Face to Face Encounter With Satan

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[Music] [Music] god is awesome and powerful okay so I'm gonna share an and this is a tough thing you know I saw sister Vinita dear and Adrienne and Adrienne is not looking at me because he don't want me to call him up so I won't call you up then I will call up your your mother your grandmother probably because they see this is real and Adrienne a lot of people here going through different things that nobody you know every one of us going through something here on the prayer line in this sanctuary and a few are a couple days ago I said as I said on the prayer line I was saying that this is it I don't think I'm going to go on the next mission because of what I've encounter you know I mean and because Adrienne is laughing I'm gonna bring him off okay no because we know it's Adrienne this time but I want to tell you it's one of the biggest encounter I've ever had and I came face to face with the enemy and that's the name of this title here face to face with Satan himself and it was very challenging and know we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and I praise God for sister Vinita because she's a fighter and I know God is gonna bless her abundantly and God have many rewards waiting for you and it may be rough now but God have rewards waiting for you I'm telling you before I'm gonna share a little bit of the testimony and I'm gonna share what the Lord show us because I was wrestling with God for the last couple days and I said I wasn't going back on no mission and I know that's what the enemy wants to hear anyway that I wasn't going back but Satan I'm going back in Jesus name you know I'm going back in Jesus name with more power because they say God knows that's why you see we talk about stronghold we talk about accursed things and the question was really fitting tonight about accursed things that is within our homes because that's how we let the enemy in without knowing it now when that devil comes in don't think it comes in to play around with you he comes to destroy you you know yeah he comes for disruption so what I was saying is that it was Thursday when Adrienne's grandmother called me and says they are in the car and if I could just speak to Adrienne and I spoke to him and then I said I'm gonna pray with you and when I prayed with him the enemy spoke starters speak clearly through him and says that we want to meet you face-to-face Patrick Baker and he called my name and it was a challenge you know because I wasn't there they were on the phone and sister Vinita is a strong woman of God and you know I so then we prayed and I said then we want to go visit Adrienne and Sabbath but the thing is that the Lord already showed me that I need to fast Sabbath and I need to bring the ministry before God and a certain things he laid out already pre previously before that but now when I see the emergency with Adrienne a young man whom we love and we know God is going to use I said then I want to cancel everything but sometimes we do things without consulting with God and it can be a serious penalty if we do things without consulting especially when you're in the spiritual realm because you see a lot of people don't know that the Christian life is deals with the spiritual realm we take it for granted and we just come to church and sit down and having a good time sing and go back home but I'm telling you it's no lightweight it's nothing easy when you cross to the spiritual realm to how the enemy wants to fight so so we decided then that we're going to go and save it and go pray for him as what we usually do and see how the Lord leads Adrienne everything is good praise the Lord Adrienne is smiling he's here Adrienne is here whom we went to pray for and that's a miracle that the Lord brought him here that to show that God wants to deliver him and the power of God so I just want us grandmother one thing I won't call Adrienne if you feel so calm grandmother could I just ask you one question come come up don't be afraid Adrienne if you feel like home you come if you feel like coming just to ask you how you feeling now and everything then you can come but I just want to talk to grandmother cop request and I know you love the Lord and you're fighting so long to be with your grandson you're praying for him and how do you keep so strong after so many years 3 most of the time I want to clear everything with he doesn't want to when I pray for him and trust in the Lord because there are many attacks and after Carl offended all then we were before you came here yes the devil came to attack you decided but God is still good because the Lord wants to save him because the Lord brought him here still God is so powerful and I was sharing about in the car you know I know you are with us when we prayed for him behold anything like what you seen no no Adrian was really in a rage life and I could see the changes on him when he calling you names and stuff like that and after you prayed for him he just go live and then we went home and he hit the course it was where we went out early and had something so we had something when I reach home that time I had to stop three times on the way home well brother Patrick was praying I stopped the last stop is at a gas station because I didn't want to stop on the road that long and we prayed one of the