Tainted Lost vs The Beast

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so um almost a year i'll be hand so good morning good morning today we're going to do uh more or less what we did yesterday i'm going to play tinted last and i don't think uh i don't think i'll enjoy it too much actually one thing i want to do first is do make a statement with tainted lacerus i don't know what he does i have no clue but i want to get wooden chest time for another episode of the molding of ball sack fun not like this not like this not like this wait for the best grand wizard uh yeah that's what we're that's what we're doing today it's gonna be great i'll say tainted this guy he between life and death i don't know what that means i don't have any idea but i can only imagine it's it's it's terrible let's see what he does let's see okay seems normal so far okay i can flip can i taste this character like i'm dead now oh what this is switch automatically per room like once one room clear is one switch i don't i don't understand alright i'm clear oh okay so you can do it manually if you want i would if the game would work anyways thanks for the sub p p dick because they switches forms that's fine i can deal with that no problem this again all right that's good but does that only apply for to one of them are they two different characters or do they share items that's the question do they share items or not [Music] they don't share okay yes that's really that's really bad that's not good at all that's not good that's bad that's not that's not nice well we got another solar for this guy that's nice they share pickups though it seems this guy is getting it worked by the way oh great i love that room so much is he well if he's getting to work i think we can put the the the wooden chest we could do that later let's just have some fun with the last burst let's just do that clearly this is a finished and well working character so we should we should focus on that and the broken uh you know pending rework dog [ __ ] we're gonna do him later sounds like a plan we got a library now i have done some things to make my life easier okay first of all i've unlocked the keepers box which is a pretty good item if you have too much money and also i have unlocked the uh i unlocked magic skin magic skin is a use item that spawns an item from the current item's pool at a cost of one heart now this guy doesn't have hearts well it makes like a broken heart or some [ __ ] which you can't remove it for the rest of the run for the last though it doesn't have art so it doesn't matter basically it allows you to choose an item pool to spawn a lighting from so naturally we're gonna we're gonna try to get magic skin i lower like now we have a chance to get it and then we're going to use that at a um a secret room because that's the rarest pool to get items from it could be terrible but uh you gotta like you know because oh nice instant bookworm let's go one two three now also myself i pick up with this okay um i think i want homing shots man i think that the homing shot is the good boy the way to go here when maybe book of the bed make a book of the bed because that is better graduating tomorrow thank you for helping me procrastinate you real one thank you for the sub pizza time and uh thank you for a bit fighting jeff okay so much like i was gonna have a window open to to get some air but something's happening outside and it's very nice i don't know what that is but we got bookworm and we this bookworm proc is the bookworm proc based on luck because if so then that's pretty [ __ ] good there's not [Music] oh no should have skipped it yep oh that's pretty good on this guy though they're basically double damage once you're clear level three the magician we do got homing though now that more options is something i definitely want but i don't i don't think you can afford it i really don't think i can well so the stickers are most likely to be here so let's just pop yep a mushroom for a key i need a key man i don't know what that mushroom is is that the one you eat and you like start tripping or is it something else wait where's the boss ah this is the way i see my god it's damage up ulster's oh nice it's not all stats it's gotta be like some down summer generally the um the only one that's also the top is the red one the mario shroom just makes you bigger oh i get bored i get the sack also now sick tremendous we got a [ __ ] uh item room item but we got a good baby good secret when are you in the region well that's that's the question oh we get damaged oh pretty pretty good damage up too but we got some speed down but we can fix that we can fix that later now if i bomb the safe two times i might be able to get another you know with the thing thank you for the sub brian yeah what the [ __ ] what okay sure i'll take it yep that's more options that that's yep uh yeah the shop was there it's i hate [ __ ] this amnesia [ __ ] now we get more item room options which is pretty good pretty pretty nice another thing i should be another thing i might want to get is the glitch crown the glitch crown is a very good item like it's [ __ ] insane item uh especially on this guy i think i should go ahead and unlock that at some point if i keep failing today i'll just play the internet so i can try to get that i think you gotta kill the beast for it eight damage already that's pretty good let's check this okay i'm not gonna do that though now that we have more options there's no point in doing that level there's literally zero point because the reason you want to do it is that you get there you get more options just got more options but you get more options i'll do that i'll just hop down i think are you black i am not what's this done that can be very good i want to get a teleport card first though i really need moving speed so [ __ ] bad holy nice flies probably use the book next next stuff room there we go i'm gonna open this because i barely have money uh that's the shroom that you eat that is that god's shrinking god shot shrink shot yeah i don't want that that's god flesh the only crusader thank you for what's up i don't like shrink shots because it's like uh i mean it's it's it's a proc thing fender and thank you for the prime man i i don't know it shrinks enemies to the point where i don't see them and i lost mod because i'll get hit by an invisible little enemy i'll get rainbow it's not the pro quite this is not a proc item that i want i'll take that this okay this one kind of applies status effect as well so goddamn doing well money today holy [ __ ] yikes not on keys though nice nice nice i got 11. now so why not go in here pill okay that's that's really bad um did i bomb that guy no i wanna i wanna instead to get uh secrets it could be here it still could be here let's see if it could be here could it be here it could be here i could it be here it could be here too there's two places it could be it could also be here could it be there it could be there three spots good afternoon aqua what's up i'm doing well today all right and this is like the one of the few times actually i hope the boss drops a bet that would actually be very nice some speed wouldn't hurt this one charges four times not nice when i'm lacking speed yeah and my baby [ __ ] me over that's great more damage dx ah not really much to do here it could still be here i'll check this one that speed down really [ __ ] me over oh i don't understand how that hit me but okay i don't i genuinely don't understand i was like right in the middle but okay i genuinely are no clue i i was literally was they like literally in the middle like what the [ __ ] what the hell man i'm pretty sure i wasn't right in the middle there [ __ ] off this aquarius is gonna like it's gonna make most of the game a little bit easier but that's what the final boss is not gonna do [ __ ] baggy is nice bombs i didn't check that but oh [ __ ] okay stage 1 brock bottom but it requires items it requires items but it's very very very good it's still very very very very very nice it's rock bottom what is required to actually beat the game with this guy let's find out uh i have one bomb so i can't go in there i haven't monitored anything i really hope this is not the the two the two like you know the two morons that are like two pieces of meat like if that's the boss then this could literally just end there even though i do have the aquarius that's gonna help it could be a spider though oh it's this guy that's fine so thank you i'm so [ __ ] nervous now though like now i'm like way more nervous than i usually am now i'm like oh i gotta keep that i gotta i need this drone to work i need this one to work i've been wanting this item for like two weeks i've been wanting this item ever since i unlocked it but i've never found it ever before and now i finally find it ah [ __ ] okay so we have that what do i do next do i go to the hard level what do i play playing on a seeded map i guess we will never know lll there's the seed by the way if you want to get it c p a w 4 c 2 c that's the seed if you want to get rock bottom if you haven't locked i'll say i'll play safe i'll play safe because i mean i could have a bigger choice in items if i did the other one but i really do want to play it safe now because the last who cares are you whoever her bets like on this you're gonna lose some money that's damage up straight up damage very good can only go up from here nerd and we get a terrible room but i'm very lucky to lose my [ __ ] in but i have all because i have aquarius aquarius saved my [ __ ] ass there dude holy [ __ ] it makes dealing with those spiders so much easier nice okay a room full of fires great okay okay no more explosive ones good right take all pills if i find pills i'll take them if i find a double card i'll use immediately because i'll just have it constantly then nice my heart is [ __ ] racing dude i'm so [ __ ] nervous that i'm gonna throw this i'm so [ __ ] nervous oh so [ __ ] interested oh my god can i like find out item room please there we go thank you okay my type of looking kicking in again yes ah better items is it nice okay we got that going at least i just need like one good card one good pill like i'm basically running on base stats right now if i could get like one thing that could increase my stats even temporarily that would be such such a huge [ __ ] thing right now it will be so [ __ ] big i could go super desperate and blow that up and get like 15 coins for that present and maybe it's a good item that could be like uh that could be a threat i'll do it once and check for a secret room at least yeah no should i do it i'm desperate right now good two more this [ __ ] [ __ ] gay man aquarius is just carrying at this point well it's pills okay but it's something uh i'm gonna check the the devil deal because like i i need anything right now i just need anything well the pact was gonna help us with damage now like slightly i needed that like i just needed i [ __ ] needed it that's it genuinely [ __ ] needed that aqua are you a bot are you a robot be honest ultimate ultimate response looking ass uh okay nice to run this uh it could be up there big room i should have a voice i'll do a big widow that's fine it's just a spider room that's guys dead okay item room please please be good okay well it's it's something he does he deals