Finishing up Tainted Lost marks

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so [Music] [Music] do [Music] gaming good morning good morning gamers i've realized that i've negated no no notice neglected one of the best items in the game one of the best ices in the game it's called uh it's called the mo damocles the damocles i don't know it's a sword it's item that uh that's like really risky to use but if used well it's very very good uh the problem is that i have to play uh jacob and esau to get it um fortunately all i have to do to get it is to do the the lamp which is pretty easy um and once you get that i'm gonna do a thing to jacob and he take thing to jacob thank you jacob also dude i just had the best idea i just had the best [ __ ] idea or maybe it's a terrible idea i don't know i think it could be funny though um have you guys seen how i uh how i when i'm when i make main channel videos i would like remix them on the second channel and then like put random memes instead of them i i figured that you know i have full control over these videos so i could take it one step further what i could do um okay yes you are getting a 24 hours so yeah what i could do is take the script for the video like the that all the things that i say and uh have people somehow write a new script for me and i will just say a bunch of random [ __ ] like sentence by sentence or something like that i i think i think it could be funny um play rainbow please be right just one guy there's like one guy swimming rainbow i'm you're getting to 24 hours goodbye no more involved 24 hours man see you tomorrow actually i'm streaming tomorrow where am i i don't know maybe also funny thing uh when i uh when i start streaming on friday the thing is that i was i was hungover on friday for uh from drinking obviously uh and but since it was since it was i was hungover my brain just thought it was sunday so i was like hey guys uh thank you for watching uh enjoy the rest of your sunday and and then i went to bed and apparently it was friday i was like what the [ __ ] is going on ah no dude what's going on how which side do i have the camera on for this left or right it was stupid dude too because i was uh i was talking to a girl on tinder and uh i was like how was your weekend on a friday on a [ __ ] friday like how was your weekend man oh no wait i'm just [ __ ] then i don't go outside and i have like i don't have a lives i don't know what day it is i how was your weekend by the way yeah completely well-adjusted human being over here by the way flirting with women i do not know how to talk to women oh bumps bombs i'll give it to him 20 bucks from your favorite arsonist aqua looking for the seven dollars 20 bucks that was seven money did you get the poon what is the poon what this let's just just get it over with what is the pin tell me these guys suck they just suck they normally aren't terrible like you say you have you got two people shooting tears they would double the help you have more health because you have two characters until esau gets stuck on a rock when esau gets stuck when you get separated the game is over you die it's over especially against enemies like this it's terrible you have to like adjust all the time and remember which one you adjust when you're just chat um the lady part okay okay i just got e coli i'm gonna order this [ __ ] this i'm gonna put the bomb here and see if i get a secret room but like yeah [ __ ] this we got a knee [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] it i had i had i had a curse i had a curse that's that's an r yep our curse anyways this is a good room though this room is good um i don't know if you were aware it's a very good room i did two give subs at the start of the stream oh [ __ ] i didn't see that i was probably taking a [ __ ] or something thank you for the subs man uh what's the identifier mod called by the way it's like literally if you go to the modern workshop you will it's the first mod you find i'm pretty sure god [ __ ] damn it dude yoho money i'll take that i'll take it i'm almost gonna artist like you get you get a good start with some some extra help and some money that's totally fine with me i'm not gonna complain about that but did i get a fourth item for the first floor i think i'm gonna i think you know do we have to play that no hello doodles they are playing the bogdanov's they have similar hair though kind of almost they're really ugly hair hair like this is like always accompanied by a really really really really punchable face am i wrong am i speaking fact i think i think it's facts just saying this is like the haircut of something like it's it's of some guy that always says some dumb [ __ ] it's always someone who's just some dumb [ __ ] who has this haircut they're both pogging he's gonna get it i saw the mark rock but i only have one bomb so [ __ ] it now this guy technically is two bombs so i can [ __ ] this buck flies so i could check for a secret room and bomb up the thing at the same time because these guys are based but i don't base their [ __ ] garbage there were no possible secret rooms there so [ __ ] it i would rather have a secret room than that i'll actually when this character come back here on this character you know maybe oh hello see here you can do it here you can you can put one bump there and one bomb there you need this and boom now we got ah no what kill me anyways we have to wait a bit for that that could be a super secret not regular but super secret very sort of wow and uh no but you know what you can get it because i want to keep my chance for yeah okay for devil uh this is poop i think i'll buy the yeah that's for for him now we'll look for the regular secret it could be no no it could not it could be here actually no it can i can wait can i see can a super secret generate next to a secret room is that possible i don't think it is i don't think they are ever like you know back to back no take old path yeah i will i will we're playing this character of course i'm gonna get i am like okay so i am the most greedy person in the entire world and in this in this game i am in this game there's no one more more greedy than me i try to you know get every as many items humanly possibly can you know i'm gonna play safer and just go for it to earn so now this ship and we get one more heart for this [ __ ] that's good no like every time i think like most of the runs i've lost with this in general it's just me being greedy like i try to get some stupid [ __ ] and like used the crooked penny on a really valuable item that can maybe be like marginally better if i have two of it like that that's how i lose runs i'm not bad at the game i'm just greedy time for this guy to blow himself up am i right gamers okay because clearly i'm not gonna be able to want to kill him right there's just no way i almost got him there we go yep uh speed and range and tear height i'll give that to uh mr uh iso here why not why not i think the the the nice nicest thing edmund has ever done to us the most like uh yeah the nicest thing he has ever done to us is make sure that these guys have the same speed that they have the same speed i really really appreciate that like if they didn't if they didn't share that stat i would i would have a stroke how is this character what do they do they suck they suck big dicks that's their specialty that's all they do they can take two items they suck they can steal items that's all like if there's a room where you can only get one item they can take two because they're like really little goblins which is you know i respect that but other than that they're annoying do i go in and take items out anyways oh yeah look here now i can check for two secret rooms at the same time as getting shot by this [ __ ] flame actually not getting shot just walking into it because i'm a genius i will send this guy over here and there's the bomb like there hey and they're both playing great funnily enough it only costs them one bob to drop two bombs that's another benefit they have they they can be more efficient with their bombs early on and check for like like now i i i ruled out two secret room locations with one bomb which is actually pretty good but yeah they they kind of take other than that stealing items checking for secret rooms being efficient with bombs that's what they do and getting hit twice as much because esau got stuck on a rock for the millionth time they do fairly decent damage early on though so they got back on it takes two to drop one is that what osama said what the lyrium is maggots i don't want to do the lyric with this well it was the guy with most soul hearts that's fine bob i'll give bob to uh to jacob and then esau gets the question mark my reflection okay all of us yeah could be worse could be worse uh do i check this yeah i also want a case oh baggy it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna suck my [ __ ] damage out but it's a good item it's a good item though do i take it baggy is [ __ ] nice though yeah [ __ ] it i need one more yes [Music] i'm just so greedy i'm just greedy man what can i say he saw what you get you get you covered man i keep forgetting their names two morons jacob's going to be the utility character here is going to be we're going to pick a punch wait where's the well the boss is on the top left okay see this is when it gets nasty when you have like little gaps there if you don't have if you get flying on both of them like half the character you wonder you're one half the game like that's that that's all you gotta do get get flying on both you're you're set if you don't then stupid [ __ ] happens and goodbye yikes this guy's nasty thank you and devil room will spawn uh we are doing as a health up heels regenerate health slowly well this guy has like not least yeah i think angel rooms is the way to go here because because of um something yeah because you could take two items you can always take more than one at the devil room but on the angel like the exclusive thing there is you get you get two with this so i generally tend to go for that yeah maximizing the amount of time so you can just take [ __ ] you know the amount of times you can take steal [ __ ] yeah that's what you want to do maximize profits uh yeah i just gotta really not take damage on on uh jacob here because that would suck false all right money now we're not doing uh you know anything timing i mean i could do oh i hate these poops [ __ ] these poops hey poops and rocks yeah we're not doing i i could go for lyrium but that's good spawn anyways i don't see the lyrium as like a timer you know time related thing or anything like that i okay so i have a couple of here now i could get like two more percent of the angel if i do the uh shop and bomb the shop first but yeah then i might then i might take damage then i might take damage from some dumb [ __ ] so [ __ ] that see i'd rather just do that be done with it please [ __ ] you all right what do i get here oh the sus um i'll leave that to him all right we gotta find the item and [ __ ] i could also do the mirror world i mean why not more items right how the [ __ ] did i use this guy's items i forget i keep forgetting the hot case for playing this character they're so [ __ ] weird they are so weird man wine room ghosts no ghost either rare get him i yeah [ __ ] him up where could there be a stick the good secret room could be here and it could be here it could very much be there but it's not okay cringe oh this is disgusting yeah baggy buggy is it it's kind of paying off it's just you know it's kind of paying off i want coins for damage though give me money oh we got a [ __ ] goddamn well it just stole a coin from me there though but anyways also did you know that the planetarium door is ever so slightly unsymmetrical now you won't be able to see it once you find one does that depend on if you uh enter it horizontally or vertically or is that just like a thing where they that they [ __ ] up twice or [ __ ] maybe it was intentional i don't know dark souls isn't a username grilled cheese consumer it's it's just you just it's it's put your tag there man put your tag tag tag tag stupid hey wow what a room i'm gonna bomb the [ __ ] out of this guy yep you're the best i will hmm what is going on james cat thank you for stopping by uh this guy this can go to this guy because i don't care oh [ __ ] let's go that's good that's good that's good though that's good though he has minus one luck so i'll try to get some luck on him but that's very good uh box of friends not really gonna be very useful here i mean it who has the yeah esau has the the i thing but is that real nah nah no secret next to the boss to that thing okay patrick thanks for the prime man should i give health to this dude is it is it are they worth uh let's uh let's do the mirror stage let's do the mirror stage take it from there where was it again this is the mirror right no that means i don't even have to go here next time cool uh where did that where was it next to the boss no what okay i'm stupid sorry ah thank you thank you wait yeah this should have the sus there okay now i know how to use them okay cool cool cool cool cool nice let me just get the pickups here before i move on i should just do that while i have the chance there we go i'll give uh jacob the sus next stage so that he will have uh the um funny hearts blackhearts do we have any usually here there are tinted rocks tinted the sus is covering the screen so i can't really see but i i didn't see any we're just doing but we're not doing mother because i've already done that so there's nobody there's no need to pick up that key as far as i'm concerned [Music] yes my balls all right easy server ah now this guy should get it because he already has yeah i'll give it to this guy he does the damage he does the damage did i crook thank you for tier one man that's a good item though that's a good item do i get anything else here i don't think i do no no i don't think i will i'm not gonna give [ __ ] to the devil beggar instead or either because he's uh yeah [ __ ] him let's just go next now's the question do i go to the ash pit because the ash pit is aids but i get an extra item for it shouldn't easter keep the bob's head because this hail scales had skills to damage maybe he should maybe he should i think i'll go here but i can't give it to him yet so whatever i'll go what what scam [ __ ] this game greed well i can maintain the danger chance by just using the sus now we got bonehearts instead so he's more likely to um and he can fly also nice so now we must less likely to lose the devil chance holy [ __ ] disgusting any uh soul hearts no okay okay aids the [ __ ] whoa he's shooting them there's two of them yikes these guys are [ __ ] awful man what the hell are we're done here yeah oh [ __ ] uh yeah this guy is more need of this more bumps up here why not i spit isn't that hard no it's not okay it's not that hard but like you you really really want to to avoid taking red heart damage to if you want to get angel items on this guy because like angel rooms with jacob and esau is really good uh so you gotta just gotta play with you you just gotta play well and you get rewarded for it i like that but i hate this level also at the same time because of rooms like this where these guys explode into yeah that's what i don't like about it this guy could fly in for free but i'll do it after like really tiny claustrophobic rooms where like you're just almost forced to take damage i don't like that your ex i could have avoided that if it wasn't so greedy but i'm greedy yeah bro let's go okay uh damage up speed down okay i'll give it to this guy nice now he hits even harder i should give a soul heart to