time I he feel scared the way we look at me but God is able and he was with him so we went home and he what did he do when he went home yes he went home and he was calm because Patrick prayed for him and he was calm and I take the phone I tell him to give me his phone because that phone is taking over his mind's world life and he gave me the phone and he slept where that night get up in the morning and he's get back on the phone mm-hmm the open door eeeh yes so [Music] when you came on Sabbath that is a different story all right all right praise the Lord just keeps us a Vinita in prior that God will strengthen her and we're gonna live to see the day when Adrienne is going to be doing the word from here mercy so keep strong we keep it in Prior we keep it in Prior and a lot of people here we're gonna pray for you before your goal and just ask God to strengthen you so we love you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you okay praise the Lord praise God so there it is that's Adrienne's grandmother that spokes so now we went to the house to see Adrienne that morning Sabbath morning and it was brother Andrew and sister Michelle I can call them out they came and when they came and we went inside I'm telling you we had a powerful worship we worship and with sing songs and praises to the great I am and afterwards we went upstairs I went up and I call on to Asia and who is a is a very his amazing young man and he well-respected he respected me a lot respect me a lot and I I praise God for him and and I call him and he said he is coming down and he changed and he came down and when you spoke to Adrienne Adrienne says yes I want to be free he said it I want to be free the reason why we are sharing this is because a lot of people going through this right here and go through it and the prayer line and people who will be watching or who are watching I'm telling you so when we went down into the basement to pray for him and we open the word I'm telling you Adrienne click into somebody else and you have to understand how the enemy works that this movement you can be normal and the spirit will just go down inside of you and unless you get too high worship then it will manifest so while we get into high worship and worship in he sat down and he start to look on me and start to address me Patrick Baker here we are I waited sick before that yeah before that he he he went into a rage then because I was I don't know if I was reading the word or what I was doing but he was just watching me everywhere I go I go around and make circle he followed me everywhere it was the enemy not Adrian and then finally he went into a rage where men brother Andrew had to bring him down to the ground and when we bring him down to the ground we're talking about power where we have never seen before and we have grandmother and sister Michelle trying to hold his legs while me and Andrew just trying to hold his hands because there's so much power that I cannot explain to you it's beyond comprehension and the power we went down and when we went down he continues to talk to me and I know it's not Adrian Adrian respected me he started to say all manner of evil against me and you know I just summarized some things that the enemy says we're talking hours after five and six hours down there wrestling we talk in five or six hours we're not saying six minutes five or six hours and that's halftime that's halftime after wrestling for five and six hours you can imagine where your strength will be now and the enemy is taunting you that you have no power we're gonna kill you today one of the things he says he said I waited five to six years to kill you Patrick you see it was five years ago when we went to pray for him when he watched the Japanese cartoon no root Naruto and those there demons and I'm telling people who are watching and who are here if your children watching those Japanese cartoon so when I went five years ago it's also was one of the biggest encounter because the demon said their names and there were thousands of them but that time the power and the anointing of the Lord was upon us so much that I command the demon to command his troop out and he will command them I was listening he will command and say okay March out now and you will hear the blow in there marching out and then he will said don't argue with me March out that's why the leader was saying and he says him bad dreams March out and he start to name them and after they were gone I will command that leader out and then he will drop on the ground he will vomit it and then another one will surface and say his name and I command him ask him home in a truth in Jesus name and he will says I only have nine hundred and I said I want you to start to march the mountain now and he said no and I said the name of Jesus Christ and that time when I held the anointing up he's shaking from the anointing and I command them and he start to March them out so the enemy remembered the defeat and the enemy said five or six years I waited to kill you and here you are now I have you know I'm killing you tonight you have no power to fight against us and the second thing is says it says we are stronger now because Christ is coming soon if the devil knows that Christ is coming soon and the enemies region why can't God's people know we don't even know because we don't believe we don't take this thing we