he deals damage he deals damage that is nice good afternoon good afternoon albino how are you [Music] thanks guys thanks it's like i got rock bottom now but i haven't really gotten any like this used for it really it normally runs i wouldn't take it i've gotten some like rain shop or was that here stuff i don't [ __ ] know like i've barely gotten anything from it so far but it it still is like a item with like huge potential so it's still good it's still good even though it's a bit scuffed so far ranges such as this shit's that it's it's it's actually useful i used to like very like underestimate speed and range a lot before but now i do like having them i don't think they're useless or anything like that they are good but like i mean obviously it could be better but it's still good nice now i can almost afford an item i'll probably be able to format them okay wow tears up good that's a good okay good what does compost do it doubles your flies isn't it it's [ __ ] yeah i think i'll it's not worth like an investment of money i think i'm not gonna get that okay all right here we go okay that's not too bad what the [ __ ] that was so [ __ ] close man he got himself okay damaging range i can drop it and i still keep the lock okay well this is nice because i can drink it's also very useful because you can get a drink get get the stuff from it and put it down again for example if there's mushrooms here are there mushrooms no if we get a mushroom cave level then they can pick up the get faster touch dc whatever and then i'll building onto something nicer but it still hasn't like become broken yet synthol is pretty big there is good damage agreed chances for the trinkets we do a little trolling i think our bits are missed i don't have bombs for that there we go okay l room okay that's fine unless there's maggots there's no way there's maggots as well that would be too much that would just be insane [Music] okay [Music] okay man okay good now it's it's done [ __ ] blank card dude holy [ __ ] like that uh emperor that's really much use this keikian card judgment i'm gonna use this next stage to get higher uh devil chance if nothing else i was really hoping for a devil like a devil now will just give me a permanent level which is really good devil card or if you find a holy card now this is good that's gonna be [ __ ] huge but yeah like blank card in this skype is potentially [ __ ] insanely good oh nice okay now i don't have to worry about the money part i can just get money and i'll get damaged [Music] much because it's probably in here alright more bombs so oh book room let's go here you go kumino take all my pics oh my god yes there we go now we got twice in one room which means big damage you can stack them and now we get like a permanent double stack of that item which is really good really [ __ ] good so now we have 11 damage let's open that rock chest nice what's in here tear stuff that's definitely i'm gonna definitely gonna get that i'm gonna use the emperor carter i think oh that was close holy [ __ ] nice okay this is really good this is very very good uh this item removes spikes completely mimics don't have spikes cursing sometimes bikes uh very very good item i'm gonna get toothpicks and teleport to the boss you ever gonna do a modded fallout stream i already have full out new vegas modded about half a year ago there we go emperor this what's what's this one again lovers yeah lovers is useless okay so we're going to go take the tears up teleport to the boss kill the boss and then hopefully we'll get something good from that now the iron is looking a lot better but uh i mean [ __ ] with [ __ ] with with uh with blank card is this could be completely broken i just gotta find one holy card and we have like reusable [ __ ] uh yeah got them both good good devil as well speed and shot speed very nice uh i might as well take that but it's going to just be annoying i think it's going to it's i think it's literally just going to be annoying i don't want it okay next do the secret with the secrets yeah it's gonna distract me if i ever think that i can get away with using making a full circle as the attention lost i'm gonna die if i ever ever think that's gonna actually happen i'm gonna die that's how it's distracting that was the warm spots man i swear to god they're so [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] worms dude one of the power is not actually giving me power for some reason so i can go into this because i don't have spikes anymore okay there's like a uh issue with this game where if you go into a room and you stand still then you're safe from walking into a maggot or ghost but if you stand still there's also a chance that certain light or enemies will just like instantly [ __ ] you like what i should do now is just like go into the room and pause to make sure that there's nothing that can just get me you know just like that this could be a secret by the way yikes i'm gonna abuse waltz as i can you're not gonna shoot me i'm not getting more i'm not getting any damage from this there's not getting power because of our rock bottom works how does it work it did in the beginning but i don't know what uh look what won't decrease damage until you're actually above the previous damage oh okay okay i see oh my lord are you [ __ ] kid okay there's a max amount of pretty flies the more you know now this is a pretty good run this is a pretty good run oh this is good too because it removes the spikes off of uh of rocks rocks can't have spikes anymore either this is a really [ __ ] good drinker than this dude my gods can i make it apparently emperor again yikes oh [ __ ] nice even more tears up okay this [ __ ] is so nice i don't know if spike i actually don't know if that's gonna work on that okay intruder is fine it gives me slow shot uh yeah it works i don't trust i don't trust you at this point i i'm like i just don't trust the chat i don't i genuinely don't my god i was close okay speed good that was so [ __ ] close i want to get those speakers because i'm kind of low on stuff it's gotta be worms it works dvd screen saver boss yeah basically this is a range up it's really good like i can be even more of a [ __ ] in situations like this it works okay i don't know why there's that i don't know why i understand oh wow wow wow thank you for the tier one man lucky toe and rock bottom what is the locket order oh it gives you luck yeah i get there more luck why not why the [ __ ] not i'm stupid you have literally just plus one rock for free i mean it's not gonna make a huge difference but like why not it could there's potential for it to but it doesn't go up unless i can bypass the 10 that i already get from the other trinket so it doesn't matter all right we're going to go in here and get the items that we got from the thing bomb some money and some keys that's good there's so many of this look at this this rock here with these spikes if i drop this okay actually it doesn't matter until i like actually come back but yeah those would uh those bit of spikes spikes are bad but the fact that i can have 10 luck and this shaver is just really [ __ ] good looking sweet [ __ ] sick all right yeah i'm going there oh based why not no not only gonna risk getting near those flames [ __ ] flames there's the fool oh based i can actually nub the free item in here this playing card all right let's see here [ __ ] this jesus christ okay there's no enemies holy card holy card holy card no not everything not even a single card yikes okay oh i thought that i was the enemy eye holy [ __ ] i was ah yikes for a second i didn't realize it was mine i don't need to charm okay that was a terrible room but i'm gonna go ahead and look for cards okay unlucky today we haven't got an item room though so let me go ahead and do that just this again it's a long [ __ ] charge time holy [ __ ] next yikes just be good wait okay we got some more damage now 18 damage now that's pretty good turret cloth a pill and a heart okay that was a pretty good damage up i gotta say not complaining about that one i forgot what the black pill was let me just siphon some funds and find out okay oh the boss but my stats are really really good but again i don't have any like modifiers to make my tears more useful like they're they hit hard they're they have a good attack rate i can apply slow but there isn't much to make them more useful like a homing or a any modifier so the damage still is like not amazing it's good but it's not amazing but it makes aquarius very good against mom why not okay wait is there a chest in there that didn't open oh yeah yeah of course secret room done there's a card in there i should check it out might as well it's like rock bottom has just basically carried this run this one will be like nothing without it but it just could be so much better basically i [ __ ] hate those guys damage up i'm not gonna fight the bosses there though i i need to teleport for that i should have brought the fool i could have been i should have like a little bit of damage right now it's not going to make like a huge about the difference so speed up good weights are gone come on man come on man ice baby or something different well i get conjoined with this baby this is this conjoined yes that could help stay safe over here oh cool all right uh i want to get this shop the shop does not appear in the return even though this is super risky i want to get the shop because i have 10 coins and i might as well spend some wow this is the furthest i've made it in the run with the thing lost through towards the beast that's why i pause oh there was a thing there okay more money where's this [ __ ] shop man i haven't been there right yeah i haven't oh yikes okay there it is okay all right secret map card space yeah i'll give me that i think at this point it's better to just get card generator and see if i can get a holy card because the run is almost over and one holy card is better than like none definitely better i just it just drops like one of each pickup i guess since i'm all over here and since i have all the time in the world i'm gonna see if i can find a secret i have a lot of bombs i have the means to do so and i will blue flames nope nope no flames no no you still can get the holy cord from a random drop for clearing a room painted lost a higher chance for finding them yeah yeah again that time has passed and the final boss oh and the last of like i'm not going to get enough charges if i had if i had something like the uh the red the red battery to like regain charges on attacking enemies sure i would have just kept the the the blind card i don't have that though so on the final fight i will only have one holy card either way maybe if i take maybe if i got like uh take to take damage on the ascent then it would help me but at this point the chances of getting a holy carter is so [ __ ] slim that i would rather just have a chance of finding it from this thing and then i would at least have a holy card you it know gone just get over it how can you have spent our savings oh barely got out of the range holy [ __ ] those guys are mean nice look we're out here [ __ ] hannah okay best gaming gaming mad mad about pausing yeah we paused a little bit we paused a little bit that's and fine just like his father look at who he has to look up to shut up shut up my smartest idea