should i give it to isa or jacob i think i'll give it to the flying world i could have used the arrow here i could have just used jarrah i'm stupid i'm [ __ ] it would kind of it would kind of be a waste you know what i'll check the uh if i get i'll do it after the boss actually let's blow up the shopkeeper first for the sweet sweet eighty percent chance thanks we'll kill adam mcmillan yes x dude oh my god you need special trips for this [ __ ] yes okay angel room is there good okay well at least it's it's something though oh wait that's good see it's not all bad it's not all bad mm-hmm okay so now we have pretty good health that's good that's very good actually uh now do we kill the angel we have killed mega satan this guy i'm pretty sure yeah we have so there's no real reason for that other than if i want to have more chance for angel rooms over devil rooms which i do so yeah and we got the east one nice the [ __ ] sweet i only give it to him yep i think we're done here but i could now go through the yeah we have the sus activated so oh my lord thank god for that let me get a double to this guy this sucks [Music] x nice uh have you done secret drum no we have not okay how did i kill them what what did i i guess they just died that's fine by me see you um it's probably the left right here no it can't be okay so then it could be in the corner over there there's actually very few places the secret room could be now because of the it's top no it's gotta be top left there or down right okay it could be down here but wouldn't it reel itself yeah there were so many explosions here it would have revealed itself then it's gotta be maybe further down nice ah very nice okay so now we get uh oh [ __ ] uh yeah he gets it tremendous that's good oh this is regular buttons okay so it can't be there either it can be no nowhere down here it would have to be top left over here then above the challenge room that's the only way only one place i could think of it's right here really it can't be next to the bathroom it can't be next to thin hallways so these are ruled out these are ruled out these are ruled out these are rudolph because there's like they're inaccessible this is ruled out because i've tried it i don't see where else it could be maybe it's just like uh i don't know right of item room oh that's yeah yeah because they're connected yeah it's gotta be there then because that's the only place that's like literally one place that's kind of rare but this is just ah it can be yeah it can't be here wow okay thank you for some money and damage and spiders that's rare to find in a fire nickel marasmus did anything good spawn here no no i don't think it did i'm actually very glad that i didn't use the jira there that would be stupid i got so many hearts from using it at the angel room the normally [ __ ] angel remind you was made a little bit better wait this country oh [ __ ] wait oh because of that i haven't skipped a single room by the way but since i yeah i picked up the shot speed thing you can have that [Music] oh that's very good very good damage yep helps me clear out stuff like that good fire rocks i need more luck on uh esau at this point oh five five oh [ __ ] okay let's go we gotta we gotta forget me now i forget me and i remind you that it's not a use items that's there's some very there's some very uh nice utility in that now this character you can carry two of those anyways but oh yikes [Music] but yes it's still good i got some in a bomb so i get high priestess sure um let's just check this oh okay can we gamble i don't see why not i don't see how i would lose this either now are you setting for for this guy you know i will leave one anyways i'll get the passive on this guy because i want to stack them on him ah very nice let me get that on him instead now how do i use it how do you use items on controller you gotta that was the wrong one okay it's just there okay you don't you don't hold the button you just yeah i see over sci-fi yeah it's a worse sci-fi but it's still still a good it's still a you know anything even resembling a sci-fi is still a good item in my book sci-fi is like literally broken but yeah hello thank you for the money goodbye and for the tinted rock and for letting me check for a secret room for free that is very nice cool [ __ ] meat meat cards oh they just die i think they infest the infectoid the infestoid whatever it's really you know help me out here i think he is i think that thing is like loki carrying at this point can't be there i'm going to shake out the cursor before i do this for a real stage for sure appears probably i forgot about those bastards yeah we have a lot of keys i might as well just tremendous who needs it the most three soul hearts two soul hearts i'll give it to uh the [ __ ] wait what i don't like this hold a sec what is this ashby mines too isn't there supposed to be a mother thing here i guess the mother room doesn't spawn unless you have uh the first knife piece maybe that could be the case can you go back in the room with two statues maybe there was a tinted top left right ah first i i don't see it as for the secret room could it be there yeah it could okay so let's check that yep now i can just throw this guy for a higher chance for rooms and we are good plus one percent um cursor should still be checked out i think but i can do it on the way back because we're not going to the next stage after killing the boss we're gonna hit the hit the five the complex planetarium is not symmetrical no i don't think i will um there we go if you guys you want to throw away your money go ahead i think it's either going to be that snake that you have to bomb or it's going to be the um the [ __ ] i forgot that's a snake goodbye my final message [ __ ] you oh my god we got dangerous i get the raindrop go for it all the way over there would you look at that that's a good item pretty good pretty good uh we could kill the angel but yeah yeah why not [Music] oh this angel isn't only um who has it yeah this guy has it okay the angel has more health but he also uh has different attacks as far as i can tell the uh the red angel will do a cross laser attack when he crosses his arms or bullets in all directions or summon an angel he has like more variations for his [ __ ] and that's why i don't like him the first one has like i don't think he can do it across like that the diagonal cross he only does like the horizontal and vertical one and the red one will do the diagonal and the horizontal vertical lens just like that which is annoying uh do i go curse we have one guppy [ __ ] it okay that was not actually it doesn't matter because we get hardback they both have three they're literally the same health all right time to roll again curse of my balls i hate this guy so much these guys suck yikes i didn't see it thank you for the subway wars uh yeah goodbye major jason thank you for prime all right it could be there actually wait okay that's the thing i guess i shouldn't use it on him maybe but like yeah the the secret wasn't there i guess there's more whoa yikes there we go more use items thick well bob's brain is too risky to use now and i have enough bombs so whatever yikes this is this a [ __ ] race track it what oh there was a fire they make fires yeah wait it's not done there you are which is there more [Music] jesus christ man options you can't abuse stuff with this character though um do we get a soul art for yeah i think we do i like having so large we also bomb this guy thank you it's not worth the money it's okay ah this it's fine it's not terrible wandering bastard could be it could be something [ __ ] nasty though [ __ ] uh no i have done everything shop item room and boss i could look for secret but i don't know man i think i spent enough time here and it can't be down there just blow these two shrooms for free okay he's [ __ ] possible did he leave we actually just left okay two angel okay let's go look up for this guy good now we will shoot more of something i forgot oh my gosh more of that actually yeah that's what i will um well this guy's marginal south so this is gonna be good yeah and now we get sent to depth 2 i think right we do that's something that i think is weird about the game if you go out of dros 2 you will be sent to caves 1. if you go out of ash pit 2 you will get sent to depth 2 which is really strange i had a really good run with the keeper the other day where i was going to try to do a mother i think or something no i was going to do a there was one run i got locked out of because i got sent down here instead of because i was going to go to the alternate path yeah i got looked at a mother because i was gonna do i didn't get to the i didn't get to the mausoleum because i got sent to depth 2 instead of that's one because like i i assumed you would get the mausoleum door and that's one right because you do but you can set that center depth 2 from ash pit 2 which is really weird i don't know if it's intentional but that's just how it works right now which is a bit annoying i guess best so keep the health equal you have to get on the door that take heart albino yes yes yes that's what i'm saying i thought uh because that door also spawns in depths one and i thought that going to from ashby to because like here's what you can do you can go from if you're doing the mother route and you have the first key piece you can if you don't have bombs to go to the to the uh k to mines one you can go to caves one and then get the bombs there and then go from case one to ash pit two or mines two so you can do like an alternate and then regular alternate and still be on the motor path but on uh from from ash pit to depths that is not true that that is suddenly changed which i found a bit weird just a little bit uh death it cannot he can have death that's fine hello baron basically you skip one floor if you do ash bit too yeah i guess yeah but if you go now here's the inconsistency i think here's the inconsistency if you do ash pit 2 and going to masolium you get sent to masoline one and then masolium ii and then on muslim two you fight mom but if you go from depth if you go from ashby to to uh to depths you get depth two and you instantly get moms so there's like there's a difference there's a difference that's the inconsistency that bothers me i'm not being delusional it's literally how it works yes it is yes it is if you okay i'm gonna keep i'm no he i am being trolled i'm being trolled all right i like sacrifice rooms i really like them but health management in this character is just aids so [ __ ] it hey appreciate thank you i'm just too good you can't tell me there's no inconsistency of of going from ash bit 2 to depth 2 and going from aspect 2 to to gehenna 1 right you get one more level if you do the alternate route which is strange which is not it's not it's fine because like you're doing a harder part to get one more level cool but it's ruined one of my runs man and i'm mad okay [ __ ] off oh hello pug yeah that's what i will take let's make the game easy the item description is a mod i have a little mods installed like the pog for items and a bunch of cursed things that we haven't really seen yet but i'm sure we will uh yeah actual worst device item yeah i don't doubt that um i think i've done everything i should yeah i can just go ahead and kill mom at this point we're doing dark room we're just doing dark room i could do the lyrium if i get it afterwards but we're just doing dark room oh it's summoned mom give me steppies angel oh my god what the [ __ ] thanks i got damage for esau that's nice uh i'll never get on this guy monstrous all right [Music] sure not getting the best devil angel items today but sure good good day site and what the [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn just get some money as well oh plus 0.09 damage that's insane oh and i did get both of the polaroids so it doesn't matter which way i go i can do i can do now i can do chest and dark room because we have the negative one nissa and the polaroid on jacob it do not matter trust me you i hate these little bricks this has become to be like one of the most most annoying enemy game this guy is such a piece of [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate him oh [ __ ] yep guess we're good here i guess they don't actually use the laser if they're off screen that's nice they will only laser if they're like in your vision guess we're good here yes let's get enough of my cursor time to die i do why am i getting so many i had to run earlier today with tainted jacob where i was like i was doing really well i had like super good items and all i needed was some sacrifice rooms to get key pieces but now and now when i don't need it i'm getting sacrifice rooms every floor man every floor oh this is not good these rooms are like the bane of my accessories for this character and just [ __ ] suck oh i need it though it's gonna be worms right no no worms all right fine by me yeah he can have it oh [ __ ] hey albino the content is prime as always thank you thanks for the community gaming gaming okay oh we need one more guppy now when he has copy god [ __ ] damn bible uh i guess i'll take it for bookworm [Music] you get bookworm and you get bookworm thank you and i could one shot mom's heart with this milkshake thank you for the trainer bits bum them both i don't think i will uh i could want someone with it but i like that i like i like my items i think my items are fine i think i am good yeah i think we're good here amazed now it's like arguably a good idea to go to a cursed room even though it costs you like potentially two hearts because like if i get if you get one more guppy my do i need it though i think i'm good i think like i don't i i'm greedy as [ __ ] though that's the thing oh oh oh my lord yes um high priestess again the world there we go world that's the wrong one wait really fortunate there it is all right why not more power easy game yeah but it's already easy it's all of these yeah with what i have now i can like if i didn't get a single more item i could do dark room and i could kill the boss i don't need a single more thing like literally what i have now i can i can beat the game so there's like not really any reason that i can close up on this get the echo chamber or that i only have max coins not that it matters i can have something for or jacob can have something for once and i will uh just do this could be a card in there that's good i really really like the new uh reverse cards so whenever i can get cards i try to get them because they're just so good yep and we're good strength that's good you can have this yeah more there we go i hate this oh my god this [ __ ] pull the suck [ __ ] up my bullets oh get away so yeah there we go and wiggle boss is this the second or first one i forget i think it's the first it's the second i'll check that oh my god i don't need no guppy i don't need no guppy i did not need no guppy nope no sir we got yeah negative let's go down there now here's the thing god head this couldn't be better because uh the um troy sagan is really good try sagan and got it is a very very good synergy just in terms of like raw damage it does a lot for you couple left with 10 luck and holy shot and you're pretty good the best sold thank you for the prime man i just room gone room just gone now that he can fly though we might as well just go in here because now it just costs one heart again how was that i wonder oh foreskin do i use the foreskin for a guppy yeah i think i will i think it will be funny come on go on then okay one of us worth a shot we got like one of the worst items in the game by the way that's pretty good bye get uh now bookworm both yeah i think i'll get bookable oil