no no no no no i said it's hard for you to believe for a miracle when you walk in there and you look at your son with the tubes and all in his nose and everything i said here's what i want you to do i want you to go home and get a healthy picture of your son and put it besides the bed and when you walk in there don't look at him in the bed you look at that picture and that's how you begin to pray and praise god don't look at him in the bed you look at the picture something will happen your faith is going to rise and it did and the boy oh my god that they had written off praise the lord did a turn around he got a miracle the boy walked out of the hospital still living today in jesus name i'm telling you it will work in your situation and so i tell you these are personal testimonies of people that i know have used the testimony i could use a david uh we uh because i mean he has a very powerful testimony how he took those principles and i'm saying to you again i'm saying to you again i want you to invest in yourself amen listen i wrapped this up in john chapter 5. that's a story of a man by the pool of bethesda he was brought there daily and he laid there and the bible says he was there and he jesus walked up to him and said you know um you know do you want to be whole he said well i do but every time uh the waters are troubled because they said it was said that when the waters would bubble and the angel would come down and trouble the water he said it was said that whoever got in first would be healed so the man was there and he said jesus i just don't have nobody to put me in the water so he's waiting on a bubble and his miracle is standing right next to him glory be to god and so he was there i love him why number one i believe this man had a bounce back character full of jesus wow he kept expecting amen he kept and that's what you have to do you got to keep expecting number two he had a renewed expectation of unshaken by the good fortunes of others person after person he saw get healed and his expectation was not dwindled by what he saw others experience number three he had a constant ethic that we must admire because he showed up daily i love it every day he let him bring him back to the pool every day he let him lay him there he had a belief in the supernatural that eventually paid off big time yes because he had an expat expectation of a supernatural move in his life jesus showed up he didn't have to wait on the bubble anymore amen amen greater the greater one stood in front of him he had a god consciousness the day of his breakthrough and he went to church i love that about him because when his breakthrough came he did not forget how he got his breakthrough the bible says he was in the temple that same day i'm telling you that when this works for you you got to understand you owe it all to god you give him the glory you at all to god you give your testimony you know it all to god because i'm telling you god needs your testimony when there is a need for contemporary example of an ancient truth god wants your testimony when there is when all of your resources are depleted and you're facing give up your testimony will keep you going when a seeker is looking for direction it's your testimony amen that can point the way and then when you ever get a point where you need encouragement yourself it is the testimony of god's faithfulness that will encourage you you got to keep believing and whatever you do don't give up this is the day amen this is the day of divine phenomena ah what do you mean divine phenomenon the phenomena of divine appointment you thought we just you just looking at a master class but god is speaking to your heart amen moses thought he was just checking out the fire in a bush but it was an appointment with his destiny with god amen david thought he was just carrying food to his brothers on the battlefield but it was an appointment for him to meet goliath and propel him to another level in life gideon was just threshing wheat it was a divine appointment that day for him to meet up with the angel that would call him mighty man of valor i prophesy over you tonight and i'll call you blessed i call you healed i call your prosperous i call your wealth i wealthy i call you rich i call you a blessing in jesus name not rise up amen amen and look from where you are amen to where god wants you to be you got to be bold enough to look from where you are see yourself better see yourself amen you see yourself with what you've been praying for and you thank god for it you do it day at night day and night day and night day and night day and night and the supernatural will occur in your life i'm out of time i hope you god bless tonight i hope you god bless amen and amen i give it now to the set hallelujah praise god that was so incredibly awesome i didn't know the bishop was going to show you all of our private businesses but uh praise god aircrafts all of that and you know what all of that's possible for you if you'll just believe and you know it's that it's that that principle that he caught on meditation that can transform your life um bishop talked about giving you are allowing you the opportunity to get the series on how to eliminate doubt and unbelief out of your life well uh brother david mentioned that on the apostles conversation the other night so i'm gonna let him talk about it a little bit and then i'm gonna piggyback on what he's gonna say about how that series changed his life so can you talk about that a little bit yeah i was actually here i was here for those services actually i was here for cd1 and cd3 i was really upset i actually missed the second part but it's not just listening to it one time it was the fact that i was willing to listen to it over the last 10 years and apply the principles that were in there and if you paid attention tonight a lot of what he taught tonight is on that cd yeah all right it is on that series make that investment into yourself uh i have made leaders that i work with people that i work with i've made them purchase it over the years and their lives have been completely changed not only myself have been blessed by the information they have also been blessed by the information uh as well so twenty dollars to get that uh that is an