ever but i kept my thing i kept the mantle my heart did nice i'm so close to it i'm actually so [ __ ] close to building this oh my god the conjoint is actually really helping out to like clear most of the angles okay sure a bit late for that but okay get me out of here okay a card in there there's a card here oh it's the [ __ ] key okay they have inner child unlocked i don't think so take the correct key why you ski in the house why free life why [Music] fuse if you haven't locked the inner child it appears where the tainted character was uh inner child defeated jacob and esau i haven't done that i don't think i've done that so there's no point yikes i still have an extra life okay [ __ ] yikes nice okay wait that was too [ __ ] close that was too [ __ ] close okay i just can't get the holy card all right you gotta go through this room apparently i remember this one here we go all right here we go oh that's one of the better ones that's one the better ones nice nice nice okay that is one of the better ones fear is very nice to have now if only i had like some sort of piercing this would be fantastic but all right i'm i don't think i i don't have i don't really have hope i'm gonna beat this but uh who knows right it just spawned on me great there goes the life that's how i thought it was supposed to work it's sort of hard to see where i am at this point i would like to keep my extra life a little bit longer than that but hey i didn't think i was gonna i didn't think it was gonna happen no let's try again holy cow rock bottom though no it's it's uh it's like it's a potentially good item like if i got echo chamber that would be that would be better but it's it's good to have but like if you don't if you don't get like what you need i believe in you you can do it son okay [ __ ] uh i don't know what that thing is what's this doesn't give me bombs i believe in you okay moro yeah you called me son [ __ ] off [ __ ] i'd say it again [ __ ] [Music] what do you mean good oh you're great for me now they're just gripping i don't believe for a second that you take offense they call that when you call me son ah it could be over there i don't have bombs grinch go ahead nah r well i got it item rooms no it's like a it's like it is like it's not it's not it sounds good you shoot a big ball but it's like it doesn't really do much doesn't really do much in my humble opinion i like this one but can i really be honest do this work in boss fight i don't know but like if i since i have like a free area over here i guess i can there we go alright what okay there we go uh it gives souls uh i can for example get soul of kane from this guy and get the jarrah i can get it's just good good [ __ ] okay well that's out of the window that is out the window should i unlock inner child no i don't know i don't want to play i [ __ ] jacob and his son [ __ ] those guys this is dog [ __ ] helps out yeah i think he does he do be helping out though all right uh runebag is attempting a chance to drop a holy car that's tainted lost i think you're full of [ __ ] i think you're full of [ __ ] i don't believe that for a second first is that cards are 10 percent chance debate it isn't even that's rude by just different cards to begin with what the [ __ ] are you talking about no first it was yesterday it was the trap door now it's the holy card it's everywhere as the last despite not being anywhere yeah nope got him [Music] next all right let's go to that good damage damage he's actually not lying the wiki even has it in the first paragraph all cards and runes 10 chance matt i'll check for the secrets just trying to help alby smile okay [ __ ] ah throw over here wow really uh then i don't know it could be underwear what's the point what's the point no requirement no no no no no no what could it be okay restock machine and curse the blind by the way good seed good seed very helpful or first floor no i did now i found i actually found rock bottom i've confirmed its existence the only thing left is to confirm the existence of echo chamber let's go get the rng for it well i prefer the throwing bomb this is fine too key and a bomb dude there it is okay yes well this room is aids like straight up just aids there we go okay thank you see ya okay do you hear that do you hear what's going on aside because i hear it very well now don't know man i think someone's cleaning their uh oh that's good it's almost like cleaning their uh porch porch or something well there's a free room okay you like it oh oh sale oh it's one of the boring ones i want the lovers the lovers will be so it's so good in this guy imagine it it lowers the [ __ ] blank card holy [ __ ] you could just print secret drama reminders [ __ ] i don't know where it is so i'll just okay all right all right i keep fighting this [ __ ] i don't want that one of these days i'm actually gonna make complete this challenge one of these days i've been counting your yikes since the first environmental station alpha current count 139 good thank you it's going to be a community during counter i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have a command for it you guys saw that one and then i'm done is the the bot the boss job that's good i like this one good against the bulletin bosses this is something i needed on the other character if i had this on the other uh run it would have been fine just something like some some like proc that can like provide utility if you have that you're set but you don't then you're [ __ ] pooper shop really i thought okay we got a new bomb i do need a key though he'll be nice but i keep finding bombs at least we'll find a secret room i guess secret rooms no spawn next to thin rooms that's a lie what's your favorite character in isaac that's got to be the forgotten forgotten is the best one best boy still don't have a [ __ ] key did the shop sell one i didn't pay attention to that yeah it's next to a double so it could be [ __ ] anywhere now there's one two three four possible occasions so i have four bombs so it should be fine no no keys here the less bombs i have to waste though is the better oh now let's narrow down to uh two more no it's never done to one more it's probably there confirmed albino likes bones now that's a pretty good item an item in a secret room god [ __ ] them oh okay now we're we're looking at something here we're looking at something here okay this could be good hello mr beno have a good stream today thank you crumples [Music] yeah i think it's a bit older to gamble like you know what if you want you guys are very optimistic i can tell from the previous votes okay let's open them up though oh now to maximize items you would save this for the third level in the pit so that you can do two bosses and then read the level for two more buses after that so i think i'm gonna do that i'll do the second normal level and then i'll do the third level and then the the boss room and everything those two times that's gonna result in the most items card could be justice no but it's a boss one shot that's very good i'm gonna need that i'm to need that bim most lightens most risks yep that's right speed all right i'm gonna have to ask for a key right about now okay there's a chance [Music] i gotta get some keys man i also need uh one extra for uh to go into the third level really good who is your favorite character in isa cal bimbo i i think you guys are trolling me now thank you for the sub though but it's it's it's forgotten i literally someone literally just asked okay no key no bomb this is actually kind of bad i need to get those okay okay now if we get bombs and we can go into lighting room with that this can be used to get to that shop interpret out of the cursor into the shop that that way we get to do that too i won't use it now after the boss i'll go i will go into the curse and teleport out get into the shop nice let's now go into the cursor item in the secret room what how does the golden teleporter work the mold streams continue i see thank you very much uh how does the gold teleporter work and where is your favorite shut up uh it it will pick the room that you haven't been in yet so if you have not been in the shop it will pick that or they order trick it it could be either this this bad boy here is bad news though very much so there's a key nice there could be a key in there there could be a key in there but why do i go into the shop now [ __ ] that [ __ ] the shop under keeper what the [ __ ] are you talking about yes what about it it's a heart yes there's the item it's it's yeah there it is there's the item that's that's yep it sure is here oh there was an item there let's see oh the shop is so risky though there has to be a key for sailing there there has to be no i'm in the shop not the chest the shop because the shop has like a more likely higher likelihood for stuff yeah i think i'll just yep here we go no it almost just flows right into me resources nice key what was that room again range of speed down to your height okay i'll take it but nobody again had the speed problem [ __ ] epic [Music] wow oh thank you good good good good good can't be there so i have to do that cancer room again the room with the flies but the thing is that i can use death there to kind of circumvent it yes what a [ __ ] room [Music] so well that's useless let's go to the boss please don't beat uh okay you're kidding me i have to have too little speed i don't have enough speed for this i like i have so little speed i'm basically dead by default when this was next there we go speed like lord all right [Music] that's the room okay every serious magnitude now that's really good it's much better oh yes i'll save i'll say i'll i'll hold on to that i think like you have to shoot an enemy once now and i just get free homing basically that's a very good item but thanks would i spawn with them around me was that a thing they're still not dead by the way what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] happened why did he turn into a [ __ ] ninja is that supposed to i don't think maya this is po i think mike is supposed to do that i really don't think it's supposed to do that wow nothing personnel kid yeah thank you gosh what the [ __ ] yes i don't going into bosses i don't assume they're certainly gonna learn the [ __ ] to master the katana and there's teleport on me oh that's a good starting item yeah pretty good level one not like a gigantic increase but it's pretty good one but holy card for five coins i'll pay for that yoink pretty good pretty good we're off to a decent start now but you know it's not really indicative of anything it's a guy as i keep saying like it i think damage up items are okay they are necessary but like when you do get them you need more you need something more you need some synergies you don't have synergies they're damaged up is just that like it's not it's okay the last fight against the dogma for example if i had homing all of the shots would have hit instead of just the third of it ah that could definitely have been better but we got a bomb from it so you know that's fine i can watch the spiders that's actually very nice three shot these guys oh lord okay oh [ __ ] we got a good one sick yep i was so sure there there there there it can be in three spaces i have two bombs unless there's rocks here oh wait i know we're just it's oh we gotta see we