Tainted Lazarus Speed Run - Hutts Streams Repentance

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lazarus speed run the boss rush dainty last boy going risky out the gate look at these plays you seen these plays oh yeah the plays what's tainted lazarus's thing painter lazarus switches between one character and another character every single room like karen and dante my least favorite characters from uh whatever the hell that mod was dante and charlize revelations and master 16 thank you for that uh just got here what's going on dad says ron kelly two minutes ago while we're doing this now i was busting up greedier mode before that look at the bits though dante and karen it's just like having one character where you have to split up half your items pick your favorite children i hate it [Music] uh [Music] i'm gonna try to go fast i don't see it going well though what's the upside to this guy i don't think there is one i think it's just pure inconvenience oh oh two hp bars health bars yeah two health bars that you can't fill because you have to split up the health upgrades you can never do that well because you're only half as strong as you could ever be which means you're probably gonna take more damage which means you're just not gonna have health lying around at least you don't control both at the same time at least you could protect one with the strength of the other one though with non-tainted jacob esau oh yeah okay he can't have red health i was like oh shoot was he like a blue baby guy no gonna be lined up for that item room perfect that's where i wanted to go yep upside is that he's not tainted lost i still think tainted loss is more fun call me crazy car battery with this gonna make me work for that we're not speed running it's already four minutes in first floor my god i'm trying to go as fast as i possibly can trying to do it that's just not a winner not touching me stop touching me then he win the greed run duh who who needs it who needs it probably i mean neither of them have had stat upgrades at all and i can't switch forms right now so i guess that settles it this guy rock bottom start all right all right rock bottom girls you make the rocking world go around soy milk easy game yeah but still um we are going we're going to try still for speed runs buff the one guy kill the other hus tim most up speedrun rooms i've ever seen so it's the dead looking one that's got the rock bottom save one for the other guy i'm gonna try to go angel it's so hard on a on a speed run to go angel because you need the power now but if you get a trash first deal with the devil then it's like what are you supposed to do you know definitely just got an eyelash in my eye [Music] arkanost seven months hudson lactated loss today thank you for all the gameplay has helped me a lot that's good good luck did he just shoot a tear through that tnt barrel did i just if we ever get like a strength card or something like that we should wait till we flip to this guy to take it and then at that point honestly we could start giving the damage upgrades to the other guy because this guy will already have been locked in at a higher level claudia has spectral was it a champion interwove 53 months yo kind of a [ __ ] isn't it check me out smort bob's bladder why is the music disoriented excuse me imagine if rock bottom worked on both sides i think if i get birthright it might give it to me it's not like you grab a couple from the other dude i'm the dude disguised as the dude playing the other dude i don't know why that came off bill cosby but it did be doing that baby zip zap do unimplemented yeah that's what i said right yep totally yolo um i mean maybe if i can get it to work then it's he's gonna be in good shape it's not like a speed run though you should have flipped i just need one health upgrade though and then i'm in that upgrade won't go away right and then he can grab more health he won't be locked in and like i said then i can work on like bumping up the other guy because this guy will already have been locked in thanks to the prime cell but welcome welcome welcome back tracking 1000 iq speed running you're gonna try to make fun of me right now for trying to get item rooms when i'm a character that only gets half items really is that happening all we gotta do though is get to boss rush and just get the good guy out as a day ben hutz sausage oh yep i remember rockets zama ragan man rocking man burning on a spoon up here alone because i think it's gonna be a long long time yeah it is it's gonna switch between the two up per wave right right right right mayday maybe we'll make hush confident in our boss rush player right now i'm thinking hush good shot though nice try hamstring kind of hard out of the corner beer i tell which dips are yours and which are not 5 8 or 200 bits this character on greedier big oof [Music] the best best around that's too bad this i can't pick up items and then drop them again [ __ ] rocket you piece of [ __ ] why do you have to try to hurt me like this rockets let's tame the rockets hey first hill to find a while 50 bucks from edible anus thank you for that for saint jude children's hospital drop the bulb burn all stats up and i think it's gonna be a long long time i can't curve them okay got me a [ __ ] spider goddammit gotta get out of here keep it going just gotta get this guy charged up then he can drop and get to the other one [Music] is that this floaty guy or is it a light blue champion i don't even know ish [Music] rockets go did you literally miss everything again that takes skill to miss field goal over here nfl get them up the nerd 306 22 thousand dollars raised