Hungover Diablo 2, Rigged Isaac gambas

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] good morning good morning boys and girls actually when i say when i say um when i say boys it just applies to everyone [Music] it's an agender word good morning [Music] whoops wrong c oh oh we got an antenna we're gonna oh [ __ ] wait wait wait [ __ ] we got the wrong lights too god [ __ ] yeah i've hung over i'm [ __ ] up but it's good it's good it's good my brain is not working today so we're gonna play a very mindless stupid game okay [Music] dude my lights aren't on again come on come on [Music] good morning albino [Music] [Music] dude dude dude my [ __ ] the socket in the wall is not working this is the weirdest [ __ ] thing this is really weird by the way i have an extender cord or whatever it's called like the one that like you put one thing into the wall and you get like four more have it in the wall have two lights connected to that and then i i i i plug them in and they don't work there's no power in it and then i take it out the extender from the wall i put in something else take it out put the extender in again and it works i don't understand how that's that's the thing it's so strange it's so weird and now we have lights there we go what the hell man that's normal okay that sounds really weird to me but yeah technology hey good morning boys what's going on uh the game i'm gonna be playing today is uh really really mindless and dumb so this is just gonna be like more of a just chatting stream because the game is just we're we're gonna be playing a slot machine for the next like couple of hours so um yeah that's fun i'm pretty addicted to it though basically guys basically basically can i get the game on this is my character it's level 84 now okay i've been grinding been grinding hard and uh we're going to look for stuff and look for runes i still was the first time yeah probably when i was under the desk like for sub the robotic tee but yeah now we're going to lobby and uh do i create the game i think i'm gonna run bosses so i'll just do a solo game hell pajit strong yeah he's he's pretty he's pretty like he's a hammer in so he can do he can kill stiff stuff fast um the way this guy works guys basically major break let me just identify that death corpus made major plate it is trash let me sell that goodbye 35k clap um yeah let me buy some potions we go that should be good we have me all right i'm here this is my stuff this is just like magic find stuff we have some ruined words some some some nice things magic fine magic find uh basically like when you look for for drops in this game there's a stat called chance of finding magic item this one gives me 24 chance it's like you know the last modifier on the thing uh and in total we have like 188 better chance of finally getting magic items and you want that to be like around 200 or or above uh to get like actually good stuff but we can do with 180 it's it's i think it's fine um and we're gonna be killing bosses over and over until we get some good stuff basically and i also have my ron mayer gave me this which is a stuff that gives you a level 11 teleport on 69 69 charges so i can teleport to which is going to make it a bit faster to get to the ball like if i go here i go to the boss area i can just like whip out my teleport staff and just normally a paladin can't do that until they get like a really expensive armor that allows them to do it but we can kind of get around a bit faster and then also my mercenary that i've put like some nice thing on here he's got a treachery he's got the crown of thieves and he's got the thresher with the inside on it it's pretty good it's not ethereal but it's good will you ever try to do gopher 33 or neuter with twitch spawns i think i did did no wasn't it the 33 orb i did with twitch spawns i'm pretty sure it was wasn't it it was the run for 33 orbs for me and neuto was uh with which pawns but then i turned it off for the final boss uh not potato thank you for the tier one so i i i have tactically done that it's just that like i didn't want it all to get [ __ ] on the final you know uh boss this is this this little tiny enemy here called stiggy and they're the worst enemy in the game they're [ __ ] terrible they are very tiny you can barely see them and they hit like they hit harder than these big guys it's [ __ ] terrible hey albino good morning sun crown thank you for the prime good morning um yeah basically what this guy does he just stands still and shoots hammers that do a million [ __ ] damage uh they're pretty nice and uh what are we gonna say yeah he also like like characters in in the like old diablo 2 is are so [ __ ] broken or like in in every way like this is an aura right this character has an aura called concentration this thing when active aura increases the damage and decreases the chance of the attack will be interrupted before you and your party damage plus 400 i do four times damage with this aura like if i pop this on four times damage to me and this guy and everyone in my party it's insane it's [ __ ] it's like how did they think this was like balanced it's not it's [ __ ] crazy but yeah i don't think any new game will do this because the thing is that like uh uh let's see here we can find the [ __ ] thing here it's level 24 max is 20 but since i have like armor and gear that increases my skills it goes beyond the cap and i get more damage which is epic also this aura for just running i'm gonna [ __ ] die aren't i but yeah now we just run and look for the portables i can't really be reading that much when i'm like doing this because now i can literally die on a split second from any of these people we are in uh hell right now like hell difficulty these stigmas these little morons are the worst enemy in the entire game they hit like [ __ ] trucks and they're fast and they're you can you can't see them i hate them so much i just gotta knock it hit with them if they poke me i'm dead usually or i can't be that they they can crit they can crit if they quit it's like you're dead one shot it's over luckily though i can teleport into a pack of 10 so it's fine oh this is that get me out oh my lord this is spooky it's wicked game good morning funny man good morning good morning that's it that's why i don't really chat when i'm doing endurance i mean this this place is called doran's of hell durance of hatred i think whatever turns of hate because the boss series mephisto and he's the lord of hate or whatever what am i saying right no there's definitely can i can i like have a moment of peace and equip some potions thank you luckily my mercenary does have lifesteal so he's not gonna get like one shot by uh as long as he can hit something he will survive but if he dies it will cost me like 50 000 gold to resurrect him i would rather have that not happen but this is a this is an old difficult game an enemies hit you for like a million health is that please don't be up there is a like an entrance point there but is that the yeah this is to level one we want to go we want to find level three so that's very unfortunate good anyways give me that i teleport over here no okay there we go what's this then finally finding the way in here is [ __ ] terrible because you just got to run past like a million like there's no point in killing this guys they might drop something but the chance is so like astronomically low that you basically think you're better off not i can't [ __ ] find the way dude what the hell where am i supposed to go lord good morning aged good morning albino here are my dally bits thank you culprits appreciate it good morning pray for good rng so i can find the [ __ ] boss already should i explore every corner of this map to find the exit or the entrance to the lower level okay chill please leave me alone i'm most out of healing can it please be here that'd be very nice it's not maybe no wrong way again tremendous and we're being molested be down then perhaps this way i kind of hate running this place because there's so many dangers in this and it's like so big and like confusing to like tell where you're supposed to be going really really the most aids area the wrong way again great i'll make a tp i gotta get potions hello harry i hope this stream is going well have you watched the rest of the outer while still see that i wasn't ready for how much of a horror game it was yeah i wasn't either uh the i was told like yet cars uh is visiting now which is why i'm streaming doing my friday stream in the morning and not in the evening uh we're gonna go out in the evening so i'm assuming now but he told me that the dlc is like not it's not like super scary there are some like kind of scary elements but it's not like it's not like terrible it's it's fine i really enjoyed it it was a bit spooky but it's not awful yeah it's like it's probably not that bad he said that the dark bramble uh in the base game is much scarier than anything in the dlc so that's like that's a bit you know reassuring ron sorcerers wait ron was here what the [ __ ] you ron if you're watching feel free to join and just like do stuff but yeah don't kill my mephisto holy cop this is like actually it's if it's actually in this area here that i haven't explored like the one [ __ ] pixel on the map it's so like it's so useful in this game like the one pixel in the explorer and the one pixel you don't explore is the next okay i'm done the one pixel i explored the entire dirence of hate level 2 to miss a single pixel for the boss holy [ __ ] where's my festo oh it's hard though [Applause] there we go male mesh boots wayne's refuge natalia's soul uh cold resist like nurses that's better than mine uh string effect all orders is 10 is my boot this is like cold 25 and 18 wait my poison is capped my my fire is a bit low though so i think i'll keep the ones that i have treacherous griefs i think it will i can't carry that can i i'll just make portals and sell this [ __ ] time to sell garbage but this is basically what i'm gonna be doing today just uh running the same thing over and over to get a good because you can drop really good stuff you're just gonna be a little bit lucky which i'm usually not i sell this [ __ ] good morning element i just got the funny vaccine please help me recover from the effects with your silky voice i mean i'll try but when i got my second vaccine dude holy [ __ ] i got the cope it was it was uh it was rough day two is worse though if if it's your second vaccine day two like you're you're you're gonna get [ __ ] up okay i guess that's all we get here goodbye hello he's thirst uh no no okay only got 150k gold from this so it's like there's that um do we have potions potions i guess you can do in the ariel as well are you still box dumping box stock and jump king yeah i think i fell to the bottom of the bug and then i just quit again [ __ ] it [ __ ] it i got molested but yeah i'm basically just gonna form hell bosses i think doing this boss on nightmare is also good but uh [ __ ] it we can do hell so we'll help anyways how's you guys how's your how's your weekend boys i guess it's not weekend yet i mean it's friday wait did i what's this is this up it's of course i find up nice thanks tremendous we went out last night and i'm like kind of coping right now we got a little bit more drink than we should have on our thursday it's weakened enough true fair fair fair point i was chugging water like a madman though at some point so i bit i'm i'm i i'm fine i'm fine it could be worse it could be worse there it is i love teleport teleport is nice it's just that the stuff that i'm using to teleport in order to get the charges for teleport back you have to repair it repairing a theft that has teleport costs like well over 100k gold per each time so yeah that's fun here's the boss hello i don't want to get poisoned just yet i'm just gonna i got poisoned okay nice thank you am i not hitting her and there we go oh [ __ ] okay a unique ring in amulet that's actually a pretty good fight that's pretty good that could be very good it doesn't have to be but it could be really [ __ ] good it could be very good raven frost uh it's dog [ __ ] cannot be frozen though that's actually a pretty good rate that's that's a good thing to have uh but it doesn't give any resistances that's kind of cringe 19 decks though yeah what's this the eye of atletch plus one to all skills lifesteal defense was that's plus one twelve skills [ __ ] it that's good that's very good that's your damn lot call absorb i i don't know what that means maybe just like neglect like uh twenty percent i have no idea i don't know absorb works but those are dog [ __ ] and this is also dog [ __ ] probably yeah this one is maybe good i would have to ask ron if this is good but i don't think it is it's like cannot be frozen is good but it doesn't give like hit recovery because what you want on rings is like either faster cast rate or hit recovery as far as i can tell uh which so we can attack faster but this this amoled is like way better than what i had i think yeah i'll keep it i'll keep it plus on all skills is epic there are only one slot side let's keep them for now portion of coal damage heals that okay that's that's pretty good maybe in some cases but yeah now now i've killed those two bosses i could do bail as well should i do like i can do three bosses i can do bail my pistol and ontario [ __ ] it let's kill bail this area is a bit more difficult though or a bit more dangerous at least how many charges do i have left 14 charges i gotta i gotta repair this one is this the way down or is this the way this is probably the way upright yeah it's up okay cool tremendous these guys are immune to magic i might my all my damage is magic so i might not be a good idea for me to be here but we'll see we will see it's not here i can just teleport over there and then oh get molested yikes oh charm hello thank you that's a lot of [ __ ] can i teleport oh my god i got [ __ ] unlocked jesus okay i found level three i gotta i gotta [ __ ] i gotta heal how can i teleport with paladin uh well ron was kind enough to give me this stuff uh nige puzzler elder staff it's a set item it's pretty rare um it's like the bootleg enigma i guess you could say that's good garbage either you have to build like one of the most expensive armors in the game which is uh enigma an enigma needs like a jaw and a bear room which is two very rare hirings and i don't have that so for the time being i just use this stuff to make up for it it's kind of expensive i mean i can show you now if i go to laser here and repair it repair um here it's going to cost 100 000 so now we got our we got our teleports back but it's it's expensive it's expensive and considering that resurrecting my npc my this guy here resting him costs 50k repairing