got a cursed room oh [ __ ] but can be can it be below here that's weird in that case then where could it be because it can't be above or below that it can't be here this can't be above the treasure room it's not a bubble below that it can't be it can i have literally seen it happen it can i don't know where you guys get it from but it literally can't be there uh then i don't know i'm very much out of ideas as to where it could be i love the wild room no they it's usually always connected to two rooms i'll get the smeller to you it can connect to sick drums i know that's what i'm saying i don't know what it is whatever it could be done it's connected to one room in that case because everything else has been it's been like checked everything else is checked so it has to be like onto next to like a one room which is really rare but i guess it's possible okay one luck tremendous because you'll see that i like to try to find it oh yeah there it is i'm not talking about super super i'm talking about regular secrets regular secret is almost always connected to two rooms almost always so it's weird that i didn't find it there unless it's connected to the ultra secret it could be connected to the ultra secret i think that's what happened it's connected to ultra seekers they're they're just like back to back [ __ ] secret trips in which case yeah it's not worth them impossible for two seconds to touch well then i don't then i'm out of ideas literally i have no idea where it could be done genuinely no [ __ ] clue i have one i was gonna say i had one coin but i guess i have seven of course i just have to get this room again where i always do damage and an elite next to me it's still an okay run [Music] like even without the holy card is still good yikes okay nobody needs to find the trinkets photoshoots okay well next secret room is guaranteed i guess i guess i could also get a curse room if i want eight damage more wow i hit hard now seems to hit hard okay great those are the worst [ __ ] chests i've seen in my life wait let's check out that the shop though mitch put the location out of your career still okay isn't bad if i can afford it i'll buy it it's also two keys good boy muskie for holy card spawn chances oh yeah that's actually very good uh good yeah but i would have to get like a there's a coin down there can i get that it's the bitcoin or is the regular coin i don't know there is a coin that's what i know at literally one [ __ ] coin great we need two more coins i'm gonna guess that this this uh pill is a uh explosive diarrhea it was not uh i shouldn't waste those bombs man well i guess we go uh ah under regular regular great better writers by the way that run yep hold up ah ah yes [Music] appreciate it i want more bumps sir let me get 99 [Music] get nine bumps and the next spider that that's literally a lost moment like you get the [ __ ] sick thing going and you're just like yep instant death the nice thing about it though is that you get to donate them back to them and they will give you like items and [ __ ] so i just want to have like a disney amount of bombs like after that after i give him what he wants good monitor [Music] you want to get money [Music] it's just you're just selling points bombs for like a really low price okay right okay just finished my finals and ready to watch your streams all summer pogba congratulations hopefully that hope they went well you must die a chance eight chance let's go we're gonna find the secret room aren't we bro when my reward a mimik tremendous what i put what a good reward really feeling appreciated here it's a single [ __ ] key though can i have a key okay [ __ ] off dead run that one [Music] nice bombs there's a key tremendous now i'll go to the shop and buy a trinket if i can and mess it [Music] camper no no no keys for sale though that's kind of cringe [Music] do time to die these things do a lot of damage when i actually hit them that is definitely more money holy [ __ ] it don't lie oh yep what's this done the emperor now we can go to the curse yep okay i've had any proc item this will be pretty good now but we don't what do we get actually i should do this too it's just enemies what could possibly go wrong they could spawn on me that's what could go wrong why did they spawn on me they insist [ __ ] spawn on me holy [ __ ] my [ __ ] heart alright we got a key now we're done i think we are there's a remote detonator there's a mons pad there's a chest super cigar is probably here or here but it could be on it anywhere honestly honestly dude it could be anywhere my last key what can i get a card oh well i can teleport to the shop then that's cool nice i saw a chest in here but that's a mimic yeah it's a [ __ ] mimic kill me super secrets are trash like one in a million times they're good but for the most part they're garbage but i mean by all means i could look for it by all means yeah no i'll kill this guy though i spy with my little eye a battery that ring kit is good with this use item because it's only used like once in a while batteries up here i guess it was worth going for the thing there we go there's an item cool good drink it could drink it not bad at all we can do this and therefore i will we got blind [ __ ] yes to be honest i should blow up every sure might find they have one percent chance of spawning either a good room or a decent shroom nice but i had no case that's appreciated that doesn't hurt this dirt not me at least uh what did the bolster chef yeah i [ __ ] i [ __ ] wonder what did that have thanks i think i already checked that actually all right we have that cool this thing hits hard as [ __ ] though probably uh the head of the dog that's doing it crickets we get one damage speed oh my god it makes me really strong yikes bump these okay oh i like this trinket a lot dope you're getting melted this smacker is really paying off this time i'm getting a lot of a lot of [ __ ] trinkets item boss uh i need i need some sort of teleport card i think uh this is the caves too i might as well just do the boss i suppose what there was a spider oh my god i didn't see it kill me oh my god i didn't see the [ __ ] spider for some reason yes brain didn't even notice even in the shop okay what does mom's lock it okay that's useless [Music] do okay nothing here uh this one is sort of over so i guess i'll just do the uh this okay great you should use this yep we're very tired today holy [ __ ] uh secrets probably like over here somewhere let's go wow great better items as usual yep ee no man that's for sure and we get closer darkness on the darkest stage in the game that's as pretty [ __ ] usual nothing new there can't see [ __ ] at least i have the multiplier to like kind of highlight [ __ ] at least we have that knock back shot piss guess what is that still unfollowing the engine room by the way which is really weird okay well that's uh that's run over let's try again let's try again can we get an item please there we go thank you i didn't expect to win that at all so i'm not really upset you know i know i could run them and see it and that was not it skipping tears is really bad for the beast so we're not getting that they like skipping tears just like it makes the game worse now this thing yeah let me just show you oh yep that's what that's what what those bombs did they just kill you better items by the way i'm really glad that they included only the useful items for the last thank you w yeah yeah guarantee guaranteed good items are money backs guaranteed i'll just look for secrets and then leave this run wow so how fun is tainted lost versus normal hostile beer not at all i just killed myself with my bombs uh yeah let's keep going excel i should have taken that i should have taken that okay that's terrible um ah item and a bookstore i can realize baby but do i want no i think i will there we go what the [ __ ] is this all right free keys because it's good though i like it that's good production yep one more and they can get more uh little helpers two of them great let's go ahead for the boss hopefully yeah i think it will that didn't really help at all thank you thank you that's that's i don't know why he just decided to [ __ ] me like that but it's just how it goes i don't know why bosses are just like a [ __ ] ninjas when i play this character they [ __ ] ascend when i play this guy first we get the [ __ ] magnets magnet more on whispers and then we get this [ __ ] r r r again again again again excel let's go please be good while we get to sorry i like them that's great tremendous holy card no no one think it will okay just kill me uh that's that run this is a good idea wow what up nice what a spawn holy [ __ ] sometimes i wonder how stuff like that gets into the game considering the loss is a thing like holy [ __ ] like how the [ __ ] do you react to that god boom boom boom this room takes forever man holy [ __ ] just die already i hate rooms like in this in the first level i hate the rooms like this because like they just take forever is that it no room clear okay thanks okay the whole coin thank you hey aldi did you get thanks for the content thank you for the sake though i'll be pain i'll be pain i'll be pain i'll be pain i'll be pain i'll be pain i'll be pain i'm not even mad i'm enjoying him a video game it might just seem like it but i do enjoy playing this game it's fun yikes where's artists perhaps yeah tears up the script today is pretty good you should give your fanboy writer a raise thank you happiness for the bits thank you bad oh we got a book stupid this [ __ ] again all right the book that uh you know that kills me hey okay and in my life whenever i get this book i overestimate it and i think it's gonna actually help me and it actually doesn't doesn't actually do that um price bombs well let's see if we get a price in the secret room no here ah you most certainly don't what about this yeah that's not okay it's an it's a decent item it's not bad yeah it's good against the beast too because it doesn't hurt a big close range against that nice nice drops nice room nice there it is next to the cursor i'm tremendous money good you do a cursor as well is there any red gears hello wowie let's just get that it may be maybe it's good maybe maybe who knows i like car battery even though it has like three synergies it works like one item in the [ __ ] game it's nice okay we got nothing in a bomb refund great it genuinely works on like two [ __ ] items great good item key though oh nice there we go all right oh we got the [ __ ] ghost great release the hounds tears up smaller size why not at least you got some damage but it's like it's damaged but you got to risk your life every time you want to attack something it's like it's damaged but you're probably getting greedy and kill yourself play your kisses here again no maybe one day maybe maybe one day the day is not today though the moon oh yeah uh i'll get the item first wow leech a fellow youtuber i like how we get leash which is like an item you can get to free in the sewers like you just break a [ __ ] you break a bucket and you get the leech basically but also basically there's not nothing for this guy like it's just like a miniscule amount of damage yikes okay [Music] um want a moon out of a i want to moon out of a curse or that i don't like fighting those guys although the bosses fight this one