Finishing up Tainted Bluebaby checkmarks

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guys have any idea what i did yesterday i told a lie i said i was gonna start streaming at six today however um since my family is visiting from oslo [Music] they invited me to go out drinking tonight so i'm gonna stream early instead and then around 6 7 i'm going to go out however if i end up back here early earlier than i you know i intend i'll go back to streaming again but may or may not happen okay they don't visit often when they are here i do want to spend time with them just came home from vacation to my one year anniversary wait who's that stream level soup my beloved [Music] snoop is god thank you for the one year of uh of subscription of money i appreciate that we're gonna play poopy baby today tell us a scam story i already told the scam story it's on my third channel right now it's on my uh albino archive channel it's it's all there i mean i did leave some details because uh i don't know how like tos is about how graphic i can be when i tell about the story of me and stripper like how how like you know i don't know we gotta do mother and beast i don't know which one i will do but i found two cool mods you might be interested in would you like me to share well if you share them here then i'm not going to get them because like in the middle of the stream send the mods post them all on the discord and tag me or something and i'll check them out do you want to ask if you want to suggest mods just post them in the roguelike chat on my discord business in the airport stream yeah it's an airport stream i did i did elaborate a lot on it i don't i like i'm not very good at telling stories in like good detail i might have left some things out or i tend to forget some detail sometimes but i i'm pretty sure i haven't watched it but i'm pretty sure like most most of the like important things are there um yeah no i'm pretty sure at least a pretty good summary good times poopoo i'm gonna play this dude because i want the i just wanna you know finish finish up playing him because i don't i don't he's a piece of [ __ ] uh do i just not hold r i'll i'll you know what give me something to work with here nothing there we go that's that's nice start okay i'll just split now the curse the [ __ ] off when i started this carlo my mother my motherboard bricked so i'm watching your game instead of th in my steed don't let me down all right pekka sorry about your motherboard you know what that's not bad that's fine that's fine with me that is fine with me got herself a little [ __ ] army that's always good i can one shot these guys now that's that's great that's fantastic i don't mind that at all okay there we go can you give me a free uh secret check i would really appreciate that actually that should do it okay so it's probably not nice there they go would have to be like right here right if there was a spectrum if there was a seeker from there it probably would have been revealed i think it's probably revealed i'm just gonna go ahead and guess that nice morons yikes look for 30 years of loyalty the odd can't find the secrets man oh hello i can't afford it though i've gotten zero money that's great stuff like that i'm gonna do a double check over here hey yo month two let's go robotic t thank you what's up man i'm gonna be a little [ __ ] efficient dude this is so annoying just there we go that's perfect tremendous all right decent room i guess all right uh nothing online kind of a [ __ ] floor kind of [ __ ] floor but you know what we've gotten pretty good items though i don't see how we're pretty good now we got like five damage i'll i'll work with it i'll work with it we are doing beast i decided beast where the fruits their money i should have bought the reverse card it could have been good x that's not bad might be good later uh i'll use this here okay first try wow look at that track especially thank you for the sub man nice there we go melanie is like 45 bits i've had amazon prime for months and i still didn't know i researched didn't know till i reset for free what anyways let's go in here and buy some stuff there's nothing good to buy i wasted a key thank you thank you yikes i'm going to completely [ __ ] in the next boss check this out when i can find it that is where the boss that it's not gonna be fun oh my lord can you just die thank you over here all right okay absolutely don't need this but whatever there we go it's pretty good good combo kind of always but i guess we're good yeah out of the keys yes [Music] oh that was a smart was it oh no okay this is fine this is kind of like an underwhelming run but i'll i'll play it out i'll play it out for the for the believers it's kind of it's kind of shitty it's kind of shitty but it is what it is right that did not really work out how did he get down from the [ __ ] ex what excuse me they got them hello tim rick nice i'm stupid i'm [ __ ] by the way ah two trinkets sorry wow oh my god little guy no i'm i'm just i'm i'm brain damaged son we're not playing well today okay i understood the elders to the best and [ __ ] from this level i don't see myself beating the beast with this [ __ ] all right enough angel please i kind of need it no i may get the garbage so the doubters win here i'm gonna press r absolutely not playing this one absolutely not let's do the same thing again okay let's try again give me a give me a icing room thank you all right excellent good excellent let's do excel axle based oh my god dude holy [ __ ] they're just dry buying me what the hell i'm it was not a good run if you're saying that's a good run there's something wrong with you okay oh we gotta go holy poop nice really that's not exploded okay what about now there we go ah that does nothing for me right like apps i don't have empty heart in here so it's not gonna do anything right nice place the useless item oh my god it's actually good by the way actually good by the way definitely good definitely good nice can you pick up chests for me it can't even [ __ ] do that it can't even do it that is [ __ ] just [ __ ] i'll r i'll i'll just already know that's that's the so far i tried to do literally nothing yes okay i don't mind monsters long that's fine that's fine that's actually fine no that's fine no problem with that look at that it's a bit annoying because like you can't partially charge it you like basically have to completely commit all right may i i have to do this first and then part here and then all right are you winning some no well i have it i have a decent item not like a particularly you know amazing one but it kind of sucks in close quarters like this though after clearing out their miss like [ __ ] one by one unless you angle it like a [ __ ] god like that there we go i'm not gonna find secrets it could very much be here oh then i think it's can i even do the secrets yeah i can but it's better to the boss right detected right over there i did probably on top here now it can't be there so it's on the right here or on the right throw this [ __ ] away so a lot of waste of a lot of [ __ ] poop man didn't even get it oh well you win some you lose some okay that's the last option was the correct one so that was just bad luck uh have you tried risk rain one yeah i played that like many years ago that's fun it's a back up here wait and also remove the annoying mod so it's just a regular little horn now isn't that great goodbye wow that was the item that was the item that i got you know what i i'm not gonna laugh i'm sorry i'm just not gonna take that i'm just not gonna take that all right okay it has become like less common to get the item room at the beginning not like that butterfly is fine no issues with it just play tinted cane i mean free win only this one bonhart win the game it's kind of boring though oh goodbye uh let's just yeah there he goes and the secret room will be ah so i think i know where it is i think i have an idea got it tremendous got them and this guy this guy's really weak without like proper breaths or items i guess thank you nice got him well let's look and some case i guess and a soul art look at that that's that's just the hard-up everything you need you think it is like actually has a poop jar this isn't ice hack man this is good baby of course it's a poop jar yeah zarpo thank you for what's up oh my god the [ __ ] procession god [ __ ] damn okay sure okay i am helpless over here man really okay all right it wasn't blocked over here was it oh it was it was okay that makes sense that makes sense didn't see that at first picking a pop is like an investment it's like british garbage on its own but with the right combo it's just like pretty good it can be pretty good [Music] yes [Music] perfect wait what really dude i'm stupid okay let's just do the boston goodbye all cards nice i like that no reverse we don't have rcx good good good strength okay so let's bring joker let's just use this in some levels i guess in some rooms joking good joker good so good i think i want some steam still i think i do yeah my attack speed is so [ __ ] garbage man what gives wait where's the secret though it's like down here like your [ __ ] technology i kind of want that too you got that uh so it's not the left there's nothing left there could be in that corner next to the heart it's somewhat likely that it's over here okay i'm [ __ ] okay no not on here maybe up here i don't i don't know if i checked that did i did i not check this one here i could also be here