on this guy then black hole on this guy has like a little support what's that yeah um oh yes i just refuse to get hit by like cracks i don't want to get hit by like a random crack and uh you know when the when the skeleton comes down and they shoot like a million [ __ ] rocks in all directions i don't get hit with that like i'm not gonna lose my luck drink it just from that that would be stupid i'll be dumb okay oh it took longer because we have the [ __ ] stopwatch yeah they got to shoot a total of one time oh [ __ ] i got this but i didn't lose the wait who has to pull up this guy has to pass the negative so he's going in yeah there we go magic foreskin horseman foreskin again okay uh i think i'll and for two solars not this one three blackhearts costs two hearts i think it's a good good trade offer might as well take it yeah it doesn't change anything nice no [ __ ] this thing who has the most uh i don't want to take it it's whatever it it it gets it gets conjoined just got that going okay wow wow glowing glass holy [ __ ] wow dude nice one chest oh well it's better than him because spiders do your damage right yep but the lamb is gonna die in like a split second i can tell you that by scat man and there we have it x i lived longer than i thought i do do a victory lap because you if you do a victory lapse you unlock something called butter and butter is good right do mega citing first yeah but i can't this is the only place in the game unless you do victory laps what do you get if you do the lyrium this guy what he gets from delirium suplex you get suplex victory up you can do it yeah i can do that later i can do that later i i don't like playing this character i don't like him so [ __ ] it let's just do avoid and get suplex i don't need anything else i think the void stays right i think it stays it's not going to go anywhere yeah this is clear rooms here and i get some more items or hearts for because i guess jacob is kind of weak right now and suplex does seem like a funny item so i want to get it look at that damage up you can't leave in this test yeah but i'm not doing satan why would i do satan saying it's boring i have to unlock it already pay up my god all right yeah there we go take hourglass i don't like hourglass just don't like it goodbye that did it oh i [ __ ] regret picking up this [ __ ] magic skin great we got the locals though so i'm already happy with this one is that's really what i wanted because it will allow um it could allow for some very cool stuff with uh oh plus 100 damage yeah i think i will actually [Music] they're gonna be slow as [ __ ] but they're gonna hit like a truck thanks was the damage now 25 that's pretty good as long as they get to hit something they are fine you cannot bomb back [ __ ] it what do you always get the magic foreskin i like it i think it's a good item if used right and with a little bit of luck it's it's very very good conjoined need one more on isa for conjoined then we're going to shoot way more bullets conjoined with conjoined is not like super good but with homing it's working it's [ __ ] tight nice chest that would unfortunately crash the game so we're not taking it i'm old for fun but that would crash the game 100 100 it will crash the game no no no no no no no no no no we're not taking it i'm sorry we're not doing it no balls i'm sorry no balls no balls no balls today no balls dude money what the [ __ ] i also wanna do can tripped it's a challenge doesn't look i think it unlocks the the reverse card that spawns a couple of chests now chests aren't usually like super important but if you spawn chests in dark room or the chest and they will always have items so you have a car that can just spawn items which is pretty good couple that with a third card or a blank card and you're gonna be looking at a lot of items no i don't like the hourglass not taking it the mortals based based yeah braced i hate that this level is so big though we gotta attain the rock though very nice that's gonna go for this guy got some more hearts what the [ __ ] no get this edge but we got hard for this guy which is very good at some points i realized at some point i realized i was a bit afraid of jacob dying because jacob was kind of low what if i do not like it it protects your perfection i don't wanna like there's so much like with jacob and esau the less you have to think the better because there's already so much so [ __ ] much going on here you know like you have a there's just too much there's so much to think about this character there's so many hot cases so much stuff so there's like cognitive stuff that the least they have to the less they have to think the better right if i can just press the button once the entire room good that's that's great i like that if it works it's good enough for me i'd say that because i don't need it right now ah it would be a go no no wait he doesn't have any he barely has any [ __ ] uh yeah he'd barely i can take the oh because he only has yeah yeah that's good now we drop the kids drawing give the kids strong team we have guppy take not back and we're good i think dog we're gonna be looking a lot of flies right now mitch thank you for the sub man for a tier three you literally i don't think i can lose i think i'm gonna bypass the um damage cap on delirium for sure there's gonna be a lot of flies coming in and stuff do you need if you get okay so i can't i can't tell anymore is he guppy i haven't seen a single fly yet that's why i'm asking do you need to keep the do you need to keep the drawing he's not let's try roping it again and see what happens oh we have to keep it but then it loses this look okay so do we get luck because luck is really good it's gonna make sure that the the holy light procs like all the time but i'm gonna take damage into the lyrium fight anyways yeah let's just keep it like this and keep a good look on him so we get more chests and [ __ ] look it's not maybe it is but it's just one hit and it's over so in case take damage on delirium i would rather just have guppy honestly honestly dude i would rather go we're the boss man there's one boss hopeless i always delirium i just want to end this get the suplex and leave [ __ ] [Music] okay i'll show you some more bullets now i gotta be careful with that because if i shoot too many bullets it's [ __ ] over the game is gonna crash yeah flies do your thing we go just black hole what if i don't feel like it though if i didn't have homing uh the lyrium would be very tricky with this uh like i see if mascara would [ __ ] me up but since i have homing i think it's fine i wouldn't worry about it thanks yeah i literally shoot once skin nice three balls which one do i go this one anyways anyways really where is he anyways all right oh we can reroll now uh do i just rear or something there's a real item in here right here here wow speed where's the boss though it's gonna be like uh top right maybe real magic snare i didn't have any use of either of those so i might just wear one of them doesn't matter if i get another if i somehow get another reroll loudly i'll get magic skin but this is probably delirium right there can only be so many bosses really great another thing to reroll surely okay there you are you [ __ ] come here chill yeah we're definitely going past his armor that's for sure no it doesn't like that get me out oh no let's see there goes the luck oh my lord there we go all right that wasn't too hard goodbye delirium and hello suplex that could win worse suplex clap all right now we got that i wonder how it's gonna how that thing works so now we got okay so the thing is with the motors um the locals will double all light response when you have the active but if you take damage you can just get instantly killed however the way i like to play tainted jacob is to be the last and then you're not supposed to get hit anyways so i think it's good i think it's good i wanted a skill after picking up the mukul yeah yeah dude it's not unlikely it's not it's not unheard of i'm gonna get some water just don't get hit if you don't get hit you won't get killed that's how it works did you already know did you know it's a module that tells you the planetarium chance i know yeah uh but does it matter the chance is the chance right like it's it's not it's so unlikely i don't feel like it's not really important if it's their good if it's not whatever i don't really care about those items because they i don't think they're that good like most of them are just sort of nice to have like mid or mid tier items they're okay but i would never say that uh skipping rooms to get planetarium items is worth it ever unless you're doing the the ascent but even then even then i think almost you're better off taking the items and not getting planetarium because you'll have a better resources throughout the run so you can do more stuff anyways yep water oh uh good morning it's not just getting water no i also got a snack i got a little less of leftover white wine and it's like a piss very cool embarrasses empiricious thank you are you swedish no i'm norwegian and some copium anyways time to get molested by a spirit and hit r a lot oh yeah okay so the thing about this character um i have to go through i can just do what i play he can use um no okay magic skin there's an item that will look these are i got two items though magic skin is good it lets you um oh this is bad you know magic skin that's right get a broken heart get an item more maddox in the pool this dog is finnish but english this this dog dog is finnish english that is english hahaha seven at seven hundred but with this guy he's seven undead okay i'm gonna wait for that good start how do you turn this off man 777 so i can't play and i can't play on this and and like i said at the same time my brain doesn't work thank you for subscribing thank you for the best program you ever re-upload your old stream sniping vids on yookas and such kumar they are a patreon page and put your pigeon um yeah you get a broken heart you get an item and more magic skins are added to the pool however if you used on the last or the tainted last or yeah those two then the the mega magic scan will disappear you won't get broken hearts because you can't have hearts and there are no more added medic skins to the to the item table but if you use the magic skin as the lost version of this character you will not get those penalties you can it doesn't disappear when you use it you can't have broken artillery you do get invisible broken arts don't really show um you can essentially use the item for free for no for no like penalty at all whatsoever meaning that you get if you find magic skin if you find magic z on this guy you have 12 items you find 12 items and you can choose which item pool those items come from because it will be in the room that just from the room pool that you spawn them in so if i find a magic skin i will i will just kill these out become the last use it repeatedly in a secret room until i find either a spin down dice or something good i will also use the named rooms the thing you can do with the spin and dice with this guy is that if you get spin on dyson from magic skin then you pick up the spin on dice leave magic skin spin down magic skin twice and you get eraser you can use the eraser to erase esa from the rest of the run and there you go run done i've thought about this a lot because this character has given me issues i hate this guy but i think i found ways to kind of circumvent him being an [ __ ] and that is just by deleting isa from the equation basically uh this is a okay run i guess we got bombs i should look for a secret room which could be here could be there could be there or could it yes it's probably there though let me get some money that's nice the shop had a red card i like red cards i'm gonna get it it could just be dog [ __ ] but it could also be a two of diamonds for example very nice all right next level oh also so no wait yeah 12 items on tinted jacob lost because he has 12 invisible broken hearts when he has 12 of those using the magic seal will make it disappear however if you get a book of shadows and a confessional you can become invincible as to tainted jacob lost and remove broken hearts that you can't even see with a confessional without taking damage and without one shotting yourself and then you can spawn more items with magic skin yeah it's it's it's there's many ways to do this and they're very rare they're very unlikely but it happens i'm ouring this [ __ ] this garbage thanks yikes dude anyways it's gonna take a while because getting uh the the well if i get something good like fruitcake i would play the run obviously because it's a good ass item however okay i tried to do something smart there but i kind of [ __ ] it up anyways anyways oh stupid i just think it's rock well i could just shoot it repeatedly and it should yep that works eventually i'll get the proc eventually i'll get it eventually worm goodbye oh we got damaged that's fine uh okay nothing really laying around here i guess i'll just go next i didn't check secret but did i have bumps i didn't so that doesn't matter of course the blind is fine i really care thank you why is this small though okay i think this is like one of the most difficult characters to play but if you play them right and you know we strengthen weaknesses it's like it's it's you can overcome it but it's really really like it's it's it's a very this character gives me anxiety let's just say that it gives me anxiety oh yes there's also the issue is that if you get too much damage then you will just okay boy this is bad on this character is because he will go into yeah and get hit by it if i get more damage i'm just going to kill this guy with my my tears so now i got r that's r uh items like that and like my reflection boomerang tears is really bad on this guy because like and like shade and any like follower that can damage him is really bad because you do not want him to die unless you want him to die like if he dies without you wanting him to die then you have a problem these don't synergize well at all this thing is like i can try it it doesn't give me oh it's oh it doesn't give me flight never mind if that give me a flight i would do it but it doesn't so [ __ ] that yeah no thank you i confused it with leviathan and can be on this like if you're all your hearts are black hearts then cambrian isn't really good camping is very good if you can uh replenish red hearts but other than that it's kind of trash like if you have some weird way to to get hearts back then the champion is really nice especially for me because like i i am a sucker for sacrifice rooms i like damaging myself to get stuff that's good because here you can do a lot of fun things bouncing him against opposite deals damage chance to deflect their projectiles okay that's good great nice anyways steam's there though oh another thing he will not touch you if you stand completely still he would like go next and if you move again he will oh and that i have a mod install that like shows the way he's gonna like move like you see the line there that's the mod just to make sure like i don't like the part where like it's difficult to tell where it's gonna go that's kind of stupid [Music] [Music] because it's somewhat sometimes it's a bit hard to like actually know where it's gonna go there we go what how did he not okay how's that bombs okay well i was gonna die anyways okay i didn't mean to okay anyways anyways that's that's how fast you can die for that if you [ __ ] it up i was planning to die to him though i was gonna like become a ghost either way either way i was gonna do that all part of the plan you know [Music] there he is oh god please mandus oh