Tainted Lost suffering

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uh [Music] [Music] mhm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do good morning what's up today i'm going to torture myself with more tainted lost you know why because i want i want the sacred orb i want it funny streamer man that's [ __ ] loud holy [ __ ] thank you for the sub though octo thank you man i gotta turn it down a bit maybe like that that should be good hello aqua genuine question what if the balls got hard too thank you for the sub the path i appreciate it oh yes okay yeah no we're doing lost we're getting lost i'm just getting prepared here my desk was a bit messy didn't do the cup check um yeah no it's it's lost it's just tainted lost i figured uh i mean keeper is basically lost but at least with the tainted lost he can fly so you got you got that going he goes flight oh [ __ ] [Music] uh albino viewer what's done seed backwards uh this is steve jobs what was what i don't get it anyways uh yeah now we're going to switch we're going to hint lost [Music] switch camera isn't this the camera you wanted though [Music] i thought this is the camera you haven't touched your better items is something wrong i haven't they're poop this one is this the camera you want i can do that one too that's the normal one but now you will have issues seeing my items but uh you know they're gonna be trash so why would you even want to do that would you even want to see them you know what's the point should i even i'll i'll argue they get a nightmare i guess i'm not doing curse rooms cushions are terrible for playing these children for our amusement park thank you for the sub speed 46 problem you know just a little bit i wish i had items i'd say that oh an item well yeah albino where is your uniform better items you owe me a little spin no i don't no more fortnite i think i don't think i do what about now can i get something good now ah now we have something going see here you can play the game just could i actually get the you know indisputably good good item if that's even a word that's righteous by the way the game is playable we have we have potential damage here it's not like i i think people like this item a bit too much i don't think it's justified how much people like praise this item it's not it's not it's not that good it's good but it's you know got this it's not that it's not that great oh but we're doing yeah maybe i should just skip the rest because we're doing uh the beast we are doing the beast so i'll skip the other room i'll do some more rooms now just for for some pickups because i probably will need that at some point well i definitely will lots of more money hmm that's pretty good starting to get something decent now hey albin i've started playing isaac's but i can't beat ultra agreed to unlock lilith do you have any tips to help me ultra like the regular ultra grid that they used you know the normal guy i mean he's not too bad just just just get the d20 and mom's key do that and then you really add your coins and you break the game and you get infinite items that's one way to do it like if you actually can't beat it and you know i think that's a valid approach right how much more do i need to spend i think to get ultra scammed now i'll describe this just uh the the what's this called man [ __ ] it's the role on the discord for people who boost with nitro yeah because paying money is scammed but but paying for nitro that's even more scammed that's why it's called ultra scant it's not just yeah yeah you know yeah i think you get it let's just clear some rims again one thing i like about these is that you have you have time to do whatever you want you got time there's no there's no worries also doing doing excel makes so that we get a angel chance on the third floor which we normally don't uh the store secret card i don't feel like it's worth it the [ __ ] down there is way overpriced and it might not even be good if you can get something good there i'm sure but for the most part i don't and also look now here's the thing here's think chat ground this thank you for 1000 bits the thing about money power i mean it's it it should be obvious it's probably obvious i'm probably just like telling you things you already know at this point but we start with 4.5 damage or something right i have 6.5 now right that's because i have 20 coins if i spend those coins i lose it right if i picked up an item that just gives 2 damage like a stapler you get the same thing but you don't have to like hold on to your money all the time you don't have to make that choice that's why i think monetary power is like it's it's it's okay it's all right it's not as good as people make it out to me though that's fine if you have the pockets then you can get like some super super [ __ ] ultra diminishing returns uh if if you're into that but yeah it's either here or next to the shop it's here okay now we got two keys for a bomb that's could be better but it's something dark dark ambient swag thank you for the for the prime man but money power has a higher damage cap than stapler it captured like 4.5 yes but then you have to hoard money and you can't spend money on good things that you want like it's that's what i'm saying it's like it's okay there's a trade-off but there's also like big big big diminishing returns at some point so it's a bit cringe like it's an okay item it's i don't mind having it but like it's like oh i spent money [ __ ] there goes all my damage oh there goes like two damage yikes but again it's not it's not the end of the world i'm just saying like people i think it seems like people like giving the item too much credits well it's like an okay item but it's not it's not that [ __ ] good this is gonna help me get that room that's stupid [ __ ] planetarium you know i don't like this guy i'm just gonna do this make it a bit faster it takes forever yikes that was a nice nasty bounce there we go we got the lucky coin for some more luck not that we actually need that but why aren't you getting the second gold room item because i want planetariums we're doing the beast or yeah we're doing the beast remember i see okay but albino evil hasn't still checked the second room maybe the ontario chance yeah yeah yeah i think i said that but maybe you turn into a bit later oh some more damage look at that now we got seven damage that's pretty good it's getting there let's make a scam then i i have that i'm going for ultra scams oh ultra cam that's not the thing though we got 67 holy that that's uh that's crazy dude ghosts damn thank you for the money man hey albino hey after tainted lost what characters do you have left to unlock stuff for i don't even want to think about that i'm gonna focus on doing this first and then i'm gonna i'm gonna like consider what i have to do next because this is gonna take a while trust me i've been spending days days trying to unlock [ __ ] for this guy so you know what this is a nice trip those flies are [ __ ] annoying man you should kill the wrong enemy they will they will give you a hard time because they will like try to fly to the next one then they will fly to you very fast and learn a stupid pattern if you like if you're just one in a room like you go down the middle door you end in a like in like a one space room with like one enemy on the right one left one on the right with those blue flags around them and you kill the host enemy on the right then they will just like instantly zoom into you and you lose your mantle it's it's super aids it's happened before and i hate it i thought i'd just get them molding out of the way this is not nice thanks i'm not doing this the the if the boss is to the left to the right here i'm not doing the mirror world because this room is too risky unless i get some like [ __ ] broken item at some point oh we got blind tremendous so i'm gonna get to the angel room i'm gonna get the injured room when i have blind that's that's great that's that's yep thank you edmund and there yep of course and we got these guys that's very not good because these flies are annoying yeah the mirror one for this is way too risky i'm not gonna do that [ __ ] that do i buy the nah i can one shot the boss though so it's fine that's this guy's here there we go tears up i hate you i hate i hate this game this game why did i start streaming today i should just not stream i should you know i should have done i should go for a walk i should have got on my bike and like come for a nice little you know stroll across the around the city bought myself an ice cream enjoy the view touch some grass i shouldn't have been playing this game because this was clearly a [ __ ] mistake anyways uh yeah i guess we're done here maybe there could be planetarium like there is a small chance for actually a decent chance for it because i skipped one room and then i have a the hats i have that the weird hat so you know maybe it's too left here who knows and i can get me curious and get even more upset probably not we can do the bathroom see if there's something good wait oh it's just a good item i don't know it could be anything because there's no [ __ ] funny oh man this game is great this game sometimes it's just [ __ ] great better items by the way better right yeah invisible items i can't even see them no i did better items there's no [ __ ] item though there was nothing pizza time and uh prime pixel thank you for the prime and the tier one do i appreciate