that like if you get this in stage two like you might as well just do it because the bosses you're gonna be fighting are so [ __ ] easy that you [ __ ] cares your cars i do not have a key however get going there what's this damage but let's see if there's a curse room because i want to pre-order prioritize that [Music] there it is and a key tremendous now we go through here and right to the secret room oh hello ah ah an item secret room ah very nice very nice very nice got this again we just needed one holy cow we're good got him [ __ ] this guy okay another key good now if this shop has a holy card i'm going to come in my pants okay it doesn't ever have a card and trinket space on both drinking space is good well now i can do this thank you oh oh oh okay sure what card was this again this is uh oh yeah this is the one shot card cool let's one shot the boss we'll have to here's the easy pc a little more on there will be a waste well i'm not gonna do devil i think i win however do the the the sewers i i like i think the sewers aren't that bad but the only thing that i'd read is the [ __ ] flies the yellow flies are so [ __ ] bad man nah [ __ ] that i'm i'm not gonna do it because devil items are dog [ __ ] man the religions are trash that's why no that's window [ __ ] this room thank you uh-huh that was this okay key waster sticky i only have one bomb so [ __ ] that nice key uh keyboard also no more worms okay i'm guessing the secret trim is right here but again we have a bomb shortage however i could save a key if i go if it's this one [ __ ] i'm not going to rerule that that's not getting reward more chances are oh it couldn't be there though this room is [ __ ] nasty by the way yes [ __ ] this guys i hate him so much give me a key please be here great and keys great oh man i could have been good [Music] oh no that's the thing that i don't want [ __ ] i shouldn't have taken that when i was my money yikes i thought it was dead damage though my money is just my money is just gone my money's gone it's all gone we have pretty good damage though ten dollars in proposals is gonna hit like a truck well now i know what the titan does it always choose it after they're dead [ __ ] this item oh hello yep doesn't copy though the bottom that's gonna help out with my money loss evil up wow thank you what's this tears up okay the mistake i made here last time it's not gonna be made again i can tell you that nice oh come on the [ __ ] uh fire tears of proptosis is a very very bad combo if you don't want to take damage let me just say that holy [ __ ] stop hey oh okay oh we got it oh my god dude gamba time now streamer man no i don't want to jinx it [ __ ] off [ __ ] off god okay mad money i guess it has like potential to make you money but god not without the risk holy [ __ ] spiders it's just that you can't control when it's gonna happen okay okay well that was quick oh [Music] nice nice nice nice nice that's good that's good that's a good thing to have although it could [ __ ] me up on the beast to be honest great yeah spawn on me nice oh my god attack speed that's good gamba now no no i'm not going to jinx it [ __ ] off the win the game i win this you're not even going to get the gamble [ __ ] off this is my run my balls no gambling i want to win this so [ __ ] bad you're not gonna ruin it morons slow and steady thank god for this drink it man that's good [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh my god what the [ __ ] oh thank god for censor i didn't even notice we're there god bless god bless god bless god bless you a blank heart just rigging the shield when you get out of the curse room i could do that let's see how long the cooldown is i think the coolant might be pretty long but let's find out it's two rooms oh my god it's like nothing jesus yeah that's kind of insane oh oh oh uh the the car battery mix total i think if you holy card okay now if you i think it's if you already have holy mantle if you have a mental active and use another holy card i think it has the two two hits for the for that specific room but i could be talking out of my ass right now i actually don't know yeah the the if i get the water item if i get like one of the vaults then this throne is actually over kind of yeah pretty low iframes but yeah if you get the one that reaches the damage i'm like really well off i swear to god if the shot passed that [ __ ] worries it's probably gonna be another yeah another only card i would have gotten that [ __ ] no matter what wouldn't i well battery pack is one of the charge items that i that does really much it's just like it just literally just recharges your thing spawn some batteries yikes now i'm like playing like a scuffed last like he doesn't get his research back every room but every other roommate gets it back so there we go it's back again that's one okay shot speed didn't find a secret dream i want to find it i checked down here right did not okay got my bounce back i think we're good there could be a keeper head in this potentially oh uh let me just go on everything has been checked except for the bathroom i guess overwatch to developer pp live stream begins in seven minutes okay overwatch this is just like a is this guy bought oh yes we got damaged yes [ __ ] hate this guy having this combo is such a game with this character oh my god especially if i can find like a good shop item what is that hairpin start of a boss white is fully recharged oh that's not that might be good to keep after i've gotten other items just for the chance i should break this guy too to get the ancient chance piercing uh piercing i think i'll get it i think piercing is just like it's a good effect it's a good fight it's very good yeah i'm not gonna regret that there's the boss that's mom okay [Music] wow might as well [Music] sensor is so good oh my god makes it so much more manageable because it's below here then it's gotta be there yeah surely greed won't spawn in the [ __ ] sick it's sharp now right okay well it's gonna trash really high angel chance now okay let's find the card i think this is going to be a bit scuffed because um i need the guy i need to get the full now that means i'm going to be up without any recharge i i can't recharge my mantle during this fight this is the only fight where i can't really do that which makes it a lot more scary than it usually is you blinded it right leftmost room oh it's right there okay thanks all right i wish i could at least get like extra card space but shame you didn't find the fader polaroid that trinket is accepted that's well what does that do does that just make you invisible oh nice oh it's all the okay you can use it for the door yeah roy okay yeah okay sure if you go fast enough you can steal night and from the bastards before using the full card yeah but we're wait we're like we can we can we can't even do hush at this point like yeah you can if you if you are fast but this is like the thing that's so hard especially with this character that i had i like to be thorough since you don't need to right okay here we go got him angel room two item is garbage but that's unlucky it could give an item so i'm just going to keep trying i have unlimited case there it is okay done the fool is on gilded key could be an alternative but i want i want to have the uh pay to win with me now the question is oh [ __ ] pay to win or the charge thing the charging is going to give me like one extra charge for the boss if i if i use it i guess if i don't some for some reason don't have it ready for that it's nothing right i think i'll just i'll keep the pay to win and i plus you ever just dip your nuts and mayo yummy all right imagine if i forgot if i forgot to pick up the holy grail holy [ __ ] that would be so sad finished i would be so sad oh my god holy card is here both trinkets yeah we're good all right no oh it's a regular chapter oh d6 is right there [ __ ] but i can't get it oh [ __ ] you oh yeah i have a lot of keys now we have two out of two out of uh two or three guppy i mean there's a chance i guess [Music] okay [ __ ] those guys man of course spawning in my ass yet again who's surprised [ __ ] this guys man well we have a holy card i guess actually even if i dropped it i still got i have got an holy card on three floors what the [ __ ] okay against the beast that's not bad but i have pretty high tears right now so i have a lot of money that's a big damage increase especially with 12 luck that's that's actually way better okay my money promising run promising i i'm actually cocking the believers do we do a bet now do we do a button i can i'm gonna lose if i do it yes yes these guys i'll try not to let you down believers [ __ ] this thing i'll do my best the nice thing about evil eye is that it will shoot an eye that shoots more tears now that's good and all but the thing is that that eye will get close to enemies and deal more proptosis damage that's why it's like really good on this it's not only will it do more tears in general it will just like make ptosis be much so much better because i don't have to get close myself i can be a little bit further away and still have like good use of that item x this thing makes my tears bounce right they have a chance to bounce yeah that's gonna make things more confusing so i won't take it good caves one we're getting there we're getting close yeah although i kind of wish hope he wins so plays another character yeah i've been doing this non-stop man nonstop oh nice found it basement now okay placement one okay more range please [ __ ] god let me win this please please smell nice i've been trying for so long yikes please lord have mercy let me just win this one thing let me have one w one one i'm like on a million last week like i need this in my life to just like go to bed fall asleep tonight come on come on engerland okay we made it this far okay what's this what is the tapeworm what hell the tapeworm doubles you arrange that while house your tier hides that what extra range okay [ __ ] it yeah okay it's really useful right now by the way god okay let's go i'm probably going to be very quiet for this okay what the [ __ ] i instantly lost it what the hell man this is why are they all slowed where are they all slaved what why did i have another one okay he cannot stop what does he keep doing his stack man why were they all slowed i got the mantle back thank god how do i get past this there's too much i use the card i'm done i use the card i use the card i use the actual card oh my god sensor makes this fight harder like actually makes it harder because there's so many things on the screen now um good okay final face i'm really scared about the fire face because this the sensor makes it worse this face yes good that's the only hard phase for this oh i did it he's dead he's dying he's dying he's dying he's dying he's dying [Music] oh my god i've been trying this for three weeks or something man i haven't tried this for so long that kept him up at night and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing he felt the pain in his stomach sleepless nights and saw his shaking waiting for him wait what was the ratio i can't believe dude i used the card i used the actual card do you have any id like if i lost that because i lost because i clicked the card instead of the blank card if that was the reason i lost that together again