did he do more damage i don't know the mice nice one poop plus my bombs plus i almost is good that's good good enough good enough i would restrain on this but i think uh mr isa was about to come up yep there we have it i've just [ __ ] it up killing enemies like this is really bad with uh with this character because of that now we can't sacrifice anymore it's kind of stupid we want to kill him in here though [Music] because if i do then something good happens it's gonna take a while i was really thank you i had no damage we die there we go and now boom secret room and the rocks are gone look at that wow nice two bumps um i got your stuff it's fine my damage is garbage all right let's go take care of the boss see like here right now i'm basically just the the lost without the mantle however i have anu anima which lets me do this which is pretty good so it's not all bad it's not all bad it's very good on bosses it lasts for a long long time so it's it's it just keeps both oh my god blind [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] and i'm not going to put up the [ __ ] blind no i'm just not going to [ __ ] bother when i run this that's gifted right then i get blind [ __ ] it i'll take this room this thing also if you take damage it says it when you take damage a black brimstone ring will appear around you what it actually does is when you take damage esl dies and you become lost you don't really don't want that at all i don't know what it used to do but what it does now is just be a mediocre item and on this character it just kills oh that's good it kills uh iso all right i got homing tears that's very good ali i'll keep going that's one of the best items in the game at this one's pressure room pool okay i'm being molested what spider could be very useful that it could good thing i got a million keys thank you i think it's probably over here very much yeah it's gotta be good money i can buy the boss spider now sick that's good or do i get more options i would say more options more options together to just lock in the run you know i'm say more options all but yeah and more options seems funnier funnier it's literally better it's like the the superior item here by a long shot there's one down there's two down oh [ __ ] that's very good very nice no need to do alternate stages now stay there see ya are you proud of me that i finally beat mother for the first time good job in the viewing depends proud of you [ __ ] your spiders i just got i gotta get like some damage and i'm like this is really well off it's a little bit of damage one bomb ball so i can get three bombs worse worse these are man i need you so at a time now there you are and since our goal here is to get angel i'm gonna sacrifice you're fast from bad fire rate than you do from bad damage you die fast from bad fire rate bad damage you die i don't understand do i gamble not gonna get sure gambler oh [ __ ] hell uh hp is very important now but missing half-heart not the underworld if you miss a full heart it's very bad so we have a heart here for sale that's very good very very good oh that's very bad not not good yikes but we have some hearts laying around one there one up there should be fine [Music] this is a very difficult choice good pills or a rotten baby in the damage and startups you can't get that you can get tears from pills but a companion can give me uh the um companion like he gives me decent damage to begin with he can give me conjoined which gives me more tears which is good with homing look if it can give me really it makes me able to use pills which is very good fly's hit east how flies hit esau it's a very easy choice good thank you that's really do i had a guppy on this guy once and um it wasn't great it wasn't great it begins i'm just gonna not get hit with this [ __ ] there we go we have a angel room now i think i'll just leave it at that for the time being look at that oh i didn't really want to take damage now good okay nice nice that's not great but it's not the worst i don't have bombs though [ __ ] i can kill oh my god okay no i can get keys out otherwise i'll have to kill him to get kiss i can get kiss over here i can get keys here [Music] please [ __ ] off can i get troll bombs let's spawn in an angel boom boom dad that's one key very good all right now for angel number two we are gonna put him there with that send him there okay let me kill him [Music] got him okay do some damage is fine we got the thing though you have the key for mega satan that's good uh i can check the curse room yeah now that i have lucky foot it's good to say cursed rooms because you can get pills feels good also if i get to get this body right now dead cats if i get that cat now it's [ __ ] over i win it's all in here now i also gotta kill this guy i'm gonna kill him here to get those bumps or to clear the rocks and check for secrets i don't need you anymore you overstayed you're welcome okay die there we go spiders no spiders okay secrets not there uh it could be down to the left here i have to find out for sure though this is a bit scary but i'm doing it anyways they don't shoot okay they don't shoot yeah if this if this was a bleeding version that would be [ __ ] okay that's fine oh i [ __ ] oh let's go that's what that's what i needed that's what i needed that's what this one did all right we're good now we're not big anymore good nice thank you i'll check the codes from later there he is man of the hour so much [ __ ] things on screen all right are they they're symmetrical this is a symmetrical room stupid got him oh we got the sword getting razer though sick next that's a very bad room with this character i gotta find the shop though what does this have to say angel chance because i use the sacrifice room to get it on the floor on the previous floor that's why okay do we get the it adds towards conjoined so we got that going there but i don't know we got good money i do want conjoined at some point because it's more tears more tears is good not necessarily with this character but i still think it's good what am i looking for secret room yeah it can be there but can it yeah it's probably there okay i'll buy the the minion just for the transfer conjoint controlling this like should kind of shift but with uh with homing it's good with homing you kind of want that i want your car's room check that out okay thanks i'll do the boss with the guy and yeah i'll kill him later nice chat i'm not i'm barely even reading chat right now because i am so focused on the game like i have a good run i want to keep it he was too far away to do the thing that's unfortunate okay nice all right well i guess we'll kill him i should i should let go earlier that was risky as [ __ ] and now we get satanic bible book of liar breakable isle we only get this instead good and now we pick up the rest of the things that i couldn't get before but there's a chest go tell you let's go to this guy because then um you can you know if you're lost you can just pick up the legs for free so having the major stages is nice don't touch the [ __ ] battery though make sure i don't touch that i think it would kill me even though i don't have anything to recharge i think it would kill me damn what oh whatever super secret to somewhere else you can use to kill every boss with by killing yourself and walking into the bathroom immediately yeah it will it doesn't insta kill it i think it was like a mama mega blast or something i love that yep i will okay nice double troll great oh [ __ ] uh yeah the two of this is pretty good what next uh [Music] wait how the [ __ ] do i leave now i made catacombs too i mean catacombs too i thought i was in caves too [ __ ] i was in the wrong stage i used to do the wrong stuff okay i have i guess that's when what is that soft lucky it doesn't stop looking in any other stage in any other like i've used this car before try killing him okay maybe that can unlock something i guess nope oh well that's uh that's just sad but okay that is just sad new pool when i get this run yeah when i get something you work with sir which i don't really have right now no yeah i i didn't like i guess i should just make a mental note whenever i do it when i intend to use the emperor check if i'm on catacombs too and because like i i didn't know it just soft like you what the [ __ ] if you used on that specific stage so i'm guessing that's why you got mother i got mom right because like it's like the only bosses can spawn there maybe that's a bit weird but okay what is it soft like i don't know man i think it's because like yeah the only boss you you can have on that stage or something is is mom and like the game has like it seems to me like a bug this is good this is like just doing doing a sacrifice on level one and getting that item is good so we get stats from doing it let's see if we can do it i don't know if it increases like chance for hearts to spawn but when they do spawn they will give you stats which is nice yep plus damage oh he just didn't wanna okay that's fine that is fine hearts please it works okay there's a little bit more damage though [ __ ] you jumped over issa what's the [ __ ] may have hearts please no okay nice jump [ __ ] oh hearts maybe the boss will drop something maybe nice i'm about to die though anyways it was a shot what's this no i'll check the item first it might be good it's not really good it's gonna [ __ ] but whatever aha and there it is take my money and don't be stupid changing my nickname brb thank you for the sub man we got the broken item for this guy this is the best item for this character now we're just gonna wait for iso to spawn hello die now or actually maybe not now i can i can kill him next room and just uh clear some secret rooms because he won't seek in the end we want secrets yeah kill him here that is the thing we want i think maybe doing it stage one might be greedy i could just do it later time to get anything but magic scene in the writing rooms yeah [ __ ] skin that's where you're wrong that's where you're wrong if you remember in the beginning of the stream i told you about that using this on this character has no no consequences at all whatsoever no consequences just free items for no cost kill boss first it might be the best idea i'm gonna find a big room where i can see it like just your secret room and then do the thing can't be both there it's most likely here i'm just gonna kill him here because it's so likely that it's here also we get to kill some urns for it too and let's use them as a bomb there we go we got it okay nice see here we can do this now we got a free room bag for no cost magic skin is still there magic skin is not added to any pools let's try the small one first speed up speed up okay and uh so we now my last version of jacob has a broken heart you can't see it it doesn't do anything other than prevent you from using the magic skin when you get twelve hearts what's the max use for magic scene 12. unless again if i get an item that gives me invincibility right maybe the prick feels prickly or whatever like the thing that like every six seconds you turn into like a stone that thing which that's very risky though um an algus rune uh something makes me invincible and a confessional booth if i can get that then i can get infinite also the secret room is if you might have noticed the signature is right next to a uh cursed room which means i could spawn a curse item if i get enough charges that's very good okay that sounds bad [Music] too speaking of charges i'll think about it was there a key there no but i might as well spend it here i think we can do it we can do it okay sick this one occurs item i want to get a guppy item so i can get more lives that's what i want uh but i spawn as a live version so i might as well just take that because i'm not going to be using the live version anyways good sharp okay i think i'll use this for utility i mean i can use this to kill the boss the devil and then i'll use um yeah that's gonna wash up for the whole snow and i should be good good more attack spirit nice uh now we get this the shop thing so we can save a key yeah i can't afford the other battery if i could i would use it right now but gamble you can gamble it's it's still i still need to like get a couple of things right before i yes now we get stabbed plus one damage the hermit now we're going to kill him let's here wait for him oh [ __ ] oops what else can happen anyways and money okay try to time to not die i was on a basement never mind should be fine we'll drop batteries yeah like that nice nice good tears up oh [ __ ] uh good bass drum bag i almost died wow now does anyone know does anyone know if you use a uh a item spawning mechanic in this game and you use it in the sacrifice room do you get an angel item then what happens then what happens in there that's what i'm curious about random item okay random tell you what there's two items in here so i'll loot that compost is bad but now we can reel them both as if chaos was active and we got ghost pepper that's very good i just need money reasonably not too good but ghost pepper is good because i have a feeling we're going to get the uh lucky thing good i need bombs though a bomb will be nice and a time and a time due to the boss hmm of course that's just my luck all right well we have to do the boss and hope for something release the bombs or we could just go next this it doesn't really matter i could also use money that's for sure that's good uh i should go for angel i think i'll check this should i waste the key to check for money because i really do want ghost pepper though ah [ __ ] there's only so much i can do i can check it from something yeah nothing okay too bad let me go in here because there can sometimes spawn pickups there like monster and whatnot it was close to killing me now i can take one more hits oh i kinda wanna work at the cigarette be six triple could not be here could it be up between here yeah i'm gonna bet on this one this guy's the only bomb i have perfect thank you got my signal there okay could be better [Music] if we get a reroll i can real lots chariot lets me go through a course room so i could consider that good item xd xt lucky georgia thank you for the prime now we're just gonna get charges for the magic skin and we can just get stickers and items this is where things get a bit crazy if we get enough yeah some lucky batteries from the bath and stuff like that okay that that could be useful do you have scout or whatever what's that nicer bomb one more charge this this room is nasty as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right this is the job cursed immunity i want that there's also a battery that's very good i'm gonna buy the battery and get more secret room items until i get something good like rock bottom for example getting rock bottom from our secret room not the worst it could be worse than that i think it could be worse than that sometimes you'd think that's pretty good that's pretty good do we go for another now i have the best or like the next best christmas item what i could also get is echo chamber is good to get [Music] there are some other ones that are good the chains there's a chain item that lets you have an extra life there's also a lot of use items that aren't that good and there's also um there was one more there's a couple of more good ones but i think since we've got this i think we should focus on getting uh using this in a curse room what is right i'm gonna try another curse room i'm about this okay i have to choose one of this higher angel chance i'll think about it well i clear some rooms the battery lets me get a curve from item cursor motions are good i can i can actually get one so i have to do at this stage