so let's do something everyone's gonna be mad at me about i'm gonna throw this over here and waste it put that there put this there and then why am i so bad at guessing yesterday man what the [ __ ] well we get nothing but i could go yeah since i [ __ ] it up i'm just going to go buy the um see if i can look out and get technology i don't know that's going to work out but it's probably going to be [ __ ] garbage with this pop but let's just just see see what happens give it to me oh you [ __ ] give it [Music] [ __ ] yeah i probably wouldn't be good in the west so whatever don't be able going back i can't r now besides i have joker someone's gonna r anyways joker very good nice i do have two keys i mean i could just do this right just making a sketch thing over here oh reverse hello hello i like that random dice effect what could this be oh but i don't want to rear the jokers i'm gonna use that just now the moon let's take it out epic face garbage coins instead of hearts okay well i'm not going to go to devil ears but [Music] and there he goes so let's take the wheel of fortune funny card over here and then just the [ __ ] why does it always proc a d100 man what does it do prokady 100 every time i swear to god every [ __ ] time it has to i don't get it man this is a good one okay this or this i i will not have a lot of this one x-ray floor one is really good let's just you know let's just keep the bet going let's just keep the bets going it's fine it's fine it's fine but it's fine yep there we go you damage now what do we have here let's see well that is something okay thank you thank you trash yep goddamn well the region's not going to do anything for me but hp i guess nice dude you have any explosives no we don't okay uh i mean range up something good i basically infinite range sure i don't think i need it but why not funny uh and i can't feel that oh i can though i can i thought i could avoid that damage but thunder trinkets that's right all three entrances here i guess run anyways oh he got fast i didn't see i was looking at something else we got a good combo for the next boss next is a free kill i think i watch this boss disappear oops wrong thing oops there we go okay chill i should over oh i can't i can shoot over those things now cool what is it she's just gonna keep doing that [ __ ] off she's just going to keep doing it oh my god when does it end what the hell can you chill oh my god dude this car sucks is it over i i'm just like running around like a [ __ ] because i i don't want to get hit but i should oh my god i'm wearing [ __ ] this [ __ ] this run [ __ ] this no no [ __ ] [ __ ] this card i'm never using this card again never using that card again what the [ __ ] is that it's just a permanent [ __ ] effect it's [ __ ] garbage used one card and they did understands jesus okay that's a good that's pretty good that's pretty oh good fine oh my god um okay all right we gotta run boys three one only three winners all right i think procs a lot that works like all the time so well so hard this could be a very good run not gonna lie no cursor though yex a card all right beast curse that that that item is good it's a good item that's this like early it's pretty good pretty good let's just keep spreading look at that it's pretty sick happiness money is just a stupid mother i installed [Music] now there should be [Music] let's see down or up here maybe it could be either honestly i have no explosions no explosions it's kind of sad gotta get some nice okay [Music] so i got out without taking damage and that's good that's very good very nice very nice i'm just gonna do it [ __ ] it there there we go okay that was a big money that's fine i don't remember i had this no not really good secret rooms but [ __ ] it that's fine can't get them out can't win them all hey alvin i've ever played here's the white magic tree uh no no i played divinity original sin and when i explained it to your friends someone said it was similar to that game but that's all i know about it yeah we're going to do this pressure also got to do that because we have jack [ __ ] items one is so boring man this is the room that makes me wish i was playing the lost let me get a kill so oh my god good now we have very good modifiers sinus and uh and uh this infection is basically the same thing but sinus is like a little bit better those are very good though if i just get a little bit locked now i haven't eaten much but like maybe one or two like more than it's it's pretty [ __ ] solid i gotta say i'm stupid i still have six damage though that's a very good that's a good item thank you ears up uh and now we do we do no we do he's the mother they're both equally difficult i'll just do i'll just do this i think i think mother is more difficult but this one is like not sure actually oh yeah yeah let's get more options more princess good thank you uh let's do let's do uh modern now we have a good item so let's do modern good potential so if i run this really good i'll do mother if it's like mediocre i'll do it at least because i think this is harder now i think motorist mothers are the mothers are so i don't need like that could run to the mod to do a beast but i need a good run to the mother because she's the boss itself isn't that bad but kidding there's a bit aids the level's leading up to this like ass so i'm definitely going for this mistakes were made i could you know i i could have whatever i could have picked a lost soul in the end there just waited and picked the plus sold when everything was done and just get a free thing and explore but like even that little thing if you like carrying all carry them all the way it's still not that good it's still kind of [ __ ] so it's worth it and it's very likely that it's over here did i check this one i don't think i like actually hit it like the hitbox of this thing i missed it yeah my top missed that's what okay great x alright good this maybe has good synergy with this guy how are there more options let's just do this you know angels so rip believers go go ahead throw away your money oh look at this but since we did that we can actually do something funny over here tremendous i'm going to do the boss thing which is nice i'll see we get that much good before jim i'm stupid i hope you have good day thank you for the sub gopnik man i hope you have a good day too i have bad day i gotta just hit by the stupid attack but we got some damage so that's nice that is nice you can also safely use this to get free curse room although it was completely worthless and not worth my time anyways mirror that boss is pretty simple so we can do that again will you die thank you there we go oops careful now uh i'll get a knife later [Music] you just had this one spike doing that goodbye all right well i gotta i did order for a soul heart but that's that's fine it's just that's just life sometimes this is how it goes got the knife good [ __ ] we're out of here fortunately for me i actually do have like i guess having the resources to go to mother is actually like scuffed because yeah i need to have two bombs but this guy that has like it's difficult to have that in this guy uh i'm gonna save myself a heart and waste this then i can pop this open that pop this pop this there we i'll go this well now more black hearts is actually really important this guy so [ __ ] it we're gonna have to sacrifice two black cards to get to um uh the corpse that hill is so hard now i think it does a blanket how [Music] anyways great okay all right there goes my hearts what a room oh that's a good one that's a good one uh whatever no we got so long that's good what else got that pretty easy that's that's fine i'm gonna double check this one it could be here it's it's likely yeah okay all right dude well would you look at that an item and money move speed good let me break the [ __ ] god damn it i want to break it when they were all like submerged or uh the opposite of the opposite when we're above ground i wanted to use it done first time yikes all right see ya well would you look at that i'll take it that's a good that's that's a pretty decent item it's not too bad all right i love that yeah that's what i will have i almost walked into the buildings goodbye can you die oh my god there we go well believers are coping today i would say believers are coping this is how it goes colette cole dice thank you for the zero first yeah for the cereal thank you thank you thank you appreciate it this is uh mines one so i don't have to do the thing just yet uh i have no bombs that's not good i wish i heads up so i could open a chest down there but whatever that's that's fine secret room is next to the oh one bomb is all i need to go into the curse room for no cost whatsoever interesting what okay so i'm gonna kill us today man really i'm looking with angel drums today though holy [ __ ] magnets uh i'm just gonna sacrifice one hard for it okay nice half hour i'm just spinning lucky with this floors the strap is kind of bad no angel room i'm gonna have to go get my water one one sec why don't you take pills because they're bad they aren't good so i don't take them sometimes it may be oh i got a bomb this throw away all the dog [ __ ] carefully place bomb right there boom if only i needed it i keep getting dude this is the second day in a row but i've gotten like a pj at like full health for no [ __ ] benefit sad good [ __ ] pit this is a setup live or die maggot okay oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever these guys