it more than these [ __ ] items that's for sure i'm actually so mad well yes it's like that could have been the sacrificial that could have been a secret i don't know why i keep saying sacrificial heart i mean sacred heart it could have been that that's a really bad attitude to have towards this game but you know it's true though it's true it could have been so i don't even know why i'm skipping rooms for planetariums like the items aren't that good the binding of albino mall mold is there can it chat please mention to me like one what's like one really good planetarium item does it exist is that a thing or i'm just going for nothing here venus i think venus that sounds like penis venus is okay it's like charms enemies not so much on the loss because the health doesn't do anything but the charm the the you know the proximity charm that's pretty good that's all right tara yeah terra is the one you want i guess it can yeah you can like break walls for free and [ __ ] why not that's that's a good one but is it worth the [ __ ] like the pain you go through by skipping those rooms i don't know man that that yeah nice room i thought i died but there was a mushroom yeah stay there cry about it uranus uh i i i honestly though i don't think i've tried all of them i mean it's worth it you if you're just going dog my because you'll use the item but it's back yes however if i had some really good items here i could have avoided taking this hit the hit over there that i could have maybe avoided that if i didn't if i had some item that made me had like a better offense or defense i could have had a sci-fly a little bit unlikely as [ __ ] but i could have and there's a good item i'm gonna see if i can get if i can find a teleport card to uh just abuse that and not like actually fight the [ __ ] thing because i don't feel like it nothing and nothing out of the ordinary here a completely useless waste of a bomb item or secret room as per usual now what's up here i can't read backwards man what's the goal of this run the beast we're going to do the beast and hopefully we'll have the beast i don't know if i'll be able to do it but considering my luck so far you know perhaps it's a bit wishful thinking you know see i'll actually do it we have a good like story i mean i have shot speed i got some attack no good modifiers though like i have basically basic tears with some nice stats attached to them but you know this it's not it's not the best it's not the best could definitely have some improvement here i got a center there too which is also pretty good damage speaking of items that are better than [ __ ] monitor power synthetic um yikes i'm not saying mountain power is about item i'm just saying it's overrated okay it could be better greed of course is it degree that will kill me because i have no modifiers yeah yeah it is actually uh let's i don't i actually don't mind losing that i you know when i get an ancient room with soul hearts and turn large i don't really mind losing that run because it's just more frustrating to be in you know yikes oh hello this is a good room teleport is actually very useful in this guy because no i don't need that instead of put out what oh [ __ ] okay well why not could be here this is a red shop yeah it's a red shop what the [ __ ] yikes what about down here then no okay so no ultra secret for me oh well assistant is better at r okay it was good all right there's the real shop we've got two shops now that's pretty cool the teleport is actually genuinely a useful thing on this guy so i'll keep that i'll keep it run for now using the soul thought of canada was kind of bad because it like or was it no it actually it kind of was a bad move to use it there yeah actually uh options honestly i should have used it here rather kind it might be like marginally better to use somewhere else marginally you know what [ __ ] planetariums they're not gonna help me okay yeah i'll just do that if you lose the mantle on first stage what a pog fish what happened did i miss something susie thank you for the what's up man that i missed something i don't know i think i don't think i did give me the iron room yeah oh excellent you know i'll go for xl nightmares because it's like it's higher angel chance and we need you know on this guy you actually need those uh angel items to just carry you oh you don't need it but it's pretty good to have now these spiders are my worst [ __ ] enemy with this dude the amount of stress they cause is unreal nice okay we can go to the book room now nice thing about playing this guy instead of the keeper is that if you get the um book room you know you're like you don't actually have to pay for the [ __ ] i heard this one's good i'll keep it and bomb this it's likely not likely enough apparently i'm gonna try using this what happens now okay nothing happened what what an item i guess i'll have to use it after i kill things not before i kept things this is this this is also the book that causes my death a lot need to finish room first okay i see friendly fly tremendous yeah this is a bad run i'm gonna just see what this thing does first this fly is completely useless though better items by the way oh look at that you get like okay you get these guys and some bone pieces that block bullets oh [ __ ] that's pretty good that's pretty good okay this book this is which is something i'm looking out for if you use it in the big room i'm guessing it's really good oh look at that damn they're doing so much work goddamn they're basically carrying me through the game i've got a pentagram maybe i'll maybe i'll keep doing this maybe i'll keep this run i'd keep this round this is good it's really good what is better items a mod and unlock it's basically what uh it's a description of um the description of this character you get the no mantle but your items are better so like if an item has a quality of like one it will have a quality of two it will be rerolled for a quality two item which is good that is good on paper skellyboy's best boys alby smile true boom boom boom oh they're dead now oh this they actually evaded nope is that i don't i don't have keys yikes could i get some of those yep still not have any keys i do have a bomb the one i'm pretty sure that the secret secret room is like down here yep now we get you know three coins three coins secret room based oh yeah x yx okay i think it's an r look at those boys though holy [ __ ] this is this is like an early game carry i guess it's definitely an early game character this boss is going to get shredded but oh my god oh my lord there's no end to their corners and this guy explodes too that's pretty good and let's see what we get if it's good it's not really but now i know and now i know that that uh that necrobook is is pretty [ __ ] good it's pretty [ __ ] sweet no the only reason i get that is to look for secret trims but i have kind of lost hope in them uh for a time i was like oh dude oh okay well now i can look for secret rooms damn look at pyro i've never gotten that i think like ever i i found it i rerun the secrets from item for it but at that point it didn't matter but i mean having it on stage one is really good like already having that [ __ ] is pretty sweet okay cool oh we got a we got a red card nice you can just check everything i can check that too very nice i got keys well a key mm-hmm where's my game lagging what the [ __ ] is going on what is happening yikes bad room badder and better and better better better and better and better their flour flame away this is a very holy [ __ ] this is nasty room what the [ __ ] you made this who made this okay this enemy is the worst there we go hey bye no tried snooze felt sick and dizzy why do you do this to yourself [Music] an item i tend to get this one a lot susie thank you for the three in the basement um i think it's nice i like the bus you know it feels nice relaxed freaking i have one right now i moved to the barn wait really this does that should be some fire around there i mean it's the burning [Music] basement well it's a defensive item that's like just by default good on this guy so if that red card is the lovers i'm gonna be very i'm gonna be a very very happy man if that's the lovers i'm gonna be very satisfied with this run oh this is gonna spawn a lot of things this is gonna spawn a lot of [ __ ] things let's try it out okay turns out we got a lot of bombs i got two keys though and five coins it's just bombs though look at my items oh my god like we're basically back where we started it just oh my god if i had d6 okay next time next time i play this and get that card i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it if i get a d6 i can i can plant it in lightning room and then d6 that [ __ ] that makes sense that would be really cool much okay i think i'm good d4 will be pug as well i forgot what d4 was oh d4 now yeah with all those holy [ __ ] before we've been seen the four will actually crease right now re-rolling items that just gives you items is really good hot take oh he lived what the [ __ ] yikes nice money nice so the the food on ice sack is really good because you can just reroll the [ __ ] thing that comes out of the thing crazy hey all right get away from the machine thank you okay well speaking of bad items it's okay it's a it's an okay item it's fine it's fine it's all right uh okay yep i'm gonna check the rest though just in case i'm gonna check the rest nice look at the shop too