for saint jude children's hospital thank you so much nerd we hit our goal our daily goal we flip and did it leaflet did it need it the other guy needs some something let's just go ahead and do a little flip reno this guy needs an active item though first in order to get the benefit from the trinket 13 minutes it's not going well has never looked so good just working them more like hal oh my god how did you dodge that [Music] hat i could be convinced to put a hat on this sounds agreeable [Music] i can accept those terms yeah this is a trash run i'm booking it i did backtrack for an item room though i wasn't even next to you what the flip this boy's gonna die on a full sprint away from them i can't flip them it is what it is guys tears down amnesia look down wow holy wow i just don't know how it can shove his hand up my anus harder than what it just did i am working my buns off here i'm that mad i am that pissed off right now i'm restarting i'm going for boss rush yikes why chat [Music] rock bottom we couldn't even i was dying we couldn't even get to boss rush okay tech axe first room or bust we were gonna lose it and that was gonna feel a hell of a lot worse at least right now i feel somewhat in control how do those guys shoot so fast that's unreal oh my god x paralysis more x-lax speed down that sounds in our key i think i hate this character most of all it's just it's it's there's nothing rewarding about playing the character i wish there was just something else that made it like oh hey but you could maybe do this and there's like literally i'm racking my brain to think of something that's like a slight positive and i can't think of anything most of the characters is like look maybe you could you know if you got this though even like this one item this one's like sneaky nay five subs what's up thank you for the five kids itself my friends and professor sideburns tier one sub i'm not probably give the help this guy needs it needs the help sneaky name of the problem sub yourself professor sideburns i think i said that one maybe maybe not tier one sub 500 tuner bits character on greedier big oof i did read that might as well poke her heads in just see what's up each one in the kitchen to get water all here is how it's yelling i was reading chat chat was yelling at me that's pretty mad right now i'm wearing chats just super fuming i mean i'm feeling too but that came off and holding the r key and instead of screaming this time instead of throwing my computer in the trash let's just try again r key super pog but holy crap we do girls this chat see they're growling at me 22 000 for st jude though i didn't mean to do that but fine okay all right oh blade oakley rar oh chat i'm gonna have to ask you to seriously calm down okay can i just miss the spot that's where the secret room is though did i miss it am i what the it's never not been in that location i'm gonna have to grind away you guys on characters like this i'm gonna have to start playing in ways that i don't like and ed doesn't even like and that means holding the r key and i hate it but man oh man oh man oh man like normal characters you can top out a run and like beat it with this oh my god no you can't you actually can't tough out a run and just beat it you are inevitably going to bleed out and they're going to be laughing at you dead on the floor decapitated with [ __ ] in your neck hole and i just don't want that to happen to me so here we are nothing but pain more pain neck [ __ ] struggling with the ultra hard challenge this yeah already got too much gonna have to do it watch me you're you're forcing my hands well why aren't you just okay with a negative 500 win streak a big baby one i'll give you one nope on god's name are you supposed to do boss rush with half items by getting tech x on one and then tech techx on the other one with crooked penny that's it that's all i can think of that acts with one in the item room and mom's knife in the deal the devil it's not not doable the other guy you know what why don't i just flip it now and do a little bit of this nice that's that's peak gaming there crawl space luck just soaking up my time give me a good item and then we're in who's urine this guy's just he just keeps getting stronger but if he's got the damage then he should have the spiders good night good night nightfang night night fang like that go like this like that like this a little bit of that there we go that's not secret diplopia diplopia you know that has some potency like a magic mush right you buy diplopia in the shop and you get a magic mush somewhere is that still in the boss pool magic mush it's a maybe it's honestly a maybe with the other guy it'll give him some some nice damage for like you know i i don't know you know what i mean because i don't know you know what i mean then tell me what i mean because i have no idea explain it back to me i'm getting stuck in there you dum-dum you too big let's get that rockets let's get the rockets back you're dead though like oh yeah oh yeah i am oh yeah he's right a little bit of range yeah oh you son of a [ __ ] i really need to give health to the other guy look at this well-deserved damage just killing it and rock bottom reset i'll piss the gb i've had a really good running got rock bottom again and i was just like nope reset just despite chad from yelling at me freedom burns a hole in my pocket every time you know what you should maybe just get the no that's not a secret let's get the pots though we already found the sacrum they're plug log a derp epic fetus is better halfway to rocket man again [Music] packed bags last night free flights zero hour rocket man i'm gonna