because like i have i have a chariot that's a charis is the only thing that lets me get away with using a magic skin in the course room right now so it's pretty good samson gives damage that's it hold up plus three more damage good thank you that's good i have eight damage oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no funny penny i could be really greedy here i could be super greedy i could i could be very greedy now if i wanted to what i'm thinking i i if i would i would duplicate the shop i would duplicate the shop and take the both of the items but if i don't get it then i can't get the black card then i lose both is it all nothing but i'm gonna see what i get in the other rooms here give me some money now that is a good item all the way to the right or up here two doors or here we get no doors okay no doors there let me check first let me check where i could possibly do this the highest chance uh it's kind of limited the sharp the shop would be the best option the shop does she give me three charges yep three doors no secret room though or my ultra secret ultra sticker will be nice but you know what's going to do permits there's a key though okay yeah we're gonna have to buy something no we can actually bomb this and get both [Music] talk to thank you for tuning in spilled my bits on your stream anyways what's up good morning we're gaming uh you know what i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna do the challenge room i'm just gonna buy the thing then we'll get the chariot from wherever i left it i lose a chair in the curse room and spawn item there or should i use it for the angel room there could be an angel room let me actually check that first his angel room would actually be more worse i think but cursor if i get that that cat would be so [ __ ] good though that cat would be like the run saver now but angel room i'll do angel we got it too holy [ __ ] and we got the battery oh my god we got a battery i'm so [ __ ] happy sensor is nice sword is nice oh nice oh boy but i don't want to do the fight with all these flames i don't do the fight with all these flames the door's still there i can give you another i can do another i could do another uh or do we go for curse i'll get another angel [ __ ] it okay that's useless but whatever but i can still check the cursor right soul and sensor is really [ __ ] good though stolen sensor is [ __ ] amazing okay that wasn't really worth guess we'll just go next now anyways there's a big cluster of shrooms here i'm just gonna just in case just in case yeah okay that might have worked out but i can't bring the pendant with me i can't bring the pendant with me so there's no point i could duplicate with what's in what's in this i could [ __ ] duplicate the there's nothing i can duplicate with it duplicate my singing why if i if i had a way to reroll it i would do it but i can't the only thing i could do here is like try to duplicate the magic skin to get one more charge for this roar but that would be [ __ ] so i'm just gonna get this okay so a 50 50 chance to lose my magic skin to just get one more item on this floor that would be really dumb because it will respawn again with full you know full charge this thing oh yikes there was my health thanks foreign be no with the fresh cut with reception thanks man there yes thank you nice nice question also the story there's no real reason to kill him and unless i'm gonna use the um the skin oh reroll bass room bag i think i missed it no okay my neck is here so i don't think i want that though uh [Music] i'll password oh but i want to use the this is an issue i i want to get the uh the key pieces but i could do it in angel rooms let's go down here i need hearts though [ __ ] good okay higher chance now i should do somewhere where i suspect there's some secret room next to it honestly can camp for alter regan i can oh i have regen yeah [Music] this is gonna take some time boys this is gonna take some time [Music] we've got one heart [Music] reason takes so [ __ ] long yeah it takes forever i don't know how long it takes but it takes a long [ __ ] time that's for sure [Music] but the thing is if i get it i can spawn a um like a spawn angels i get the key pieces i need the key pieces but i don't want to waste skin charges so it's like it's just the least risky way to do this yeah i want to spawn angels and like when i take that it's not going to take that long like normally i wouldn't do this but now i have the piggy bank and the well and the healthy penny so i will spawn penny when i get hit and i can uh pick a pennies and get hearts for it so like it's not going to take too long hopefully okay he will still charge again would he like suddenly charge me now [Music] hey this is scared this is like nerve-racking as [ __ ] [Music] how long does it take to uh [Music] how long does it take to reach the region this is actually [ __ ] terrifying i got it based it's a proper flame though there's two angels here that's all i need i'll take care of the flame first blowing him up will break broke the angels blowing him up and break both the angels oh no i could have used soul of isaac as well to reroll them though those are bad items [ __ ] one no it's too risky to do it here there's there's two there's four flames there's eso after me there's i have one heart i don't use skin in human form either i do this now or i wait in the uh the course room to spawn them manually bomb born if east side dies he looks the first angel i have an idea okay listen hear me out hear me out if i uh oh this is gonna be so [ __ ] risky though i'm gonna kill esau okay listen i'm gonna kill isau when he dies when i know he's about to die because i have his health right can i see his health bar i can't see his health bar [ __ ] when he's in his death animation i will blow up an angel that angel is gonna get one shot by his death wave and spawn the other one let's try that let's try that let's potentially ruin the [ __ ] run by doing that i gotta wait for another solo i wish he could see his health though because i'm not sure where it's at i know he's taken some damage but i don't know if he's taking much i gotta be right next to angel i wanna do this okay this is very bad [ __ ] okay i i thought i would have time i thought it was time i thought i would have time okay so that's like if i was playing on my own i would i would go for the safer strat but since i'm streaming i don't want to stand around and like farm hearts for like two years right that would be so [ __ ] boring though that'll be so boring so i did that did that instead to avoid the yeah just boring [ __ ] go through this good i can't complain about that really honestly dude if i uh oh [ __ ] what's this okay [ __ ] this run okay whoa i'm so slow now [ __ ] off no if you forgot if you [ __ ] up a horse pin on stage one that that's an r that's an oh hello all right quattro is kind of nice though yep hello so stupidly risky anyways crooked penny though there we go wait a minute oh okay thanks i wanted to scout for a super secret right there wait oh [ __ ] off okay i guess that's gonna be it for yup for that stage for oh my god the dodge thank you albino i have went from almost 200k to 139k smile smile smile thank you for the okay dude yeah i can't even afford a crooked penny r damn it shows the entire hierarchy crazy yeah yeah i like that one i don't like these guys i think pikia picking up the the sacrifice thing i didn't think about it because i was gonna play lost anyways but it like [ __ ] you up because you can't do sacrifice rooms and since i'm going for mega satan yeah i'm never getting that on them again the bleed me dry thing [ __ ] sucks also i'm not sure about you know going for uh curse rooms with uh magic skin not sure about it because it's like most of the items are kind of trash they're like damage apps or something like that whereas in the secret room you can get some yeah it's like high risk high reward like the ones that that if you get a really good item in secret room it's a really [ __ ] good item if you get a really good item in cursed room there's like one that's really good there's literally like one so uh and i don't want red key either because it's a use item do you wanna play note when it updates yeah if i don't have any new goals in the game to like accomplish i don't really feel like playing it because like now i've done so much in the game that there's not much left to do for me personally really like i had some personal goals in the beginning and throughout my like plays for that game but right now i'm like i think i've said this like a million times but i've done just about everything in the game there's not really much more for me to do at this point in time but when i add new stuff like the other two new bosses recently and it was it was fun trying to kill those you know iran's ortera i would say tara 100 is arranged the one that uh freezes enemies because if so then i don't like it flight well flight isn't bad like this kind of nice increasing enemies is like okay but when you when you if you have spectral shots or if you don't have specular shot it's kind of aids uh but i like terramore because terra can break walls and rocks you can clear out all the debris in every stage to get like trapdoors and uh mushrooms stuff like that secret rooms super secret rooms everything is free but the freezing renaissance is the one that smells like okay anyways that's good let's play this one packed good got some black cards for the sacrifice room too if i want to go for that i guess i might there's some safety in uh oh i'm gonna say that [ __ ] off man i think i do want to go for that actually [ __ ] you no you'll find rock bottom maybe but x nice almost oh my god dude why am i taking so much damage it's almost like i'm bad at the game [Music] that's it that's it that's all i'll take yeah based on our build there's a lot of ironing you know this character like there's gonna be a lot of boring because there's certain things you need kind of all right nice wow hogan did how did mother busters retain it lost uh i have done i i have no busters and mother i think are the only things i don't have untainted lost i could play him now that i have okay that's a good item on this guy that's very good i could have tainted lost instead like i think that's the thing that lost at this point is gonna require less rs and the only thing that characters i haven't done at all is uh lazarus because he's he just seems like a boring character i don't like fighting items and not being able to use them this is annoying please detain the lost or trained keeper i could dick yeah either of those would be cool with tainted lost magic skin is not as good but it's still good tea keeper isn't bad too bad they say no he's he's actually pretty good i could do him i want to take a break from this guy at least uh yeah keeper i have like nothing on it's last i only oh actually i have it in mother [ __ ] i only need boss rush boss it's the only thing i need is bosses in this guy that is all yeah i'm almost done i can do that if i'm doing boss rush i would rather do a devil lose i think trying to get something broken i like being the last flight inspector which is nice unless i get [ __ ] hugged oh my god i got molested like our word justice no i don't want that better righteous moment this thing is nice but unfortunately whenever i have this like it's a good item you guys might like that item you might like it the sad truth the sad truth okay prepare for some facts is that it crushes your game if you get any synergy with that item it will crash your game it's over literally it will just crash again like one synergy game crash at least as of right now so that's a little monstrous i got here item oh yes not these guys again the only thing i don't like about this character is that they can't use uh sacrifice terms sacrifice rooms are like some of the best rooms in the game like they're so [ __ ] good if you can if you know what they do but oh well is your favorite tinted character uh i don't know i don't know no tainted lost that's for sure could be a secret over there let's check it out i have three bombs really still right or down oh it's gonna be the left yeah stupid stupid streamers shmani nothing on sale nothing good either who was it again there was i remember there being like one tainted character that i really liked but i forgot to yes i'll shoot damage tremendous three minutes forgotten no they just forgotten this kind of ass i don't like him at all i like the original forgotten but the tainted is just aids thank you gary baseball oh it's so nice not having this [ __ ] follow me all the time holy [ __ ] looks like it really isn't damaged by the way can i have that nice oh watch out watch out watch out i'm gonna save that i'll bring it over here sap today run look who woke up from his [ __ ] slumber what's up i killed maybe there's a recipe i don't think i'll stream it but i can play some later like tonight if you wanna hello harry no pp today i'm sorry how do you know that miitopia is a bad game looks boring i haven't played it by the way just by looking at it i consider myself some uh video game critic all right i'll never try this guy maybe he's good maybe he's bad i will never know on this secret room [ __ ] where is it is it right here no it can't be okay i don't have no idea i genuinely do not know however there could be a super secret here so let's try it out hey awesome who look at that half his health wow all right devil what you got twisted pair wow don't mind if i do okay next who painted the mona lisa i don't know who actually good double item yeah we also unlocked the new one as well the uh damocles which is gonna be pretty epic if we get it i'm doing dog [ __ ] damage though ass can do some more [Music] honestly dude i could use some more damage hello there we go all right i'll probably get that ooh money we're kind of rich block pick did not work i think i'm gonna use this that's about time to lock this one in now i actually don't want to die which is not open yet what does my lockpick never work man isn't supposed to like do something oh yes bombs oh yes can i have some keys please or that ah yes okay cool now i got so much money i'm gonna go for the shop instead of the [ __ ] other thing well this could potentially maybe sometimes be good combine it with hourglass funny funny item you got the funny item so we can check that now isn't that cool nice la bomba where can i find a sticker from please item funny funny agreed what [ __ ] off get out of here the other opportunity get 4.5 volt i do i know i just don't like it that much okay please i'll check that well above this oh [ __ ] oh it could be there but let's hope there's a branch okay [ __ ] there's no branch nice thanks oh there's a branch okay cool good good good good good that is good now it's gotta be here what oh i guess it has to be whatever this game man i'm mad give me that a plus i'm gonna land some [ __ ] punches where's this [ __ ] thing i knew it was there i [ __ ] knew it now we only shoot fists because they're funny let me in oh real tremendous yes embrace kills uh right okay now the cool thing about this item is that i can put down my hourglass if i don't need it get the use item and well i can re-reset i can re-roll it oh well re-ring it doesn't really help now that's it yes they were there oh my god oh my god man next stay away now that's just stupid oh wait i'm sure it's good oh my amugus let's go big fist oh my lord know what's in here that's [ __ ] anyway it he's [ __ ] knocked back man it's so dumb is it just tps you to angel room doesn't that [ __ ] you over with the with the curse rooms uh well if it does that then i will get an