mm-hmm good and i got a bunch of coins let's just check it out la bomba uh and potential for an ultra item ultra secret i'll buy this one the bomba is fine but alright i'll try this one over at the um boss room i think yeah it i could use it i mean i'm just as likely to find it outside of the shop that i am over at the other thing no correct correct there was again there it is which was secret five coins for okay tears we get it tears up at least oh wait wait but this this means that i can take devil deal i can take the devil here without actually sacrificing my angel chance right hey looks really good may feel forgiven i'll i'll check the devil in first and one of when i could use satan there and uh also i want damage for the boss does it only where after oh i don't know i don't know let me just check the let me do some research active contrition uh i think it's i think it's like whatever we'll do the boss first okay well that's terrible that's just bombs garbage let's go in and take the item yeah thank you yes if we didn't lose a chance mm-hmm well not yet anyways not yet i'll buy the bomb though the bomb is funny the bomb is funny i'll buy it it's a funny bomb it is a funny bomb and i'll use it on a shut this next level i like it i think it's cool now let's go in here and use it here just break the [ __ ] mirror i don't care this floor is stupid anyways all right goodbye boom see ya see ya see ya morons my secret dreams now okay bad one mad money do i buy the flashlight or the or the card thing i like cards let's go to the secrets hey oh [ __ ] a soul it breaks the bullets too what a cool item yeah okay well it's better than the [ __ ] pokeball this is not we do a little subbing pilot thank you for the sub man uh yeah let's go down here bye mirror time for reflection is over [ __ ] oh i want that matt teleport card [Music] no epic all right ah let's just do the second item a second item no need to [ __ ] out huh it's just this guy what's he gonna do get him keep him huh okay we got away safe i shouldn't have taken that but he just he just gives you garbage [ __ ] that you know what this little piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] him he's a bastard i don't like him i want extra card space don't give me that joint okay useless uh do i take the flashlight though i think the flashlight is nice to have i think it's not a bad item you know i i can take the damage the damage hit that's fine machine for more damage no i don't wanna i don't wanna siphon all my funds man i worked hard for that money yikes not very good at this game okay all right i forgot i didn't know it was the one that blew up but i guess i'm stupid okay that happens this is a good item though d1 is nice the game is like kind of laggy i think i'll restart after this run i'll restart it like right now i'm like hey not not last round but not right now i'm having like raindrops right now i do be having frame drops which is not nice yes stop thank you what's the d1 do d1 will duplicate around the pickup on the screen so if you come to a room for example it has a good soul or something like that and it's very nice to have other than that pretty much useless but yeah you can get two keys or two bombs you know it will duplicate one thing it's like a scaffolder a very scuffed jar i think your secret room is like up top here can it be yes it can it's probably there hello goodbye i could duplicate this see if it's any good okay i'll start this [ __ ] garbage unbelievable give me one key though oh hello now we get little uh yep coins could it be a good item i don't know maybe it's good i don't think i don't think it is is this bad well it kind of pushes thing away push things away i guess sure drink it does nothing for me nice this is a fresh projectile i'm not gonna use it though what i'm probably gonna do is find a book to read like the book of the dead or something like that that was i was really hoping when i see a library that the item room item is passive but i got like the worst [ __ ] garbage which is uh great may have a key please right or i can't get money for that kilo from poop it doesn't actually it doesn't actually do it though it doesn't actually do it it just actually not do it though by the way it doesn't actually do that i don't know what it does but that's not what it does there's something there's something different that's my theory like and subscribe nice bomb for the pill to ruin the game yes yes stop thank you i'm er it could be down no one down there we go oh my god it's situation like that it makes me like not want to go over planet planetariums because like if i had a better damage i think it would have been like way less risky there we go to be there thanks thanks you got nothing have you done the candies run the repentance i don't know what that is can these nuts can these nuts yeah the balls yes ah unreal under i realized a second too late a mere second too late milliseconds too slow oh my god i haven't found the item they gotta be like right next to each other what is the great one even this is just like a big version there's like no health even it's almost like they deleted like less health oh yes i know i slightly outraged i out ranged them so i should be fine here yeah that's uh that's not bad nothing but okay that's gonna do a lot of damage yeah it's gonna be a lot [ __ ] monsters and proptosis what is this what the [ __ ] well that works i'm not going to complain about it show your literal shotgun build hey i'll be i don't get to see your stream much but me and my girlfriend watch your vods every day thank you for all the entertainment toby's soul thank you for 1000 bits man for the kind words dude this is a pretty good uh yeah it's a pretty good build man guy yikes do we do the the toilet do we do the toilets i feel like it's a bit risky but you know we gotta go bigger home in this ranch man that's all you can do go big or go home i'll do the toilet oh we got the water on the water on this is it's not as mean as the toilet i told you there's some nasty bosses i could use some speed actually i normally don't care about speed but i actually could use a lot of it right now so yeah this is actually pretty easy so far oh spindle dice gamba ah this run i'm willing to recycle my funds for just in case so now we're gonna pull up the item id wiki that i have laying around just in case well it's actually i used a lot but it's you know you you get spilled down dice and you have this thing open now i'm very upset that i got the the the consolation price on my previous level and then found the spindle dice because the is the price is a pretty good spin down now this bomb thing i'm having here it's in the shop item pool so i gotta search that out go go bombs id 250 what is 249 249 is there's options two items spawn after boss fight that's pretty good with spin down that's actually very good because then there's more things to spin down [Music] i've got no keys now but i don't i won't need him for a little bit goddamn well there could be i'm gonna go through all of the poop i'm gonna destroy every poop on the screen for this run very nice a key good i could use uh some more money all right now this what did that spin down into this is a very low id i think that's like this is base game item what will it become i don't think i have enough uh charges to actually spin this down but i want to check just in case i don't think it's done anything like really good but it could be uh it's like very wide here this one is going to take a while just because i got spin down though just be aware of that because i'm already looking for what is it maggie oh mr dolly 370 oh she's in plus continuum she becomes continuing but i think this it is a good enough item to just take i don't think you need continuum to like make this one good i would rather just have tears up because like a major weakness of this bit is the charge time and you can't like fire it without full charge once i get too much treasure for this which is nice i hate that in it so much it's like if you had like a way to visualize where the bullets are gonna end up i wouldn't mind this enemy too much this is bad when you have load attack speed yes they were not doing a mirror roll here should i i have more options so i probably should and i have spin down ready and i will try it for the next one too i don't know man what is this spawn with enemies why is this a thing uh adrenaline blood clot okay the blood pulp what does that become magic scab adrenaline though that's the adrenaline that's something else speed ball speed ball it's speed ball it's number 143 what's 144 142 scapular this scapular okay i'll just take damage done i'll take one of them uh i want more speed that's fine we're good doing good in the damage department i want to do another boss and like rule out some options here because if we get toothpicks as a sacrificial heart and that's that's good so we're doing that we are definitely doing that or is it god i forget it's left around yeah now we get more resources too that's nice almost got hit x okay i did i did the nasty room i'm just gonna do the two of the oh my god the enemy just spawned i forgot he was there [ __ ] it was close got more luck though uh the boss has those annoying admirer morrisons i found your channel from the fortnite thanos video course you've become one of my fav streamers slash content creators keep it up i'll be popping purely thank you for tearing my appreciate the