be high he's a kite by then oh that's a good play that's a freaking good play you frick you little flap head big stupid head of flap why are you so flappy all the time mother flapper you know what you don't even need the damage upgrade you probably still do and you need the hell because i think it's gonna be a long long time oh [Music] touchdown breezy run against you find well actually top secret no [ __ ] gotta go i don't have time i don't have time to switch come back kidding me watch me skip my item room full health i kind of want the other guy to finish that though the boss and then we'll get a health upgrade and i'll give it to this guy and everyone will be happy [Music] and uh it's not really a good play to like you know planetariums because we're skipping a bunch of stuff if we get a planetarium we're not gonna know it was there unless it spawns in the start room most likely so no chat not really planetariums don't get your hopes up like damage up would be nice of course with this guy but i do need to think about both of them surviving i think this guy's got decent survivability for early floors at least speaking of damage okay now i think the other one now i think the other one needs to get some damage and 10 damage on this boy but i have an eternal heart did he he did from the turn the secret room already forgot about it not gonna lie you could have gotten that so easily and yet you decided not to what is that pokemon pp um it's something stupid isn't it active items will be re-rolled upon using them i mean it could be fun but i'm going to forget i have it i'm going to get some great active item and then i'm going to use it i'm going to be furious absolutely livid oh the jukes the jukes the juice kind of maybe i just want to want to bomb it right now so that he can guarantee get the hell before we switch use your button to eat dirt huh what did that dead fly shoot it certainly looked like that shot came out of a nothing i don't know about that i have questions gonna need some answers or did it come out of the fly that was there i don't know can't even speak isaac right spell love your videos man thanks dareth i don't know damn ain't got time for your red fires that see that's actually pretty big on this guy that is also acceptable that is pretty good as well that could save my life in boss rush the other guy like this guy's got all these stat upgrades cool trinket he's like working hard he's got all this [ __ ] going for him other guys got bomb ass bomb bomb goldberg oh that's a trap am i going the wrong way this guy does need the health at this point in time kaboom was right chat nailed it and chad spoke the wise words of boom [Music] maybe secret room rock bottom 13 minutes in catacombs two we kind of have to go we have to go faster than this which is insane because i feel like we've been crushing it which is insane because one of these guys shoots bombs out of his face more lampa spread okay where am i supposed to go here game what time okay what apparently i'm stupid and we're now gonna lose because i i can't what what what where i already went all the way over here oh my god it was right there i can't get through two floors in five minutes hurry up and die [Applause] what happens if i win and i'm the other character could you just oh my god we just we have to get lucky on where to [Music] go but you just frick your little frick head what the heck did i go down here already no um could a bomb do it i guess [Applause] wow i want them both but wow i don't know if i can handle both did he just blow it he might have planetarium we have tara very good we already know it we love it you know him you love him tara gives you a wide circle saturnus is the other one with the the circle the halo um i probably give tara to the other guy with the tears i don't know what tara rock would do dr fetus tara anybody have an idea what that would do tear to the tears actually you know what is it a damage up plus one damage up but each rock tier as a random damage modifier the damage is multiplied by dr fetus and maybe we actually do start we want to maybe buff the other guy terra saturn work probably a small damage up give it to the tears probably destroy rocks i'm gonna try it i'm gonna see what happens here i almost just walked into that we need to get some soul hearts like now but this is the floor that we need to be at really hoping to get some good stuff there death i'm gonna use this guy to bomb my way to the the boss i think smart play smart money says okay those guys just ended up dying there's gonna be some help in there chariots not the worst thing i've ever seen strong plays though from that i don't just i don't care about that but it's an emote i'm gonna bomb myself 100 [ __ ] [ __ ] you get off i guess let's see what that card is 18 23 guys oh come on perfectly timed ai the most fantastical phenomenal aid that's ever aided bro okay um does it matter if we go up or down no so just take the negative i suppose actually did it damage mom stop gatekeeping gotta go um three dollar bill could be okay maybe the split shot but it's the wrong guy anyways i don't know if any of that's gonna matter i think three dollar bill could give me um my reflection right it's good in the bomb guy can't give me my reflection and hurt me fracture would have been good of the dead last well woulda coulda shoulda is not helping me it cannot no maybe that's fruitcake bone splits the bombs well for science like i said i don't think any of them are gonna really break make or break any of it but i think we're we're we're in a good position to be able to survive this which is more than i could ask for good