holy [ __ ] after he had set his nice i'm trying to open stream labels to thank people but i opened bing are you sure uh septic shaytan thank you for the one thousand bits crusader thank you for the 100 bits uh ciders thank you for the five gift subs lol i'm stoned thank you for the five gift subs i appreciate it and gosh thank you for the 100 bits there was more though so there's 94 was that five more gift subs yeah happily thank for warner bits spicy i fancy dragon thank you for the 420 bits with reception thank you for the five gift subs oh gosh thank you for the second holy [ __ ] there's so much oh [ __ ] that's wild okay otherwise thank you for the prime dude i finally got you know what i got oh did it show sacred or no kiss the camera no i no no no no no no no costume today also i'm sober a sober camera case is illegal it's finally over it's finally over it's going to be a while until play that character again boosters thank you for watching bits oh my god wait are we that far behind what the [ __ ] not not bad righteous by the way orb yeah we get an orb that that's what uh they lost us the titan tinted lost like yet it re-rolls bad items to good items um without the restrictions of the loss because he can't get certain items he can't find the body and stuff like that through completion marks yeah actually i it's looking pretty good on him i only need the i think mother is the only other one that's going to be difficult um mega satan shouldn't be too bad i've only made it there like three times uh delirium is gonna be a [ __ ] because even you know the video on the youtube or the almond milk video and on that one i had like the most broken [ __ ] [ __ ] with guppy and everything and i still died once because delirium is just that's the lyrium is probably going to be the worst because it's such an inconsistent boss and i really hope they rework him at some point bolsters yeah but bolsters is not that hard you just need to get like really good game items and maybe a little bit fast if you can do that then you get passwords i always believed in you albipo okay what do i do now i'm gonna play this guy [ __ ] that i wanna play a character that i like i'm gonna play the i'm gonna play forgotten because it's funny should i do what unlocks i think he's unlocks like the thing i like him i like the forgotten but this unlocks our trash like they're bad as far as i can tell right bone spurs spirit shackles me not twitch.tv user notice hashtag albino vevo thank you bird did we get more subs are we still in there yeah we're at the whistle and give subs no lollum stoned it's hard to read this stuff yeah okay i guess i guess i'll play something else it's a regular character i haven't done too much on napoleon i suppose okay i can do some more keeper dark room keeper listen to the dark room keeper [ __ ] it keeper i think is fine he's especially with these rooms he's pretty good he just gets three three potential agents like them this is the rest i have which was that i can't even tell where we are but anyways thank you for the bits congratulation congratulations thank you aren't i sometimes [ __ ] sick nick thank you for the 1000 fighter bits holy [ __ ] x yx stop oh [ __ ] we got a good one kind of ah not for this guy pog back to normal gaming feels good to feels good to actually just play a normal run without the character that's like a super challenge this guy is not really a big challenge he sees it's just fun just a fun little guy doubters in shambles true that's facts nice let's do a little more sacrifice hopefully get to enjoy them ah look at that on level one that's why i like playing this guy because you just get free okay i don't like getting that but thank you for the 1500 best holy [ __ ] i really appreciate the support like this has been it feels status restored yeah it's like it feels good to to beat the game like that's enough but i i do appreciate the support get molded okay i'm getting molded now did you see if i kill this guy i get a good reward that could have killed me that's not the reward by the way the next sacrifice is either going to be a bunch of flies or it's going to be a lot of money i like money you [ __ ] know it i just need one more coin to heal one coin one coin by the way there it is ah any mushrooms uh yeah let's get the the shimani see if we get i hope it's money ah very good that's what i'd like to see i could do uriel as well but i think the ones that you get after that are not that great let me just check that i think there's like no reason to go on gabrielle yeah gabriel is next and then you don't get anything yeah so i could go for the key but like what's the [ __ ] point and i could go teleport it to the dark room yeah but why the [ __ ] would i want that imagine like that would be the biggest [ __ ] speedrun ever x key bomb yeah that's good next what did it take so [ __ ] long to go off man what the hell french this guy's tank now what the [ __ ] there we go the booster pack what could this be oh my favorite card my favorite card what's this what the hell is that oh you lose a coin [ __ ] damn i just i lost one of my three health i'll are that [ __ ] [ __ ] that that's that's not worth it that's not worth it like absolutely not a bomb slow there's not no no sir scam oh big money based a lot of bombs today a little money too let's zoom on some boom bars in here i don't know if that if that was close enough to reveal a secret room if there was one there but i think the iron that i got is like good on literally any character but oh this is gonna be fun this is gonna be great yep kind of boring shops today but i'm definitely checking this one now yeah be worth nice well it's money it's just getting pulled oh this is just gonna get me killed but i'm not playing the loss so like even if i pull them like you know in between the walls doesn't matter you know i can take it i can take a hit i can't actually take that hit this time around speed is nice and the regular yeah urination machine isn't looking too hard no it's it's that's that's playing the last for you when you play the last you you need those funds sometimes and like good thing i got to 999 beforehand like when i started playing the last they tainted it was at 999 so let's just say that wow what a good item why is that item even in the game like it doesn't do anything like it just kills you it's like okay thanks great awesome nice yeah it kills everything why would i want that what do i gain yeah maybe good and lazarus i guess if yeah if you have one lap i suppose it could be good wow okay i just want to check it but it was garbage do can't be there oh trinket melter not really good on this guy because you need to use item smelter yeah the smelters if i if i find a good drinker in this stage that i want to keep then sure i'll do it but i don't think i will find that i actually don't think i will find it may i have a key a key anyone oh can't have anything nice there we go what do we get can i chat am i allowed to artist am i allowed can i do it do i have do i have a permission to order this run no okay no i'm doing devil dilson [ __ ] it i'm doing devil deals do they cost money on this guy i forget do they cost money on this guy they do of course because they don't have like actual health and they're expensive as [ __ ] aren't they i'll go in and check this is genuinely going to take forever though bastard i know how to fix that just stand here and place that and it barely did damage wow stop uh yeah okay oh but we're doing mega state not are we i think i've done mega scene on this guy i have okay good we're doing dark room yes it's fine oh we're good oh guppy [Music] tears up i'll charge my coin and then go in i want to go in there with an uncharged coin that'll be cringe bastards there's that okay dude oh it's fine oh neo now we're good now we're good colors i i i everything is under control fellas man [ __ ] useless coin work dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] yo i don't need it though oh they're dead i have an idea [ __ ] michael coin i have an idea it can reroll things and it can rerun things into the secret to modern pool so what if we find a used item in here or alternatively i use so many item in here then we can put that user in there and not to lose the coin and such as that thing sorry the noise machine see what we can do here just leave that there for a moment then put that on there they reordered that [ __ ] rune bag i don't know [ __ ] off dude yo x well no i want something better i want something better i have an old mirror world to recharge this thing so i don't even worry about it a whole ass mirror world until i don't even yeah yeah i'm gonna go in there wait what's the blue flame in here yeah yikes this room is fun wait what's the one to the right area [ __ ] that room no just yeah i have to go there well let's get some more money some more damage now yeah energy no maybe a little optimistic here but all we gotta do now is stupid boss oh no i think it's over yeah yikes okay okay we got to now we can reroll now we can reroll go back oh [ __ ] oh dude is it impossible to get one good item in this game is it still possible is it impossible ah okay hmm oh well it was worth a try what is this though damn there's a lot more attack speed i feel like i can do a lot more damages i'm doing way more damage now holy [ __ ] yikes i'm like destroying this guy it's not bad it's a d100 definition to 100 underscore no i like my items now i like them that's fine thank you for not letting me our chat turned out well i just need spectral tears i'll be epic oh hello i want to get that not sure what i yes go for here well now the two keys um yeah okay oh man i wish i could fly well i can just give him a health back [ __ ] it oh i should have did they sell bombs i don't remember i need the bomb so i can get infinite keys why did i use those keys i do i have like the [ __ ] memory of a goldfish what the hell man what could i save so many keys yes what's this scam tooth yo i don't know what my health is right now it's not one we got a bomb though we got a bomb though okay now we got that i gotta do one damage myself and go in there and see what's there if it's a good item that i can diplopia that would be epic still one damage that should be one health well it's gonna be two luck i guess i think i'll check out the the the boss item first yeah i'll just pick up that let's get one health and take it goodbye [ __ ] so yeah maybe the boss item or should i bring the diplopia to the oh i should bring it to the station room if you get a double room i should just bring it there it's free [ __ ] yo that'll be crazy item room the item room sucked lightning room was dog [ __ ] it was like a keybagger and i need my keys [ __ ] that yikes okay so let's bring the appropriate to that double keep him like that's the worst [ __ ] thing i couldn't ask for something worse let's bring the plop here here i can also check for a secret if i bump it right there oh hello that's good though even more attack speed based okay now let's uh go over here and uh if we get a good double deal i'll be sick dude imagine if we get brimstone we get like double brimstone and get a new transformation that'll be that would be crazy that would be insane bullet bullet devil please yes i'll get this one well hey i lost some damage because i spent coins but i