absolute steal how to eliminate doubt and unbelief because when you can eliminate doubt when you can eliminate unbelief you can actually move into the promises of god without any fear without any trepidation and what it did for me was it really allowed me to be patient with the process right because this is not going to happen overnight exactly you're not going to go and listen to this next week right you're gonna be at a mansion i was listening to this when i was in an apartment and and and things are obviously different today but it was listening to it every single day at least for a year and a half i listened to it every single day yeah and you know um the way to get it is you can text b k i h b h b k i h b h 7 1 4 4 1 and i said i was going to piggyback on what he said so you know when apostle teaches something i rarely go back and re-listen to it again because i do listen to like two hours of the word every day i've been doing that since 19 ooh probably 1984 84 82 1982 pastor and i've been listening to two hours of the word every day but there are times when i want to listen to something specific so when he mentioned that the other night i started listening to it i've been going to bed with it i've been waking up to it i've been i mean i've been saturating my spear with it i've cause he said that night he said apostle i could probably teach it better than you so i was like nah no way so now i'm about to say i could probably teach you better than apostle but this is what i'm gonna do when i teach you i'm gonna say i got this lesson from apostle hillary and then it i'm gonna say that about maybe four or five times and then after that it's going to be my lesson and i'm going to come up with a whole new spin on i'm telling y'all this is a lesson you need to put in your library and for him to sell it for 20 20 so it's an mp3 uh and of course it's going to come directly to your email and uh it's uh a three day a three disc uh mp3 but to me the information on it is worth way more than twenty dollars so you're going to text bk ihbh to 71441 so you know i'm into bike riding right now so i um the other day i rode like my longest ride this week was like 15 miles so i was able to listen to tape one part one and part two and just put it on repeat and just kept listening to it over and every time it would stop i just put my brakes on and just go back and hit the thing again it's such a good it's so good until i had to tell them hey can y'all just send it to me and let me just put it on my home screen so all i got to do is just hit the button and just go it's such a good series so tex bk ihbh awesome night tonight apostle amen such a great word you got your hat on now yeah yeah it's not time for a vacation it's time for vacation time for baby time for a vacation i really enjoyed it and as you all encouraging them to get it i want them to understand am i on am i on yeah yes i want them to understand the uh bonus that we're doing that that see i didn't they didn't have up there with the bonuses is uh um um taking responsibility for your success oh wow that's that's five lessons oh so you get the you get the three and the five yes you get the three for twenty dollars for twenty dollars i'm a giver three and five for two dollars okay yes i'm not on i guess am i on now praise the lord all right praise the lord amen all right yeah so it's the three lessons on how to eliminate that and then five lessons on uh taking responsibility for your success if people were like i was back then i wanted god to bless me and i was waiting on him to do it by himself but that's not what the bible teaches the bible teaches us that we all have that responsibility right and i think what happens is again uh you can get information but if you have the passion to carry it out follow me you don't do it yeah and so i believe it stirs in the passion hey can we talk about your women's conference before we go out absolutely women who win meets in a circle dr you want to talk about it i i talked about it early and we showed the spot so that that i am looking forward to it it's uh really the merging of two great conferences and of course inner circle is normally a time of bringing together women of influence entrepreneurs business owners ministers and empowering you women who win is open to all women who choose to win and it's really open to everybody and uh the thing this year is whole and free only because so many times we go after just the success or we go after the money but you can't enjoy it and the bible says that god wants you to have life and life more abundantly and being whole and then having the freedom to walk out that wholeness so you don't feel bound by your past by the you know apostle hit a lot of those things on tonight but we've got some great speakers priscilla schreier is going to be with us latrice ryan is going to be with us i'll be ministering pastor b will be ministering and it is worth the investment in your life your wholeness not just your hole in one area but god wants you whole in every area of your life your mind your body your soul every air and especially your spirit man so our ladies of all ages i want you to join us it's going to be a great time of coming together even in the virtual space you're going to if you say i'm not ready to travel it's going to be a great experience so go to the women who and the discount code for today is masterclass 10 and take advantage of the 10 discounts and doctor i want to invite the men to come as well because you don't have to just be a woman to be holding free because the men you need to come and be a part of it as well men are welcome to come we're not going to just be saying oh this is all ladies you know and then those of you who are senior pastors those of you who are senior pastors during the day apostle has his hangout so he hangs out with all the senior pastors during the day while the ladies are in the sessions so you want to make sure that you're part of it and you forgot to mention love mcpherson is one of our speakers she's gonna make fear saying you know i have to have love the relationship because see you can have a lot of money and your relationship is all messed up and so we've got the relationship expert and many of you all may have saw her