words it means a lot nice instantly died one dead two dead stapler is good stapler is just good that's it is that our apprentice item repentance items have some [ __ ] yikes spin downs like some [ __ ] six spin ounces stapler yes it's repentance 708 one of the later ones uh it becomes dog food and the other thing is the uh there's regular teardrops eye drops is that that one yeah it's also repentance what does eye drops turn into i didn't check the id [ __ ] 600 oh okay yeah no it doesn't turn into anything good i'll i think i'll get space do we get tears up or do i get the other thing my final is mega mush spin down i know but i don't have mega much unlocked so i can't this could make the difference between like one shotting a boss or not so i'm gonna get i used to spin down over there right did it have a used slide and prior to that i don't think i did if i did i would i would have spin down it but there could be another item here that's been spinning down that could spin down again for something better it was flashlight and then it turned into a no i took it all okay uh yeah we're good now we just gotta find like the consolation price is either godhead or or sacred heart is toothpicks i don't think i've seen through picks so far so if we do get toothpicks from boss which is more likely now since we have more options uh i'll look at i'll get sacred secret heart can you spin the knife i could have but i don't want to risk it i don't think it's turning into anything good let me check what it what it becomes my final becomes it will turn into a booster pack honestly i should have done it yeah it would have skipped mega bush i'm going to booster pack so that that's i should next time i get there i'll do it for for for that reason you know that's actually good it's actually pretty [ __ ] good we've got some items to spin down hopefully bf5 mind what do you turn into hyphen turns into bff no i'll think about it which then turns into secret map which then turns into 20 20. if i can re if i if i can spin down this three times if i can spin it down three times then i will get 20 20. oh [ __ ] i didn't even think about that anybase goodbye 21 is bad with once how how is it bad well you already have yeah you only you get the damage minus but you get one i think you have like one more bullet or do you get double i'm not sure now the issue is i have like no attack speed so i gotta i gotta get more of that like i can attack like once a [ __ ] year that cat night hairs just do a little research here um it is also like a low it's 165 blue candle yeah i should just take that i'll just take it but it's good damage so [ __ ] it a worm holy [ __ ] we got some charge back [ __ ] you like one left i have one left oh my god you are kidding me you are actually holy [ __ ] dude unreal wow dude wow what are the [ __ ] odds like for real what are the [ __ ] odds wow [Music] what are the actual laws for that like nothing like so [ __ ] oh my god it's the most like it's the most like stupid things that happened to damage me today like it can't just be a normal enemy like a misplay for me that was like obviously yeah it was a misplay but it was like so [ __ ] minor okay i should probably have this we got that the regular eyedrops and we got um divorce papers divorce players first i think is new no it's afterwards plus 547 took way down here dad's ring it will turn in the book of the dead because i haven't done oh it might be that's ring i don't know the other thing though the those like weird t-rex things i forget their name they have like a really weird name but let's check the angel deal i guess but spinning down oh wait well i don't have to find toothpicks let's just say that oh yeah there's a little trick with spin down there there a little a little trick for some bonus damage if you're not gonna use it anyways then why not if i didn't take the damage to the [ __ ] thing i would have been very it would have been a very good run but oh well it's still very much doable now i just could not [ __ ] up which i tend to do a lot but you know oh we got we got homing on these [ __ ] what could possibly go wrong right how does the [ __ ] up really bad well lottery wait it's a lost run but yeah still haven't done the item room let's do that 26 damage by the way can you share the seed this one is busted yeah to see this uh right there just screenshot it if you can i'm gonna let you spike rock i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised the gehenna is probably gonna get me though because like no matter how much damage you have there you still can get [ __ ] by the stupid uh rocks and whatnot like i i would like to get one uh use more of the seraphim he is 390. i think he's in the angel pool which should put him next to a rune bag rune bike really makes souls but you know what having a little maggot hit enemies for me while i charges which is pretty good i'll take it and we can also buy bfs bffs with that so okay if you want to waste your your coins sure the goal is the beast by the way there's a big big boy and like the thing is i don't have any defensive items i have a good offense and on the final boss it doesn't really matter like he has a certain damage cap and whatnot so we need we do need uh defense i need some defense i gotta get that please no blind darkness i'll take that turret fly i think oh [ __ ] turret fly is id 430. it will turn into the head of the keeper and i would rather like i i think that's an offensive line so i would rather have a head of the keeper and just get some money to be fair okay it's a dirty one okay oh thank god i could push the way jesus that was nasty let me shoot it up what the [ __ ] oh well i can just check this out it could be agreed but no it's peggy and the coin flip let's do a little research wooden coin is id number should i should make a list like excel file for like a afterburner items 349 placebo and then diplopia not really about that the other thing is baggy what will baggy what 424 after birth circular protection protect me from myself quality one large halo that oh well actually i do want that i don't care much about baggy but i do want this it's a little bit of protection that could go a long way also let's go spin on the turret the turret nice we're going to make another twitch spawns if no for what reason are you doing this research because i have spin down nice oh yes money uh i could open these fast now what did i mean speed is nice to have but the bet is like one of the very low items best return to spoon they do the exact same thing i might as well take it [Music] the wire coat hanger also is right next to it the word coat the hanger will turn into mom items so the way this one is tears up is nice slightly faster that's good that's the good that's a good two keys i think i don't regret that for even a second that's a mimic oh jesus christ the ring saved me there i think i think it did spin down let this go boss's dead blinky is good i should just take that but let me just check just in case sorry about all the pulses but i really do want to win this pinky id 430 oh it's like after birth 438 d7 that's useless the other thing is what that's coin 455 yeah i'll take the tears up i'll take that i think we're good then yeah we should be good brazil becomes deeply we have to watch for the diplo i mean i could do it twice i suppose but like i don't really care i guess like you in retrospect should have gone for diplo but that's whatever i could have done one more blink and slightly faster attack speed i suppose as well as one more lock for that last coin oh no no yikes hello hello mom's necklace moosh the mighty thank you for the sub man uh next is like down here right was necklace added later most pros it's after birth okay 355 i thought it would be like earlier man that's good it's not something i need neither of those i must not do it roman empire thank you for the prime next let's have this guy do it that's the situation where it's actually not good to have it that's the situation where monster rung is once long is bad there it is as the one situation is bad and here's the prediction uh let's see no [ __ ] shrew man that [ __ ] shroom got me what so i got to restart the game now i'll restart the game because this is like low frame so now it's buggy with the controller hold up i i figured something like that would happen so i was like i was like cautiously optimistic about that run i was very cautiously optimistic okay what's this then nope there we go now no do a little r with a little r i'm looking for excel or item room excel okay i had a little bit too long shot me there we go better items by the way i don't know why that's not quality zero but oh well better items by the way i'll be suss yeah yep exactly my thoughts okay better items by the way ah now that's better items what a room it's not like fantastic but it's against a decent item it could have some fun synergies it's a chest what did that no that was the door okay there we go what we have here now the world is nice but just there that was just like a lack of defensive items like again i had a really good um really good damage but my defensive was like nothing actually nothing and my my attack was like i can shoot once and then i would have to like not attack for the left for the rest of the room which is a bit dates okay there's secrets not that i can do much about it but it's there i normally hate this boss but since i don't have since i can't fly