take it too lightly I'm telling that the enemy says we are stronger now because Christ is coming soon in the battle as we were face to face with the enemy that's going probably eight hours now what happened my phone rang and the enemy the phone was close enough I could look and the enemy says go ahead and answer it and get angry so I can get inside are you sin so I can get in you get angry so I can get inside of you that's why the enemy he cannot enter us unless there's sin you see we need to know the word you see God's people we're exposing Satan and his plan right now I will know he's not happy but we are exposing him in Jesus name so people be more vigilant and know how to fight in this battle how to call on the name of Jesus Christ the name that is above all powers the name that is above all principalities and then and then the enemy said one of the time you are going to be defeated and he said you remember five years ago you cast out all the legions but you thought I was gone but I was hiding there and I'm the one that stayed in them and called all the legions back so you see that enemy and that's why we usually when we do a deliverance we always pray and ask God to tell us when the battle is over and if we are not careful the enemy is so kind and deceptive that he will trick us daddy is gone a next thing that we discover is that when the enemy tell their names and you call in their names and trying to cast them out you're actually calling down more demon can that name is a lion name they tell you they lie and tell you their name and you're calling that name one thing you're calling them out you actually call in more Allegiance you see we are so foolish you see we don't consult we gotta use the word you just say the Lord is the power so while we are deer call in the name we are calling Morley gent down because the devil is cunning and lie especially when you see that they have the advantage because if you notice that they have the advantage there's legal rights I want to tell you that when we went five years ago we had the clear advantage when I asked fire to the anointing and I go over to touch him it'll be screaming no we're gonna leave afraid of the anointing we had the power to Jesus but when we went this time the enemy was talking nonstop we couldn't stop him he said the anointing and the singing and the bread and the word can't stop us the enemy was boasting and evil making some dance and boasting that you don't have the power to get me out what do you do in a situation when you rest for 10 hours and the enemy possessed and he said I don't get tired he remind us that he I'm gonna weak you guys and we realized out I don't get tired in the mids of it we were doing so in the mids he will come back to himself he come came back to himself where he was able to say pray for me I I accept Jesus and say everything but the enemy because when we went first we could not speak to him and the enemy told us I'm not gonna allow you to speak to him we could not get to him no matter how we call his name it's not him he don't know us and then all of a sudden when he came back to himself one time he invited the spirit in God and he wanted to be saved he loves the Lord Adrienne and I'm telling a while that was happening you see the enemy gave a little break and think we would say he's okay now we can leave but when he's determined and see that we said no the strongman is there then his surface back again and say I'm gonna kill and he said listen if I go on look into a mirror I will kill all of you off tonight now I talk about the mirror already as an open door but I don't want to go in it I want to tell you even before I tell you a main point before we move on to the word there is something that the Lord showed us to rebuke the Lord showed us to rebuke the Japanese demons that came from the cartoon so we had to bind him and then he said rebuke Buddha plus all the associated God because it's a Japanese and there's so many culture things he's watching they set up something within his body and he says ask the Lord to tear down all the graven images plus the altars in the spirit you see it's a high level because of what is involved in when the enemy comes in they set a powerful stronghold so you can't be loose so when they're moving there are setting up powers so that no matter what you do the human is gonna have a problem and it says pray also against a demon yeah for the graven images of the mind you see there was a mind-control spirit there there was a serious mind control spirit the enemy look on me and says I'm gonna kill you tonight you are defeated and he said go when I look and I see that I know there's legal rights I've been on hundreds of mission to know when there's legal rights and we're not gonna win the victory there - Jesus something is wrong I said God something is wrong we have to get out of here because this demon determined that he's gonna kill us tonight and brother Andrew can testify before I opened the word I ever gonna call him evil to say one thing listen the demon said we are killing you tonight and I want to tell you the Spirit of the Lord I must say I'm not gonna say something say the Spirit of the Lord says listen let him go so I said to Andrew we're gonna let him go we even had to tie his feet the power so I said we're gonna let him go because the God who will serve if I'm gonna die here let me