angel item in exchange for a holy card which is usually fine oh well i can always just reel that right come on in england come on lingerland oh let's go what's that why do i keep getting used items well isn't this really good with oh [ __ ] range up okay well that's fine we got some range up too i can't reach the time anymore but honestly dude that's really a big help let's check for a secret over here can't okay it can't be there so [ __ ] it honestly i'm just going to boston what is shooting so fast holy [ __ ] hey devil tears up good [ __ ] off what a dog should develop man all right i didn't get blind this time so that's an improvement [ __ ] this oh we get the top we got more charges because we have oh oh my god i have a feeling this these tears are gonna come back and bite me in the ass but until that happens i've made the right choice okay i might regret that but i don't have time to think about potential reels and [ __ ] like that we're doing bolsters after all more keys appear really oh no i don't i need to drink it i need the trinket x it's just getting bullied nice snake oh well i got a key for a bomb i can't complain about that what is going to get riches i don't know i don't know what i've done to make that happen but oh hello hello that's very nice clean dirty do its grip i am so smart man [Music] not gonna take that that would just be stupid take it [ __ ] no i don't think i will oh yikes now i wish i had the time reset thing there's always hope for finding another holy card i should just kept hourglass man whatever [ __ ] could be cards here could be cards here i only found the secret drum what the [ __ ] am i doing ah [ __ ] all right wait i guess i skipped the room yes okay [ __ ] [Music] okay i'm not running it i'm not finding it okay we got it back we got it back thank god oh we got it back that's that's very very nice that's very nice jesus christ no holy [ __ ] that's annoying the [ __ ] is this room man jesus christ that's kind of useless good synergy oh perfect perfect thank you that's gonna have posters a lot a [ __ ] lot what's in here okay no holy car though oh i regret it [ __ ] [ __ ] me he can just roll through it holy [ __ ] goddamn [Music] all right no no holy cow you're so [ __ ] real by now that's good no no okay so listen that could have been a holy card that's going to be a holy card like in the a card stack four cards each with 10 to be a holy court that's like a 40 or a good like 50 chance for another holy card i think it's i think that's like a a good like a decent risk to take and that boss is like he doesn't you know the chance of him using that attack is not like the [ __ ] highest either oh my god that was really close how do i complete the level or do i look for holy cards i don't know i don't know i want to look for cards i'm probably gonna regret that like [ __ ] it immediately what do i do lord i okay well i spent too much time thinking i spent so much time i forgot about the thing i was always thinking that i forgot god damn it i forgot about the time limit man yikes yikes yikes dude oh this thing is terrible for bossers yeah that's fine no no yeah oh my god good items better items yep better items trash where's my admirals man yeah one of the things i don't like about the the lost is cursed rooms are just off the table they are just off yeah either sacrifice curse two really good rooms can't do them and let's say bomb boy in but that's going to cause bombs all right poopy time it seems really bad though like it seems like a kind of trash item it's like difficult to use but getting a book of invisibility on the first floor i can't complain about that and bookworm that's fine and this i want to bring with me as well every [ __ ] on the [ __ ] lucky poop cardstack oh my i really want that i really really really really want that that's very very good that's very super [ __ ] nice i wanna get some money [Music] okay rip [ __ ] scats nicer key okay i can open the chest and the chest might drop some coins hopefully well i'm not gonna complain about that one i'm gonna go ahead and uh necroman no i can't laugh like that i'm not gonna waste time yeah i'm just gonna have to hold for money mom we can we have brimstone no we have rimstorm at home brings them true thanks a [ __ ] stone you're [ __ ] well too bad we'll just go next level it's nice for enemies to chase me i guess we're against rather like this guy what is not activating okay this is pretty good damage too it does produces pretty good damage it's pretty good that's not bad can't complain about the damage yorks how many times is gonna do that anyways alright boss i hate these things oh the boss yep [ __ ] [ __ ] fights great awesome nice little room nice very good thank you still have an item i [ __ ] hate this game sometimes better items is nice when there's actually item spawning [ __ ] rocket lost trigger's melter is nice unless i pick up a pill by accident nice whatever whatever dude secret room is too inconsistent to like figure out so i'm not gonna do it i have a backpack here that's why i can have to actually didn't think about it i forgot i had the backpack i forgot that i yeah i didn't even consider how i had booked shadows but i just happened to have backpack so it was fine uh back and read dog husky thank you for that for that man [ __ ] traptor please oh my god i actually got it holy joe biden and we get another drink that i can match okay good to know well if i okay i would use the smelter if it had charges okay chad chill i'm gonna order them in time this cat [ __ ] this guys man i'm getting the worst [ __ ] items by the way biters are so [ __ ] bad oh my god like genuine trash eventually trinkets right okay spawn on me [ __ ] my god [ __ ] off thanks i'll always want to do that oh my lord lord speed down wow wow well that was [ __ ] terrible like only bad pills nothing good that's clearly too much to [ __ ] ask i'm dead anyways i don't care that was [ __ ] terrible this guy's good though that was not a bad bet by the way so there's no no payouts nice well we got bombs at least i can see what else there is the bomb first what we got here alright go ahead dodge everything nice did i find a regular secret or the super secret i think i found a regular one there's a tinted over here now this is the super alright okay [ __ ] it let's go damage an item is an item he's very close to hitting the holy [ __ ] damn much damage not bad seven damage now uh yeah let's go next you left the gold rocks i know i don't care about gold rocks i just don't okay i've got this now that i'm never ever gonna use but okay look i can put myself as like [ __ ] so much risk for nothing tremendous i'd rather have that well there was all my keys so we got that going i don't want to get this just yet because like there's i'm probably gonna go too far with this one i don't think i'll make it too far especially considering i got this room yep i think we're good but i want to get into the devil room that's going to decide i think i'm just being continuously [ __ ] over at this point wow thank you tinted rock hmm i'll have five five bumps that's pretty good it might just it would be a chest wow okay would that be accomplished absolutely nothing [Music] my favorite soy boy playing tainted lost sorry boy what more could i ask for nothing thank you for the bits loaf okay yeah i didn't i didn't care about that one i did that that was lost that was lost that was lost from the beginning uh not really emotionally impacted by that whatever happened there [ __ ] this in this garbage um having a [ __ ] laser sounds good in practice but it's [ __ ] impossible to use at least if you're if you're playing character that can take damage it's fine but but this guy no these things will crush my game so i'm gonna take that it's a good item if you like hearing a windows error asmr i'll do gambo okay when i'm getting this in front i'll do it whenever i when i okay let's make a deal chat let's make a deal when i pop the holy card i gotta i gotta do initiate gamba if i pop it gamble those are the rules you're gonna explode down there thank you very much and i'm gonna die right there that is fine i'll just r i don't care item okay i'll take that still haven't used the thing by the way so i don't have the gamble at the moment i do the moment i do it's gamble nice one dude nice aim idiot good job oh [ __ ] nice that's good [ __ ] haunted chest man that's what you get for playing this character death it's death so glad a bit mega satan right nice keys can't complain good one last check okay it's here it's gotta be there wow okay great this is painful because there's no enemies to kill to get damaged come on man he was about to do it my spoon okay see ya hello mrs dreamer i know that you're playing icy right now but can you tell me some general tips for beginners in noita learn to make wands that is all thank you uh why don't you just pop the card the card what's the card pop the card the card because then i have to gamble that's what i just said man i don't wanna gamble on pop it the run is locked in we have to commit i can't r anymore i like arring so i don't know i don't want to unlock an impromptu i hope there's a secret there very nice curse from time oh book [Music] an actual item in the sacrum that's [ __ ] rare hmm well that's could be better i'm gonna pop some pills pretty fly oh hello okay thanks giving my card back though oh hello okay there we go nice okay oh my god the [ __ ] okay good items now good i items the time for the better bit longer it's pretty short okay oh good okay paste [Music] very good floor i don't know if i'm gonna have time for the five though i'm gonna do this very quickly now he's super speed remote moment so [Music] unidentified cringe [ __ ] this lost nightmare how big is this [ __ ] stage man what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i was lost i haven't even find the item room what is going on what is this [ __ ] floor man based okay i have unboxing room what am i talking about we're six minutes and catacombs one that's i should be able to do it twice no real problem with that of course guess the most thank you [ __ ] boss in the game good good maximum speed let's go that's bad let's be fast now seven minutes should be fine okay here we go what everything they're doing for a second what the [ __ ] man entire room is just bullets from the get-go man [ __ ] i had one more but yikes i could just use the book honestly but they had already shot the damage was done okay what the [ __ ] that almost killed me i was like at the wrong part of the screen i was supposed to come from the top and i'm at the right like what the hell [ __ ] this guys okay more luck more case can i get a place could it get a good item there we are terrible at least i got more bubbling at least i got that everything else was kind of [ __ ] but whatever rules out of the pool i also lost the [ __ ] yeah i want that so thank you we're at 10 minutes now caves two so i got two more levels and three more levels in 10 minutes five yeah 10 minutes the sauce least this is this is what an item no do this is yuck's moment come down see you and the end like procking i i think that any items that procs right now would be [ __ ] sick i just i can't seem to find that though because they have 10 luck a proc item will be insane like genuinely [ __ ] crazy [Music] woohoo we got kiss though my god that's so scary there we go okay tears up to your size range oh yes oh yes give me that there we go there we go that's what i'm talking about oh tremendous that's one now oh my god dude are you kidding i couldn't get away from it [ __ ] this game man holy [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] aids like i literally couldn't get away from it [ __ ] yikes of course damocles moment i'm at this moment true true though he ain't lying i just need a holy card now please give me a holy i card your game man this is garbage 40 minutes lighter room is there so dude it's a pentagram that's so good and just for thank you nice if you get w items it's pretty good more damage is nice too what's your [ __ ] boss spawning here it's not that unlikely for me to find the [ __ ] uh uh what it's called holy [ __ ] a holy cow right now because i can get them from these i'm getting so many [ __ ] cards but i'm just not getting the one that i need you know no i don't like this room fortunately i'm fast see ya nothing there yeah we have really good stats i just gotta find that one card man i just gotta find that card this is bad got him though what's that okay the muscles in this guy is pretty good if this guy dropped an item like which usually does then it would be two of them and one of them wouldn't necessarily be the [ __ ] the virus the virus [Music] i'm getting so many [ __ ] so many cards but nothing i need oh my gosh this is i need a card i just need the holy god hold the card please nope this is and there is a chance i will just [ __ ] ace the bosses and like not take damage but like bruh i don't know chief i can't say i have uh too much hope for that please man please ma'am i have a card one holy card that's all i ask another card in the holy card what's us nope okay no card i'll make sure but this time we'll now the bomb will do it the bomb will do it the bomb will do the time it will open the boss motet so now that i have that it doesn't really matter opens bus rush and hush doors regardless of time yeah that's the thing uh so yeah i didn't like if i didn't find since i haven't found a holy card like i had i had a couple of choices there i either could look for a holy card which i really need or uh it would it wouldn't matter because like i i i don't have good enough synergies to do bosses right now i think i might be able to do it but let's see what happens there it is there was washers i don't think it does it stay open if i go does this stay open if i go to no i don't think it does i don't think it stays open it doesn't yeah lucky foots i said items aren't that great 120 what would be yeah because like i'm gonna be hugging enemies yep aquarius is good for enemies that follow me i think aquarius is the only one there [Music] oh this guy's here i didn't even know that's my issue with this like enemies to spawn off screen and like you're kind of [ __ ] if it if you get like it's the laser guys in it who was that oh is that okay he can't land he can't land in the pit so he lands there okay i tried to dodge but i dodged into him that's great looking peter got me i didn't think i was gonna win anyway so that's fine like i had good damage but it didn't have good synergies so it's fine that is not good no not worse i'll check this too now because i could get a double deal with the mock list if i get that it's worth the holy card i think that's worth it could potentially happen so instead of just like wasting these floors here i'll just check and see if there's like a good thing you know could happen get the echo chamber yeah just get it easy it's it's as easy as that just get the echo chamber also i can potentially get the devil level one which i think is is like potentially worth a potential lever otherwise i'll just check item rims decent if we get something here i guess i think this one is fine okay now i'm just i'm gonna get like a monster's lung not a big fan not on this guy you don't have time to charge you're gonna get hit by a spider that's what's going on this guy's garbage this was in the current list nothing now there's a thing now there's also a thing two items got them [Music] not that it's gonna do much i'm gonna get two swords wow yippee i will lose that for uh for this thing though i can't bring both once i leave this room and never come back that goes to the maze i don't want like i don't