gained some from the thing i can fly now [ __ ] based flight is nice now the question is uh do we do i lose keys if i give it to the guy when i have gold key i do cringe what a good ah should i bomb them i want to look for secrets instead you get checked that triple i checked this one now i'm pretty sure i did didn't i didn't okay i have them blasters okay we have all i like this we've done all the like time restraint things so i can just focus on playing the game and not worrying about [ __ ] i hate time limits there's cringe so that's nice this is very nice when you have lights [ __ ] off i can just make a line of tears and they will just get thrown into it that's great cry chance to keep them for later floors monkeys are worthless i was too late for that i don't like keeping me so bastard i could have just pulled it out look what a worm try cry oh my god magnets are so dumb dude there we go oh damage holy damage yo that's pretty good big tears now like 14 damage based maybe there yep i can never find that item can i oh i can find that though oh piercing let's go damn this is turning out to be a [ __ ] stupid run what the hell my luck today man yikes yep there they go maker plus one okay i can just go to boston rip damage here spun as well just two damage ah i have very big tears down here man damage why not doesn't do like a super good job of pulling things into the tears but yeah it works it does something it's it's funny there we go oh my god they just get dragged across the [ __ ] screen man god damn doing bolsters will be funny now like not necessary by any means but it would be funny yes oh we got a [ __ ] sacrifice room though got them and a lot of coins well that's [ __ ] useless on me but thank you uh do i kill uriel yeah why not why not do we kill the other guy as well i can why not why not thank you freaky now we can do a mega satan uh we can do a mega state and like encore and then maybe do delirium as well just for fun cool oh my god [ __ ] tears across the map what should i do cry about it cry about it uh yeah if i find a way to damage myself i could do that i could do that into the the you know the room thing that's a good damage increase let's check the the bathroom it might have something good something funny or something completely useless now i need some coins if i die now i'm going to be very [ __ ] upset please man there we go ah full helium okay we're good yikes so yeah oh i got max coins so anyways it just never gets old it just doesn't how could that possibly get old my lord i'm so good at finding those man but i'm never [ __ ] rewarded for it okay okay vacuum cleaner wasting bombs no dude if i killed uh if i killed that if i bump that guy i get three devil room chance oh this is a nice synergy it's gonna be very easy to control this tears now nice all right here we go there we go devil drum and we do we're doing uh dark room yeah uh horror bubble on is that work on keeper i have no that doesn't work no it doesn't work yeah it doesn't work yep sure it sure doesn't work i mean i'd buy that though garbage garbage wow okay that's kind of scary so yeah okay slowing brimstone that that dude that's like one of the reasons i want to get brimstone to like make them to slide them with the [ __ ] brimstone that would be funny that would be funny i'm gonna do that damn soul of eve i like this one this one is funny fetch oh [ __ ] the unpollable enemy yikes i have like no bombs why not get that all right i think there is a secret room here i was wrong we're right over here we're not going to get hurt anyways okay i guess it could be there no no i'm not gonna look anymore that was a boss devil where there you are uh no a pill or speed i order their max speed but the pill isn't gonna do [ __ ] look at that more range let's go i don't really care about size down i like being able to see myself i'm only small enough as this i think there we go what's up here then shh money but i don't i don't have much money so all right how much bumps it looks so dumb dude it looks so stupid yikes i can go to this now wow nice nice uh nice look [ __ ] nice got a [ __ ] oh i guess we're done yeah yeah see ya where is he slow does he slow by that [ __ ] i guess uh so dark room yeah just making sure oh yes imagine taking damage x what is supposed to drop money oh oh that's gonna be dude that's really good of this guy because in the dark room i get chests that cost money and now i have steam sale sick can't complain about that give my money ah good i like being on full health it's nice it's very nice wow dude dude bangla tier is good alright this guy's an [ __ ] what is that time to die absolutely bullied absolutely bullied get out of here man get out here dude nice feet absolutely bully keeper holds store key oh i guess we get like open source not sure i was in the railway but it's something i guess they were cheap yikes at least i don't have to pay much for them yes there we go and bullet all right i have like a negative luck though so getting uh chests is gonna be difficult here like i'm not gonna get many deals card though spectral why not okay yes oh he's immune to magnets yikes and that guy isn't though well he kind of is what the [ __ ] okay man okay buddy chill well i don't know all i need now now i just gotta go uh do the the mega sit for fun even though i i've already done that right yeah i have this is more rooms oh my god go ahead oh item oh i'm already at the capitol that doesn't actually do anything yikes [Music] again bullied i guess we'll just do the little satan now actually good luck so we can maybe get some items i'll just clear the fourth floor completely can you do the latest challenge after this i already have that one has been done well that's not much use i go to the gallery i suppose that's gonna be the last one probably damn sneaking up me just no okay boss it's time have some crows oh he's feeling pushed into me yikes i pulled a laser into me next the laser has actually been pulled into me man what the [ __ ] let's cringe stay over there not this time his hands are just kidding he's just standing like this now his hands just getting pulled up what an idiot x oh does this ever stop okay yeah from the bottom of the top that's really how we gotta go okay i think we got him hey we did it delirium oh [ __ ] yeah let's go we got lyrium big karma's appeared in the basement use the heel cry nice nice nice spam nice nice spam this is what happens when you get a thousand viewers your trash just turns into garbage this is this literally one man spam yeah it's okay it's one man spam what the [ __ ] why bother oh yeah x money goodbye yeah it's just the magnet is so strong my man the magnet is just too strong i'm just getting thrown up in the corner [Music] even the worms trying to dash into me but they just can't what's this bigger this guy again all right weren't we like two guppies in was this the run where two guppies in wait did i have one guppy there i see that well it would be funny if we got it though yeah we need one more oh i skipped one didn't i i skipped one yeah stay over there yep uh yeah not this time not like that number two is good but at this point i don't really need it i don't really need it it's too late to actually have use for it it's good because it's three bombs to look for secret drums i got teleported what the [ __ ] yikes yikes i'll get that for uh the potential bookworm maybe if i'm lucky investing we're investing in transformations today okay great yikes alright uh yep that that that than that was this nothing wow oh this is so small what the [ __ ] [Music] this the song never gets old i promise okay [ __ ] sounds man oh worms holy [ __ ] okay uh yeah bookworm yes sometimes i shoot maybe more bullets i don't know i can't see i just need one more gruppy give me give me give this away man that'd be great nope nope does that hard to set you to one coin on this guy i think it does that did hard that cat i think it does and then you gotta like get your heart back i don't really want that i mean for the guppy it might be worth it though let's go please funny i [ __ ] dude i i just i basically hook shot at this guy what the hell yikes i like i hello rain there he is brain function brain function don't worry about it it's fine i'm doing good damage in this guy though some good ass damage he's just getting pushed away he wants to teleport to me but he can't next he just gets pulled away all the time he can't get close clap where'd he go there you are no he wasn't there actually no he was actually over there no no that there he is there you are no by satan wow easy clap easy clap i can't believe it second time now that's gaming i don't know what karma is i got the item called karma i don't know what the [ __ ] that means we're actually just one we're only with mother on this guy and then we got you know full completion on keeper it's pretty good [Music] that's pretty neat it's a meh trinket wow i can't wait i was going to say once i was going to switch game but what the [ __ ] do i play what games are am i playing right now last night linear but this time it would be weird to play in here without the costume for sure [Music] it's abnormal i thought they released their new game recently but the game is just too scary for me i don't like fish like the just a big body of water is scary enough for me man i like it's just overkill beyond that [Music] um i want to finish some single player games though [Music] i want to actually commit and finish some games there are some that i'm playing at playing kingdom hearts environmental i could play environmental station and try to finish that because that's uh that's a cool little game and then tomorrow i'll do in the year tomorrow junior after aiesec or noita i i read it tomorrow i'll start with either isaac and today i'll do and then i'll do in the year but today i'll do environmental station i think percent evil okay i'm kind of i kind of want to try the dresden tv game but it looks it looks boring as [ __ ] it looks really boring like the resident evil looks so boring like i don't think i would enjoy it for a second it looks super boring boring how you're walking around the mountain mansion being chased by a woman like what's the point where's the where's the you know where's the game now i'll play uh environmental station because it's a good game and then we'll we'll continue my place with her oops me just uh yeah i'll just launch it it's a good game this is by the way maybe the same people who made noita or at least one of them i i i don't i don't know if if not like games as a whole was it on this game or if it's just one one of their developers i think it's one of the developers but i'm not sure i keep forgetting i think my camera should be here now put that there turn on that [Music] nobody's like three to four in the developers yeah sister i think it's one of them other they take curry i think it's him no it was more in the thing where did i put oh yeah we're here we are here there we go okay okay i'm gonna put a pizza in the oven though brb well i'm just gonna put the oven on do i forgot to actually start the oven i set the degrease but i didn't click start one [Music] second [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] i [Music] do [Music] you'll be like two minutes listen man i take a piss while i'm at it just being efficient you've