die Lord but I'm not gonna hold him for so many hours I'm not gonna let him go so Andrews wondering what I'm doing I let them on go on Andrew one and he's frightened Andrew and I'm just like what you're doing and I said let him go and he say you crazy okay he's railing his only thing for him to do is levitate and I'm telling you they started cut him loose let his leg go and he's doing it fast because he said I killed Patrick here tonight Patrick is dead tonight so he's loosing everything really fast think I'm going to fear and I'm telling you you know the Bible says is not by power or by might but by the Spirit of God I'm telling you I decide to claim that and I said well if I'm going down I'm going down I'm not fighting I'm not fighting because I see the enemy wants us to fight and I remind him I said Satan is not me you know I'm gonna stand still the power is gonna fight you not and I'm telling you while I was dear now and I stood up he gets loose now he drummed towards me and I'm telling you that I don't know if the Adria and I know no karate but the Japanese demon gave me some whole like some move there's no way I could survive because he held me like this and put his hand behind me just to snap my neck and he did a neck and he held me back way like this and he ee top with all his power and all I did is says get your hands after Lord anointing and they just wither like when he staggered and he came up with more rage and I just stood up and said I'm not fighting you and I just used my left hand I don't use it my right I used a weak as Han and I touch him and said don't touch the Lord anointed and he just drop again and staggered and then he grabbed my two feet like he's gonna flip me upside down and I just stood up like this I just touch his two hands and said don't touch the Lord's anointed and these handles fall again and he came back and he came back one time and he held me with his hand in my throat right up to here I could feel right here and I said don't touch the Lord's anointed and he just dropped then it realized because he's been weakened by the power of God so he went and sat down and his dear cursing me and telling me some things oh we are defeated and he's gonna kill me and so what I did we said we got a retreat sometimes you know we have to retreat because we need to have a battle plan because we wrestle not against flesh and blood it's principalities you see it's powers we have no idea the power that Satan have we know Jesus Christ have more power but we have no idea we're walking our own messing with sin and have no idea when I was going through the door the enemy says Patrick write this down as their first defeat you should retire now I said don't worry Satan we're gonna come back and his laughing so I went home and I was wrestling with God and couldn't sleep because I'm saying God how is that possible I prayed from my heart I seen the power of God were many times I seen the power calm down and some might the enemy you have no idea the power that we have seen in this ministry and the enemy knows us by name and I'm telling you I went and I prayed and my knees couldn't sleep me than Jamaica so she went into prayer and she prayed and if you pass my my phone day I'm gonna read something you know we prayed and a large sword or something that is amazing I'm gonna read it here because I see the God we serve is not an ordinary God I was disappointed and I was saying I don't know if I'm gonna go back but I want to tell you what the Lord show us I'm just gonna read something here and the first thing the Lord says I'm gonna read it and you can listen to it he says the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of his seed the devil has wage our never-ending war on God's people it's only when Christ returned that this tyranny will end then the Lord says he did not given the instruction because we were supposed to be praying as he commanded he said we shouldn't have gone there we weren't prepared enough and we shouldn't have so what happened the Lord is saying because he already gave us one instruction and we overrule it without coming to him he could not defend us therefore we disobey Him and the enemy use it as an instrument to infiltrate us therefore the Lord says he said to my niece who wasn't there that this demon had planned five years the exact thing to kill Patrick because of that last deliverance five years he planned and if it wasn't for the mercy of God he would have succeeded that's what the Lord reveals if it wasn't his mercy he would have succeeded I'm here to give the devil notice that I will return in Jesus name Adrienne you can let them know that I will return and Adrienne is going to live for Jesus so Adrienne you can tell them that you're gonna be a witness you're gonna teach the world I'm telling you I'm giving them notice that we will be back in Jesus name and when we come back we're gonna be fully armored and we're gonna see who have the power now because the enemy drove us out after the place I'm telling I'm not ashamed to say that we had to leave the power was so powerful deal with we were it was one of the the most serious encounter face-to-face with the devil we have ever experienced therefore III wrestle with God and God brought the answer and says is because of disobedience the enemy gained the advantage remember when a con send men to AI and some of them got killed