want to fight this guy without items i don't like this boss that's what i wanted me up stay there die so it's the outer range really much no that's decent damage range can't complain i was gonna hold on to this until i get a secret room there's no potential for it in this room so if i can get a hold of that car battery i'll get two items i feel a bit blue bolt right now cause i'm not gonna be able to afford that let's let's see what item is can i get a bomb man one bomb oh oh very good very good very good this one has crazy synergies building of chaos looking for primer is this explosive area i'll bring it to the next secret you might find this is a very good start though okay now we're just going to get a card back and then not die that's all oh yeah magic skin works in this guy is that you can only use it once the whole stick there is that i want to get a a uh signature item i want to brute force it because they never spawn the only way you can get the cigarette on item is by forcing it that's probably not going to be great but it's something i'm just going to do like a little process of elimination here to find out where the secret room is which i think is below that heart there but yeah it's problems you don't check this out we have two tries it's most likely there yeah some more all right boys fingers crossed anyways yeah let's hear the boss good times i don't have any keys by the way i can't get the item what the [ __ ] what is this let me get scatman yeah oh we get keys good shoulder there's one key in there holy [ __ ] wow i want speed now what do they get only one key so i'm gonna go this how the [ __ ] does this work okay sure i'll try it i'll try it why not oh labyrinth that's cringe that's not good at all this is garbage something tells me it's trash something this is strike mess the best item i've ever found but they're very difficult i have hope though you know we could be could be good i guess maybe except it's not it just made it worse an identified pill here's the moment of truth boys plus damage minus luck my shot speed spicy all right got him oh okay next no yes it's gonna be a big [ __ ] stage to redo but [ __ ] it more items excel yeah excel uh forget me excel forget me anyone that's a very bad yo x that's very not nice i think i need homing for this to work if i get homing for this it's fine but right right now it's just not where's the boss actually it's rooted right i've gotten both item rooms i just gotta get their boss busted right by the way oh my god this item dude i hate this this is like the timer i want you to do this [ __ ] if i didn't have to be so fast man joke for god thank you for the subdued how are you not getting hit by that dude thanks there he is jesus christ big lost just crushed a plus card pack two of diamonds here we go excel again right okay i guess we don't i guess we don't go yeah all that we're [ __ ] nothing i'm so i'm so bad this is very good on the loss by the way we're already betting we are already betting um but level one by the way because this item is very good in this [Music] guy it's a chat it's a proc it's like a carry item but we have 10 luck so that is uh yep and that charge item is also very nice if i can buy it i will if i can buy it i will buy it i will buy it on i was gonna make him shoot [ __ ] yes [ __ ] this guy dvd screensaver oh my god that's the one place i did not want you to go but thank you but thank you like your chances of getting a new one is not that low so i've been very unlucky today i like barely found any holocaust but it's it's possible you know it's not it's not really that unlikely find a new holy card i'm almost gonna bomb a sticky nickel when i only have one bomb dude [Music] i did not do that two bombs now that's good oh my god oh two keys nice but i can't afford anything in the shop in a way so [ __ ] that all right two pro items well this isn't very risky i'm going to save one bump okay i think i think i missed whatever well that's just terrible what is the one that charges really fast isn't it it makes [ __ ] spiders he does oh my god he charges fast holy [ __ ] yeah i didn't see that coming anyways i did not see that coming ah maybe i can oh i can actually get out of here it's cool i make it out and find nothing okay that's fine what's this then okay this game is something good all right yes not do i keep this it's pretty decent damage good writing as well all right i have to bet yeah i have to bet i do have to bet true that's pretty true nice all right i was getting poops on today okay believers in therapy yeah this is not looking good oh yeah spider thank you well i got ranged up anyways so who cares who cares dude it's fine could be here actually oh oh yikes you have a therapy appointment for doubter and a doubter for this and doubters they doubt us have some north goblin [ __ ] you one guppy check all right mm-hmm oh these 100 infinity wasn't exactly what i needed but i'll take it i'm thinking what's up celerius um i think we're good here ripkey i'm dead [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] you hear me [ __ ] you good good all right after see now under my charges [ __ ] you okay dude the [ __ ] nose goblin got me my own darts my own darts holy [ __ ] this game is just harder oh my god dude my own little dots just not [ __ ] gimped me wrong character by the way oh my god dude unbelievable unbelievable that wow dude what this dog [ __ ] what this dog [ __ ] no death anyways dog [ __ ] talk [ __ ] well on losses i guess it's okay on this guy i suppose but it's not worth like a [ __ ] [Music] it's not worth like is that worth your holy card i think like it's okay but it's like oh dude i guess it's fine it's fine it's all right now can i please thank you that's a good one and his name is this should he should have a face the room back to their face what is the room i have a face evan mcmillan is lazy he's been slacking i didn't draw a face on the rune bike it's [ __ ] over uh if i get to if i get through three more coins if we get three more coins you might look we're looking at the gamble here oh alright oh we're getting close i'm gonna get hit by a fly and die it's like ah you know we might uh maybe hold off on the best for now can't be there can't be there there's two places it can be it's gonna be here there yep all right then it's over here wait wait wait where can it be then it can't be between the cursor and [ __ ] right because there's a rock in the way there isn't a rocket okay i'm stupid wait was it possible that it was on the right as well no it was because there's a little crack there dude i thought there was no crack there yikes i was like i ruled them out it's fine i ruled them out don't worry about it yeah i wrote them out yup i played so many first stages now that i forget like which one i am at i don't even know which one i'm at that's a good soul you know what that means in order to carry the soul with me i'm gonna have to use that and i'm enough to gamble that i do [Music] honestly i'd rather bring that than the [ __ ] uh callie card oh hello there blind i can't take it based good thing i brought a thing to reroll items and get blind on the very next stage where i actually could use it on the stage so do you know what just take the money just take the money fine have it [ __ ] just like the money actually it ate a little bit i couldn't i couldn't choose outcome while you were still betting i think i'm scamming you you're scammed you're scammed now sorry okay damn magdalene cringe do you do you do not have any other runes on gerrard and if so why aren't you unlocked them because terra is good i honestly i could unlock uh the one that gives you immortality as well that's that's totally viable but i don't like doing challenges they're boring you anyways like stop i want to get the items okay i guess not well there's a bookstore joker i was hoping for that yeah right take me right to it man what we got here okay okay great of course when i get on the first stage no item by the way [Music] all right cracked key okay nothing working out this time that's good thank you i like this item it is good do you play the controller yeah controller controller what the [ __ ] okay i guess i'll just yep good about the bumps today yep oh secret room could be left here now it can't because there's a short tunnel what about over here then no it can't be there can't be there it's probably there or next to the sacrifice yup okay great whoops whoops almost kill myself but that's fine no bet anyways so flying so [ __ ] see you pills better be good range well that's good good good good good hello i've been watching your videos and i enjoy them hopefully you grow more and my man and your isaac vids i was the best thanks for the entertainment entertainment my dude thank you so much kai i appreciate it did i say that right i don't [ __ ] know yeah i gotta be fast man i'm doing boston sorry i would have watched i don't have much time to read it's gonna be quick kill everything fast and not get it myself might have been looking at a [ __ ] um curse from here because the secret room seems to be an extra cursor maybe cry about this it seems to be no it's not never mind all the tours is cool though you play a lot of rouge like slash lights so i was wondering if you've heard of a game called lobotomy corporation and whether you'd thought of playing it yes i'm chilling for a video game but like only two non-koreans know this exists never heard of that never heard of nope not maybe probably not gonna place because oh flies anyways all right secret sometime yep i didn't believe in myself from over there cool i can't just release him okay money uh okay i mean i already had piercing but anyways i am going to bomb the [ __ ] out of this thing gonna pop this here we go this the the good thing about this is that it will turn all pills into cards now i have a very high likelihood of finding the thing that i want you know three keys boys so many [ __ ] case man holy [ __ ] sure tomato cruise thanks for watching thank you this greeting is pretty nice when you land your bullets at least so much money i almost got hit in a more stupid [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] it's a sign it's a sign yeah thank you okay yeah now we're doing good now let's look for the item room what could i possibly find there well it's not good jesus christ yep alright you guys going well so far let's go and watch something hey it's going good i just know man i just [ __ ] know i just know i just know okay yeah they get too [ __ ] [Music] insta killed in the poop [Music] i'd rather have mouse masks but all right paralysis close race chat yikes whatever it's fine though it's fine don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it i wouldn't worry about it honestly dude i don't speed [ __ ] that i actually do kind of speed honestly honestly dude drugstore kicks and heart okay all right if head with the rear they'll be very good lovers i'm not sure how you're supposed to be using that like you would have to have a way to real items or something um [Laughter] what i wouldn't worry about it no nothing here no sir no sir rolling eyes face cringe raised eyebrow doubters based sunglasses believers fire fire extinguisher true true true what's going on [ __ ] mad morons in the chat mad mad mad mad mad mad and mad mad by the way mad mad and mad really [ __ ] mad and check this out i'm gonna go up a little bit perfect pixel perfect over there dodge the thing by the way the explosion dodge it just checking just checking there might have been something there you know what was that you wanted to do something oh what the [ __ ] i thought i could yeah mad attack speed yeah i think i'll take that i think i'll take that you never know when you can hit two holy cards i have three ways to pierce that i miss now by the way three of my items give me guarantee piercing like super piercing thank you really okay free cursor let's go i don't like that one oh crawlspace i don't need that chest don't be greed good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i can remove a piercing which doesn't do anything seekers room for pig items what the [ __ ] the pig items make sure for pig items wait yeah we're gonna go secret room oh they're so mad they're so bad they're so mad [Music] they are so mad though they are so mad holy [ __ ] they're so mad oh [ __ ] i lost my [ __ ] i lost my piercing item oh too bad i have like five more of those oh [ __ ] off i don't like this room this room is guaranteed damage yeah it's like psyched by the way i'm just gonna go through it doesn't matter if i take damage i don't think it does though does it i don't know i don't know man damage up yeah i think i take that yeah i think i take that oh [ __ ] i lost the i lost my holy card i guess i'll just blank card the cope is real two room two room you know what that means every other every wave every wave of boss rush i'm gonna get a new charge every wave oh i can just get another one that's fine every wave that's really again everywhere by the way what's this what's this okay oh he was there i thought it was one of my babies is samsung crunch uh let's just i'm gonna try to find the mom as fast as i can there she is great here we go okay minutes ok ok ah i'm feeling uh i'm gonna go get some food hold up i'm gonna get some food real quick so so [Music] [Music] ah okay here we go [Music] [Music] damage isn't tremendous but it works new charge by the way there he was holy [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh my god oh what a joke it was the ghost oh i got hit the stated lost uh that's really the big not really a huge deal that's fine i wouldn't worry about it it's monstrous monster walker he's just being spanked over and over again there's so many hands man there's so many hands slap slap slap oh my god every mark every mark every mark every mark every mark on tainted lost is done every mark is done they're all fi they're all finished oh no more tainted lasts we did it they're all complete and i'm rich apparently i would have finished the run just for fun but yeah [ __ ] it because this is stupid it's like i'm stupid broken thank you exchanging in my nickname thank you yeah the people who believe today the people who believe just now because like it it didn't look i don't think it looked one like from the start i don't think it looked one in the beginning got i got the the i forgot something okay now we can just play for fun imagine playing this game for fun can't remember the last time i did that i can't believe how much buying the deck carried this through yeah i know because that's what i was saying when i when i saw the deck in the shop the first time i was like dude this item is really good on the last by the way and this is this is like literally why also the stars is a [ __ ] crazy good card man it gets rid of one item that your oldest item and replaces it with like two items of the current room which is insane i have a blank card now if i find another one of those i can just infinitely do it i can just charge up do it again charge up do it again and i will just have infinite items i would like duplicate them for whichever pool i choose as much as i want oh and yeah the reason this is like i think this this run here is a very good example of uh how proc based items are just really good in this guy because when you have 10 luck you saw those like black hands they were just like all the time like constantly that's because we have the lock look at that that right there that's 10 luck with the right combo that's that's that's what unlocked us too i'd i'm gonna skip the holy card and tainted lost i'm gonna skip the [ __ ] holy card by the way i don't need that i don't do that i don't