position i thought we were going to get here and be like wheel we're screwed i'm a little worried about health here on this guy specifically it's not champion boss rush so we're not going to get solar drops he can't really use red health to come back [Music] find our key for dogma solar drop we actually did get one see i'm glad that we did take both on this guy the ocular rifts and the twisted pair it's going to set them up pretty well here trying to shoot that into your mouth there we go perfect wave for this guy to be facing sniper thank you for that the prime sub what the heck was that about is that ocular riff that was like changing the uh direction of the the shot all right chad would you rather have this run or the uh the rock bottom run whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's my bad that's my bad [Music] panicked i think this one maybe the rock bottom one for mega satan is all i can say but if we had to run strong enough to defeat boss rush i'm gonna be able to fight mega safe with it by the time you get to mega satan oh i'm not looking at them let's let's bomb that and bomb yeah let's bomb them all many of them are still there first time subbing wretched reptile thanks for the prime sub greedy seagull i see you health drops at the right time no no no no no don't do that to me i'm looking at 22 i'm thinking about hush but i'm not convinced we're gonna be able to do it this isn't going fast i'm not gonna know when he's gonna start shooting lasers twisted pair bro actually stronger if i'm fighting the hush i'm fighting it with that guy for sure i mean hush with bombs dr fetus huss hush is just not it's not a thing a good one monster 2 you freaking hack oh my god ocular rips cool it buddy suplex should we suplex hush [Music] lots of streaming homer can wait let's go twist a pair of alternate fire just hold r really i'm gonna so do that i might just keep bombing through rooms my school's actually yeah 25 minutes that's i would say on target i prefer walmart i tried a suplex i couldn't even hit him oh you suck muriel [ __ ] so hard for you [Music] what just happened suplex suplex you grab them and suplex them surprise surprise i missed again probably was for the better gotta go oh [ __ ] gotta go again can't really play them 26 minutes more of these guys huh like plinko globulin plinko he'll make me kill you guys i don't want to would you knock it off there we go this is perfect setup we get there and then i actually have like i think there's more power in the twisted pair dude now to kill the boss slam them she liked it kind of see it kind of puts you in a crappy spot though after the suplex [Music] and we'll go down into the hush we'll switch back please suplex hush i'm gonna definitely take damage after the suplex and i really think it's dumb to do that so we're gonna i mean i guess i could see what's available before i decide to flip um probably should switch it out for the um instead of suplex we should definitely do telekinesis here for hush fight at least and rubber cement for crowd control with the flies the health oh [ __ ] my money like i don't have time to pick up money good look for a crawl space i guess mr me can open the mega satan door ad huts why am i still bombing we found it i don't know i'm looking for something else i guess well it's been fun all right whoever said look for crawl space just five minute ban well it's been fun there needs to be some sort of punishment you can't keep getting away with it chad i don't think i can kill him to be honest with bombs get suplex i'm down for the whole mr me idea ill question mark health up [Music] i'm sorry okay you guys want to see at least one suplex i'll do it if we're looking good and then remind me to come back for goddamn mr me trap yourselves in for this one you know what screw it two box hey we didn't take damage he's like connected to the ground like it makes zero sense with the sprite but it happened [Music] see look not that bad huge thing uh the note here dr fetus got a huge buff bombs no longer knock the bombs around so you can spam the bombs without them bouncing around and coming back on you the armor pierce is a clutch i don't think i have armor piercing do i i don't think dr fetus does only time until i bomb myself though so maybe i should just kind of cool it or get tilted suplex him we did already it does it's not worth the risk is not worth the damage oh oh oh oh find a safe place don't move i don't know why it came out that direction duplex him during continuum bullets that's even worse eat myself into a mess of bullets that i won't be able to dodge yeah do you hear yourself when you speak can we not keep doing this [ __ ] you [Music] we're losing by the way can we stop ah why my god stop doing that i'm just i'm just pissed right now all right stop moving chat shut up i have to i have to put more damage on him i have to move because this is not it this is not it i need to stop him from doing this wave i just don't know i'm i don't know i don't know i'm gonna start holding r again i can't survive unless i get him past this i am so [ __ ] mad at that crawl space and how much that screwed me over would have been an easy victory easy easy easy victory finally got a lazarus run that was going well rock bottom couldn't even do it [Music] it's unbelievable i knew i was screwed with with the bombs that was horrible bombs are horrible against hush
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 39,842
Rating: 4.9178309 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 6FinlL-UkZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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