this cost 100k i basically need a steady flow of money to be able to sustain this which i i i get i guess but yeah it is you know it's a bit if i if i if i die on top of this i just will go broke immediately i basically cannot afford to die at this point these guys have a might or us i gotta be really careful here that yellow aura they had is like the worst thing in the game it just boosts their attack damage by a percentage and it's not very nice there we go this is level four hello i'll pretend to make a tv here in case i die these guys are immune to magic as well i might just have to skip this because if enemy zero is immune to magic then it's very bad for me here's the boss though let's see what we are against yeah immune to magic i think i'll just not do this run i'm not gonna do i'm not i'm not doing bail these guys i can't kill him maybe he can kill them maybe let's see if i kill the rest but i cannot kill this because they're immune to my damage literally yeah i need you to kill this guy yeah he got him he got are we gone he's strong he's strong he can do it he can do it with my aura he's [ __ ] tremendous he said okay now kill this guy thank you and there was one more immune to magic kill him oh you're slowed goddamn yeah i got him okay this is doable never mind kill him nice ball says laughing it begins yeah mercury's more good we gotta kill these waves of morons and we're good we just put these here they're all immune to magic oh no yeah they literal or they all these are into magic i can't kill them maybe he can though he's gonna be he's gonna have to do some carrying i think can he do it no i don't think he can no he can't he's dead he's dead [ __ ] man they're all they're all [ __ ] immune i'm done i can't i can't do bail i have to i need help to the wheel why no hybrid build i don't i don't know i'm just doing hybrid it's only for this this is this is like the limitations of this build i just can't do that but that's the only thing i really can't do because immune to magic is really rare it's basically only that enemy type that does it there we go he's alive again 50k down the trash can and we do the different video other balls but yeah like other classes like if you go for sorcerers or anything like that they half the enemies in the game are immune to like cold or or immune to fire or immune to lightning like but the mutant magic is really [ __ ] rare so i can like that that barely ever happens so that's why that's one of the reasons why paladins are considered to be like really strong because they almost never have to put up with immunity for example there's a very good farming spot uh in the first act like the best in the game uh but every enemy there is immune to cold so like ron mayer for example he just can't do it because he's a sorceress he cannot he can't farm it me though i very much can not that i will though but i can there we go now we got three perfect paws i think i'm gonna find a four socket armor or something and put a bunch of uh these on it these four of these and i should have like a really good armor for um magic find anyways just get an indecently powerful non-magic weapon i i mean maybe i'm not exactly a melee bill though i don't think going in there and punching things with my hand is gonna like do very much much damage because my entire thing is just i will can i [ __ ] teleport hello i wasn't allowed okay i got unlocked great thanks okay i guess i'll just have to walk back again there goes my money i'm probably going to get in the game though those enemies are hard oh there's spiders okay we're just gonna do this gm mr streamer i would like to apply for a position of a moderator aka a big shot i promise to make bets be a good chatter and timeout or ban bad chatters i will not send world war ii germany symbol in chat why do i want to be mod the badge is cool and i want to okay oh i forgot i [ __ ] forgot i couldn't do you know i didn't teleport because when you repair your staff uh your bindings are like cut because the binding is reliant on the staff being there so when you lose the staff for a split second it gets unbound that's why i couldn't teleport now it will switch to teleport when i yeah okay thanks can i become a big shot you can you can do that but you can't become mad exclamation mark gm mr streamer hope you are doing fine inverted exclamation mark alex sullivan thank you for the thank you for the sub let's try this again with uh with teleport this time so i don't stand and get killed like a [ __ ] i think it's a good idea okay let me thank you see like immune to fire they're all emitted fires if you're relying on fire you're not gonna do anything here many such cases this area is a bit nicer to run through the endurance of hate i think no problems for me at all the enemies are just a bit nicer where in the [ __ ] is this the door man oh [ __ ] these guys all my homies is tainted this is up and down shouldn't be far now because i've explored so yeah it's right there it's right there okay where is the staircase i want to go down this is probably the wrong way it was the wrong way let's go to the right then see if that one will bring yield the difference of shorts no problem with this diet treatment yeah i died because i died because my teleport didn't work okay that's the only i stood there for like a solid three seconds getting molested by an elite pack like you know if you do that then no matter how geared you are well to some extent then you will probably die it's just a bad idea to stand still in this game thank you oh probably there we go yup yup and then we teleport in here skip a pack of enemies and we kill landauriel hello look at my [ __ ] damage oh my god i'm honest bone helm wow what's this a mortal no it can't be eisenhorn that's garbage i think yes trash and it's trash okay we got trash but we can sell it for money have we tried path of exile i have once a very long time ago didn't really enjoy it too much now that trash wasn't worth a lot but whatever whatever did y'all pre-order the stream deck i actually wanted to get stream deck but the um the version that i wanted like the newer edition of it mk2 i think it's called wasn't available in norway so i couldn't i didn't want to get the old version i want to get i wanted to have a new one if i was going to get it what's max level uh 99 but getting to 99 it's like it's gonna take a long [ __ ] time i think to get to 98 from 99 you need all the experience you needed to get to 898. play like it's it's insane it's a big big big big big grind we could also do um well lower crust in one player games ah [ __ ] that let's just go the rest another thing i could do for um good loot is just go to lower crust and open corpses in a player in a game with like eight players um that is like one of the best places to lose in the game but it's a bit boring because literally all you're doing is just opening chests clicking on corpses for like one hour and you might get the good thing but it's it's a very very good loot because it can't drop anyone in any room in the game really and with eight players you just get more ropes which is nice i hate stiggy and dolls second also the worst and i teleport away from them i find more that is great just fantastic also this map is like i think for this area i need to like increase the map opacity because i can barely [ __ ] see it i can barely see this [ __ ] you probably have cantons can you even see the map on stream like the map that i'm like walking is it through visible at all yes okay but it's really faded it's really faded this is the wrong way but i might as well open these chests [ __ ] it basically whenever you find the wrong area that you're not supposed to go to progress then the game will hand you like chests like a more underworld you went the wrong way have a [ __ ] chest full of dog [ __ ] actually enjoy not fighting the boss i may have to repot i've been here [ __ ] uh let's go where i haven't been i haven't found i haven't even found duran's one yet so i'm a bit malt could be over here i guess but it's very unlikely this is bad this is also bad what the [ __ ] could it be there's so many enemies oh my god let me break grand charm gave me that i actually got more potions actually let me identify this what is this passive and magic skills for amazon maybe good uh adds lightning damage too that's like that's a pretty like that synergizes that's good for for amazon i might actually just keep this let me put it next to here i found no it's not there uh where's it oh yeah these are all like druid skills amazon skills amazon skills like they're pretty decent but i do not need that i wish i could get the paladin charm but oh well can i move please thank you i don't feel like having this for bale i mean mephisto would be nice doubt i will be if i get her in time though and it's level one nice can't teleport there i could check this just in case what the [ __ ] is it how have i not found it yet how the [ __ ] every time like i can't have one run endurance where i just like i just find it and i don't have to run for two years but here we are running through and getting molested by sticky and all some this is sorcerers we're in the wait i can't even tell where i'm supposed to be going at this point where have i not been i explored so much and i still haven't found it how what the [ __ ] okay this is just really weird i'm gonna go out here and then i'm gonna go to the map where's the map now it's up there and it's a bit more it's a bit more visible now let's try to tweak this a bit like h3 now should be able to see it clearly okay down here i haven't been and it's got to be here like it basically has to be here no it's not here oh my god dude how okay i got i got cursed i gotta i gotta remove that remove it thank you also thank you i don't like this map setting let me take it um i'd love to do this okay so where the [ __ ] have i not been i gotta have it super clear there is something a bit down there in this direction you can't go like further down is this it yeah it actually is the last pixel on the screen by the way as usual goodbye flail a bone helmet what could this be we got the ancients of hatred though that's pretty nice i guess what does it help reds uh dog [ __ ] nice it's fresh and rich or about like that a place maybe it's worth money [ __ ] it i'll sell it gamers gamer to every gaming moment gamer what 35k decent let's put this uh there take the flail and we leave again can i fit this no yeah i can actually hello hello it's terrible no no trash and trash all right what was that those were the two runs i was gonna do yeah you can also do cows i suppose actually no we can't no it's together mod one um i've seen some streamers do that i could do that it seems uh maybe fun you know what i'll do that when they up when when they do up if they update the game if they update noita okay i'll do the the anointed together thing with viewers [ __ ] it i don't know how stable it is with many players but we'll see let me get some water [Music] albino and piranha stream i think he's gonna hate that game not gonna lie he's probably gonna [ __ ] hit it i'm gonna do something something a bit scummy i'm gonna join um like games with a lot of players and then we're gonna use the because like the way this game calculates like oh [ __ ] off wrong button have you heard of diablo 2 resurrected it's made by a little-known indie company called blizzard i think you would enjoy playing it and i would like to see you stream it uh-huh thank you for the sub vega basically guys the more player players there are in the game the more loot you get from containers so we're gonna go here where there's the best loot in the game well you can get you can get a lot of good [ __ ] here so we're gonna abuse that and just join um games where people do other things and hopefully we'll get something nice it's a bit scummy because like if i joined someone's game uh their enemies will get stronger and have more health and do more damage so i'm literally just that way to them and i'm just doing my own thing like i'm not helping out or doing anything it's just sometimes people get mad for it but uh you know i want to get my runes these chests are pretty good sometimes give me that what we have here see the amount of looter is just wild sometimes in the um original diablo 2 you could mod the game so that you get set player accounts manually so i didn't have to like go in and ruin people's games but now they left so there's no point in being here they left yeah they left so now there's no point uh it's a bit annoying to do but like you can find really really good [ __ ] here which is why i'm like i want to do it it's only worked in single player also works here too what do you mean it works wait oh this is the same game yeah but i'm not playing single player like i don't see in the point in that 19 seconds let's go yeah i wish i could i wish i could just like set bear count in the in the create game options or something but yeah you can't because that would make this about a whole lot like easier because now like if they leave if they start leaving then the drop will be less like these skeletons and these stashes will just drop nothing if there's not like it's or like at least if there's four players that's fine but anything less than that you're gonna get like so little loot like it's barely even worth being here teleport teleport oh my god dude please open it people are joining and leaving at the very fast pace here holy [ __ ] are you going to play called cultural remake when it comes out what's called nice of the order no no i don't like star wars oh my god a tolerant that's a trash room by the way it's not like worthless you can use it for some things mothers have a few of them laying around give a big chest hello uh but piling crossbones that's pressure it's like you could fight you could go fight like a prime evil and try to get some girl from that or you can open a log in a forest and you can get something even better that's just diablo for you but yeah you just gotta be lucky that's why i'm calling this game a slot machine because that's basically that's also not great i think i have like 50 of that run okay wow please stop i'm gonna [ __ ] die i'm not uh isn't the lose scaling dependent on how many players are on the current map new to d2 uh no it's it's in the server i it's like i was also a bit uncertain about that but then i noticed when i was in lower caress just opening corpses um when someone joined the game i would like just get much more gold and just like drops in general from the uh corpses and whatnot so there's definitely like just they just have to be in the game uh they don't need to be exactly where you are unless poop the combat logging works man all right there we go let's just do them