think i do i want to find a funny uh see the thing now is that if i found a if i find since i have a blank card if i find the uh the lovers card the lovers reverse card i can spawn infinite items as well literally infinite items this this character a lost character with with uh blank card and the lovers reverse infinite items just like that you gotta be a bit lucky but yeah tier ship is very good right now so oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] oh do you bet okay forget i don't know what i can possibly do now uh you know what let's do victory laps because i gotta do that now i gotta do that for better so let's just do victor lapse i guess uh this is a long bet long one long bet i'm gonna need some hefty tears up to pull it off though i'll do a [ __ ] on a [ __ ] damage jesus christ any like decent damage up now and i'm like you know i will be keeping my holy cards though thank you very much i think it's fair to doubt this because there's a genuinely like pretty big chance i'll [ __ ] it up like i wouldn't be surprised i tend to [ __ ] things up like this we go to the dark room this time yeah that's perfect we got the dark room so we're gonna do yeah so we can actually do it okay yeah i didn't check the victor up thing before double checking that i had the the negative but we do have a negative so we can do so yeah i don't want to suck at us hush would be hush would be a bit too cocky he said don't get i don't to get charges in there if i had a fourth if i had 4.5 volt i would do it but my goal is not to give it us my goal is to do the victory laps priorities ladies and gentlemen priorities that is what this all comes down to could be a big chess in here oh small chest cringe i need speed and it tears up a little bit of damage i guess nice i think one of the nicest things one of the nicest things about this is that i can do uh curse rooms as lost which normally like you just can't do i'm shooting so many [ __ ] lasers man right didn't cut them all oops i'll try getting some cards if possible peace say it on time imagine getting the curse shot that would actually does that work well with brimstone i don't know what like genuinely okay got him darkroom time sure sure sure sure [Music] looking at 20 damage now goodbye okay nice okay oh my god and i get to choose too i'm not going to get that but okay help me get bookworms i'll do that oh he just got deleted oh one more trinket let's go i don't want that though queen of hearts nope oh my god the slaps don't do too much damage but i'm gonna do something technology and this got a synergy in this in repentance right repentance technology's damage multiplier will be overwritten if i success the power version the technology is laser coils around brimstone beam granting one x5 damage multiplier it stacks with other similar oh my god it's a really good it's a damage multiplier that's [Music] oh my god now we're going to do some these damage i'll get the gold chest concussive tears well things will die sure [Music] i could farm some more items here let's just farm some more items for fun if we're going to do a victory lap we're going to do it right you know i'm going to form all the items i can oh we got a guppy tail down here too that's crazy that's why there's so many chests pop how does that work with brimstone wait oh that's terrible no it's garbage it's garbage it's garbage yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] that nope no clear board all right i'm getting so much bad items [ __ ] off monster 2 is pretty good that means you have good damage if you can one shot that boston damage good oh oh my god we just became a flamethrower those flames block tears by the way they block bullets they block bullets and we have a good luck uh if we didn't have damage before we sure do have it now i think the boss here the boss in this uh area is gonna die in one shot if i could bet now i would i would make that oh yikes spring oh my god my damage right now i'm gonna hit hard i'm gonna hit hard let's just say that let's see what the boss thinks let's see what he thinks about this 45 damage if i stand next to this guy 45 that's just like oh oh no well there goes the oh no believers oh my god 90 percent well there goes the money ouch ouch dude that's just sad no don't continue [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh yikes wait i only have this much with bethany what the [ __ ] i have like nothing down here let's see tainted bethenny what does she unlock i'm i'm a little bit mad i'm a little bit bad going through a victory lap with that would be fun but then again we were playing the keepers and you know we were playing keeper let me get on by delirium biggest bag fumble of the year alby payne 263 000 goes to uh how many how many better for that oh my god they better the twenty nine thousand total and they get two hundred and sixty thousand fifty six fixes both of the three thousand got that oh yeah i think the tinted keeper we're doing the keeper but wasn't his like unlocks complete garbage i mean i can do it for this i want the check marks of course but let me just check the so i can know what to go for golden penny is mega satan so i kind of want to do that keepers bargain oh that's pretty good we're doing darker mega satan i think yeah which what oh [ __ ] hilarious thank you for 10 gifts man appreciate it appreciate it thank you very much man i cannot go in here can i oh this costs money as well gx i forgot that was the thing with this guy things cost money what we want though is sacrifice room there it is slow in tears okay taste and based oh they're right you're gonna pick him up fast gotta be quick on those okay it's that easy it's that easy what do we got here it's difficult to like pick up those [ __ ] items though so the coins item maggot in this guy is [ __ ] insane it's gotta be oh yeah i think xl xl and um and sacrifice rooms that's what i'm looking for those two that's what i need that is what i shouldn't have taken [ __ ] oh oh big money bulldog dude thank you for the fire gifts man appreciate it okay mega scam train oh based based oh my god it costs money though but i can afford it can't i okay what's this okay do i fight him ah [ __ ] [ __ ] it we got the easy one [ __ ] you i will if he shot four i would died because i was too slow to think nice money no keys [ __ ] [Music] [Music] okay i watched neon geniuses evangelion what did you enjoy it i watched it i did not enjoy it uh troll bombs okay [ __ ] okay let's say that later it gets close to me and i just die here we go got him we got the flash okay we get why didn't you like it i think it was boring not this boy i will keep throwing money at you until you play my korean scp facility management simulator thank you for the money it's hilarious it's one flies when you get hits i'll think about it that's not actually too bad right now because right now i'm getting hit a lot i don't even have to shoot at this point this then uh cancer is good the box is also very nice the box is super nice i kind of want to get the box yeah i'm definitely getting this i don't think i could waste money on the [ __ ] infestation though i don't really want that i'll spawn in as many keys i can right now with the with the wealth planning so i have like 10 keys and that should be good to just go get the [ __ ] bike answer and use this that's my ticket instead range of tears height touched enemies take 12 damage i guess i'll take that this was also the best item in isaac just for us threats the this uh this um this here um [Music] box is very good the present the present present is very nice it might be here but i'm not sure oh it can definitely be there i guess i'll go for this one check this one out there's there's like two places it could be it's either here or next to the other big room yeah it's that i want another bomb though but i don't think i can get one unless there's like a bag here i can buy no no bumps well i can always blow i can always put use the present in the next secret room so it's fine what is the name of the trinket you got about you got banned in chat i think it's because automotive automotive it's probably ultimate do we do alternates so do wait what should i do uh do i do mother no i was doing dark room dark and darker my darker going on here will let me far more coins but i can go level two there instead rocks missed i i didn't see them but i just couldn't get them and the bombs man money money yes let's freaking bomb i am very lucky now a host hat is not that's not bad a host hat is not bad that is bad however i can take that any bombs wait i could buy five bumps i'll keep that in mind the doll is also fine [Music] thank you wow okay great nice no good games there ah don't go over there i have so much money [ __ ] it an item which does nothing great oh yeah let's do this one now dark boom on keeper hearts don't even spawn hearts don't even spawn mount what do you want from me man i'm gonna need very good memory for this i'm gonna have to memorize a lot of my [ __ ] head holy [ __ ] it can't be there okay so it could be down here no there's another trip positive right there i don't have bombs man [ __ ] i gotta go to the shop and buy those propulsion bombs gift oh i know i know don't worry about it i'll reset those there we go i like having bumps yeah visualizing the map in my head is difficult as [ __ ] i don't look for tears up nah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it i can get something better i just want to get out of the stage [ __ ] that stage no more farts oh [ __ ] you good hill i have pretty good bombs now every time the [ __ ] fire every time the [ __ ] fire man i swear to god i shouldn't have gone through that stage it's a mistake anyways curse room let me sacrifice okay i think i will oh this is free cool it's free let me just go here then thank you yep [ __ ] a lot of bombs bullock of chaos thank you for the gift to us man sub what's ups you know what i have four bumps [ __ ] it i'm gonna get this coin here and just save some time thank you we need a new gamba so we can no i think he will [ __ ] off [ __ ] get over here on the spikes thank you i don't know why but he takes damage from spikes even though he's kind of flying but he takes damage from them which is great money because flies okay are if we got uh if we got money there i would continue but we got we got twice oh that's already good right i'll see how it works though i don't know how it works thanks [ __ ] off man give me more money give me a big money thanks let's try it out see how it works i don't know what to say except your very entertaining virtual hug thank you davina appreciate it what he doesn't drop more he like genuinely does not throw more why is it because i'm keeper okay that's garbage then that's that's terrible that's actually awful if it doesn't do that like if you would if you if you were able to like uh like like uh oh oh [ __ ] if you were able to uh get more money from it sacrifice one hard to for a chance for more money i would be totally for it but this seems to be not the case nice sticky nickel my [ __ ] money great oh nice nicest all right i'll come back in a bit mm-hmm my spoon what's going on here oh [ __ ] i picked up 2vx and here's the problem i can afford it let's try this maybe drop some money for me being money bastard one at a time drop me a drop me like the biggest coin you have okay okay book of virtuous i know what you are you know discovering half the screen man yep i [ __ ] knew it i didn't think the sticky nickel [ __ ] me dude if it wasn't a sticky nickel back there then i swear to god i should do this when i have our money like i should i should save 15 coins and then do that right okay i anyways okay so so get before i go before i do the angel chance i'm gonna save 15 money 15 money that's uh right money money [ __ ] [Music] [Music] mhm [ __ ] three coins next yeah okay there's a tinted wow wow it's nothing oh money oh big money let's go money [ __ ] you teleport in this this next one is teleport so i'm gonna get 15 coins and then hit it i wish i saved that bomb okay we can use this to uh do the thing now we got enough money if i get teleported i can buy a thing all right i can afford it because i am smart oh what's this because i am smart because i am smart because i am a genius oh oh oh you're laughing wait look at me i can pick up this now oh for free what the [ __ ] what the f what how did it do that what a genius oh dude damn we can still get mad monitor though check this out i'm gonna show this but this is getting thrown in three two one i'm throwing this believe me it's getting thrown into the trash boom okay they all spawn then all the bombs are there we're gonna overlap the the invincibility frames and kill the [ __ ] engine with the bombs just do a little classic allahu akbar as they say in sweden and then uh we're going to get the other a key piece and then we're going to get money all right mad money boom where your health go idiot oh [ __ ] come here yeah miss me with that money thank you how could that be [ __ ] we didn't get the thing okay anyways i'm so rich though okay let's go my balls yeah i'll take it thanks yeah i like that what's this judgment okay anyways yeah let's i can't yeah did you check this item room yet no because i have a curse of the blind i'm not gonna buy something if i don't know this obviously i'm gonna like you know that'd be stupid oh [ __ ] we got this again yeah let's go let's go again because this hasn't been risky enough already [ __ ] it you know what the sword is for i keeper is an old man and now we've given him his like reaching stick the stick you see like old people have like this plastic stick with like a grip on it the grip stick we have a grip stick that's the sword it's like secondary purpose is damaged first and foremost it lets you pick up the [ __ ] coins that's the important part hey thanks i like this item though all things consider oh we got angel now too no oh my god my god oh [Music] my god it was such a well optimized run too it was such a [ __ ] well after my strong and i just had to do that i just had to i just yeah there's so little room for error [ __ ] man i was just too strong for my own good i think that's the the problem here i picked up the wrong thing with my cane and there were severe consequences [Music] man yeah i think i'm gonna call it a day here it's eleven this i've been ringing for like five and a half hours hey you can stop throwing i think you've got enough content for a new video now i'm not throwing it's like literally i was so it's an enemy i'm gonna slay him because you have to kill him fast to to make sure that like the room is less chaotic so you can focus on the other enemies and get your money quick and do the things and there's like oh wait oh oh the the the [ __ ] brown stage with like a tnt brown little tnt box that's [ __ ] camouflaged in the background that you need to have like a microscope to see within the first like two seconds i didn't see that okay i missed that would you sap no no no i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna end the stream i'm gonna take a break i'm gonna get some food to eat i'm gonna render out the vod and put it on youtube on my third channel and then i'm a recipe and only done anyways thanks for watching it's been fun i'll see you tomorrow oh why not i like this game one more no i think enough is enough but i played this for this this game for five hours just this game good night have a good one
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 8,903
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 335min 11sec (20111 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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