on real housewives of atlanta she is the relationship uh therapist to the stars but she's also anointed and a minister of the gospel to teach you on that and then we've got some just panels on how to enjoy life if you're an entrepreneur we've got a panel of amazing entrepreneurs from all over the world brand strategist i want to make sure not only are you full and rich in the spiritual but you also understand how to birth that vision how to birth that business how to enjoy life we have to get to the place where we're not just saying i want to be saved but i want to have a life and life more abundantly and of course you know those of you who are out there you can be a part of our inner circle ambassadors where you're telling other women about it and you can go to the women who for more information on that right and so if a person wants to be an inner circle ambassador they can just text i-c-a-m-b yeah i think so yeah i see amb to seven one four four one inner circle ambassador i see amb to seven one four four one icc amb to seven one four four one and what that means is that you become a person who tells everybody about women who win and then when people register they'll just look at the drop down for your name and there's always a great gift for the inner circle ambassador even though this is the first year for inner circle ambassador in the past years it was called quote daughters of destiny so now it's the inner circle ambassadors and guess what we give out good gifts our winners oh my god you might end up winning a trip somewhere if you become an inner circuit basket and you win you know i just thought it out there i'm just saying i said you might i didn't say you were but you just might win a trip somewhere but it's worth you registering why should you register because there are certain things that are not that people that are going to watch online they're not going to get so you want to make sure that you got you're in the house and that you're registered so during the day day sessions are not going to be on any kind of social media platform you must register if you're going to get the day session and so guess what i'm speaking in a day session so if you want to hear me you may you better make sure you register that's all i got one of my sons here who's saying that uh he's he's his his wife is registered he's one of my young sons he says he's rested now he wants to know okay do pastors have to sign up and register oh absolutely pastors got to sound ready you know and the other day something happened i'll be real quick with this because you all have been such an amazing host i just want to let y'all know where y'all gave me y'all gave me a breather when i needed my breath but there was a there was a a person uh who was talking about they had never flown and another person said hey listen i'll uh give you a buddy i'll give you a buddy pass you can go with me and then the lady got quiet and uh i said i said here's why she's quiet because she's thinking of every reason why she can't go why she said how do you know i was thinking that i said well i just know how i just know how how you know how people think who haven't experienced something and she said i said number one you're thinking about who's gonna keep your children number two you're thinking about you don't have the money i said now let's overcome the girl the lady said listen i tell you what we can just go on a weekend on one day we go one day we'll fly up to a certain place and we'll fly back same day i said okay so now you don't have a problem problem with somebody's keeping your children overnight they'll keep one day and then she said i said now you're thinking you're having money i said well maybe you're gonna have some money from the government in a minute yeah so you're gonna have some extra money i said to say this a lot of people when they want to come right but the first thing they think about is why they can't come after all the teaching i've done tonight about possibilities after all of that the first thought that came to your mind well i can't do it right and i'm telling you this is the time you overcome that right you overcome that you use the same principle i'm talking about what you got to believe for a hundred dollars a hundred dollars on the dollar registration tonight they get a ten percent so that is you know ninety dollars plus first handling fee your faith i had to use my faith on small things before i was using my faith on bigger things exactly so i'm saying come on let's use your faith let's declare you're coming come on let's declare it you're coming you're going to be here in person or maybe i can't be in a person but i'm going to sign up i'm going to be a part of the virtual audience you know what i just thought about apostle you know you talking about the young lady with the buddy pass do you remember when we first started flying to california to see dr price them we were flying on uh the regular airlines and back then it was continental airlines well we we would purchase a coach ticket because that's all we could afford and when we were passing first class we would say one day we're going to sit in first class one day we're going to sit in first class and that was back in the day when you could touch the seats so we would touch the seats lay hands on the seat and say one day we're going to fly in first class well then god raised up members in our church who used to work for continental airlines and what they would do is they would find out when we were traveling to california when we were traveling to go see dr price in different cities and they say we'll meet you at the airport and we're going to upgrade you to first class so you just never know what god could do to get you here you right now you're thinking i don't have an airline ticket i i don't have this i don't you never know the favor that god will give you so that you can get here so that you can be in the car you don't want to miss this conference first of all we were going to have it last year and we couldn't have it because of covet now there's almost community immunity with those people who have the vaccine but for those that don't uh dr i has made it a safe environment here at the light one thing that i can say about our senior