there's two people here some i might get something better oh they doing my mana great boss has also scaled up to three players so having exactly three players is pretty pretty optimized for uh for boss i think i think and level one thank you game never lucky give me give me that thank you stop tremendous i see a message i'm going to read in just a second just let me uh not get molested for a moment why is my am i out of teleport i think i am oh my god it's over that's quick i guess we'll be running then i will be running and reading some beautiful finnish language in the chat in the meantime please just give me the the thing let me progress please there oh i found it holy [ __ ] thank you game just repair it so i can just uh teleport to the boss are you still a necker lord alabaner no we're we're proud of them now because wait they don't have them back okay i'm done they don't have blacksmith because they haven't made it here yet white people happy i lived in act one charcy please repair my rod 11 that's expensive what location do you like to farm at looking for a 2 socket 200 base for budget merc rune word uh two socket i mean that's pretty common just go cow level go cow level with zero magic find and you'll find socketed items like all over the place that's no problem basically if you want spaces just go cow level that's what iron me and run me and ron we do it a lot where we just go to hell level with zero magic find and we just find stuff binded f4 f4 teleport epic time to slay well you got to put on your [ __ ] fade now put in your fade oh is that rip oh well and we got nothing who is surprised rip rip now we got decent money though what about this yeah not so good not so good uh let me see as someone who would much rather watch someone play this kind of game rather than play it myself how good would you say this game is albino uh it's like i mean this is the game that started this whole genre of games basically this game uh when it came out in like 2000 and 2000 i think um every every like crpg like uh butler skate ice wayne dale all those games every or a fallout one every all those games they're uh company or like there's the people in charge at making decisions at those studios were like you gotta make diablo because what we are doing is not popular diablo is popular we gotta copy that so they cop every every cr producers copy diablo and crpgs were just dead for like 13 years or so until indie developers kind of picked the torch and now we get games like underrail and i guess divinity stuff like that but that genre was completely dead because of diablo that's how big this game was that's like how huge of an impact this game had it's like a very it's a good game but it's essentially a slot slot machine if you want to do least game farming in this game it's a slot machine but the base game is fun the control scheme is a bit outdated though like only having two things here um this stuff is obviously very outdated but it's a it's a it's a fun game albino this isn't a crpg kicker god i'm saying this game killed crpgs that's what i'm saying see this game made it so that crpz tried to be diablo and killed the genre for like 10 years that's my point this is by no means a crpg uh five minutes that should be good what's the crpg well crpg originally stood for like or meant um computer role playing games computer role playing game because like back then role playing games were mostly tabletop but now it now right now it means like classic role-playing game i guess how much money do you have i have zero here how much does that have mustache am i broke no i'm here dyslexic apparently yeah i mean i'm not very good at explaining things either so this you know could be either anyways yeah this game kills the rpgs for a while by just being good and having people enjoy it responsible for making fallout [ __ ] after number after the second one someone has already been here but the thing about like a lot of sorcerers will go here to like loot stuff and they will only go for the big chests leaving a bunch of these behind and uh you know you have a good chance of finding uh high runes and well there's still a really low chance but you have a chance to find lower higher instance cool stuff in the little slashes sound corpses money mesh armor is worth a lot i think fair summer a minute but yeah basically there's gonna be opening logs for a while now good times you always like people like doing these chests here but they always leave this corpse behind which is funny imagine you go for all the chests here and then you leave behind like a basket and and that basket just happened to be the one that had a hyrum that's like the fomo the phone that i experience every day basically let's go to my histo actually let's do it ariel i don't like the runs of hate [ __ ] turns up hit [ __ ] the place christ i hate tainted wrong way what about this though spider pack yikes teleport not here either oh help help stop okay thanks thanks dude that's all my money can i recover this i think what he died i'm broke now i'm broke yeah broke there goes that money i think i got to do cows i go to the cows to just get money now let's be the hammer then yep oh 22 minutes long i don't think anything's gonna be alive here let me just get my corpse at least i really hope this armor has a decent value so i can get some money back please probably 35k very good i can at least rest him my [ __ ] it's do be cow time but i don't think i'll do it here they should be doing cows now is that i gotta if i'm gonna do it um i don't want to have magic find but i mean i could do it just to get uh runes and money let's just do that let's just do that where is the stony field portal there you are hello it's not wait it's not open they haven't opened okay i'm done they haven't opened the portal they're actually like it's dogs that can act one um my guts i'll do a player one game then who runs imagine skipping tristram imagine where's it at you join the helicopter without beating the game on hell if someone else opens it uh yeah if someone else does yeah not beating the game yourself only means that you can't open it when you're hosting but uh yeah you can still join other people as long as i think as long as you've made it to hell you can join hell games and do anything in them but you need to beat nightmare first basically where are the stones there we are bait them out teleport in teleport is not bound because i'm a [ __ ] why is it not please i guess you lose the binding if you die [Music] got the leg hello dill we're just gonna farm some cow level how are you doing there we go and we go in here but i do need to bug him hold up i don't want the cows to kill my mercenary a cool thing you can do okay you go here in the cluster you baste your mercenary into the door um come in thank you close it and then you just leave him when he teleports to me now he's going to be immortal to melee attacks there you are now he's practically immortal which is nice because these guys hit hard but they only do melee range attacks can still harm him but you know really will not you see is the caulking here there he is there we go into the meat grinder this is probably worth some money two socks and mega talmud let's sell it three thousand thirty five k that's nice that's nice that's nice making my money back i shouldn't really have to do this but i don't want to go broke going broke would be terrible this is the same flame let me fist the dropped yex thank you if only you could gamble i mean we could gamble on boss drops but like the thing is that like getting something good is so [ __ ] rare that you know it's just it's just dumb it's just stupid hi albano how are you if you're enjoying d2r would you try poe next season no i'm not a big fan of poi this game has like sentimental value to me because i've played a lot when i was younger but probably does not brush plays usually self a lot i grabbed a charm was this dog [ __ ] ruby i guess i'll take it not gonna lie i don't know what this is but it's fun to watch nice i mean again this is just like it we were just literally doing the same thing over and over grinding but sure ron is here hello monreal he doesn't know that i am have magic find on and this is going to be a super [ __ ] cow level but yeah that's fine maybe the magic fine only applies when i kill stuff though i'm not sure okay so it doesn't matter okay so if i have a magic point on this doesn't it doesn't matter for him when he kills [ __ ] that's fine i'm just too lazy to take it off because i'm only going to do one car level and then go back to doing bosses maybe some crust it's just the the staff and the rest resurrecting this uh npc siphoning my funds have we tried looking into playing the media in excel mod for original yellow two that's a bunch of new content and features like widescreen support and better ui and controls i haven't looked into that not gonna lie but uh nah i don't think i will i really hope they will add something like new to this game though you know i really do how am i [ __ ] overboard still that's one of those new money good day good good money i should be back to where i was honestly it's like 80k more oh hello the binding of isaac texture pack he has got going mm-hmm does anyone know when the new bunny box binding of ice sack uh updates is gonna drop i mean it's kind of a meme at this point because it's never gonna drop but you know because i do want to play that the thing is that it's not as far as i can tell it's not going to be just a hot fix or something like that it's going to be like hey do you know these items the birthrights and whatnot it's been in the game and the dysfunctional for like half a year now yeah we're we're we're maybe gonna make those actually work now i think that's what the update's gonna be last i checked magic items magic items magic yeah these are this thing is garbage though look chorus is 10 i think i'd keep it you know what fine viruses 7 sure mom's racer nerf there's an item called mom's racer edmund is going to race in three months i mean yeah i just don't trust that because again it's been like it's been like right around the corner quote unquote for like the past three months or something like it was called the june update and we are currently in october for those unaware so i you know i just don't have high hopes for it now i'm gonna go back to killing bosses run if you want to join and do like cow level on my server go for it because then i can get more roughs on the bosses i think you can join through like battlenet or something just so it just to optimize for both of us i guess there he is by the way ron is actually helen dario is worth no you can see so many people just doing a nightmare so much like kind of uncertain if it's like oh my god yeah okay good then i'll keep doing it i will keep doing it let me go down though where's that where's the next i went the wrong way tall rune wrong way again fantastic this is up yep and it could be down to the right actually now it couldn't it couldn't i'm better reading map it's probably left down here right next to where i came from by the way as always right next to the waypoints and i just missed it hello thank you it's kind of scary to teleport like that because suddenly you just teleport into a [ __ ] elite pack and you're just you're just dead with some luck you're just that this is the wrong way but i might as well open the chest with nothing in it okay speaking of elite packs those guys had might this has to be the right way right surely there we go okay fantastic whoops [ __ ] tainted [ __ ] hate tainted and the mona burn that's that's great thank you we hit can you not die die maggot she says she killed waheed you [ __ ] [ __ ] does she not drop a single thing i think she seriously don't what the [ __ ] nothing a pylon okay no that's fine that's fine sure the countess is worth the grind yeah but i don't like the level 24k magic find boots uh viruses defense novel and struck light radius uh it's not great mine don't give i mean i could use these this is old all rest 10. they're good for magic i mean it's 12 eyes 12 percent [ __ ] it whatever i'll just toss them into the trash well at least i got enough money back to resurrect the guy so the cope isn't that big the cop isn't that big giving back weed is the mobile level decent in the countess catacombs as in can the elite packs drop some nice loot on top of the runes uh no like hell counters she can drop like decent runes but she can't drop like the highest and even like the high ones that she can drop are like insanely rare i just don't like unless i'm going for like a specific like not like super high rune i guess it's not really i don't like doing it because the thing is with uh let me show you with the paladin hammerton specifically where's the exits from this place it's here okay so these hammers they just spin like this and then they would keep spinning and stay around for a long time unless they hit an obstacle right if i stand here my hammers don't do anything they don't cover anything the countess's level is super tight and like very claustrophobic so my hammers don't really get to do much there so i just don't like being there and this guy dies all the time to like the the dark archers that spawns uh those archers are like the bane of my [ __ ] existence and they also just delete this guy so it's like yeah i could farm countess but until i get enigma or something and i get like unlimited teleports it's just really not a nice uh experience for me you know it's just really just pain it's not it's not good at all it [ __ ] sucks yikes dolls so i i don't okay i got cursed let me just not be cursed let me take that let me just take that right off that curse is the worst [ __ ] curse it just amplifies the damage you take it's [ __ ] terrible having that on you and hell is this is not it's not good you definitely don't want that so i will not have it luckily talking to npc uh we'll just remove it i thought i thought it was actually level three i thought it was level three for a second [ __ ] shoot me why do i always find double one first and to understand what's the [ __ ] rent the corp is unfathomable locked chest with nothing okay may i please have a level three this is probably also a scam it's a scam it's a scam and 50 dollars that's that's that's great that's great thank you where is the boss here right it's nothing i hate this level it's so [ __ ] big it's so god i'm huge i wish they would make it smaller thanks for interrupting my cast you [ __ ] oh my god right this is also dead nice this is great there are scope oh i got these i got [ __ ] decent holy [ __ ] and got cursed awesome yeah this is the same story every time this map is just so [ __ ] big i guess this could be over here like down somewhat down here