it doesn't really matter like he can't hit him with a with a shitty lace behind because like a problem with him is that he leaves trails and those trails can kind of they can kind of lock you in sometimes restrict your moves a bit you have a cursor we did i can i can do the cursor cool try the old potato challenge if you haven't already i could try that why not but i'm gonna be i'm gonna get the hit i'm gonna get i'm gonna get that orb first though i'm gonna i'm gonna kill the beast with this guy that is that's first well just what i needed it's fantastic what's this an item wow rare it's a pretty good one it's a pretty good one an actual good secretary holy [ __ ] give me some money nope it's no rock bottom but it's a good item he wants to beat the game yeah i want to do a beast that's what i wanna do it's gonna take a lot of time but i'll get there okay another key great i threw three keys got that let's watch this one nine involved in that battery nice [Music] mm-hmm i mean rock bottom rock bottom is a good item but what i want like the obviously the mo the item i want the most is echo chamber echo chamber is better rock bottom is like you kind of need to find the right items for it like i have a good starting point when i have already quad shot but oh this is fine i like this one this one is cool aha library now i need shot speed really bad shot speed is gonna be like super important here there we go oh it's gonna be enemies you just killed they can't they can't they don't linger all right i see i found the item limited guitar in the library yet no i think i have it unlocked i should have but i don't think i found it in there yet it's a very good item though if you found that i think it's just a very rare one yeah like i think you can get it there but i think it's very very rare like unlikely as [ __ ] it kind of has knocked back sort of it's like a weird knockback stuff damn i can see forever all right priestess is gonna let me one shot a boss so there's that let's find the ultra secret super secret i mean bad okay now scratch the flames this is one of the better super secrets i think you got two chests it's a bit scary though because of the two um oh low shot speed up great the fool oh yeah this is the one that i should save until i get a uh some sort of some way to reroll i think if i get that it can be very good no [ __ ] that place come back cool i should have taken that up after oh well actually i should probably go in there no it was about is this this is the one no it's this is the raggedy one you want to get the clean one for the crawl space i could take more damage or something [Music] all right yikes use items [Music] nah well the case is kind of [ __ ] useless alright i'll take those yeah they're usually nice to have uh let's i can't actually bomb the guy [ __ ] i'll just go to the boss 3 chance let's go skeleton carry at least dad there we go we get a plus and speed ball shot speed again nice now it's actually pretty pretty pretty formidable pretty formidable a bit negative and i think that jacob uh no i've only done uh i'm only that's golden trinket right i've only done that one for um okay i guess that doesn't actually work against bosses i'm only done greedy tainted jacob that was terrible never doing that again okay nice room nice nice [Music] i don't need more luck i think i think my luck is good enough oh [ __ ] off oh that might be good maybe oh yeah i think it is now this needs homing and they're going to be very very nice [Music] yes may we yex yeah it's pretty good can't complain oh this is nice to have against these guys because they [ __ ] suck okay that's i think it's a pretty good damage increase like pretty big i gotta find the shop though and bomb the the keeper this one huh do you want to gamble on this all right go ahead i have i don't have eye ops for this but you know i might get a good dangerous item i have pretty high chance for it so skellington a bit late but okay all right nope worth checking out but nope nope boss time ah treasure room but yeah like if i get i think sacred heart with this would be it's like it's always always good but now that it's gonna make it home deal more damage and also the the bullets that fly out are gonna fly right back in again and do even more damage or just homing in general is gonna be really good now oh well goodbye soon goodbye soon doubters any any doubters my odds just became bigger better stronger less model hairline airline retrieved [Music] no the damage is not fantastic right oh actually it's pretty good okay oh my god he's being demolished okay so it can put some bombs i i want to see i want to see what this [ __ ] sword does to this i'll look it up first oh it just overwrites it it just overwrites it it all writes yeah i'll take the other thing if it doesn't actually do anything don't forget no point like it that's the thing about spirit sword it's like it sounds fun but it doesn't it just overrides basically everything you got which is a bit annoying so i guess we can do double deals if if i get him this is a whole different story but the right item now can make a [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] difference there we go spooky rip ghost yikes okay that was nasty got a lot of bones now uh more bones the bones are pretty good barriers okay the skeleton oh bunch got one shot i'm sure the sword has some pretty good combinations but like i'm just not finding them you know this is probably going to be agreed now no okay um pale space is really bad on this guy because you can no longer find holy cards and my holy card would be overwritten if i took it so that's that's weird we don't want that or that okay also any item that procs now would be nice like if we could get a holy shot that would be insane like that would be also it really crazy damage like on par with sacred heart i would say almost i'm done done what a [ __ ] room what a [ __ ] room with this this is this holy [ __ ] believers in shambles okay believers in shambles that was just a nasty [ __ ] room is this just gonna make it harder to control i think it is it only damages on the edges now and we get two bosses yeah i just made my life more difficult by taking this it doesn't it doesn't split into tears why not it doesn't split into tears right i thought it was supposed to uh avoid those lost souls i might as well get void yeah i basically ruined everything with by picking up that i'll get the book there we go that was terrible but now i know i i mean i'm learning i'm learning more about about the game as i go along oh this is just terrible though it's so scuff to control now i have to use more brain power now to just control the [ __ ] thing and just use it and like yeah now i need like homing or some [ __ ] to compensate basically basically need homing toronto homing is going to be really difficult to do any boss with us my damage is kind of [ __ ] too so it's a lot of jumpers hello there we go there was another one goddamn seriously oh there was that guy okay yikes no oh my lord oh okay speed and damage i'll take it okay dude i'm so done with the spawn locations of these worms man i'm actually so done with their spawn locations what the [ __ ] it's so stupid they can like spawn in your ass like what the hell unbelievable oh we got this book now [Music] it's gonna happen again yeah it is jesus christ okay okay let's ruin the run with this unreal unfucking real man it's stupid because like the the the things that have been damaging me so far have been like the weirdest like ran most random [ __ ] i could have doubled my card i could have done well it's a little bit even a 50-50 but i could have done it didn't think about it fast enough no just i don't care i don't care spawn inside of me just do it just spawn into my just it's fine just one of my oh hello yeah [ __ ] that run anyways now we have scifly okay let's do a button this one we have we have sci-fi so let's do a bet from the first i usually don't do this it's better from the first stage so if i do win this there's gonna be a [ __ ] huge garden reward for the believers but you know this is something i've never accomplished before but scifly might let me do it this is a really [ __ ] good item like so god i'm good come on yes i'm roman live thanks for the prime the pockets for seven do i get that here no uh secret room is not yet determined could be in many places this is not nice what a [ __ ] master room [ __ ] hate these jumping bodies and these spiders i can get the pockets let's get it more money it's good because it's like it doesn't just raise the money cap it makes it so that more money spawns after clearing stages or rooms rather or you get hearts which is epic too anyways poopoo i want to bomb him just make it faster there we go well range that's something pretty good range too i'll do next unknown well that's fine it looks likely but it's stupid to check well it worked out thanks no you're like albino you [ __ ] idiot thank you sivan oh money room [Music] there we go the first proc of more money money all right yeah okay it does that that's gonna let me kill the boss faster i guess i prefer bob the head the head thing that you throw i think it's better but whatever it's just me just me but i have one of the best artists in the game so this is like definitely a good run i just got to get like now i just need the now i have the one defensive item you need to like beat the beast or like any big boss like hush or delirium