suck balls how many words you know one russ uh oh there's something i can't say because like they would literally get me down i played dora [Music] oh they keep shooting from places you don't expect gaming gaming where all my all my tears are missing dude what the [ __ ] it's crazy like what's up that's killer x triple shot yeah i like triple [Music] um this is a nasty room [Music] the the the places they shoot man all right no greed holy [ __ ] the moment i have money this always happens but i guess it's not the underworld i got tired uh i was gonna use it for hours thank god nice um [Music] [ __ ] diagonal [ __ ] oh yeah this is awesome oh [ __ ] there we go at last flight inspector looks good i'll take that just about the same time or not all right didn't need to do that but i think it's like slightly increasing my angel chance going forward so why not i'm gonna pick up the poop and give uh believers a stroke because it almost looked like i forgot that i needed to do the thing here and get the key piece which i didn't forget by the way because i'm not stupid okay just wanted to clear that up well it's still the same let's see what this i'll keep that got balls of steel you can't even use your [ __ ] well literally cannot have [ __ ] in the mines no [ __ ] allowed all right okay all right [Music] i'm stupid i'm just done i'm going too fast way too fast i'm rushing it for no reason over here i have plenty of health though should be [Music] fine [Music] that should do it i think there we go perfect she can't touch you when you stand still it's it's the easiest [ __ ] thing um oh my god i can't see it right yeah with it so we'll see it can't yeah i was hoping the secret room would let me get free entrance to the uh boss broom thing challenge boss challenge but no not today i'm gonna you know what i don't need i don't need this [ __ ] that much i'm carried by everything else let's see if we can get some um yeah away with you and then we just open this chest for free good now we're going to sacrifice two hearts for the the thing here which is fine having actually yeah getting flying there i would i was kind of buster there wasn't anything better but you know what in masolium and get hannah having flight is like insanely convenient there's so many so many stupid puzzle rooms that you can just completely bypass if you just have like it's great that's a good item never mind i would give it one shot but not more than that nice cool spector tears are also kind of nice i got two bottles to god damn dude holy [ __ ] well if you did more i can just come back there i guess epic everybody i think we're good at health today okay um i like those flies just clear the room for you free please don't agree oh my oh my god oh my god chariots all right what's that juice you slurped up it's juicy lemon juice what juice what are you talking about jesus juice how are they hey that's the first like the one the first edge they got yeah nothing goodbye i haven't got an item room yet is there anything i could potentially do to increase my thinking chance i don't think there is no but i could have doubled it now because i have a [ __ ] unlimited i lost it [ __ ] nothing oh my god oh he's tracking me what the hell that's wild and we got the thing god that's that's pretty [ __ ] sword hearts or attack speed i'm gonna go with this one yeah thank you goodbye the candles poop take one damage and it's all over stuff like that let's go find an item not fast enough uh oh whoa okay sure we have so many hearts laying out there i'm just gonna do this so many [ __ ] there we go here it is see good uh now do we do the rest for maybe more sworn hearts i guess we can do that sure [Music] now we got money yikes well that kind of [ __ ] me up but whatever there's plenty of hearts more okay so i gotta spend some money i just got to spend some money not too much got one heart back good really good i just wanna see what the next one is i really just wanna see what the next one is that's all i want thank you i want that oh that's good i want that too actually good machine oh you guys are gonna [ __ ] love this by the way i'm gonna get this item doctor please come on thank you all right you guys gonna love this you're actually going to love this yeah just so happens we have a room full of batteries over here there's a room with no other pickup so we're just gonna drop it here boom boom and then get another pill another one any doubters there we go that's pretty good um now we're good we also got blue the mortar and the [ __ ] uh you know what's his name the [ __ ] thing okay what oh [ __ ] off man this thing again uh that's a that's a bad one but whatever at least it struck me the bathroom i guess that's probably the worst one oh the eighth ball did yeah it's probably the eighth ball you're right it i think the base value is like pretty [ __ ] low but with the eight ball is like 15 percent before or something well a mars is mars mars is the worst one mars is maybe good on uh on the keyboard if you're not playing with controller but like doing like a double tap with a with the analog stick is is this not with the movement you all you got to do is just not nice to have to do both of the like this just sucks let's lean on one ever got one more what's the goal today gamer uh just beat mother beat mother with this [ __ ] i've got a perfect setup for bombs over here and we get a tower which is useless in my humble opinion okay it's not that good i'll take the non-spiked one i don't really need spots anyways [Music] out there ah we're kind of running we're starting to run a little bit shorter mode so i'm just gonna you know not waste them on that guy there again go give me the same options every time did they only follow me i am surprised i didn't take damage there what the [ __ ] it's crazy oh my my luck today dude well that's an item that did that actually i made a conscious decision it was a good one okay i went for the mitre just how it goes okay really dude i can do this there we go ah do you wanna waste that uh we can item room shop yeah we haven't fun either so i'm gonna go look for that do you know what the dog is doing taking a piss probably wait why did i take damage what the [ __ ] he i i swear to god a thing at me but i just got pushed away for some reason i didn't mean to okay no that's fine sure thanks oh my god we got some modelling around this this sure sure what's this oh good good goodbye and this is i don't know if i'm blowing up a keeper let's just do that just in case i forget yeah with this good more chance now burning bombs or chemical peel two damage for the left eye let's save it let's just save it i mean bombs would do [ __ ] from enemies no idea what a sick room could be but i'm not gonna look for it it's just gonna be boring don't take forever take some [ __ ] oh it's smaller look at that it does nothing amazing [Music] still the damage one no [ __ ] down i took damage why didn't i just use the [ __ ] i have a [ __ ] book man when they use that oh we nice we gotta we got a holy [ __ ] i'm gonna say that for the final boss i think but it's not gonna last long there but whatever goodbye jesus this is index oh and on the go i'm almost all right got him wow oh it used the sun for me cool now we know where everything is that's great this nice black pill okay do i go secrets or curse i yeah i could go curse i could go curse curses it's not too far off could also go finish the run but i like cursor first i'm good solo is nice but not that nice great i'm kind of hungry didn't i buy up i think i have a pot yeah i think i do i'm gonna go heat up a pie in a second after i kill mother i'm gonna hit up a pie so let me destroy his bosses yeah no it's just molests good item why did i fear him wait what oh he just had a school over him okay that's better at this point didn't i have marrow i thought if i would get like a you know attack spit up when i got hit okay oh my god this stream would look holy [ __ ] all right jax well we have one more oh good time to time for mother two holy [ __ ] oh my god that's restroom should be dead somewhat soon i think the [ __ ] uh holy [ __ ] nuke a number on her there we go easy game these again a little just there it is enjoy your pizza pie then it's a tradition to eat one after killing your mom true ring cap i don't know what that is but we got it so now [ __ ] baby only needs one more mark that's beast we're gonna do that next that's right he put my pie dude so [Music] foreign [Music] by the way i uh i don't think i've like mentioned this i think i mentioned this in stream like one time i opened a po box uh in my city where people can send me mail or things and uh i think the address is like here and i think i posted it in a tweet but i should like maybe i'd like a panel for it and i got mail that i'm going to open a stream when i when i have like a decent amount of things i'm going to open it all in the stream and uh make a video about it um yeah it's going to be fun but i think i think i'll have to announce in the video i think i'll have to put it in the video uh to like get it out because there's like nowhere people can look it up at this point what do you expect to get aside [ __ ] post i don't know i've seen i've seen idubbbz unblock some things i've seen too mud unbox some things um but it seems to be completely random people send all types of [ __ ] so i i have no idea i genuinely have no clue let me just wait let me go let me add that let me add that real quick uh hold up edit panels