maybe nope where in the [ __ ] it could be down here i guess also of course it's not i gotta turn him up past yep i can't see [ __ ] you're at like 55. maybe up to the left order here the final pixel on the screen no i love getting bother blocked it's great another dead end number 50. yup what about this could it be no it couldn't okay we're in the goddamn i guess up here maybe perhaps it's nothing there we go okay nice put on some copium potions i can eat myself over here and kill the boss we got cursed though that's actually very bad let's just not be cursed i don't want to be cursed for the boss it's gone did i know it's not that not yet anyways and that okay i got some green [ __ ] eroth cuff they are garbage nice and this is dog [ __ ] as well nice you got hate with that list a field place probably good money yes good morning dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] okay how to do the twitch emojis you just type in the the thing nice uh holy shock cleansing damn good [ __ ] at least i can resurrect my guy from that those essences are used for re re respecting respecting may i repair my balls yeah thank you also i want my mercenary back greetings what's this scrotum wow thank you for the scrotum thanks ron do you want to do a bail i can't debate alone because the the magi the dogs are magic immune the uh the hollow hollow guys on the wave too all right you want to just teleport to him so i don't have to waste the charge all right i guess i could do this in the meantime by the light what is this place what is displacement oh the monorain that's great oh coop holy copium get him waheed he's such a [ __ ] he's a chad look at that good afternoon and what's this two socket well it's money and well he didn't even die that's great just gonna wait for the wrong teleport will you upload this on youtube uh yeah the the the the volume yes i will everybody goes on youtube time to get roasted other succubuses it's over oh god curse nice which means i'll probably die there we go it begins there we go there we go so now they actually die because ron is here and he actually doesn't care about magic community it's fine good days after all you gotta kill this guy time to laugh oh there's one guy up there never mind can i even reach him got him oh he died nice that's great very good very good very good here comes the minions of destruction this is not fun these guys suck or not i don't think yeah we hit this uh it's over time to die titan i got yo ron we got titan for eula boy we got [ __ ] titanfall boy titans revenge epic sick yeah i'll keep that if he if he actually will play the game we have titans for him i'll put it there next to the thunderstroke [Music] hello nice well that's good i'll make a javason to hell before you i think so too and if you do i have uh that and thunderstroke and uh some charms for you because basically every skill charm i found has been for amazon did you say did you play the other three if so which one is better i played diablo 3 i got bored of it really quick because the it's just not good i didn't like it but when i played it like it was on a release and on a release it had the auction house where you could like pay real money to buy items and [ __ ] it was really weird it was really weird online um but yeah i think this one is but much better i played these three on at least two with auction how cia was like it was not i think they they shut it down at some point because they realized like that this is probably not a good idea because people [ __ ] hate it but it was there for a while and it was it was a bit strange i'll make a new world and do some bosses play good morning gamer it's 9am here what time is it for you uh now it's two 2 p.m i gotta get back in action because he uh he kind of he kind of died talk to kolkak afternoon the [ __ ] name time for andorial this map is so much nicer to navigate the endurance holy [ __ ] lawrence is just genuine pain the enigma can't come soon enough there's level one that end epic tainted epic spider epic level 3 please where in the [ __ ] oh it's literally the pixel to the left i didn't explore okay epic yep of course if nice yikes i do be getting molested though i prepare if you want to cue the hack and slash h if i want yeah i mean police i heard is probably a better game than this maybe it's just that it's got like this game has a special place in my heart okay it's diablo it's diablo 2. um it's different okay even though people is probably a better game i prefer this it's my boomer cop it's my boomer cop i like it my torah oh my god time to [ __ ] die we got his fade proc though so he should be fine yeah he's good he's good will you drop a single lightning this time if she will got the plate got some unique boots as well what's this saigon shot as garbage what's this done goblin toe light play the boots crushing blah blah blah that's kind of trash i guess i'll sell it though no fire assist goblin boost best bits first smiter grill wait really why because of crushing blow i found something good god damn i didn't even real cool why not why not epic i actually found something good holy [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn that's crazy epic boots well i'm going to miss my turrets i'm going to respect this mighty remaining ubers so yeah i'll keep this goblin toe school song school chord but with smile hit recovery this is not a hit recovery so it's going to the trash right it's got some resistances but no hit recovery or faster cast rate so [ __ ] it into the trash you go saigon shelter uh defense lightning resist it seems trash i'm going to sell it bye-bye and trash i actually hate that the manure system that they uses i think it's it's the only thing i don't like right the only thing i don't like is the belt this thing here having to replenish this better all the time is really really annoying other than that like having to sacrifice your inventory for charms i think it's a cool little mechanic you have to like make decisions on what you want to use for inventory for do you want to pick up a lot of items or you want them in max with charms that's cool i like it um but it's a bit yeah i can see how some people find it annoying sure that's uh totally justified personally though i'd mind it i'm used to it i played this game for so many hours i don't really care anymore you know that's fine oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay i don't know why i couldn't teleport but i couldn't uh i think i was out of charge just maybe can i join how do you join via how do you join friends join game how do i do in the back we avoid the launcher [Music] uh no i don't know how to join friends i'll make a new game left click on click left of lobby friend icon i guess i can try it why didn't i teleport okay i guess i must have missed an aura or something whatever i gotta fix my helmet there we go just finish your car level you'll probably be here back before i get to mephisto anyways okay thanks i'm a good curse nice that's great i'll go ahead and remove that thank you it's that i think yep i'm very intelligent nice i love teleport god bless ron for giving me this stuff it's siphoning my fans but having being able to teleport away from this morons is just so nice man it's just so nice it's epic oh we found three immediately god [ __ ] damn ron get in here well like i unless do my fist of [ __ ] it he can drink and join foreign i guess hello time to die [ __ ] it's him thank you this is a patriot gothic plate what could this be okay this guy is coping holy [ __ ] unique plate rattle cage crushing blow we're honest this uh surely you don't i mean crushing right do i want this is this for smiting no trash i probably want something different for smiting different breastplate got money at least right why'd i do that whatever i'll just get this yes 143 that was barely that wasn't even worth the tones portal sick we all contribute to decaying of society in one way or another true goodbye rattle cage let's do and arielan nice it's nice to finally have enough gear on my mercenary so that it doesn't like literally die all the time he dies sometimes but like now it's like more the exception than the rule which is which is good i do appreciate that it is very nice nice okay what do we have here nothing all right and that's up so the next there is probably left over here right right yeah okay thank you nice that was actually pretty fast and dead cool goodbye ice and heart again skin of late one demon knight armor lifesteal finish life like take damage death bit yep yes yeah it's the end of the flight one stone lifesteal defense that's probably trash probably trash what's your merc setup uh it's very standard he has a treachery on a decent wire fleece um inside only thresher that i wish was a little bit better it had like kind of bad stats and it only rolled uh where's it 203 percent and has damaged i think that can go to like 250 or 300 so it's like he could be doing a lot more damage he does have a nice helmet though which is like the crown of thieves he's got 12 life steal which is more than enough to like keep him alive for the most part but yeah he could be he could be better he could be better he's he's fine he does the trick you know he does decent damage he just dies a bit often you're way ahead of me yeah me and ron have been farming a lot um honestly though most of this like before we started playing ron played classic for a long time so he kind of like had he you know he got the gist of the game and got into it way before us so he knew about like i didn't even know inside existed i had never made a single rune word in my entire life before playing resurrected so having him just uh showing us how to make these things and what's good and what's bad it's just very nice top of the morning to you lad best of luck to you with your demon sling thank you kitsuna appreciate it uh what's there left to do i've done andario i did that ron do you want to do it look at the bail [ __ ] it i'll just do the uh my god in the knot like a portal in the meantime this dog this is just a bit awkward for me because uh it's tight tight corridor i don't like it and this is meant to tank for me holy cope i think we'll just leave honestly this place is just not nice for me at all it's like you can see there the limit of being a hammer then like i can't i can't really do anything the hammers the hammers stop and if they stop then they won't do much i guess i'll save it for another time kind of cringe but you ain't got time to know life with the boys anymore i've been placing myself because my duo is a [ __ ] dad alright yeah yeah it's fine it's like it's not a competitive game this game is just nice i think it's just fun to like just grind and get good better gear and eventually we can do ubers and get better stuff and i hope they like add what i'm hoping for this game is that they add like some um more with level 3 cope um i hope they add more uh late game contents if anything like more things to kill or like accomplish later in the game because right now you're just a grind so you can grind faster but it's still it's still fun it's still fun but yeah there's no rush ladder isn't even out yet but i've heard that they might even not even add ladder there was one game i think it was like warcraft or something where like they were supposed to add a ladder but they still haven't i hope this this game gets it though will be nice i don't think ella will do a hardcore character but doing ladder would be fun and yeah like our third uh third player is like he has a job and he usually is a bit tired after work you know so we don't have like a lot of uh he doesn't play that much compared to us i mean i i play for a living basically and ron mayer doesn't work that much actually okay ghosts this is not nice this is not nice yeah that's not whoops that's not good i'm gonna go resurrect my guy i think yes that's pretty bad uh is it safe probably not big hope my ghosts are very versatile holy [ __ ] oh my lord actual molest oh my god stop stop lucky i'm dead and he's dead too can you make a portal to the to my corpse oh it's still my other corpse my other corpse is it safe up here no it's not it's not okay i'll listen to that go lobby and then click left of the oh there we go okay you can do that no i didn't meet i didn't mean to go there please in my corpse thank you now we're good i gotta repair my armor though [ __ ] afternoon wait where's the blacksmith down here i don't think i'll wrestle he just gets one shot now there we go okay this is just aids holy [ __ ] they're all ranged oh my lord holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] my god i can't let me read a bit please oh my god this was a lot milder last time when we only had the snakes and [ __ ] there we go i gotta get my portions i think jesus christ hello wilston i'm literally [ __ ] like 70k oh my god it's over he hasn't left yet oh we just started it's over nice very good there's a skeleton there we go your embassies died i think oh cope face laser morons i hate to slow that it does hold up there we go hello hurricane gaming going well that went well and there we go my brothers i'll die oh his clone is hitting hard yikes and we got nothing my god the [ __ ] europe it wasn't worth anything i'm broke i'm genuinely broke thank you hey give me going well yikes i gotta rest my guy now and go even more broke this time uh how many charges left they got unbound for some reason nice there's level one i mean two no one one one there is the way forward can i find it quick this time no i can die apparently there we go hey alban i have seen rogue lord came out today and looks really promising rogue lord no i have not what is that roguelike game perhaps he immediately found it that's very nice please teleport die is he gonna kill it again please don't please just don't kill him please please please please let me we lived good lived on a fraction of health is better than stealth i'm playing source uh i don't know what cohegan is i'm sorry i have no idea spectral sword castrate uh all rest 10. spectral shark looks pretty promising 84 percent better chance of magic items holy [ __ ] that's uh these two are like pretty useful maybe an fcr i don't know but uh 84 and if it's two like to pass in it it's gonna be like no that's it's a weapons it's gonna be lightning damage i think um this could i mean it doesn't sell for much i'll i'll keep it yeah i'll keep it for now this thing though so anyways did he he died oh he did he died how the [ __ ] did he die he was alive though what the [ __ ] why he'd my man he's costing me a lot of [ __ ] money asking me or for more mf gear and you get the best from andario and want to sell it is that the best mf gear thing in the game i mean yeah i learned eight four's pretty good