remember what happened he said you could not stand before your enemy because of the accursed things when we are not clean and with disobey God we can stan to fight and god cannot use us it was his mercy that saved us before I open a short word brother Andrew just want to ask you cover question I know you don't fit here but I have to call you my friend because I want this to be I want to have a weakness you were there and you experienced everything brother Andrew yes yes I was what give us in a nutshell what your experience was like well for me is just I have a different level of respect for God I mean first time I used to just you know just pray but now I have a different level of respect for God the way I see God moving just the power and you know at first as you said we were wrestling with flesh and blood you know and that's what the enemy wanted us to wrestle until you gain that point when you said let him go and I'm looking at you and I'm saying let him go we the man has bounced the enemy's bouncing us on the floor like a ball and you're telling me to let him go you know it's like it's like you as a Christian you have to reach that point in your walk where you said listen enough is enough and I'm gonna walk by faith now you understand I'm not gonna walk by my side anymore my side can't want to bring me thus far but now it's know at the time where I lose and I said listen I'm gonna walk by faith so when you said let him go that was a point where I'm like huh but then to see from there and what happened then after that I said Lord I humble myself man mercy i humble myself but in a nutshell was you know it was a learning lesson you know I love Adrian you know powerful young man for God he's gonna he's gonna be an enemy you know grandmother was there you know and and I've I mean I've seen a couple because we went on a few missions together but nothing like this nothing in my entire Christian walk it makes me have a different walk with God now I don't care about the trivial anymore you know I sometimes you know you mind get worried over the trivial man keep the trivial I said it's a different level now and you know we have to prepare ourselves when the enemy says listen we have more power now because jesus is coming I'm like huh and they're bragging they're boasting what and they know and I'm like hold on so when I went home and I went back into prayer and I'm beseeching Lord and I'm saying Lord and and you know the whole it gives room for the Holy Spirit to work on me and you know tear down man and I said man powerful mission praise the Lord praise the Lord praise God praise the Lord we're just gonna open a short word we're just gonna go to it really fast what the Lord showed me in order to win this victory the victory is in Revelation 19 you can search for it to yourself but when I look at it I'm like what is it Lord I can't find it you know I was looking at it and say Lord what is it in Revelation 19 that is going to bring and give Adria and the victory you have to help me find it and when you find it you can email me or tell me but I'll just read revelation 19 because we didn't get to go through it it's just six o'clock when I'm coming here the Lord gave us from worthier but because of the way everything worked we could not use it but the Lord remind me and says just read to Revelation 19 that's we're Adrian's victory so if you are wrapped up and want to be delivered this victory in Revelation 19 it's a revelation 19 speaks about the coming of Christ the marriage supper the wedding that great feasts you see the devil don't want to know that the end is common judge because he's doomed so when you read revelation you see the devil shakes so you see it's about the wedding supper Christ's coming also it tells us how to prepare its preparation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the only way to prepare is through the word I'm gonna just read it and then I'm gonna break a few points down we know that time is going but we're gonna go a little bit over probably at ten minutes all right listen verse one says and after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying hallelujah salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God praises hallelujah for true and righteous are his judgments you see truth and righteous God is gonna judge us we have to know how we live I'm telling it it Devon knows that his end is due the Lord is gonna judge him and he's gonna be cut off the devil don't like Revelation 19 and it says in verse two for true and righteous are his judgments for he has judged the great which did corrupt the earth with her fornication has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand and again they said hallelujah and her smoke rose up for ever and ever and the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God that sat on the throne saying amen Alleluia mercy and a voice came out of the throne saying praise our God fear Him No praise our gods all his servants and he that fear Him both small and great you and I and I heard as it were the voice of great multitude and all the voice of many waters mercy and the voices of mighty thundering saying Alleluia for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth what great exultation you see the enemy afraid of this exaltation of the Most High God what a powerhouse and he says let us be glad and rejoice and give