got some nice reasoning to listen to those i don't see the where you're complaining this game is bops uh so the last thing we did is we got into this alien ship and we got the car that lets us bypass gold blocks i think you can go past gold blocks now which have been bothering me the entire [ __ ] game so that's nice change game category yeah also also also also one thing i really want to do okay one thing i really want to play on stream again actually it's uh breath of the wild i think a brush the birth of the wild stream would be fun that would be a lot of fun they go down here to the right left [Music] oh did you see again no i didn't i think that game's a lot of fun and i just watched the joseph anderson video on it so i'm just like oh dude i gotta i gotta play it again i got to play it again oh that was not the right way okay you only want to play because you want to live out your twink fantasies there could be a good cosplay that that yeah [Music] hmm yes yes i think it's good [Music] oh [ __ ] i got sent god help stop making annoying shooting sounds please yes oh dude i hate this i hate this game i just can't it's why is that tube right there man [ __ ] off please just let me stay there okay jump thank you [Music] [ __ ] [Music] was there anything there though i don't know actually there's something up there i don't know what [Music] surely nothing up here yeah what did this say again let me refresh my memory the station has some extreme defense mechanisms however this sort of trick mainframe ah yeah okay and that is where bottom left so if we go like through here and then into this thing we haven't explored and then go like over here [Music] shut up yikes yikes let's just leave can i not leave my dog stuck in here what's this yikes yikes of course this is a death rattle kill me but now i know where to go so this one might not seem like it but that was not a big setback there we go went down here right [Music] [Music] what's it in oh this is where it's supposed to go yeah okay makes sense the map makes it look so much bigger than it actually is if your keeps going down yeah it's uh no it's just what happens when you switch to like a somewhat obscure niche game like hey uh binding of isaac is a fun game i thought it's a very huge appeal like a lot of people play it so naturally it's gonna be better obviously so i kind of expected and i'm totally fine with this [Music] [Music] this frogger where i started no i don't think i've been here ah big sweet this game looks really cool it's it is it's a lot of like the movement in this game feels very good the bosses are all very interesting there's like there hasn't been like a boring boss so far they've all had like um cool mechanics and [ __ ] oh i've been here i've been here okay i think i have this this is where i started yeah so i gotta go up and left from where i was okay so this was like pointless i gotta progress from where i was you can get up here okay so i getting up there can i even get back up i kinda doubt it i can okay cool this is a little bit of time at least if i can make it all the way [Music] i think i can make it all the way yeah i can't this is this is not a roguelike this is uh this is a metroidvania uh big big big difference it's fun though oh yeah all right this is that was the bus hold up i should save first let's get some health back there we go so you got a sling up here [Music] wait how to do this again oh you sting again okay yeah kinda like that was really scuffed but i mean it worked back here [ __ ] me i mean this was all about like i came out here and i got some health upgrade which is nice [Music] it's gonna go around again i guess [Music] all right now we're back here okay so now we go to the left there's a big big big room there's going to be some stuff in here on the top left or all the way to the left there's some stuff just double check that again so over here we have a dead end right so we gotta go to the top and then left [Music] up here supposedly there's a way to get up there well you can just walk through you can just walk through the wall all right oh i can get that thing okay let's do that it just gets [Music] oh cool [ __ ] off i should say before i go on so i can just keep this guest next give a quick little saving over here wait this isn't the way [Music] i gotta go up somewhere i gotta go up there actually this is something funny why do people call me a mogus i have nothing i have nothing to do jeremiah is the amongst man if anyone is a mogus man it's germa i'm not a mogus man i'm as far from as movies managing come that is not me gonna put into pizza though [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right pixar is in the open so what did i find out that you needed to go through the tube to get somewhere else don't do that oh the tube is right there [ __ ] thanks i can see like in my peripheral vision that there's just a mogus twerk in the background that's great thank you thanks chat all i see in my peripherals just twerk [Music] trends so it goes for this cube tube [Music] this is the last this is like below the tube here it looks like there's like an opening there it's not like closed off because there's no like opening here right there's no way to get it's a security override in the main map and not in the ship i'll try going back down here and see what happens because i think you're supposed to leave here now because i'm pretty sure i've explored everything the rest i haven't got to just get i got this way or do i where the [ __ ] do i go how the then do i get out of here [Music] with how did i leave over here there's no way out right or is there yeah the map is just full of lies it doesn't actually tell you but this is the way to go great it's all nice you [Music] i don't know let's make a raised allen at least now i have access to gold areas like a lot of the game just opened up from getting that [ __ ] that's nice where the [ __ ] am i now wait this is the monkey where's the [ __ ] monkey damn sick it's literally a mogus this is where i was supposed to go let's go up here past the monkey right okay so we go the other way up okay i can't leave through here thanks i guess i can go up there what that's the annoying part of the movement in this game getting into one by one blocks like this from the side while in free fall is so annoying oh now i can go past here paste bastard and what is this then there's some spooky music oh there's a upgrade dash booster oh we could do vertical i can dash up i can just down not bad finally [ __ ] fish [ __ ] maggots but i still gotta go this way right i can't i'm not allowed the [ __ ] that that hit him [ __ ] off is something else available to me now i guess i can go this way what's this again i can actually go in here despite how it seems that station is being excavated fully let me i forgot to put the timer on the pizzas i'm just gonna set like at three minutes four minutes hold up um there probably isn't any larger patch of solid ground anywhere some areas are of course blocked off due to damage and such especially now but some areas are probably just forgotten still accessible yeah okay [Music] interesting oh [Music] based got this gut and oh that's not the health up that's the enemy yikes [Music] i know where i am say a point right here you guys need help neither of help [Music] and this very long way this is where i want to be yep because here i can go this way whatever this leads to [Music] i gotta get past the [ __ ] oh there's a worm oh no has down this you can't stun them yikes how the [ __ ] am i supposed to get over here then bruh [Music] okay you gotta come from the other side apparently you gotta come from you're supposed to come up from there not down there it's the other way around great got on by a sound sound send [Music] michaels bastard [ __ ] [ __ ] x yikes [Music] can we stop with the spam please holy [ __ ] thanks thank you for your consideration [Music] is there anything actually here why were those there again we're supposed to you yeah again you you don't go that way you come from that way awesome i can do this one now okay let's go to that instead [Music] let's do that instead [Music] which gets me exactly nothing because i've already been here [Music] oh i can get the health up here let's go i need another jump i think [Music] how the [ __ ] do i get over there [Music] like if i have a jump there i can definitely do it but [Music] i can't do it maybe [Music] i don't know man looks impossible pizza pizza here's a tip just jump i don't have any more man [Music] well i'm really hungry but that pizza needs like two more minutes i'm gonna put on like two crispy so there we go a blob [Music] there we go clear this [ __ ] up right bastards [Music] next cannot go up there wait cannot really not go up there shut up [Music] bastard i guess i can't oh yes [Music] was it supposed to save them i guess we're there [Music] [ __ ] i gotta go a long way around pizza [Music] now speed [Music] there we are forgot this [Music] it's time [Music] all right [Music] there we go let's go up there yikes [Music] i'm another slice i'm so [ __ ] hungry it's hot okay how am i gonna get past this oh okay we're good save oh thank god okay what i would have been here [Music] oh [ __ ] yikes okay oh gosh dad [Music] main entrance security gate that locked opening gate that has been opened can i not leave i have to go back back the same way i came [ __ ] off there's no way really oh [ __ ] off how help help [Applause] well me and steve little moose what is actually oh i know let's do this cat oh exactly where this goes [Music] all right yeah i know it that's right [Music] um do oh [ __ ] i'm gonna save that see this guess i don't have to like do it again if i die there we go let me out no not yet i was thinking i could like dash through that thing that airflow there but you see the air is still on so we gotta turn it off somehow they're locked here all right we're gonna go that way [ __ ] i think it's hard man okay this is over i'm gonna restart i'm just living the dream not sure actually i'm getting hungry because of you cope oh [ __ ] i just remembered no i remember now i have a doctor's appointment at 9 00 am tomorrow i should go to bed 10 minutes ago so i'm not the corpse because i need to i need to sleep so i can actually stream tomorrow at six i i have to uh that's gonna be it for today yeah i'm sorry um i actually need to be awake tomorrow and then i'm gonna stream i thought i just found out that this game will be getting a sequel sometime soon rb is working on the sa2 world animation tonight oh [ __ ] nice that's uh that's good i really like this game so looking forward to that yeah i'll get some rest so i'm not gonna be a corpse tomorrow i have a couple of things to do like i gotta have a doctor's appointment and then i'm gonna go help up my mom with a greenhouse and then i'm gonna drive back here and you know up and down left right all over the [ __ ] place have a good day thank you for watching and i'll see you tomorrow at 6 pm uh yeah take care anyways good night
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 4,703
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ai0N8wyu-S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 289min 59sec (17399 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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