but it's just it's going to replace my spirits my cast rate my i'm gonna i'm gonna be so [ __ ] [ __ ] if i put it on like i'm gonna be [ __ ] garbage let's get this weapon your weapon is lighting damage so you can't get more mf from it i think it's gonna be 84 but like if i put it on my mf is gonna be insane you up and stop it right before above skill but on off hand yeah but i i already have my staff on offhand that's the issue my my teleport staff is there so i guess i could keep it in my inventory and like swap it like kind of scuffed if anything but yeah i mean 84 chance is pretty [ __ ] major give it to yeah if you want it come come get it i'll give it to you because you have an offend [Music] take it i mean as long as one of us is getting good [ __ ] then it's fine for me i don't really care who gets it if you find something nice that's good for me then that's like in my you know it just works out you know we would just share share share share and i cope through the runs of hate well usually cows i mean to be fair no you know what i'm doing the [ __ ] bail runs i can i just have it like temporarily i'll okay i'll keep it in my inventory i'll keep it in my inventory i'll come get it i'll go get it it feels like a waste killing mephisto when you're doing cow level with that [ __ ] you're gonna kill uh [ __ ] cows with blade of alibaba but it's actually your blade of alibaba i'm done wait why can't i take it there we go you put up the pasta dude did you why didn't you put why didn't you put this [ __ ] i i literally said it on stream that the topaz gives it lightning damage and you put the [ __ ] lighting game in it you dog [ __ ] dog oh my god i find the best mf item in the game and you ruin it [ __ ] i don't think you have is yeah i don't this is probably like higher but [ __ ] off never giving you mf again dude i'm done he this dog put her to pass okay actually done wait didn't i just repair the stuff what does it only have okay i'm not gonna ask questions that's fine i'll run through the runs because i don't have [ __ ] money to repair it yeah turn it into a michael's blade from alibaba to microplate what do you want okay [ __ ] off literally teleports to drop me a scrotum this [ __ ] guy this [ __ ] dog ruins my weapons and hands me scrotum amazing okay thanks what oh my god please give me doran's 3 boomerangs from cows wait really wow someone is a lucky dog where is it i don't know i cannot find it thank you for the sub please docker appreciate it appreciate it yeah my face runs in a nutshell you just run around the runs and listen to heart sounds for two years and then maybe you find mephisto and i'm actually going abroad from buying potions it's [ __ ] over where have we not been i haven't been up there let's go there let's check it out after all this one pixel could be the boss or it could be 50 second dude nice not the boss oh my god we actually found it holy cope my brothers we didn't swap what the hell i could carry anymore okay 9000 thousand scam decks all resistance four that's gonna trash into the trash it goes where it belongs set this as well okay six thousand hit recovery cause this light fire poison [Music] no okay well i got some money a little bit 45 000 that's like gonna keep me alive for two more seconds beat the boss with the microplate i mean i did it uh i just like i i think i did it the opposite way i i i was like using the the alibaba blade uh for killing him and then i switched to my dps gear when i did the kill it was just like exact opposite of what you're supposed to be doing which is which is fantastic uh starting a new game by the way have you played titan souls before it's small central i haven't i've heard it's good but i haven't played through it now i'm gonna charge the way i've left none okay i gotta repair it but do i have money for it i can't repair it okay well i guess i can't teleport for now in that case i will do [Music] yeah i'll do the best i'll do the bit that is fine oh my god rogue lords is pretty amusing you can scam the game and make a mismatch for once okay i'm sure it's probably good probably good might have to check it out at some point i'll i'll look at some trailers and [ __ ] online and see if it's in a decent let's switch the alibaba blade for this oh my god my castrate is so bad with this blade holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i think i have a secondary spirit i can actually put on my offend hold up actually let's just put this there now it's a little bit better okay decent what's my mf now actually 272 mf that's pretty good that's not bad it's [ __ ] insane mf will you play davinci religious origin 2 again uh i did i played i don't think i've actually ever played that on stream but i am planning to play through it just not right now you know right now not playing it you know i should probably pick up the weapon just for money wait what did i what the [ __ ] this is selfless you did once before like at the very start did i i played divinity in one on stream but not two only one i'm pretty sure that's money this is nice the uh the game's not roll me archers if you're all archers on this stage it's it's a massive cop it's a massive cop luckily it didn't happen though mr last place we're playing all the stuff today i might uh try some other stuff as well yeah i just want to do a little bit of grinding in diablo first because it's funny could play something else for sure but right now i just like playing some mindless stuff because i'm coping for my hangover this game will do be pretty mindless that's the least i gotta be careful i don't wanna get slain basically the only thing is really worth picking up here is uniques but since i'm broke i'm also picking up like yellows and armors that have like good cell valley because i'm currently a dog i went broke from repairing my stuff how did you how did you that you were in my promotions what how did i that why can you try to re-um redo that sentence rephrase it maybe not quite sure what you're on about here oh we got archers that's very bad no no no no no i hide them i hate them i hate them i hate them and waheed also hates them because he gets molested by them might die here i hate reopening because i'm here for money and dying is bad for money if there's an elite archer pack i'm dead guaranteed that's just facts what's this then nothing great armor that's money okay oh i remember albino do the guy who made the fortnite experience yes yes that's me that's me i did make that that was a good video it's just an art piece that thing want to make though let's put that there let's put these there there we go now we should be good and we should also have enough money now to repair my staff so i can actually teleport right charsie repair my staff wait where's him ah yes very good thank you charcy i have a ceremony that's good now i need to put this no that should be there and this should be here and then this should be there and there now we can do mephisto or and ariel actually let's do an arrow first welcome to your main channel uh i have no i don't have time to make those videos anymore the videos that i made from my main channel they take like a month to make and i just don't have a time uh right now my main job is streaming and uploading to my second channel and that's like let's just say that streaming on twitch and uh you know uploading videos to my second channel it's just it pays more than my main channel ever did right and it's like so much easier to do consistently because it's very difficult to make like a really like heavily edited uh meme tag like once a month and maybe it will do well because it's very like it's not super common for a video to do like millions of views it doesn't happen all the time you can't just like you can just like snap your fingers and make it happen you got to make something great and making something like really great once a month is like pretty it's really exhausting it's really you know draining you don't have time for my shells if you do that um so you know to avoid getting that like energy drain and be just being completely [ __ ] burned out all the time uh i just switched over to this and i enjoy it a lot i really enjoy streaming um just um yeah just being a [ __ ] on the internet it's great it's very very nice but yeah i i favor consistency over uh doing main channel stuff at this if i ever do want to make a mention video i still can it's just that at the moment i don't really have the time to to do that kind of stuff consistently at least it's a lot of work and where the [ __ ] is this actually no i know where it is i know where it is it's the last pixel i didn't check to the left as usual i skipped one pixel and now we're playing the price it's over here opens us no wait wait is it down it's gonna be down right then that's the only area i haven't been okay yeah it was the pixel over there at halloween themed emotes you know it's actually been a long time since i've added any mods so why not the only thing though is that like i don't know which emails to add because like i would have to i'm kind of uh not using my avatar i guess like the the funny avatar oh wait wait wait wait wait i gotta put the blade but that kind of [ __ ] me over then that can actually kill her with this oh i'm being molested okay there we go holy [ __ ] killing things with this uh sword on it's pretty pretty tough sometimes sanders rip rap heavy boots runway attacker with index garbage cell i should be able to fit a hatchet in here no no yes i can i've put that there perfect so it would have to be my face the avatar would have to be like my face or something related to my channel which you know yeah how do you make that halloween themed i mean am i that spooky hello hello just get an egg yeah just get the two veterans just get it just find it forehead i could do uh wait did i kill mephisto or did i just go straight for i did not okay but we gotta rest the [ __ ] familia we could get a spooky family from being away yeah that's right true that's one thing we could no i don't want to hear gossip i want to repair my belt thanks we got charges okay can we everybody now do we have enough money to rest the [ __ ] we do geared good what do we have then i don't want to look at my money at this point i just don't want to see it is that a cold portal yeah i'm doing bosses and run is doing cows basically basically guys we're being efficient just having him in my game and me being in his game it makes it so that the stuff we do is actually more worthwhile we'll find more items if there's more players may i teleport thank you that was very close i had it unbound for some reason again yikes i hate these guys can you guys stop hitting me thank you yeah i would very much appreciate that enigma at this point so i could just teleport more and avoid the dolls because the dolls are the bane of my [ __ ] existence at this point i guess this is why people like level sources before the paladin so they can have more teleport and just be more efficient at killing bosses fast of course we find level one tremendous just empty chest i'll be kissed let's go over here and okay yes wrong way seems to be something here too but it was also the wrong way thank you there we go okay fantastic well he died how [ __ ] how well he would probably do this was anyway so curse thank you goodbye no unique snow rip rest in peace are they worth anything 17k uh yep trash and trash we got 40k though so there's that which is not enough to rest the merc merc are the stashes separate wait they are i have 42k here which is not enough either nice i'm gonna just leash off of ron's cowl i will just get money any armors i can sell i'm so [ __ ] broke it's unreal played good splint mail okay those should this probably be decent money split may not so much but the plate maybe 11k that's something uh no that's gonna be bonnie i can't carry anymore okay this is annoying i can bear the nuts wow that was actually so worth nothing literally look yes well i can actually arrest the guy so that's nice okay thanks thank you thank you appreciate it thank you ron now i can now i can play the game based based leech i think i'll do uh with my new magic find sword i think i'll just do some uh blessed public restaurants find servers with like decent amount of players and just uh ruin their game that should be like that's a good like uh cycle i i do bosses until i'm broke and then i go lower caress than just with magic fight and fight stuff to sell to the vendor nice the game crashed cool thanks rollback time i'm stomping no i i explained it earlier but basically like if a game has a lot of players the monsters get more difficult the treasure gives more drops and uh that's basically it enemies stronger and they gave more drops but i'm only opening trashers i'm not helping them out so by me being in the game the enemies get like 10 7 more damage and 50 more health and they drop more stuff but yeah i'm basically just being going to people's games and being a dead weight to lose [ __ ] that's why i'm like going into uh into like populated worlds i'm just gonna put on the magic find sword and cope appreciate it this is probably taken though and this guy's hostile for some reason what have i got i'm just gonna lose some stashes i mean if he starts to attack me i'll just immediately leave but i'm pretty sure you get one shot in this game by you know players or wow we've got four players that's that's fine i think now we got even more players good trying to find a soldier in the skeleton thank you what would like to keep anyways isn't minecraft dungeons is not basically just a diablo clone i never actually played it or saw any gameplay of it but i've just just but i've been told that it's uh yeah it's just this game but worse it's one of those armor stands can actually drop some pretty cool uniques if you're just lucky i saw it on a stream well it's money literally just diablo with squares sounds like a great game oh great i think we're more or less done here there's something in the middle i haven't done but someone else might have i'll just check it out demon knight armor maybe oh am i actually overburdened what the [ __ ] i'm not what's the armor 135 that's probably like 13k this is more though it's superior as well cool three socket what okay i think we're just about done here wait no one did this cheshire hold up there was no pressure okay let's just sell it before we go on move on i found my unique shocker in a bar on single player okay nice there's my spirit just gonna keep this for more uh space and stash my money this game to be hidden different i'm smelling burnt toast it's a it's a it's a fun game it's just very grindy but that's fine with me it's fine when you just want to like just relax and like not think too much about the game you're just