honour and to him for the marriage of the lamb is come and his wife has made herself ready what a preparation hallelujah I'm looking forward for that marriage I'm looking forward for the judgment hour when Satan will be destroy and defeated what a glorious day it's going to be and in verse eight he says and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints hallelujah and he said unto me write blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb and he said unto me these are the true saints of God come on how you plan to be there if the Lord is gonna say these are my children who are righteous on the prayer line tonight in the sanctuary of God are you looking forward to be there what a powerhouse and in verse 10 it says and I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am a fellow servant and it's died brethren that have the testimony of Jesus worship God and he says for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy I will touch a little bit soon on that and it says and I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true the devil don't want to hear that just take a glimpse up in heaven when that great day come and he says an in righteousness he has judged and made war his eyes were as a flame of fire and his head were many crowns and he he had a name written that no man knew but he himself what a great God what a powerful God the devil hate these exaltation the devil don't want to hear about these things and he says and he was close with vastra dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon a white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he shredded the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written praise the Lord the name kings of kings and Lord of lords hallelujah and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the Falls and fly-in in the mids of heaven come and gather yourself together unto the supper of the Great God and then in verse 18 it says that he may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of the captains and the flesh of the mighty men and the flesh of the horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bond both small and great and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth their armies gathered together making war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received a mark of the beast mercy mercy it's so deep I just want to touch a few points before we close God is so powerful you see God is so powerful you see the second points I was saying that this is a marriage supper talking about the coming of Jesus Christ and the devil is afraid and God is saying to his people if he is coming soon we have a responsibility to get ready and to be prepared we spoke about the testimony that the devil says they are getting stronger because Jesus Christ is coming soon what are we doing are we getting stronger are we preparing how do we prepare we have to prepare by reading the word you see when it talks about is the preparation we have to be prepared for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that's what we need for preparation you see the church needs the Holy Spirit now and how we gonna get it is by studying the old and the New Testament men and also the spirit of prophecy since the white it spoke about it right near the spirit of prophecy go through it the lesser light if you want to see all a new and sister-wife you study that in accordance and the holy spirit is going to be poured out the Lord is saying we need to prepare ourselves for what is coming I want to tell you if you go to go to first Corinthians go to first Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 12 you see the Holy Spirit when the Spirit is poured out is to edify the church I want to tell you I'll read a little bit I'll read verse first Corinthians 12 verse I'll read from verse 6 and it says and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal and it says for to one is given the spirit of the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another the faith by the same spirit to another the gift of healing by the same spirit you can read the whole list the only way we're going to be in preparation according to Revelation 19 is when we are preparing we need that to finish the work we need to study the word we need to study the spirit of prophecy a lot of people don't even read it but the Lord is saying we need to bind these together and understand the word and the gift are going to be poured out you see we need the in the last days here if we don't have the light that's why the Lord says you remember the Lord says when he went he says Elly I will send back the comforter another comforter so he was the first comfort he said I will send another comforter to bring all things is the Holy Spirit the work cannot be finished without the Holy Ghost power you see without the Holy Spirit we are dead you see the devil will just bounce us around if we had the power that night of the Holy Ghost power how could the enemy knock us around I can't wait for the outpouring I can't wait you know because the Lord is saying I will send the spirit to guide you we need guide we need the comforter somebody to encourage you we need the Holy Ghost power encouragement in these rough days it's not the enemy is gonna have an advantage the key is to read the word and be prepared for what the Lord have in store and what