can i make no i should make i should make like a graphic for it first because we have like the donations about the instructor that looks pretty slick okay looks pretty good my palace are [ __ ] sick man but i should add one for the the po box yeah i'll make it a photoshop when i'm done streaming 10 to 20 inch dildo i already have that i got a few of that no will have to send me that uh oh it's gonna get dildo guys you know oh [ __ ] you know what i should do i should uh no i i don't think i'm gonna unbox it on a stream i'm gonna unbox it in the video so just in case there's like a box with a dildo in it i can i can like censor it on the video and post if i if i stream it and uh there's like someone sends me a dildo i i i don't think you're allowed to view to like show a dildo on stream pretty sure you can for some weird reason it's literally just a dildo like who cares but you know twitch is twitch i think i will actually i can just show dildo on youtube also i don't think youtube has anything against dildos no yeah probably wouldn't have to censor it yeah in videos i'm asking about twitch i don't think any i don't think moist has dildos still showcased on his twitch channel i think if he could show they lost on this twitch he would he has you can show dildos on twitch you're only allowed to show dildos if you're a female streamer your own on youtube yeah yeah but on twitch showcase the giant theme though can you show me a clip of that send me a clip of most critical showing a dildo on twitch can we send you liquor no it's not allowed to send the alcohol to mail so we can you can try but probably gonna get sent back every video he has to be yeah a video i'm saying twitch twitch not not youtube twitch isaac video because i don't think it's a lot of i me i don't think you're allowed to show them twitch i don't but if i see that like seven could they say like 7k viewers 10k something like that 10k viewer if that if a 10k viewer showcases a dildo on twitch on twitch it's probably mentioned like a kid no me and a friend of mine wanted to send you a bottle of some good liquor guess we'll send you some pictures what a shame man instantly go silence upon being for proof yeah literally i'm like asking for the specific proof of the thing that people say that i can do and there's just silence dead silence that disappears just like that is the dildo that you own the one that bad dragon you sent as a sample for making the ad on twitter uh what do people think it's real it's not real it was a joke i didn't get sponsored by bad dragon it was a joke it's literally a joke man why do people think it's real it's like hello i didn't actually get sponsored by by furry dildos it was a joke it wasn't you know when people get a banger tweet they they've they uh they add for they make ads for vibrators and [ __ ] so i thought it was a bit funny to be like a parody of that where i was like guys get the best dragon just get the best dildos at bad i thought it was funny and then people like oh you it didn't like the joke just flew over people's head and they're like oh boy you [ __ ] hello oh the furry content creator took the money and ran i was like what it's like i don't know man i just thought it was funny does it pay me [ __ ] hey yo happy to see you again i have missed you it's like to say but welcome back thank you tv stall no i actually came back yesterday that's totally appropriate i feel and then you were meeting a sponsor a couple of weeks ago yeah no i did that was something else though can i send you an informal yeah you can actually that would be very much appreciated if you do she's going to be like on the table there or like even closer if someone sends me a nin film it's gonna get like a pedestal with like a glass casing behind me here in the middle of the [ __ ] way i did the ad for free that's why there's a very clear sign it's not an ad when it doesn't say hashtag ad there was no hashtag ad so it's clearly a joke [Music] this is a good aspire this water is still though it's from yesterday it's like from last night i'm gonna have to like refill it can you send me snooze it's been in germany now you can just order it from denmark there's many websites that would like that don't give a [ __ ] and just sell to other countries i bought it online when i was in spain so and it's illegal to sell in spain but i bought it from denmark it's fine anyways i think people are just so used to seeing uh like sex toys advertised on literally every banger tweet or like bang your tweets uh at this point that they just think it's automatically think it's realistic there we go again even though if it's advertising furry dildos for men are you doing only tainted already going to other characters i'm going to finish him but i only have one mark left on him so if we beat beast next we're good let me get this monster by adam yeah adam and eve no if i'm gonna get sponsored by sex toy seller it's not gonna be some normal dog [ __ ] it's gonna be like something cool and since quality cool and epic like bad dragon or someone with this other weird [ __ ] not some [ __ ] normal dog [ __ ] store uh if bad dragons for your sponsorship you would take it dude yeah if i if i could in this in my second channel just put like an ad for for furry dildos and get paid for it 100 i'll do it i would gladly do an ad for bad dragon on my second channel that would be hilarious that that's like a thing you tell to your grandchildren you know i advertised anthropomorphic dildos on the internet i got paid no i would actually no no joke i would do that that would be funny as [ __ ] that's a much more engaging and fun ad than selling [ __ ] rage to shadow legends imagine the retention you're watching someone play isaac and suddenly there's like hey man buy a bad ringing dildo i think it would be funny people wouldn't be able to tell if it's like a genuine adwords joke that's great i know i just literally just molded about that but still for youtube video if i'm actually no you know what i'm moling about it because i didn't even get paid for it if i'm genuinely doing an effort and i got paid even if people hate it i'm just like yeah but i got my money so anyways how was raids boys sponsor well it's like i didn't do sponsorships much but then when i did it for my main channel they were like hey man i know or like they just offered like twice or like three times the money of any other sponsor so i was like you know what i'll do it i could i i [ __ ] i'll do it that's why so many people do raid because they're like ah you know should i should i do this ad for it for like mobile games like mobile ah mobile games ads they're kind of yeah and then the raid is like hey here have like [ __ ] 10 times your salary like mobile games i can do that yeah that's fine and they'll just make it work because reid they're just [ __ ] they have so much money they have such a [ __ ] huge um budget for advertising it's insane uh yeah let's do the beast maybe there's something good in here wow mega blast well i i can't take this so grippy's head it's like there that's that's better i like that this one i like oh my really dude the [ __ ] orangey really low hearts for level one but sounds that's probably it's probably fine let's see what the item we get oh nice it's good that's good this is actually actually a very good item especially when you're in the character that doesn't really have bombs it's very good no way thank you there we go do all right what we got here i can't see what's on the top left you gotta [ __ ] up to the whatever good i feel a bit better cpp the the the hard whip is so bad man holy [ __ ] actual garbage no range no damage what's the point why bother why bother okay trinkets hmm no no i can't do that but i can do this ah you bastard [ __ ] this guys man oh i buffed him nice that's great sorry have some concrete thank you divinity today i'm playing divinity officer i'm not streaming it because it's like no view sexy no i'm not like bitter about it it's just like that's just how it is like that's like it's just a statement you know like that's that's how it is and that's that's why that is all okay [Music] no butter let's [ __ ] this guy up completely this is so unbelievably strong holy [ __ ] damage what do the mangoes do there's money it's like a meme mod for like the three skins uh yeah that i always get the flame [ __ ] here okay [ __ ] no no no what you [ __ ] edmund mcmillan faced well look here that is uh that's a good item but i don't know man yeah i can afford both i can drive [ __ ] it that's a huge huge gamble it's a huge gamble but that's what we do here chad that is what we do here in this in this listen in this chat we gamba that's just how it is good morning albino and chat how have you been albino good morning mister on flappy boy one try one you know how are you doing man throw the dog [ __ ] put that there speaking gambit can we have one you know yeah sure why not now we're gonna do something uh oh now you have to think a bit you have to put your neurons to work and be like what's the likelihood of this it's a lesson it's a free lesson in the body of myself it's not like it's completely rng or something and i'm just full of [ __ ] it's a lesson it's a learning experience don't worry about it oh that's a very very bad bad pill like uh out of the bad pills you can get that's probably one of the worst i would be better about not getting this energy but we are doing the beast so you know [ __ ] happens right we're doing the best we're