like you know running around losing stuff mindlessly and then suddenly you get something sick i like it because today i'm like i have no energy because i i i think i danced for like an hour straight last night on when i was drinking and i am a corpse today more or less which is fine but yeah i don't really feel like you know sitting down and playing some demanding thinking game like isaac or something like that or like that cells or yeah not today not today today we're gonna what the [ __ ] did i just spit on my i've drooled on my mic what i drooled okay i i feel something wet on my lip and i was like wait was that i spit on my mic accidentally and it's like [ __ ] full of drool it's like completely like wet soaked in rule what the [ __ ] what is happening to me man jesus christ the brain damage do be hitting difference today colossus fog wow literally literally losing brain cells from playing this game surely i will find the rune soon anytime now oh neff is trash if i do ever found a high rune i'm going to go and just not my pants because i've actually never found that before where's the there there here it is this is the big big chest and the players literally i am just about to open the chest and like three people leave it's [ __ ] oh my god they're so bad now i'm done i finally found like the big worthwhile chest and everyone just [ __ ] leaves amazing ah thank you well let's find a bigger server but yeah it's a bit annoying to sit here and ruin people's games because you need a higher player count to find worthwhile stuff in the lower crust but yeah that's that's just part of the game it's how it's always been it's also funny uh like one scam you can do in this game that i've seen someone do is that like uh when you trade someone you ask someone to like highlight the item in chat right so you can like hover over it and see it and tell them like you know what to do that and they're like no i don't know how to do it how do you do it you tell them oh you just just control click the item and then this happens it gets robbed so like if you really want to be an [ __ ] in this game you can't do that uh because there's no like report system or anything literally just make them drop their items that's great oh yeah just highlight it with the control click the big brain big brain scam we do a small amount of scamming a minor a miniscule amount of uh you know whoops wrong thing did not want to go there it's gonna be imagine if you like have a like a really rare item and someone's like oh yeah just like control click it and you'll just lose it because you're an idiot like yikes the thing about that scam is that it wasn't in the original game control clicking it was not there so some people actually fall for it now but people will learn eventually you get scammed once and then never again let's give me 30 year old children in a 20 year old game yep a lot of people who play this game are like 40 50 and like basically half the player base are like they have children now and a full-on life you know it's crazy either the streamers cope charm don't mind if i do where do the big cabin be though a big chest this is literally just minecraft dungeons for rumors it's fun though to be found out is it taken it's not cool look at that look at all this stuff uh julia knight blah blah blah no no yellows no orange any charms nope l i get the assistant the lowest level rune in the game thanks that's tremendous 20 life tremendous okay that's literally the worst run you can find oh there's two of them two spawns of this that's rare but nothing good there and here go take place and an ethereum that is maybe maybe useful depends the money i have the yellow items are okay not really worth picking up honestly but uh if they're like a golden like that means they're unique and those are like actually worth picking up every time because it could be like a thick [ __ ] thing like those uh the goblin toe boots that i got are apparently very good for a certain build armor stand i think this map is mostly done but there's maybe some more stuff and just think just think that one corpse i didn't pop was the high room you know that's the can't leave any baskets unbroken you're gonna hit everything or you're gonna eternally cope all right yes sir this is good because of the new games just use their format and improve the upon eg valorent i think cisco marcus played into his downfall i think the market is fine the mark is like to actually generate the hype for the game i'm pretty sure uh but yeah no there it's it's just like someone takes the concept and improves upon it and then people play that instead csgo is a good game good competitive game but like for casual players not very interesting in my opinion that's 235k that's pretty good it's just the skill ceiling and like uh skill floor and skill sealing in in uh in cs goes just so [ __ ] high it's insane how good you gotta be like it's very difficult to shoot straight in cs go it's so [ __ ] difficult i could never get into that man i have boomerang so obviously i can't either way but look at that two wrist spikes one player left it's [ __ ] over they're leaving dude trick trick pony oh hello what's up it's been a while thank you for what's up man you i saw you playing this game the other day you gotten far i'm completely completely terribly addicted this is my life now clicking butt is in lower caressed and i wouldn't have it oh large charm what's this wouldn't have it any other way the high rune is right around the corner one more basket i can feel it uh no no no charm though we are we have a decent player count should be good thank you i actually um tried getting into cs go back in the day a friend of mine the guy that i lived with uh when i lived in oslo he was like a what was the highest rank global elite i think and they tried to carry me in that game but the thing is that if you play with someone you're new to the game you go into a game with someone who's like [ __ ] global elite you're going to get ranked with people who are like in between like my like wouldn't hear and he's like he's like insane here and uh i didn't stand a [ __ ] chance it was it was it was awful it was terrible not a good experience so i had like the worst introduction to cs go anyone could have where he's just going around just like steamrolling everyone and i'm just like i think the worst game i had uh was zero 16 and i was like you know what i don't think this game is for me i think i'm gonna go play something else it's just just not my thing man doesn't work out full not like it never know when you need a tool okay once i mean i gotta get those runes i gotta get i gotta get stuff somehow right it's a bit boring it's a bit mindless but i'm hungover like a dog i could just that's fine with me i have been banned from several discord servers for posting the fanboys when they run out of milk meme fear me okay nice full cope hello bitterness global elite yep yep that was not not recommended if your global elite friends friend tell you to join uh cs go just just just skip play i think honestly i would probably have a better experience with the game if i just played solo if i just didn't join gold defense okay nice talk [ __ ] need more runes eternal cop actually no no no no no uh thul how many other one two three four five uh i have enough if i have also decent amount of i'll have one two three four four eighth i'll i don't need that anymore anymore i'll just toss them into the ormus trash can stash this and this one was garbage as well i don't want to stash it though right just toss that into there we go two-player server cope like too freshy but even in global the difference in skill can be huge yeah like the the minor difference in scale at that level is also like it's the same as every competitive game you know a small edge can be a huge [ __ ] make a huge difference i'm quite a competitive player myself you see i know this thanks oh [ __ ] i gotta fix my blinds the daylight is like reflecting on my screen and i can't see [ __ ] skill charm ogre x skull i should maybe be collecting skulls i don't know when i'll need them i probably wouldn't eat about one point or another but amethyst nice amethysts are good for just adding sockets to [ __ ] i like it if i do find a better treasure i could oh my lord this is not good i just like lose my stuff and leave i like these sakura mites because they they're enemies but they like what are they doing they're literally just walking they're just walking away from me like what what's their what's their thing i don't understand their ai they're they're scared of me what the [ __ ] what i mean i'm not complaining i'm just like i just don't understand i wish every enemy was like that they would just [ __ ] off and not bother me you play the huble 3 i feel like this game suck you in for like two months pic yeah yeah they do that i played the obviously on release didn't like it i expected diablo 2 and got [ __ ] auction house with real money uh apparently they made the game a bit better afterwards with like the expansion i think um but yeah i just didn't have the same like uh boomer uh goggle relationship to that game that i do with this tall which one is this again that was the hourglass i might have too much of those though it's just like you you do this for like a couple of hours and suddenly you just get like a [ __ ] sick hyrum and like you're just one step closer to the enigma it's just how the game is which is fine you can also find some cool stuff what the [ __ ] is an earth spirit little dota 2 reference garbage 25 poison resists hit recovery and oh my god that's a very good that's a very very good small chance hit recovery and 11 viruses that's it could be better but it's still really [ __ ] good i like those two stats i like a lot that's very nice i'm gonna keep that i think i'm gonna keep that the only thing i've gotten from this place so far is just decent charms that's it ever play path of exile uh no well i did try it with a friend and uh it was like yeah i didn't get into it uh one of my friends has been shilling that game to me for uh one year straight and i still haven't tried it so you know don't get your hopes up really and getting me to play in that game people have tried uh weaponrack here we go i'm gonna key that's unlit see ya i think we're done here there's some little bit more stuff down here probably some corpses some logs that i could probably pop and get a grand charm that i can't carry so this garbage i hate extra fast elites they just never let go they just keep going we're gonna chase it to the next act [ __ ] let's identify the last charm and just sell the rest this is i'll keep that though now my fire resist is like decent right it's 50. good better and you go in here now i can make a perfect one you do want the perfect one right yeah i think you do gracias you go there you go there and we are good i think uh what's the end game in d2 it's literally just farming uh so yeah some people do pvp pvp in this game i am pretty sure it's just like either you get one shot or you one shot someone else that's that's more or less pap as far as i can tell like two good stuff cool maybe i should resurrect my guy maybe he can run around and give me mana waheed my beloved you need to wake up everyone doesn't exist uh two player okay never mind i'm leaving still boo dear five let's let's go six players the one player very good thank you uh server finder is the future of games looks like it was developed in the 90s i mean oh 23 minutes game this is probably taken right it's probably have ever already i think it would have been this one i recognized this guy let's see okay okay i guess it's not been taken yet sure lum wait oh it was i thought it was lamb [ __ ] i thought it was a good one [ __ ] oh okay all right yep that's fine i thought it was lamb i'm comfy now i had a brief moment of opium and now i only have kill me i think first no i thought i think for a moment i thought it was um i don't know i thought it was good i thought it was gonna be something good [ __ ] me rope okay see baskets good never leave baskets i hate you mates i hate two maps okay i guess this is what people do they go here and they only open these and they leave the rest there's gonna be a corpse here there you're always living hey beno you can go to your private game and type slash player 8 and the game sets itself for 8 people at least the wiki says so smile only for offline characters it's really dumb you can't play offline with an online character so i would have to have a separate character that i can never play with anyone else if i wanted to do that let me get the stash okay all right well have fun with what he had done you know i wish i really wish i really wish that was a thing because then i could just like not have to rejoin games and be a maggot to other players right but this is what we're stuck with for now i guess basket no okay thank you very much uh abm marquez there's money i think we are maybe no i left in the middle out i left the middle out as always basketball this is like something that confuses me but people will go here with teleport and like try to do it fast but when they do that they miss so much of this like the containers they miss so many containers everything's just left behind like this a salad what in the goddamn is that can you [ __ ] off please let me just do this okay no no what is a salad it's a helmet rock scalper salad can i [ __ ] off hit recovery by telling the colors is lighting fire and damage reduced by 10 percent may be good for some people probably not for me because i have a better element mine is like well this magic magic file good npc helmets no wait really it's good resistances vitality hit recovery enhanced defense 175 defense i mean it's is it really though i mean right now he has lifesteal so i don't see how it would really be a good one compared to that like maybe if you have nothing else it's like a budget npc helmet if you're a dog most part of the employee sorcerer's always topic uh they're good they're good but like not no no they're probably topic they're probably topic they can do a lot i think i'll just sell this helmet then it's not like i need it i mean i could give it to you little boy i guess but he never plays so [ __ ] him goodbye what's this scumbag j thank you for the sub deck scope live cope talco but the other ones maybe let's see what we have roll i have uh four i could have five put that there i'm just like but the tall i don't think more of that goes into the trash there's a guy here but he's bound to leave some [ __ ] oh no is he actually thorough maybe not maybe not no he seems pretty thorough seems pretty thorough yeah this might be a waste i think that's for money i guess but there are some corpses i could take as long as