he's gonna do for his people God's people needs to prepare and be ready because his power is going to be poured out so we need the gift of the Spirit in order for the edification so the Lord is saying in a nutshell to his people tonight is really high time and we need to be prepared it's really a time of cleansing it's really a time when God's people need to come higher you see first Corinthians 12 is really powerful that's how the Lord wants a poor artists spirit to help the church to guide us to lead us but if we're not studying the old and new and the spirit of prophecy for the wisdom and the knowledge the enemy is gonna outsmart us and the Lord is saying that day is at hand the coming of Christ is so close its imminent and his people are sleeping and we need to truly wake up before it's too late he says wake up my people because the day of refreshing is coming and if the day of refreshing is coming I don't want to be caught outside I don't know about you do you want the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon you so what are you gonna do about it are you not gonna start it a word in more detail aren't we have to come to the mercy seat and really study study study the word is important the Lord cannot pour his spirit out if we are not studying the word if we don't know the word he can't so the Lord is encouraging us tonight that amid the testimonies that we shared amidst everything that we shared tonight about a powerful encounter with the enemy the Lord is saying if we are not filled with the power we can't confront the enemy and the enemy knows that the time is at hand but it's God's people know how we spend in timeless our countless hours in the Word of God studying it revelation 19 is powerful God want us to go home and dig through it and go through it thoroughly I'm telling you go through the spirit of prophecy try and connect all the prophecies and see where God wants to take us the Lord showed us that it's the only way Adrian is going to be free it's to the blood we have to know how the enemy operates because we wrestle not against flesh and blood it's not carnal it's spiritual and he said in order to fight we have to know the word which is a sword we have to allow the holy spirit to come in to bless us with these different gifts the diversities of gifts the healing the prophecy all these gifts we need but God's people not stood in the word so we can't receive these gifts and the enemy have dust tied up but the Lord is saying in order to become victorious we have to study the word a lot of God's people not studying the word so the enemy is defeating us I'm telling you I know I'm gonna charge up and I'm puttin the enemy unnoticed they told me when they were leaving at the door that as soon as we're gone they're gonna call back all the allegiance and they did because he went back to play the game the Japanese game the exact same night so all the legions went back but if we were to bring Adrian up here right now and start to pray for him probably 90% of us will will run to the door if you experience what we experienced because if you're not fully ready uncharged and ready to deal with this no you understand that the Christian walk we have been Christian for so many years I was when I got home that night man I was piercing up and down because I was paying up man the physical man was hurting you know I was paying up for a hole in the man for what eight I was straight eight hours are ten hours straight and I was saying god this cannot happen you know I'm saying God you have to do something and when God showed us where we have erred I prayed and I said Lord forgive me when I go back it's gonna be me on the other side telling the enemy and the enemy begging and said please don't let us out I remember I remember who were praying in closing I was praying for a lady who was demon-possessed and we it was at an Adventist Church were in the back and while we were there the enemy tried to use a lot of different strategies first I shared this testimony that the demon came out when I prayed and went into three different people and then he sent each one at a different time to come back to talk to or say something so that they could get back into the lady and the interesting thing is that the devil said to us we only come out through prayer and fasting and you are not fasting the enemy observed and then there was one time I prayed and I asked God to close all the points of the body any nurse in here you know the body have different points is that right okay when I said that the enemy look on me and say you know about that right away you see when you touch certain points the enemy knows but God is more powerful the enemy look for the weakest point in when we were praying and we found all the tricks we lock the door and so we're not gonna let anyone in and I went over and I said Satan we're not gonna let anybody else in this door we know your trick and the demon start to cry real crime I heard crying like a baby and say I can't go back I was sent to kill this lady and I can't go back don't cast me out we had the authority in Jesus name that's how God has given his people to minion over Satan he said I've given you power to trample and serpent and demon they will not hurt God's people and I want to praise God because I know that night the devil tried to kill me you know what he wanted me to do he wanted me