going we'll give it later that is fine with me you're literally playing a character full of [ __ ] yeah and what's your point i get this garbage i thought i could deflect him like i was like i'm gonna think fast and just deflect him before he hits me but like i was too late it just ordered it too late uh clear on the right okay clear below let's see there's actually many places oh my god thank you oh this one is clear though okay that's still good info let's probably to the left here then if it's clear that's clear here it's clear from below probably this does those triple room seriously clear yes wow nice i'm gonna pick that up thank you again well if that's the one of these flies to die over here next to this card because i want to i kind of want it that's not gonna happen i do have a setup for it anyways oh but i didn't oh okay i [ __ ] it up wow cool what what what okay now to optimize shits check this one out chad peep this one okay we're gonna pop this one here because it's a bit it wasn't oh wow this is actually a very strange floor this one is clear too though [ __ ] i don't want that we got the i'm gonna keep the bastard to be honest don't don't do can i get like one key one just i have a guppy so i can actually have one key please one look at that damage god [ __ ] down wow dude all right not a big fan of this one but sure okay that's nice actually oops ah so this is looking bad oh come on man man stop it getting there now we have a big problem did i find secrets yet no uh did i check yeah i did check that okay all right uh the respect to the right over here i think i didn't but it's like up here didn't okay so it's probably up here i'm gonna just throw this boot over this chest and miss completely that's fine because i have another try and a reward is nothing it happens it happens all right are we gonna fight the boss with this garbage it's fine actually it's very much fine this is good against this guy yeah so you don't need much items in this guy he's just it's just kind of strong there we go more charge for that two keys very nice very nice let's roll what i mean troll all right all right let's try the cursor then gotta go for curse oh my god dude okay all right funny oh wait what's this what's this what huh that's something the best interplanetary what the [ __ ] who would have thought who would have thought not me i would not have thought oh well i think i'm just gonna i had a feeling about that one oh but i could just shoot my [ __ ] thing right i have rocks do you have any tips for someone who wants to get better at isaac stop playing the game [Music] oh [ __ ] i have one heart left man can this thing oh my god oh my lord why is my damage for [ __ ] garbage holy [ __ ] shut up the fly no stall hearts kill me all right i have to use my okay please god just don't let me die here oh my god dude i guess no i guess not what are they i don't know where i get what if they go so close i don't know i don't i don't get it stupid moral moments okay that's it oh hello but you're still alive what the [ __ ] you just hit yourself and die wow i could do excel but it's like i've done it so many times now and every time it's just been a waste of time every time did nice nice nice oh why don't you take pills by now they're they're fine man just take the pins it's okay they're not awful they're not a waste of time wow oh my god it's so good so glad i'm taking pills man amazing look at this oh my gosh amazing really groundbreaking stuff here man sure okay all right all right [ __ ] what's your problem man what's going on big guy you can play perfectly well there we go we got a free secret over here i think someone's just mad honestly oh look at that no no i don't think i win actually i don't think i will lastly i can do without this oh whether it is that stupid i could buy a deck of cards if i get one more coin actually that's pretty good yep i'm gonna do that i like the cards no look at that this is the boss i guess go ahead there we go and a good item this is a good one yeah ring beast so let's just take this check out the last room the secret drum is always explored okay what's going on i don't understand what's going on in the chat hello harry by the way where the waiter why the funny face wait is it not there is no gamble oh because the boss i'm [ __ ] i gotta drink water my head hurts it's it's it's it's it's annoying you buy a red bull and there's like you forget to hydrate because you're not actually drinking water you're drinking something but it doesn't hydrate you you're just like instead of water you're drinking sewage suddenly and like you think you're getting hydrated but you're not so i keep i keep when i have it every time i get like a headache after a while because i'm like i think i've had water but i actually haven't thanks what about a room at least we got some [ __ ] garbage that's great i i couldn't avoid that i literally couldn't wow dude yeah have some flies let's run this where's the hydrated kiln coin award it's nowhere because you don't get to decide that this guy is such [ __ ] weak arms man we can skeleton [ __ ] can't throw more than like two centimeters hello everybody okay we gotta we got that nice thanks do a little shooting kaboom are you gonna use coins what i don't know what you're using for there's nothing for me though it's a bad idea if i were to make a wild guess [ __ ] you literal garbage man [ __ ] you oh but wait but but but wait but wait you know what i can do i can buy health um i need [ __ ] there we go i have [ __ ] this is wrong [ __ ] medicine oh my god get away from me dude yes oh my god oh my god oh nice garbage i'm gonna take them 48 power energy i guess i'll bring this with me what's this then why did i always get always i get [ __ ] tears done man every time [ __ ] off [ __ ] game thank you [Music] okay nice yo x dude that's my money man i'm gonna leave okay okay we're good oh hello that's actually good uh run saved at least they're listening say but it does like potentially it has potential it definitely has potential as it's not an auto win but it's potential okay [Music] oh my god yeah my damage is still [ __ ] trash nice [Music] like my tear spears so i can trash that's the problem oh hello alright thank you nice [Music] horrendous oh my god okay let's go light whatever wait we got flight now dude i told you man take off cards it's just it's just the way to go now we're gonna go like check out the shop though i do wanna see if there's anything worthwhile oh yeah i can do coins sick one shot you know what that means round two oh but this one isn't done yet which floor are we on oh we gotta we gotta finish this but first okay yeah we gotta i'll use some more cards in the meantime i really did i will actually exactly get one more card if i go if i finish it with it yeah however there could be soul hearts in the bathroom if this was an injury room there can be sold out there so i want to bring this third i'm going to sacrifice one card for the chance of that so we can you know just in case just just be careful here go to the sacrifice room 5050 oh you're trying to debate me you [ __ ] [ __ ] bastard [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] so all right this [ __ ] again [ __ ] you no no room however this one is gonna be a little bit more [Music] spicy [Music] [Music] you know what's gonna happen [Music] it's a 50-50 it's actually just 50-50 that's it well no there's some execution on top of that to be fair does this give blackhearts no no it doesn't you ready all right it's the best has been settled we're just gonna go for it then with some money okay there's one [ __ ] okay [Music] so i'm doing it for the bet i'm doing this for the best i don't care about winning the game i'm doing it for the best i'm doing it for the best oh my god uh straight away can like it's troll bumps i need two more i i can't do it i don't think i can do it i mean i must have miscalculated or [Music] something [Music] hmm that's not looking good but that would have been so [ __ ] sick that oh that would have been so sick i was about to get carried by game knowledge okay it was very close monkey pole now let's check the monkey ball what to do so [Music] oh okay okay okay there's a couple things that i got to do now you absolute monkey i lost last bet because you didn't get the angel room then you d id get the item room and losing the game to gamble yourself shut up no you have any flames i have this will this do a full heart of damage no it didn't oh my god okay here it comes oh come on dude all right it was worth a try it was worth a try yes yeah no it was worth a try it was 50 50. still don't need that much more for it to be filled but that that kind of sucks by the way if you're wondering albino why didn't you take the black orchid into the buster box because that [ __ ] up the item poo as far as i remember if you remember if i remember correctly it [ __ ] up with the item pool and i don't want that so that is why otherwise i would just take the blackheart into it all right well now we have uh three two hits before i die unless it's on the lead in case i have why can i i don't need this [ __ ] right now i just really don't oh that's the soul heart that's the soul heart by the way that's a soul heart gaming okay [ __ ] off this guy's an [ __ ] you never know okay uh all right okay now i gotta figure out something oh okay so they could they could that's true oh boy oh boy it's getting there okay um hi angel room chance i think i'll go for the boss