or whatever but you're also gonna get the damage to back it up and that's like the yeah where the usual rng just needs to kick in you know get him fly yeah cause i'm gonna stay far away from that i'm gonna have sci fly but i [ __ ] hate flames i flame ptsd we're getting close to 1k viewers every day by the way that's cool that's yeah dude it's actually insane uh like the past i think yeah this this this entire year has been it's been crazy like in terms of like my view accounts it's it's wild i really appreciate that thank you all that's the most genuine thanks i'm ever going i'm not very good at that if you can't tell map a horsepower what is this oh okay that's a lot of flies um map could be useful but this is really worth i don't [ __ ] know you're welcome maggot less than three less than three ah gosh thank you for watch thank you man am i i should i want to get the car though car's gonna be good i like cards let's try the minecrafter that's pretty good really risky to use but uh does damage but i don't know if it was that or if it was the flies that just demolished the boss hard to tell do we just go devil room do i just say [ __ ] i go devil room i can check it out at least i'd sincerely [ __ ] regret that i'm not going to lock myself in the beliefs i don't i don't want these items immediately you know what i don't like melee now we have like meal immunity and range of meat like it's gonna be difficult to be mealy than difficult to be hit by range so i think this is good to have this let's go for it let's go all the way curse of the lost true [ __ ] these guys do it's a lot of [ __ ] tears holy [ __ ] we got a free bomb per room which is pretty nice the [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] okay experimental no i don't think it's worth i completely lost where i am did i go down here or did i go up here i don't [ __ ] know that was a dead end there we are thank god i have sci-fi to deal with these [ __ ] i thought i would have died here after that that's such a [ __ ] nasty room at the last holy [ __ ] for the bedroom yikes i like that there was the poo to drop that and not this the flame [Music] dude really helped me out there now like okay not gonna help me against the boss but four rooms pretty good but i'm not gonna do the the double boss for this your mom your mother [Music] chris i haven't oh this got a bit on here though what i could really use a map holy [ __ ] i think i have to bomb him like soon i think i think spooky just saved me there like it just just saved me because the thing went away i'm at the cheer cap i'm out of the tear cap yet but i'm like very close okay well done we go oh yeah damage oh yes yikes there we go oh okay 90 now we gotta get a devil room that isn't like homing tears i'm like good modifier and i'm good holy [ __ ] okay mimic moments i'll get this for free now what do we have in here the dirty room full of poop there could be a secret up there actually no chance but [Music] possible that's nice i gotta spend some money though and it's here modifier right now dude any would be good very good there it is yes i'm the carpet for free item no no i think i will these guys have just [ __ ] movement patterns please no greed good tear bomb it's like it can be maybe okay but this could be a card lovers if that was the lower stud goddamn uh i haven't got item yeah i haven't done nighttime yet there it is you want to get hit like once please thank you all right damage up and concussive some more more more like uh you know modifier it's gonna it's gonna proc a lot too yeah sorting thank you for the prime man all right boss time okay what a [ __ ] attack yes there we go range shot speed not bad i sacrifice the sci-fi no i think it will i might as well take the hairball down who knows maybe down the line i'll get guppy i think we're good if we could go but that's pretty good but not like great [ __ ] hate this room i don't want to be here oh hello could maybe maybe potentially be good i guess wow wow what a room this snacker one but i want to kill the shopkeeper i'm gonna kill the keeper before i do the boss just like maybe i'll get the [ __ ] hey um double room oh my god dude that's exactly what i needed thank you nice now i'm gonna get way more used for my damage we've got a keeper tooth again i'm pretty sure the secret room is in uh can it be no he can't can't be there i think i want to go for the secret room because i'm greedy there we go okay cards may be good yeah savage that's damage if i need to die from a [ __ ] mega students yeah no that's oh actually now that i have a too spooky it's it's pretty unlikely actually i just need some damage if i get like a stapler or something i think i'm fine like i'm good if i get that i don't like having that spike around i'm gonna use this i see you're joking well i got decent i got luck also that's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] reward but that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] award yikes like literally any damage right now is good just anything because like i have homing i have good attack speed there's like just the raw damage is all in there really modifiers in check well so there we go more money tremendous i mean my damage is [ __ ] my my defense is pretty good so we got that going at least okay i'm just getting the worst better writings by the way like my past couple of minutes has been so bad that's going to get the shop and then i'll leave where is the shop man [ __ ] this stage what the hell i don't even want to go here man okay oh this sucks this possible is so aged if it is if you don't have like good damage like if you're bad damages both ways it's [ __ ] terrible but this flight is not that bad okay no room that's really bad 77 chance by the way yikes i want to gamble 10 gift subs for my for your win against or4 [Music] this is damage i need to find a teleport card so i don't have to fight that are you this oh my god dude it's every time an enemy spawns inside of me every time i let me spawn see me spawns inside i see the room i see it and it's like okay enemy there enemy there i'm gonna go in between them and the moment i do a [ __ ] ghost just spawns inside of me it's holy [ __ ] he was just there then and now like oh if he was a little bit later he'd be fine like actually not no biggest then that's so dumb that's so [ __ ] dumb dude god spawns inside but that's gonna be completely circumvented like if i had good better damage it would have been fine but i like my damage was just trash oh my god xl and a terrible item [ __ ] that then gift for next no no you go for it i guess if you want i like this one though that's a decent item every second room guaranteed i like that i hate the [ __ ] delayed spawn of enemies is so annoying in this game like the enemy's just there when you're spawning that's fine but like when they come after like you see the room you scan it quick and you make sessions and then like after it spawns enemies like what the [ __ ] jesus christ this is actual age [Music] what's this then fart i found a pirate pill okay i missed it good pill with like one range there we go can i please have a good item i guess not farting range up well i'm small so we got that going what's this okay well we got some decent upgrades so it's it's fine that's actually not bad they all they all work so i'll take it i'll take it since we have x-ray i'll take it and then the curse of the loss doesn't actually matter because we'll find the secret room anyways [Music] next it doesn't add like just impeccable [ __ ] defense but it doesn't matter if you're if your offense is garbage these do not matter yeah let's just go all in doubt tati for for free man if you want three [ __ ] coins three three channel points just go all in that only that for free money [ __ ] this place man [ __ ] off bathroom cool cool cool cool there's the secret all right kevin suarez thank you for what's up man all right please be good that oh that's actually pronounced that's not bad that's not bad look up the better so i do want pills now look up this is a terrible room for me for this character this is not yet not sure what the game expects me to do there but there's so many [ __ ] enemies baby cry about it matt and there's the other room wow sorry someone really asked this already but this all this isak and isak video is coming to youtube what does all this isaac mean oh oh uh i mean there are like many on my second giant letters i was really working on the main channel right now it's just not i i don't have anything to though no it doesn't [Music] what could this boss be it was that thing okay i will see if there's a good devil if not under lr well that's a decent item actually speed and damage it's not bad sure take that yeah i think it wasn't damaged three damage and good speed i like speed on this guy he starts he starts with pretty [ __ ] speed so having some more is nice aha crawlspace what's this done whatever that is oh okay this could be funny that's cool i like it this is definitely gonna get me killed by the way this one's gonna get me killed but it's funny though at least doesn't suck bullets into them so it's that it's gonna i can just like shoot whatever until will just work well a bookworm i guess where's the wayne thank you for the sub likewise plank was taken enjoy i want to see what's behind here this is number five three pill what is that uh what does the room do number three i have no idea d20 oh again what