to fight back I learned a valuable lesson there because if I was trying to hold him he will gain an advantage but what I did I said is not my battle it's the Lord look upon your see it's not mine and I had my hand held like this while he's raging and he put him in some neckla all I use is my weakest hand and says don't touch the Lord's anointed and his hands just wither back down and he staggered that's the power of God that's the confidence we have to have in God I decided that evil if I'm gonna go to my grave I'm gonna go to my grave praising Jesus I don't care I'm gonna worship the Lord God is calling you tonight and said we have to be determined if you had seen this face-to-face encounter you will never be the same I'm still standing I'm alive he threatened that he's going to attack my families and friends he's going after them and I remind him and says Satan I'm covered under the blood my god is Emanuel my god is el-shaddai my God is the Jehovah Nissi God the powerful God who will serve is righteous and he's able he said hi and look lo when you read the exaltation in Revelation the exaltation is above Alleluia to the lords of Lord the kings of King where the twenty-four elders still saying holy holy mercy worship the devil cannot take that what a God we serve what a mighty Rock tonight the Lord is saying we can't leave this place the same you can't leave this prayer line the same after we shared what happened this battle is real and I want to tell you the enemy is so powerful how many session you're gonna go where you're doing a word like this and somebody who's deeply possessed seated in the congregation and the devil is not evil manifested it said a lot there's different type of possession there's different types and because of that it takes deeper prior to route the enemy out some of us need to go a little deeper with our relationship with God we need to go wrong and fervent pray and cry out when you're going through your battles and certain things you are struggling with you need to go to God in the middle of the night and wrestle with God some of these takes wrestling priors you do not take a little wish you wash your prior saying two little words and get up off your knees it takes study it takes confession it takes repentance it takes turning from sin and turn to Jesus that's what God's people need to do I encourage you tonight that there's some situation that is so deep one day God will give us all the answers but as I'm here I know that Adrienne is gonna be free you see the good thing is that the devil can wants to kill you but it still have to get permission from God that's why I love God you know God just seated and it's on there and it devil wants to do something on all you roam all over the world he still have to come and ask God permission what a powerful God whose side do you want to be on I wanna be on the Lord's side is so powerful we have never lost a battle the devil may think will last temporary we'll lose a little game but when we come again in the name of Jesus the name that is above all powers above all principalities all demonic power is gonna show respect I'm telling you all the money power is gonna show respect in Jesus name because they that are with us are what more hallelujah may God richly bless you and may you be empowered and be strengthened and know that we are not ordinary don't walk out of this place the same go and reconsecrate your life with the Lord and start a dig deeper and the Lord is gonna take you to a different level I'm doing the same I pray tonight that everyone on the prayer line will do the same I pray tonight that everyone in this sanctuary of God will do the same tap into the power source and the Lord will take us a little higher remember read revelation 19 read all our New Testaments and sister White's right in the spirit of prophecy don't bother to criticize it all you have to do is just read it if it bless you read it may God bless and keep you I'm gonna do a prayer before we get off the prayer line your heads are ball right now it's between you and God there's something you struggling with and you want to be released tonight the power of God is still available all we have to do is just confess and God is able let us pray father in heaven hallowed be thy righteous at a powerful name we come to you now because we love you we come to you now because you are our God our King we surrender everything to you we surrender all the idols all the altars that have been set up in our minds tear them down in the name of Jesus Christ tear down every accursed things every ever self and pride and everything that exalted itself against the Lord we confess them Lord take us O God just as we are and may you more loss may you remake us and may you bless us we accept it now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit as we surrender our will our desire to the king the lords of lords and the kings of kings may God bless you in Jesus name may God keep you and bless you in Jesus name praise God [Music] you
Channel: Button To Christ
Views: 5,884
Rating: 4.6428571 out of 5
Keywords: Button To Christ, Patrick Baker, Patrick Baker sermon, spiritual warfare, spiritual warfare testimony
Id: ml90z9_0_o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 42sec (3882 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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