nice really would you look at that tada okay for the beast oh that's not good for the beast that's just good for me at all yes oh all right well i got i i got the box that's that's good it's a good thing but everything up until the beast is gonna be nice but when i actually get there and just the fire faces i don't know man i don't have keys but i could fly in and do that you know i'm out of the cursor i don't encourage them i want to get the shop so i'm going to do cursion it's only half wow oh what a water room that's just great unlucky i guess no shopkins there is one more thing though i'm very good at fighting those today what's the better beast there we go okay that was the fire that was not okay i thought it was for some reason i thought it was a poison but well we got a key there's that one more good a [ __ ] this [Music] could be good well i gotta we got that that's nice goldgamer goldgamer i don't yeah we dodged those without those i think we do oh my god but i'm not what i'm gonna pick up after the end room okay plus two damage not bad bad speed is horrendous it's fine that is fine with me there he is goodbye i need speed being this slow against the beast is gonna be [ __ ] terrible this is gonna be the most awkward [ __ ] fight man oh my lord okay nice this i'm finally getting keys we got back on this is that's one okay it's one i just gotta make sure [Music] keep getting this thing that's like clearly [ __ ] useless on me i'll have to fart them to death when they point to it no there's not right there's no no no reason okay well that's another useless dog [ __ ] time to get chaos i think it's gonna take a while i'm slow as [ __ ] [Music] wow all right time to find weird things could check out the rest of the map why not and chance to fire bounce it here think it's good because whatever with bouncing tears with um oh my lord with my attack is very good usually i need yourself so badly dude there we go all right um i i have i have i have the damage i need to kill the boss i just don't have anything else this is ever worth using this guy i feel like it's just trash it's like you pay three points for one [ __ ] spider is it just is he actually just a scammer he didn't give anything he gave me one flying okay and we still have 70. one more proc and i'm done yeah actually garbage actual garbage no no no well pedestrian i want to have hearts i want to have hearts i'm just going to keep the faith i do enjoy my hearts you can't scam my way in there i guess nice so again all right never any good secret rooms ever nice today thank you well the crown is carrying me okay that makes sense card which swiss card is this why not look all right uh well do i get that oh no man all right yep ticks and boogers yeah i'll get it i just gotta find shop there you go okay i do need here's up so we have two guppy items now if i get one more it's it's full on guppy that's that's something it's one thing we gotta look forward to maybe i guess i'm gonna leave this excuse now nice i have two full cards i have two full cards i have two full cards i'm sure i have two full cards there's not a full card over there dude i i know it i know it i do okay got him all right there we go what's good ashley good morning no what's this no that's bad okay you know what sensor is actually really nice for for making me be able to get to the beast with like a lot of hearts like it's gonna make the fight itself a bit scuffed but getting there it's gonna be a lot easier and consistent because i have a [ __ ] thing if nothing else my speed is gonna be very bad so i'm gonna have to when the beast does the fire thing i'm gonna have to stay really far away so don't get stuck then [Music] really far put in the firmware wig no i don't think i will actually [ __ ] thank you how does this work does that work it doesn't work at all okay chaos on and want to get this [ __ ] breakfast nice it's between the oh my god we got we just found a very cool synergy we just found a very cool synergy that a very cool synergy i gotta say oh magic skin what uh i guess why not okay you lose it doesn't do anything it doesn't end for me that's like a completely useless item uh okay we're throwing away there storing that putting that over there there we go i'm a little bit mad i'm a little bit mad [Music] i could magic in the secret room i could big big could this is not instead of wow dude okay do i do it no i shouldn't i should just go i should just go restraint restraint restraint restraint it's gone just get over it it's gone how can you have spent our savings steam homage is gone let's cringe it's like impossible to get yourself for some reason tears up doesn't exist this game again let's see this guy ever pays out like if does he ever get anything good can he give you guppy's head it's like a rotten item now give that i guess he can give anything yeah but he doesn't give anything ever does he he just doesn't wow yeah this is the scam actual me like scams [Music] no um i've i think i forgot two item rooms so i gotta check out two of those keep that in mind i guess my movement speed is so [ __ ] bad dude [ __ ] unreal so all right not yeah yep that's yep thoughts on cheese i like cheese no i didn't skip either from here did i no it was like earlier it was like early early in the game but like caves maybe caves one was not caves too i'm sure that's did you hear yours okay i'm amazing it was like only the first floor could be could they could be there's a card in here hold up nice look [ __ ] all right nothing anyways the game feels like a damage to slow effect yeah i picked up one item that reduces my speed and now i'm just like dog stuck which normally would spit at all nothing oh yeah the right let's go again well now i i just i'm just gonna dump all my money on them [ __ ] it this might take a bit but he can get pedestals but it's the same as the charge buddy the charge body also just like never had to really pays out so most likely from 40 points i'm not going to get it the the regular one is much more likely to get pedestals so i'm just like a bit upset that i actually unlocked this guy because i didn't i would probably get the regular bum which would probably get a pedestal and with chaos that could be anything which is good but yeah it's just unfortunate that i keep getting this useless piece of [ __ ] instead of a good one he gave me a fork okay well thanks what uh what a good what a really good use of my time man the xbox game helps though ah george penny no i want no scoblin [ __ ] oh yes whoops wait there was no did i not skip and i swear to god i skipped an item but okay that's this [ __ ] it all right i got one hardback oh no just casually light them in there chill nice is oh and this is gonna be [ __ ] hard but god damn okay that face i took i took two damage on that face i'm totally fine with that that's fine man that was difficult to navigate for sure i instantly broke it myself okay nice [Music] hmm stop blocking me [ __ ] i you already died we're taking damage boys i don't like this okay so far so good here comes the bad part that i was worried about oh my god this game holy [ __ ] the precision [ __ ] movement oh my god did i [ __ ] do it come on [ __ ] damn yeah i think we did it i think that [ __ ] may be complete yeah i think it is i think it is he's looking kind of bold over there turns out that's tech x and uh boogie boogers is a good thing who is broke today i wonder how could it be uh this is maybe the doubters look beautiful now like done done done done done done done done and then that's the halfway point but done done done and all was done and almost done we're pretty close to getting uh what is it birth certificate is it birth certificate you get if you do all those i think it is death certificate death certificate yeah yeah that's the one that is the one i'm not even mad about losing i'm happy that you're finished with [ __ ] baby yeah he's a you get used to it but you know what it actually took me all the check marks to get used to this [ __ ] this this guy here how you cue up the the poops like the elements you cue up the elements in the correct order to like optimize uh opening secret rooms and so on it's like it's a different way of thinking that i like now i can do it but in the beginning it's really [ __ ] like you just gotta forget everything you know about bombs and just yeah it's a lot to take in which is kind of funny to say because it's a poop we're talking about it's it's [ __ ] poop optimization yeah poop optimization is really really key to to managing this character if you really want to try hard like i do basically everyone you should really get mod that makes bigger animations faster oh that is something i'm a little bit conflicted about because the thing is that one thing you have to consider when trying to get boswish or hush is that time is a factor so if you use so then there's like a there's two costs to using a beggar one is money and the other is time and if you're using that mod and you're cutting off one of the costs so you're directly affecting gameplay and that's not what i do with my mods that makes like i think that's that's like if if i've finished all check marks on on a character i'll do it but i think it's a bit unfair to install something like that like if i'm trying to go for uh bastards napoleon then i can like save time i mean it's it let's be real like nine times out of ten this is not gonna matter but still i'm um i'm just really anal about these things make them all that changes