if we just like pop this now clearly that was not d20 that was not the 20. that was anything between 20 but anyways are you sure about that that's garbage it was kind of trash around though that's fine i picked up magnets i picked two [ __ ] magnets so i was i wasn't like too thrilled about it you could say give me an item though item room crack this guy nice night okay item i guess it decent it does something alarm is there an item in this game that does the exact same thing i've seen this item before like the red blob thing is the exact same [Music] pretty fly i mean it is damaged kind of sort of potentially maybe this is actually trust you in the right eyes so it's not bad yeah yeah so it's one plus damage basically daddy thank you for the best gosh cool maybe maybe cursed room nice nice dude with nothing in it great all right admit defeat bill better items that's a very that's a good one library though i think i'd like that i hope this item is not the use item if this is use item i'm going to be very upset and of course to no one's surprise it was a [ __ ] news item that's going to get the key no key though okay that's fine what's this this is not bad i'll take it that's pretty good damage up do do dude [ __ ] off [Music] that's right thank you for watching i can't read i'm playing video games man how do i read i'm guessing the secrets this is connected to three sure let's see right yep awesome great explosive diarrhea well i'm slow now but i can try i can make that up later this is going to be really difficult you don't want to be slow on this character this is like the one character when you want to be kind of fast because if you can't get out of harm's way then you're pretty [ __ ] [Music] we gotta kill meat where's the wind thanks for 10 subs matt holy [ __ ] and i didn't even have to win the game for it amazing hey damage let's go great good job nice too easy boss this guy can do something stupid i hope he doesn't good good thank you little four-hour train dude what the [ __ ] that's crazy yes oh oh yoker that oh oh okay next level is guaranteed engine so we're not doing we're not doing devil this time that's good i'm gonna get iron though mr win thank you for the sub to sad boy aturoshi thanks man that's my reply that's my response just play that sound effect again that's my response to that adam too [Music] have some piss [ __ ] this game man will i go to yourself that's fine cass thanks for the dear woman thanks dude okay hmm my range is dog [ __ ] holy [ __ ] marina's ass oh my god that's [ __ ] oh let's go i'll just use it mad oh yikes yeah but we kind of came back there if i find some like a dd1 in here bigger boom hmm yikes what's this train kit master well that's really better than what i have now so well i can't afford it anyways can i i want to smash the [ __ ] thing the lockup i [ __ ] hate this guy well if he's being nice then that's fine too usually he's not being nice usually he's being an [ __ ] so this is cool angel damage smash the trinket i don't care about [ __ ] bookworm [ __ ] this game and that's what i'm talking about give me a shot diagonally so i can cover those angles too now we got the damage damage the damage is you know damage is doing well damage is doing well that is that is covered what's this i guess i don't really need those kids do i [Music] mr ben thank you for another gift sub holy [ __ ] let's go let's go guys i'm a fortnite streamer now i'm just gonna say let's go let's call it today yeah i'm definitely i'm not gonna get those keys now look at that all right snipers can i get a trinket the angelic spoils would be sick yikes no it could be here too you have luck take the pills look doesn't matter when it comes to pills look does not matter at all uh yeah i shouldn't we go oh we got it anyways [ __ ] i have nothing to do in there though no gambling no i guess i could but first i'm gonna take a piss one sec so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jimmy also snooze time man so i did that item room done shop done no secret yet though i'm gonna start getting that maybe there's a good item unlikely but you know what's possible there we go it can't be done here now yeah i don't mind if i do can't be there either yeah it can't be up there it is to the right of the uh yeah there it is no the [ __ ] the [ __ ] above the battle room maybe perhaps the only the only place left i haven't checked this up here hmm let's check to the right here surely i've checked here protect up here right surely i've checked up yeah right no i'm not even gonna see what's in there i won't get [ __ ] mushrooms dude oh hello that's a very good start terror now we have damage enough for all the bosses [Music] up until a certain point okay what do we get a choice between floodgates and this is that mercurius sol permanent shows location of the boss room of the map okay now and the other one is open the floodgates yeah i'll go for neptune definitely attack speed [Music] i want to clear one more room if i can if possible okay good bombs good money now i should change check for a secret but the secret list will be anywhere i wanted to be there though no could be here as well yes pills not gonna risk it this is a good run i'm not gonna risk it let's go one shot the boss nice just hold on button hold left to win see what's up that's pretty good uh i prefer this one speaking of nope those lizards thrash damage it does do something but not a whole lot now is that a birthright or do my eyes deceive me that was a passive silly billy oh it's a yeah it's a passive it's a passive gosh thank you for the pins i'm for the advice this is a blind i haven't played this game before so it's a blind playthrough i don't know how it missed both i guess it has a smaller radius than the regular one perfect we actually have extra lives of this guy that's very nice that's pretty [ __ ] good yeah i i have actually there was one run i don't remember exactly what happens but i had a way to infinitely get money and i had to restock so i just like kept buying and buying and buying i think it wasn't untainted last run so i really wanted to commit to it and look what that got me i have several [ __ ] competition marks there we go uh we got secret i got item i got shop there could be more but i'll just the boss first like it goodbye look keys wow birth on the loss is essentially better items but again no you get the next arrive i'll do angel let's feel i'm not feeling if i can double on this one at albino vivo although you didn't have to win the 10 gift subs i just want to tell you to get good okay thank you for the best man and a chance the item was echo chamber item what do you mean it removes items that have health effects oh it does that no it doesn't no he has it by default yes by default doesn't he i've never got an hp on this guy so that's that's like per default he doesn't need birthright for that that's like literally how he works what is secret in the last password in the rock bottom well i will never know this guy shoots bullets i want to kill those what if it had rock bottom yeah that's uh probably not gonna happen next one might be good maybe perhaps there's a chance i'll run this guy 36 uh let's go i need some damage just a little bit again the run but i have like really good fire rate but like no damage okay [Music] well [Music] there we go just looking for the boss now and there it is one shot time not quite but almost i'm done done [ __ ] hate that boss oh man all right two of them well i have an extra life so it's not like over but it's kind of over i gotta get that holy cow back somehow somehow i gotta find it i feel like i can barely do one of those poops in one charge of the neptune it's just a little bit damaged really one more there we go more this is a big [ __ ] level holy [ __ ] if a [ __ ] uh motion explosion got me again i would be so [ __ ] mad d okay oh bouncy laser too cool that's pretty good this this has like potentially really good synergies so he shows through the thing i don't think he would because i don't but okay yes would you kindly die there we go andrew please please thank you [Music] thank you holy shot this is very good yep i'll take that because it's going to proc a lot item done shop done no not shop done is very good in this guy because of the look just like that bullets nope could it be it could be below here yep [ __ ] flames there we go money the shop didn't have anything nice not right oh it's like that i agree with you chris mick thank you for the prime gamba yeah yeah okay and down we go i don't have high ups for maybe i'll pull through even though it's really [ __ ] unlikely that didn't kill him yeah my damage is trash i have base damage i haven't gotten have i got a single damage up no i haven't gotten a single one wow i can double shot more on you done i just know i just know okay and we got we've already gotten this one man come on yikes [ __ ] off flames [ __ ] you bookworm no not yet big chest could be good if i get a teleport i have i have bad experiences with that item not gonna take it that thing it's gonna punch them so [ __ ] hard it's gonna punch them so [ __ ] hard i can try it they're all punches now by the way x that could have been what lost my game to go off like an off-screen at this point oh my god it does concuss [Laughter] the laser punches but i'm done dude it's like okay it's probably gonna [ __ ] me up but it's funny it's at the very least it's it's [ __ ] funny how it looks