pastor she's gonna keep us safe and so over this whole entire pandemic we've had opportunities for people to come in service we have not had one member of the light not one person who came to this church and got quoted not one amen over this entire 15 months we've been on on pandemic right yeah it's been so it's a safe space it's a safe environment so i i really want to encourage you to be a part of it so are they going to show the spot again as we're going to show the spot when we when we're leaving i just want to thank david for coming yes and being part of it and uh of course thank you for your generous gift you know you just amazed me with all of that uh but i just want to thank you for coming and being a good example for others and i know that you're inspiring others uh thank god for what you're doing your foundation and everything absolutely and uh you know we just you know i asked you at the last moment if you could pop in and you said yep you would and so i think you were in california man weren't you i was yeah you're in california taking care of business and he said no i can be back and he's here and so thank you again thank you dr i thank you for uh your staff how hard you all have work the best staff in the world excellence it's been uh it's been great you know uh everybody has done their part and uh so i just want to thank you amen it's been good and i just know and told of course lady b she's gonna always be my partner and partners in this ministry for years 45 years from the day when she said i'm with you on this and she once she got in faith with me she's been my faith partner from that time uh until now and uh so uh i just i just i'm just really thankful for everybody's participation uh i am excited about and i'm gonna close out with this i'm really excited about the effort that you all are putting in the women's conference oh absolutely and uh because you're putting forth the effort you know what you envision it comes to pass yes we use the same principle you know for years yeah and i tell people if you do it you'll see it work over and over and over and i want to just say something right before we go while you were teaching and talking and we were talking about giving i was so blessed by um david when he told me he said my i started a foundation and guess what he started foundation to do just to give that's all his foundation does is just to give he started the foundation to give so i mean how awesome is that he can't help but be blessed he's going because he started a foundation and all they do is give away he can't help but be blessed so uh i think we're going to dr i got one closing comment to say uh one service on sunday at the light it's virtual and in person so if you need a place to worship come to the light 10 a.m in houston 10 a.m in beaumont and then of course easter weekend at the light is going to be amazing on resurrection sunday 10 a.m service at the north we'll have a mass communion service we're we're gonna start off that holy week with some things that are going to just take your life to the next level so i hope to see you in service on sunday this has been amazing thanks for that word apostle and i trust that even those of you who've sent in your prayer request they're over like almost 200 of you who've sent in your faith projects our team will be praying over them standing in agreement with you and we declare that you have victory and full manifestation oh can you tell them one more time how to send in their faith project go to you up unlimited potential but just type in up you can get the free app as well and you can send us your faith projects for us to agree with and i've been looking at them some of them are believing for home some of them said that they are part of the thing that david does and they're believing for their business and to be chairmans and all of that so we're in agreement with you for those of you who are believing for homes and cars and all of that and some of you say you're believing for your family life to go to the next level we stand in agreement with you and we declare it is so and done in jesus name amen david you want to have a closing comment well i just want to say thank you thank you to uh your family i mean i i'm just amazed at how you operate uh as a family in ministry and to do it for 58 years i think it's just a testament to your faith uh your tenacity and i celebrate you and your family as well sir amen amen amen well that's it that's right that's it and we finished at 10 o'clock with 39 seconds 10 10 o'clock yes so it was great thank you all for staying with us and stay tuned to the video announcements and we'll see you next time 2020 was a traumatizing year that fractured the lives of many women with economic woes and emotional woes with the loss of friends loved ones and security it's time to pull your life back together and refresh yourself for your best life my daughter and i are joining forces to host this 2021 women's conference like no other april 21st through the 23rd here in houston texas at new life church that's right you are about to experience the best of both conferences thank god life is getting back to normal and we will have women of all ages coming to houston to experience this in-person conference as well as those who will experience it virtually three days of impactful ministry as women who win meets the inner circle conference it's time to be hold and free every speaker every panelist and every psalmist has been selected to make this an experience you and your girlfriends will cherish for a lifetime you owe it to yourself to preserve one of the limited seats for the in-person conference experience with workshops discussions and electrifying in-person worship the hotels are safe the worship service will respect the proper protocols and you will leave here refreshed and ready to live your best life here is how you register for the in-person or virtual audience of this dynamic conference visit
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 6,323
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Id: BWKCsAlXk5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 36sec (11496 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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