the game has that then it's worth yeah there's a bunch of stuff holy [ __ ] can i just walk past you thank you he actually died to these guys okay nice one man the easiest farming area in the game and you still managed to die you had one job basket cope don't die over here please is he actually killing [ __ ] what a loser my god okay i think we're done here fetish have you thought about smelling toast in the stove and thrashing it no i can't say i have i don't know what this says either but thanks it's playing double two which is the goal for the luther shooter games yep good game good game nice to just farm out i think i might switch though i could play uh something else now i i've kind of like recovered a bit from my hangover so maybe we can do something else um let's see here let me just uninstall under that real quick jump king uh it's it's not gonna be a long session because i'm not going to be streaming for like super long today i'll be doing like four hours four or five hours so i don't think so i could do isac honestly i could do that do something i could do it let's just do the isaac daily if i can do a better than that and we'll stop diablo for now cope do some uh yeah isaac hope which is good why sac you buy boomer game yeah that was a good what two hour 58 of of of grinding but we did get we actually got titans for you away the very like one of the best amazon weapons in the game we got uh the boost from my smite thing uh yeah that that's all we got really and then that weapon that has good magic point so now i have like much more magic kind which is sick so it was it was a decent decent little grinder not bad why is isaac muted hello what's going on uh right so we're gonna go to mods disable them all and we're gonna do a bet win daily yes no okay place your butts i'm gonna get some food because i'm hungry gamble yes uh so oh hello are we ready yeah i think we are is it dead baby again that's like the second one in a row god damn have you played rimrolled no i'm not all right [ __ ] baby run let's go don't do [ __ ] immediately tinted rock i wish it was a bob but you know come here [Music] oh he committed suicide in the wrong spot dog i need a bomb one bomb please colon d colon thank you for the sub man appreciate it [Music] please be good okay that's good good item must be lighter but we have actually two tinted rocks i need bombs there we go uh i the secret room can be in like two spots right now we got [ __ ] chaos though okay i'll do this into right at least two chests to just get two out of one here i have zero coins so i don't think i'll be able to get chaos anyways let's do it here oh very nice actually i wanted that more than than the hearts you know [Music] to be fair uh bombs bombs good so it can where can it be down here now it's the rock i think the rock is just ex just not blocking it so it could be left or right here i'm gonna go with this one oh cope okay well oh it's blocked down here isn't it no okay sure that's weird sometimes that happens rarely though that's a cop i'll sacrifice a heart to go in there also to give me that cards no reverse but it could be a higher phantom there or something anything cool oh there we go secret drum and the money machine okay well what a [ __ ] secret oh my god yep oh hello oh my lord god [ __ ] damn well i can't reroll it but i wouldn't either it's a temperature [ __ ] it good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] that's a decent throw run speed up the damage up not bad this guy sucks but whatever well it doesn't really it's just a bit annoying there we go xqcl more speed goddamn okay why not almost at the cap already i don't mind having speed though that's fine xqcl too poor for chaos i would love to have it on stage one that would be really cool but yeah sometimes it's just not it's just not your day you know yep that's good definitely an item and i love being fast oh we got active tainted rock did i just say tainted rock i mean xqcl good maybe very good epic thank you royce is just flexing he's just flexing this guy oh my god that's a lot of redeems xqcl all right can't take that yo though xqcl let's go over here here come here there we go three oh okay xqcl that was a waste oops [ __ ] nice when i do that there goes that little flower [Music] chill this is where having like a million speed so early is super nice it's just so good it's just so good it's only oh that's a very good item for this guy very nice uh sharp i think i have enough arsenal to justify a cash world curse room on this dude okay that's that's that's not worth it but oh well there was a tint i did i break that i think i did i think i did the secret room can't be there but it can be in the middle up here i'm gonna just like go for a please oh very good good morning and some key good might as well check out the shop then look at that i think i'd get a heart back and then a card okay worth very good that was nice a little bit boring but yeah dog actually rigged oh we got devil i just didn't take it because devil is some blue baby is garbage it's not good mm-hmm okay i'm gonna have very high angel chance if i find a bomb back okay nice those guys sit for a full heart that's that's just sad that's whatever not a big deal good that could be sick because they have early hmm nice uh no best homing and yeah this is the lighting room uh yeah yeah that's sad day to be a doubter i think sad day delicious can i have one bomb please well not in this room because it's gonna smell out of reach go on nope a bit more this way can you like actually hit i should have been yeah it's not here of course no bombs yes i might have to take a damage to get that maybe some bombs here what attitude okay i just can't get bumps i actually just can't get bombs i have to do a curse from [ __ ] ah do i want that ah let's get him let's go what a cute little thing what a cute little fella i might regret this i might just regret that let's take the shop mm-hmm yeah there's my bomb great i think i'll use that to blow up the yeah i'm going to take a damage here to get this and i'd rather use the bomb to blow up the beggar to get more chance he is pretty cute i'll give him that also very lethal there we go plus eight i thought it would give more than that eighty percent yes this guy oh my god that was so close holy [ __ ] i didn't get it plus too hard that's pretty good anyways carry cubes um i don't think damage for it if i can avoid it there we have it nope thank you and he should like die please thank you there we go okay [Music] okay yep i should have saved those raptor boss honestly that was kind of a mistake very much mistake okay we got this neighbor i mean syndrome could be up there let's just use this to find out it's very unlikely but possibly depending on the map generation there we go oh wow okay well why not nice finally a bomb this guy's getting wrecked there we go angel what do you know and we get well this is decent this is fine this guy but it's like the i don't know it could be better whoops yeah we're gonna give the believers a chance right bomb well look at that nothing now i think i can bomb and open the chests yes i can what does it have for me strength okay yeah for the bathroom should be a tinted rock somewhere i remember that i don't remember exactly which room had it but it was like in the beginning somewhere we started um it's yeah it's up to the right here next to the bathroom there you are parts okay okay we got one that's good that's good that means we can do more sit good good good good good good good good good good good now we may actually do something weight one troll bombs [ __ ] heart spawn yeah we can do it i'm just not i don't need to kill him and now tremendous okay that's good everything went according to plan i am juwan cho thank you for the raid welcome so now we have one heart and we can uh we have some backup parts too if i just pop strength in i here [Music] it could be a yeah whatever let me have a heart whatever [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it whatever have you ever identified tears up so [ __ ] i'm gonna do it i'm just gonna oh my god he actually helped me god [ __ ] okay cool you need to chill he do be destroying bosses though oops chill there we go all right nothing really worthwhile there let me take those pills though whoops i got plenty of hearts though it's fine it's fine we can the curse room too no not that okay hor i almost nice i will save myself okay so large no all right we're done done with this level hello albino how are your balls my balls are doing splendid thank you didn't the secret room open wait i heard like the baby in the bastard's room right didn't i i could have sworn yeah cool why the hell is streaming so much older than usual i'm streaming much earlier than usual because today in the evening i have something to attend which is a friend of mine yay cars and another friend of mine scott seductive scuttle as you know them in chat are visiting me and my friends and we're gonna go have some fun in town today so that's uh yeah i'm gonna be doing that later because it's friday and so instead i'm just streaming early today got my second vaccine today and i hope honestly it hurt less than i thought it would yeah but you see dragon slayer that tomorrow you're going to be a corpse well not literally but it's it's gonna you're probably gonna have to call and say from work or something it's uh it can be a bit rough nice would be cool to find like a [Music] sick use item whoops there we go what's this then now see you could avoid an item like this this item many people see it as useless and they would just avoid it since i have void you know however if you're a genius like me you just take that [ __ ] you know why because it's very useful and it can have cool synergies and that's more valuable than anything it's a funny item oh my god look at that so good you can't put the cup into it actually all right thank you get a blue puppy bomb okay now we can take this actually seems promising nope oh no oh no we got money though now i can buy the cuban now obviously though we're gonna use it first buy it use it then we do this and we consume our [ __ ] ourselves dental rock uh maybe i can find it i'm not very good at seeing them i usually i usually wear glasses that's the thing you know let's go in there this is the clean room clean room please oh my god and a bedroom a bed that's going to be easy so lord ah that's terrible can you give me some keys please i would like some keys okay very nice thank you bum i can't take it what the hell this guy scammed me [ __ ] off [ __ ] dog unbelievable actual scam i can do some key stuff right about now can i get a skeleton key that would be sick like a golden one of course good bombs how did he die what the [ __ ] did i use my son or something item room my beloved i think i look actually do the sacrifice because i have hella hearts shortium why not oh this is a thing no okay yeah doing this with the curse of the maggot is not the best great it's fine we got money though oh didn't get an angel item yes we can still do the angel and get um yeah money or there's a lot of bombs and is that coop okay we got coins are you winning son no i just lost a lot of hearts for like basically nothing that's fine though that's fine we got higher angel chance fine with me do it fart yeah check this out sick just [ __ ] crazy good can i buy a solar maybe i could use a little bit more i mean we're gonna head to utah soon so nice thank you three keys i mean you know this is one that we can do the boss first do it [ __ ] yes okay that was kind of terrible i should have just no i i kind of need the heart i kind of need heart now so it's fine uh challenge room hopefully we can get some keys and then we can do the big chest because big chests are crazy good okay nice oh oh my god keys oh my god let's get it okay it's up okay this is this is great this is great this is great let's go uh-huh what is this again is this like more trinket space i got it i got it just in time wait what what do they use i think i think i barely got it am i tooting no good yeah we avoided it good morning mr bin seems like the another free win for me yup to me yes yes yes it's definitely a free one i got cricket's head and void and a bunch of good stuff like a damage up and speed up to two speed ups and one damage in floor one and we have the thing that gives us more chance for soul hearts so like it's it's pretty much gonna be a simple one no problem we can actually do that bastards honestly hope no there we go oh i didn't see i didn't see but it's fine that's fine this guy's gotta chill now is it chilling yet there we go just short on them and here we go i'm gonna save that heart though for after the boss boss room okay why did i okay anyways oh cool that was fine really what the hell man [ __ ] before him oh no oh no there you go oh okay okay yeah that was fine that's fine all right we can do bathroom now other than i guess free win by the way bastard we do a little [ __ ] this [ __ ] actually there's a lot of damage though [ __ ] jesus it's not bad oh cool thank you but even then like all we gotta do is mom's hearts do mom's heart and i run this over so it's it's it's fine it's fine uh thank you nice no grid please good birthright mhm yup not bad very good thank you now we have insane damage i mean i could buy deep pockets but it's like it's not like money has any use past this point anyways i might as well spend it i found regular secrets but not super secret kim jamer what's the going on this run it's just a daily today's daily it's pretty pretty pretty bad pretty easy it's only my mom's heart so it's fine got it useless here we go oh she [ __ ] i hate that thing it's so badly telegraphed god damn them [ __ ] hearts though jesus now we're good nice okay that's decent very good no nice oh my god i almost got damaged [ __ ] off this is one chest tremendous yes why not sure there we go great two of them goddamn okay chill holy [ __ ] i thought it was gonna be one oh no there we go but it could keep him big to just make him one shot the mom's heart i wouldn't say this is rigged this is like honestly it's a pretty average one pretty average so it's not like great it's pretty good though it doesn't look good enough to the mom's heart do we need that no and we got damage actually sick tremendous i reach from 0-10 like six five it's decent nice right they shoot thank you and we're done just like that so kill that goddamn heart there we go that wasn't too bad we get wow all right let's go good 245 shutdown shutdown let's um do a random tainted hey here we go place the bats i think that albino done no i haven't finished him but like uh he's kind of i could claim but it's kind of like it's just a game break every time it just makes a bit boring