the beast to a [ __ ] images of your face for each attack i know hi i tried modding this game i made a mod and it was not consistent at all like the i think uh it's the official tools for modding repentance out because what i i watched a youtube video on modding and i tried to do it but it doesn't seem like it was updated to the current thing the numbers didn't match up and it was a bit weird i changed the very i changed the very simple thing i changed the charges tonight to require just to test like there's the next nomicon i was trying to charges from like four to three and just doing changing that number just crashed my game and i was like what it was i just i edited two uh two numbers my one number in a txt file game crash so i think that maybe the game needs to the modding tools need to be updated maybe or something maybe i did something horribly wrong but i don't think i did but yeah let's just let's put it this way starting out modding when the game is in the state that it is right now where like i don't feel like modding is completely updated i i don't want to learn it right now because right now the resources that you can find online are mainly for like after birth plus modding right uh so there's no like tutorials or anything on modding for repentance which i would need if i'm going to learn to do it i think you didn't rock bottoms sacred heart what are you what are you trying to say here you went to from 524 when you got back to 640. i did yeah we're back at like before i went to poland that's pretty good that's really good thank you um let me just check what because like in one hour i was i'm supposed to meet my family uh let me just check if there's an update on that doesn't seem to be because i was told like oh we're gonna we're gonna go out and have a have a pint and uh they didn't specify the time it was like yeah roughly around this time so i'm just like you know kind of keeping an eye on my phone just in case um i think jacob is a [ __ ] he's just so stressful like i like i like sitting back and chilling and like i can i can sit back in my chair feet on the [ __ ] my feet on the on the computer case and just lean back like this and play the last that's totally fine i don't get stressed at all playing the last he's a fun character or tainted blast even that's just fun i think that jacob gives me anxiety my hairline you know i think normally i would go bowl by the time i'm like 35 if i play more than jacob it's gonna be like 33 or like 30 32. like i'm reducing my my my the lifetime of my hairline by like two years by playing this character because it's so [ __ ] stressful but that and that's why i like uh just uh when i play him i completely cheeses like r scamming the game to oblivion by holding r finding a curse room going into the curse room buying magic skin kill esau become lost jacob clear the floor by using magic skin repeatedly and get three items i'm going to go to a secret room get echo chamber rock bottom and then use magic skin in in angel rooms that's like my plan for beating check marks on this guy and i've done it once that's how i got i think mega satan uh and when i did when i did the greedier with this guy the reason i beat it was because i found the racer and i calculated i did i went into the calculator in in um in windows and was like okay he does 3.5 damage how many times do i have to hit him to deal 300 damage and it was something around like 75 or something so i hit him 75 times through the eraser and tainted esau was gone for us to run that's how i did greedy with this guy because if i didn't do that there's no there's no way there's no way i was gonna be able to do it but then there's the issue okay you've done that you've got the the orange the planets are [ __ ] aligned you got the you got the eraser you didn't have an item that [ __ ] up your damage and makes it inconsistent you were able to calculate exactly how much you have to hit him before throwing the eraser he's gone now you still gotta beat ultra grid here and i was lucky enough to get that that that was uh i was very happy because the the card you get that the reverse tariff card for for for tainted jacob is probably not it's almost the best one it's it's like i would say tied for the best one i think they're the reverse lovers and reverse stars is is like the two best ones along with the reverse moon the verse moon is [ __ ] insane the reverse moon is the one that just teleports to the to the ultra sacred which is like a free angel item essentially so yeah it's very good that's why i tried so hard to unlock it because i went to the weekend i looked up the turret cards the reversal and i was like okay the reverse moon i need that that's the one i want and uh yeah that was that was hard it was not fun i didn't enjoy it but i got the card and i've been using that card a lot and that card getting that card early in repentance and every time you find it reverse tarot card it's gonna be like a free angel item having that has carried so many of my other runs like so many of these have been carried because i could find i could find a reverse uh moon card and suddenly you have a jar of wisps you have a holy mantle uh [ __ ] sacred heart or some [ __ ] like it's really good als another thing you also get you get the ultrasecret room and there's room you can use to spawn on items if you have a gift wrapped bag from the shop if you have uh um eaten soul if you have anything that spawns pedestal items you can just put them in there you get angel items pretty good my balls lordly thank you for tier one man oh my god there's so many things i i don't know about real life i've there's the the not like the things i know about this game take so much space into in my [ __ ] head but that's also why i love it there's there's so much to it it's it's literally it's literally a slot machine in underwater in like 40 chest style so it's kind of fun i guess let's do bethany mother beast which is worse than lester's or jacob i think lazarus because lazarus is just boring like change jacob is a better maid character he's more fun he's more fun to play tainted eden lazarus no i have all summers what what did i say tainted lazarus is boring tainted jacob is really painful but he's interesting that's what i'm saying sinisterian thank you for tier one man i should use this i'm wasting charges by not using it [Music] wow oh great thank you three dollar bill tremendous good all right what are we getting here sinus is good no complaints ah where'd i go i didn't realize the other topic i was gonna i'm getting so juked holy [ __ ] god oh neat i get up get over here ghosts he won't just want to wake up oh good good as well as this chest also a spawner ghost and he's gonna throw that over here and it's gonna pick a box over here for me which will in the end reveal this chest pick him up oh let's go throw it over here over here there you go there we go there we go i don't even have a key but when i do you know when i do i thought i was done with [ __ ] baby but okay hello he's got this yep that's a key does he always drop a key i think it does it feels like it oh my god oh my god that's it paid off smart what the [ __ ] there it is give me that [ __ ] [Music] give me that [ __ ] give that to me we're knocking it pills after i get this sure oh i get charged from it cool speed good kills heal gives me hours i'm gonna put it in a very specific spot to check for secret and blow up one rock at a time same time right there because i am just that smart okay oh it's a stock one all right let's run the blower one i was gonna find some cards doesn't create booth has a chance for angel item i think it does yeah but i'm not gonna waste my hearts like they're very valuable you know cars are good to have alright he does it twice come on i really want to shop now show us more transfer keys okay that was a very small shop shops usually have like cards and i want cards it's like what i want but i want cards give me that okay so it could be down here right i don't think it was blocked bombay found the plug okay uh i still gotta make to the item room somehow i don't have a key my eye hurts paul energies got me bad now i i went to the pharmacy today and i asked for hey can i have my nasal spray so i don't die and they were like well you could ask your doctor for uh for a prescription i was like i have a prospect prescription i got it you know last summer and she was like well you got to renew it every year i was like well my pollinator isn't going to isn't cured i i still need the [ __ ] thing i said see uh you're gonna call your doctor on monday and get it done i was like okay well let me just die the entire weekend [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] wisps man give me a booster pack a booster pack if i got a booster pack now i'm going to come i got speed speed is nice though um i said we're doing more we're doing mudder i'll skip one item it's fine we might get a planetarium that's fine this is really stupid but it was you know i can really use one key here one this is my topic so i'm just gonna have to do that oh my god thank you oh i got 50 coins maybe i should go for a not sure what is this does not work at all okay oh my balls cool we got keys now don't be rude please a card ah yes okay i'll blow him up for the chance 2.5 percent worth worth got one card to put in the it's not like a big one but it's something i guess okay there can't be there can't be there can be there can be there what cam started it could be here