oh my god with bouncing it's actually really scary yikes literally making him vibrate oh my god his boss is gonna kill me see the positive there is no way on earth a charging boss will ever reach you now true true true oh my god dude uh secret item big chest jarrow albee poggers big chest jarrah big chest oh oh oh oh eight keys i only have his keys let's go let's go big chester i generate first or after because if i generate first i can get it's gonna be a pic i don't need pickups i i should go all the way and just try to get the [ __ ] you know oh my yo black pill okay see that's that's what i'm talking about now we don't have luck anymore i was afraid that's what's gonna happen but uh it was funny while it lasted we still got it though you know it's still oh yikes just instantly [ __ ] worked jesus christ knockback well i got a lot of things you got a lot of things i thought those chests had like you needed to be two out of it was two to eight it yeah they usually it's usually two to eight not like how do i put that the lower limit of keys required to open a big chest is two and eight is the highest in cost that makes sense like we still got [ __ ] you know good good damage and [ __ ] but we don't have that 10 luck to like boost it into [ __ ] oblivion that guy's never gonna reach me that's for sure he's just going to stay in there and get bullied so we got we got that going it's going to stay over there thanks and there come the worms that [ __ ] late by the way tossing the worm across the [ __ ] screen you're you're dead you're dead give me that engineer man also no you can get perfection again can i don't know that that is news to me oh my god i was close well hello there if i don't get joker like or the room i can just do that doesn't this want to shrink it well i i might as well just have that also donate some more for angel chance i should give some back it's been a while there we go anyways all right mother this is gonna be interesting uh i'm doing like no damage though holy [ __ ] like this is doable but i wouldn't be surprised if i die in like two seconds because there's so much going on okay where was i speed not like i needed that but okay okay but the thing is that we didn't bring the [ __ ] we didn't bring it a lot i can still no i can't to make a satan all right or i guess did we have a prediction oh no we did oh man well i messed up yikes yikes what's this done damage well i got speed i this is terrible i like the item that just makes me worse oh my best friend let's go what a way to lose my money i'll be just true so true that's true yeah it's kind of true boom boom boom boom boom boom oh so many keys i'm not going to do them all but [Music] [Music] all right goodbye boss more speed all right people doubt your skill so much the odds for a win this the last bit was six one to six well i haven't i have never beat this thing though ever like i haven't gotten it once so that's kind of understandable what what the [ __ ] is done i checked there it's down here it's gotta be down there okay alar i like xl [ __ ] idiot well i did [ __ ] up the run though like didn't i i didn't kill the beast i couldn't kill the beast that's the loss i messed up an unusual way oh nice it's going straight for something what is it going for no she's not okay now there it is oh it's a tinted it's also there obviously like alternates between them oh my favorite thing in the whole world i can't believe it i can't [ __ ] believe it every time i've been in there that happened every time hey it's the believers molding item [Music] crawl space where's the crawl space [Music] curls me here i'm just going for a tinted no shut the scree for me you're griefing me right [Music] yeah they're gripping me okay oh my god if you lose a bet and you're mad about it it's not because of albino you simply miscalculated the risk and lost more than you could handle stay mad true and it's worse the freak is because that's true holy [ __ ] this game what a run if i do this this this oh no no no if i lose this if i lose this one i'm gonna be a set gamble okay i don't have the holy cards i'm like kinda yikes what is this pathing holy [ __ ] yikes okay let's see if chad was grieving me where's the crossbit oh chris that's what's grieving me what what [ __ ] morons wrecked entered okay i can break the tinted and get the [ __ ] so hard if you want it so much you guys are you know you guys are actually [Music] like so [ __ ] stupid right because you're gonna say you're gonna say nowadays like uh we trolled you all by we go but in reality you actually thought there was a crossbar you genuinely thought there was a crawl space and then you were just like actually we were just trolling oh my god [ __ ] this guy [Music] he's gonna play in silence can we have a moment of silence for that friendly i think we can just a moment it's just some quiet time yeah i think we need that no god can't have [ __ ] in this game i'm an artist oh based good item good item good evening maggot man looks like i joined just when the mold happened true yeah you know i i messed up how did i miss the first hits i lost the first video from the flame in the secret room like that purple frame always gets me they're so [ __ ] aggressive i think you have to like bait that attack from the flame and then and then go in like that's the only way the only way okay okay okay damn dude what the [ __ ] all right [Music] i turn into discord mod uh oh i don't have charge for the boss rip i don't like what that is going holy [ __ ] yeah i wish i could read all that i don't have any bombs let's go next jax yikes oh i can really though that's fine [Music] bbbo at least i'm able to put the keys to good use discount the battery and shop any discounted batteries [Music] no that's a real distance also one bomb with one one singular one would not hurt okay kill me jesus christ better items by the way even with the reroll it's not enough because better items my damage is so [ __ ] weak dude yep okay it's not there why do i kill himself [ __ ] [ __ ] a bomb though that's nice [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah that's good what a game this is what a fantastic game this is i'm never gonna beat this dude when i beat this it's gonna be like off stream where i get like the most rigged [ __ ] guaranteed i mind eric garcos 1997 thank you for what's up when i do get it though i'm gonna [ __ ] scream when i do get this [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not [ __ ] not that is not of my life holy [ __ ] yikes punishing what's this then oh hello all right not like that that's good we got a wheel really what a [ __ ] nasty room holy [ __ ] i could be here i haven't tried completely but i'm pretty yeah i really hope one day i'm gonna get that rock bottom or echo chamber actually if i did not have monstrous lungs longer than one time i got this item with like homing it would have been like a really godlike run but monsters long bailey said i can't fire it and this is fully charged which is really bad that's like basically what killed a run oh my god dude are you kidding me like okay yeah so it's monstrous it's gonna be fine yep right on me thanks rigged just the way i like it two damage though all right sure justice no secret room can be above the item room can it is that true it's most likely there i'm gonna check if it can be there yep but it's not at least there's another room that has three connections i should have checked more but like what are the odds got a new bomb though yeah that's sort of left here this guy's gotta be here really oh it was it was connected to the bathroom so it couldn't be oh my god what will done this guy again what could possibly go wrong all right gamba hmm it's gonna be a free you know free money for the daughters [Music] all right more bumps okay nice that's pretty good two of diamonds yep okay uh should i blow up the chop keeper yeah i should i should blow him up it can't put it right there so that's kind of annoying can it be up here no can be right there no right it can okay all right i think we're done item shop yep check check and check kitsune thank you for the sub okay i couldn't read that sorry you probably said a naughty word and that three to one that no not that okay for me that guy's the boss the run killer but oh well that's like great synergy in that but they i guess i guess not really what i was looking for the candle might have been better but marginally so it's damaged worm do you really want to gamble do you really want to get a revolution don't work well with that nah gg well it's almost midnight i think i'm gonna call it today it's only been three hours but i started i started late i started late i'll i'll be back is it it's wednesday today it's wednesday today so tomorrow i'll stream tomorrow and yeah on friday have a good one though thank you for watching do you have any dude tomorrow no friday i have yeah okay i might do a very short one on friday because on friday i gotta get up at like nine in the morning and uh i probably won't be streaming late anyways yep it's been fun maybe next time i'll beat the game with this dude but it's it's seemingly uh impossible impossible thanks for watching see you later bye
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 15,776
Rating: 4.8827362 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 45sec (12105 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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