i heard shot talking about terraria did you do a terraria stream before this yeah i've done a lot of terraria i did a base game with master mode um didn't finish it though because mastermode is kind of garbage and then we did uh calamity then i did calamity death mode solo and that that was when i did the whole like aquatic scourge pre-hard mode thing and like doing that boss before hard mode it took me like three four streams of only grinding that for like hours upon hours but i beat it in the end but that was it that was fun [Music] it was good something like that it was kind of meh i didn't like that too much calamity was better i can't wait for team uploads to be fully appreciated for journeys and it's weird that hasn't happened yet because journey's end is like a year old i think would you plan on returning to terraria if timor loader gets up i don't really care about team mode loader i care more about the calamity update finishing if when the calamity update comes out because there's gonna be one soon uh i'll play the game when that happens i'll do a calamity run solo uh because it's a it's just a funny game are we going to play delta in chapter two i already have which stream mario kaisen i have no idea what that is it always takes long for tml updates yeah probably does i just like it i don't really care too much about i don't know what that implies but well i guess it means that you would play on the 1.4 version of the game with yeah with the mods sure yeah but then the mods would have to be updated for that too that's going to take even longer so like when i guess when calamity will be compatible with 1.4 sure because a calamity right now has a c generation that like works with the previous version of the game but one of the major things that 1.4 did was like add a bunch of stuff with the world generation so there would have to be a lot of work to put in to make uh the calamity work with 1.4 so even if even when teamwork loader gets 1.4 it's going to take the mod um mod devs a lot of time to just get it up to pace you know it's gonna be a lot of work especially on like big overhaul model mods like that what do we get okay that's easy one of the easier uh tainteds because the darkness though x oh no why did i have to get that not in this room man nothing's true man come on give me another one that's better that's better mutant spider sure i thought this better okay yeah yeah i think i will yeah i think it will just casually assert as to your item on this character why not okay no steam salo well if i can afford that i will definitely buy it but the floor one yeah i don't know thank you oh no he touched my [ __ ] mutant spider this bastard yep one of the best drinkers in the game let's go let's go it's only the rigged it's all the raid i mean this is like super rig now it's like it would make a rigged it's terribly rigged terribly right i'm sorry chad this one's over for the daughters completely over absolutely over okay sure didn't expect that but that's actually pretty nice it's fine when it's like a temporary thing in my opinion basically monsters long here but it's like it hovers it just keeps being there look at that beautiful tremendous got the mute cube we got a heart um what is the goal now let's do the second alternate stage i think not the first one what does it drink it too every time you clear a room it has a chance to open a red door and that's very good you might just randomly get a super secret which is ultra secrets which is pretty sick pretty crazy thank you what's this that's decent oh my lord oh my [ __ ] god oh my oh that's all that's so good that's actually so [ __ ] good it's over it's actually genuinely over just there's nothing to see here we won actually just immediately over [Music] yep and there you go a secret room just like that oh no that's a good pill xqcl next qc oh no that's a bad thing to have first enemy oh it's invisible let's pump that yeah this one here okay all right oh i spent the heart on that [ __ ] oops hmm oh yeah hello no ultra secrets but you know still good now we don't have a d1 so we can't do the funny the phone is probably not gonna happen but still nice mm-hmm uh yes now you can go here and spam the megaton it's real that was pretty underwhelming this is really [ __ ] underwhelming but okay i was hoping for something better maybe yeah i think we're good devil room pool sick absolutely tremendous do you have an e-10 eaten eaten my balls [Music] this should i now say since my cursed eye is charging all the time like if i get hit i'm going to teleport immediately which might be a problem but we'll see essentially basically just covered interest reading damage uh the uh cursor is not like the mark is not that bad like it's fine it's all right i only have one key i'm gonna go in here don't want that guy well it's range up at least it does something okay this would be pog okay that was a mistake there you go this guy's just getting [ __ ] holy [ __ ] uh i want to get the secret troop to use this singing i think give me a charge item please scam probably shouldn't shouldn't shop honestly but no that's fine gb bug got money though money confirmed nice oh hello [Music] [Music] oh great thanks let's do shop then did you get the both of the x shots yeah yeah oh hello yes yeah i think i will what could this be no that could be better whatever it's fine i just i don't know if for like the past like 10 runs i've only gotten shackles from secret drums it's it's really annoying at this point also a bit weird how he didn't get single um you know uh what was he gonna say a single bedroom the the the kirsky just or the chrysler he just didn't want to proc today at all okay it did not want to wait is this place supposed to have a mirror and [ __ ] well there we go well look at that oh would not be a flight look at that fantastic thank you i see i was kind of hoping for a uh an um item down there but you know what that's fine there we go all right time to absolutely not die actually i have an advantage here uh since the floor is water my electricity like just goes way further the way it should go super far well when there's water i guess also doing this floor twice is really good for this character because you know i always like to do more of this i can also do more like it i used it too early again yes oh look at that hold some more procs on this uh secret room [ __ ] it oh my god i'm getting such dog [ __ ] i'm actually getting trash the [ __ ] man i'll bring that i know the signature is there that is good thank you just kill this [ __ ] again there we go damage and speed i did actually desperately need speed so that's very good thank you yeah the game just really likes giving me a change at this point i don't know why bro i'm never [ __ ] batting again well listen dude they like oh we can actually want this now cool oh i have a chain though why did i do i'm stupid but i got a bomb refund so who cares that's fine like it was you you bet it only on a random tainted character so like it could it could be it could be tainted last sure but it's unlikely that's unlikely to be something i guess the chances aren't that bad for you to get something scuffed but nice very good a character that actually has used for those rooms could have been been painted last could have been i mean last time we got tainted [ __ ] jacob so yeah another water level that's just fantastic xqcl nice ibs i don't think i will i just don't think i will not feeling it today okay sausage very nice sausage um no well we can get more listen it's one step closer to guppy we're big took the big pill there we go now we got [ __ ] no i could help again it's fine i shouldn't have done that though and like in retrospect let me just can i just get hit need a fire now the electricity like energy extends across the map if they are on the floor if they are floored it goes so [ __ ] farted holy [ __ ] you take damage give me a mushroom proof there we go one more poof no there we go let's do the boss thing shall we actually first let's get a curse item or secret under this that isn't bad i have two of it what the hell i got two chains [ __ ] off dude are you kidding me [ __ ] two chains what's the odds of getting it twice i don't get it i don't understand is the game being like this cope oh hello wow sick chain and ball torture let's try to get three let's try to get three chains i'm gonna have this that's gonna be my mission this game let's get a [ __ ] enough chains the shop was trash yeah that's right goopy yo my shadow nice [Music] we do got guppy though and we go i'll move on i think this is pretty good this is pretty pretty good run pretty good run i am not complaining about this one it's pretty pretty just decent got some flies to go with it as well uh-huh and he's just basically that once we pick it up eat it down there that's pretty good the entire screen just a hitbox at this point but i'm fine with it i'm fine with it entire screen is damaged it's like playing neutral just like in a dude yeah oh hello scatter bombs good uh yeah good good good build i think gold bomb why not rock bottom pog so sig 2 and then rock bottom tremendous wait they cost hard okay uh we still got that pound of flesh though but you can use it for devils it's fine it's fine locust of cope um no well whatever hearts and money good [Music] good thank you uh we got secret room i'm not gonna go look for super secrets unless it's right there or there okay well this could also be no it can't never mind hello goodbye there we go we got a small meat boy now let's go secret from used again maybe i can get something epic a glitch crowned maybe right orphan socks okay no chain no chain that's that's fine that's fine whoops blind tremendous okay amazing goodbye god damn i hate those spikes [ __ ] him i don't think i've lost a single ultimate not one that's crazy why not thank you nice yeah i want that item give me that thing okay hand it over thank you no no i don't think i will [Music] come on wow actually i'm being very lucky oh trinkets well let's just give a key all right thank you to use items that's unfortunate i think nice fantastic came to the bathroom so [ __ ] that uh but should i do the beasts actually probably killed i could do best just find a skull not quite what i'm looking for uh no this one there we go wild card good let's break this to get it out of the item pool there we go because we don't need it oops cope yeah she's just by default at this point yeah yeah oh conjoined okay all right i don't mind if i [ __ ] do we're shooting a lot a lot of bullets today a lot of pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good do we have any doctors in chat waiting a chance yep um nice yeah it kind of did happen uh-huh all right yeah that's pretty good pretty good oh i lost the thing i lost the [ __ ] mark thing nice i like that we got four point five volts but now we have infinite items so that's that's just comforting very comforting goodbye assuming this is also probably going to be fixed next next patch maybe yeah i think that thank you okay this time i mean it could it's probably here dogma is going to get uh destroyed i think there's a decent chance hello shortcuts yikes hey forgot to follow you there love your content and have a nice day thank you candy appreciate it shut up hello there we go where the two chains go i think i spammed so many items that i just lost them at this point because there's like an upper limit of how many items you can have on the limit on i reached it and like yeah i can't have more so when i when i get more i just overwrite what i already had makes it disappear the mighty bill is probably gonna look very different on the boss because i'm just gonna spam and get like a million items now angel room will be sick because then i can just like stack angel items but that's unlikely wow another way hello jesus christ that's really that's that's something wow not super useful but why not what are the dinner plans uh we can just go out and get something i guess go buy some dog food now another one there should be last one i think wow deleted strength perfect you want to die thank you goodbye should be here yeah there we go epic let's try this [Music] time to die right there we go sticking like not as much damage as i would think now we can let me get on a bit more i think let's just pop this this there we go that's more like it that's more like it yep that does the trick uh should be fine i should be fine that's pretty good game crash imminent though i'm pretty sure i think we're gonna crash don't take my word for it though oh my god bombs i have less resistance though i got host hat than this oh my lord i'm done i lost it [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yes come close to me yes come to me [ __ ] meat grinder dude holy [ __ ] any bit raters cope yeah he's coping that's pretty good that's pretty good that's not bad at all that's fine this yeah turn into a blender cope good [ __ ] okay i think the i think the believers probably win this one yeah safe but i think i'm done for the day though um i gotta go get dinner etc etc it's been a fun stream sorry i can't stream um tonight um tomorrow i'm not gonna see me there it's going to be saturday it's going to be saturday tomorrow by the way for us unaware uh and then sunday i'll see sunday we don't have any plans to do anything in the evening so i think sunday stream should go as as per usual but then again i do have people visiting so like i'm probably going to stream a little a little bit less this weekend than i normally would but then back on monday will they will be you know back to normal anyways it's been fun thank you for watching love you all thank you for the subs have a good weekend enjoy i will because norway just opened up and we can finally go out and be social i i love it it's actually so [ __ ] nice dude i had like i had like one of the best weekends ever a couple of weeks ago because it was when it opened up and i could actually go out and like go to the dance floor and just like be a [ __ ] with my friends it was so [ __ ] nice nori opened up yeah we can actually go out and stay until like as if corona wasn't even a thing you can go out hug people you can hug your friends and hug random people dance with them talk to them mingle it's it's so [ __ ] nice dude it's i've been waiting for so long for it norway just dropped through yeah so we're gonna take advantage of that and um yeah enjoy life anyways yeah see you uh see you on sunday thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 1,334
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: nuT9nNbJsL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 262min 52sec (15772 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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