i i think it's likely got to this let's do the boss first contributing towards link cosplay let's go appreciate it all right uh who was that talk about the gamer thank you what's up man appreciate it i'm retar dude brain damage brain not working jesus christ man i'm gonna die one of those flames mark my [ __ ] words we got the bomb we needed that's good now we can go into the mines oh i lost i lost the attack x that's not good thinking she's gone this effect yo my talk thank you for the five subs man [ __ ] abort jesus perfect timing on that freeze oh my god okay that was extremely risky but i want to get some i just want to find cards and [ __ ] man knife piece gets we can leave dude so bad and beast that [ __ ] resets all the time yeah we're nothing based that we're doing mother so that's fine you got really good hearts like health but i haven't really gotten much use of my um echo chamber yet which is kind of sad because it's a very fun item but if you don't get the things you need like you need items to process like if you don't get that it's like doesn't really do too much i guess or like if you get a soul it's insane but like yeah you first you gotta find the soul man gonna wait reducing that good all right man but a little piercing so there we go i'll take it i want bombs [ __ ] it that's very good i'm lucky i'm lucky i'm lucky i'm lucky as [ __ ] that was super risky but i was we're getting there [Music] no cards man no nothing card good judgment okay um no card yikes i started like will be [ __ ] sick right now can i get it in this turret oh terrorist claw okay no no let me get on in secret room you could get rock bottom yeah but it can just it can get deleted as well so really all right we'll be over here though probably well okay okay just left angel room though okay [Music] nice [Music] nice what the [ __ ] hello [Music] soul oh nice that's pretty good the mega chest yeah correct thanks for running me because now i think i should have enough keys to do it it doesn't actually do the sprinkler doesn't do anything with this that's that's nice to know it can't shoot dudes are not good we got the baby though mine's one okay let's go next i have three bombs i could ah do i need that now i don't know man a card a [ __ ] card lads amazing got an impress more bumps jesus christ good morning al bingo dubs thank it goes good this is a good run but it's it still needs a little bit more it's a little just a little bit more just a little bit more good oh that's good that's good that's good that's good i like that so this is amazing it's not amazing but it's good okay where's the shop though there it is of course of course steam sale pick on more on moga sauce tea there we go thank you we could just do the boss and then the key thing or a knife [ __ ] chip that's better than what i have [Music] there we have it [ __ ] there's a secret heart so now we go into the i think we unlock the thing yeah yes well i can still lose these i hope i hope mothers does this the mother spirit like delete these things that would suck balls i really hope she does not [Music] that would be really stupid [Music] i guess we'll see if she does then i might have to just do this differently than i usually do because normally i can just hug her but if she starts deleting them then i'm [ __ ] i gotta keep like much more distance than usual [Music] does it seem too [Music] i don't think she does all right that was pretty smooth took one damage because i didn't want to lose my wisps but that's fine that's fine that's fine like i i just my sacred heart is on like the outer ring so it's like that's gonna break first at this point so i gotta be here be careful with that anyways let's sacrifice some health and go good little farting how do you feel about it were you getting buffed wait in smash i i i don't know what are you people make a big deal about buffs in smash but like it's unless you're like a [ __ ] sick high tier pro player it's not gonna matter i want that bag that is mine it's mine one arm said mine by the way i'm gonna bring that with me somewhere cool i'll get that later oh nice thanks i was gonna find a secret room goodbye oh hard no card x holy [ __ ] oh if it does homing it's kind of like dragging itself on its own around you know it's pretty cool i kind of have to aim it up much it will kind of just like go on live his own life you know [Music] an identified pill no i think i will no thank you no no that's bad look at this room get more bumps red horse don't have cards they have pills like that okay it's gotta find a secret man well actually okay we got the meme thing i mean we could just go next now what did i leave behind like a used item i used i left the um something something i didn't want to use much by the leave behind oh the spirit i don't care about that can't be on the verge of mental breakdown prepping for my final today here is some money thank you can i have a card instead i don't really need money right now thank you for the sub man uh speed i really want some some cards now maybe that maybe i can gamble it in the end in the in the arcade the secret cards i don't know i really want cards man close to this room i lost this word nice appears i've also lost sacred heart what's next that could be useful [Music] thanks uh i'll use the uh prayer card for us healing i guess fine you want a card have more bits for the bits oh cars hello based well this is the fool but something to use for now i guess i was muslim too all right space hello chat do i take the pills thanks for the bits by the way i really appreciate it thanks thanks i know i sorry i'm just thinking hard okay yes small oh no oh no all right this is confusing good morning gamer good morning [Music] thank you for still space melissa god bless this freeze effect what don't do it [ __ ] you [Music] not this time uh shop still i still live shop yep we do we need shop because give me the thing i need yep safe but there we go money [Music] should i buy dogecoin no you should hello maggot what should i do about a huge group project you this week where my team members haven't talked to me in two weeks lol also keep up funny stream do everything yourself another pill really yummy [Music] all right oh god that could be worse that could be worse that's fine that could be worse [Music] oh he goes keep her skin we're gonna look at a lot of spiders holy [ __ ] my spiders now okay all right oh [ __ ] there was a bolster but it let's disappeared let's go my thing stop it i'm losing all my items it's over okay this again jesus christ a wireframe nice i lost the sword nice hierophant's nice to have it's so scuffed i have no idea what items have oh i got max wait this this my cards double my [ __ ] it does i it doubles the hearts i have in my [ __ ] inventory holy [ __ ] jesus christ man good to know i'm also very tiny very small this is a weird round do we take that no i don't know man so where's the enemy nervous there we go [Music] no teleports okay sure yeah no that all right matt what car another teleport card jx this is the weirdest run this is the weirdest i'm just like trying to think what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do next but like no i don't want to turn into the keeper i don't have two health sounds awful okay all right no i'm going to end the run i'm going to end the run i could do the the the forget me now [ __ ] but i'm not going to do it i'm not going to do it i'm not doing it we're just gonna we're going to go for the end here all right pill i don't think if it's a telepathic the hangman that i can get behind lost contact that's nice not that long nice i lost my flying it's over here we go face one done oh my god first unlimited use like i can't use it up i just can't it's funny because like every time because i have echo chamber and i had two of hearts in there every time i used it it would double my charges from like 50 to 100. so i could just like infinitely use it jesus christ that was echo chamber on this character was pretty [ __ ] useful now we only need one more mark on her it's pretty good it's not bad at all um yeah big run epic run but like i was quiet for most of it because i was like thinking what do i have in the echo chamber queue what's really how do i do this how do you have enough to beat mother there are so many like things to think about that i just like had a stroke but it went well i guess yeah echo chamber on first floor it went okay it went okay there's your hello i'm gonna call it today because in four minutes i'm was supposed to be at a bar so yeah my family is visiting so i'm gonna go spend some time with them for the rest of the day and if i come back you know before a certain amount of time like if i don't come home at like [ __ ] midnight i'll i'll stream some more but yeah this is saturday and usually i stream on sundays but yeah still i will go spend some quality time and you guys enjoy the rest of your saturday have a good one thank you for watching and i'll see you tomorrow tomorrow i will stream the normal times like from six and onwards um the usual but today i just like on a whim got invited by a family to go out and have some uh some fun so we're gonna do that goodbye and good night
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 9,643
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Id: h7uTEJcM95A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 37sec (14377 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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